diff options
authorNobuaki Sukegawa <>2015-11-01 17:00:34 +0900
committerNobuaki Sukegawa <>2015-11-03 22:02:55 +0900
commitb31f0900b57b7473a8f84c7b74f73381dcff2818 (patch)
parent36c357a90eeda250d1c7eb1d419dbe9010e0d65f (diff)
THRIFT-338 Compact Protocol in Erlang
Client: Erlang Patch: Nobuaki Sukegawa This closes #338
9 files changed, 676 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_client_util.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_client_util.erl
index b51a0b425..265c308bc 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_client_util.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_client_util.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ split_options([], ProtoIn, TransIn) ->
split_options([Opt = {OptKey, _} | Rest], ProtoIn, TransIn)
when OptKey =:= strict_read;
- OptKey =:= strict_write ->
+ OptKey =:= strict_write;
+ OptKey =:= protocol ->
split_options(Rest, [Opt | ProtoIn], TransIn);
split_options([Opt = {OptKey, _} | Rest], ProtoIn, TransIn)
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ split_options([Opt = {OptKey, _} | Rest], ProtoIn, TransIn)
%% Client constructor for the common-case of socket transports
-%% with the binary protocol
new(Host, Port, Service, Options)
when is_integer(Port), is_atom(Service), is_list(Options) ->
{ProtoOpts, TransOpts0} = split_options(Options),
@@ -58,11 +58,17 @@ new(Host, Port, Service, Options)
false -> {thrift_socket_transport, TransOpts0}
+ {ProtocolModule, ProtoOpts1} = case lists:keytake(protocol, 1, ProtoOpts) of
+ {value, {_, compact}, Opts} -> {thrift_compact_protocol, Opts};
+ {value, {_, json}, Opts} -> {thrift_json_protocol, Opts};
+ {value, {_, binary}, Opts} -> {thrift_binary_protocol, Opts};
+ false -> {thrift_binary_protocol, ProtoOpts}
+ end,
{ok, TransportFactory} =
TransportModule:new_transport_factory(Host, Port, TransOpts2),
- {ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
- TransportFactory, ProtoOpts),
+ {ok, ProtocolFactory} = ProtocolModule:new_protocol_factory(
+ TransportFactory, ProtoOpts1),
case ProtocolFactory() of
{ok, Protocol} ->
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_compact_protocol.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_compact_protocol.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..359eaa986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_compact_protocol.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+%% distributed with this work for additional information
+%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+-export([new/1, new/2,
+ read/2,
+ write/2,
+ flush_transport/1,
+ close_transport/1,
+ new_protocol_factory/2
+ ]).
+-define(ID_NONE, 16#10000).
+-define(CBOOL_NONE, 0).
+-define(CBOOL_FALSE, 1).
+-define(CBOOL_TRUE, 2).
+-record(t_compact, {transport,
+ % state for pending boolean fields
+ read_stack=[],
+ read_value=?CBOOL_NONE,
+ write_stack=[],
+ write_id=?ID_NONE
+ }).
+-type state() :: #t_compact{}.
+-define(PROTOCOL_ID, 16#82).
+-define(VERSION_MASK, 16#1f).
+-define(VERSION_1, 16#01).
+-define(TYPE_MASK, 16#E0).
+-define(TYPE_BITS, 16#07).
+-define(TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT, 5).
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_STOP) -> 16#0;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_DOUBLE) -> 16#7;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_I8) -> 16#3;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_I16) -> 16#4;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_I32) -> 16#5;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_I64) -> 16#6;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_STRING) -> 16#8;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_STRUCT) -> 16#C;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_MAP) -> 16#B;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_SET) -> 16#A;
+typeid_to_compact(?tType_LIST) -> 16#9.
+compact_to_typeid(16#0) -> ?tType_STOP;
+compact_to_typeid(?CBOOL_FALSE) -> ?tType_BOOL;
+compact_to_typeid(?CBOOL_TRUE) -> ?tType_BOOL;
+compact_to_typeid(16#7) -> ?tType_DOUBLE;
+compact_to_typeid(16#3) -> ?tType_I8;
+compact_to_typeid(16#4) -> ?tType_I16;
+compact_to_typeid(16#5) -> ?tType_I32;
+compact_to_typeid(16#6) -> ?tType_I64;
+compact_to_typeid(16#8) -> ?tType_STRING;
+compact_to_typeid(16#C) -> ?tType_STRUCT;
+compact_to_typeid(16#B) -> ?tType_MAP;
+compact_to_typeid(16#A) -> ?tType_SET;
+compact_to_typeid(16#9) -> ?tType_LIST.
+bool_to_cbool(Value) when Value -> ?CBOOL_TRUE;
+bool_to_cbool(_) -> ?CBOOL_FALSE.
+cbool_to_bool(Value) -> Value =:= ?CBOOL_TRUE.
+new(Transport) -> new(Transport, _Options = []).
+new(Transport, _Options) ->
+ State = #t_compact{transport = Transport},
+ thrift_protocol:new(?MODULE, State).
+flush_transport(This = #t_compact{transport = Transport}) ->
+ {NewTransport, Result} = thrift_transport:flush(Transport),
+ {This#t_compact{transport = NewTransport}, Result}.
+close_transport(This = #t_compact{transport = Transport}) ->
+ {NewTransport, Result} = thrift_transport:close(Transport),
+ {This#t_compact{transport = NewTransport}, Result}.
+%%% instance methods
+write_field_begin(This0 = #t_compact{write_stack=[LastId|T]}, CompactType, Id) ->
+ IdDiff = Id - LastId,
+ This1 = This0#t_compact{write_stack=[Id|T]},
+ case (IdDiff > 0) and (IdDiff < 16) of
+ true -> write(This1, {byte, (IdDiff bsl 4) bor CompactType});
+ false ->
+ {This2, ok} = write(This1, {byte, CompactType}),
+ write(This2, {i16, Id})
+ end.
+-spec to_zigzag(integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+to_zigzag(Value) -> (Value bsl 1) bxor (Value bsr 63).
+-spec from_zigzag(non_neg_integer()) -> integer().
+from_zigzag(Value) -> (Value bsr 1) bxor -(Value band 1).
+-spec to_varint(non_neg_integer(), iolist()) -> iolist().
+to_varint(Value, Acc) when (Value < 16#80) -> [Acc, Value];
+to_varint(Value, Acc) ->
+ to_varint(Value bsr 7, [Acc, ((Value band 16#7F) bor 16#80)]).
+-spec read_varint(#t_compact{}, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+read_varint(This0, Acc, Count) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Byte}} = read(This0, byte),
+ case (Byte band 16#80) of
+ 0 -> {This1, {ok, (Byte bsl (7 * Count)) + Acc}};
+ _ -> read_varint(This1, ((Byte band 16#7f) bsl (7 * Count)) + Acc, Count + 1)
+ end.
+write(This0, #protocol_message_begin{
+ name = Name,
+ type = Type,
+ seqid = Seqid}) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {byte, ?PROTOCOL_ID}),
+ {This2, ok} = write(This1, {byte, (?VERSION_1 band ?VERSION_MASK) bor (Type bsl ?TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT)}),
+ {This3, ok} = write(This2, {ui32, Seqid}),
+ {This4, ok} = write(This3, {string, Name}),
+ {This4, ok};
+write(This, message_end) -> {This, ok};
+write(This0, #protocol_field_begin{
+ name = _Name,
+ type = Type,
+ id = Id})
+when (Type =:= ?tType_BOOL) -> {This0#t_compact{write_id = Id}, ok};
+write(This0, #protocol_field_begin{
+ name = _Name,
+ type = Type,
+ id = Id}) ->
+ write_field_begin(This0, typeid_to_compact(Type), Id);
+write(This, field_stop) -> write(This, {byte, ?tType_STOP});
+write(This, field_end) -> {This, ok};
+write(This0, #protocol_map_begin{
+ ktype = _Ktype,
+ vtype = _Vtype,
+ size = Size})
+when Size =:= 0 ->
+ write(This0, {byte, 0});
+write(This0, #protocol_map_begin{
+ ktype = Ktype,
+ vtype = Vtype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {ui32, Size}),
+ write(This1, {byte, (typeid_to_compact(Ktype) bsl 4) bor typeid_to_compact(Vtype)});
+write(This, map_end) -> {This, ok};
+write(This0, #protocol_list_begin{
+ etype = Etype,
+ size = Size})
+when Size < 16#f ->
+ write(This0, {byte, (Size bsl 4) bor typeid_to_compact(Etype)});
+write(This0, #protocol_list_begin{
+ etype = Etype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {byte, 16#f0 bor typeid_to_compact(Etype)}),
+ write(This1, {ui32, Size});
+write(This, list_end) -> {This, ok};
+write(This0, #protocol_set_begin{
+ etype = Etype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ write(This0, #protocol_list_begin{etype = Etype, size = Size});
+write(This, set_end) -> {This, ok};
+write(This = #t_compact{write_stack = Stack}, #protocol_struct_begin{}) ->
+ {This#t_compact{write_stack = [0|Stack]}, ok};
+write(This = #t_compact{write_stack = [_|T]}, struct_end) ->
+ {This#t_compact{write_stack = T}, ok};
+write(This = #t_compact{write_id = ?ID_NONE}, {bool, Value}) ->
+ write(This, {byte, bool_to_cbool(Value)});
+write(This0 = #t_compact{write_id = Id}, {bool, Value}) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write_field_begin(This0, bool_to_cbool(Value), Id),
+ {This1#t_compact{write_id = ?ID_NONE}, ok};
+write(This, {byte, Value}) when is_integer(Value) ->
+ write(This, <<Value:8/big-signed>>);
+write(This, {i16, Value}) when is_integer(Value) -> write(This, to_varint(to_zigzag(Value), []));
+write(This, {ui32, Value}) when is_integer(Value) -> write(This, to_varint(Value, []));
+write(This, {i32, Value}) when is_integer(Value) ->
+ write(This, to_varint(to_zigzag(Value), []));
+write(This, {i64, Value}) when is_integer(Value) -> write(This, to_varint(to_zigzag(Value), []));
+write(This, {double, Double}) ->
+ write(This, <<Double:64/big-signed-float>>);
+write(This0, {string, Str}) when is_list(Str) ->
+ % TODO: limit length
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {ui32, length(Str)}),
+ {This2, ok} = write(This1, list_to_binary(Str)),
+ {This2, ok};
+write(This0, {string, Bin}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ % TODO: limit length
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {ui32, size(Bin)}),
+ {This2, ok} = write(This1, Bin),
+ {This2, ok};
+%% Data :: iolist()
+write(This = #t_compact{transport = Trans}, Data) ->
+ {NewTransport, Result} = thrift_transport:write(Trans, Data),
+ {This#t_compact{transport = NewTransport}, Result}.
+read(This0, message_begin) ->
+ {This1, {ok, ?PROTOCOL_ID}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ {This2, {ok, VerAndType}} = read(This1, ubyte),
+ ?VERSION_1 = VerAndType band ?VERSION_MASK,
+ {This3, {ok, SeqId}} = read(This2, ui32),
+ {This4, {ok, Name}} = read(This3, string),
+ {This4, #protocol_message_begin{
+ name = binary_to_list(Name),
+ type = (VerAndType bsr ?TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) band ?TYPE_BITS,
+ seqid = SeqId}};
+read(This, message_end) -> {This, ok};
+read(This = #t_compact{read_stack = Stack}, struct_begin) ->
+ {This#t_compact{read_stack = [0|Stack]}, ok};
+read(This = #t_compact{read_stack = [_H|T]}, struct_end) ->
+ {This#t_compact{read_stack = T}, ok};
+read(This0 = #t_compact{read_stack = [LastId|T]}, field_begin) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Byte}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ case Byte band 16#f of
+ CompactType = ?tType_STOP ->
+ {This1, #protocol_field_begin{type = CompactType}};
+ CompactType ->
+ {This2, {ok, Id}} = case Byte bsr 4 of
+ 0 -> read(This1, i16);
+ IdDiff ->
+ {This1, {ok, LastId + IdDiff}}
+ end,
+ case compact_to_typeid(CompactType) of
+ ?tType_BOOL ->
+ {This2#t_compact{read_stack = [Id|T], read_value = cbool_to_bool(CompactType)},
+ #protocol_field_begin{type = ?tType_BOOL, id = Id}};
+ Type ->
+ {This2#t_compact{read_stack = [Id|T]},
+ #protocol_field_begin{type = Type, id = Id}}
+ end
+ end;
+read(This, field_end) -> {This, ok};
+read(This0, map_begin) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Size}} = read(This0, ui32),
+ {This2, {ok, KV}} = case Size of
+ 0 -> {This1, {ok, 0}};
+ _ -> read(This1, ubyte)
+ end,
+ {This2, #protocol_map_begin{ktype = compact_to_typeid(KV bsr 4),
+ vtype = compact_to_typeid(KV band 16#f),
+ size = Size}};
+read(This, map_end) -> {This, ok};
+read(This0, list_begin) ->
+ {This1, {ok, SizeAndType}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ {This2, {ok, Size}} = case (SizeAndType bsr 4) band 16#f of
+ 16#f -> read(This1, ui32);
+ Else -> {This1, {ok, Else}}
+ end,
+ {This2, #protocol_list_begin{etype = compact_to_typeid(SizeAndType band 16#f),
+ size = Size}};
+read(This, list_end) -> {This, ok};
+read(This0, set_begin) ->
+ {This1, {ok, SizeAndType}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ {This2, {ok, Size}} = case (SizeAndType bsr 4) band 16#f of
+ 16#f -> read(This1, ui32);
+ Else -> {This1, {ok, Else}}
+ end,
+ {This2, #protocol_set_begin{etype = compact_to_typeid(SizeAndType band 16#f),
+ size = Size}};
+read(This, set_end) -> {This, ok};
+read(This0, field_stop) ->
+ {This1, {ok, ?tType_STOP}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ {This1, ok};
+read(This0 = #t_compact{read_value = ?CBOOL_NONE}, bool) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Byte}} = read(This0, ubyte),
+ {This1, {ok, cbool_to_bool(Byte)}};
+read(This0 = #t_compact{read_value = Bool}, bool) ->
+ {This0#t_compact{read_value = ?CBOOL_NONE}, {ok, Bool}};
+read(This0, ubyte) ->
+ {This1, {ok, <<Val:8/integer-unsigned-big, _/binary>>}} = read_data(This0, 1),
+ {This1, {ok, Val}};
+read(This0, byte) ->
+ {This1, Bytes} = read_data(This0, 1),
+ case Bytes of
+ {ok, <<Val:8/integer-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {This1, {ok, Val}};
+ Else -> {This1, Else}
+ end;
+read(This0, i16) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Zigzag}} = read_varint(This0, 0, 0),
+ {This1, {ok, from_zigzag(Zigzag)}};
+read(This0, ui32) -> read_varint(This0, 0, 0);
+read(This0, i32) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Zigzag}} = read_varint(This0, 0, 0),
+ {This1, {ok, from_zigzag(Zigzag)}};
+read(This0, i64) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Zigzag}} = read_varint(This0, 0, 0),
+ {This1, {ok, from_zigzag(Zigzag)}};
+read(This0, double) ->
+ {This1, Bytes} = read_data(This0, 8),
+ case Bytes of
+ {ok, <<Val:64/float-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {This1, {ok, Val}};
+ Else -> {This1, Else}
+ end;
+% returns a binary directly, call binary_to_list if necessary
+read(This0, string) ->
+ {This1, {ok, Sz}} = read(This0, ui32),
+ read_data(This1, Sz).
+-spec read_data(#t_compact{}, non_neg_integer()) ->
+ {#t_compact{}, {ok, binary()} | {error, _Reason}}.
+read_data(This, 0) -> {This, {ok, <<>>}};
+read_data(This = #t_compact{transport = Trans}, Len) when is_integer(Len) andalso Len > 0 ->
+ {NewTransport, Result} = thrift_transport:read(Trans, Len),
+ {This#t_compact{transport = NewTransport}, Result}.
+%%%% FACTORY GENERATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% returns a (fun() -> thrift_protocol())
+new_protocol_factory(TransportFactory, _Options) ->
+ F = fun() ->
+ case TransportFactory() of
+ {ok, Transport} ->
+ thrift_compact_protocol:new(
+ Transport,
+ []);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {error, Error}
+ end
+ end,
+ {ok, F}.
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
index b63f95143..dc3bfef2e 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
@@ -149,8 +149,12 @@ read(IProto0, {list, Type}) ->
read(IProto0, {map, KeyType, ValType}) ->
{IProto1, #protocol_map_begin{size = Size, ktype = KType, vtype = VType}} =
read(IProto0, map_begin),
- {KType, KType} = {term_to_typeid(KeyType), KType},
- {VType, VType} = {term_to_typeid(ValType), VType},
+ _ = case Size of
+ 0 -> 0;
+ _ ->
+ {KType, KType} = {term_to_typeid(KeyType), KType},
+ {VType, VType} = {term_to_typeid(ValType), VType}
+ end,
{List, IProto2} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(_, ProtoS0) ->
{ProtoS1, {ok, Key}} = read(ProtoS0, KeyType),
{ProtoS2, {ok, Val}} = read(ProtoS1, ValType),
@@ -192,7 +196,8 @@ read_struct_loop(IProto0, SDict, RTuple) ->
thrift_protocol:read(IProto0, field_begin),
case {FType, Fid} of
{?tType_STOP, _} ->
- {IProto1, RTuple};
+ {IProto2, ok} = read(IProto1, struct_end),
+ {IProto2, RTuple};
_Else ->
case dict:find(Fid, SDict) of
{ok, {Type, Index}} ->
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl
index 233b992cc..e9ad6f4c5 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
socket_opts=[{recv_timeout, 500}],
+ protocol=binary,
@@ -106,6 +107,9 @@ parse_options([{max, Max} | Rest], State) ->
parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{max=MaxInt});
+parse_options([{protocol, Proto} | Rest], State) when is_atom(Proto) ->
+ parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{protocol=Proto});
parse_options([{framed, Framed} | Rest], State) when is_boolean(Framed) ->
parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{framed=Framed});
@@ -176,14 +180,14 @@ new_acceptor(State=#thrift_socket_server{max=0}) ->
service=Service, handler=Handler,
- socket_opts=Opts, framed=Framed,
+ socket_opts=Opts, framed=Framed, protocol=Proto,
ssltransport=SslTransport, ssloptions=SslOptions
}) ->
Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, acceptor_loop,
- [{self(), Listen, Service, Handler, Opts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions}]),
+ [{self(), Listen, Service, Handler, Opts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions, Proto}]),
-acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, Handler, SocketOpts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions})
+acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, Handler, SocketOpts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions, Proto})
when is_pid(Server), is_list(SocketOpts) ->
case catch gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of % infinite timeout
{ok, Socket} ->
@@ -197,7 +201,11 @@ acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, Handler, SocketOpts, Framed, SslTranspor
true -> thrift_framed_transport:new(SocketTransport);
false -> thrift_buffered_transport:new(SocketTransport)
- {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
+ {ok, Protocol} = case Proto of
+ compact -> thrift_compact_protocol:new(Transport);
+ json -> thrift_json_protocol:new(Transport);
+ _ -> thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport)
+ end,
{ok, Protocol}
thrift_processor:init({Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler});
@@ -225,8 +233,11 @@ handle_cast({accepted, Pid},
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
{stop, normal, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, #thrift_socket_server{listen=Listen, port=Port}) ->
+terminate(Reason, #thrift_socket_server{listen=Listen, port=Port}) ->
+ {backtrace, Bt} = erlang:process_info(self(), backtrace),
+ error_logger:error_report({?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ {child_error, Reason, Bt}}),
case Port < 1024 of
true ->
catch fdsrv:stop(),
diff --git a/lib/erl/test/test_thrift_compact_protocol.erl b/lib/erl/test/test_thrift_compact_protocol.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5da78c612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erl/test/test_thrift_compact_protocol.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+%% distributed with this work for additional information
+%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+new(Transport) -> thrift_compact_protocol:new(Transport).
+new() ->
+ {ok, Transport} = thrift_membuffer_transport:new(),
+ thrift_compact_protocol:new(Transport).
+new_test() ->
+ new(thrift_membuffer_transport:new()).
+write(This, Value) -> thrift_protocol:write(This, Value).
+read(This, Type) -> thrift_protocol:read(This, Type).
+str(This0, Value0) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {string, Value0}),
+ {This2, {ok, Value1}} = read(This1, string),
+ ?assertEqual(Value0, binary_to_list(Value1)),
+ {This2, ok}.
+string_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = str(This0, "aaa"),
+ {This2, ok} = str(This1, ""),
+ {This2, ok}.
+round_trip(This0, Type, Value0) ->
+ {This1, ok} = write(This0, {Type, Value0}),
+ {This2, {ok, Value1}} = read(This1, Type),
+ ?assertEqual(Value0, Value1),
+ {This2, ok}.
+bool_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = round_trip(This0, bool, true),
+ {This2, ok} = round_trip(This1, bool, false),
+ {This2, ok}.
+byte(This0, Value0) -> round_trip(This0, byte, Value0).
+byte_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = byte(This0, 0),
+ {This2, ok} = byte(This1, 42),
+ {This3, ok} = byte(This2, -1),
+ {This4, ok} = byte(This3, -128),
+ {This4, ok}.
+i16(This0, Value0) -> round_trip(This0, i16, Value0).
+i16_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = i16(This0, 0),
+ {This2, ok} = i16(This1, 42),
+ {This3, ok} = i16(This2, 30000),
+ {This4, ok} = i16(This3, -1),
+ {This5, ok} = i16(This4, -128),
+ {This6, ok} = i16(This5, -30000),
+ {This6, ok}.
+i32(This0, Value0) -> round_trip(This0, i32, Value0).
+i32_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = i32(This0, 0),
+ {This2, ok} = i32(This1, 42),
+ {This3, ok} = i32(This2, 30000),
+ {This4, ok} = i32(This3, 2000000002),
+ {This5, ok} = i32(This4, -1),
+ {This6, ok} = i32(This5, -128),
+ {This7, ok} = i32(This6, -30000),
+ {This8, ok} = i32(This7, -2000000002),
+ {This8, ok}.
+i64(This0, Value0) -> round_trip(This0, i64, Value0).
+i64_test() ->
+ {ok, This0} = new(),
+ {This1, ok} = i64(This0, 0),
+ {This2, ok} = i64(This1, 42),
+ {This3, ok} = i64(This2, 30000),
+ {This4, ok} = i64(This3, 2000000002),
+ {This5, ok} = i64(This4, 100000000000000064),
+ {This6, ok} = i64(This5, -1),
+ {This7, ok} = i64(This6, -128),
+ {This8, ok} = i64(This7, -30000),
+ {This9, ok} = i64(This8, -2000000002),
+ {This10, ok} = i64(This9, -100000000000000064),
+ {This10, ok}.
+struct_test() ->
+ {ok, P0} = new(),
+ {P1, ok} = write(P0, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}),
+ {P2, ok} = write(P1, #protocol_struct_begin{}),
+ {P3, ok} = write(P2, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field1", type = ?tType_I8, id = 1}),
+ {P4, ok} = write(P3, {byte, 42}),
+ {P5, ok} = write(P4, field_end),
+ {P6, ok} = write(P5, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field2", type = ?tType_I8, id = 14}),
+ {P7, ok} = write(P6, {byte, 3}),
+ {P8, ok} = write(P7, field_end),
+ {P9, ok} = write(P8, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field3", type = ?tType_I8, id = 42}),
+ {P10, ok} = write(P9, {byte, 8}),
+ {P11, ok} = write(P10, field_end),
+ {P12, ok} = write(P11, field_stop),
+ {P13, ok} = write(P12, struct_end),
+ {P14, ok} = write(P13, message_end),
+ {P15, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}} = read(P14, message_begin),
+ {P16, ok} = read(P15, struct_begin),
+ {P17, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_I8, id = 1 }} = read(P16, field_begin),
+ {P18, {ok, 42}} = read(P17, byte),
+ {P19, ok} = read(P18, field_end),
+ {P20, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_I8, id = 14 }} = read(P19, field_begin),
+ {P21, {ok, 3}} = read(P20, byte),
+ {P22, ok} = read(P21, field_end),
+ {P23, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_I8, id = 42 }} = read(P22, field_begin),
+ {P24, {ok, 8}} = read(P23, byte),
+ {P25, ok} = read(P24, field_end),
+ {P26, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_STOP}} = read(P25, field_begin),
+ {P27, ok} = read(P26, struct_end),
+ {P28, ok} = read(P27, message_end),
+ {P28, ok}.
+bool_field_test() ->
+ {ok, P0} = new(),
+ {P1, ok} = write(P0, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}),
+ {P2, ok} = write(P1, #protocol_struct_begin{}),
+ {P3, ok} = write(P2, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field1", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 1}),
+ {P4, ok} = write(P3, {bool, true}),
+ {P5, ok} = write(P4, field_end),
+ {P6, ok} = write(P5, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field2", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 14}),
+ {P7, ok} = write(P6, {bool, false}),
+ {P8, ok} = write(P7, field_end),
+ {P9, ok} = write(P8, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field3", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 42}),
+ {P10, ok} = write(P9, {bool, true}),
+ {P11, ok} = write(P10, field_end),
+ {P12, ok} = write(P11, field_stop),
+ {P13, ok} = write(P12, struct_end),
+ {P14, ok} = write(P13, message_end),
+ {P15, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}} = read(P14, message_begin),
+ {P16, ok} = read(P15, struct_begin),
+ {P17, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 1 }} = read(P16, field_begin),
+ {P18, {ok, true}} = read(P17, bool),
+ {P19, ok} = read(P18, field_end),
+ {P20, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 14 }} = read(P19, field_begin),
+ {P21, {ok, false}} = read(P20, bool),
+ {P22, ok} = read(P21, field_end),
+ {P23, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 42 }} = read(P22, field_begin),
+ {P24, {ok, true}} = read(P23, bool),
+ {P25, ok} = read(P24, field_end),
+ {P26, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_STOP}} = read(P25, field_begin),
+ {P27, ok} = read(P26, struct_end),
+ {P28, ok} = read(P27, message_end),
+ {P28, ok}.
+nesting_test() ->
+ {ok, P0} = new(),
+ {P1, ok} = write(P0, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}),
+ {P2, ok} = write(P1, #protocol_struct_begin{}),
+ {P3, ok} = write(P2, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field1", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 14}),
+ {P4, ok} = write(P3, {bool, true}),
+ {P5, ok} = write(P4, field_end),
+ {P6, ok} = write(P5, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field2", type = ?tType_STRUCT, id = 28}),
+ {P7, ok} = write(P6, #protocol_struct_begin{}),
+ {P8, ok} = write(P7, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field2_1", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 30000}),
+ {P9, ok} = write(P8, {bool, false}),
+ {P10, ok} = write(P9, field_end),
+ {P11, ok} = write(P10, field_stop),
+ {P12, ok} = write(P11, struct_end),
+ {P13, ok} = write(P12, field_end),
+ {P14, ok} = write(P13, #protocol_field_begin{ name = "field3", type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 42}),
+ {P15, ok} = write(P14, {bool, true}),
+ {P16, ok} = write(P15, field_end),
+ {P17, ok} = write(P16, field_stop),
+ {P18, ok} = write(P17, struct_end),
+ {P19, ok} = write(P18, message_end),
+ {P20, #protocol_message_begin{ name = "Message1", type = ?tType_I8, seqid = 3}} = read(P19, message_begin),
+ {P21, ok} = read(P20, struct_begin),
+ {P22, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 14 }} = read(P21, field_begin),
+ {P23, {ok, true}} = read(P22, bool),
+ {P24, ok} = read(P23, field_end),
+ {P25, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_STRUCT, id = 28 }} = read(P24, field_begin),
+ {P26, ok} = read(P25, struct_begin),
+ {P27, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 30000 }} = read(P26, field_begin),
+ {P28, {ok, false}} = read(P27, bool),
+ {P29, ok} = read(P28, field_end),
+ {P30, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_STOP }} = read(P29, field_begin),
+ {P31, ok} = read(P30, struct_end),
+ {P32, ok} = read(P31, field_end),
+ {P33, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_BOOL, id = 42 }} = read(P32, field_begin),
+ {P34, {ok, true}} = read(P33, bool),
+ {P35, ok} = read(P34, field_end),
+ {P36, #protocol_field_begin{ type = ?tType_STOP }} = read(P35, field_begin),
+ {P37, ok} = read(P36, struct_end),
+ {P38, ok} = read(P37, message_end),
+ {P38, ok}.
diff --git a/test/erl/src/test_client.erl b/test/erl/src/test_client.erl
index 7b9efd6f4..f97bc8aaa 100644
--- a/test/erl/src/test_client.erl
+++ b/test/erl/src/test_client.erl
@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ parse_args([Head | Rest], Opts) ->
,{keyfile, "../keys/server.key"}
Opts#options{client_opts = [{ssltransport, true} | [SslOptions | Opts#options.client_opts]]};
- "--protocol=binary" ->
- % TODO: Enable JSON protocol
- Opts;
+ "--protocol=" ++ Proto ->
+ Opts#options{client_opts = [{protocol, list_to_atom(Proto)}]};
_Else ->
erlang:error({bad_arg, Head})
@@ -91,23 +90,39 @@ start(Args) ->
userMap = dict:from_list([{?THRIFT_TEST_NUMBERZ_FIVE, 5000}]),
xtructs = [#'Xtruct'{ string_thing = <<"Truck">>, byte_thing = 8, i32_thing = 8, i64_thing = 8}]},
+ error_logger:info_msg("testVoid"),
{Client01, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client0, testVoid, []),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testString"),
{Client02, {ok, <<"Test">>}} = thrift_client:call(Client01, testString, ["Test"]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testString"),
{Client03, {ok, <<"Test">>}} = thrift_client:call(Client02, testString, [<<"Test">>]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testByte"),
{Client04, {ok, 63}} = thrift_client:call(Client03, testByte, [63]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testI32"),
{Client05, {ok, -1}} = thrift_client:call(Client04, testI32, [-1]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testI32"),
{Client06, {ok, 0}} = thrift_client:call(Client05, testI32, [0]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testI64"),
{Client07, {ok, -34359738368}} = thrift_client:call(Client06, testI64, [-34359738368]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testDouble"),
{Client08, {ok, -5.2098523}} = thrift_client:call(Client07, testDouble, [-5.2098523]),
%% TODO: add testBinary() call
+ error_logger:info_msg("testStruct"),
{Client09, {ok, DemoXtruct}} = thrift_client:call(Client08, testStruct, [DemoXtruct]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testNest"),
{Client10, {ok, DemoNest}} = thrift_client:call(Client09, testNest, [DemoNest]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testMap"),
{Client11, {ok, DemoDict}} = thrift_client:call(Client10, testMap, [DemoDict]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testSet"),
{Client12, {ok, DemoSet}} = thrift_client:call(Client11, testSet, [DemoSet]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testList"),
{Client13, {ok, [-1,2,3]}} = thrift_client:call(Client12, testList, [[-1,2,3]]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testEnum"),
{Client14, {ok, 1}} = thrift_client:call(Client13, testEnum, [?THRIFT_TEST_NUMBERZ_ONE]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testTypedef"),
{Client15, {ok, 309858235082523}} = thrift_client:call(Client14, testTypedef, [309858235082523]),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testInsanity"),
{Client16, {ok, InsaneResult}} = thrift_client:call(Client15, testInsanity, [DemoInsane]),
io:format("~p~n", [InsaneResult]),
@@ -147,6 +162,7 @@ start(Args) ->
%% Use deprecated erlang:now until we start requiring OTP18
%% Started = erlang:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
{_, StartSec, StartUSec} = erlang:now(),
+ error_logger:info_msg("testOneway"),
{Client20, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client19, testOneway, [1]),
{_, EndSec, EndUSec} = erlang:now(),
Elapsed = (EndSec - StartSec) * 1000 + (EndUSec - StartUSec) / 1000,
diff --git a/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl b/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
index 884eb9e60..f504c734a 100644
--- a/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
+++ b/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ parse_args([Head | Rest], Opts) ->
,{keyfile, "../keys/server.key"}
Opts#options{server_opts = [{ssltransport, true} | [SslOptions | Opts#options.server_opts]]};
- "--protocol=" ++ _ -> Opts;
+ "--protocol=" ++ Proto ->
+ Opts#options{server_opts = [{protocol, list_to_atom(Proto)} | Opts#options.server_opts]};
_Else ->
erlang:error({bad_arg, Head})
diff --git a/test/known_failures_Linux.json b/test/known_failures_Linux.json
index 12bf7e65f..a20209b5f 100644
--- a/test/known_failures_Linux.json
+++ b/test/known_failures_Linux.json
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ "csharp-erl_compact_buffered-ip-ssl",
+ "csharp-erl_compact_framed-ip-ssl",
@@ -46,13 +48,22 @@
+ "erl-cpp_compact_buffered-ip",
+ "erl-cpp_compact_buffered-ip-ssl",
+ "erl-cpp_compact_framed-ip",
+ "erl-cpp_compact_framed-ip-ssl",
+ "erl-go_compact_buffered-ip-ssl",
+ "erl-go_compact_framed-ip-ssl",
+ "erl-nodejs_compact_buffered-ip",
+ "erl-rb_compact_buffered-ip",
+ "erl-rb_compact_framed-ip",
diff --git a/test/tests.json b/test/tests.json
index 981f764ad..44040f2b0 100644
--- a/test/tests.json
+++ b/test/tests.json
@@ -388,7 +388,8 @@
"protocols": [
- "binary"
+ "binary",
+ "compact"
"client": {
"command": [