path: root/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/waf/wafadmin/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/waf/wafadmin/ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e87c110902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/waf/wafadmin/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Scott Newton, 2005 (scottn)
+# Thomas Nagy, 2006 (ita)
+"Custom command-line options"
+import os, sys, imp, types, tempfile, optparse
+import Logs, Utils
+from Constants import *
+cmds = 'distclean configure build install clean uninstall check dist distcheck'.split()
+# TODO remove in waf 1.6 the following two
+commands = {}
+is_install = False
+options = {}
+arg_line = []
+launch_dir = ''
+tooldir = ''
+lockfile = os.environ.get('WAFLOCK', '.lock-wscript')
+try: cache_global = os.path.abspath(os.environ['WAFCACHE'])
+except KeyError: cache_global = ''
+platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
+conf_file = 'conf-runs-%s-%d.pickle' % (platform, ABI)
+remote_repo = ['']
+"""remote directory for the plugins"""
+# Such a command-line should work: JOBS=4 PREFIX=/opt/ DESTDIR=/tmp/ahoj/ waf configure
+default_prefix = os.environ.get('PREFIX')
+if not default_prefix:
+ if platform == 'win32':
+ d = tempfile.gettempdir()
+ default_prefix = d[0].upper() + d[1:]
+ # win32 preserves the case, but gettempdir does not
+ else: default_prefix = '/usr/local/'
+default_jobs = os.environ.get('JOBS', -1)
+if default_jobs < 1:
+ try:
+ if 'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN' in os.sysconf_names:
+ default_jobs = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
+ else:
+ default_jobs = int(Utils.cmd_output(['sysctl', '-n', 'hw.ncpu']))
+ except:
+ if == 'java': # platform.system() == 'Java'
+ from java.lang import Runtime
+ default_jobs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
+ else:
+ # environment var defined on win32
+ default_jobs = int(os.environ.get('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS', 1))
+default_destdir = os.environ.get('DESTDIR', '')
+def get_usage(self):
+ cmds_str = []
+ module = Utils.g_module
+ if module:
+ # create the help messages for commands
+ tbl = module.__dict__
+ keys = list(tbl.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ if 'build' in tbl:
+ if not
+ = 'builds the project'
+ if 'configure' in tbl:
+ if not module.configure.__doc__:
+ module.configure.__doc__ = 'configures the project'
+ ban = ['set_options', 'init', 'shutdown']
+ optlst = [x for x in keys if not x in ban
+ and type(tbl[x]) is type(parse_args_impl)
+ and tbl[x].__doc__
+ and not x.startswith('_')]
+ just = max([len(x) for x in optlst])
+ for x in optlst:
+ cmds_str.append(' %s: %s' % (x.ljust(just), tbl[x].__doc__))
+ ret = '\n'.join(cmds_str)
+ else:
+ ret = ' '.join(cmds)
+ return '''waf [command] [options]
+Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
+''' % ret
+setattr(optparse.OptionParser, 'get_usage', get_usage)
+def create_parser(module=None):
+ Logs.debug('options: create_parser is called')
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve", version = 'waf %s (%s)' % (WAFVERSION, WAFREVISION))
+ parser.formatter.width = Utils.get_term_cols()
+ p = parser.add_option
+ p('-j', '--jobs',
+ type = 'int',
+ default = default_jobs,
+ help = 'amount of parallel jobs (%r)' % default_jobs,
+ dest = 'jobs')
+ p('-k', '--keep',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = 'keep running happily on independent task groups',
+ dest = 'keep')
+ p('-v', '--verbose',
+ action = 'count',
+ default = 0,
+ help = 'verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]',
+ dest = 'verbose')
+ p('--nocache',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = 'ignore the WAFCACHE (if set)',
+ dest = 'nocache')
+ p('--zones',
+ action = 'store',
+ default = '',
+ help = 'debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)',
+ dest = 'zones')
+ p('-p', '--progress',
+ action = 'count',
+ default = 0,
+ help = '-p: progress bar; -pp: ide output',
+ dest = 'progress_bar')
+ p('--targets',
+ action = 'store',
+ default = '',
+ help = 'build given task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"',
+ dest = 'compile_targets')
+ gr = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'configuration options')
+ parser.add_option_group(gr)
+ gr.add_option('-b', '--blddir',
+ action = 'store',
+ default = '',
+ help = 'out dir for the project (configuration)',
+ dest = 'blddir')
+ gr.add_option('-s', '--srcdir',
+ action = 'store',
+ default = '',
+ help = 'top dir for the project (configuration)',
+ dest = 'srcdir')
+ gr.add_option('--prefix',
+ help = 'installation prefix (configuration) [default: %r]' % default_prefix,
+ default = default_prefix,
+ dest = 'prefix')
+ gr.add_option('--download',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = 'try to download the tools if missing',
+ dest = 'download')
+ gr = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'installation options')
+ parser.add_option_group(gr)
+ gr.add_option('--destdir',
+ help = 'installation root [default: %r]' % default_destdir,
+ default = default_destdir,
+ dest = 'destdir')
+ gr.add_option('-f', '--force',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ default = False,
+ help = 'force file installation',
+ dest = 'force')
+ return parser
+def parse_args_impl(parser, _args=None):
+ global options, commands, arg_line
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=_args)
+ arg_line = args
+ #arg_line = args[:] # copy
+ # By default, 'waf' is equivalent to 'waf build'
+ commands = {}
+ for var in cmds: commands[var] = 0
+ if not args:
+ commands['build'] = 1
+ args.append('build')
+ # Parse the command arguments
+ for arg in args:
+ commands[arg] = True
+ # the check thing depends on the build
+ if 'check' in args:
+ idx = args.index('check')
+ try:
+ bidx = args.index('build')
+ if bidx > idx:
+ raise ValueError('build before check')
+ except ValueError, e:
+ args.insert(idx, 'build')
+ if args[0] != 'init':
+ args.insert(0, 'init')
+ # TODO -k => -j0
+ if options.keep: = 1
+ if < 1: = 1
+ if 'install' in sys.argv or 'uninstall' in sys.argv:
+ # absolute path only if set
+ options.destdir = options.destdir and os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.destdir))
+ Logs.verbose = options.verbose
+ Logs.init_log()
+ if options.zones:
+ Logs.zones = options.zones.split(',')
+ if not Logs.verbose: Logs.verbose = 1
+ elif Logs.verbose > 0:
+ Logs.zones = ['runner']
+ if Logs.verbose > 2:
+ Logs.zones = ['*']
+# TODO waf 1.6
+# 1. rename the class to OptionsContext
+# 2. instead of a class attribute, use a module (static 'parser')
+# 3. parse_args_impl was made in times when we did not know about binding new methods to classes
+class Handler(Utils.Context):
+ """loads wscript modules in folders for adding options
+ This class should be named 'OptionsContext'
+ A method named 'recurse' is bound when used by the module Scripting"""
+ parser = None
+ # make it possible to access the reference, like Build.bld
+ def __init__(self, module=None):
+ self.parser = create_parser(module)
+ self.cwd = os.getcwd()
+ Handler.parser = self
+ def add_option(self, *k, **kw):
+ self.parser.add_option(*k, **kw)
+ def add_option_group(self, *k, **kw):
+ return self.parser.add_option_group(*k, **kw)
+ def get_option_group(self, opt_str):
+ return self.parser.get_option_group(opt_str)
+ def sub_options(self, *k, **kw):
+ if not k: raise Utils.WscriptError('folder expected')
+ self.recurse(k[0], name='set_options')
+ def tool_options(self, *k, **kw):
+ Utils.python_24_guard()
+ if not k[0]:
+ raise Utils.WscriptError('invalid tool_options call %r %r' % (k, kw))
+ tools = Utils.to_list(k[0])
+ # TODO waf 1.6 remove the global variable tooldir
+ path = Utils.to_list(kw.get('tdir', kw.get('tooldir', tooldir)))
+ for tool in tools:
+ tool = tool.replace('++', 'xx')
+ if tool == 'java': tool = 'javaw'
+ if tool.lower() == 'unittest': tool = 'unittestw'
+ module = Utils.load_tool(tool, path)
+ try:
+ fun = module.set_options
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ fun(kw.get('option_group', self))
+ def parse_args(self, args=None):
+ parse_args_impl(self.parser, args)