path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17fe0604ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# What settings are currently available for transient units?
+Our intention is to make all settings that are available as unit file settings
+also available for transient units, through the D-Bus API. At the moment, some
+unit types (socket, swap, path) are not supported at all via unit types, but
+most others are pretty well supported, with some notable omissions.
+The lists below contain all settings currently available in unit files. The
+ones currently available in transient units are prefixed with `✓`.
+## Generic Unit Settings
+Only the most important generic unit settings are available for transient units.
+✓ Description=
+ Documentation=
+ SourcePath=
+✓ Requires=
+✓ Requisite=
+✓ Wants=
+✓ BindsTo=
+✓ Conflicts=
+✓ Before=
+✓ After=
+✓ OnFailure=
+✓ PropagatesReloadTo=
+✓ ReloadPropagatedFrom=
+✓ PartOf=
+ JoinsNamespaceOf=
+ RequiresMountsFor=
+ StopWhenUnneeded=
+ RefuseManualStart=
+ RefuseManualStop=
+ AllowIsolate=
+✓ DefaultDependencies=
+ OnFailureJobMode=
+ OnFailureIsolate=
+ IgnoreOnIsolate=
+ JobTimeoutSec=
+ JobRunningTimeoutSec=
+ JobTimeoutAction=
+ JobTimeoutRebootArgument=
+ StartLimitIntervalSec=SECONDS
+ StartLimitBurst=UNSIGNED
+ StartLimitAction=ACTION
+✓ FailureAction=
+✓ SuccessAction=
+✓ AddRef=
+ RebootArgument=STRING
+ ConditionPathExists=
+ ConditionPathExistsGlob=
+ ConditionPathIsDirectory=
+ ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=
+ ConditionPathIsMountPoint=
+ ConditionPathIsReadWrite=
+ ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty=
+ ConditionFileNotEmpty=
+ ConditionFileIsExecutable=
+ ConditionNeedsUpdate=
+ ConditionFirstBoot=
+ ConditionKernelCommandLine=
+ ConditionArchitecture=
+ ConditionVirtualization=
+ ConditionSecurity=
+ ConditionCapability=
+ ConditionHost=
+ ConditionACPower=
+ ConditionUser=
+ ConditionGroup=
+ AssertPathExists=
+ AssertPathExistsGlob=
+ AssertPathIsDirectory=
+ AssertPathIsSymbolicLink=
+ AssertPathIsMountPoint=
+ AssertPathIsReadWrite=
+ AssertDirectoryNotEmpty=
+ AssertFileNotEmpty=
+ AssertFileIsExecutable=
+ AssertNeedsUpdate=
+ AssertFirstBoot=
+ AssertKernelCommandLine=
+ AssertArchitecture=
+ AssertVirtualization=
+ AssertSecurity=
+ AssertCapability=
+ AssertHost=
+ AssertACPower=
+ AssertUser=
+ AssertGroup=
+✓ CollectMode=
+## Execution-Related Settings
+All execution-related settings are available for transient units.
+✓ WorkingDirectory=
+✓ RootDirectory=
+✓ RootImage=
+✓ User=
+✓ Group=
+✓ SupplementaryGroups=
+✓ Nice=
+✓ OOMScoreAdjust=
+✓ IOSchedulingClass=
+✓ IOSchedulingPriority=
+✓ CPUSchedulingPolicy=
+✓ CPUSchedulingPriority=
+✓ CPUSchedulingResetOnFork=
+✓ CPUAffinity=
+✓ UMask=
+✓ Environment=
+✓ EnvironmentFile=
+✓ PassEnvironment=
+✓ UnsetEnvironment=
+✓ DynamicUser=
+✓ RemoveIPC=
+✓ StandardInput=
+✓ StandardOutput=
+✓ StandardError=
+✓ StandardInputText=
+✓ StandardInputData=
+✓ TTYPath=
+✓ TTYReset=
+✓ TTYVHangup=
+✓ TTYVTDisallocate=
+✓ SyslogIdentifier=
+✓ SyslogFacility=
+✓ SyslogLevel=
+✓ SyslogLevelPrefix=
+✓ LogLevelMax=
+✓ LogExtraFields=
+✓ SecureBits=
+✓ CapabilityBoundingSet=
+✓ AmbientCapabilities=
+✓ TimerSlackNSec=
+✓ NoNewPrivileges=
+✓ KeyringMode=
+✓ SystemCallFilter=
+✓ SystemCallArchitectures=
+✓ SystemCallErrorNumber=
+✓ MemoryDenyWriteExecute=
+✓ RestrictNamespaces=
+✓ RestrictRealtime=
+✓ RestrictAddressFamilies=
+✓ LockPersonality=
+✓ LimitCPU=
+✓ LimitFSIZE=
+✓ LimitDATA=
+✓ LimitSTACK=
+✓ LimitCORE=
+✓ LimitRSS=
+✓ LimitNOFILE=
+✓ LimitAS=
+✓ LimitNPROC=
+✓ LimitMEMLOCK=
+✓ LimitLOCKS=
+✓ LimitNICE=
+✓ LimitRTPRIO=
+✓ LimitRTTIME=
+✓ ReadWritePaths=
+✓ ReadOnlyPaths=
+✓ InaccessiblePaths=
+✓ BindPaths=
+✓ BindReadOnlyPaths=
+✓ PrivateTmp=
+✓ PrivateDevices=
+✓ ProtectKernelTunables=
+✓ ProtectKernelModules=
+✓ ProtectControlGroups=
+✓ PrivateNetwork=
+✓ PrivateUsers=
+✓ ProtectSystem=
+✓ ProtectHome=
+✓ MountFlags=
+✓ MountAPIVFS=
+✓ Personality=
+✓ RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=
+✓ RuntimeDirectoryMode=
+✓ RuntimeDirectory=
+✓ StateDirectoryMode=
+✓ StateDirectory=
+✓ CacheDirectoryMode=
+✓ CacheDirectory=
+✓ LogsDirectoryMode=
+✓ LogsDirectory=
+✓ ConfigurationDirectoryMode=
+✓ ConfigurationDirectory=
+✓ PAMName=
+✓ IgnoreSIGPIPE=
+✓ UtmpIdentifier=
+✓ UtmpMode=
+✓ SELinuxContext=
+✓ SmackProcessLabel=
+✓ AppArmorProfile=
+✓ Slice=
+## Resource Control Settings
+All cgroup/resource control settings are available for transient units
+✓ CPUAccounting=
+✓ CPUWeight=
+✓ StartupCPUWeight=
+✓ CPUShares=
+✓ StartupCPUShares=
+✓ CPUQuota=
+✓ MemoryAccounting=
+✓ MemoryLow=
+✓ MemoryHigh=
+✓ MemoryMax=
+✓ MemorySwapMax=
+✓ MemoryLimit=
+✓ DeviceAllow=
+✓ DevicePolicy=
+✓ IOAccounting=
+✓ IOWeight=
+✓ StartupIOWeight=
+✓ IODeviceWeight=
+✓ IOReadBandwidthMax=
+✓ IOWriteBandwidthMax=
+✓ IOReadIOPSMax=
+✓ IOWriteIOPSMax=
+✓ BlockIOAccounting=
+✓ BlockIOWeight=
+✓ StartupBlockIOWeight=
+✓ BlockIODeviceWeight=
+✓ BlockIOReadBandwidth=
+✓ BlockIOWriteBandwidth=
+✓ TasksAccounting=
+✓ TasksMax=
+✓ Delegate=
+✓ IPAccounting=
+✓ IPAddressAllow=
+✓ IPAddressDeny=
+## Process Killing Settings
+All process killing settings are available for transient units:
+✓ SendSIGHUP=
+✓ KillMode=
+✓ KillSignal=
+## Service Unit Settings
+Only the most important service settings are available for transient units.
+ PIDFile=
+✓ ExecStartPre=
+✓ ExecStart=
+✓ ExecStartPost=
+✓ ExecReload=
+✓ ExecStop=
+✓ ExecStopPost=
+ RestartSec=
+ TimeoutStartSec=
+ TimeoutStopSec=
+ TimeoutSec=
+✓ RuntimeMaxSec=
+ WatchdogSec=
+✓ Type=
+✓ Restart=
+ PermissionsStartOnly=
+ RootDirectoryStartOnly=
+✓ RemainAfterExit=
+ GuessMainPID=
+ RestartPreventExitStatus=
+ RestartForceExitStatus=
+ SuccessExitStatus=
+✓ NonBlocking=
+ BusName=
+✓ FileDescriptorStoreMax=
+✓ NotifyAccess=
+ Sockets=
+ USBFunctionDescriptors=
+ USBFunctionStrings=
+## Mount Unit Settings
+Only the most important mount unit settings are currently available to transient units:
+✓ What=
+ Where=
+✓ Options=
+✓ Type=
+ TimeoutSec=
+ DirectoryMode=
+ SloppyOptions=
+ LazyUnmount=
+ ForceUnmount=
+## Automount Unit Settings
+Only one automount unit setting is currently available to transient units:
+ Where=
+ DirectoryMode=
+✓ TimeoutIdleSec=
+## Timer Unit Settings
+Most timer unit settings are available to transient units.
+✓ OnCalendar=
+✓ OnActiveSec=
+✓ OnBootSec=
+✓ OnStartupSec=
+✓ OnUnitActiveSec=
+✓ OnUnitInactiveSec=
+ Persistent=
+✓ WakeSystem=
+✓ RemainAfterElapse=
+✓ AccuracySec=
+✓ RandomizedDelaySec=
+ Unit=
+## Slice Unit Settings
+Slice units are fully supported as transient units, but they have no settings
+of their own beyond the generic unit and resource control settings.
+## Scope Unit Settings
+Scope units are fully supported as transient units (in fact they only exist as
+such), but they have no settings of their own beyond the generic unit and
+resource control settings.
+## Socket Unit Settings
+Socket units are currently not available at all as transient units:
+ ListenStream=
+ ListenDatagram=
+ ListenSequentialPacket=
+ ListenFIFO=
+ ListenNetlink=
+ ListenSpecial=
+ ListenMessageQueue=
+ ListenUSBFunction=
+ SocketProtocol=
+ BindIPv6Only=
+ Backlog=
+ BindToDevice=
+ ExecStartPre=
+ ExecStartPost=
+ ExecStopPre=
+ ExecStopPost=
+ TimeoutSec=
+ SocketUser=
+ SocketGroup=
+ SocketMode=
+ DirectoryMode=
+ Accept=
+ Writable=
+ MaxConnections=
+ MaxConnectionsPerSource=
+ KeepAlive=
+ KeepAliveTimeSec=
+ KeepAliveIntervalSec=
+ KeepAliveProbes=
+ DeferAcceptSec=
+ NoDelay=
+ Priority=
+ ReceiveBuffer=
+ SendBuffer=
+ Mark=
+ PipeSize=
+ FreeBind=
+ Transparent=
+ Broadcast=
+ PassCredentials=
+ PassSecurity=
+ TCPCongestion=
+ ReusePort=
+ MessageQueueMaxMessages=
+ MessageQueueMessageSize=
+ RemoveOnStop=
+ Symlinks=
+ FileDescriptorName=
+ Service=
+ TriggerLimitIntervalSec=
+ TriggerLimitBurst=
+ SmackLabel=
+ SmackLabelIPIn=
+ SmackLabelIPOut=
+ SELinuxContextFromNet=
+## Swap Unit Settings
+Swap units are currently not available at all as transient units:
+ What=
+ Priority=
+ Options=
+ TimeoutSec=
+## Path Unit Settings
+Path units are currently not available at all as transient units:
+ PathExists=
+ PathExistsGlob=
+ PathChanged=
+ PathModified=
+ DirectoryNotEmpty=
+ Unit=
+ MakeDirectory=
+ DirectoryMode=
+## Install Section
+The `[Install]` section is currently not available at all for transient units, and it probably doesn't even make sense.
+ Alias=
+ WantedBy=
+ RequiredBy=
+ Also=
+ DefaultInstance=