path: root/isolinux.asm
diff options
authorhpa <hpa>2002-04-26 05:56:24 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>2002-04-26 05:56:24 +0000
commitf1601649adfdf27d184ee2de7503bf5f3ab26ea5 (patch)
tree163f479cdfe29619d14f190919609c0fbd9e729f /isolinux.asm
parentf20a11ca60c46dc03e23284015220363e3221e73 (diff)
Move some of the common header crap into header files.
Diffstat (limited to 'isolinux.asm')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/isolinux.asm b/isolinux.asm
index 0250a13b..c19d28be 100644
--- a/isolinux.asm
+++ b/isolinux.asm
@@ -19,28 +19,16 @@
; ****************************************************************************
-; Note: The Makefile builds one version with DEBUG_MESSAGES automatically.
-; %define DEBUG_TRACERS ; Uncomment to get debugging tracers
-; %define DEBUG_MESSAGES ; Uncomment to get debugging messages
-%macro TRACER 1
- call debug_tracer
- db %1
-%macro TRACER 1
+%include ""
+%include ""
+%include ""
+%include ""
; Some semi-configurable constants... change on your own risk. Most are imposed
; by the kernel.
+my_id equ isolinux_id
max_cmd_len equ 255 ; Must be odd; 255 is the kernel limit
FILENAME_MAX_LG2 equ 8 ; log2(Max filename size Including final null)
@@ -59,78 +47,6 @@ SECTORSIZE equ (1 << SECTORSIZE_LG2)
%define version_str VERSION ; Must be 4 characters long!
%define date DATE_STR ; Defined from the Makefile
%define year '2002'
-; Debgging stuff
-; %define debug 1 ; Uncomment to enable debugging
-; ID for SYSLINUX (reported to kernel)
-syslinux_id equ 033h ; SYSLINUX (3) 3 = ISOLINUX
-; Segments used by Linux
-real_mode_seg equ 5000h
-fake_setup_seg equ real_mode_seg+020h
- struc real_mode_seg_t
- resb 20h-($-$$) ; org 20h
-kern_cmd_magic resw 1 ; 0020 Magic # for command line
-kern_cmd_offset resw 1 ; 0022 Offset for kernel command line
- resb 497-($-$$) ; org 497d
-bs_setupsecs resb 1 ; 01F1 Sectors for setup code (0 -> 4)
-bs_rootflags resw 1 ; 01F2 Root readonly flag
-bs_syssize resw 1 ; 01F4
-bs_swapdev resw 1 ; 01F6 Swap device (obsolete)
-bs_ramsize resw 1 ; 01F8 Ramdisk flags, formerly ramdisk size
-bs_vidmode resw 1 ; 01FA Video mode
-bs_rootdev resw 1 ; 01FC Root device
-bs_bootsign resw 1 ; 01FE Boot sector signature (0AA55h)
-su_jump resb 1 ; 0200 0EBh
-su_jump2 resb 1 ; 0201 Size of following header
-su_header resd 1 ; 0202 New setup code: header
-su_version resw 1 ; 0206 See linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S
-su_switch resw 1 ; 0208
-su_setupseg resw 1 ; 020A
-su_startsys resw 1 ; 020C
-su_kver resw 1 ; 020E Kernel version pointer
-su_loader resb 1 ; 0210 Loader ID
-su_loadflags resb 1 ; 0211 Load high flag
-su_movesize resw 1 ; 0212
-su_code32start resd 1 ; 0214 Start of code loaded high
-su_ramdiskat resd 1 ; 0218 Start of initial ramdisk
-su_ramdisklen equ $ ; Length of initial ramdisk
-su_ramdisklen1 resw 1 ; 021C
-su_ramdisklen2 resw 1 ; 021E
-su_bsklugeoffs resw 1 ; 0220
-su_bsklugeseg resw 1 ; 0222
-su_heapend resw 1 ; 0224
-su_pad1 resw 1 ; 0226
-su_cmd_line_ptr resd 1 ; 0228
-su_ramdisk_max resd 1 ; 022C
- resb (9000h-12)-($-$$) ; Were bootsect.S puts it...
-linux_stack equ $ ; 8FF4
-linux_fdctab equ $
- resb 9000h-($-$$)
-cmd_line_here equ $ ; 9000 Should be out of the way
- endstruc
-; Kernel command line signature
-CMD_MAGIC equ 0A33Fh ; Command line magic
-; Magic number of su_header field
-HEADER_ID equ 'HdrS' ; HdrS (in littleendian hex)
-; Flags for the su_loadflags field
-LOAD_HIGH equ 01h ; Large kernel, load high
-CAN_USE_HEAP equ 80h ; Boot loader reports heap size
; The following structure is used for "virtual kernels"; i.e. LILO-style
@@ -164,8 +80,8 @@ vk_end: equ $ ; Should be <= vk_size
; Segment assignments in the bottom 640K
; 0000h - main code/data segment (and BIOS segment)
-; 5000h - real_mode_seg
+real_mode_seg equ 5000h
vk_seg equ 4000h ; Virtual kernels
xfer_buf_seg equ 3000h ; Bounce buffer for I/O to high mem
comboot_seg equ 2000h ; COMBOOT image loading zone
@@ -184,88 +100,10 @@ file_left resd 1 ; Number of sectors left
-; For our convenience: define macros for jump-over-unconditinal jumps
-%macro jmpz 1
- jnz %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpnz 1
- jz %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpe 1
- jne %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpne 1
- je %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpc 1
- jnc %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpnc 1
- jc %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpb 1
- jnb %%skip
- jmp %1
-%macro jmpnb 1
- jb %%skip
- jmp %1
-; Macros similar to res[bwd], but which works in the code segment (after
-; section .text)
-%macro zb 1
- times %1 db 0
-%macro zw 1
- times %1 dw 0
-%macro zd 1
- times %1 dd 0
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- absolute 0400h
-serial_base resw 4 ; Base addresses for 4 serial ports
- absolute 0413h
-BIOS_fbm resw 1 ; Free Base Memory (kilobytes)
- absolute 046Ch
-BIOS_timer resw 1 ; Timer ticks
- absolute 0472h
-BIOS_magic resw 1 ; BIOS reset magic
- absolute 0484h
-BIOS_vidrows resb 1 ; Number of screen rows
; Memory below this point is reserved for the BIOS and the MBR
@@ -1979,7 +1817,7 @@ cmdline_end:
; and that we are clueful
- mov byte [es:su_loader],syslinux_id ; Show some ID
+ mov byte [es:su_loader],my_id ; Show some ID
movzx ax,byte [es:bs_setupsecs] ; Variable # of setup sectors
mov [SetupSecs],ax