path: root/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/waf/wafadmin/')
1 files changed, 1199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59d10203a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2008 (ita)
+Running tasks in parallel is a simple problem, but in practice it is more complicated:
+* dependencies discovered during the build (dynamic task creation)
+* dependencies discovered after files are compiled
+* the amount of tasks and dependencies (graph size) can be huge
+This is why the dependency management is split on three different levels:
+1. groups of tasks that run all after another group of tasks
+2. groups of tasks that can be run in parallel
+3. tasks that can run in parallel, but with possible unknown ad-hoc dependencies
+The point #1 represents a strict sequential order between groups of tasks, for example a compiler is produced
+and used to compile the rest, whereas #2 and #3 represent partial order constraints where #2 applies to the kind of task
+and #3 applies to the task instances.
+#1 is held by the task manager: ordered list of TaskGroups (see bld.add_group)
+#2 is held by the task groups and the task types: precedence after/before (topological sort),
+ and the constraints extracted from file extensions
+#3 is held by the tasks individually (attribute run_after),
+ and the scheduler ( use Task::runnable_status to reorder the tasks
+To try, use something like this in your code:
+import Constants, Task
+Task.algotype = Constants.MAXPARALLEL
+There are two concepts with the tasks (individual units of change):
+* dependency (if 1 is recompiled, recompile 2)
+* order (run 2 after 1)
+example 1: if t1 depends on t2 and t2 depends on t3 it is not necessary to make t1 depend on t3 (dependency is transitive)
+example 2: if t1 depends on a node produced by t2, it is not immediately obvious that t1 must run after t2 (order is not obvious)
+The role of the Task Manager is to give the tasks in order (groups of task that may be run in parallel one after the other)
+import os, shutil, sys, re, random, datetime, tempfile, shlex
+from Utils import md5
+import Build, Runner, Utils, Node, Logs, Options
+from Logs import debug, warn, error
+from Constants import *
+algotype = NORMAL
+#algotype = JOBCONTROL
+#algotype = MAXPARALLEL
+def f(task):
+ env = task.env
+ wd = getattr(task, 'cwd', None)
+ p = env.get_flat
+ cmd = \'\'\' %s \'\'\' % s
+ return task.exec_command(cmd, cwd=wd)
+def f(task):
+ env = task.env
+ wd = getattr(task, 'cwd', None)
+ def to_list(xx):
+ if isinstance(xx, str): return [xx]
+ return xx
+ lst = []
+ %s
+ lst = [x for x in lst if x]
+ return task.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd)
+Enable different kind of dependency algorithms:
+1 make groups: first compile all cpps and then compile all links (NORMAL)
+2 parallelize all (each link task run after its dependencies) (MAXPARALLEL)
+3 like 1 but provide additional constraints for the parallelization (MAXJOBS)
+In theory 1. will be faster than 2 for waf, but might be slower for builds
+The scheme 2 will not allow for running tasks one by one so it can cause disk thrashing on huge builds
+file_deps = Utils.nada
+Additional dependency pre-check may be added by replacing the function file_deps.
+e.g. extract_outputs, extract_deps below.
+class TaskManager(object):
+ """The manager is attached to the build object, it holds a list of TaskGroup"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.groups = []
+ self.tasks_done = []
+ self.current_group = 0
+ self.groups_names = {}
+ def group_name(self, g):
+ """name for the group g (utility)"""
+ if not isinstance(g, TaskGroup):
+ g = self.groups[g]
+ for x in self.groups_names:
+ if id(self.groups_names[x]) == id(g):
+ return x
+ return ''
+ def group_idx(self, tg):
+ """group the task generator tg is in"""
+ se = id(tg)
+ for i in range(len(self.groups)):
+ g = self.groups[i]
+ for t in g.tasks_gen:
+ if id(t) == se:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def get_next_set(self):
+ """return the next set of tasks to execute
+ the first parameter is the maximum amount of parallelization that may occur"""
+ ret = None
+ while not ret and self.current_group < len(self.groups):
+ ret = self.groups[self.current_group].get_next_set()
+ if ret: return ret
+ else:
+ self.groups[self.current_group].process_install()
+ self.current_group += 1
+ return (None, None)
+ def add_group(self, name=None, set=True):
+ #if self.groups and not self.groups[0].tasks:
+ # error('add_group: an empty group is already present')
+ g = TaskGroup()
+ if name and name in self.groups_names:
+ error('add_group: name %s already present' % name)
+ self.groups_names[name] = g
+ self.groups.append(g)
+ if set:
+ self.current_group = len(self.groups) - 1
+ def set_group(self, idx):
+ if isinstance(idx, str):
+ g = self.groups_names[idx]
+ for x in xrange(len(self.groups)):
+ if id(g) == id(self.groups[x]):
+ self.current_group = x
+ else:
+ self.current_group = idx
+ def add_task_gen(self, tgen):
+ if not self.groups: self.add_group()
+ self.groups[self.current_group].tasks_gen.append(tgen)
+ def add_task(self, task):
+ if not self.groups: self.add_group()
+ self.groups[self.current_group].tasks.append(task)
+ def total(self):
+ total = 0
+ if not self.groups: return 0
+ for group in self.groups:
+ total += len(group.tasks)
+ return total
+ def add_finished(self, tsk):
+ self.tasks_done.append(tsk)
+ bld = tsk.generator.bld
+ if bld.is_install:
+ f = None
+ if 'install' in tsk.__dict__:
+ f = tsk.__dict__['install']
+ # install=0 to prevent installation
+ if f: f(tsk)
+ else:
+ tsk.install()
+class TaskGroup(object):
+ "the compilation of one group does not begin until the previous group has finished (in the manager)"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.tasks = [] # this list will be consumed
+ self.tasks_gen = []
+ self.cstr_groups = Utils.DefaultDict(list) # tasks having equivalent constraints
+ self.cstr_order = Utils.DefaultDict(set) # partial order between the cstr groups
+ self.temp_tasks = [] # tasks put on hold
+ self.ready = 0
+ self.post_funs = []
+ def reset(self):
+ "clears the state of the object (put back the tasks into self.tasks)"
+ for x in self.cstr_groups:
+ self.tasks += self.cstr_groups[x]
+ self.tasks = self.temp_tasks + self.tasks
+ self.temp_tasks = []
+ self.cstr_groups = Utils.DefaultDict(list)
+ self.cstr_order = Utils.DefaultDict(set)
+ self.ready = 0
+ def process_install(self):
+ for (f, k, kw) in self.post_funs:
+ f(*k, **kw)
+ def prepare(self):
+ "prepare the scheduling"
+ self.ready = 1
+ file_deps(self.tasks)
+ self.make_cstr_groups()
+ self.extract_constraints()
+ def get_next_set(self):
+ "next list of tasks to execute using max job settings, returns (maxjobs, task_list)"
+ global algotype
+ if algotype == NORMAL:
+ tasks = self.tasks_in_parallel()
+ maxj = MAXJOBS
+ elif algotype == JOBCONTROL:
+ (maxj, tasks) = self.tasks_by_max_jobs()
+ elif algotype == MAXPARALLEL:
+ tasks = self.tasks_with_inner_constraints()
+ maxj = MAXJOBS
+ else:
+ raise Utils.WafError("unknown algorithm type %s" % (algotype))
+ if not tasks: return ()
+ return (maxj, tasks)
+ def make_cstr_groups(self):
+ "unite the tasks that have similar constraints"
+ self.cstr_groups = Utils.DefaultDict(list)
+ for x in self.tasks:
+ h = x.hash_constraints()
+ self.cstr_groups[h].append(x)
+ def set_order(self, a, b):
+ self.cstr_order[a].add(b)
+ def compare_exts(self, t1, t2):
+ "extension production"
+ x = "ext_in"
+ y = "ext_out"
+ in_ = t1.attr(x, ())
+ out_ = t2.attr(y, ())
+ for k in in_:
+ if k in out_:
+ return -1
+ in_ = t2.attr(x, ())
+ out_ = t1.attr(y, ())
+ for k in in_:
+ if k in out_:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def compare_partial(self, t1, t2):
+ "partial relations after/before"
+ m = "after"
+ n = "before"
+ name = t2.__class__.__name__
+ if name in Utils.to_list(t1.attr(m, ())): return -1
+ elif name in Utils.to_list(t1.attr(n, ())): return 1
+ name = t1.__class__.__name__
+ if name in Utils.to_list(t2.attr(m, ())): return 1
+ elif name in Utils.to_list(t2.attr(n, ())): return -1
+ return 0
+ def extract_constraints(self):
+ "extract the parallelization constraints from the tasks with different constraints"
+ keys = self.cstr_groups.keys()
+ max = len(keys)
+ # hopefully the length of this list is short
+ for i in xrange(max):
+ t1 = self.cstr_groups[keys[i]][0]
+ for j in xrange(i + 1, max):
+ t2 = self.cstr_groups[keys[j]][0]
+ # add the constraints based on the comparisons
+ val = (self.compare_exts(t1, t2)
+ or self.compare_partial(t1, t2)
+ )
+ if val > 0:
+ self.set_order(keys[i], keys[j])
+ elif val < 0:
+ self.set_order(keys[j], keys[i])
+ def tasks_in_parallel(self):
+ "(NORMAL) next list of tasks that may be executed in parallel"
+ if not self.ready: self.prepare()
+ keys = self.cstr_groups.keys()
+ unconnected = []
+ remainder = []
+ for u in keys:
+ for k in self.cstr_order.values():
+ if u in k:
+ remainder.append(u)
+ break
+ else:
+ unconnected.append(u)
+ toreturn = []
+ for y in unconnected:
+ toreturn.extend(self.cstr_groups[y])
+ # remove stuff only after
+ for y in unconnected:
+ try: self.cstr_order.__delitem__(y)
+ except KeyError: pass
+ self.cstr_groups.__delitem__(y)
+ if not toreturn and remainder:
+ raise Utils.WafError("circular order constraint detected %r" % remainder)
+ return toreturn
+ def tasks_by_max_jobs(self):
+ "(JOBCONTROL) returns the tasks that can run in parallel with the max amount of jobs"
+ if not self.ready: self.prepare()
+ if not self.temp_tasks: self.temp_tasks = self.tasks_in_parallel()
+ if not self.temp_tasks: return (None, None)
+ maxjobs = MAXJOBS
+ ret = []
+ remaining = []
+ for t in self.temp_tasks:
+ m = getattr(t, "maxjobs", getattr(self.__class__, "maxjobs", MAXJOBS))
+ if m > maxjobs:
+ remaining.append(t)
+ elif m < maxjobs:
+ remaining += ret
+ ret = [t]
+ maxjobs = m
+ else:
+ ret.append(t)
+ self.temp_tasks = remaining
+ return (maxjobs, ret)
+ def tasks_with_inner_constraints(self):
+ """(MAXPARALLEL) returns all tasks in this group, but add the constraints on each task instance
+ as an optimization, it might be desirable to discard the tasks which do not have to run"""
+ if not self.ready: self.prepare()
+ if getattr(self, "done", None): return None
+ for p in self.cstr_order:
+ for v in self.cstr_order[p]:
+ for m in self.cstr_groups[p]:
+ for n in self.cstr_groups[v]:
+ n.set_run_after(m)
+ self.cstr_order = Utils.DefaultDict(set)
+ self.cstr_groups = Utils.DefaultDict(list)
+ self.done = 1
+ return self.tasks[:] # make a copy
+class store_task_type(type):
+ "store the task types that have a name ending in _task into a map (remember the existing task types)"
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(store_task_type, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ name = cls.__name__
+ if name.endswith('_task'):
+ name = name.replace('_task', '')
+ if name != 'TaskBase':
+ TaskBase.classes[name] = cls
+class TaskBase(object):
+ """Base class for all Waf tasks
+ The most important methods are (by usual order of call):
+ 1 runnable_status: ask the task if it should be run, skipped, or if we have to ask later
+ 2 __str__: string to display to the user
+ 3 run: execute the task
+ 4 post_run: after the task is run, update the cache about the task
+ This class should be seen as an interface, it provides the very minimum necessary for the scheduler
+ so it does not do much.
+ For illustration purposes, TaskBase instances try to execute (if provided)
+ """
+ __metaclass__ = store_task_type
+ color = "GREEN"
+ maxjobs = MAXJOBS
+ classes = {}
+ stat = None
+ def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
+ self.hasrun = NOT_RUN
+ try:
+ self.generator = kw['generator']
+ except KeyError:
+ self.generator = self
+ self.bld = Build.bld
+ if kw.get('normal', 1):
+ self.generator.bld.task_manager.add_task(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ "used for debugging"
+ return '\n\t{task: %s %s}' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(getattr(self, "fun", "")))
+ def __str__(self):
+ "string to display to the user"
+ if hasattr(self, 'fun'):
+ return 'executing: %s\n' %
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + '\n'
+ def exec_command(self, *k, **kw):
+ "use this for executing commands from tasks"
+ # TODO in waf 1.6, eliminate bld.exec_command, and move the cwd processing to here
+ if self.env['env']:
+ kw['env'] = self.env['env']
+ return self.generator.bld.exec_command(*k, **kw)
+ def runnable_status(self):
+ return RUN_ME
+ def can_retrieve_cache(self):
+ return False
+ def call_run(self):
+ if self.can_retrieve_cache():
+ return 0
+ return
+ def run(self):
+ "called if the task must run"
+ if hasattr(self, 'fun'):
+ return
+ return 0
+ def post_run(self):
+ "update the dependency tree (node stats)"
+ pass
+ def display(self):
+ "print either the description (using __str__) or the progress bar or the ide output"
+ col1 = Logs.colors(self.color)
+ col2 = Logs.colors.NORMAL
+ if Options.options.progress_bar == 1:
+ return self.generator.bld.progress_line(self.position[0], self.position[1], col1, col2)
+ if Options.options.progress_bar == 2:
+ ela = Utils.get_elapsed_time(self.generator.bld.ini)
+ try:
+ ins = ','.join([ for n in self.inputs])
+ except AttributeError:
+ ins = ''
+ try:
+ outs = ','.join([ for n in self.outputs])
+ except AttributeError:
+ outs = ''
+ return '|Total %s|Current %s|Inputs %s|Outputs %s|Time %s|\n' % (self.position[1], self.position[0], ins, outs, ela)
+ total = self.position[1]
+ n = len(str(total))
+ fs = '[%%%dd/%%%dd] %%s%%s%%s' % (n, n)
+ return fs % (self.position[0], self.position[1], col1, str(self), col2)
+ def attr(self, att, default=None):
+ "retrieve an attribute from the instance or from the class (microoptimization here)"
+ ret = getattr(self, att, self)
+ if ret is self: return getattr(self.__class__, att, default)
+ return ret
+ def hash_constraints(self):
+ "identify a task type for all the constraints relevant for the scheduler: precedence, file production"
+ a = self.attr
+ sum = hash((self.__class__.__name__,
+ str(a('before', '')),
+ str(a('after', '')),
+ str(a('ext_in', '')),
+ str(a('ext_out', '')),
+ self.__class__.maxjobs))
+ return sum
+ def format_error(self):
+ "error message to display to the user (when a build fails)"
+ if getattr(self, "err_msg", None):
+ return self.err_msg
+ elif self.hasrun == CRASHED:
+ try:
+ return " -> task failed (err #%d): %r" % (self.err_code, self)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return " -> task failed: %r" % self
+ elif self.hasrun == MISSING:
+ return " -> missing files: %r" % self
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def install(self):
+ """
+ installation is performed by looking at the task attributes:
+ * install_path: installation path like "${PREFIX}/bin"
+ * filename: install the first node in the outputs as a file with a particular name, be certain to give os.sep
+ * chmod: permissions
+ """
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ d = self.attr('install')
+ if self.attr('install_path'):
+ lst = [a.relpath_gen(bld.srcnode) for a in self.outputs]
+ perm = self.attr('chmod', O644)
+ if self.attr('src'):
+ # if src is given, install the sources too
+ lst += [a.relpath_gen(bld.srcnode) for a in self.inputs]
+ if self.attr('filename'):
+ dir = self.install_path.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep + self.attr('filename')
+ bld.install_as(dir, lst[0], self.env, perm)
+ else:
+ bld.install_files(self.install_path, lst, self.env, perm)
+class Task(TaskBase):
+ """The parent class is quite limited, in this version:
+ * file system interaction: input and output nodes
+ * persistence: do not re-execute tasks that have already run
+ * caching: same files can be saved and retrieved from a cache directory
+ * dependencies:
+ implicit, like .c files depending on .h files
+ explicit, like the input nodes or the dep_nodes
+ environment variables, like the CXXFLAGS in self.env
+ """
+ vars = []
+ def __init__(self, env, **kw):
+ TaskBase.__init__(self, **kw)
+ self.env = env
+ # inputs and outputs are nodes
+ # use setters when possible
+ self.inputs = []
+ self.outputs = []
+ self.dep_nodes = []
+ self.run_after = []
+ # Additionally, you may define the following
+ #self.dep_vars = 'PREFIX DATADIR'
+ def __str__(self):
+ "string to display to the user"
+ env = self.env
+ src_str = ' '.join([a.nice_path(env) for a in self.inputs])
+ tgt_str = ' '.join([a.nice_path(env) for a in self.outputs])
+ if self.outputs: sep = ' -> '
+ else: sep = ''
+ return '%s: %s%s%s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__.replace('_task', ''), src_str, sep, tgt_str)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "".join(['\n\t{task: ', self.__class__.__name__, " ", ",".join([ for x in self.inputs]), " -> ", ",".join([ for x in self.outputs]), '}'])
+ def unique_id(self):
+ "get a unique id: hash the node paths, the variant, the class, the function"
+ try:
+ return self.uid
+ except AttributeError:
+ "this is not a real hot zone, but we want to avoid surprizes here"
+ m = md5()
+ up = m.update
+ up(self.__class__.__name__)
+ up(self.env.variant())
+ p = None
+ for x in self.inputs + self.outputs:
+ if p !=
+ p =
+ up(x.parent.abspath())
+ up(
+ self.uid = m.digest()
+ return self.uid
+ def set_inputs(self, inp):
+ if isinstance(inp, list): self.inputs += inp
+ else: self.inputs.append(inp)
+ def set_outputs(self, out):
+ if isinstance(out, list): self.outputs += out
+ else: self.outputs.append(out)
+ def set_run_after(self, task):
+ "set (scheduler) order on another task"
+ # TODO: handle list or object
+ assert isinstance(task, TaskBase)
+ self.run_after.append(task)
+ def add_file_dependency(self, filename):
+ "TODO user-provided file dependencies"
+ node = self.generator.bld.path.find_resource(filename)
+ self.dep_nodes.append(node)
+ def signature(self):
+ # compute the result one time, and suppose the scan_signature will give the good result
+ try: return self.cache_sig[0]
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ self.m = md5()
+ # explicit deps
+ exp_sig = self.sig_explicit_deps()
+ # env vars
+ var_sig = self.sig_vars()
+ # implicit deps
+ imp_sig = SIG_NIL
+ if self.scan:
+ try:
+ imp_sig = self.sig_implicit_deps()
+ except ValueError:
+ return self.signature()
+ # we now have the signature (first element) and the details (for debugging)
+ ret = self.m.digest()
+ self.cache_sig = (ret, exp_sig, imp_sig, var_sig)
+ return ret
+ def runnable_status(self):
+ #return 0 # benchmarking
+ if self.inputs and (not self.outputs):
+ if not getattr(self.__class__, 'quiet', None):
+ warn("invalid task (no inputs OR outputs): override in a Task subclass or set the attribute 'quiet' %r" % self)
+ for t in self.run_after:
+ if not t.hasrun:
+ return ASK_LATER
+ env = self.env
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ # first compute the signature
+ new_sig = self.signature()
+ # compare the signature to a signature computed previously
+ key = self.unique_id()
+ try:
+ prev_sig = bld.task_sigs[key][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ debug("task: task %r must run as it was never run before or the task code changed", self)
+ return RUN_ME
+ # compare the signatures of the outputs
+ for node in self.outputs:
+ variant = node.variant(env)
+ try:
+ if bld.node_sigs[variant][] != new_sig:
+ return RUN_ME
+ except KeyError:
+ debug("task: task %r must run as the output nodes do not exist", self)
+ return RUN_ME
+ # debug if asked to
+ if Logs.verbose: self.debug_why(bld.task_sigs[key])
+ if new_sig != prev_sig:
+ return RUN_ME
+ return SKIP_ME
+ def post_run(self):
+ "called after a successful task run"
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ env = self.env
+ sig = self.signature()
+ ssig = sig.encode('hex')
+ variant = env.variant()
+ for node in self.outputs:
+ # check if the node exists ..
+ try:
+ os.stat(node.abspath(env))
+ except OSError:
+ self.hasrun = MISSING
+ self.err_msg = '-> missing file: %r' % node.abspath(env)
+ raise Utils.WafError
+ # important, store the signature for the next run
+ bld.node_sigs[variant][] = sig
+ bld.task_sigs[self.unique_id()] = self.cache_sig
+ # file caching, if possible
+ # try to avoid data corruption as much as possible
+ if not Options.cache_global or Options.options.nocache or not self.outputs:
+ return None
+ if getattr(self, 'cached', None):
+ return None
+ dname = os.path.join(Options.cache_global, ssig)
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=Options.cache_global + os.sep + 'waf')
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(dname)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ i = 0
+ for node in self.outputs:
+ variant = node.variant(env)
+ dest = os.path.join(tmpdir, str(i) +
+ shutil.copy2(node.abspath(env), dest)
+ i += 1
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.rename(tmpdir, dname)
+ except OSError:
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.chmod(dname, O755)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def can_retrieve_cache(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve build nodes from the cache
+ update the file timestamps to help cleaning the least used entries from the cache
+ additionally, set an attribute 'cached' to avoid re-creating the same cache files
+ suppose there are files in cache/dir1/file1 and cache/dir2/file2
+ first, read the timestamp of dir1
+ then try to copy the files
+ then look at the timestamp again, if it has changed, the data may have been corrupt (cache update by another process)
+ should an exception occur, ignore the data
+ """
+ if not Options.cache_global or Options.options.nocache or not self.outputs:
+ return None
+ env = self.env
+ sig = self.signature()
+ ssig = sig.encode('hex')
+ # first try to access the cache folder for the task
+ dname = os.path.join(Options.cache_global, ssig)
+ try:
+ t1 = os.stat(dname).st_mtime
+ except OSError:
+ return None
+ i = 0
+ for node in self.outputs:
+ variant = node.variant(env)
+ orig = os.path.join(dname, str(i) +
+ try:
+ shutil.copy2(orig, node.abspath(env))
+ # mark the cache file as used recently (modified)
+ os.utime(orig, None)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ debug('task: failed retrieving file')
+ return None
+ i += 1
+ # is it the same folder?
+ try:
+ t2 = os.stat(dname).st_mtime
+ except OSError:
+ return None
+ if t1 != t2:
+ return None
+ for node in self.outputs:
+ self.generator.bld.node_sigs[variant][] = sig
+ if Options.options.progress_bar < 1:
+ self.generator.bld.printout('restoring from cache %r\n' % node.bldpath(env))
+ self.cached = True
+ return 1
+ def debug_why(self, old_sigs):
+ "explains why a task is run"
+ new_sigs = self.cache_sig
+ def v(x):
+ return x.encode('hex')
+ debug("Task %r", self)
+ msgs = ['Task must run', '* Source file or manual dependency', '* Implicit dependency', '* Environment variable']
+ tmp = 'task: -> %s: %s %s'
+ for x in xrange(len(msgs)):
+ if (new_sigs[x] != old_sigs[x]):
+ debug(tmp, msgs[x], v(old_sigs[x]), v(new_sigs[x]))
+ def sig_explicit_deps(self):
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ up = self.m.update
+ # the inputs
+ for x in self.inputs + getattr(self, 'dep_nodes', []):
+ if not in bld.cache_scanned_folders:
+ bld.rescan(x.parent)
+ variant = x.variant(self.env)
+ try:
+ up(bld.node_sigs[variant][])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Utils.WafError('Missing node signature for %r (required by %r)' % (x, self))
+ # manual dependencies, they can slow down the builds
+ if bld.deps_man:
+ additional_deps = bld.deps_man
+ for x in self.inputs + self.outputs:
+ try:
+ d = additional_deps[]
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ for v in d:
+ if isinstance(v, Node.Node):
+ bld.rescan(v.parent)
+ variant = v.variant(self.env)
+ try:
+ v = bld.node_sigs[variant][]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Utils.WafError('Missing node signature for %r (required by %r)' % (v, self))
+ elif hasattr(v, '__call__'):
+ v = v() # dependency is a function, call it
+ up(v)
+ for x in self.dep_nodes:
+ v = bld.node_sigs[x.variant(self.env)][]
+ up(v)
+ return self.m.digest()
+ def sig_vars(self):
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ env = self.env
+ # dependencies on the environment vars
+ act_sig = bld.hash_env_vars(env, self.__class__.vars)
+ self.m.update(act_sig)
+ # additional variable dependencies, if provided
+ dep_vars = getattr(self, 'dep_vars', None)
+ if dep_vars:
+ self.m.update(bld.hash_env_vars(env, dep_vars))
+ return self.m.digest()
+ #def scan(self, node):
+ # """this method returns a tuple containing:
+ # * a list of nodes corresponding to real files
+ # * a list of names for files not found in path_lst
+ # the input parameters may have more parameters that the ones used below
+ # """
+ # return ((), ())
+ scan = None
+ # compute the signature, recompute it if there is no match in the cache
+ def sig_implicit_deps(self):
+ "the signature obtained may not be the one if the files have changed, we do it in two steps"
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ # get the task signatures from previous runs
+ key = self.unique_id()
+ prev_sigs = bld.task_sigs.get(key, ())
+ if prev_sigs:
+ try:
+ # for issue #379
+ if prev_sigs[2] == self.compute_sig_implicit_deps():
+ return prev_sigs[2]
+ except (KeyError, OSError):
+ pass
+ del bld.task_sigs[key]
+ raise ValueError('rescan')
+ # no previous run or the signature of the dependencies has changed, rescan the dependencies
+ (nodes, names) = self.scan()
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ debug('deps: scanner for %s returned %s %s', str(self), str(nodes), str(names))
+ # store the dependencies in the cache
+ bld.node_deps[key] = nodes
+ bld.raw_deps[key] = names
+ # recompute the signature and return it
+ try:
+ sig = self.compute_sig_implicit_deps()
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ nodes = []
+ for k in bld.node_deps.get(self.unique_id(), []):
+ if & 3 == 2: # Node.FILE:
+ if not in bld.node_sigs[0]:
+ nodes.append(k)
+ else:
+ if not in bld.node_sigs[self.env.variant()]:
+ nodes.append(k)
+ except:
+ nodes = '?'
+ raise Utils.WafError('Missing node signature for %r (for implicit dependencies %r)' % (nodes, self))
+ return sig
+ def compute_sig_implicit_deps(self):
+ """it is intended for .cpp and inferred .h files
+ there is a single list (no tree traversal)
+ this is the hot spot so ... do not touch"""
+ upd = self.m.update
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ tstamp = bld.node_sigs
+ env = self.env
+ for k in bld.node_deps.get(self.unique_id(), []):
+ # unlikely but necessary if it happens
+ if not in bld.cache_scanned_folders:
+ # if the parent folder is removed, an OSError may be thrown
+ bld.rescan(k.parent)
+ # if the parent folder is removed, a KeyError will be thrown
+ if & 3 == 2: # Node.FILE:
+ upd(tstamp[0][])
+ else:
+ upd(tstamp[env.variant()][])
+ return self.m.digest()
+def funex(c):
+ dc = {}
+ exec(c, dc)
+ return dc['f']
+reg_act = re.compile(r"(?P<backslash>\\)|(?P<dollar>\$\$)|(?P<subst>\$\{(?P<var>\w+)(?P<code>.*?)\})", re.M)
+def compile_fun_shell(name, line):
+ """Compiles a string (once) into a function, eg:
+ simple_task_type('c++', '${CXX} -o ${TGT[0]} ${SRC} -I ${SRC[0].parent.bldpath()}')
+ The env variables (CXX, ..) on the task must not hold dicts (order)
+ The reserved keywords TGT and SRC represent the task input and output nodes
+ quick test:
+ bld(source='wscript', rule='echo "foo\\${SRC[0].name}\\bar"')
+ """
+ extr = []
+ def repl(match):
+ g =
+ if g('dollar'): return "$"
+ elif g('backslash'): return '\\\\'
+ elif g('subst'): extr.append((g('var'), g('code'))); return "%s"
+ return None
+ line = reg_act.sub(repl, line) or line
+ parm = []
+ dvars = []
+ app = parm.append
+ for (var, meth) in extr:
+ if var == 'SRC':
+ if meth: app('task.inputs%s' % meth)
+ else: app('" ".join([a.srcpath(env) for a in task.inputs])')
+ elif var == 'TGT':
+ if meth: app('task.outputs%s' % meth)
+ else: app('" ".join([a.bldpath(env) for a in task.outputs])')
+ else:
+ if not var in dvars: dvars.append(var)
+ app("p('%s')" % var)
+ if parm: parm = "%% (%s) " % (',\n\t\t'.join(parm))
+ else: parm = ''
+ c = COMPILE_TEMPLATE_SHELL % (line, parm)
+ debug('action: %s', c)
+ return (funex(c), dvars)
+def compile_fun_noshell(name, line):
+ extr = []
+ def repl(match):
+ g =
+ if g('dollar'): return "$"
+ elif g('subst'): extr.append((g('var'), g('code'))); return "<<|@|>>"
+ return None
+ line2 = reg_act.sub(repl, line)
+ params = line2.split('<<|@|>>')
+ buf = []
+ dvars = []
+ app = buf.append
+ for x in xrange(len(extr)):
+ params[x] = params[x].strip()
+ if params[x]:
+ app("lst.extend(%r)" % params[x].split())
+ (var, meth) = extr[x]
+ if var == 'SRC':
+ if meth: app('lst.append(task.inputs%s)' % meth)
+ else: app("lst.extend([a.srcpath(env) for a in task.inputs])")
+ elif var == 'TGT':
+ if meth: app('lst.append(task.outputs%s)' % meth)
+ else: app("lst.extend([a.bldpath(env) for a in task.outputs])")
+ else:
+ app('lst.extend(to_list(env[%r]))' % var)
+ if not var in dvars: dvars.append(var)
+ if params[-1]:
+ app("lst.extend(%r)" % shlex.split(params[-1]))
+ fun = COMPILE_TEMPLATE_NOSHELL % "\n\t".join(buf)
+ debug('action: %s', fun)
+ return (funex(fun), dvars)
+def compile_fun(name, line, shell=None):
+ "commands can be launched by the shell or not"
+ if line.find('<') > 0 or line.find('>') > 0 or line.find('&&') > 0:
+ shell = True
+ #else:
+ # shell = False
+ if shell is None:
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ shell = False
+ else:
+ shell = True
+ if shell:
+ return compile_fun_shell(name, line)
+ else:
+ return compile_fun_noshell(name, line)
+def simple_task_type(name, line, color='GREEN', vars=[], ext_in=[], ext_out=[], before=[], after=[], shell=None):
+ """return a new Task subclass with the function run compiled from the line given"""
+ (fun, dvars) = compile_fun(name, line, shell)
+ fun.code = line
+ return task_type_from_func(name, fun, vars or dvars, color, ext_in, ext_out, before, after)
+def task_type_from_func(name, func, vars=[], color='GREEN', ext_in=[], ext_out=[], before=[], after=[]):
+ """return a new Task subclass with the function run compiled from the line given"""
+ params = {
+ 'run': func,
+ 'vars': vars,
+ 'color': color,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'ext_in': Utils.to_list(ext_in),
+ 'ext_out': Utils.to_list(ext_out),
+ 'before': Utils.to_list(before),
+ 'after': Utils.to_list(after),
+ }
+ cls = type(Task)(name, (Task,), params)
+ TaskBase.classes[name] = cls
+ return cls
+def always_run(cls):
+ """Set all task instances of this class to be executed whenever a build is started
+ The task signature is calculated, but the result of the comparation between
+ task signatures is bypassed
+ """
+ old = cls.runnable_status
+ def always(self):
+ ret = old(self)
+ if ret == SKIP_ME:
+ return RUN_ME
+ return ret
+ cls.runnable_status = always
+def update_outputs(cls):
+ """When a command is always run, it is possible that the output only change
+ sometimes. By default the build node have as a hash the signature of the task
+ which may not change. With this, the output nodes (produced) are hashed,
+ and the hashes are set to the build nodes
+ This may avoid unnecessary recompilations, but it uses more resources
+ (hashing the output files) so it is not used by default
+ """
+ old_post_run = cls.post_run
+ def post_run(self):
+ old_post_run(self)
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ for output in self.outputs:
+ bld.node_sigs[self.env.variant()][] = Utils.h_file(output.abspath(self.env))
+ bld.task_sigs[] = self.unique_id()
+ cls.post_run = post_run
+ old_runnable_status = cls.runnable_status
+ def runnable_status(self):
+ status = old_runnable_status(self)
+ if status != RUN_ME:
+ return status
+ uid = self.unique_id()
+ try:
+ bld = self.outputs[0].__class__.bld
+ new_sig = self.signature()
+ prev_sig = bld.task_sigs[uid][0]
+ if prev_sig == new_sig:
+ for x in self.outputs:
+ if not in bld.node_sigs[self.env.variant()]:
+ return RUN_ME
+ if bld.task_sigs[] != uid: # ensure the outputs are associated with *this* task
+ return RUN_ME
+ return SKIP_ME
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ return RUN_ME
+ cls.runnable_status = runnable_status
+def extract_outputs(tasks):
+ """file_deps: Infer additional dependencies from task input and output nodes
+ """
+ v = {}
+ for x in tasks:
+ try:
+ (ins, outs) = v[x.env.variant()]
+ except KeyError:
+ ins = {}
+ outs = {}
+ v[x.env.variant()] = (ins, outs)
+ for a in getattr(x, 'inputs', []):
+ try: ins[].append(x)
+ except KeyError: ins[] = [x]
+ for a in getattr(x, 'outputs', []):
+ try: outs[].append(x)
+ except KeyError: outs[] = [x]
+ for (ins, outs) in v.values():
+ links = set(ins.iterkeys()).intersection(outs.iterkeys())
+ for k in links:
+ for a in ins[k]:
+ for b in outs[k]:
+ a.set_run_after(b)
+def extract_deps(tasks):
+ """file_deps: Infer additional dependencies from task input and output nodes and from implicit dependencies
+ returned by the scanners - that will only work if all tasks are created
+ this is aimed at people who have pathological builds and who do not care enough
+ to implement the build dependencies properly
+ with two loops over the list of tasks, do not expect this to be really fast
+ """
+ # first reuse the function above
+ extract_outputs(tasks)
+ # map the output nodes to the tasks producing them
+ out_to_task = {}
+ for x in tasks:
+ v = x.env.variant()
+ try:
+ lst = x.outputs
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for node in lst:
+ out_to_task[(v,] = x
+ # map the dependencies found to the tasks compiled
+ dep_to_task = {}
+ for x in tasks:
+ try:
+ x.signature()
+ except: # this is on purpose
+ pass
+ v = x.env.variant()
+ key = x.unique_id()
+ for k in x.generator.bld.node_deps.get(x.unique_id(), []):
+ try: dep_to_task[(v,].append(x)
+ except KeyError: dep_to_task[(v,] = [x]
+ # now get the intersection
+ deps = set(dep_to_task.keys()).intersection(set(out_to_task.keys()))
+ # and add the dependencies from task to task
+ for idx in deps:
+ for k in dep_to_task[idx]:
+ k.set_run_after(out_to_task[idx])
+ # cleanup, remove the signatures
+ for x in tasks:
+ try:
+ delattr(x, 'cache_sig')
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass