path: root/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel')
-rw-r--r--Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/cmapbin768 -> 0 bytes
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/Makefile b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9280d7bb2..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-TOP = ../../..
-SWIG = $(TOP)/../swig
-SWIGOPT = -I../../Interface
-TARGET = gifplot
-INTERFACE = mandel.i
-LIBS = -L../.. -lgifplot
-INCLUDES = -I../../Include
- $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile SRCS='$(SRCS)' SWIG='$(SWIG)' \
- $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile SRCS='$(SRCS)' SWIG='$(SWIG)' \
- $(MAKE) -f $(TOP)/Makefile tcl_clean
- rm -f *.gif
-check: all
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/README b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a533d09b8..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Kill lots of time exploring the Mandelbrot set. This example uses
-the full SWIG interface file located in ../../Interface. To run
-the program, type 'wish mandel.tcl'.
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/cmap b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/cmap
deleted file mode 100644
index a20c331a9..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/cmap
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/display.tcl b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/display.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 89eedf044..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/display.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Tcl code to display a image in a widget
-set __imageno 0
-proc dismiss {t i} {
- destroy $t
- image delete $i
-proc BoxInit { c p2 mxmin mymin mxmax mymax func } {
- bind $c <Button-1> {BoxBegin %W %x %y}
- bind $c <B1-Motion> {BoxDrag %W %x %y}
- bind $c <ButtonRelease-1> "BoxFinish %W %x %y $p2 $mxmin $mymin $mxmax $mymax $func"
-proc BoxBegin {w x y} {
- global box
- set box(anchor) [list $x $y]
- catch {unset box(last)}
-proc BoxDrag { w x y} {
- global box
- catch {$w delete $box(last)}
- set box(last) [eval {$w create rect} $box(anchor) {$x $y -tag box -outline white}]
-proc BoxFinish {w x y p2 mxmin mymin mxmax mymax func } {
- global box
- set start $box(anchor)
- set x1 [lrange $start 0 0]
- set y1 [lrange $start 1 1]
- catch {$w delete $box(last)}
-# Call the handler function
- $func $p2 $mxmin $mymin $mxmax $mymax $x1 $y1 $x $y
-proc display_image {filename p2 handler} {
- global __imageno __images
- set i [image create photo -file $filename]
- set tl .image$__imageno
- toplevel $tl
- frame $tl.img
- frame $tl.button
- set width [image width $i]
- set height [image height $i]
- canvas $tl.img.c -width [expr {$width+0}] -height [expr {$height+0}]
- pack $tl.img.c
- $tl.img.c create image 0 0 -image $i -anchor nw
- label $tl.button.label -text $filename
- pack $tl.button.label -side left
- button $tl.button.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "dismiss $tl $i" -width 10
- pack $tl.button.dismiss -side right
- pack $tl.img $tl.button -side top -fill x
- BoxInit $tl.img.c $p2 [$p2 cget -xmin] [$p2 cget -ymin] [$p2 cget -xmax] [$p2 cget -ymax] $handler
- bind $tl <Key-q> "dismiss $tl $i"
- bind $tl <Key-Escape> "dismiss $tl $i"
- # Bind some actions to the canvas
- incr __imageno 1
-proc test {} {
- puts "hello"
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.i b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b19f4727..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Special module to run the mandlebrot set
-%module gifplot
-%include gifplot.i
-%inline %{
-void mandel(Plot2D *p2, int tol) {
- double scalingx;
- double scalingy;
- double zr,zi,ztr,zti,cr,ci;
- double cscale;
- int i,j,n;
- FrameBuffer *f;
- f = p2->frame;
- scalingx = (p2->xmax-p2->xmin)/f->width;
- scalingy = (p2->ymax-p2->ymin)/f->height;
- cscale = 239.0/tol;
- printf("working...\n");
- for (i = 0; i < f->width; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < f->height; j++) {
- zr = scalingx*i + p2->xmin;
- zi = scalingy*j + p2->ymin;
- cr = zr;
- ci = zi;
- n = 0;
- while (n < tol) {
- ztr = zr*zr-zi*zi + cr;
- zti = 2*zr*zi + ci;
- zr = ztr;
- zi = zti;
- if (ztr*ztr + zti*zti > 20) break;
- n = n + 1;
- }
- if (n >= tol) FrameBuffer_plot(f,i,j,BLACK);
- else FrameBuffer_plot(f,i,j,16+(int) (n*cscale));
- }
- if ((i % 10) == 0) printf("%d\n",i);
- }
diff --git a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.tcl b/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e1600bc1..000000000
--- a/Examples/GIFPlot/Tcl/mandel/mandel.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-catch { load ./gifplot[info sharedlibextension] }
-source display.tcl
-set tcl_precision 17
-set f [FrameBuffer -args 400 400]
-set cmap [ColorMap -args cmap]
-set p2 [Plot2D -args $f -3 -2 1 2]
-set xmin -3
-set xmax 1
-set ymin -2.0
-set ymax 2.0
-set tolerance 240
-set filename mandel.gif
-# Make a plot from the above parms
-proc make_plot {} {
- global p2 cmap tolerance
- global xmin ymin xmax ymax filename
- $p2 setrange $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax
- $p2 start
- . config -cursor watch
- update
- mandel $p2 $tolerance
- . config -cursor arrow
- [$p2 cget -frame] writeGIF $cmap $filename
- display_image $filename $p2 set_zoom
-# Take some screen coordinates and set global min and max values
-proc set_zoom {p2 mxmin mymin mxmax mymax x1 y1 x2 y2} {
- global xmin ymin xmax ymax
- set frame [$p2 cget -frame]
- set width [$frame cget -width]
- set height [$frame cget -height]
- if {$x1 < 0} {set x1 0}
- if {$x1 > ($width)} {set x1 $width}
- if {$x2 < 0} {set x2 0}
- if {$x2 > ($width)} {set x2 $width}
- if {$x1 < $x2} {set ixmin $x1; set ixmax $x2} {set ixmin $x2; set ixmax $x1}
- if {$y1 < 0} {set y1 0}
- if {$y1 > ($height)} {set y1 $height}
- if {$y2 < 0} {set y2 0}
- if {$y2 > ($height)} {set y2 $height}
- if {$y1 < $y2} {set iymin $y1; set iymax $y2} {set iymin $y2; set iymax $y1}
- # Now determine new min and max values based on screen location
- set xmin [expr {$mxmin + ($mxmax-$mxmin)*($ixmin)/($width)}]
- set xmax [expr {$mxmin + ($mxmax-$mxmin)*($ixmax)/($width)}]
- set ymin [expr {$mymin + ($mymax-$mymin)*(($height)-($iymax))/($height)}]
- set ymax [expr {$mymin + ($mymax-$mymin)*(($height)-($iymin))/($height)}]
- catch {make_plot}
-# Box drag constrained to a square
-proc BoxDrag { w x y} {
- global box
- catch {$w delete $box(last)}
- set x1 [lrange $box(anchor) 0 0]
- set y1 [lrange $box(anchor) 1 1]
- set dx [expr {$x - $x1}]
- set dy [expr {$y - $y1}]
- if {abs($dy) > abs($dx)} {set dx $dy}
- set newx [expr {$x1 + $dx}]
- set newy [expr {$y1 + $dx}]
- set box(last) [eval {$w create rect} $box(anchor) {$newx $newy -tag box -outline white}]
-proc BoxFinish {w x y p2 mxmin mymin mxmax mymax func } {
- global box
- set start $box(anchor)
- set x1 [lrange $box(anchor) 0 0]
- set y1 [lrange $box(anchor) 1 1]
- set dx [expr {$x - $x1}]
- set dy [expr {$y - $y1}]
- if {($dx == 0) || ($dy == 0)} {
- catch {$w delete $box(last)}
- return
- }
- if {abs($dy) > abs($dx)} {set dx $dy}
- set newx [expr {$x1 + $dx}]
- set newy [expr {$y1 + $dx}]
- $w config -cursor watch
- update
-# Call the handler function
- $func $p2 $mxmin $mymin $mxmax $mymax $x1 $y1 $newx $newy
- catch {$w delete $box(last)}
- $w config -cursor arrow
-# Create a few frames
-wm title . Mandelbrot
-frame .title -relief groove -borderwidth 1
-label -text "Mandelbrot Set"
-button .title.quit -text "Quit" -command "exit"
-button .title.about -text "About" -command "about"
-pack -side left
-pack .title.quit .title.about -side right
-frame .func -relief groove -borderwidth 1
-frame .func.xrange
-label .func.xrange.xrlabel -text "X range" -width 12
-entry .func.xrange.xmin -textvar xmin -width 8
-label .func.xrange.xtolabel -text "to"
-entry .func.xrange.xmax -textvar xmax -width 8
-pack .func.xrange.xrlabel .func.xrange.xmin .func.xrange.xtolabel .func.xrange.xmax -side left
-frame .func.yrange
-label .func.yrange.yrlabel -text "Y range" -width 12
-entry .func.yrange.ymin -textvar ymin -width 8
-label .func.yrange.ytolabel -text "to"
-entry .func.yrange.ymax -textvar ymax -width 8
-pack .func.yrange.yrlabel .func.yrange.ymin .func.yrange.ytolabel .func.yrange.ymax -side left
-frame .func.npoints
-label .func.npoints.label -text "Tolerance " -width 12
-entry .func.npoints.npoints -textvar tolerance -width 8
-scale .func.npoints.scale -from 0 -to 2500 -variable tolerance -orient horizontal -showvalue false \
- -sliderlength 13 -bigincrement 10 -resolution 10
-pack .func.npoints.label .func.npoints.npoints .func.npoints.scale -side left
-pack .func.xrange .func.yrange .func.npoints -side top -fill x
-# Filename dialog
-frame .save -relief groove -borderwidth 1
-frame .save.file
-label .save.file.label -text "Save as" -width 12
-entry .save.file.filename -textvar filename -width 20
-pack .save.file.label .save.file.filename -side left
-pack .save.file -side left -fill x
-button .save.go -text "Plot" -command "make_plot"
-pack .save.go -side right
-bind .save.file.filename <Return> {make_plot}
-pack .title .func .save -side top -fill both
-proc about { } {
- toplevel .about -width 350
- message .about.m -text "\
-Mandelbrot Set\n\n\
-Copyright (c) 1997\n\
-Dave Beazley\n\
-University of Utah\n\n\
-Creates a plot of the Mandelbrot set. Any displayed image can be zoomed by clicking and \
-dragging. Although the main calculation is written in C, it may take awhile for each \
-image to be calculated (be patient). Image quality can be improved at the expense of speed \
-by increasing the tolerance value.\n"
-button .about.okay -text "Ok" -command {destroy .about}
-pack .about.m .about.okay -side top
-focus .about.okay