diff options
authorhpa <hpa>1999-06-14 23:07:59 +0000
committerhpa <hpa>1999-06-14 23:07:59 +0000
commitbae36d18fea224e0049f7e6390a9b6d8b98b2941 (patch)
parent417b20071add845d93acfae27effdfba0bf4ca26 (diff)
Serial console support; still needs polishing, though. Unsure if safe
without a serial port plugged in?
3 files changed, 151 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 28a9075c..af9ffd0d 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Changes in 1.45:
+ * Serial console support. See syslinux.doc for details.
Changes in 1.44:
* Change HIGHMEM_MAX to 38000000h to (hopefully) avoid the
kernel stepping on it; 3f000000h was apparently a higher
diff --git a/ldlinux.asm b/ldlinux.asm
index 80aa274f..47d77fe0 100644
--- a/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/ldlinux.asm
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
max_cmd_len equ 255 ; Must be odd; 255 is the kernel limit
retry_count equ 6 ; How patient are we with the disk?
HIGHMEM_MAX equ 038000000h ; Highest address for an initrd
+DEFAULT_BAUD equ 9600 ; Default baud rate for serial port
; Should be updated with every release to avoid bootsector/SYS file mismatch
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ vk_end: equ $ ; Should be <= vk_size
vk_seg equ 8000h ; This is where we stick'em
xfer_buf_seg equ 7000h ; Bounce buffer for I/O to high mem
fat_seg equ 5000h ; 128K area for FAT (2x64K)
-comboot_seg equ 1000h ; COMBOOT image loading zone
+comboot_seg equ 2000h ; COMBOOT image loading zone
; For our convenience: define macros for jump-over-unconditinal jumps
@@ -344,6 +345,7 @@ NextCharJump resw 1 ; Routine to interpret next print char
SetupSecs resw 1 ; Number of setup sectors
SavedSP resw 1 ; Our SP while running a COMBOOT image
A20Test resw 1 ; Counter for testing status of A20
+SerialPort resw 1 ; Serial port no (or -1 for no serial port)
TextAttrBX equ $
TextAttribute resb 1 ; Text attribute for message file
TextPage resb 1 ; Active display page
@@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ RetryCount resb 1 ; Used for disk access retries
KbdFlags resb 1 ; Check for keyboard escapes
LoadFlags resb 1 ; Loadflags from kernel
A20Tries resb 1 ; Times until giving up on A20
+FuncFlag resb 1 ; == 1 if <Ctrl-F> pressed
MNameBuf resb 11 ; Generic mangled file name buffer
InitRD resb 11 ; initrd= mangled name
KernelCName resb 13 ; Unmangled kernel name
@@ -1218,6 +1221,8 @@ parse_config:
je pc_kernel
cmp ax,'im' ; IMplicit
je near pc_implicit
+ cmp ax,'se' ; SErial
+ je near pc_serial
cmp al,'f' ; F-key
jne parse_config
jmp pc_fkey
@@ -1280,6 +1285,26 @@ pc_implicit: call getint ; "implicit" command
mov [AllowImplicit],bx
jmp short parse_config_2
+pc_serial: call getint ; "serial" command
+ jc parse_config_2
+ mov [SerialPort],bx
+ call skipspace
+ call getint
+; jnc .valid_baud
+; mov ebx,DEFAULT_BAUD ; No baud rate given
+;.valid_baud: mov ecx,9600
+ mov ax,00e3h ; INT 14h init parameters
+;.baud_loop: cmp ebx,ecx
+; jae .this_baud
+; sub al,020h
+; shr ecx,1
+; jmp short .baud_loop
+.this_baud: mov dx,[SerialPort]
+ int 14h ; Initialize serial port
+ mov al,'>'
+ call write_serial
+ jmp short parse_config_2
pc_fkey: sub ah,'1'
jnb pc_fkey1
mov ah,9 ; F10
@@ -1316,10 +1341,10 @@ pc_label: call commit_vk ; Commit any current vkernel
mov cx,[AppendLen]
mov [VKernelBuf+vk_appendlen],cx
rep movsb
- jmp short parse_config_2
+ jmp near parse_config_3
pc_font: call pc_getfile ; "font" command
- jz parse_config_2 ; File not found?
+ jz parse_config_3 ; File not found?
call loadfont ; Load and install font
jmp short parse_config_3
@@ -1381,8 +1406,9 @@ check_for_key:
mov si,boot_prompt
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
+ mov byte [FuncFlag],0 ; <Ctrl-F> not pressed
mov di,command_line
; get the very first character -- we can either time
@@ -1406,7 +1432,14 @@ tick_loop: push dx
mov ah,1 ; Check for pending keystroke
int 16h
jnz get_char_pop
- xor ax,ax
+ mov dx,[SerialPort] ; Check for serial port input
+ cmp dx,byte -1
+ je .noserial
+ mov ax,0300h
+ int 14h
+ test ah,1 ; Receive data ready
+ jnz get_char_pop
+.noserial: xor ax,ax
int 1Ah ; Get time "of day"
pop ax
cmp dx,ax ; Has the timer advanced?
@@ -1414,45 +1447,89 @@ tick_loop: push dx
pop cx
loop time_loop ; If so, decrement counter
jmp command_done ; Timeout!
-get_char_pop: pop eax ; Clear the stack
-get_char: xor ax,ax ; Get char
+get_char_pop: pop eax ; Clear stack
+get_char: mov ah,1 ; Keyboard char ready?
+ int 16h
+ jnz get_kbd
+ mov dx,[SerialPort] ; Serial port input?
+ cmp dx,byte -1
+ je get_char
+ mov ax,0300h
+ int 14h
+ test ah,1
+ jz get_char
+get_serial: mov ax,0200h ; Get char from serial port
+ mov dx,[SerialPort]
+ int 14h
+ jmp short got_ascii
+get_kbd: xor ax,ax ; Get char
int 16h
and al,al
jz func_key
mov bx,KbdMap ; Keyboard map translation
+got_ascii: cmp al,7Fh ; <DEL> == <BS>
+ je backspace
cmp al,' ' ; ASCII?
jb not_ascii
ja enter_char
cmp di,command_line ; Space must not be first
je get_char
-enter_char: cmp di,max_cmd_len+command_line ; Check there's space
+enter_char: test byte [FuncFlag],1
+ jz .not_ctrl_f
+ mov byte [FuncFlag],0
+ cmp al,'0'
+ jb .not_ctrl_f
+ je ctrl_f_0
+ cmp al,'9'
+ jbe ctrl_f
+.not_ctrl_f: cmp di,max_cmd_len+command_line ; Check there's space
jnb get_char
stosb ; Save it
call writechr ; Echo to screen
- jmp short get_char
-not_ascii: cmp al,0Dh ; Enter
+get_char_2: jmp short get_char
+not_ascii: mov byte [FuncFlag],0
+ cmp al,0Dh ; Enter
je command_done
+ cmp al,06h ; <Ctrl-F>
+ je set_func_flag
cmp al,08h ; Backspace
jne get_char
- cmp di,command_line ; Make sure there is anything
+backspace: cmp di,command_line ; Make sure there is anything
je get_char ; to erase
dec di ; Unstore one character
mov si,wipe_char ; and erase it from the screen
- call writestr
- jmp short get_char
+ call cwritestr
+ jmp short get_char_2
+ mov byte [FuncFlag],1
+ jmp short get_char_2
+ctrl_f_0: add al,10 ; <Ctrl-F>0 == F10
+ctrl_f: push di
+ sub al,'0'
+ xor ah,ah
+ jmp short show_help
push di
cmp ah,68 ; F10
- ja get_char
+ ja get_char_2
sub ah,59 ; F1
- jb get_char
- mov cl,ah
- shr ax,4 ; Convert to x16
+ jb get_char_2
+ shr ax,8
+show_help: ; AX = func key # (0 = F1, 9 = F10)
+ mov cl,al
+ shl ax,4 ; Convert to x16
mov bx,1
shl bx,cl
and bx,[FKeyMap]
- jz get_char ; Undefined F-key
+ jz get_char_2 ; Undefined F-key
mov di,ax
add di,FKeyName
call searchdir
@@ -1461,17 +1538,17 @@ func_key:
jmp short fk_wrcmd
mov si,crlf_msg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,boot_prompt
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
pop di ; Command line write pointer
push di
mov byte [di],0 ; Null-terminate command line
mov si,command_line
- call writestr ; Write command line so far
+ call cwritestr ; Write command line so far
pop di
- jmp short get_char
+ jmp short get_char_2
mov si,default_cmd
mov di,command_line
@@ -1480,7 +1557,7 @@ auto_boot:
jmp short load_kernel
mov si,crlf_msg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
cmp di,command_line ; Did we just hit return?
je auto_boot
xor al,al ; Store a final null
@@ -1569,9 +1646,9 @@ bad_kernel:
push di
call unmangle_name ; Get human form
mov si,err_notfound ; Complain about missing kernel
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
pop si ; KernelCName
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,crlf_msg
jmp abort_load ; Ask user for clue
@@ -1898,9 +1975,9 @@ memsize_ok:
mov si,err_noinitrd
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,InitRDCName
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,crlf_msg
jmp abort_load
@@ -2052,7 +2129,7 @@ kill_motor:
; routines, print a CRLF to end the row of dots
mov si,crlf_msg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
; If we're debugging, wait for a keypress so we can read any debug messages
@@ -2156,7 +2233,7 @@ comboot_end_cmd: mov al,0Dh ; CR after last character
; Looks like a COMBOOT image but too large
mov si,err_comlarge
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
cb_enter: jmp enter_command
; Proper return vector
@@ -2180,9 +2257,9 @@ comboot_bogus: cli ; Don't trust anyone
mov si,KernelCName
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,err_notdos
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
jmp short cb_enter
@@ -2241,7 +2318,7 @@ load_bootsec:
mov si,err_bootsec
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
jmp enter_command
@@ -2251,14 +2328,15 @@ bad_bootsec:
-cwstr_1: lodsb lodsb
and al,al
- jz cwstr_2
+ jz .end
+ call write_serial ; Write to serial port if enabled
mov ah,0Eh ; Write to screen as TTY
mov bx,0007h ; White on black, current page
int 10h
- jmp short cwstr_1
-cwstr_2: popa
+ jmp short .top
+.end: popa
@@ -2506,9 +2584,9 @@ rd_last_moby:
pop si ; Clean up the stack
mov si,crlf_msg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov si,loading_msg ; Write new "Loading " for
- call writestr ; the benefit of the kernel
+ call cwritestr ; the benefit of the kernel
pop es ; Restore original ES
@@ -2549,7 +2627,7 @@ abort_load:
mov sp,StackBuf-2*3 ; Reset stack
mov ss,ax ; Just in case...
- call writestr ; Expects SI -> error msg
+ call cwritestr ; Expects SI -> error msg
al_ok: jmp enter_command ; Return to command prompt
; End of abort_check
@@ -2652,6 +2730,7 @@ dir_return:
; mangling any registers
+ call write_serial ; write to serial port if needed
mov ah,0Eh
mov bx,0007h ; white text on this page
@@ -2790,6 +2869,8 @@ msg_putchar: ; Normal character
je msg_newline
cmp al,0Ch ; <FF> = clear screen
je msg_formfeed
+msg_normal: call write_serial ; Write to serial port
mov bx,[TextAttrBX]
mov ah,09h ; Write character/attribute
mov cx,1 ; One character only
@@ -2799,6 +2880,7 @@ msg_putchar: ; Normal character
cmp al,[VidCols]
ja msg_newline
mov [CursorCol],al
msg_gotoxy: mov bh,[TextPage]
mov dx,[CursorDX]
mov ah,02h ; Set cursor position
@@ -2808,6 +2890,10 @@ msg_ctrl_o: ; ^O = color code follows
mov word [NextCharJump],msg_setbg
msg_newline: ; Newline char or end of line
+ mov al,0Dh
+ call write_serial
+ mov al,0Ah
+ call write_serial
mov byte [CursorCol],0
mov al,[CursorRow]
inc ax
@@ -2823,6 +2909,10 @@ msg_scroll: xor cx,cx ; Upper left hand corner
int 10h
jmp short msg_gotoxy
msg_formfeed: ; Form feed character
+ mov al,0Dh
+ call write_serial
+ mov al,0Ch
+ call write_serial
xor cx,cx
mov [CursorDX],cx ; Upper lefthand corner
mov dx,[ScreenSize]
@@ -2849,6 +2939,19 @@ msg_color_bad:
+; write_serial: If serial output is enabled, write character on serial port
+ pusha
+ mov dx,[SerialPort]
+ cmp dx,byte -1
+ je .noserial
+ mov ah,01h
+ int 14h
+.noserial: popa
+ ret
; open,getc: Load a file a character at a time for parsing in a manner
; similar to the C library getc routine. Only one simultaneous
; use is supported. Note: "open" trashes the trackbuf.
@@ -2991,11 +3094,11 @@ gkw_eof_pop: pop ax
gkw_eof: ret ; CF = 1 on all EOF conditions
gkw_missingpar: pop ax
mov si,err_noparm
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
jmp gkw_find
gkw_badline_pop: pop ax
gkw_badline: mov si,err_badcfg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
jmp short gkw_find
gkw_skipline: cmp al,10 ; Scan for LF
je gkw_find
@@ -3183,7 +3286,7 @@ dumpregs proc near ; When calling, IP is on stack
pop ds
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov si,offset crlf_msg
- call writestr
+ call cwritestr
mov bx,sp
add bx,byte 26
mov si,offset regnames
@@ -3430,6 +3533,7 @@ keywd_table db 'ap' ; append
db 'la' ; label
db 'im' ; implicit
db 'ke' ; kernel
+ db 'se' ; serial
db 'f1' ; F1
db 'f2' ; F2
db 'f3' ; F3
diff --git a/version b/version
index f42aadee..ec8538e9 100644
--- a/version
+++ b/version
@@ -1 +1,2 @@