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3 files changed, 89 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 7abb3566..8d792c72 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+- Serial support:
+ - Need ^C/Esc to work
+ - Error messages need to be redirected to the serial port
+ - Clean up the option
+ - Disable serial support (or do something at least) on timeout
+ - Straight to hardware?
- Cleaned up documentation, with a real man page.
- Support for clusters larger than 16K. This would require changing
a lot of the SYSLINUX internals so we can read partial clusters;
diff --git a/ldlinux.asm b/ldlinux.asm
index 47d77fe0..cab2f3fb 100644
--- a/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/ldlinux.asm
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ max_cmd_len equ 255 ; Must be odd; 255 is the kernel limit
retry_count equ 6 ; How patient are we with the disk?
HIGHMEM_MAX equ 038000000h ; Highest address for an initrd
DEFAULT_BAUD equ 9600 ; Default baud rate for serial port
+BAUD_DIVISOR equ 115200 ; Serial port parameter
; Should be updated with every release to avoid bootsector/SYS file mismatch
@@ -282,9 +282,11 @@ debug_okay: mov si,trackbuf+0bh
jmp debugentrypt
+ absolute 0400h
+serial_base resw 4 ; Base addresses for 4 serial ports
absolute 0484h
-BIOS_vidrows resb 1 ; Number of screen rows
+BIOS_vidrows resb 1 ; Number of screen rows
; Memory below this point is reserved for the BIOS and the MBR
@@ -345,7 +347,6 @@ NextCharJump resw 1 ; Routine to interpret next print char
SetupSecs resw 1 ; Number of setup sectors
SavedSP resw 1 ; Our SP while running a COMBOOT image
A20Test resw 1 ; Counter for testing status of A20
-SerialPort resw 1 ; Serial port no (or -1 for no serial port)
TextAttrBX equ $
TextAttribute resb 1 ; Text attribute for message file
TextPage resb 1 ; Active display page
@@ -1287,23 +1288,47 @@ pc_implicit: call getint ; "implicit" command
pc_serial: call getint ; "serial" command
jc parse_config_2
- mov [SerialPort],bx
+ push bx ; Serial port #
call skipspace
+ jc parse_config_2
+ call ungetc
call getint
-; jnc .valid_baud
-; mov ebx,DEFAULT_BAUD ; No baud rate given
-;.valid_baud: mov ecx,9600
+ jnc .valid_baud
+ mov ebx,DEFAULT_BAUD ; No baud rate given
+.valid_baud: pop di ; Serial port #
+ cmp ebx,byte 75
+ jb parse_config_2 ; < 75 baud == bogus
+ mov eax,BAUD_DIVISOR
+ cdq
+ div ebx
+ push ax ; Baud rate divisor
+ mov dx,di
+ shl di,1
+ mov ax,[di+serial_base]
+ mov [SerialPort],ax
+ push ax ; Serial port base
mov ax,00e3h ; INT 14h init parameters
-;.baud_loop: cmp ebx,ecx
-; jae .this_baud
-; sub al,020h
-; shr ecx,1
-; jmp short .baud_loop
-.this_baud: mov dx,[SerialPort]
- int 14h ; Initialize serial port
+ int 14h ; Init serial port
+ pop bx ; Serial port base
+ lea dx,[bx+3]
+ mov al,83h ; Enable DLAB
+ call slow_out
+ pop ax ; Divisor
+ mov dx,bx
+ call slow_out
+ inc dx
+ mov al,ah
+ call slow_out
+ mov al,03h ; Disable DLAB
+ add dx,byte 2
+ call slow_out
+ sub dx,byte 2
+ xor al,al ; IRQ disable
+ call slow_out
mov al,'>'
call write_serial
- jmp short parse_config_2
+ jmp short parse_config_3
pc_fkey: sub ah,'1'
jnb pc_fkey1
@@ -1322,7 +1347,7 @@ pc_fkey1: xor cx,cx
shl di,4 ; Multiply number by 16
add di,FKeyName
call mangle_name ; Mangle file name
- jmp short parse_config_2
+ jmp short parse_config_3
pc_label: call commit_vk ; Commit any current vkernel
mov di,trackbuf ; Get virtual filename
@@ -1433,11 +1458,11 @@ tick_loop: push dx
int 16h
jnz get_char_pop
mov dx,[SerialPort] ; Check for serial port input
- cmp dx,byte -1
+ and dx,dx
je .noserial
- mov ax,0300h
- int 14h
- test ah,1 ; Receive data ready
+ add dx,byte 5
+ in al,dx
+ test al,1 ; Receive data ready
jnz get_char_pop
.noserial: xor ax,ax
int 1Ah ; Get time "of day"
@@ -1453,16 +1478,15 @@ get_char: mov ah,1 ; Keyboard char ready?
int 16h
jnz get_kbd
mov dx,[SerialPort] ; Serial port input?
- cmp dx,byte -1
- je get_char
- mov ax,0300h
- int 14h
- test ah,1
+ and dx,dx
+ jz get_char
+ add dx,byte 5
+ in al,dx
+ test al,1
jz get_char
-get_serial: mov ax,0200h ; Get char from serial port
- mov dx,[SerialPort]
- int 14h
+get_serial: mov dx,[SerialPort] ; Valid only when we have already
+ in al,dx ; tested for input!!
jmp short got_ascii
get_kbd: xor ax,ax ; Get char
@@ -1512,7 +1536,7 @@ set_func_flag:
ctrl_f_0: add al,10 ; <Ctrl-F>0 == F10
ctrl_f: push di
- sub al,'0'
+ sub al,'1'
xor ah,ah
jmp short show_help
@@ -2123,7 +2147,7 @@ root_not_floppy:
mov dx,03F2h
xor al,al
- out dx,al
+ call slow_out
; Now we're as close to be done as we can be and still use our normal
; routines, print a CRLF to end the row of dots
@@ -2421,6 +2445,8 @@ bcopy: push eax
%define IO_DELAY_PORT 80h ; Invalid port (we hope!)
%define delaytime 1024 ; 4 x ISA bus cycles (@ 1.5 µs)
+slow_out: out dx, al ; Fall through
_io_delay: push ax
@@ -2598,11 +2624,12 @@ abort_check:
mov ah,1 ; Check for pending keystroke
int 16h
- jz ac_ret ; If no pending keystroke
+ jz ac_nokbd ; If no pending keystroke
xor ax,ax ; Load pending keystroke
int 16h
mov bx,KbdMap
+ac_char: ; Character received
cmp al,27 ; <ESC> aborts (DOS geeks)
je ac2
cmp al,3 ; So does Ctrl-C (UNIX geeks)
@@ -2630,6 +2657,20 @@ abort_load:
call cwritestr ; Expects SI -> error msg
al_ok: jmp enter_command ; Return to command prompt
+; Check for serial port abort
+ mov bx,[SerialPort]
+ and bx,bx
+ jz ac_ret ; No serial port
+ lea dx,[bx+5]
+ in al,dx
+ and al,01h
+ jz ac_ret ; Nothing on the serial port
+ xchg dx,bx
+ in al,dx
+ jmp short ac_char ; Character received!
; End of abort_check
ac_ret: popa
@@ -2943,11 +2984,17 @@ msg_color_bad:
- mov dx,[SerialPort]
- cmp dx,byte -1
+ mov bx,[SerialPort]
+ and bx,bx
je .noserial
- mov ah,01h
- int 14h
+ push ax
+.waitspace: lea dx,[bx+5] ; Wait for space in transmit reg
+ in al,dx
+ test al,20h
+ jz .waitspace
+ xchg dx,bx
+ pop ax
+ call slow_out ; Send data
.noserial: popa
@@ -3571,6 +3618,7 @@ initrd_ptr dw 0 ; Initial ramdisk pointer/flag
VKernelCtr dw 0 ; Number of registered vkernels
ForcePrompt dw 0 ; Force prompt
AllowImplicit dw 1 ; Allow implicit kernels
+SerialPort dw 0 ; Serial port base (or 0 for no serial port)
; Stuff for the command line; we do some trickery here with equ to avoid
; tons of zeros appended to our file and wasting space
diff --git a/version b/version
index ec8538e9..24c87c51 100644
--- a/version
+++ b/version
@@ -1,2 +1 @@