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authorWilliam S Fulton <>2014-03-14 01:56:41 +0000
committerWilliam S Fulton <>2014-03-14 01:57:17 +0000
commit90a9ac99a8d45522c86ccc5f46efcf0c2155c605 (patch)
parente5f928e97ad05aa4c87e92e6c5b53813c204db11 (diff)
C++11 doc updates
2 files changed, 135 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/Manual/CPlusPlus11.html b/Doc/Manual/CPlusPlus11.html
index 3b07640af..ed2edd630 100644
--- a/Doc/Manual/CPlusPlus11.html
+++ b/Doc/Manual/CPlusPlus11.html
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ implementation of the C++11 standard. This part of SWIG is still a work in
<p>SWIG supports the new C++ syntax changes with some minor limitations
-(decltype expressions, variadic templates number). Wrappers for the
+in some areas such as decltype expressions and variadic templates. Wrappers for the
new STL types (unordered_ containers, result_of, tuples) are incomplete.
The wrappers for the new containers would work much like the C++03 containers and
users are welcome to help by adapting the existing container interface files and submitting them
@@ -974,62 +974,60 @@ int [[attr1]] i [[attr2, attr3]];
<p>SWIG does not currently wrap or use any of the new threading
classes introduced (thread, mutex, locks, condition variables, task). The main reason is that
-SWIG target languages offer their own threading facilities that do not rely on C++.</p>
+SWIG target languages offer their own threading facilities so there is limited use for them.
-<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_tuple_types"></a>7.3.2 Tuple types and hash tables</H3>
+<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_tuple_types"></a>7.3.2 Tuple types</H3>
+SWIG does not provide library files for the new tuple types yet.
+Variadic template support requires further work to provide substantial tuple wrappers.
-<p>SWIG does not wrap the new tuple types and the unordered_ container classes yet. Variadic template support is working so it is possible to
-include the tuple header file; it is parsed without any problems.</p>
+<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_hash_tables"></a>7.3.2 Hash tables</H3>
+The new hash tables in the STL are <tt>unordered_set</tt>, <tt>unordered_multiset</tt>, <tt>unordered_map</tt>, <tt>unordered_multimap</tt>.
+These are not available in SWIG, but in principle should be easily implemented by adapting the current STL containers.
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_regular_expressions"></a>7.3.3 Regular expressions</H3>
-<p>SWIG does not wrap the new C++11 regular expressions classes, because the SWIG target languages use their own facilities for this.</p>
+While SWIG could provide wrappers for the new C++11 regular expressions classes, there is little need as the target languages have their own regular expression facilities.
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_general_purpose_smart_pointers"></a>7.3.4 General-purpose smart pointers</H3>
-SWIG provides special smart pointer handling for <tt>std::tr1::shared_ptr</tt> in the same way it has support for <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt>.
-There is no special smart pointer handling available for <tt>std::weak_ptr</tt> and <tt>std::unique_ptr</tt>.
+SWIG provides special smart pointer handling for <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt> in the same way it has support for <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt>.
+Please see the <a href="Library.html#Library_std_shared_ptr">shared_ptr smart pointer</a> library section.
+There is no special smart pointer handling available for <tt>std::weak_ptr</tt> and <tt>std::unique_ptr</tt> yet.
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_extensible_random_number_facility"></a>7.3.5 Extensible random number facility</H3>
-<p>This feature extends and standardizes the standard library only and does not effect the C++ language and SWIG.</p>
+<p>This feature extends and standardizes the standard library only and does not effect the C++ language nor SWIG.</p>
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_wrapper_reference"></a>7.3.6 Wrapper reference</H3>
-<p>The new ref and cref classes are used to instantiate a parameter as a reference of a template function. For example:</p>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-void f(int &amp;r) { r++; }
-// Template function.
-template&lt; class F, class P &gt; void g(F f, P t) { f(t); }
-int main() {
- int i = 0 ;
- g(f, i) ; // 'g&lt;void (int &amp;r), int&gt;' is instantiated
- // then 'i' will not be modified.
- cout &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; endl ; // Output -&gt; 0
- g(f, ref(i)) ; // 'g&lt;void(int &amp;r),reference_wrapper&lt;int&gt;&gt;' is instantiated
- // then 'i' will be modified.
- cout &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; endl ; // Output -&gt; 1
+Wrapper references are similar to normal C++ references but are copy-constructible and copy-assignable.
+They could conceivably be used in public APIs.
+There is no special support for <tt>std::reference_wrapper</tt> in SWIG though.
+Users would need to write their own typemaps if wrapper references are being used and these would be similar to the plain C++ reference typemaps.
-<p>The ref and cref classes are not wrapped by SWIG because the SWIG target languages do not support referencing.</p>
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_polymorphous_wrappers_for_function_objects"></a>7.3.7 Polymorphous wrappers for function objects</H3>
-SWIG supports functor classes in some languages in a very natural way.
+SWIG supports functor classes in a few languages in a very natural way.
However nothing is provided yet for the new <tt>std::function</tt> template.
SWIG will parse usage of the template like any other template.
@@ -1059,57 +1057,117 @@ b = t(1,2) # invoke C++ function object
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_type_traits_for_metaprogramming"></a>7.3.8 Type traits for metaprogramming</H3>
-<p>The new C++ metaprogramming is useful at compile time and is aimed specifically for C++ development:</p>
+<p>The type_traits functions to support C++ metaprogramming is useful at compile time and is aimed specifically at C++ development:</p>
<div class="code"><pre>
+#include &lt;type_traits&gt;
// First way of operating.
template&lt; bool B &gt; struct algorithm {
- template&lt; class T1, class T2 &gt; int do_it(T1 &amp;, T2 &amp;) { /*...*/ }
+ template&lt; class T1, class T2 &gt; static int do_it(T1 &amp;, T2 &amp;) { /*...*/ return 1; }
// Second way of operating.
template&lt;&gt; struct algorithm&lt;true&gt; {
- template&lt; class T1, class T2 &gt; int do_it(T1, T2) { /*...*/ }
+ template&lt; class T1, class T2 &gt; static int do_it(T1, T2) { /*...*/ return 2; }
-// Instantiating 'elaborate' will automatically instantiate the correct way to operate.
+// Instantiating 'elaborate' will automatically instantiate the correct way to operate, depending on the types used.
template&lt; class T1, class T2 &gt; int elaborate(T1 A, T2 B) {
- // Use the second way only if 'T1' is an integer and if 'T2' is
- // in floating point, otherwise use the first way.
- return algorithm&lt; is_integral&lt;T1&gt;::value &amp;&amp; is_floating_point&lt;T2&gt;::value &gt;::do_it(A, B);
+ // Use the second way only if 'T1' is an integer and if 'T2' is a floating point,
+ // otherwise use the first way.
+ return algorithm&lt; std::is_integral&lt;T1&gt;::value &amp;&amp; std::is_floating_point&lt;T2&gt;::value &gt;::do_it(A, B);
-<p>SWIG correctly parses the template specialization, template types and values inside the &lt;&gt; block and the new helper functions: is_convertible, is_integral, is_const etc.
-However, SWIG still explicitly requires concrete types when using the <tt>%template</tt> directive, so the C++ metaprogramming features are not really of interest at runtime in the target languages.</p>
+SWIG correctly parses the template specialization, template types etc.
+However, metaprogramming and the additional support in the type_traits header is really for compile time and is not much use at runtime for the target languages.
+For example, as SWIG requires explicit instantiation of templates via <tt>%template</tt>, there isn't much that <tt>std::is_integral&lt;int&gt;</tt> is going to provide by itself.
+However, template functions using such metaprogramming techniques might be useful to wrap.
+For example, the following instantiations could be made:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+%template(Elaborate) elaborate&lt;int, int&gt;;
+%template(Elaborate) elaborate&lt;int, double&gt;;
+Then the appropriate algorithm can be called for the subset of types given by the above <tt>%template</tt> instantiations from a target language, such as Python:
+<div class="targetlang"><pre>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Elaborate(0, 0)
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Elaborate(0, 0.0)
<H3><a name="CPlusPlus11_uniform_method_for_computing_return_type_of_function_objects"></a>7.3.9 Uniform method for computing return type of function objects</H3>
-<p>SWIG does not wrap the new result_of class introduced in the &lt;functional&gt; header and map the result_of::type to the concrete type yet. For example:</p>
+The new <tt>std::result_of</tt> class introduced in the &lt;functional&gt; header provides a generic way to obtain the return type of a function type via <tt>std::result_of::type</tt>.
+There isn't any library interface file to support this type.
+With a bit of work, SWIG will deduce the return type of functions when used in <tt>std::result_of</tt> using the approach shown below.
+The technique basically forward declares the <tt>std::result_of</tt> template class, then partially specializes it for the function types of interest.
+SWIG will use the partial specialization and hence correctly use the <tt>std::result_of::type</tt> provided in the partial specialization.
<div class="code"><pre>
%inline %{
#include &lt;functional&gt;
+typedef double(*fn_ptr)(double);
+namespace std {
+ // Forward declaration of result_of
+ template&lt;typename Func&gt; struct result_of;
+ // Add in a partial specialization of result_of
+ template&lt;&gt; struct result_of&lt; fn_ptr(double) &gt; {
+ typedef double type;
+ };
+%template() std::result_of&lt; fn_ptr(double) &gt;;
+%inline %{
double square(double x) {
- return (x * x);
+ return (x * x);
template&lt;class Fun, class Arg&gt;
typename std::result_of&lt;Fun(Arg)&gt;::type test_result_impl(Fun fun, Arg arg) {
- return fun(arg);
+ return fun(arg);
-%template(test_result) test_result_impl&lt;double(*)(double), double&gt;;
+%template(test_result) test_result_impl&lt; fn_ptr, double &gt;;
%constant double (*SQUARE)(double) = square;
-<p>will result in:</p>
+Note the first use of <tt>%template</tt> which SWIG requires to instantiate the template.
+The empty template instantiation suffices as no proxy class is required for <tt>std::result_of&lt;Fun(Arg)&gt;::type</tt> as this type is really just a <tt>double</tt>.
+The second <tt>%template</tt> instantiates the template function which is being wrapped for use as a callback.
+The <tt>%constant</tt> can then be used for any callback function as described in <a href="SWIG.html#SWIG_nn30">Pointers to functions and callbacks</a>.
+Example usage from Python should give the not too surprising result:
<div class="targetlang"><pre>
-&gt;&gt;&gt; test_result_impl(SQUARE, 5.0)
-&lt;SWIG Object of type 'std::result_of&lt; Fun(Arg) &gt;::type *' at 0x7faf99ed8a50&gt;
+&gt;&gt;&gt; test_result(SQUARE, 5.0)
-<p>Instead, please use <tt>decltype()</tt> where possible for now.</p>
+Phew, that is a lot of hard work to get a callback working.
+You could just go with the more attractive option of just using <tt>double</tt> as the return type in the function declaration instead of <tt>result_of</tt>!
diff --git a/Doc/Manual/Library.html b/Doc/Manual/Library.html
index c23900614..7510c8686 100644
--- a/Doc/Manual/Library.html
+++ b/Doc/Manual/Library.html
@@ -1719,9 +1719,24 @@ Any thrown STL exceptions will then be gracefully handled instead of causing a c
-Some target languages have support for handling the widely used <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt> smart pointer.
-This smart pointer is also available as <tt>std::tr1::shared_ptr</tt> before it becomes fully standardized as <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>.
-The <tt>boost_shared_ptr.i</tt> library provides support for <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt> and <tt>std_shared_ptr.i</tt> provides support for <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>, but if the following macro is defined as shown, it can be used for <tt>std::tr1::shared_ptr</tt>:
+Some target languages have support for handling the shared_ptr reference counted smart pointer.
+This smart pointer is available in the standard C++11 library as <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>.
+It was also in TR1 as <tt>std::tr1::shared_ptr</tt> before it was fully standardized.
+Support for the widely used <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt> is also available.
+In order to use <tt>std::shared_ptr</tt>, the <tt>std_shared_ptr.i</tt> library file should be included:
+<div class="code">
+%include &lt;std_shared_ptr.i&gt;
+The pre-standard <tt>std::tr1::shared_ptr</tt> can be used by including the following macro before including the <tt>std_shared_ptr.i</tt> library file:
<div class="code">
@@ -1732,6 +1747,16 @@ The <tt>boost_shared_ptr.i</tt> library provides support for <tt>boost::shared_p
+In order to use <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt>, the <tt>boost_shared_ptr.i</tt> library file should be included:
+<div class="code">
+%include &lt;boost_shared_ptr.i&gt;
You can only use one of these variants of shared_ptr in your interface file at a time.
and all three variants must be used in conjunction with the <tt>%shared_ptr(T)</tt> macro,
where <tt>T</tt> is the underlying pointer type equating to usage <tt>shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;</tt>.
@@ -1874,7 +1899,9 @@ Adding the missing <tt>%shared_ptr</tt> macros will fix this:
<b>Note:</b> There is currently no support for <tt>%shared_ptr</tt> and the director feature.
<H3><a name="Library_std_auto_ptr"></a>8.4.5 auto_ptr smart pointer</H3>