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-SWIG-1.3.12, SWIG-2.0 and Beyond
-<h2>SWIG-1.3.12, SWIG 2.0, and Beyond</h2>
-Author: David Beazley (
-June 2, 2002
-With the release of SWIG-1.3.12, I thought I'd take a few moments of
-everyone's time to talk about the past, the present, and the future of
-SWIG development. I'm really quite excited about the current release
-because I think it represents a huge turning point in SWIG's
-development. Furthermore, it is only the beginning of bigger and
-better things to come. However, we definitely need your help.
-To put a little perspective on the discussion, I'd start with a few
-development statistics. In the last 12 months, there have been over
-300 entries added to the CHANGES log and over 4000 CVS commits.
-Although that may not sound like a lot compared to a huge software
-project, it is significant in the context of SWIG. As a point of
-comparison, there has been more SWIG development this year than in any
-other year of the project and more than in the previous three years
-combined. This even includes the first few years of development in
-which there was also a lot of activity. Furthermore, many of the
-recent changes have been extremely non-trivial (e.g., templates,
-namespaces, type system, operators, etc.). As a result, SWIG is more
-capable than I ever imagined possible.
-Regrettably, I must admit that I've been a little negligent in
-discussing the roadmap for where I thought this flurry of SWIG
-development was actually headed. In part, this is because I've been
-buried in work. However, the real reason is that I didn't really know
-where we were going---except that in a time far far far away in the
-future, we might arrive at some kind of "stable" release with a
-version number other than "1.3.x". Needless to say, that's not a very
-compelling story.
-That said, I've spent a lot of time thinking about SWIG and trying to
-wrap my brain around it. Specifically, just what is (or should be)
-the primary focus of this project and what are we really trying to do?
-That's what the rest of this message is about.
-<h3>SWIG Prehistory</h3>
-The first version of SWIG was written in 1995. The original system
-was developed to help with some software wrapping problems I
-encountered while writing molecular dynamics software at Los
-Alamos. Later that year, I became interested in extending the wrapper
-generator to support other scripting languages so it was rewritten in
-C++ and modified with multiple backends (Tcl, Perl, and Guile). This
-led to a first public release in February, 1996. Feedback from this
-release led to a series of enhancements and the release of SWIG 1.0 in
-September 1996. Throughout this process, my intent was to create a
-tool that I would want to use---I never viewed the project as an
-CS experiment in programming languages or software engineering.
-<h3>SWIG 1.1</h3>
-SWIG-1.1 (June, 1997) represented a series of enhancements that were
-added in response to feedback at conferences and from users. Shadow
-classes, exception handling, typemaps, and a number of more useful
-features were added. However, the overall structure of the system was
-relatively unchanged from the initial version. Following the release
-of 1.1, a series of minor patch releases were made. This resulted in
-the release of SWIG-1.1p5 in February, 1998. Unfortunately, this
-release would remain the last "stable" release for quite a long
-time---in fact, it is still listed as the last "stable" release on the
-SWIG web page!
-<h3>SWIG Hell</h3>
-Even during the development of SWIG-1.1, it was clear that the whole
-design of the system was deeply flawed. The implementation was a mess
-and the C/C++ support was full of holes and nasty corner cases.
-Furthermore, there was no unifying principle that tied all of the
-different SWIG directives together. Not only that, fixing these
-problems appeared to be nothing short of impossible---requiring a
-total ground-up rewrite at best. The only redeeming quality was that
-the system basically worked "well enough," it was extensively
-documented, and its flaws mostly known. People could use it and there
-were work-arounds for most common problems.
-To deal with the design problem, there were at least four attempts to
-completely rewrite SWIG, some of which were attempted in parallel with
-the work on SWIG-1.1. Unfortunately, none of these were ever
-completed. The primary problem was a strong "second system" effect and
-a desire to make SWIG do everything that one might conceivably want to
-do with a wrapper generator (somehow). Clearly, this was a recipe for
-disaster. In fact, all such attempts to rewrite SWIG were eventually
-abandoned several years ago. In hindsight, I think the real problem
-was that these rewrite efforts focused far too much attention on
-implementation technique rather than principles. In short, the
-failure of these efforts was due to a lack of clarity in understanding
-how SWIG ought to work (regardless of how it was actually
-<h3>SWIG Restart (1.3a1-1.3a5)</h3>
-Having languished for several years, the SWIG1.1p5 release had a
-growing pile of maintenance issues. It didn't work for newer versions
-of certain language modules and a lot of minor bug reports and feature
-requests had been building up. With a lot of help from Loic Dachary and
-Thien-Thi Nguyen, we put together the 1.3a1 release (February,
-2000). This was mostly a bug fix release to 1.1p5 except that the
-preprocessor module from SWIG1.2 was added and a lot of minor
-enhancements were added.
-For the next six months, a massive effort was made to rewrite all of
-SWIG's internal data structures (strings, lists, hashes, etc.). This
-work was all going on underneath the covers while we tried to keep
-SWIG in an operational state. The primary focus of this work was
-really one of cleanup. Having given up on a total rewrite, perhaps
-we could settle with making the implementation incrementally better
-than before. In addition this, Matthias Koppe jumped on board to
-reimplement the Guile module and to make other improvements to the system.
-An important aspect of these releases was that many parts of the
-system not directly related to wrapper code generation were removed.
-This included the documentation system and Objective-C support. These
-were not removed because they weren't useful. Instead, the
-documentation system was removed because it accounted for nearly half
-of the special SWIG directives, yet had no direct bearing on what SWIG
-actually did. Obective-C support was removed because it was tangled
-with C++ support in a way that was very difficult to understand and
-maintain. The removal of these features was seen as a way to vastly
-simplify cleanup--and to buy some time where we could rethink their
-role in a future release.
-<h3>SWIG Redux (1.3.6-1.3.11)</h3>
-This work, started in February 2001, is the beginning of the current
-SWIG implementation. With the help of William Fulton, Matthias Koppe,
-Lyle Johnson, Luigi Ballabio, Jason Stewart, Richard Palmer, Sam
-Liddicot, and others, this work can best be described as the wholesale
-destruction of everything remaining from SWIG-1.1. The language
-module API, type system, the parser, numerous SWIG directives, and
-SWIG library files---all destroyed or rewritten. Not only that, we
-started introducing significant incompatibilities with
-SWIG-1.1---mostly in an effort to correct past wrongs and get
-ourselves out of the tangled mess of earlier versions. A huge number
-of long-standing bugs and difficult feature requests have also been
-The general goal of this development could best be described as an
-attempt to reduce SWIG to an easily described set of general "ideas"
-about how it should operate. Special SWIG directives have been
-eliminated or combined with others. Different parts of the system have
-been better integrated. Features not directly related to wrapper code
-generation have been removed and the system has become more
-focused. Changes in internal data structures and APIs have allowed
-SWIG to capture more information from interface files and to resolve
-hard corner cases. More often than not, these are things that you
-never notice unless you are an old user and you suddenly realize that
-a problem you had several years back has disappeared.
-Along with the destruction of old code, this work has quietly
-introduced a new core--the most significant features of which are a
-new C++ type system and multi-pass compilation. More importantly,
-this work has really tried to provide a more principled foundation for
-future SWIG development. However, just what is this "more principled
-<h3>Convergence (1.3.12)</h3>
-With the upcoming 1.3.12 release, SWIG is about to take a big leap
-forward. Almost all of this is due to one realization---that almost
-every hard problem in past SWIG releases has been directly related to
-errors and limitations in its type system. Types are the key to
-understanding the structure of C and C++ code. They are at the heart
-of understanding advanced language features like namespaces, nested
-classes, and templates. They are directly related to the data
-marshalling that occurs in wrappers. Not only that, they interact
-with nearly every SWIG directive. A proper type system *is* the
-necessary foundation for moving SWIG forward.
-To be honest, I don't think that the emphasis on types is entirely
-obvious. In fact, a great deal of work in past SWIG rewrites has
-focused on the problem of C++ parsing. For instance, modifying the
-parser to handle more advanced C++ code or representing parse trees as
-XML. Furthermore, if one looks at the SWIG mailing list, you can find
-a *lot* of messages related to issues of C++ parsing whereas almost no
-one ever talks about types (well, other than typemaps). Even other
-wrapper generation tools seems to spend a lot of time dealing with the
-parsing issue. Although parsing is clearly important, I don't think it
-has ever been the real problem in SWIG. This is because even though a
-parser can tell you what's in a header file, it doesn't tell you
-anything about how the different pieces of the system behave or how
-they might interact. To do that, you need to do a lot more than just
-parsing--and that's really the whole point.
-Although earlier 1.3 releases have made big improvements to the type
-system, SWIG-1.3.12 is the first release that really tries to tackle
-the type-system issue in a major way. We have patched nearly all
-remaining holes in the type system and we have added full support for
-C++ namespaces. Not only that, we have completely reimplemented C++
-template support in a way that supports templates, member templates,
-and template specialization. Luigi and I are currently using this to
-work on proper SWIG library support for parts of the C++ standard
-library and the Standard Template Library (STL). Although some crusty
-C programmers (present company excepted), might balk at such apparent
-insanity, this work has impacted all parts of SWIG at all levels.
-Even a variety of subtle errors in C support have been fixed by this
-In addition to the type system work, SWIG-1.3.12 contains continued
-reduction in the implementation. Directives have been removed,
-refined, renamed, or consolidated. We're still narrowing the focus of
-the system and working towards some kind of convergence. "Convergence
-to what?!?", you ask.
-<h3>So, what is SWIG?</h3>
-In a nutshell, SWIG is a C/C++ declaration compiler that generates
-wrapper code (okay, so you knew that much). However, to really
-understand what SWIG is doing and where SWIG-1.3.x is headed, it is
-useful to know that the whole system is essentially being built around
-three extensions to the C++ type system:
-<li><p><b>Typemaps.</b> Typemaps are rules that define the process by which
- data is converted between languages. They are fully integrated
- with the C++ type system and they are applied using a type-based
- pattern matching mechanism. All data conversion SWIG is
- defined by typemaps and is fully reconfigurable.
-<li><p><b>Declaration annotation.</b> There are special directives that modify
- the wrapping behavior of individual declarations. Declarations
- can be selectively identified and decorated with arbitrary
- attributes that affect wrapper generation. Like typemaps,
- declaration matching is fully integrated with the C++ type system.
- Almost all SWIG customization directives are a form of declaration
- annotation.
-<li><p><b>Class extension.</b> The ability to extend classes and structures
- with new methods/attributes when building wrappers. Classes
- are part of the type system so class extension is naturally
- integrated with the C++ type system as well (big surprise).
-And that's it--this is the end-game of SWIG-1.3.x development. When
-stabilized and documented it will become SWIG-2.0.
-<h3>The Bigger Picture</h3>
-I really want to emphasize that all of this work is part of a much
-bigger picture. SWIG is used by a surprising number of people in
-industry, government, and academia. It's used to build systems used
-by millions of people every day. It has even shown up in video games
-and other unlikely settings. Although SWIG doesn't have the same
-visibility as many large software projects, over 12000 people have
-downloaded SWIG-1.3.11 in the last 4 months. Clearly someone is using
-it for something! Because of this, I think it is important for us to
-work on moving SWIG towards a more solid foundation. Doing so will
-give the system more credibility and long term viability---and it will
-be a lot more fun to use!
-It's also worth noting that there are some rather interesting CS
-connections at work here. Extensions to the type system and typemaps
-have some interesting relations to work in programming languages. The
-SWIG declaration annotation system and class extension feature seem
-oddly similar to work in the emerging area of Aspect Oriented
-Programming (AOP). There are undoubtedly connections to other areas
-of software engineering and architecture.
-The key point is that SWIG isn't going to connect to anything if
-no-one can quite describe what it is or how it works.
-<h3>SWIG-2.0 and the Future</h3>
-SWIG-1.3.12 still represents work in progress. There are bugs, the
-documentation is still incomplete, and there are parts of the
-implementation that are rather ugly. We are also still working out a
-few very hard problems like nested classes, callback functions, and
-overloading. A few old features are still missing (Objective-C,
-documentation). However, I believe the end of the 1.3.x series is
-near and achievable.
-Over the summer, a few more 1.3.x releases may appear but the current
-plan is to aim for a SWIG-2.0 release in September. This release is
-really moving towards the design principles described above and will
-be a very major enhancement over SWIG-1.1.
-As for the future, a number of interesting ideas are on the table. I
-want to add support for contracts/assertions in order to solve some
-reliability issues that arise when retrofitting legacy codes with a
-scripting interface. Support for an extension language has been
-promoted by David Fletcher and was suggested by someone else on the
-mailing list rather recently. I have a graduate student working on
-SWIG support for the Microsoft CLR and .NET languages. Other work
-might include support for alternative parsers, dynamically loadable
-language modules, and so forth. However, none of this is really going
-to materialize if we can't get the 2.0 release stablized. In fact, I
-see SWIG-2.0 as a necessary step for moving forward with these ideas.
-<h3>We need your help! Yes, you.</h3>
-Nobody gets paid to work on SWIG. The developers are volunteers who
-work in their spare time. Furthermore, SWIG is not supported by
-investors, a large corporation, or research grants. I work on it
-because it's fun, challenging, and useful. I presume that other
-developers do the same. However, we only have limited resources and
-we need your help.
-If you like SWIG and find it useful, we need you to try new versions.
- We want you to torture test the releases and to break them. We need
- bug reports. No bug is too obscure or unimportant---we *will* fix it
- if we can. We also need feedback about things that are annoying or
- compatibility features that might help in going from 1.1 to 2.0.
-<li><p> We need help with documentation, examples, testing, libraries, and all
- sorts of other aspects of the release. Even if you have never
- written a SWIG language module or dived into its implementation,
- there are many ways that you can help. Consider writing a case study
- about how you wrapped a big library. Contribute tests that break the
- implementation in horrible ways. Help with the web page or FAQ.
-<li><p> Most of the SWIG-1.3.x work has focused on the SWIG core. However, as
- the 2.0 release nears, we will be working on a variety of enhancements
- to the language modules. If there are things you would like to see
- in any of the language modules, you need to let us know.
-<li><p> There are SWIG language modules that have not made it into the
- distribution. Examples that I know about include ITCL, Swig-Eiffel,
- and Swig-Lua. We would gladly make these part of the standard SWIG
- distribution. However, we also need help to do it. Porting from
- SWIG-1.1 is no easy task, but we're more than willing to help. It's
- not as bad as one might imagine.
-<li><p> We are always looking for developers. Subscribe to
- to the <a href="mail.html">swig-dev</a> mailing list
- or send me email to get involved.
-I'd just like to thank everyone who has submitted feedback, bugs, made
-contributions, and put up with my occasional thrashing over the years.
-I welcome any comments about this document and how we can make SWIG even
-Dave Beazley ( <br>
-June 2, 2002