diff options
authorng420 <>2016-08-16 00:32:11 +0100
committerng420 <>2016-08-16 00:32:11 +0100
commit2fdbf26c14447ceaa1783888a6bec540615606dd (patch)
parentd522d41d73dee4b3fb7de644cbac197492b7767d (diff)
Clean-up self written overload dispatch
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Modules/hhvm.cxx b/Source/Modules/hhvm.cxx
index c704b2788..bd43b2276 100644
--- a/Source/Modules/hhvm.cxx
+++ b/Source/Modules/hhvm.cxx
@@ -490,142 +490,6 @@ public:
Printf(f_link, "}\n\n");
- static bool hhvm_print_typecheck(String *f, int j, Parm *pj, bool implicitconvtypecheckoff) {
- char tmp[256], rtmp[256];
- sprintf(tmp, Char(argv_template_string), j);
- sprintf(rtmp, "targ%d", j);
- String *tm = Getattr(pj, "tmap:typecheck");
- if (tm) {
- tm = Copy(tm);
- Replaceid(tm, Getattr(pj, "lname"), "_v");
- String *conv = Getattr(pj, "implicitconv");
- if (conv && !implicitconvtypecheckoff) {
- Replaceall(tm, "$implicitconv", conv);
- } else {
- Replaceall(tm, "$implicitconv", "0");
- }
- Replaceall(tm, "$input", tmp);
- Replaceall(tm, "$result", rtmp);
- Printv(f, tm, "\n", NIL);
- Delete(tm);
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- String *hhvm_overload_dispatch(Node *n) {
- int i, j;
- int maxargs = 1;
- String *f = NewString("");
- /* Get a list of methods ranked by precedence values and argument count */
- List *dispatch = Swig_overload_rank(n, true);
- int nfunc = Len(dispatch);
- bool is_void_return;
- /* Loop over the functions */
- for (i = 0; i < nfunc; i++) {
- Node *ni = Getitem(dispatch, i);
- Parm *pi = Getattr(ni, "wrap:parms");
- SwigType *return_type = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(n,"type"));
- bool implicitconvtypecheckoff = GetFlag(ni, "implicitconvtypecheckoff") != 0;
- int num_required = emit_num_required(pi);
- int num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(pi);
- if (num_arguments > maxargs)
- maxargs = num_arguments;
- if (num_required == num_arguments) {
- Printf(f, "if (%s == %d) {\n", argc_template_string, num_required);
- } else {
- Printf(f, "if ((%s >= %d) && (%s <= %d)) {\n", argc_template_string, num_required, argc_template_string, num_arguments);
- }
- if (num_arguments) {
- Printf(f, "bool _v;\n");
- }
- int num_braces = 0;
- bool prev_comma;
- j = 0;
- Parm *pj = pi;
- while (pj) {
- if (checkAttribute(pj, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
- pj = Getattr(pj, "tmap:in:next");
- continue;
- }
- if (j >= num_required) {
- String *lfmt = NewString("");
- prev_comma = false;
- is_void_return = (Cmp(return_type, "void") == 0);
- if (!is_void_return) {
- Printf(lfmt, "return ");
- }
- Printf(lfmt, "%%s(");
- for (int it = 0; it < num_arguments; it++) {
- if (prev_comma) {
- Printf(lfmt, ", ", it);
- }
- prev_comma = true;
- Printf(lfmt, "targ%d", it);
- }
- Printf(lfmt, ");\n");
- if (is_void_return) {
- Printf(lfmt, "return HPHP::Variant();\n");
- }
- Printf(f, "if (%s <= %d) {\n", argc_template_string, j);
- Printf(f, Char(lfmt), Getattr(ni, "wrap:name"));
- Printf(f, "}\n");
- Delete(lfmt);
- }
- if (hhvm_print_typecheck(f, (GetFlag(n, "wrap:this") ? j + 1 : j), pj, implicitconvtypecheckoff)) {
- Printf(f, "if (_v) {\n");
- num_braces++;
- }
- if (!Getattr(pj, "tmap:in:SWIGTYPE") && Getattr(pj, "tmap:typecheck:SWIGTYPE")) {
- /* we emit a warning if the argument defines the 'in' typemap, but not the 'typecheck' one */
- Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_TYPECHECK_UNDEF, Getfile(ni), Getline(ni),
- "Overloaded method %s with no explicit typecheck typemap for arg %d of type '%s'\n",
- Swig_name_decl(n), j, SwigType_str(Getattr(pj, "type"), 0));
- }
- Parm *pk = Getattr(pj, "tmap:in:next");
- if (pk)
- pj = pk;
- else
- pj = nextSibling(pj);
- j++;
- }
- String *lfmt = NewString("");
- is_void_return = (Cmp(return_type, "void") == 0);
- if (!is_void_return) {
- Printf(lfmt, "return ");
- }
- Printf(lfmt, "%%s(");
- prev_comma = false;
- for (int it = 0; it < num_arguments; it++) {
- if (prev_comma) {
- Printf(lfmt, ", ", it);
- }
- prev_comma = true;
- Printf(lfmt, "targ%d", it);
- }
- Printf(lfmt, ");\n");
- if (is_void_return) {
- Printf(lfmt, "return HPHP::Variant();\n");
- }
- Printf(f, Char(lfmt), Getattr(ni, "wrap:name"));
- Delete(lfmt);
- /* close braces */
- for ( /* empty */ ; num_braces > 0; num_braces--)
- Printf(f, "}\n");
- Printf(f, "}\n");
- }
- Delete(dispatch);
- return f;
- }
void dispatchFunction(Node *n) {
/* Last node in overloaded chain */
@@ -639,11 +503,6 @@ public:
String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(name);
- // Printf(f_register, " HHVM_FE(%s);\n", name);
- // Printf(f_phpcode, "<<__Native>>\n");
- // Printf(f_phpcode, "function %s(...$argv): mixed;\n\n", name);
- // Printv(wrapper->def, "Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(", name, ", const Array& argv) {\n", NIL);
Printf(wrapper->def, "HPHP::Variant %s(const HPHP::Array& argv) {\n", wname);
Wrapper_add_local(wrapper, "argc", "int argc");
Printf(wrapper->code, "argc = argv.size();\n");