path: root/third_party/heimdal/lib/asn1/kx509.asn1
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diff --git a/third_party/heimdal/lib/asn1/kx509.asn1 b/third_party/heimdal/lib/asn1/kx509.asn1
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index 00000000000..af8a4d613d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/heimdal/lib/asn1/kx509.asn1
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+-- $Id$
+-- Version 2 of the kx509 protocol is documented in RFC6717.
+-- Our version here has extensions without changing the version number on the
+-- wire.
+IMPORTS Extensions FROM rfc2459
+ KerberosTime FROM krb5;
+ -- 6 is used internally in the umich client, avoid that
+ -- CSR use negotiation:
+ -- Let us reserve 1000+ for Kebreros protocol wire error codes -Nico
+-- Originally kx509 requests carried only a public key. We'd like to have
+-- proof of possession, and the ability to carry additional options, both, in
+-- cleartext and otherwise.
+-- We'll use a CSR for proof of posession and desired certificate extensions.
+-- We'll also provide a non-CSR-based method of conveying desired certificate
+-- extensions. The reason for this is simply that we may want to have a [e.g.,
+-- RESTful HTTP] proxy for the kx509 service, and we want clients to be able to
+-- be as simple as possible -cargo-culted even- with support for attributes
+-- (desired certificate extensions) as parameters outside the CSR that the
+-- proxy can encode without having the private key for the CSR (naturally).
+-- I.e., ultimately we'll have a REST endpoint, /kx509, say, with query
+-- parameters like:
+-- - csr=<base64-encoding-of-DER-encoded-CSR>
+-- - eku=<OID>
+-- - ku=<key-usage-flag-name>
+-- - rfc822Name=<URL-escaped-email-address>
+-- - xMPPName=<URL-escaped-jabber-address>
+-- - dNSName=<URL-escaped-FQDN>
+-- - dNSSrv=<URL-escaped-_service.FQDN>
+-- - registeredID=<OID>
+-- - principalName=<URL-escaped-RFC1964-format-Kerberos-Principal-Name>
+-- with exactly one CSR and zero, one, or more of the other parameters.
+-- We'll even have a way to convey a bearer token from the REST proxy so that
+-- we may have a way to get PKIX credentials using bearer tokens. And then,
+-- using PKINIT, we may have a way to get Kerberos credentials using bearer
+-- tokens.
+-- To do this we define a Kx509CSRPlus that we can use in the `pk-key' field of
+-- Kx509Request (see below):
+ -- PKCS#10, DER-encoded CSR, with or without meaningful attributes
+ -- Desired certificate Extensions such as KeyUsage, ExtKeyUsage, or
+ -- subjectAlternativeName (SAN)
+ exts Extensions OPTIONAL,
+ -- Desired certificate lifetime
+ req-life KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+-- Version 2
+Kx509Request ::= SEQUENCE {
+ authenticator OCTET STRING,
+ pk-hash OCTET STRING, -- HMAC(ticket_session_key, pk-key)
+ pk-key OCTET STRING -- one of:
+ -- - the public key, DER-encoded (RSA, basically)
+ -- - a Kx509CSRPlus
+-- Kx509ErrorCode is a Heimdal-specific enhancement with no change on the wire,
+-- and really only just so the error-code field below can fit on one line.
+Kx509ErrorCode ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+Kx509Response ::= SEQUENCE {
+ error-code[0] Kx509ErrorCode DEFAULT 0,
+ hash[1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- HMAC(session_key, ...)
+ certificate[2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- DER-encoded Certificate
+ -- if client sent raw RSA SPK
+ -- or DER-encoded Certificates
+ -- (i.e., SEQ. OF Certificate)
+ -- if client used a
+ -- Kx509CSRPlus
+ e-text[3] VisibleString OPTIONAL
+-- Offset for Kerberos protocol errors when error-code set to one:
+kx509-krb5-error-base INTEGER ::= 1000
+-- RFC6717 says this about error codes:
+-- +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+
+-- | error-code | Condition | Example |
+-- +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+
+-- | 1 | Permanent problem with | Incompatible version |
+-- | | client request | |
+-- | 2 | Solvable problem with | Expired Kerberos |
+-- | | client request | credentials |
+-- | 3 | Temporary problem with | Packet loss |
+-- | | client request | |
+-- | 4 | Permanent problem with the | Internal |
+-- | | server | misconfiguration |
+-- | 5 | Temporary problem with the | Server overloaded |
+-- | | server | |
+-- +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+
+-- Looking at UMich CITI's kca (server-side of kx509) implementation, it always
+-- sends 0 as the status code, and the UMich CITI kx509 client never checks it.
+-- All of these error codes are local only in the UMich CITI implementation.
+-- Meanwhile, Heimdal used to never send error responses at all.
+-- As a result we can use whatever error codes we want. We'll send Kerberos
+-- protocol errors + 1000. And we'll never use RFC6717 error codes at all.
+-- Looking at umich source...
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_GOOD 0 /* No problems handling client request */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_CLNT_BAD 1 /* Client-side permanent problem */
+-- /* ex. version incompatible */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_CLNT_FIX 2 /* Client-side solvable problem */
+-- /* ex. re-authenticate */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_CLNT_TMP 3 /* Client-side temporary problem */
+-- /* ex. packet loss */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_SRVR_BAD 4 /* Server-side permanent problem */
+-- /* ex. server broken */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_SRVR_TMP 5 /* Server-side temporary problem */
+-- /* ex. server overloaded */
+-- #define KX509_STATUS_SRVR_CANT_CLNT_VERS 6 /* Server-side doesn't handle */
+-- /* existence of client_version */
+-- /* field in KX509_REQUEST */
+-- The umich server uses these errors in these situations:
+-- - KX509_STATUS_SRVR_TMP is for:
+-- - request decode errors
+-- - krb5_is_ap_req() errors
+-- - wrong Kerberos protocol vno in AP-REQ
+-- - some ENOMEMs
+-- - UDP read errors (??)
+-- - LDAP issues (they use LDAP to map realm-chopped user princ names to
+-- full names)
+-- - pk decode errors
+-- - KX509_STATUS_CLNT_TMP is for:
+-- - HMAC mismatch
+-- - some ENOMEMs
+-- - failure to accept AP-REQ
+-- - failure to unparse princ names from AP-REQ's Ticket
+-- - KX509_STATUS_SRVR_BAD is for:
+-- - configuration issues (missing issuer creds)
+-- - serial number transaction issues (we should randomize)
+-- - subjectName construction issues
+-- - certificate construction issues (ENOMEM, say)
+-- - failure to authenticate (never happens, since KX509_STATUS_CLNT_TMP is
+-- used earlier when krb5_rd_req() fails)
+-- - KX509_STATUS_CLNT_FIX is for:
+-- - more than one component client principals
+-- - client princ name component zero string length shorter than 3 or
+-- longer than 8 (WTF)
+-- - other policy issues
+-- - wrong protocol version number (version_2_0)
+-- Possible new version designs:
+-- - keep the protocol the same but use a CSR instead of a raw RSA public key
+-- - on the server try decoding first a CSR, then a raw RSA public key
+-- - keep the protocol the same but use either a CSR or a self-signed cert
+-- - on the server try decoding first a Certificate, then a CSR, then a raw
+-- RSA public key
+-- CSRs are a pain to deal with. Self-signed certificates can act as a
+-- CSR of a sort. Use notBefore == 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and an EKU
+-- denoting "this certificate is really a much-easier-to-work-with CSR
+-- alternative".
+-- - keep the protocol similar, but use the checksum field of the
+-- Authenticator to authenticate the request data; use a KRB-PRIV for the
+-- reply
+-- - extend the KDC/AS/TGS protocols to support certificate issuance, either
+-- at the same time as ticket acquisition, or as an alternative
+-- - send a CSR as a authz-data element
+-- - expect an EncryptedData with the issued Certificate inside as the
+-- Ticket in the result (again, ugly hack)
+-- - or maybe just add new messages, but, the thing is that the existing
+-- "AP-REP + stuff" kx509 protocol is a fine design pattern, there's no
+-- need to radically change it, just slightly.
+-- The main benefit of using an extension to the KDC/AS/TGS protocols is that
+-- we could then use FAST for confidentiality protection.