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-<title> SWIG : An Easy to Use Tool For Integrating Scriptint Languages
-with C and C++ </title>
-<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
-SWIG : An Easy to Use Tool for Integrating Scripting Languages with C and C++
-<b> David M. Beazley </b> <br>
-<em> Department of Computer Science <br>
-University of Utah <br>
-Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 <br> <br> </em>
-<br> <br>
-(Presented at the 4th Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, Monterey, CA. July 6-10, 1996. )
-<h2> Abstract </h2>
-I present SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator), a
-program development tool that automatically generates the bindings
-between C/C++ code and common scripting languages including
-Tcl, Python, Perl and Guile. SWIG supports most C/C++ datatypes
-including pointers, structures, and classes.
-Unlike many other approaches, SWIG
-uses ANSI C/C++ declarations and requires the user to make virtually
-no modifications to the underlying C code.
-In addition, SWIG automatically
-produces documentation in HTML, LaTeX, or ASCII format.
-SWIG has been primarily designed for scientists, engineers, and application
-developers who would like to use scripting languages with their C/C++ programs
-without worrying about the underlying implementation details
-of each language or using a complicated software development tool.
-This paper concentrates on SWIG's use with Tcl/Tk.
-<h2> 1. Introduction </h2>
-SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)
-is a software
-development tool that I never intended to develop. At the time,
-I was trying to add a data analysis and visualization capability to
-a molecular dynamics (MD) code I had helped develop for massively
-parallel supercomputers at Los Alamos National Laboratory [Beazley,Lomdahl]. I wanted
-to provide a simple, yet flexible user interface that could be used
-to glue various code modules together and an extensible scripting
-language seemed like an ideal solution. Unfortunately there were constraints.
-First, I didn't want to hack up 4-years of code development trying to
-fit our MD code into yet another interface scheme (having done so several
-times already). Secondly, this code
-was routinely run on systems ranging from Connection Machines and Crays to
-workstations and I didn't want to depend on any one
-interface language---out of fear that it might not be supported on
-all of these platforms. Finally, the users were constantly adding
-new code and making modifications. I needed a flexible, yet easy to use
-system that did not get in the way of the physicists. <br> <br>
-SWIG is my solution to this problem. Simply stated, SWIG automatically generates all
-of the code
-needed to bind C/C++ functions with scripting languages using only
-a simple input file containing C function and variable declarations.
-At first, I supported
-a scripting language I had developed specifically for use
-on massively parallel systems. Later I decided to rewrite SWIG in C++ and extend it to support
-Tcl, Python, Perl, Guile and other languages that interested me. I also
-added more data-types, support for pointers, C++ classes, documentation generation, and
-a few other features. <br> <br>
-This paper provides a brief overview of SWIG
-with a particular emphasis on Tcl/Tk. However, the reader should
-remain aware that SWIG works equally well with
-Perl and other languages. It is not my intent to provide
-a tutorial or a user's guide, but rather to show
-how SWIG can be used to do interesting things such as
-adding Tcl/Tk interfaces to existing C applications,
-quickly debugging and prototyping C code,
-and building interface-language-independent C applications.
-<h2> 2. Tcl and Wrapper Functions </h2>
-In order to add a new C or C++ function to Tcl, it is necessary to
-write a special ``wrapper'' function that parses the function arguments
-presented as ASCII strings by the Tcl interpreter into a representation
-that can be used to call the C function. For example, if you wanted
-to add the factorial function to Tcl, a wrapper function might
-look like the following : <br>
-<tt> <pre>
-int wrap_fact(ClientData clientData,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int result;
- int arg0;
- if (argc != 2) {
- interp->result = "wrong # args";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- arg0 = atoi(argv[1]);
- result = fact(arg0);
- sprintf(interp->result,"%d",result);
- return TCL_OK;
-In addition to writing the wrapper function, a user will also need to
-write code to add this function to the Tcl interpreter. In the case of
-Tcl 7.5, this could be done by writing an initialization function to
-be called when the extension is loaded dynamically. While writing
-a wrapper function usually is not too difficult, the process quickly
-becomes tedious and error prone as the number of functions increases.
-Therefore, automated approaches for producing wrapper functions are
-appealing--especially when working with a large number of C functions
-or with C++ (in which case the wrapper code tends to get more complicated).
-<h2> 3. Prior Work </h2>
-The idea of automatically generating wrapper code is certainly not new.
-Some efforts such as
-Itcl++, Object Tcl, or the XS language included with Perl5, provide a mechanism for
-generating wrapper code, but require the user to provide detailed
-specifications, type conversion rules, or use a specialized
-syntax [heidrich,Wetherall,perl5]. Large packages
-such as the Visualization Toolkit (vtk) may use their own C/C++ translators,
-but these almost always tend to be somewhat special purpose (in fact, SWIG started
-out in this manner) [vtk].
-If supporting multiple languages is the ultimate goal, a programmer might
-consider a package such as ILU [Janssen].
-this requires the user to provide specifications in IDL--a process which
-is unappealing to many users.
-SWIG is not necessarily intended to compete with
-these approaches, but rather is designed to be a no-nonsense tool that
-scientists and engineers can use to easily add Tcl and other scripting
-languages to their own applications. SWIG is also
-very different than Embedded Tk (ET) which also aims to
-simplify code development [ET]. Unlike ET, SWIG is designed to
-integrate C functions into Tcl/Tk as opposed to integrating Tcl/Tk into
-C programs.
-<h2> 4. A Quick Tour of SWIG </h2>
-<h3> 4.1 Organization </h3>
-<img alt = "SWIG Organization" src="fig1.gif"> <br>
-Figure 1 : SWIG Organization <br> <br>
-Figure 1 shows the structure of SWIG. At the core is a YACC parser
-for reading input files along with some utility functions.
-To generate code,
-the parser calls about a dozen functions from a generic language
-class to do things like write a wrapper function, link a
-variable, wrap a C++ member function, etc... Each target language is
-implemented as a C++ class containing the functions that emit
-the resulting C code. If an ``empty'' language definition is given
-to SWIG, it will produce no output. Thus, each language class can
-be implemented in almost any manner.
-The documentation system is implemented in a similar manner and can
-currently produce ASCII, LaTeX, or HTML output. As output,
-SWIG produces a C file that should be compiled and linked with the rest
-of the code and a documentation file that can be used for later reference.
-<h3> 4.2. Interface Files </h3>
-As input, SWIG takes a single input file referred to as an ``interface file.''
-This file contains a few SWIG specific directives, but otherwise contains
-ANSI C function and variable declarations. Unlike the approach in [Heidrich], no type conversion rules are needed and all declarations are made
-using familiar ANSI C/C++ prototypes. The following code shows an
-interface file for wrapping a few C file I/O and memory management functions.
-<tt> <pre>
-/* File : file.i */
-%module fileio
-#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-FILE *fopen(char *filename, char *type);
-int fclose(FILE *stream);
-typedef unsigned int size_t
-size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size,
- size_t nobj, FILE *stream);
-size_t fwrite(void *ptr, size_t size,
- size_t nobj,FILE *stream);
-void *malloc(size_t nbytes);
-void free(void *);
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-The <tt> %module </tt> directive
-sets the name of the initialization function. This is optional, but is
-recommended if building a Tcl 7.5 module.
-Everything inside the <tt> %{, %} </tt>
-block is copied directly into the output, allowing the inclusion of
-header files and additional C code.
-Afterwards, C/C++ function and variable declarations are listed in any
-Building a new Tcl module is usually as
-easy as the following :
-<tt> <pre>
-unix > swig -tcl file.i
-unix > gcc file_wrap.c -I/usr/local/include
-unix > ld -shared file_wrap.o -o
-</pre> </tt>
-<h3> 4.3. A Tcl Example </h3>
-Newly added functions work like ordinary Tcl procedures. For
-example, the following Tcl script copies a file using the binary
-file I/O functions added in the previous example :
-<tt> <pre>
-proc filecopy {name1 name2} {
- set buffer [malloc 8192];
- set f1 [fopen $name1 r];
- set f2 [fopen $name2 w];
- set nbytes [fread $buffer 1 8192 $f1];
- while {$nbytes > 0} {
- fwrite $buffer 1 $nbytes $f2;
- set nbytes [fread $buffer 1 8192 $f1];
- }
- fclose $f1;
- fclose $f2;
- free $buffer
-</pre> </tt>
-<h3> 4.4. Datatypes and Pointers </h3>
-SWIG supports the basic datatypes of <tt> int, short,
-long, float, double, char, </tt> and <tt> void </tt>
-as well as signed and unsigned integers. SWIG
-also allows derived types such as pointers, structures, and classes,
-but these are all encoded as pointers.
-If an unknown type is encountered, SWIG assumes
-that it is a complex datatype that has been defined earlier.
-No attempt is made to figure out what data that datatype actually contains
-or how it should be used. Of course, this this is only possible
-since SWIG's mapping of complex types into pointers allows them
-to be handled in a uniform manner.
-As a result, SWIG does not normally need any sort
-of type-mapping, but <tt> typedef </tt> can be used to map any of the built-in
-datatypes to new types if desired. <br> <br>
-SWIG encodes pointers as hexadecimal strings with type-information. This
-type information is used to provide a run-time type checking mechanism.
-Thus, a typical SWIG pointer looks something like the following : <br> <br>
-<tt> _1008e614_Vector_p </tt> <br> <br>
-If this pointer is passed into a function requiring some other kind of
-pointer, SWIG will generate a Tcl error and return an error message.
-The NULL pointer is represented by the string "NULL". The SWIG run-time
-type checker is saavy to typedefs and the relationship between base classes
-and derived classes in C++. Thus if a
-user specifies <br> <br>
-<tt> typedef double Real; </tt> <br> <br>
-the type checker knows that <tt> Real * </tt> and <tt> double * </tt>
-are equivalent (more on C++ in a minute).
-From the point of view of other Tcl extensions,
-SWIG pointers should be seen as special "handles" except that they
-happen to contain the pointer value and its type. <br> <br>
-To some, this approach may seem horribly restrictive (or error prone),
-but keep in mind that SWIG was primarily designed to work with
-existing C applications. Since most C programs pass complex datatypes
-around by reference this technique works remarkably well in practice.
-Run time type-checking also eliminates most common crashes by catching
-stupid mistakes such as using a wrong variable name or forgetting the
-"$" character in a Tcl script. While it is still possible to crash Tcl by forging a
-SWIG pointer value (or making a call to buggy C code), it is worth
-emphasizing that existing Tcl extensions
-may also crash if given an invalid handle.
-<h3> 4.5. Global Variables and Constants </h3>
-SWIG can install global C variables and constants using Tcl's variable linkage
-Variables may also be declared as ``read only''
-within the Tcl interpreter. The following example shows
-how variables and constants can be added to Tcl :
-<tt> <pre>
-// SWIG file with variables and constants
-// Some global variables
-extern int My_variable;
-extern char *default_path;
-extern double My_double;
-// Some constants
-#define PI 3.14159265359
-#define PI_4 PI/4.0
-enum colors {red,blue,green};
-const int SIZEOF_VECTOR = sizeof(Vector);
-// A read only variable
-extern int Status;
-<h3> 4.6. C++ Support </h3>
-The SWIG parser can handle simple C++ class definitions and supports public
-inheritance, virtual functions, static functions, constructors and
-destructors. Currently, C++ translation is performed
-by politely tranforming C++ code into C code and generating wrappers for the
-C functions. For example, consider the following SWIG interface file
-containing a C++ class definition:
-<tt> <pre>
-%module tree
-#include "tree.h"
-class Tree {
- Tree();
- ~Tree();
- void insert(char *item);
- int search(char *item);
- int remove(char *item);
-static void print(Tree *t);
-When translated, the class will be access used the following set of
-functions (created automatically by SWIG).
-Tree *new_Tree();
-void delete_Tree(Tree *this);
-void Tree_insert(Tree *this, char *item);
-int Tree_search(Tree *this, char *item);
-int Tree_remove(Tree *this, char *item);
-void Tree_print(Tree *t);
-All C++ functions wrapped by SWIG explicitly require the <tt> this </tt> pointer
-as shown. This approach has the advantage of working for all of the target
-languages. It also makes it easier to pass objects between
-other C++ functions since every C++ object is simply represented as a SWIG pointer. SWIG does not support function overloading, but overloaded functions
-can be resolved by renaming them with the SWIG <tt> %name </tt> directive as follows:
-<tt> <pre>
-class List {
- List();
-%name(ListMax) List(int maxsize);
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-The approach used by SWIG is
-quite different than that used in systems such as
-Object Tcl or vtk [vtk,Wetherall]. As a result, users of those systems
-may find it to be confusing. However,
-It is important to note that the modular design of
-SWIG allows the user to completely redefine the output behavior of
-the system. Thus, while the current C++ implementation is quite different
-than other systems supporting C++, it would be entirely possible
-write a new SWIG module that wrapped C++ classes into a representation
-similar to that used by Object Tcl (in fact, in might even be possible
-to use SWIG to produce the input files used for Object Tcl).
-<h3> 4.7. Multiple Files and Code Reuse </h3>
-An essential feature of SWIG is its support for multiple files
-and modules. A SWIG interface file may include another interface
-file using the "<tt> %include </tt>" directive. Thus, an interface
-for a large system might be broken up into a collection of smaller
-modules as shown
-<tt> <pre>
-%module package
-#include "package.h"
-%include geometry.i
-%include memory.i
-%include network.i
-%include graphics.i
-%include physics.i
-%include wish.i
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Common operations can be placed into a SWIG library for use in
-all applications. For example, the <tt> %include wish.i </tt> directive
-tells SWIG to include code for the <tt> Tcl_AppInit() </tt> function
-needed to rebuild the <tt> wish </tt> program. The library can also be
-used to build modules
-allowing SWIG to be used with common Tcl extensions such
-as Expect [Expect]. Of course, the primary use of the library is with
-large applications such as Open-Inventor which contain hundreds of
-modules and a substantial class hierarchy [Invent]. In this case a user
-could use SWIG's include mechanism to selectively pick which modules
-they wanted to use for a particular problem.
-<h3> 4.8. The Documentation System </h3>
-SWIG produces documentation in ASCII, LaTeX, or HTML
-format describing everything that was wrapped. The documentation
-follows the syntax rules of the target language and can
-can be further enhanced by adding descriptions in a C/C++ comment
-immediately following a declaration. These comments may also contain
-embedded LaTeX or HTML commands. For example:
-<tt> <pre>
-extern size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size,
- size_t nobj, FILE *stream);
-/* {\tt fread} reads from {\tt stream} into
-the array {\tt ptr} at most {\tt nobj} objects
-of size {\tt size}. {\tt fread} returns
-the number of objects read. */
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-When output by SWIG and processed by LaTeX, this appears as follows :
-<tt> size_t : fread ptr size nobj stream </tt> <br>
- <tt> fread </tt> reads from <tt> stream </tt> into the array <tt> ptr </tt> at
- most <tt> nobj </tt> objects of size <tt> size </tt>. <tt> fread </tt>
- returns
- the number of objects read.
-<h3> 4.9. Extending the SWIG System </h3>
-Finally, SWIG itself can be extended by the user to provide new
-functionality. This is done by modifying an existing or creating a
-new language class. A typical class must specify the following
-functions that determine the behavior of the parser output :
-<tt> <pre>
-// File : swigtcl.h
-class TCL : public Language {
- // Put private stuff here
-public :
- TCL();
- int main(int, char *argv[]);
- void create_function(char *,char *,DataType*,
- ParmList *);
- void link_variable(char *,char *,DataType *);
- void declare_const(char *,int,char *);
- void initialize(void);
- void headers(void);
- void close(void);
- void usage_var(char *,DataType*,char **);
- void usage_func(char *,DataType*,ParmList*,
- char **);
- void usage_const(char *,int,char*,char**);
- void set_module(char *);
- void set_init(char *);
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Descriptions of these functions can be found in the SWIG
-users manual. To build a new version of SWIG, the user
-only needs to provide the function definitions and a main
-program which looks something like the following :
-<tt> <pre>
-// SWIG main program
-#include "swig.h"
-#include "swigtcl.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- Language *lang;
- lang = new TCL;
- SWIG_main(argc,argv,lang,(Documentation *) 0);
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-When linked with a library file, any extensions and
-modifications can now be used with the SWIG parser. While
-writing a new language definition is not entirely trivial,
-it can usually be done by just copying one of the existing
-modules and modifying it appropriately.
-<h2> 5. Examples </h2>
-<h3> 5.1. A C-Tcl Linked List </h3>
-SWIG can be used to build simple data structures that are usuable in
-both C and Tcl. The following code shows a SWIG interface file for
-building a simple linked list.
-<tt> <pre>
-/* File : list.i */
-struct Node {
- Node(char *n) {
- name = new char[strlen(n)+1];
- strcpy(name,n);
- next = 0;
- };
- char *name;
- Node *next;
-// Just add struct definition to
-// the interface file.
-struct Node {
- Node(char *);
- char *name;
- Node *next;
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-When used in a Tcl script, we can now create new nodes and access
-individual members of the <tt> Node </tt> structure. In fact, we can
-write code to convert between Tcl lists and linked lists entirely
-in Tcl as shown :
-<tt> <pre>
-# Builds linked list from a Tcl list
-proc buildlist {list head} {
- set nitems [llength $list];
- for {set i 0} {$i &lt; $nitems} {incr i -1} {
- set item [lrange $list $i $i]
- set n [new_Node $item]
- Node_set_next $n $head
- set head $n
- }
- return $head
-# Builds a Tcl list from a linked list
-proc get_list {llist} {
- set list {}
- while {$llist != "NULL"} {
- lappend list [Node_name_get $llist]
- set llist [Node_get_next $llist]
- }
- return $list
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-When run interactively, we could now use our Tcl functions as
-<tt> <pre>
-% set l {John Anne Mary Jim}
-John Anne Mary Jim
-% set ll [buildlist $l _0_Node_p]
-% get_list $ll
-Jim Mary Anne John
-% set ll [buildlist {Mike Peter Dave} $ll]
-% get_list $ll
-Dave Peter Mike Jim Mary Anne John
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Aside from the pointer values, our script acts like any other
-Tcl script. However, we have built up a real
-C data structure that could be easily passed to other C functions
-if needed.
-<h3> 5.2. Using C Data-Structures with Tk </h3>
-In manner similar to the linked list example, Tcl/Tk can be used
-to build complex C/C++ data structures. For example, suppose we
-wanted to interactively build a graph of ``Nodes'' for use in a C
-A typical interface file might include the following functions:
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-#include "nodes.h"
-%include wish
-extern Node *new_node();
-extern void AddEdge(Node *n1, Node *n2);
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Within a Tcl/Tk script, loosely based on one to make ball and stick graphs
-in [Ousterhout], a graph could be built as follows:
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-proc makeNode {x y} {
- global nodeX nodeY nodeP edgeFirst edgeSecond
- set new [.create oval [expr $x-15] \
- [expr $y-15] [expr $x+15] \
- [expr $y+15] -outline black \
- -fill white -tags node]
- set newnode [new_node]
- set nodeX($new) $x
- set nodeY($new) $y
- set nodeP($new) $newnode
- set edgeFirst($new) {}
- set edgeSecond($new) {}
-proc makeEdge {first second} {
- global nodeX nodeY nodeP edgeFirst edgeSecond
- set x1 $nodeX($first); set y1 $nodeY($first)
- set x2 $nodeX($second); set y2 $nodeY($second)
- set edge [.c create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \
- -tags edge}
- .c lower edge
- lappend edgeFirst($first) $edge
- lappend edgeSecond($first) $edge
- AddEdge $nodeP($first) $nodeP($second)
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-These functions create
-Tk canvas items, but also attach a pointer to a C data structure to each one.
-This is done by maintaining an associative array mapping
-item identifiers to pointers (with the <tt> nodeP() </tt> array).
-When a
-particular ``node'' is referenced later, we can use this to
-get its pointer use it in calls to C functions.
-<h3> 5.3. Parsing a C++ Simple Class Hierarchy </h3>
-As mentioned earlier, SWIG can handle C++ classes and public
-inheritance. The following example provides a few classes
-and illustrates how this is accomplished (some code has been
-ommitted for readability).
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-// A SWIG inheritance example
-%module shapes
-#include "shapes.h"
-class Shape {
- double xc, yc;
- virtual double area() = 0;
- virtual double perimeter() = 0;
- void set_position(double x, double y);
- void print_position();
-class Circle: public Shape {
- private:
- double radius;
- public:
- Circle(double r);
- double area();
- double perimeter();
-class Square : public Shape {
- double width;
- Square(double w);
- double area();
- double perimeter();
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Now, when wrapped by SWIG (note :
-When parsing C++ classes, SWIG throws away everything declared as private,
-inline code, and alot of the other clutter found in C++ header files.
-Primarily this is provided only to make it easier to build interfaces from
-existing C++ header files.), we can use our class structure as follows:
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-% set c [new_Circle 4]
-% set s [new_Square 10]
-% Shape_area $c
-% Shape_area $s
-% Shape_set_position $c -5 10
-% Circle_print_position $c
-xc = -5, yc = 10
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-In our example, we have created new <tt> Circle </tt> and <tt> Square </tt> objects,
-but these can be used interchangably in any functions defined in the <tt> Shape </tt>
-base class. The SWIG type checker is encoded with the class hierarchy and
-knows the relationship between the different classes. Thus, while an
-object of type <tt> Circle </tt> is perfectly acceptable to a function operating
-on shapes, it would be unacceptable to a function operating only on the
-<tt> Square </tt> type. As in C++, any functions in the base class can be
-called in the derived class as shown by the <tt> Circle_print_position </tt>
-function above.
-<h2> 6. Using SWIG in Real Applications </h2>
-So far only a few simple toy examples have been presented to illustrate
-the operation of SWIG in general.
-This section will describe how SWIG can be used
-with larger applications.
-<h3> 6.1. Use in Scientific Applications </h3>
-Many users, especially within the scientific and engineering
-community, have spent years developing simulation codes.
-While many of these users appreciate the
-power that a scripting language can provide, they don't want to
-completely rewrite their applications or spend all of their time
-trying to build a user-interface (most users would rather be working
-on the scientific problem at hand). While SWIG certainly won't do everything,
-it can dramatically simplify this process. <br> <br>
-As an example, the first SWIG application was the SPaSM molecular
-dynamics code developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory
-[Beazley,Lomdahl]. This code is currently being used for materials
-science problems and consists of more than 200 C functions and about 20000 lines
-of code.
-In order to use SWIG, only the <tt> main() </tt> function had to be
-rewritten along with a few other minor modifications.
-The full user interface is built using a collection of modules for
-simulation, graphics, memory management, etc...
-A user may also supply their own interface modules--allowing the code to
-be easily extended with new functionality capabilities as needed.
-All of the interface files, containing a few hundred lines of
-function declarations, are automatically translated into more than
-2000 lines of wrapper code at compile time. As a result, many users
-of the system know how to extend it, but are unaware of the actual
-wrapping procedure. <br> <br>
-After modifying the SPaSM code to use SWIG, most of the C code remained
-unchanged. In fact, in subsequent work, we were able to eliminate
-more than 25% of the source code--almost all of which was related to the
-now obsolete interface method that we replaced. More importantly, we
-were able to turn a code that was difficult to use and modify into a
-flexible package that was easy to use and extend. This has had a
-huge impact, which can not be understated, on the use of the SPaSM
-code to solve real problems.
-<h3> 6.2. Open-GL and Inventor </h3>
-While SWIG was primarily designed to work with application codes, it
-can also be used to wrap large libraries. At the University of Utah,
-Peter-Pike Sloan used SWIG to wrap the entire contents of the Open-GL
-library into Tcl for use with an Open-GL Tk widget. The process of
-wrapping Open-GL with SWIG was as simple as the following :
-<li> Make a copy of the <tt> gl.h </tt> header file.
-<li> Clean it up by taking a few C preprocessor directives out
- of it. Fix a few typedefs.
-<li> Insert the following code into the beginning
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-%module opengl
-#include &lt;GL/gl.h&gt;
-... Copy edited gl.h here ...
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-<li> Modify the Open-GL widget to call <tt> Opengl_Init </tt>.
-<li> Recompile
-The entire process required only about 10 minutes of work, but resulted
-in more than 500 constants and 360 functions being added to Tcl. Furthermore,
-this extension allows Open-GL commands to be issued directly from Tcl's
-interpreted environment as shown in this example
-(from the Open-GL manual [OpenGL]).
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-% ... open GL widget here ...
-% glClearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-% glColor3f 1.0 1.0 1.0
-% glOrtho -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0
-% glBegin $GL_POLYGON
-% glVertex2f -0.5 -0.5
-% glVertex2f -0.5 0.5
-% glVertex2f 0.5 0.5
-% glVertex2f 0.5 -0.5
-% glEnd
-% glFlush
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-Early work has also been performed on using SWIG to wrap portions
-of the Open-Inventor package [Invent]. This is a more ambitious project
-since Open-Inventor consists of a very large collection of header
-files and C++ classes. However, the SWIG library mechanism can be
-used effective in this case. For each Inventor header, we can create
-a sanitized SWIG interface file (removing alot of the clutter found in
-the header files). These interface files can then be organized to mirror the
-structure of the Inventor system. To build a module for Tcl, a user
-could simply specify which modules they wanted to use as follows :
-<blockquote> <tt> <pre>
-%module invent
-... put headers here ...
-%include "Inventor/Xt/SoXt.i"
-%include "Inventor/Xt/SoXtRenderArea.i"
-%include "Inventor/nodes/SoCone.i"
-%include "Inventor/nodes/SoDirectionalLight.i"
-%include "Inventor/nodes/SoMaterial.i"
-%include "Inventor/nodes/SoPerspectiveCamera.i"
-%include "Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.i"
-</pre> </tt> </blockquote>
-While wrapping the Inventor library will require significantly
-more work than Open-GL, SWIG can be used effectively with such
-<h3> 6.3. Building Interesting Applications by Cut and Paste </h3>
-SWIG can be used to construct tools out of dissimiliar
-packages and libraries.
-In contrast to combining packages at an input level as one might
-do with with Expect, SWIG can be used to build applications at a
-function level [Expect].
-For example, using
-a simple interface file, you can wrap the
-This in turn lets you build a Tcl/Tk interface for controlling
-MATLAB programs. Separately, you could wrap a numerical simulation
-code. Now, a few translation functions could be written and both
-packages combined into a single Tcl/Tk application. You have
-now built a simple ``computational steering'' system that allows you
-to run a simulation code, visualize data in MATLAB, and control the
-entire system with a Tcl/Tk based interface. Figure 2 shows
-a screen snapshot from such a simulation in which the SPaSM molecular
-dynamics code, a visualization module library, image server (using xv),
-and MATLAB have been
-combined. Under this system, the user can interactively set up
-and run simulations while watching the results evolve in real-time.
-<br> <br>
-<img alt = "Tcl/Tk/MATLAB/SPASM Figure" src="steer2.gif"> <br>
-Figure 2: Simple Tcl/Tk Steering Application Built with SWIG <br>
-<h3> 6.4. Language Independent Applications </h3>
-Each scripting language has it's own strengths and weaknesses.
-than trying to choose the language that is the best at everything (which
-is probably impossible),
-SWIG allows a user to use the best language for the job at hand. I'm
-always finding myself writing little utilities and programs to support
-my scientific computing work. Why should I be forced to use only one
-language for everything? With SWIG, I can put a Perl interface on a
-tool and switch over to Tcl/Tk at anytime by just changing a few
-Makefile options. <br> <br>
-Since SWIG provides a language-independent interface specification,
-it is relatively easy to use SWIG generated modules in a variety of
-interesting applications. For example, the identical MATLAB
-module used in the last Tcl example could be imported as Perl5 module
-and combined with a Perl script to produce graphical displays from
-Web-server logs as shown in Figure 3. <br> <br>
-<img alt="Perl5 web stats example" src="hits.gif"> <br>
-Figure 3:Web-server activity graph. Generated from a Perl script, but
-uses an unmodified SWIG generated module for integrating MATLAB with Tcl/Tk. <br> <br>
-Some have promoted the idea of encapsulating several languages into
-a higher level language as has been proposed with Guile [Lord].
-This may be fine if one wants to write code that uses different languages
-all at once, but when I want to use only Tcl or Perl for an application,
-I almost always prefer using the real versions instead of an encapsulated
-variant. SWIG makes this possible without much effort.
-<h3> 6.5. Using Tcl as a debugger </h3>
-Since SWIG can work with existing C code, it can be used quite effectively
-as a debugger.
-You can wrap C functions and interact
-with them from <tt> tclsh </tt> or <tt> wish </tt>.
-Unlike most traditional debuggers, you
-can create objects, buffers, arrays, and other things on the fly
-by putting appropriate definitions in the interface file.
-Since <tt> tclsh </tt> or <tt> wish </tt> provides a <tt> main() </tt> function, you
-can even rip small pieces out of a larger package without including
-that package's main program.
-Scripts can be written to test out different parts of your
-code as it is developed. When you are satisfied with the module,
-removing the interface is as easy as discarding the SWIG interface
-file. I have used SWIG as a debugger for developing graphics libraries,
-network servers, simulation codes, and a wide range of other projects--some
-of which didn't even use a scripting language when completed.
-<h2> 7. Limitations </h2>
-SWIG represents a balance of flexibility and ease of use.
-I have always felt that the tool shouldn't be more complicated than
-the original problem. Therefore, SWIG certainly won't do everything.
-While I believe the pointer representation of complex datatypes works
-well in practice, some users have found this to be too general or
-confusing. SWIG's
-support for C++ is also limited by the fact that SWIG does not support
-operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates, and a number
-of other more advanced C++ features. SWIG also lacks support for
-default or variable length function arguments, array notation,
-pointers to functions (unless hidden by a typedef) and an exception
-Finally, SWIG
-not support all of the features of Tcl such as associative arrays.
-These aren't an inherent part of the C language so it is difficult
-to generalize how they should be handled or generated. I prefer to
-keep the tool simple while leaving these issues up to the individual
-programmer. <br> <br>
-Fortunately, it is almost always possible to work around
-many problems by writing special library functions or making
-modifications to the SWIG language modules to produce the desired effect.
-For example, when wrapping Open-GL, SWIG installed all of the Open-GL
-constants as Tcl global variables. Unfortunately, none of these
-variables were accessible inside Tcl procedures unless they were explicitly
-declared global. By making a modification to the Tcl language module,
-it was possible to put the GL constants into hash table and perform
-a hidden ``lookup'' inside all of the GL-related functions. Similarly,
-much of the functionality of SWIG can be placed into library
-files for use in other modules.
-<h2> 8. Conclusions </h2>
-SWIG has been in use for approximately one year. At Los Alamos National Laboratory, its use with the SPaSM code has
-proven to
-be a remarkably simple, stable, and bug-free way to build and modify user
-interfaces. At the University of Utah, SWIG is being used in a variety
-of other applications where the users have quickly come to appreciate its
-ease of use and flexibility. <br> <br>
-While SWIG may be inappropriate for certain applications, I feel that it
-opens up Tcl/Tk, Python, Perl, Guile, and other languages to
-users who would like to develop interesting user interfaces for their codes,
-but who don't want to worry about the low-level details or figuring
-out how to use a complicated tool. <br> <br>
-Future directions for SWIG include support for other scripting languages,
-and a library of extensions. SWIG may also be extended to support packages
-such as incremental Tcl. Work is also underway to port SWIG to non-unix
-<h2> Acknowledgments </h2>
-This project would not have been possible without the support of a number
-of people. Peter Lomdahl, Shujia Zhou, Brad Holian, Tim Germann, and Niels
-Jensen at Los Alamos National Laboratory were the first users and were
-instrumental in testing out the first designs. Patrick Tullmann at
-the University of Utah suggested the idea of automatic documentation
-generation. John Schmidt, Kurtis
-Bleeker, Peter-Pike Sloan, and Steve Parker at the University of Utah tested out some of the newer versions and
-provided valuable feedback. John Buckman suggested many interesting
-improvements and has been instrumental the recent development of SWIG.
-I'd like to thank Chris Johnson and the members of the Scientific
-Computing and Imaging group at the University of Utah for their continued
-support and for putting up with my wrapping every software package
-I could get my hands on. SWIG was developed in part under the
-auspices of the US Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation,
-and National Institutes of Health.
-<h2> Availability </h2>
-SWIG is free software and available via anonymous FTP at <br> <br>
-<tt> </tt> <br> <br>
-More information is also available on the SWIG homepage at <br> <br>
-<a href=""> <tt> </tt> </a>
-</center> <br> <br>
-<h2> References </h2>
-[Beazley] D.M. Beazley and P.S. Lomdahl,
-<em> Message-Passing Multi-Cell Molecular Dynamics on the Connection
-Machine 5 </em>, Parallel Computing 20 (1994) p. 173-195. <br> <br>
-[ET] Embedded Tk, <br>
-<tt> </tt> <br> <br>
-[Expect] Don Libes, <em> Exploring Expect </em>, O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc. (1995). <br> <br>
-[Heidrich] Wolfgang Heidrich and Philipp Slusallek, <em>
-Automatic Generation of Tcl Bindings for C and C++ Libraries.</em>,
-USENIX 3rd Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop (1995). <br> <br>
-[Janssen] Bill Janssen, Mike Spreitzer, <em> ILU : Inter-Language Unification via Object Modules </em>, OOPSLA 94 Workshop on Multi-Language
-Object Models. <br> <br>
-[Lomdahl] P.S. Lomdahl, P. Tamayo,
-N.Gronbech-Jensen, and D.M. Beazley,
-<em> Proc. of Supercomputing 93 </em>, IEEE Computer Society (1993), p. 520-527.
-<br> <br>
-[Lord] Thomas Lord, <em> An Anatomy of Guile, The Interface to
-Tcl/Tk </em>, Proceedings of the USENIX 3rd Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop (1995). <br> <br>
-[MATLAB] <em> MATLAB External Interface Guide </em>, The Math Works, Inc. (1993).
-<br> <br>
-[Ousterhout] John K. Ousterhout, <em> Tcl and the Tk Toolkit </em>, Addison-Wesley Publishers (1994). <br> <br>
-[Perl5] Perl5 Programmers reference, <br>
-<tt> </tt>, (1996). <br> <br>
-[vtk] W. Schroeder, K. Martin, and B. Lorensen, <em> The
-Visualization Toolkit </em>, Prentice Hall (1995). <br> <br>
-[Invent] J. Wernecke,<em> The Inventor Mentor </em>, Addison-Wesley Publishing (1994). <br> <br>
-[Wetherall] D. Wetherall, C. J. Lindblad, <em> Extending Tcl for
-Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming </em>, Proceedings of the USENIX 3rd Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop (1995). <br> <br>
-[OpenGL] J. Neider, T. Davis, M. Woo, <em> OpenGL Programming Guide </em>, Addison-Wesley Publishing (1993). <br> <br>