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-Using SWIG to Control, Prototype, and Debug C Programs with Python
-<body BGCOLOR="ffffff">
-<h1> Using SWIG to Control, Prototype, and Debug C Programs with Python </h1>
-(Submitted to the 4th International Python Conference) <br> <br>
-David M. Beazley <br>
-Department of Computer Science <br>
-University of Utah <br>
-Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 <br>
-<a href=""> </a> <br>
-<h2> Abstract </h2>
-I discuss early results in using SWIG to interact with C and C++ programs
-using Python. Examples of using SWIG are provided along with a
-discussion of the benefits and limitations of this approach. This
-paper describes work in progress with the hope of getting feedback and
-ideas from the Python community.
-</em> <br> <br>
-Note : SWIG is freely available at <a href=""> </a>
-<h2> Introduction </h2>
-SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is a code
-tool designed to make it easy for scientists and engineers to add scripting
-language interfaces to programs and libraries written in C and C++.
-The first version of SWIG was developed in July 1995
-for use with
-very large scale scientific applications running on the Connection
-Machine 5 and Cray T3D at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
-Since that time, the system has been extended to support several
-interface languages including Python, Tcl, Perl4, Perl5, and Guile [1].
-In this paper, I will describe how SWIG can be used to interact with
-C and C++ code from Python. I'll also discuss some
-applications and limitations of this approach. It is important to
-emphasize that SWIG was primarily designed for scientists and engineers
-who would like to have a nice interface, but who would rather
-work on more interesting problems than figuring out how to build
-a user interface or using a complicated interface generation tool.
-<h2> Introducing SWIG </h2>
-The idea behind SWIG is really quite simple---most interface
-languages such as Python provide some mechanism for making
-calls to functions written in C or C++. However, this almost
-always requires the user to write special "wrapper" functions
-that provide the glue between the scripting language and the
-C functions. As an example, if you wanted to add the
-<tt> getenv() </tt> function to Python, you would need to write
-the following wrapper code [4] :
-static PyObject *wrap_getenv(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
- char * result;
- char * arg0;
- if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s",&arg0))
- return NULL;
- result = getenv(arg0);
- return Py_BuildValue("s", result);
-</pre> </tt>
-While writing a single wrapper function isn't too difficult,
-it quickly becomes tedious and error prone as the number
-of functions increases.
-SWIG automates this process by generating
-wrapper code from a list ANSI C function and variable declarations.
-As a result, adding scripting languages to C applications can become
-an almost trivial exercise. <br> <br>
-The core of the SWIG consists of a YACC parser and a collection
-of general purpose utility functions. The output of the parser
-is sent to two different modules--a language module for writing
-wrapper functions and a documentation module for producing a simple
-reference guide. Each of the target languages and documentation methods
-is implemented as C++ class that can be plugged in to the system.
-Currently, Python, Tcl, Perl4, Perl5, and Guile are supported as
-target languages while documentation can be produced in ASCII, HTML,
-and LaTeX. Different target languages can be implemented as a new
-C++ class that is linked with a general purpose SWIG library file.
-<h2> Previous work </h2>
-Most Python users are probably aware that automatic wrapper generation is
-not a new idea. In particular, packages such as ILU are capable
-of providing bindings between C, C++, and Python using specifications
-given in IDL (Interface Definition Language) [3]. SWIG is not really meant to compete with this
-approach, but is designed to be a no-nonsense, easy to use tool
-that scientists and engineers can use to build interesting interfaces
-without having to worry about grungy programming details or learning
-a complicated interface specification language.
-With that said, SWIG is certainly not designed to turn Python into
-a C or C++ clone (I'm not sure that turning Python into interpreted
-C/C++ compiler would be a good idea anyways). However, SWIG can allow
-Python to interface with a surprisingly wide variety of C functions.
-<h2> A SWIG example </h2>
-While it is not my intent to provide a tutorial, I hope to
-illustrate how SWIG works by building a module from part of the
-UNIX socket library.
-While there is probably no need to do this in practice (since Python
-already has a socket module), it illustrates most of SWIG's capabilities
-on a moderately complex example and provides a basis for
-comparison between an existing module and one created by SWIG. <br> <br>
-As input, SWIG takes an input file referred to as an "interface file."
-The file starts with a preamble containing the name of the
-module and a code block where special header files, additional C
-code, and other things can be added. After that, ANSI C function
-and variable declarations are listed in any order. Since SWIG
-uses C syntax, it's usually fairly easy to build an interface
-from scratch or simply by copying an existing header file.
-The following SWIG interface file will be used for our socket example :
-// socket.i
-// SWIG Interface file to play with some sockets
-%init sock // Name of our module
-#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt
-#include &lt;sys/socket.h&gt
-#include &lt;netinet/in.h&gt
-#include &lt;arpa/inet.h&gt
-#include &lt;netdb.h&gt
-/* Set some values in the sockaddr_in structure */
-struct sockaddr *new_sockaddr_in(short family, unsigned long hostid, int port) {
- struct sockaddr_in *addr;
- addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- bzero((char *) addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- addr-&gt;sin_family = family;
- addr-&gt;sin_addr.s_addr = hostid;
- addr-&gt;sin_port = htons(port);
- return (struct sockaddr *) addr;
-/* Get host address, but return as a string instead of hostent */
-char *my_gethostbyname(char *hostname) {
- struct hostent *h;
- h = gethostbyname(hostname);
- if (h) return h-&gt;h_name;
- else return "";
-// Add these constants
-#define SIZEOF_SOCKADDR sizeof(struct sockaddr)
-// Wrap these functions
-int socket(int family, int type, int protocol);
-int bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *myaddr, int addrlen);
-int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *servaddr, int addrlen);
-int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
-int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *peer, %val int *addrlen);
-int close(int fd);
-struct sockaddr *new_sockaddr_in(short family, unsigned long, int port);
-%name gethostbyname { char *my_gethostbyname(char *); }
-unsigned long inet_addr(const char *ip);
-%include unixio.i
-There are several things to notice about this file
-<li> The module name is specified with the <tt> %init </tt> directive.
-<li> Header files and supporting C code is placed in <tt> %{,%} </tt>.
-<li> Special support functions may be necessary. For example, <tt>
-new_sockaddr_in() </tt> creates a new <tt> struct sockaddr_in </tt> type
-and sets some of its values.
-<li> Constants are created with <tt> enum </tt> or <tt> #define. </tt>
-<li> Functions can take most C basic datatypes as well as pointers
-to complex types.
-<li> Functions can be renamed with the <tt> %name </tt> directive.
-<li> The <tt> %val </tt> directive forces a function argument to be called by
-<li> The <tt> %include </tt> directive can be used to include other
-SWIG interface files. In this case, the file <tt> unixio.i </tt>
-might look like the following :
-// File : unixio.i
-// Some file I/O and memory functions
-int read(int fd, void *buffer, int n);
-int write(int fd, void *buffer, int n);
-typedef unsigned int size_t;
-void *malloc(size_t nbytes);
-<li> Since interface files can include other interface files, it can be very
-easy to build up libraries and collections of useful functions.
-<li> <tt> typedef </tt> can be used to provide mapping between datatypes.
-<li> C and C++ comments are allowed and like C, SWIG ignores whitespace.
-The key thing to notice about SWIG interface files is that they support
-real C functions, constants, and datatypes including C pointers. As
-a general rule these files are also independent of the target scripting
-language--the primary reason why it's easy to support different
-<h2> Building a Python module </h2>
-Building a Python module with SWIG is a simple process that proceeds as
-follows (assuming you're running Solaris 2.x) :
-unix > wrap -python socket.i
-unix > gcc -c socket_wrap.c -I/usr/local/include/Py
-unix > ld -G socket_wrap.o -lsocket -lnsl -o
-The <tt> wrap </tt> command takes the interface file and produces a C file
-called <tt> socket_wrap.c </tt>. This file is then compiled and built into
-a shared object file.
-<h2> A sample Python script </h2>
-Our new socket module can be used normally within a Python script.
-For example, we could write a simple server process to echo all
-data received back to a client :
-# Echo server program using SWIG module
-from sock import *
-PORT = 5000
-sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
-if sockfd < 0:
- raise IOError, 'server : unable to open stream socket'
-addr = new_sockaddr_in(AF_INET,INADDR_ANY,PORT)
-if (bind(sockfd, addr, SIZEOF_SOCKADDR)) < 0 :
- raise IOError, 'server : unable to bind local address'
-client_addr = new_sockaddr_in(AF_INET, 0, 0)
-newsockfd = accept(sockfd, client_addr, SIZEOF_SOCKADDR)
-buffer = malloc(1024)
-while 1:
- nbytes = read(newsockfd, buffer, 1024)
- if nbytes > 0 :
- write(newsockfd,buffer,nbytes)
- else : break
-In our Python module, we are manipulating a socket, in almost
-exactly the same way as would be done in a C program. We'll take
-a look at a client written using the Python socket library shortly.
-<h2> Pointers and run-time type checking </h2>
-SWIG imports C pointers as ASCII strings containing both the
-address and pointer type. Thus, a typical SWIG pointer might look
-like the following : <br> <br>
-<tt> _fd2a0_struct_sockaddr_p </tt> <br> <br>
-Some may view the idea of importing C pointers into Python as unsafe or even
-truly insane. However, handling pointers seems to be needed in order
-for SWIG to handle most interesting types of C code. To provide some safety,
-the wrapper functions generated by SWIG perform pointer-type checking
-(since importing C pointers into
-Python has in effect, bypassed type-checking in the C compiler).
-When incompatible pointer types are used, this is what happens :
-unix > python
-Python 1.3 (Apr 12 1996) [GCC 2.5.8]
-Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
->>> from sock import *
->>> sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
->>> buffer = malloc(8192);
->>> bind(sockfd,buffer,SIZEOF_SOCKADDR);
-Traceback (innermost last):
- File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
-TypeError: Type error in argument 2 of bind. Expected _struct_sockaddr_p.
-SWIG's run-time type checking provides a certain degree of safety from
-using invalid parameters and making simple mistakes. Of course, any system
-supporting pointers can be abused, but SWIG's implementation has proven
-to be quite reliable under normal use.
-<h2> Comparison with a real Python module </h2>
-As a point of comparison, we can now write a client script using the
-Python socket module (this example courtesy of the Python library
-reference manual) [5].
-# Echo client program
-from socket import *
-HOST = ''
-PORT = 5000
-s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
-s.send('Hello world')
-data = s.recv(1024)
-print 'Received', `data`
-As one might expect, the two scripts look fairly similar. However
-there are certain obvious differences. First, the SWIG generated
-module is clearly a quick and dirty approach. We must explicitly
-check for errors and create a few C data structures. Furthermore,
-while Python functions such as <tt> socket() </tt> can take optional
-arguments, SWIG generated functions can not (since the underlying
-C function can't). Of course, the apparent ugliness
-of the SWIG module compared to the Python equivalent is not the
-point here.
-The real idea to emphasize is that SWIG
-can take a set of real C functions with moderate complexity and
-produce a fully functional Python module in a very short period of
-time. In this case, about 10 minutes worth of effort.
-guessing that the Python socket module required more time than that).
-With a bit of work, the SWIG generated module could probably be
-used to build a more user-friendly version that hid many of the details.
-<h2> Controlling C programs </h2>
-Of course, the real goal of SWIG is not to produce quirky
-replacements for modules in the Python library. Instead, it
-better suited as a mechanism for
-controlling a variety of C programs. <br> <br>
-In the SPaSM molecular dynamics code used at Los Alamos National
-Laboratory, SWIG
-is used to build an interface out of about 200 C functions [2].
-This happens at compile time so most users don't
-notice that it has occurred. However, as a result, it is now
-extremely easy for the physicists using the code to
-extend it with new functions.
-Whenever new functionality is added, the new
-functions are put into a SWIG interface file and the functions
-become available when the code is recompiled (a process
-which usually only involves the new C functions and SWIG generated
-wrapper file). Of course, when running under Python, it is possible
-to build extensions and dynamically load them as needed. <br> <br>
-Another point, not to be overlooked, is the fact that SWIG makes it
-very easy for a user to combine bits and pieces of completely different
-software packages without waiting for someone to write a special
-purpose module. For example, SWIG can be used to import the C API
-of Matlab 4.2 into Python. This combined with a simulation module
-can allow a scientist to perform both simulation and data analysis in
-interactively or from a script. One could even build a Tkinter interface to control
-the entire system. The ease of using SWIG makes it possible for
-scientists to build applications out of components that
-might not have been considered earlier.
-<h2> Prototyping and Debugging </h2>
-When debugging new modules or libraries, it would be nice to be able
-to test out the functions without having to repeatedly recompile the
-module with the rest of a large application. With SWIG, it is often
-possible to prototype and debug modules independently. SWIG can be
-used to build Python wrappers around the functions and scripts
-can be used for testing. In many cases, it is possible to create
-the C data structures and other information that would have been generated
-by the larger application all from within a Python script. Since
-SWIG requires no changes to the C code, integrating the new C code into
-the large package is usually pretty easy. <br> <br>
-A related benefit of the SWIG approach is that it is now possible
-to easily experiment with large software libraries and packages.
-Peter-Pike Sloan at the
-University of Utah, used SWIG to wrap the entire contents of the Open-GL
-library (including more than 560 constants and 340 C functions).
-This ``interpreted'' Open-GL could then be used interactively to
-determine various image parameters and to draw simple figures.
-Is this case, it proved to be a remarkably effective way of
-figuring out the effects of different parameters and functions without
-having to recompile after every modification.
-<h2> Living dangerously with datatypes </h2>
-One of the reasons SWIG is easy to use for prototyping and control
-applications is its extremely forgiving treatment of datatypes.
-<tt> typedef </tt> can be used to map datatypes, but whenever
-SWIG encounters an unknown datatype, it simply assumes that it's
-some sort of complex datatype. As a result, it's possible to
-wrap some fairly complex C code with almost no effort. For example,
-one could create a module allowing Python to create a Tcl interpreter
-and execute Tcl commands as follows :
-// tcl.i
-// Wrap Tcl's C interface
-%init tcl
-#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;
-Tcl_Interp *Tcl_CreateInterp(void);
-void Tcl_DeleteInterp(Tcl_Interp *interp);
-int Tcl_Eval(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *script);
-int Tcl_EvalFile(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *file);
-SWIG has no idea what <tt> Tcl_Interp </tt> is, but it doesn't
-really care as long as it's used as a pointer. When used in a
-Python script, this module would work as follows :
-unix > python
-Python 1.3 (Mar 26 1996) [GCC 2.7.0]
-Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
->>> import tcl
->>> interp = tcl.Tcl_CreateInterp();
->>> tcl.Tcl_Eval(interp,"for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i 1} {puts $i}");
-<h2> Limitations </h2>
-This approach represents a balance of flexibility and ease of use.
-I have always felt that the tool shouldn't be more complicated than
-the original problem. Therefore, SWIG certainly won't do everything.
-Some of SWIG's limitations include it's limited understanding of
-complex datatypes. Often the user must write special functions
-to extract information from structures even though passing complex
-datatypes around by reference works remarkably well in practice.
-SWIG's support for C++ is also quite limited. At the moment SWIG
-can be used to pass pointers to C++ objects around, but actually
-transforming a C++ object into some sort of Python object is far
-beyond the capabilities of the current implementation. Finally, SWIG
-lacks an exception model which may be of concern to some users.
-<h2> Limitations in the Python implementation </h2>
-SWIG's support for Python is in many ways, limited by the fact that
-SWIG was originally developed for use with other languages. For example,
-representing C pointers as a character string can be seen as a carry-over
-from an earlier Tcl implementation. With a little work, I believe
-that one could create a Python "pointer" datatype while still retaining
-type-checking and other features. <br> <br>
-Another limitation in the current Python implementation is the apparent lack
-of variable linking support. Many applications, particularly scientific ones,
-have global variables that a user may want to access. SWIG currently
-creates Python functions for accessing these variables, but other
-scripting languages provide a more natural mechanism.
-For example, in Perl, it is
-possible to attach "set" and "get" functions to a Perl object. These
-are evaluated whenever that variable is accessed in a script.
-For all practical purposes this special variable looks like any other Perl
-variable, but is really linked to an C global variable (of course,
-maybe there is a reason why Perl calls these "magic" variables). <br> <br>
-If an equivalent variable linking mechanism is available in Python, I
-couldn't find it [4].
-If not, it might be possible to create a new kind of Python datatype
-that supports variable linking, but which interacts seamlessly
-with existing Python integer, floating point, and character string types.
-<h2> Summary and future work </h2>
-This paper has described work in progress with the SWIG system and
-its support for Python. I believe that this approach shows great
-promise for future work--especially within the scientific and
-engineering community. Most of the people introduced to SWIG and
-Python have
-found both systems extremely easy and straightforward to use.
-I am currently
-quite interested in improving SWIG's interface to Python and exploring
-its use with numerical Python in order to build interesting
-and flexible scientific applications [6].
-<h2> Acknowledgments </h2>
-This project would not have been possible without the support of a number
-of people. Peter Lomdahl, Shujia Zhou, Brad Holian, Tim Germann, and Niels
-Jensen at Los Alamos National Laboratory were the first users and were
-instrumental in testing out the first designs. Patrick Tullmann,
-John Schmidt,Peter-Pike Sloan, and Kurtis Bleeker at the University of Utah have also
-been instrumental in testing out some of the newer versions and
-providing feedback.
-John Buckman has suggested many interesting
-improvements and is currently working on porting SWIG to non-Unix
-platforms including NT, OS/2 and Macintosh.
-I'd like to thank Chris Johnson and the members of the Scientific
-Computing and Imaging group at the University of Utah for their continued
-support. Some of this work was performed under the auspices of the
-Department of Energy.
-<h2> References </h2>
-[1] D.M. Beazley. <em> SWIG : An Easy to Use Tool for Integrating
-Scripting Languages with C and C++ </em>. Proceedings of the 4th
-USENIX Tcl/Tk Workshop (1996) (to appear). <br> <br>
-[2] D.M. Beazley and P.S. Lomdahl <em> Message-Passing Multi-Cell
-Molecular Dynamics on the Connection Machine 5 </em>, Parallel
-Computing 20 (1994), p. 173-195. <br> <br>
-[3] Bill Janssen and Mike Spreitzer, <em> ILU : Inter-Language
-Unification via Object Modules</em>, OOPSLA 94 Workshop on
-Multi-Language Object Models.
-<br> <br>
-[4] Guido van Rossum, <em> Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter,
-</em> October 1995. <br> <br>
-[5] Guido van Rossum, <em> Python Library Reference </em>, October
-1995. <br> <br>
-[6] Paul F. Dubois, Konrad Hinsen, and James Hugunin, <em> Numerical
-Python, </em> Computers in Physics, (1996) (to appear)