path: root/
diff options
authorhpa <hpa>2005-01-06 22:34:06 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>2005-01-06 22:34:06 +0000
commita966e54c41674cfb72340fd436bdf85988c14dd7 (patch)
tree93d244d27e6c2f9a6bca7b2432ba66c841be57fb /
parentfb7489b14bc413a373e4138157a34e2683a1aa26 (diff)
Commit 3.10 changes to mainline. In particular, support multi-file
initrd, and the shuffle and boot API.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ae418b6f..83b57f46 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ comboot_int21: cli
loopne .again
; The last function in the list is the
; "no such function" function
+ clc
call ax ; Call the invoked function
setc P_FLAGSL ; Propagate CF->error
@@ -281,14 +281,13 @@ comboot_checkver: ; 30 = check DOS version
mov P_EBX,'SL' << 16
mov P_ECX,'IN' << 16
mov P_EDX,'UX' << 16
- clc
cmp byte [APIKeyFlag],00h
jne .queued
call getchar ; If not queued get input
- and al,al ; Function key?
+ and al,al ; Function key? (CF <- 0)
jnz .done
mov [APIKeyWait],ah ; High part of key
inc byte [APIKeyFlag] ; Set flag
@@ -322,7 +321,7 @@ comboot_int22:
xor ax,ax ; Function 0 -> unimplemented
xchg ax,bx
- add bx,bx
+ add bx,bx ; CF <- 0
call [bx+int22_table]
jmp comboot_resume ; On return
@@ -546,12 +545,17 @@ comapi_cleanup:
call comapi_cleanup
+ mov eax,P_EDI
+ mov [trackbuf+4],eax ; Copy from
+ mov eax,P_ECX
+ mov [trackbuf+8],eax ; Total bytes
+ mov eax,7C00h
+ mov [trackbuf],eax ; Copy to
+ mov [EntryPoint],eax ; CS:IP entry point
mov esi,P_ESI
mov edx,P_EBX
mov bx,P_DS
- push P_EDI
- push P_ECX
- jmp replace_bootstrap
+ jmp replace_bootstrap_one
@@ -604,6 +608,43 @@ comapi_dnsresolv equ comapi_err
dw %2
+; INT 22h AX=0011h Maximum number of shuffle descriptors
+ mov P_CX,(2*trackbufsize)/12
+ ret
+; INT 22h AX=0012h Cleanup, shuffle and boot
+ call comapi_cleanup
+ mov cx,P_CX
+ cmp cx,(2*trackbufsize)/12
+ ja .error
+ push cx ; On stack: descriptor count
+ lea cx,[ecx+ecx*2] ; CX *= 3
+ mov fs,P_ES
+ mov si,P_DI
+ mov di,trackbuf
+ push di ; On stack: descriptor list address
+ fs rep movsd ; Copy the list
+ mov eax,P_EBP
+ mov [EntryPoint],eax ; CS:IP entry point
+ mov esi,P_ESI
+ mov edx,P_EBX
+ mov bx,P_DS
+ jmp replace_bootstrap
+ stc
+ ret
int21 00h, comboot_return
int21 01h, comboot_getkey
@@ -619,23 +660,25 @@ int21_count equ ($-int21_table)/3
align 2, db 0
- dw comapi_err ; 0000 unimplemented syscall
- dw comapi_get_version ; 0001 get SYSLINUX version
- dw comapi_writestr ; 0002 write string
- dw comapi_run ; 0003 run specified command
- dw comapi_run_default ; 0004 run default command
- dw comapi_textmode ; 0005 force text mode
- dw comapi_open ; 0006 open file
- dw comapi_read ; 0007 read file
- dw comapi_close ; 0008 close file
- dw comapi_pxecall ; 0009 call PXE stack
- dw comapi_derinfo ; 000A derivative-specific info
- dw comapi_serialcfg ; 000B get serial port config
- dw comapi_cleanup ; 000C perform final cleanup
- dw comapi_chainboot ; 000D clean up then bootstrap
- dw comapi_configfile ; 000E get name of config file
- dw comapi_ipappend ; 000F get ipappend strings
- dw comapi_dnsresolv ; 0010 resolve hostname
+ dw comapi_err ; 0000 unimplemented syscall
+ dw comapi_get_version ; 0001 get SYSLINUX version
+ dw comapi_writestr ; 0002 write string
+ dw comapi_run ; 0003 run specified command
+ dw comapi_run_default ; 0004 run default command
+ dw comapi_textmode ; 0005 force text mode
+ dw comapi_open ; 0006 open file
+ dw comapi_read ; 0007 read file
+ dw comapi_close ; 0008 close file
+ dw comapi_pxecall ; 0009 call PXE stack
+ dw comapi_derinfo ; 000A derivative-specific info
+ dw comapi_serialcfg ; 000B get serial port config
+ dw comapi_cleanup ; 000C perform final cleanup
+ dw comapi_chainboot ; 000D clean up then bootstrap
+ dw comapi_configfile ; 000E get name of config file
+ dw comapi_ipappend ; 000F get ipappend strings
+ dw comapi_dnsresolv ; 0010 resolve hostname
+ dw comapi_maxshuffle ; 0011 maximum shuffle descriptors
+ dw comapi_shuffle ; 0012 cleanup, shuffle and boot
int22_count equ ($-int22_table)/2
APIKeyWait db 0