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+Network Working Group N. Williams
+Request for Comments: 5588 Sun
+Category: Standards Track July 2009
+ Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API)
+ Extension for Storing Delegated Credentials
+ This document defines a new function for the Generic Security Service
+ Application Program Interface (GSS-API), which allows applications to
+ store delegated (and other) credentials in the implicit GSS-API
+ credential store. This is needed for GSS-API applications to use
+ delegated credentials as they would use other credentials.
+Status of This Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
+ document authors. All rights reserved.
+ This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
+ Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of
+ publication of this document (
+ Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
+ and restrictions with respect to this document.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction ....................................................2
+ 2. Conventions Used in This Document ...............................3
+ 3. GSS_Store_cred() ................................................3
+ 4. C-Bindings ......................................................5
+ 5. Examples ........................................................6
+ 6. Security Considerations .........................................6
+ 7. Normative References ............................................7
+Williams Standards Track [Page 1]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+1. Introduction
+ The GSS-API [RFC2743] clearly assumes that credentials exist in an
+ implicit store whence they can be acquired using GSS_Acquire_cred()
+ and GSS_Add_cred() or through use of the default credential.
+ Multiple credential stores may exist on a given host, but only one
+ store may be accessed by GSS_Acquire_cred() and GSS_Add_cred() at any
+ given time.
+ This assumption can be seen in Sections and of
+ [RFC2743] as well as in Section 3.5 of [RFC2744].
+ Applications may be able to change the credential store from which
+ credentials can be acquired, either by changing user contexts (where
+ the applications have the privilege to do so) or by other means
+ (where a user may have multiple credential stores).
+ Some GSS-API acceptor applications always change user contexts, after
+ accepting a GSS-API security context and making appropriate
+ authorization checks, to the user context corresponding to the
+ initiator principal name or to a context requested by the initiator.
+ The means by which credential stores are managed are generally beyond
+ the scope of the GSS-API.
+ In the case of delegated credential handles however, such credentials
+ do not exist in the acceptor's credential store or in the credential
+ stores of the user contexts to which the acceptor application might
+ change. The GSS-API provides no mechanism by which delegated
+ credential handles can be made available for acquisition through
+ GSS_Acquire_cred()/GSS_Add_cred(). The GSS-API also does not provide
+ any credential import/export interfaces like the GSS-API context
+ import/export interfaces.
+ Thus, acceptors are limited to making only direct use of delegated
+ credential handles and only with GSS_Init_sec_context(),
+ GSS_Inquire_cred*(), and GSS_Release_cred(). This limitation is
+ particularly onerous on Unix systems where a call to exec() to
+ replace the process image obliterates any delegated credentials
+ handle that may exist in that process.
+ In order to make delegated credentials generally as useful as
+ credentials that can be acquired with GSS_Acquire_cred() and
+ GSS_Add_cred(), a primitive is needed that allows storing of
+ credentials in the implicit credential store. We call this primitive
+ "GSS_Store_cred()".
+Williams Standards Track [Page 2]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+2. Conventions Used in This Document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+3. GSS_Store_cred()
+ Inputs:
+ o input_cred_handle CREDENTIAL HANDLE, -- credential to store; MUST
+ o desired_mech_element OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- if GSS_C_NULL_OID, then
+ store all the elements of the input_cred_handle, otherwise, store
+ only the element of the corresponding mechanism.
+ o overwrite_cred BOOLEAN, -- if TRUE, replace any credential for the
+ same principal in the credential store.
+ o default_cred BOOLEAN -- advisory input; if TRUE, make the stored
+ credential available as the default credential (for acquisition
+ with GSS_C_NO_NAME as the desired name or for use as
+ Outputs:
+ o major_status INTEGER.
+ o minor_status INTEGER.
+ o mech_elements_stored SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- the set of
+ mechanism OIDs for which credential elements were successfully
+ stored.
+ o cred_usage_stored INTEGER -- like cred_usage, but indicates what
+ kind of credential was stored (useful when the cred_usage input
+ parameter is set to INITIATE-AND-ACCEPT).
+ Return major_status codes:
+ o GSS_S_COMPLETE indicates that the credentials were successfully
+ stored.
+Williams Standards Track [Page 3]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+ o GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED indicates that the input credentials had
+ expired or expired before they could be stored.
+ o GSS_S_NO_CRED indicates that no input credentials were given.
+ o GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE indicates that the credential store is not
+ available.
+ o GSS_S_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT indicates that an element of the input
+ credential could not be stored because a credential for the same
+ principal exists in the current credential store and the
+ overwrite_cred input argument was FALSE.
+ o GSS_S_FAILURE indicates that the credential could not be stored
+ for some other reason. The minor status code may provide more
+ information if a non-GSS_C_NULL_OID desired_mech_element was
+ given.
+ GSS_Store_cred() is used to store, in the current credential store, a
+ given credential that has either been acquired from a different
+ credential store or been accepted as a delegated credential.
+ Specific mechanism elements of a credential can be stored one at a
+ time by specifying a non-GSS_C_NULL_OID mechanism OID as the
+ desired_mech_element input argument; in which case, the minor status
+ output SHOULD have a mechanism-specific value when the major status
+ is not GSS_S_COMPLETE.
+ The initiator, acceptor, or both usages of the input credential may
+ be stored as per the cred_usage input argument.
+ The credential elements that were actually stored, when the major
+ status is GSS_S_COMPLETE, are indicated through the cred_usage_stored
+ and mech_elements_stored function outputs.
+ If credentials already exist in the current store for the principal
+ of the input_cred_handle, then those credentials are not replaced
+ with the input credentials unless the overwrite_cred input argument
+ is TRUE.
+ In the GSS-API, the default credential can be used by using
+ GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL or a CREDENTIAL handle acquired by calling
+ GSS_Acquire_cred() or GSS_Add_cred() with the desired_name input set
+ If the default_cred input argument is TRUE, and the input credential
+ can be successfully stored, then the input credential SHOULD be
+ stored as the default credential (see above).
+Williams Standards Track [Page 4]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+ If the current credential store has no default credential (see
+ above), then the implementation MAY make the stored credentials
+ available as the default credential regardless of the value of the
+ default_cred input argument.
+4. C-Bindings
+ The C-Bindings for GSS_Store_cred() make use of types from and are
+ designed based on the style of the GSS-APIv2 C-Bindings [RFC2744].
+ OM_uint32 gss_store_cred(
+ OM_uint32 *minor_status,
+ gss_cred_id_t input_cred_handle,
+ gss_cred_usage_t cred_usage,
+ const gss_OID desired_mech,
+ OM_uint32 overwrite_cred,
+ OM_uint32 default_cred,
+ gss_OID_set *elements_stored,
+ gss_cred_usage_t *cred_usage_stored)
+ Figure 1
+ The two boolean arguments, 'overwrite_cred' and 'default_cred', are
+ typed as OM_uint32; 0 corresponds to FALSE, non-zero values
+ correspond to TRUE.
+Williams Standards Track [Page 5]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+5. Examples
+ The intended usage of GSS_Store_cred() is to make delegated
+ credentials available to child processes of GSS-API acceptor
+ applications. Example pseudo-code:
+ /*
+ * <GSS_Accept_sec_context() loop resulting in GSS_S_COMPLETE,
+ * an initiator name (hereafter, "src_name") and a delegated
+ * credential handle (hereafter "deleg_cred").>
+ *
+ * <"requested_username" is a username derived from the
+ * initiator name or explicitly requested by the initiator
+ * application.>
+ */
+ ...
+ if (authorize_gss_client(src_name, requested_username)) {
+ /*
+ * For Unix-type platforms this may mean calling setuid() and
+ * it may or may not also mean setting/unsetting such
+ * environment variables as KRB5CCNAME and what not -- all
+ * OS-specific details.
+ */
+ if (change_user_context(requested_username))
+ (void) gss_store_cred(&minor_status, deleg_cred,
+ GSS_C_INITIATE, actual_mech,
+ 0, 1, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else ...
+ }
+ else ...
+6. Security Considerations
+ Acceptor applications MUST only store delegated credentials into
+ appropriate credential stores and only after proper authorization of
+ the authenticated initiator principal to the requested service(s).
+ Acceptor applications that have no use for delegated credentials MUST
+ release them (such acceptor applications that use the GSS-API C-
+ Bindings may simply provide a NULL value for the
+ delegated_cred_handle argument to gss_accept_sec_context()).
+Williams Standards Track [Page 6]
+RFC 5588 GSS_Store_cred() July 2009
+7. Normative References
+ [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
+ [RFC2744] Wray, J., "Generic Security Service API Version 2 :
+ C-bindings", RFC 2744, January 2000.
+Author's Address
+ Nicolas Williams
+ Sun Microsystems
+ 5300 Riata Trace Ct
+ Austin, TX 78727
+ US
+ EMail:
+Williams Standards Track [Page 7]