path: root/core/isolinux.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/isolinux.asm')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/core/isolinux.asm b/core/isolinux.asm
index bbbee72a..b67bdc19 100644
--- a/core/isolinux.asm
+++ b/core/isolinux.asm
@@ -26,14 +26,10 @@
; Some semi-configurable constants... change on your own risk.
my_id equ isolinux_id
-FILENAME_MAX_LG2 equ 8 ; log2(Max filename size Including final null)
NULLFILE equ 0 ; Zero byte == null file name
NULLOFFSET equ 0 ; Position in which to look
retry_count equ 6 ; How patient are we with the BIOS?
%assign HIGHMEM_SLOP 128*1024 ; Avoid this much memory near the top
-MAX_OPEN_LG2 equ 6 ; log2(Max number of open files)
-MAX_OPEN equ (1 << MAX_OPEN_LG2)
SECTOR_SHIFT equ 11 ; 2048 bytes/sector (El Torito requirement)
@@ -72,12 +68,6 @@ file_left resd 1 ; Number of sectors left
- struc dir_t
-dir_lba resd 1 ; Directory start (LBA)
-dir_len resd 1 ; Length in bytes
-dir_clust resd 1 ; Length in clusters
- endstruc
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -86,6 +76,7 @@ dir_clust resd 1 ; Length in clusters
; Memory below this point is reserved for the BIOS and the MBR
section .earlybss
+ global trackbuf
trackbufsize equ 8192
trackbuf resb trackbufsize ; Track buffer goes here
; ends at 2800h
@@ -94,10 +85,6 @@ trackbuf resb trackbufsize ; Track buffer goes here
; is loaded. DO NOT move this to .bss16/.uibss.
section .earlybss
alignb 4
-ISOFileName resb 64 ; ISO filename canonicalization buffer
-ISOFileNameEnd equ $
-CurrentDir resb dir_t_size ; Current directory
-RootDir resb dir_t_size ; Root directory
FirstSecSum resd 1 ; Checksum of bytes 64-2048
ImageDwords resd 1 ; isolinux.bin size, dwords
InitStack resd 1 ; Initial stack pointer (SS:SP)
@@ -190,10 +177,6 @@ dsp_dummy: resb 1 ; Scratch, safe to overwrite
_spec_end equ $
_spec_len equ _spec_end - _spec_start
- section .bss16
- alignb open_file_t_size
-Files resb MAX_OPEN*open_file_t_size
section .init
;; Primary entry point. Because BIOSes are buggy, we only load the first
@@ -767,6 +750,7 @@ getonesec:
; ES:BX - Target buffer
; BP - Sector count
+ global getlinsec
getlinsec: jmp word [cs:GetlinsecPtr]
@@ -1099,6 +1083,7 @@ bios_ebios: dw getlinsec_ebios, bios_ebios_str
; Maximum transfer size
+ global MaxTransfer
MaxTransfer dw 127 ; Hard disk modes
MaxTransferCD dw 32 ; CD mode
@@ -1160,96 +1145,23 @@ all_read:
; (which will be at 16 only for a single-session disk!); from the PVD
; we should be able to find the rest of what we need to know.
- mov eax,[bi_pvd]
- mov bx,trackbuf
- call getonesec
- mov eax,[trackbuf+156+2]
- mov [RootDir+dir_lba],eax
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_lba],eax
- mov si,dbg_rootdir_msg
- call writemsg
- call writehex8
- call crlf
- mov eax,[trackbuf+156+10]
- mov [RootDir+dir_len],eax
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_len],eax
- add eax,SECTOR_SIZE-1
- shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT
- mov [RootDir+dir_clust],eax
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_clust],eax
- ; Look for an isolinux directory, and if found,
- ; make it the current directory instead of the root
- ; directory.
- ; Also copy the name of the directory to CurrentDirName
- mov word [CurrentDirName],ROOT_DIR_WORD ; Write '/',0 to the CurrentDirName
- mov di,boot_dir ; Search for /boot/isolinux
- mov al,02h
- push di
- call searchdir_iso
- pop di
- jnz .found_dir
- mov di,isolinux_dir
- mov al,02h ; Search for /isolinux
- push di
- call searchdir_iso
- pop di
- jz .no_isolinux_dir
- ; Copy current directory name to CurrentDirName
- push si
- push di
- mov si,di
- mov di,CurrentDirName
- call strcpy
- mov byte [di],0 ;done in case it's not word aligned
- dec di
- mov byte [di],'/'
- pop di
- pop si
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_len],eax
- mov eax,[si+file_left]
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_clust],eax
- xor eax,eax ; Free this file pointer entry
- xchg eax,[si+file_sector]
- mov [CurrentDir+dir_lba],eax
- push si
- mov si,dbg_isodir_msg
- call writemsg
- pop si
- call writehex8
- call crlf
+ pushad
+ extern iso_fs_ops
+ mov eax,iso_fs_ops
+ mov dl,[DriveNumber]
+ cmp word [BIOSType],bios_cdrom
+ sete dh ; 1 for cdrom, 0 for hybrid mode
+ mov ecx,[bsHidden]
+ mov ebx,[bsHidden+4]
+ mov si,[bsHeads]
+ mov di,[bsSecPerTrack]
+ pm_call fs_init
+ popad
; Locate the configuration file
- pm_call load_env32
- mov si,dbg_config_msg
- call writemsg
- mov si,config_name
- mov di,ConfigName
- call strcpy
- mov di,ConfigName
- call open
- jz no_config_file ; Not found or empty
- mov si,dbg_configok_msg
- call writemsg
+ pm_call load_config
; Now we have the config file open. Parse the config file and
@@ -1290,7 +1202,7 @@ is_disk_image:
mov bx,trackbuf
mov cx,1 ; Load 1 sector
- call getfssec
+ pm_call getfssec
cmp word [trackbuf+510],0aa55h ; Boot signature
jne .bad_image ; Image not bootable
@@ -1387,350 +1299,7 @@ is_disk_image:
mov al,bl
.done_sector: ret
-; close_file:
-; Deallocates a file structure (pointer in SI)
-; Assumes CS == DS.
- and si,si
- jz .closed
- mov dword [si],0 ; First dword == file_left
- xor si,si
-.closed: ret
-; searchdir:
-; Open a file
-; On entry:
-; DS:DI = filename
-; If successful:
-; ZF clear
-; SI = file pointer
-; EAX = file length in bytes
-; If unsuccessful
-; ZF set
-; Assumes CS == DS == ES, and trashes BX and CX.
-; searchdir_iso is a special entry point for ISOLINUX only. In addition
-; to the above, searchdir_iso passes a file flag mask in AL. This is useful
-; for searching for directories.
- xor ax,ax ; ZF <- 1
- ret
- xor al,al
- mov [ISOFlags],al
- call allocate_file ; Temporary file structure for directory
- jnz alloc_failure
- push es
- push ds
- pop es ; ES = DS
- mov si,CurrentDir
- cmp byte [di],'/' ; If filename begins with slash
- jne .not_rooted
- inc di ; Skip leading slash
- mov si,RootDir ; Reference root directory instead
- mov eax,[si+dir_clust]
- mov [bx+file_left],eax
- shl eax,SECTOR_SHIFT
- mov [bx+file_bytesleft],eax
- mov eax,[si+dir_lba]
- mov [bx+file_sector],eax
- mov edx,[si+dir_len]
- mov ax,di
- mov cl,[di]
- inc di
- and cl,cl
- jz .isfile
- cmp cl,'/'
- jne .scan
- mov [di-1],byte 0 ; Terminate at directory name
- mov cl,02h ; Search for directory
- xchg cl,[ISOFlags]
- push di ; Save these...
- push cx
- ; Create recursion stack frame...
- push word .resume ; Where to "return" to
- push es
-.isfile: xchg ax,di
- ; Get a chunk of the directory
- ; This relies on the fact that ISOLINUX doesn't change SI
- mov si,trackbuf
- TRACER 'g'
- pushad
- xchg bx,si
- mov cx,[BufSafe]
- call getfssec
- popad
- movzx eax,byte [si] ; Length of directory entry
- cmp al,33
- jb .next_sector
- TRACER 'c'
- mov cl,[si+25]
- xor cl,[ISOFlags]
- test cl, byte 8Eh ; Unwanted file attributes!
- jnz .not_file
- pusha
- movzx cx,byte [si+32] ; File identifier length
- add si,byte 33 ; File identifier offset
- TRACER 'i'
- call iso_compare_names
- popa
- je .success
- sub edx,eax ; Decrease bytes left
- jbe .failure
- add si,ax ; Advance pointer
- ; Did we finish the buffer?
- cmp si,trackbuf+trackbufsize
- jb .compare ; No, keep going
- jmp short .getsome ; Get some more directory
- ; Advance to the beginning of next sector
- lea ax,[si+SECTOR_SIZE-1]
- and ax,~(SECTOR_SIZE-1)
- sub ax,si
- jmp short .not_file ; We still need to do length checks
-.failure: xor eax,eax ; ZF = 1
- mov [bx+file_sector],eax
- pop es
- ret
- mov eax,[si+2] ; Location of extent
- mov [bx+file_sector],eax
- mov eax,[si+10] ; Data length
- mov [bx+file_bytesleft],eax
- push eax
- add eax,SECTOR_SIZE-1
- shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT
- mov [bx+file_left],eax
- pop eax
- jz .failure ; Empty file?
- ; ZF = 0
- mov si,bx
- pop es
- ret
-.resume: ; We get here if we were only doing part of a lookup
- ; This relies on the fact that .success returns bx == si
- xchg edx,eax ; Directory length in edx
- pop cx ; Old ISOFlags
- pop di ; Next filename pointer
- mov byte [di-1], '/' ; Restore slash
- mov [ISOFlags],cl ; Restore the flags
- jz .failure ; Did we fail? If so fail for real!
- jmp .look_for_slash ; Otherwise, next level
-; allocate_file: Allocate a file structure
-; If successful:
-; ZF set
-; BX = file pointer
-; In unsuccessful:
-; ZF clear
- TRACER 'a'
- push cx
- mov bx,Files
- mov cx,MAX_OPEN
-.check: cmp dword [bx], byte 0
- je .found
- add bx,open_file_t_size ; ZF = 0
- loop .check
- ; ZF = 0 if we fell out of the loop
-.found: pop cx
- ret
-; iso_compare_names:
-; Compare the names DS:SI and DS:DI and report if they are
-; equal from an ISO 9660 perspective. SI is the name from
-; the filesystem; CX indicates its length, and ';' terminates.
-; DI is expected to end with a null.
-; Note: clobbers AX, CX, SI, DI; assumes DS == ES == base segment
- ; First, terminate and canonicalize input filename
- push di
- mov di,ISOFileName
-.canon_loop: jcxz .canon_end
- lodsb
- dec cx
- cmp al,';'
- je .canon_end
- and al,al
- je .canon_end
- stosb
- cmp di,ISOFileNameEnd-1 ; Guard against buffer overrun
- jb .canon_loop
- cmp di,ISOFileName
- jbe .canon_done
- cmp byte [di-1],'.' ; Remove terminal dots
- jne .canon_done
- dec di
- jmp short .canon_end
- mov [di],byte 0 ; Null-terminate string
- pop di
- mov si,ISOFileName
- lodsb
- mov ah,[di]
- inc di
- and ax,ax
- jz .success ; End of string for both
- and al,al ; Is either one end of string?
- jz .failure ; If so, failure
- and ah,ah
- jz .failure
- or ax,2020h ; Convert to lower case
- cmp al,ah
- je .compare
-.failure: and ax,ax ; ZF = 0 (at least one will be nonzero)
-.success: ret
-; mangle_name: Mangle a filename pointed to by DS:SI into a buffer pointed
-; to by ES:DI; ends on encountering any whitespace.
-; DI is preserved.
-; This verifies that a filename is < FILENAME_MAX characters,
-; doesn't contain whitespace, zero-pads the output buffer,
-; and removes trailing dots and redundant slashes,
-; so "repe cmpsb" can do a compare, and the
-; path-searching routine gets a bit of an easier job.
- push di
- push bx
- xor ax,ax
- mov cx,FILENAME_MAX-1
- mov bx,di
- lodsb
- cmp al,' ' ; If control or space, end
- jna .mn_end
- cmp al,ah ; Repeated slash?
- je .mn_skip
- xor ah,ah
- cmp al,'/'
- jne .mn_ok
- mov ah,al
-.mn_ok stosb
-.mn_skip: loop .mn_loop
- cmp bx,di ; At the beginning of the buffer?
- jbe .mn_zero
- cmp byte [es:di-1],'.' ; Terminal dot?
- je .mn_kill
- cmp byte [es:di-1],'/' ; Terminal slash?
- jne .mn_zero
-.mn_kill: dec di ; If so, remove it
- inc cx
- jmp short .mn_end
- inc cx ; At least one null byte
- xor ax,ax ; Zero-fill name
- rep stosb
- pop bx
- pop di
- ret ; Done
-; unmangle_name: Does the opposite of mangle_name; converts a DOS-mangled
-; filename to the conventional representation. This is needed
-; for the BOOT_IMAGE= parameter for the kernel.
-; DS:SI -> input mangled file name
-; ES:DI -> output buffer
-; On return, DI points to the first byte after the output name,
-; which is set to a null byte.
-unmangle_name: call strcpy
- dec di ; Point to final null byte
- ret
-; getfssec: Get multiple clusters from a file, given the file pointer.
-; On entry:
-; ES:BX -> Buffer
-; SI -> File pointer
-; CX -> Cluster count
-; On exit:
-; SI -> File pointer (or 0 on EOF)
-; CF = 1 -> Hit EOF
-; ECX -> Bytes actually read
- push ds
- push cs
- pop ds ; DS <- CS
- movzx ecx,cx
- cmp ecx,[si+file_left]
- jna .ok_size
- mov ecx,[si+file_left]
- pushad
- mov eax,[si+file_sector]
- mov bp,cx
- TRACER 'l'
- call getlinsec
- popad
- ; ECX[31:16] == 0 here...
- add [si+file_sector],ecx
- sub [si+file_left],ecx
- shl ecx,SECTOR_SHIFT ; Convert to bytes
- cmp ecx,[si+file_bytesleft]
- jb .not_all
- mov ecx,[si+file_bytesleft]
-.not_all: sub [si+file_bytesleft],ecx
- jnz .ret ; CF = 0 in this case...
- push eax
- xor eax,eax
- mov [si+file_sector],eax ; Unused
- mov si,ax
- pop eax
- stc
- pop ds
- TRACER 'f'
- ret
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Common modules
@@ -1745,21 +1314,8 @@ getfssec:
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
section .data16
-default_str db 'default', 0
-default_len equ ($-default_str)
-boot_dir db '/boot' ; /boot/isolinux
-isolinux_dir db '/isolinux', 0
-config_name db 'isolinux.cfg', 0
err_disk_image db 'Cannot load disk image (invalid file)?', CR, LF, 0
-dbg_rootdir_msg db 'Root directory at LBA = ', 0
-dbg_isodir_msg db 'isolinux directory at LBA = ', 0
-dbg_config_msg db 'About to load config file...', CR, LF, 0
-dbg_configok_msg db 'Configuration file opened...', CR, LF, 0
; Config file keyword table