path: root/CHANGES
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authorWilliam S Fulton <>2004-12-15 00:13:07 +0000
committerWilliam S Fulton <>2004-12-15 00:13:07 +0000
commit212837f52aa8caa75e362c479f67e0919cc3bcc1 (patch)
tree609d65499b573250ada4317e80ba4873765d7b1e /CHANGES
parentb680cc1420389237ff5965ba214adeb19c077965 (diff)
bumped version
git-svn-id: 626c5289-ae23-0410-ae9c-e8d60b6d4f22
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGES')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 0765ef5b9..29f48a430 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,324 @@ SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)
See CHANGES.current for current version.
+Version 1.3.24 (December 14, 2004)
+12/12/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz)
+ [Chicken] Fix a bunch of bugs relating to -proxy support
+ + non-class variables now export properly using -proxy
+ + static member functions now export properly using -proxy
+ + member class variables now export properly using -proxy
+ + added a -nounit argument, which does not export the (declare (unit ...))
+ + correctly install swigclosprefix.scm
+ + constants (enums, defines) now correcly export when using -proxy
+12/11/2004: wsfulton
+ configure fix for when more than one version of jni_md.h is found
+ in the Java include directory (was generating lots of sed error
+ messages).
+12/08/2004: wsfulton
+ [Java] Fixes to arrays_java.i so that one can apply the array
+ typemaps to functions taking pointers as input, eg
+ %include "arrays_java.i"
+ %apply int[] {int*};
+ void foo(int *a);
+12/05/2004: wsfulton
+ [Java] Director mods contributed by Scott Michel. New typemaps
+ directordisconnect and directordisconnect_derived for the
+ swigDirectorDisconnect() method. Also fix to get the javapackage
+ typemap working again.
+12/05/2004: mmatus
+ - Finishing the fixes for templates + default template
+ args + specializations.
+ - [Python] Now we use the new templates + default template
+ args in the std/STL library. That means the internal
+ swig files are getting uglier since we now support the
+ original declarations:
+ template<class _Tp, class _Alloc = std::allocator< _Tp > >
+ class vector {
+ ....
+ };
+ template<class _Key, class _Tp, class _Compare = std::less<_Key >,
+ class _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const _Key, _Tp > > >
+ class map {
+ ....
+ };
+ and the user can use the %template directive as
+ %template() std::vector<int>;
+ %template() std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >;
+ %template() std::vector<int, MyAllocator<int> >;
+ Now we are closer to the cleaning/rewriting of the
+ python std/STL support, such that we recover support for
+ MSVC++ 6.0, and we can add support for other languages
+ too.
+12/02/2004: wsfulton
+ [Java] Fix for directors when wrapping methods using a member enum
+ and typesafe/proper enums enabled.
+12/01/2004: mmatus
+ - Fix typemaps to work with templates and default template
+ args, ie
+ template <class A, class B = int>
+ struct Foo {
+ };
+ %typemap(in) Foo<int> *{...}
+ %typemap(out) Foo<int,int> *{...}
+ Foo<int> * foo( Foo<int> *f1, Foo<int,int> *f2);
+ now 'f1', 'f2' and the return value resolve the provided
+ typemaps properly.
+ This is highly needed for proper STL support, see new
+ std_basic_string.i, std_sstream.i, etc.
+ - Added std_sstream.i, and fix std_basic_string.i to use
+ the new typemaps + template def. arg mechanism. Also,
+ added the needed std_alloc.i. Now, all the containers
+ can be modified to support std::allocator, like in:
+ template<class T, class A = std::allocator<T > >
+ class vector {
+ public:
+ ....
+ };
+ This change is only completed by now for basic_string.
+ - Fix for smart pointers + members + extensions:
+ %extend Foo {
+ int extension(int i, int j) { return i; }
+ int extension() { return 1; }
+ }
+ %inline %{
+ class Foo {
+ public:
+ int y;
+ static const int z;
+ };
+ class Bar {
+ Foo *f;
+ public:
+ Bar(Foo *f) : f(f) { }
+ Foo *operator->() {
+ return f;
+ }
+ };
+ now you can
+ f = Foo()
+ f.y = 3
+ a = f.z
+ f->extension()
+ b = Bar(f)
+ b.y = 3
+ a = b.z
+ b->extension()
+ - Other small errors fixes, mostly python.
+11/25/2004: wsfulton
+ [Java] Numerous director bug fixes so that the correct java types
+ and canonicalized types in the JNI code are emitted. Use of the
+ $javaclassname special variables in the director typemaps now
+ consistent with the non-director typemaps. The types used for
+ typemap lookups are also corrected in a few places. If you
+ previously had your own director typemaps, ensure they are using the
+ correct C++ type.
+11/25/2004: wsfulton
+ const enum SWIGTYPE & typemaps added. These wrap const enum references
+ as if they were passed by value. Const enum references thus work the
+ same as const reference primitive types such as const double &,
+ const int & etc. Typemaps added for Java, C#, Ruby, Tcl, Perl and Pike.
+11/25/2004: wsfulton
+ [Java, C#] New special variable: $*javaclassname, similar to $javaclassname
+ and $&javaclassname. The new one removes a pointer from the C type before
+ obtaining the Java class name. One or more of $javaclassname,
+ $&javaclassname or $*javaclassname may now appear in a typemap. Likewise for
+ C# using csclassname instead of javaclassname.
+11/25/2004: wsfulton
+ The last vestiges of enums being handled as integers removed from the
+ internals. The wrapper methods use the enum type rather than an int
+ now. The net result is added type safety for enums when handled as
+ pointers, references etc. Previously in situations such as a method
+ taking a pointer to an enum, a pointer to an int or a pointer to an
+ enum of some other type could inadvertantly be passed to the method.
+ This is now fixed as the descriptor for an enum is no longer based on
+ an int, but the enum type instead. Anonymous enums are still handled
+ as integers.
+ The consequence for scripting language users in correct usage of enums
+ should not be noticeable. There is no change for any of the languages
+ where enums are passed by value - most of the scripting languages will
+ still accept an integer for an enum value and the strongly typed
+ languages still use either typesafe enums, integers or proper enums
+ depending on what the user configures. For Java and C# users a change
+ in the typewrapper class name has occurred (for enum pointers,
+ references etc). For example:
+ enum Numbers { one=1, two };
+ enum Numbers* number();
+ In Java and C# this must now be coded as
+ SWIGTYPE_p_Numbers n = modulename.number();
+ rather than
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int n = modulename.number();
+11/21/2004: wsfulton/mmatus
+ Added missing deprecated warning for %name and remove remaining %name
+ usage in the SWIG libraries.
+11/21/04: mmatus
+ - [Python] Adding the PySwigObject to be used for carrying
+ the instance C/C++ pointers. This is used instead of
+ string and PyCObjects.
+ The new PySwigObject is even safer than PyCObject, and
+ more friendly than plain strings:
+ now you can do
+ print a.this
+ <Swig Object at _00691608_p_A>
+ print str(a.this)
+ _00691608_p_A
+ print long(a.this)
+ 135686400
+ print "%s 0x%x" % (a.this, a.this)
+ _00691608_p_A 0x8166900
+ the last one is very useful when debugging the C/C++
+ side, since is the pointer value you will usually get
+ from the debugger.
+ Also, if you have some old code that uses the string
+ representation "_00691608_p_A", you can use it now again
+ using 'str(ptr)', or by calling 'str = PyObject_Str(obj)'
+ in the C/C++ side.
+ This change is mainly for nostalgic swig users that miss
+ the string representation, but also allows to say again
+ if a.this == b.this:
+ return "a is b"
+ and well, since the change were really simple, maybe in
+ the future we will be able to do
+ next = a.this + 1
+ or add native python iteration over native C/C++ arrays,
+ ie, no need to create/copy new tuples when returning and
+ array or vector.
+ Also, a PySwigPacked object was adding to carry a member
+ method pointer, but this is probably a temporal solution
+ until a more general object for methods is added.
+ Be aware that to simplify maintaining and compatibility
+ with other tools, the old string and PyCObjects
+ representation could disappear very soon, and the
+ have no effect at compilation time. Still, the three
+ mechanisms are present in the code just for testing,
+ debugging and comparison purposes.
+11/21/04: mmatus
+ - [Python] Adding back support for using the swig runtime code
+ inside the user code. We just allow the user to include
+ the minimal code needed to implement the runtime
+ mechanism statically, just as in done in the swig
+ modules.
+ To use the swig runtime code, for example with python,
+ the user needs include the following:
+ #include <Python.h> // or using your favorite language
+ #include <swigrun.swg>
+ #include <python/pyrun.swg> // or using your favorite language
+ #include <runtime.swg>
+ the files swigrun.swg, pyrun.swg and runtime.swg can
+ be checked out by using swig -co, or they can simply
+ be found by adding the swig lib directory to the
+ compiler include directory list, for example
+ SWIGLIB=`swig -swiglib`
+ c++ -I${SWIGLIB} ..
+ of better, using the CPPFLAGS, but that depends on your
+ environment.
+ This change can be ported to the other languages too,
+ you just need to isolate the needed runtime code in
+ a single file like 'pyrun.swg', and provide the
+ SWIG_Runtime_GetTypeList() method. Look at the
+ Lib/python/pyrun.swg file and the Examples/python/swigrun
+ example.
+11/15/04: mmatus
+ - Fix mixed_types.i + gcc-3.4, ie, arrays + references +
+ typedefs
+ - Fix multidim arrays + typedefs,ie
+ typedef char character[1];
+ typedef character word[64];
+ - Process protected/private bases in the same way before
+ we process protected/private members, ie, we check
+ for constructors, operator new, virtual members, etc.
+ - Fix Ruby/Java to work (or ignore) multi-inheritance +
+ directors. Allow other languages to define if it is
+ supported or not.
+ - Now you can run
+ SWIG_FEATURES="-directors -dirprot"
+ make check-ruby-test-suite
+ make check-python-test-suite
+ make check-java-test-suite
+ make check-ocaml-test-suite
+ and you will get only 'real' errors. ruby and python
+ compile with no errors, java shows some problems.
Version 1.3.23 (November 11, 2004)