path: root/core/
diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <>2008-05-29 15:11:38 -0700
committerH. Peter Anvin <>2008-05-29 15:11:38 -0700
commitb536209dfb7bd50c37061735fe10d2c19a97d26d (patch)
tree9d8ca6882fc5d9721fb0efea1abfd6dc09886814 /core/
parent3ec40a0119587f63411475c76c69f9db24c7598e (diff)
Move files out of root into core, dos, and utils
Move source files out of the root directory; the root is a mess and has become virtually unmaintainable. The Syslinux core now lives in core/; the Linux and generic utilities has moved into utils/, and has moved into dos/; it had to go somewhere, and it seemed as good a place as any.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ef9c3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Copyright 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
+;; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Configuration file operations
+ section .text
+; "default" command
+pc_default: mov di,default_cmd
+ call getline
+ mov byte [di-1],0 ; null-terminate
+ ret
+; "ontimeout" command
+pc_ontimeout: mov di,Ontimeout
+ call getline
+ sub di,Ontimeout+1 ; Don't need final space
+ mov [OntimeoutLen],di
+ ret
+; "onerror" command
+pc_onerror: mov di,Onerror
+ call getline
+ sub di,Onerror
+ mov [OnerrorLen],di
+ ret
+; "append" command
+pc_append: cmp byte [VKernel],0
+ ja .vk
+ mov di,AppendBuf
+ call getline
+ sub di,AppendBuf
+.app1: mov [AppendLen],di
+ ret
+.vk: mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_append ; "append" command (vkernel)
+ call getline
+ sub di,VKernelBuf+vk_append
+ cmp di,byte 2
+ jne .app2
+ cmp byte [VKernelBuf+vk_append],'-'
+ jne .app2
+ xor di,di ; If "append -" -> null string
+.app2: mov [VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen],di
+ ret
+; "ipappend" command (PXELINUX only)
+pc_ipappend: call getint
+ jc .err
+ cmp byte [VKernel],0
+ jne .vk
+ mov [IPAppend],bl
+.err: ret
+.vk: mov [VKernelBuf+vk_ipappend],bl
+ ret
+; "localboot" command (PXELINUX, ISOLINUX)
+pc_localboot: call getint
+ cmp byte [VKernel],0 ; ("label" section only)
+ je .err
+ mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_rname
+ xor ax,ax
+ rep stosb ; Null kernel name
+ ; PXELINUX uses the first 4 bytes of vk_rname for the
+ ; mangled IP address
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_rname+5], bx ; Return type
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_rname+1], bx ; Return type
+.err: ret
+; "kernel", "config", ... command
+pc_kernel: cmp byte [VKernel],0
+ je .err ; ("label" section only)
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_type],al
+ call pc_getline
+ mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_rname
+ call mangle_name
+.err: ret
+; "timeout", "totaltimeout" command
+; N.B. 1/10 s ~ 1.D2162AABh clock ticks
+pc_timeout: push ax
+ call getint
+ pop si
+ jc .err
+ mov eax,0D2162AABh
+ mul ebx ; clock ticks per 1/10 s
+ add ebx,edx
+ mov [si],ebx
+.err: ret
+; "totaltimeout" command
+; Generic integer variable setting commands:
+; "prompt", "implicit"
+ push ax
+ call getint
+ pop si
+ jc .err
+ mov [si],bx
+.err: ret
+; Generic file-processing commands:
+; "font", "kbdmap",
+pc_filecmd: push ax ; Function to tailcall
+ call pc_getline
+ mov di,MNameBuf
+ call mangle_name
+ call searchdir
+ jnz .ok
+ pop ax ; Drop the successor function
+.ok: ret ; Tailcall if OK, error return
+; Commands that expect the file to be opened on top of the getc stack.
+; "display", "include"
+pc_opencmd: push ax ; Function to tailcall
+ call pc_getline
+ mov di,MNameBuf
+ call mangle_name
+ call open
+ jnz .ok
+ pop ax ; Drop the successor function
+.ok: ret ; Tailcall if OK, error return
+; "include" command (invoked from pc_opencmd)
+pc_include: inc word [IncludeLevel]
+.err: ret
+; "serial" command
+pc_serial: call getint
+ jc .err
+ push bx ; Serial port #
+ call skipspace
+ jnc .ok
+ pop bx
+.err: ret
+ call ungetc
+ call getint
+ mov [FlowControl], word 0 ; Default to no flow control
+ jc .nobaud
+ push ebx
+ call skipspace
+ jc .no_flow
+ call ungetc
+ call getint ; Hardware flow control?
+ jnc .valid_flow
+ xor bx,bx ; Default -> no flow control
+ and bh,0Fh ; FlowIgnore
+ shl bh,4
+ mov [FlowIgnore],bh
+ mov bh,bl
+ and bx,0F003h ; Valid bits
+ mov [FlowControl],bx
+ pop ebx ; Baud rate
+ jmp short .parse_baud
+ mov ebx,DEFAULT_BAUD ; No baud rate given
+ pop di ; Serial port #
+ cmp ebx,byte 75
+ jb .err ; < 75 baud == bogus
+ mov eax,BAUD_DIVISOR
+ cdq
+ div ebx
+ mov [BaudDivisor],ax
+ push ax ; Baud rate divisor
+ cmp di,3
+ ja .port_is_io ; If port > 3 then port is I/O addr
+ shl di,1
+ mov di,[di+serial_base] ; Get the I/O port from the BIOS
+ mov [SerialPort],di
+ ;
+ ; Begin code to actually set up the serial port
+ ;
+ lea dx,[di+3] ; DX -> LCR
+ mov al,83h ; Enable DLAB
+ call slow_out
+ pop ax ; Divisor
+ mov dx,di ; DX -> LS
+ call slow_out
+ inc dx ; DX -> MS
+ mov al,ah
+ call slow_out
+ mov al,03h ; Disable DLAB
+ inc dx ; DX -> LCR
+ inc dx
+ call slow_out
+ in al,dx ; Read back LCR (detect missing hw)
+ cmp al,03h ; If nothing here we'll read 00 or FF
+ jne .serial_port_bad ; Assume serial port busted
+ dec dx
+ dec dx ; DX -> IER
+ xor al,al ; IRQ disable
+ call slow_out
+ inc dx ; DX -> FCR/IIR
+ mov al,01h
+ call slow_out ; Enable FIFOs if present
+ in al,dx
+ cmp al,0C0h ; FIFOs enabled and usable?
+ jae .fifo_ok
+ xor ax,ax ; Disable FIFO if unusable
+ call slow_out
+ inc dx
+ inc dx ; DX -> MCR
+ in al,dx
+ or al,[FlowOutput] ; Assert bits
+ call slow_out
+ ; Show some life
+ cmp byte [SerialNotice],0
+ je .notfirst
+ mov byte [SerialNotice],0
+ mov si,syslinux_banner
+ call write_serial_str
+ mov si,copyright_str
+ call write_serial_str
+ ret
+ mov [SerialPort], word 0
+ ret
+; "F"-key command
+pc_fkey: push ax
+ call pc_getline
+ pop di
+ call mangle_name ; Mangle file name
+ ret
+; "label" command
+pc_label: call commit_vk ; Commit any current vkernel
+ mov di,VKernelBuf ; Erase the vkernelbuf for better compression
+ mov cx,(vk_size >> 1)
+ xor ax,ax
+ rep stosw
+ call pc_getline
+ mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_vname
+ call mangle_name ; Mangle virtual name
+ mov byte [VKernel],1 ; We've seen a "label" statement
+ mov si,VKernelBuf+vk_vname ; By default, rname == vname
+ ; mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_rname ; -- already set
+ rep movsb
+ mov si,AppendBuf ; Default append==global append
+ mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_append
+ mov cx,[AppendLen]
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen],cx
+ rep movsb
+ mov al,[IPAppend] ; Default ipappend==global ipappend
+ mov [VKernelBuf+vk_ipappend],al
+ ret
+; "say" command
+pc_say: call pc_getline ; "say" command
+ call writestr
+ jmp crlf ; tailcall
+; "text" command; ignore everything until we get an "endtext" line
+pc_text: call pc_getline ; Ignore rest of line
+ call pc_getline
+ jc .eof
+ ; Leading spaces are already removed...
+ lodsd
+ and eax,0xdfdfdfdf ; Upper case
+ cmp eax,'ENDT'
+ jne .loop
+ lodsd
+ and eax,0x00dfdfdf ; Upper case and mask
+ cmp eax,'EXT'
+ jne .loop
+ ; If we get here we hit ENDTEXT
+ ret
+; Comment line
+pc_comment: ; Fall into pc_getline
+; Common subroutine: load line into trackbuf; returns with SI -> trackbuf
+; CF is set on EOF.
+pc_getline: mov di,trackbuf
+ push di
+ call getline
+ mov byte [di],0 ; Null-terminate
+ pop si
+ ret
+; Main loop for configuration file parsing
+ mov di,VKernelBuf ; Clear VKernelBuf at start
+ xor ax,ax
+ mov cx,vk_size
+ rep stosb
+ call getcommand ; Parse one command
+ jnc .again ; If not EOF...
+ call close
+ dec word [IncludeLevel] ; Still parsing?
+ jnz .again
+ ;
+ ; The fall through to commit_vk to commit any final
+ ; VKernel being read
+ ;
+; commit_vk: Store the current VKernelBuf into buffer segment
+ ; For better compression, clean up the append field
+ mov ax,[VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen]
+ mov di,VKernelBuf+vk_append
+ add di,ax
+ mov cx,max_cmd_len+1
+ sub cx,ax
+ xor ax,ax
+ rep stosb
+ ; Pack into high memory
+ mov si,VKernelBuf
+ mov edi,[VKernelEnd]
+ mov cx,vk_size
+ call rllpack
+ mov [VKernelEnd],edi
+ ret
+ mov si,vk_overflow_msg
+ call writestr
+ ret
+ section .data
+vk_overflow_msg db 'Out of memory parsing config file', CR, LF, 0
+SerialNotice db 1 ; Only print this once
+ section .bss
+ alignb 4
+VKernelEnd resd 1 ; Lowest high memory address used
+ ; This symbol should be used by loaders to indicate
+ ; the highest address *they* are allowed to use.
+HighMemRsvd equ VKernelEnd
+ ; by vkernels
+ section .config
+ align 4, db 0
+KbdTimeout dd 0 ; Keyboard timeout (if any)
+TotalTimeout dd 0 ; Total timeout (if any)
+AppendLen dw 0 ; Bytes in append= command
+OntimeoutLen dw 0 ; Bytes in ontimeout command
+OnerrorLen dw 0 ; Bytes in onerror command
+CmdLinePtr dw cmd_line_here ; Command line advancing pointer
+ForcePrompt dw 0 ; Force prompt
+NoEscape dw 0 ; No escape
+AllowImplicit dw 1 ; Allow implicit kernels
+AllowOptions dw 1 ; User-specified options allowed
+IncludeLevel dw 1 ; Nesting level
+SerialPort dw 0 ; Serial port base (or 0 for no serial port)
+VKernel db 0 ; Have we seen any "label" statements?
+IPAppend db 0 ; Default IPAPPEND option
+ section .uibss
+ alignb 4 ; For the good of REP MOVSD
+command_line resb max_cmd_len+2 ; Command line buffer
+ alignb 4
+default_cmd resb max_cmd_len+1 ; "default" command line
+%include ""