path: root/
diff options
authorhpa <hpa>2002-04-27 00:49:54 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>2002-04-27 00:49:54 +0000
commitc4a76af3217e1dc6a2ddb0fc85c0b5195047d4bd (patch)
tree460119fde4f063d6e6263217cc27d2dec76c3e47 /
parent32f428c681e06add996b1b850a31a27abaadd23b (diff)
Commit missing include file
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfb62572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+;; $Id$
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Copyright 1994-2002 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
+;; Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Console I/O code, except:
+;; writechr, writestr - module-dependent
+;; cwritestr, crlf -
+;; writehex* -
+; loadkeys: Load a LILO-style keymap; SI and DX:AX set by searchdir
+ and dx,dx ; Should be 256 bytes exactly
+ jne loadkeys_ret
+ cmp ax,256
+ jne loadkeys_ret
+ mov bx,trackbuf
+ mov cx,1 ; 1 cluster should be >= 256 bytes
+ call getfssec
+ mov si,trackbuf
+ mov di,KbdMap
+ mov cx,256 >> 2
+ rep movsd
+loadkeys_ret: ret
+; get_msg_file: Load a text file and write its contents to the screen,
+; interpreting color codes. Is called with SI and DX:AX
+; set by routine searchdir
+ push es
+ shl edx,16 ; EDX <- DX:AX (length of file)
+ mov dx,ax
+ mov ax,xfer_buf_seg ; Use for temporary storage
+ mov es,ax
+ mov byte [TextAttribute],07h ; Default grey on white
+ mov byte [DisplayMask],07h ; Display text in all modes
+ call msg_initvars
+get_msg_chunk: push edx ; EDX = length of file
+ xor bx,bx ; == xbs_textbuf
+ mov cx,[BufSafe]
+ call getfssec
+ pop edx
+ push si ; Save current cluster
+ xor si,si ; == xbs_textbuf
+ mov cx,[BufSafeBytes] ; Number of bytes left in chunk
+ push cx
+ push edx
+ es lodsb
+ cmp al,1Ah ; DOS EOF?
+ je msg_done_pop
+ push si
+ mov cl,[UsingVGA]
+ inc cl ; 01h = text mode, 02h = graphics
+ call [NextCharJump] ; Do what shall be done
+ pop si
+ pop edx
+ pop cx
+ dec edx
+ jz msg_done
+ loop print_msg_file
+ pop si
+ jmp short get_msg_chunk
+ add sp,byte 6 ; Drop pushed EDX, CX
+ pop si
+ pop es
+ ret
+msg_putchar: ; Normal character
+ cmp al,0Fh ; ^O = color code follows
+ je msg_ctrl_o
+ cmp al,0Dh ; Ignore <CR>
+ je msg_ignore
+ cmp al,0Ah ; <LF> = newline
+ je msg_newline
+ cmp al,0Ch ; <FF> = clear screen
+ je msg_formfeed
+ cmp al,19h ; <EM> = return to text mode
+ je near msg_novga
+ cmp al,18h ; <CAN> = VGA filename follows
+ je near msg_vga
+ jnb .not_modectl
+ cmp al,10h ; 10h to 17h are mode controls
+ jae near msg_modectl
+msg_normal: call write_serial_displaymask ; Write to serial port
+ test [DisplayMask],cl
+ jz msg_ignore ; Not screen
+ mov bx,[TextAttrBX]
+ mov ah,09h ; Write character/attribute
+ mov cx,1 ; One character only
+ int 10h ; Write to screen
+ mov al,[CursorCol]
+ inc ax
+ cmp al,[VidCols]
+ ja msg_line_wrap ; Screen wraparound
+ mov [CursorCol],al
+msg_gotoxy: mov bh,[TextPage]
+ mov dx,[CursorDX]
+ mov ah,02h ; Set cursor position
+ int 10h
+msg_ignore: ret
+msg_ctrl_o: ; ^O = color code follows
+ mov word [NextCharJump],msg_setbg
+ ret
+msg_newline: ; Newline char or end of line
+ mov si,crlf_msg
+ call write_serial_str_displaymask
+msg_line_wrap: ; Screen wraparound
+ test [DisplayMask],cl
+ jz msg_ignore
+ mov byte [CursorCol],0
+ mov al,[CursorRow]
+ inc ax
+ cmp al,[VidRows]
+ ja msg_scroll
+ mov [CursorRow],al
+ jmp short msg_gotoxy
+msg_scroll: xor cx,cx ; Upper left hand corner
+ mov dx,[ScreenSize]
+ mov [CursorRow],dh ; New cursor at the bottom
+ mov bh,[ScrollAttribute]
+ mov ax,0601h ; Scroll up one line
+ int 10h
+ jmp short msg_gotoxy
+msg_formfeed: ; Form feed character
+ mov si,crff_msg
+ call write_serial_str_displaymask
+ test [DisplayMask],cl
+ jz msg_ignore
+ xor cx,cx
+ mov [CursorDX],cx ; Upper lefthand corner
+ mov dx,[ScreenSize]
+ mov bh,[TextAttribute]
+ mov ax,0600h ; Clear screen region
+ int 10h
+ jmp short msg_gotoxy
+msg_setbg: ; Color background character
+ call unhexchar
+ jc msg_color_bad
+ shl al,4
+ test [DisplayMask],cl
+ jz .dontset
+ mov [TextAttribute],al
+ mov word [NextCharJump],msg_setfg
+ ret
+msg_setfg: ; Color foreground character
+ call unhexchar
+ jc msg_color_bad
+ test [DisplayMask],cl
+ jz .dontset
+ or [TextAttribute],al ; setbg set foreground to 0
+ jmp short msg_putcharnext
+ mov word [NextCharJump],msg_filename
+ mov di, VGAFileBuf
+ jmp short msg_setvgafileptr
+ mov byte [TextAttribute],07h ; Default attribute
+ mov word [NextCharJump],msg_putchar
+ ret
+msg_filename: ; Getting VGA filename
+ cmp al,0Ah ; <LF> = end of filename
+ je msg_viewimage
+ cmp al,' '
+ jbe msg_ret ; Ignore space/control char
+ mov di,[VGAFilePtr]
+ cmp di,VGAFileBufEnd
+ jnb msg_ret
+ mov [di],al ; Can't use stosb (DS:)
+ inc di
+ mov [VGAFilePtr],di
+msg_ret: ret
+ call vgaclearmode
+ jmp short msg_initvars
+ push es
+ push ds
+ pop es ; ES <- DS
+ mov si,VGAFileBuf
+ mov di,VGAFileMBuf
+ push di
+ call mangle_name
+ pop di
+ call searchdir
+ pop es
+ jz msg_putcharnext ; Not there
+ call vgadisplayfile
+ ; Fall through
+ ; Subroutine to initialize variables, also needed
+ ; after loading a graphics file
+ pusha
+ mov bh,[TextPage]
+ mov ah,03h ; Read cursor position
+ int 10h
+ mov [CursorDX],dx
+ popa
+ jmp short msg_putcharnext ; Initialize state machine
+ and al,07h
+ mov [DisplayMask],al
+ jmp short msg_putcharnext
+; write_serial: If serial output is enabled, write character on serial port
+; write_serial_displaymask: d:o, but ignore if DisplayMask & 04h == 0
+ test byte [DisplayMask], 04h
+ jz write_serial.end
+ pushfd
+ pushad
+ mov bx,[SerialPort]
+ and bx,bx
+ je .noserial
+ push ax
+ mov ah,[FlowInput]
+ ; Wait for space in transmit register
+ lea dx,[bx+5] ; DX -> LSR
+ in al,dx
+ test al,20h
+ jz .waitspace
+ ; Wait for input flow control
+ inc dx ; DX -> MSR
+ in al,dx
+ and al,ah
+ cmp al,ah
+ jne .waitspace
+ xchg dx,bx ; DX -> THR
+ pop ax
+ call slow_out ; Send data
+.noserial: popad
+ popfd
+.end: ret
+; write_serial_str: write_serial for strings
+; write_serial_str_displaymask: d:o, but ignore if DisplayMask & 04h == 0
+ test byte [DisplayMask], 04h
+ jz write_serial_str.end
+.loop lodsb
+ and al,al
+ jz .end
+ call write_serial
+ jmp short .loop
+.end: ret
+; pollchar: check if we have an input character pending (ZF = 0)
+ pushad
+ mov ah,1 ; Poll keyboard
+ int 16h
+ jnz .done ; Keyboard response
+ mov dx,[SerialPort]
+ and dx,dx
+ jz .done ; No serial port -> no input
+ add dx,byte 5 ; DX -> LSR
+ in al,dx
+ test al,1 ; ZF = 0 if data pending
+ jz .done
+ inc dx ; DX -> MSR
+ mov ah,[FlowIgnore] ; Required status bits
+ in al,dx
+ and al,ah
+ cmp al,ah
+ setne al
+ dec al ; Set ZF = 0 if equal
+.done: popad
+ ret
+; getchar: Read a character from keyboard or serial port
+.again: mov ah,1 ; Poll keyboard
+ int 16h
+ jnz .kbd ; Keyboard input?
+ mov bx,[SerialPort]
+ and bx,bx
+ jz .again
+ lea dx,[bx+5] ; DX -> LSR
+ in al,dx
+ test al,1
+ jz .again
+ inc dx ; DX -> MSR
+ mov ah,[FlowIgnore]
+ in al,dx
+ and al,ah
+ cmp al,ah
+ jne .again
+.serial: xor ah,ah ; Avoid confusion
+ xchg dx,bx ; Data port
+ in al,dx
+ ret
+.kbd: xor ax,ax ; Get keyboard input
+ int 16h
+ and al,al
+ jz .func_key
+ mov bx,KbdMap ; Convert character sets
+ xlatb
+.func_key: ret
+; debug hack to print a character with minimal code impact
+debug_tracer: pushad
+ pushfd
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bx,[bp+9*4] ; Get return address
+ mov al,[cs:bx] ; Get data byte
+ inc word [bp+9*4] ; Return to after data byte
+ call writechr
+ popfd
+ popad
+ ret