path: root/core/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8d28515..00000000
--- a/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Copyright 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
-;; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
-;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; VGA splash screen code
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; vgadisplayfile:
-; Display a graphical splash screen.
-; The file is already opened on the top of the getc stack.
-; Assumes CS == DS == ES.
- section .text16
- ; This is a cheap and easy way to make sure the screen is
- ; cleared in case we were in graphics mode already
- call vgaclearmode
- call vgasetmode
- jnz .error_nz
- ; Load the header.
- mov cx,4+2*2+16*3
- mov di,LSSHeader
- call getc
- stosb
- loop .gethdr
- jc .error
- ; The header WILL be in the first chunk.
- cmp dword [LSSMagic],0x1413f33d ; Magic number
-.error_nz: jne .error
- mov dx,GraphColorMap ; Color map offset
- mov ax,1012h ; Set RGB registers
- xor bx,bx ; First register number
- mov cx,16 ; 16 registers
- int 10h
- mov ax,[GraphYSize] ; Number of pixel rows
- mov dx,[VGAFontSize]
- add ax,dx
- dec ax
- div dl
- xor dx,dx ; Set column to 0
- cmp al,[VidRows]
- jb .rowsok
- mov al,[VidRows]
- dec al
- mov dh,al
- mov ah,2
- xor bx,bx
- int 10h ; Set cursor below image
- mov cx,[GraphYSize] ; Number of graphics rows
- mov word [VGAPos],0
- push cx
- mov di,VGARowBuffer
- ; Pre-clear the row buffer
- push di
- push di
- mov cx,640/4
- xor eax,eax
- rep stosd
- pop di
- mov cx,[GraphXSize]
- call rledecode ; Decode one row
- pop si
- mov di,VGAPlaneBuffer
- push di
- mov bp,640
- call packedpixel2vga
- pop si
- push es
- mov di,0A000h ; VGA segment
- mov es,di
- mov di,[VGAPos]
- call outputvga
- pop es
- add word [VGAPos],640/8
- pop cx
- loop .drawpixelrow
- jmp close ; Tailcall!
-; rledecode:
-; Decode a pixel row in RLE16 format.
-; getc stack -> input
-; CX -> pixel count
-; ES:DI -> output (packed pixel)
- xor dx,dx ; DL = last pixel, DH = nybble buffer
- call .getnybble
- cmp al,dl
- je .run ; Start of run sequence
- stosb
- mov dl,al
- dec cx
- jnz .loop
- ret
- xor bx,bx
- call .getnybble
- or bl,al
- jz .longrun
- push cx
- mov cx,bx
- mov al,dl
- rep stosb
- pop cx
- sub cx,bx
- ja .loop
- jmp short .done
- call .getnybble
- mov bl,al
- call .getnybble
- shl al,4
- or bl,al
- add bx,16
- jmp short .dorun
- test dh,10h
- jz .low
- and dh,0Fh
- mov al,dh
- ret
- call getc
- mov dh,al
- shr dh,4
- or dh,10h ; Nybble already read
- and al,0Fh
- ret
-; packedpixel2vga:
-; Convert packed-pixel to VGA bitplanes
-; DS:SI -> packed pixel string
-; BP -> pixel count (multiple of 8)
-; DS:DI -> output (four planes)
- xor cx,cx
- inc cx
- push si
- push bp
- mov bx,8
- lodsb
- shr al,cl
- rcl dl,1 ; VGA is bigendian. Sigh.
- dec bx
- jnz .loop2
- mov [di],dl
- inc di
- sub bp,byte 8
- ja .loop1
- pop bp
- pop si
- cmp cl,3
- jbe .planeloop
- ret
-; outputvga:
-; Output four subsequent lines of VGA data
-; DS:SI -> four planes @ 640/8=80 bytes
-; ES:DI -> pointer into VGA memory
- mov dx,3C4h ; VGA Sequencer Register select port
- mov al,2 ; Sequencer mask
- out dx,al ; Select the sequencer mask
- inc dx ; VGA Sequencer Register data port
- dec ax ; AL <- 1
- out dx,al ; Select the bit plane to write
- push di
- mov cx,640/32
- rep movsd
- pop di
- add ax,ax
- cmp al,8
- jbe .loop1
- ret
-; vgasetmode:
-; Enable VGA graphics, if possible; return ZF=1 on success
-; DS must be set to the base segment; ES is set to DS.
- push ds
- pop es
- mov al,[UsingVGA]
- cmp al,01h
- je .success ; Nothing to do...
- test al,04h
- jz .notvesa
- ; We're in a VESA mode, which means VGA; use VESA call
- ; to revert the mode, and then call the conventional
- ; mode-setting for good measure...
- mov ax,4F02h
- mov bx,0012h
- int 10h
- jmp .setmode
- mov ax,1A00h ; Get video card and monitor
- xor bx,bx
- int 10h
- sub bl, 7 ; BL=07h and BL=08h OK
- cmp bl, 1
- ja .error ; ZF=0
-; mov bx,TextColorReg
-; mov dx,1009h ; Read color registers
-; int 10h
- mov ax,0012h ; Set mode = 640x480 VGA 16 colors
- int 10h
- mov dx,linear_color
- mov ax,1002h ; Write color registers
- int 10h
- mov [UsingVGA], byte 1
- ; Set GXPixCols and GXPixRows
- mov dword [GXPixCols],640+(480 << 16)
- call use_font ; Set graphics font/data
- mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 00h
- xor ax,ax ; Set ZF
- ret
-; vgaclearmode:
-; Disable VGA graphics. It is not safe to assume any value
-; for DS or ES.
- push ds
- push es
- pushad
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov al,[UsingVGA]
- and al,al ; Already in text mode?
- jz .done
- test al,04h
- jz .notvesa
- mov ax,4F02h ; VESA return to normal video mode
- mov bx,0003h
- int 10h
- mov ax,0003h ; Return to normal video mode
- int 10h
-; mov dx,TextColorReg ; Restore color registers
-; mov ax,1002h
-; int 10h
- mov [UsingVGA], byte 0
- mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 07h
- call use_font ; Restore text font/data
- popad
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
-; vgashowcursor/vgahidecursor:
-; If VGA graphics is enabled, draw a cursor/clear a cursor
- pushad
- mov al,'_'
- jmp short vgacursorcommon
- pushad
- mov al,' '
- cmp [UsingVGA], byte 1
- jne .done
- mov ah,09h
- mov bx,0007h
- mov cx,1
- int 10h
- popad
- ret
- section .data16
- ; Map colors to consecutive DAC registers
-linear_color db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0
- ; See comboot.doc, INT 22h AX=0017h for the semantics
- ; of this byte.
-UsingVGA db 0
- section .bss16
- alignb 4
-LSSHeader equ $
-LSSMagic resd 1 ; Magic number
-GraphXSize resw 1 ; Width of splash screen file
-GraphYSize resw 1 ; Height of splash screen file
-GraphColorMap resb 3*16
-VGAPos resw 1 ; Pointer into VGA memory
-VGAFilePtr resw 1 ; Pointer into VGAFileBuf
-; TextColorReg resb 17 ; VGA color registers for text mode
-VGAFileBuf resb FILENAME_MAX+2 ; Unmangled VGA image name
-VGAFileBuf resb FILENAME_MAX ; Unmangled VGA image name
-VGAFileBufEnd equ $
-VGAFileMBuf resb FILENAME_MAX ; Mangled VGA image name
- alignb 4
-VGARowBuffer resb 640+80 ; Decompression buffer
-VGAPlaneBuffer resb (640/8)*4 ; Plane buffers