path: root/doc
diff options
authorGene Cumm <>2012-05-27 09:23:07 -0400
committerGene Cumm <>2012-05-27 09:23:07 -0400
commit32d48e29a2306f6951ff54bc6938f0a33a348479 (patch)
treee6e148c0fbd3169afb15d43363fce3b0d5a797ce /doc
parent4941d1837f7b3c4732c922fbfefb6e3021237f5d (diff)
pxechn.c32: PXE NBP chainloader
Designed as a more versatile COM32-based alternative to It can use the PXE RESTART or chain to the new NBP without the PXE stack. It also enables a user to boot Microsoft Windows Server 2008R2 Windows Deployment Services's from PXELINUX. Signed-off-by: Gene Cumm <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/pxechn.txt b/doc/pxechn.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a09bbe2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pxechn.txt
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+= pxechn.c32 =
+:doctype: manpage
+:author: Gene Cumm
+:revdate: 2012-05-27
+== NAME ==
+pxechn.c32 - Chainboot to new NBP
+*pxechn.c32* [-h | --help | -?]
+*pxechn.c32* -r 'FILE'
+*pxechn.c32* 'FILE' ['OPTIONS']
+Chainboot to a new NBP (Network Boot Program) 'FILE' with options to adjust PXE packet #3 (PXENV_PACKET_TYPE_CACHED_REPLY) to alter end behavior. 'FILE' may be a filename, an IP::FN ( ), or URL. 'FILE' is parsed to adjust the DHCP 'sname' field/option 66 and 'file' field/option 67.
+// but these may be override-able in the future.
+== OPTIONS ==
+*-c* 'CONFIG'::
+ PXELINUX config file (DHCP Option 209).
+// *-f* 'MOD'::
+// Force behavior specified by 'MOD'
+// *-g* 'HOST'::
+// Set DHCP gateway/relay. Parsed by pxe_dns().
+*-h*, *--help*, *-?*::
+ Print usage information; invalid options will also cause this.
+// *-n*::
+// Use native methods, ignoring underlying gPXE/iPXE.
+// *-N*::
+// Use non-native methods to utilize gPXE/iPXE (if available).
+*-o* 'OPT.TYPE=VALUE'::
+ Specify a generic option. 'OPT' is in 'DECIMAL INPUT' format (below). 'TYPE' specifies the output type and input syntax. 'b'yte, 'w'ord(2B), 'l'ong(4B), 'q'uad(8B), character 's'tring and colon-separated he'x' string (case insensitive; bytes must have 2 digits and each byte must be separated). byte, word, long and quad input values must meet criteria for 'DECIMAL INPUT'
+*-p* 'PATH'::
+ PXELINUX path (DHCP Option 210).
+ Call the PXE stack with PXENV_RESTART_TFTP. _Must_ be the only option and before 'FILE'.
+*-t* 'SECONDS'::
+ PXELINUX timeout (DHCP Option 211).
+// *-u*::
+// Copy UUID (Option 97) if found in packet #1
+ wait after loading before booting for user input.
+ Enable WDS (Windows Deployment Services) - specific options.
+All parameters that are defaulted to decimal format are processed by *strtoul*(3) with a base of 0 which allows alternate formats and finds a suitable non-space separating character.
+pxechn.c32 http://myhost.dom.loc/path/nbp.0 -c myconfig
+ Load nbp.0 and set PXELINUX config (option 209).
+pxechn.c32 gpxelinux.0 -p -w -c myconfig -o 15.s=domain.loc -o 6.x=0A:01:01:02:ac:17:4D:Ec -
+ Load gpxelinux.0 from the current directory, set prefix, wait to execute, set first config, set the domain name and 2 domain name servers (case mixed to show insensitivity; and
+pxechn.c32 gpxelinux.0 -p -w -X A012345678 -x 197:00d0de00
+pxechn.c32 gpxelinux.0 -p -w -X A012:3456:78 -x 197:00-d0-de-00
+ Both of these are equivalent. Load gpxelinux.0 (relative to the current directory and not altering sname/option 66), set the PXELINUX path prefix, wait after loading, set option 160 to 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78, and option 197 to 0x00 0xD0 0xDE 0x00.
+== NOTES ==
+Please note that some NBPs may ignore packet #3 by either not examining it at all or by issuing its own DHCP DISCOVER/REQUEST, negating all DHCP field/option modifications by pxechn.c32.
+URL specifications in 'FILE' that include user/password before the host will currently cause the siaddr field to not be set properly.
+The non-space constraint is due to how Syslinux variants parse the command line as of 2012-01-12.
+== AUTHOR ==
+{author} <{email}>
+Copyright \(C) 2012 {author}. Free use of this software is granted under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).