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+Internet-Draft Microsoft Corporation
+Intended status: Standards Track J. Altman
+Expires: May 7, 2009 Secure Endpoints
+ N. Williams
+ Sun
+ November 3, 2008
+ Public Key Cryptography Based User-to-User Authentication - (PKU2U)
+ draft-zhu-pku2u-09
+Status of this Memo
+ By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
+ applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
+ have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
+ aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
+ Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ This Internet-Draft will expire on May 7, 2009.
+ This document defines a Generic Security Services Application Program
+ Interface (GSS-API) mechanism based on Public Key Infrastructure
+ (PKI) - PKU2U. This mechanism is based on Kerberos V messages and the
+ Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism, but without requiring a Kerberos Key
+ Distribution Center (KDC).
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 1]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 2. Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 3. The PKU2U Realm Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
+ 4. The NULL Principal Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
+ 5. PKU2U Principal Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
+ 5.1. GSS_C_NT_DN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
+ 5.2. GSS_C_NT_HOSTNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
+ 5.3. GSS_C_NT_EMAIL_ADDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
+ 5.4. GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
+ 5.5. GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
+ 5.6. GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE - Matching Host-based
+ Principal Names to Acceptor Certificates . . . . . . . . . 9
+ 6. The Protocol Description and the Context Establishment
+ Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
+ 6.1. Context Token Derived from KRB_AS_REQ . . . . . . . . . . 12
+ 6.2. Context Token Derived from KRB_AS_REP . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 6.3. Context Tokens Imported from RFC4121 . . . . . . . . . . . 16
+ 7. Guidelines for Credentials Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 8. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
+ 9. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ 10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ 11. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
+ Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 23
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 2]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+1. Introduction
+ The Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface (GSS-
+ API) is a generic protocol and API for providing authentication and
+ session protection to applications. It is generic in that it
+ supports multiple authentication mechanisms. Today there exists only
+ one workable, widely deployed, standards-track GSS-API mechanism: the
+ Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC1964] [RFC4121], which is based on
+ Kerberos V [RFC4120]. There is a need to provide a GSS-API mechanism
+ which does not require Kerberos V Key Distribution Center (KDC)
+ infrastructure, and which supports the use of public key
+ cryptography, particularly Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) [RFC5280],
+ including the use of public key certificates without a PKI.
+ This document specifies such a mechanism: the Public Key User to User
+ mechanism (PKU2U).
+ PKU2U is based on building blocks taken from Kerberos V [RFC4120],
+ PKINIT, [RFC4556] (which in turn uses PKI [RFC5280]) building
+ blocks), and the Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC1964] [RFC4121].
+ In spite of using Kerberos V building blocks, PKU2U does not require
+ any Kerberos V KDC infrastructure. And though PKU2U also uses PKI
+ building blocks, PKU2U can be used without a PKI by pre-sharing
+ certificates and/or pre-associating name/certificate bindings.
+ Therefore PKU2U can be used for true peer-to-peer authentication, as
+ well as for PKI-based authentication.
+2. Conventions Used in This Document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+ In this document, the GSS-API initiator or acceptor is referred to as
+ the peer when the description is applicable to both the initiator and
+ the acceptor.
+3. The PKU2U Realm Name
+ The PKU2U realm name is defined as a reserved Kerberos realm name per
+ [KRB-NAMING], and it has the value of "WELLKNOWN:PKU2U".
+ The PKU2U realm name has no meaning, but is intended to be used in
+ the Kebreros V Protocol Data Units (PDUs) that are re-used by PKU2U
+ wherever realm names are needed. Unless otherwise specified, the
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 3]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ realm name in any Kerberos message used by PKU2U is the PKU2U realm
+ name.
+4. The NULL Principal Name
+ The NULL Kerberos principal name is defined as a well-known Kerberos
+ principal name based on [KRB-NAMING]. The value of the name-type
+ field is KRB_NT_WELLKNOWN [KRB-NAMING], and the value of the name-
+ string field is a sequence of two KerberosString components:
+ The NULL Kerberos principal name is used in the Kerberos messages
+ where there is no Kerberos representation of the principal name, for
+ example, when the client name is a Distinguished Name. When the NULL
+ principal name is used in the Kerberos messages, the principal name
+ is either not used or provided separately (for example in the
+ PA_PKU2U_NAME padata defined in Section 6.1).
+5. PKU2U Principal Naming
+ The GSS-API targ_name supplied for the initiator MUST NOT be
+ PKU2U principal names can be Kerberos principal names, and they can
+ also be distiguished names, or subject alternative names [RFC5280] as
+ they appear in the certificate of any PKU2U peer, as well as any
+ names agreed to out of band that do not appear in the peer
+ certificates.
+ Certificates may be associated with multiple principal names. This
+ presents problems for the GSS-API bindings of a PKI-based mechanism
+ because, for example, for any given, established GSS-API security
+ mechanism there can be only one initiator name, and one acceptor
+ name, and credential handles may be associated with only one name.
+ We resolve these problems as follows:
+ o We define multiple GSS-API name types corresponding to several
+ GeneralName choices [RFC5280], along with syntaxes, display forms,
+ and exported name token formats for each. For most of the name-
+ types listed below the exported name token formats consists of a
+ GeneralName with the usual exported name token header as per-
+ RFC2743. Two name-types are shared with the Kerberos V mechanism
+ and use the Kerberos V mechanism's query and display syntaxes,
+ canonicalization rules, and exported name token format.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 4]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ o The cred_name of a credential handle acquired with
+ GSS_C_NT_NO_NAME as the desired_name SHOULD be the Distinguished
+ Name (DN) of the certificate underlying the credential. If there
+ are multiple certificates and private keys, then either one MUST
+ be selected by local, implementation-specific means, or credential
+ acquisition with GSS_C_NT_NO_NAME MUST fail (implementers may
+ choose which of these two behaviors to provide).
+ o When using desired_name values other than GSS_C_NT_NO_NAME for
+ credential handle acquisition then the implementation MUST use
+ exact matching of the given desired_name to a certificate's DN or
+ Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for all name-types given below,
+ except for GSS_C_NT_DN, where matching rules are fuzzier and given
+ below. The names of a X.509 certificate will be compared to the
+ given desired_name in this order: certificate DN first, then SANs
+ in the order in which they appear in the certificate. When
+ multiple certificates and private keys are available the order in
+ which the various certificates are searched is significant; no
+ canonical certificate collation order is defined herein.
+ o The cred_name of a credential object acquired with a desired_name
+ other than GSS_C_NT_NO_NAME MUST be equal to the certificate DN or
+ SAN matched by the given desired_name.
+ o We provide a method (see below) by which initiators can assert, in
+ their context tokens, one of these names of the initiator. We
+ also provide a method of asserting names that do not appear in a
+ X.509 certificate, in which case the binding of X.509 certificate
+ to the asserted name is done out-of band. The name to be
+ asserted, of course, is the cred_name of the cred_handle passed to
+ GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ o The initiator's context tokens may also indicate what is the
+ expected name of the acceptor -- the targ_name passed in to
+ GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ o No attempt is made to map Kerberos V realm names to trust anchor
+ certificate authority (CA) names.
+ o We provide a method of matching host-based service principal names
+ to acceptor certificates, so that: a) initiators need not know the
+ particulars of an acceptor's certificates' names a priori, b)
+ acceptors can select a credential to accept a security context
+ with that the initiator will accept, c) existing certificates for
+ web servers, may be used as host-based service principal names as
+ though the service name were "HTTP".
+ Thus GSS-API initiator applications that use the GSS_C_NO_NAME as the
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 5]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ desired_name arguments of GSS_Acquire_cred() and GSS_Add_cred(), or
+ GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL as the cred argument of GSS_Init_sec_context()
+ will assert the selected X.509 certificate's subject DN, and that
+ X.509 certificate's subject DN will be the name returned by
+ GSS_Inquire_cred() and GSS_Inquire_cred_by_mech().
+ And portable GSS-API initiator applications using
+ GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE for naming acceptors (i.e., for importing
+ a name to use as the targ_name input argument of
+ GSS_Init_sec_context()) will have a reasonable chance of success in
+ authenticating peers with X.509 certificates predating this
+ specification.
+5.1. GSS_C_NT_DN
+ The name type GSS_C_NT_DN, with Object Identifier (OID) <TBD> (see
+ Section 10), is defined. This corresponds to the 'directoryName'
+ choice of the 'GeneralName' Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
+ [CCITT.X680.2002] type defined in [RFC5280].
+ The query syntax and display form for names of this type SHALL be as
+ described in [RFC4514].
+ As RFC4514 says, "[c]omparison of DNs for equality is to be performed
+ in accordance with the distinguishedNameMatch matching rule
+ [RFC4517]".
+ There is no reasonable way to canonicalize names of this type without
+ providing certificates to match query forms of GSS_C_NT_DN against,
+ such as in the form of a directory. Therefore
+ GSS_Canonicalize_name() as applied to names imported with the
+ GSS_C_NT_DN name-type MUST search available certificate databases, or
+ directories, or MUST fail. No method of locating and searching
+ directories for matching certificate DNs is specified herein. Note
+ though that GSS_Inquire_cred_by_mech() and GSS_Inquire_sec_context()
+ can and, indeed, MUST return "mechanism names" (MN) (see [RFC2743]).
+ The exported name token format for names of this type SHALL be the
+ Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) [CCITT.X680.2002]
+ [CCITT.X690.2002] encoding of a GeneralName with directoryName as the
+ choice.
+ Implementation support for this name type is REQUIRED.
+ The name type GSS_C_NT_HOSTNAME, with OID <TBD>, is defined. This
+ corresponds to the 'dNSName' choice of the 'GeneralName' ASN.1 type
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 6]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ defined in [RFC5280].
+ The query syntax for names of this type SHALL be a DNS name [RFC1034]
+ in either ACE or Unicode form [RFC3490].
+ The display and canonical form of names of this type SHALL be a DNS
+ domain name in ACE form, with character case folded down.
+ Canonicalization consists merely of applying the ToASCII() function
+ and case-folding the result.
+ The exported name token format for names of this type SHALL be the
+ DER encoding of a GeneralName with dNSName as the choice and the DNS
+ domain name in ACE form and case folded down.
+ Implementation support for this name type is OPTIONAL.
+ The name type GSS_C_NT_EMAIL_ADDR, with OID <TBD>, is defined. This
+ corresponds to the 'rfc822Name' choice of the 'GeneralName' ASN.1
+ type defined in [RFC5280].
+ The query syntax and display form for names of this type SHALL be the
+ text representation of an 'addr-spec' as defined in [RFC0822].
+ The canonical form of names of this type SHALL be the query form with
+ case folded down. Note that the domain name part of an addr-spec is
+ a "domain name slot" and so the canonicalization rules for
+ GSS_C_NT_HOSTNAME given above apply here as well.
+ The exported name token form for this name type SHALL be the DER-
+ encoding of a GeneralName with the rfc822Name choice.
+ Implementation support for this name type is OPTIONAL.
+ PKU2U supports the use of GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME names [RFC1964].
+ The query, display, canonical and exported name token forms of names
+ of this type SHALL be as specified in RFC4121. The realm name part
+ of GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME names is optional for the query syntax;
+ when canonicalized, names of this type lacking a realm name will have
+ the well-known PKU2U realm name affixed.
+ When the realm name of a GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME NAME is defaulted
+ or otherwise is the well-known PKU2U realm name, then the "cname"' or
+ sname fields of the Kerberos V PDUs used to construct PKU2U security
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 7]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ context tokens MUST be set to the principal name part of the given
+ NAME. Otherwise the PA_PKU2U_NAME pre-authentication data MUST be
+ used to indicate a name of id-pkinit-san type [RFC4556] corresponding
+ to the given NAME. See Section 5.4.
+ No attempt is made to map Kerberos V realm names to trust anchor
+ certificate authority (CA) names.
+ Note that having more than one mechanism share name-types has
+ implications for multi-mechanism, pluggable GSS-API implementations
+ (commonly referred to as "mechglue"). Specifically:
+ o It must be the responsibility of the mechanism, not of the
+ mechglue, to ensure that the standard exported name token header
+ (which includes a mechanism OID), is included in exported name
+ tokens. The exported name token for a GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME
+ MN produced by PKU2U would have PKU2U's mechanism OID in the
+ header.
+ o A pluggable mechglue must be able to find a mechanism that can
+ import an exported name token if an available mechanism can
+ produce that exported name token. For example, a pluggable
+ mechglue where PKU2U is available but where the Kerberos V
+ mechanism [RFC1964] is not should still be able to import exported
+ Kerberos V name tokens since PKU2U can create such tokens. One
+ way to do this would be for the mechglue to try the mechanism
+ named in the exported name token header, if it is available, else
+ try all other available mechanisms until one succeeds or all fail.
+ It would be reasonable for a mechglue implementer to require that
+ the Kerberos V mechanism be available if PKU2U is too.
+ o It must be possible for GSS_Acquire_cred(), GSS_Add_cred() to use
+ a Kerberos V "mechanism name" (MN; see [RFC2743]) as desired_name
+ argument value to acquire a PKU2U credential. Similarly, it must
+ be possible to use a Kerberos V MN as the target_name in a call to
+ GSS_Init_sec_context with PKU2U as the mech OID. A multi-
+ mechanism mechglue implementer would likely have a mechglue-layer
+ NAME object that internally keeps a reference to a NAME object
+ produced by the underlying mechanism, but a pluggable mechglue
+ could not expect two different mechanisms to be able to share
+ their internal NAME objects. A clever implementer can work around
+ this by exporting the one mechanism's MN and then re-importing
+ using the target mechanism's GSS_Import_name() service function.
+ o It must be possible for the credential inquiry functions (e.g.,
+ GSS_Inquire_cred() and GSS_Inquire_cred_by_mech()) to return a
+ cred_name that is an MN of a different mechanism than the
+ credential element being inquired.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 8]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ Implementation support for this name type, with defaulted realm name
+ or with the PKU2U realm name is REQUIRED, but it is OPTIONAL for use
+ with any other realm names.
+ This is a generic GSS-API name-type. Implementation support for this
+ name type is OPTIONAL. See Section 6.1 for more information.
+ See [RFC2743] and [RFC2744] for more information about this name
+ type.
+ The PKU2U mechanism only supports anonymous initiators, not
+ acceptors.
+ Implementation support for this name type is RECOMMENDED.
+5.6. GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE - Matching Host-based Principal Names
+ to Acceptor Certificates
+ Support for GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE names is REQUIRED as described
+ herein.
+ The query form of this name type is as per-RFC2743. The canonical
+ and exported name token forms are as per-RFC1964. The display form
+ of this name type is left unspecified, but should either be as per-
+ RFC2743 or the same as the display form for
+ Initiators using names of type GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE to identify
+ target acceptors represent these names as Kerberos V principal names
+ as per [RFC1964] but with a well-known realm name of "WELLKNOWN:
+ PKU2U" (see Section 5.4).
+ Acceptors match such names to acceptor certificates as follows.
+ Initiators then match the certificate chosen by the acceptor in the
+ same manner.
+ Initiators can also assert host-based service names as the initiator
+ name. In this case acceptors MUST also apply the matching rules
+ below, in order, to validate the initiator's assertion.
+ 1. If there is an out-of-band binding of the peer's host-based
+ service name to its certificate, then the certificate matches.
+ 2. If the peer has a certificate with an id-pkinit-san subject
+ alternative name matching the initiator-provided acceptor name,
+ then the X.509 certificate matches.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 9]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ 3. If a X.509 certificate has a dNSName SAN that matches the
+ hostname part of the host-based service principal name, and
+ either the anyExtendedKeyUsage extended key usage (EKU), or no
+ EKU is present, or an EKU is present which corresponds to the
+ service part of the host-based service principal name, then the
+ X.509 certificate matches. The id-kp-serverAuth EKU SHALL be
+ considered to match the 'HTTP' service name. (See Section 10,
+ IANA considerations, where the GSS-API service name registry is
+ extended to include an EKU for each service name.)
+ 4. Implementations SHOULD, subject to local configuration, allow
+ matches where the single-component cn of the DN of a X.509
+ certificate matches the hostname part of the host-based service
+ name, for some or all service names. This feature is needed to
+ allow the use of existing X.509 web certificates.
+ Implementation support for this name type as an acceptor name is
+ REQUIRED. Implementation support for this name type as an initiator
+ name is OPTIONAL.
+6. The Protocol Description and the Context Establishment Tokens
+ The PKU2U mechanism is a GSS-API mechanism based on [RFC4120],
+ [RFC4556] and [RFC4121].
+ The per-message tokens of the PKU2U mechanism are the same as those
+ of the Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC4121].
+ The GSS_Pseudo_random() function [RFC4401] of the PKU2U is the same
+ as that of the Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC4402].
+ The PKU2U security context token exchange consists of KRB_AS_REQ and
+ KRB_AS_REP (and KRB_ERROR) Kerberos KDC PDUs (with no changes to
+ their ASN.1 description, but with other minor changes/requirements
+ described below) as context tokens, with the acceptor as the KDC,
+ followed by context tokens from [RFC4121] using the Kerberos V Ticket
+ PDU issued by the acceptor-as-KDC. PKINIT [RFC4556] is the only
+ acceptable pre-authentication method in this document. Caching the
+ ticket issued by the acceptor allows subsequent security context
+ exchanges between the same to peers to use a single context token
+ round-trip -- a "fast reconnect" feature.
+ PKU2U differs from Kerberos V with PKINIT in several minor ways as
+ follows (this is not a complete list):
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+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ o KDC PDUs are not exchanged as usual in Kerberos, but wrapped as
+ [the first two] GSS-API context tokens.
+ o PKU2U does not use KDC certificates.
+ o PKU2U adds pa-data types for carrying the initiator's assertion of
+ its name and the targ_name passed to GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ PKU2U differs from the Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism in several ways:
+ o KDC PDUs are not exchanged as described in [RFC4120], but wrapped
+ as GSS-API context tokens.
+ o PKU2U allows the use of principal names matching PKI naming (see
+ Section 5). PKU2U does support the use of Kerberos V naming, but
+ requires only support of Kerberos V naming to a limited extent
+ (full support is optional).
+ o PKU2U adds an extension [GSS-EXTS] to the RFC4121 initial context
+ token for binding the AP-REQ to the AS exchange that precedes is
+ (that is, when the initiator has to request a ticket from the
+ acceptor).
+ o The number of round-trips can vary. If the initiator already has
+ a ticket for the acceptor then the context token exchange will be
+ half a round-trip or one round-trip, as per RFC4121. Otherwise
+ one or two round-trips are added for the AS exchanges needed to
+ acquire a ticket. Note that two AS exchanges may be required when
+ the initiator's initial choice of X.509 certificate does not match
+ the acceptor's trust anchors, in which case the acceptor SHOULD
+ reply with a KRB-ERROR with TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS indicating what
+ the acceptor's trust anchors are, and then the initiator can
+ engage in a second AS exchange within the same GSS-API context.
+ To recapitulate, the acceptor and the initiator communicate by
+ tunneling the authentication service exchange messages through the
+ use of the GSS-API tokens and application traffic. In the event of
+ security context token loss, message duplication, or out of order
+ message delivery, the security context MUST fail to establish.
+ All security context establishment tokens MUST follow the
+ InitialContextToken syntax defined in Section 3.1 of [RFC2743].
+ PKU2U is identified by the Objection Identifier (OID) id-kerberos-
+ pku2u.
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+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ The PKU2U OID is:
+ id-kerberos-pku2u ::=
+ { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) kerberosV5(2)
+ pku2u(7) }
+ All context establishment tokens consist of some Kerberos V PDU or
+ another, prefixed with a two-octet token type ID, and the
+ InitialContextToken header (see above).
+ The innerToken described in section 3.1 of [RFC2743] and subsequent
+ GSS-API mechanism tokens have the following formats: it starts with a
+ two-octet token-identifier (TOK_ID), followed by a Kerberos message.
+ The TOK_ID values for the AS-REQ message and the AS-REP message are
+ defined in the table blow:
+ Token TOK_ID Value in Hex
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ KRB_AS_REQ 05 00
+ KRB_AS_REP 06 00
+ The TOK_ID values for all other Kerberos messages are the same as
+ defined in [RFC4121].
+ It should be noted that by using anonymous PKINIT [KRB-ANON], PKU2U
+ can authenticate the acceptor without revealing the initiator's
+ identity
+6.1. Context Token Derived from KRB_AS_REQ
+ When the initiator does not have a service ticket to the acceptor, it
+ requests a ticket from the acceptor instead of from the KDC by
+ constructing a KRB_AS_REQ PDU [RFC4120] and using it as the context
+ token, with a token type ID prefixed. This will be the initiator's
+ initial context token, therefore it MUST also have the standard
+ header bearing the OID of the mechanism being used (in this case,
+ PKU2U's OID).
+ The initiator MUST NOT set any KDC options in the 'kdc-options' field
+ of the AS-REQ.
+ The 'realm' field of the AS-REQ MUST be set to the PKU2U well-known
+ If the initiator wishes to assert a name of type
+ MUST set the 'cname' field of the AS-REQ accordingly if and only if
+ the realm name part of the given name object is defaulted or the
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+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ well-known PKU2U realm name. Otherwise the initiator MUST add a pa-
+ data element (see below) stating the name that the initiator wishes
+ to assert, it MUST set the cname field to the NULL principal name as
+ defined in Section 4.
+ If the targ_name passed to GSS_Init_sec_context() is of type
+ GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_NAME then the initiator sets the 'sname' field of
+ the AS-REQ to match the parsed name as per [RFC4121]. If the target
+ name does not have a representation as a Kerberos principal name per
+ [RFC1964], then the initiator MUST add a pa-data element (see below)
+ stating the given targ_name and the initiator MUST set the 'sname'
+ field of the AS-REQ to the NULL principal name as defined in
+ Section 4.
+ The padata used to convey initiator and target names is of type
+ PA_PKU2U_NAME <136> and it's value consists of the DER
+ [CCITT.X680.2002] [CCITT.X690.2002] encoding of the ASN.1 type
+ InitiatorNameAssertion (with explicit tagging).
+ InitiatorName ::= CHOICE {
+ -- -1 -> certificate DN
+ -- 0..16384 -> subjectAltName named by
+ -- this index
+ sanIndex INTEGER (-1..16384), -- DN or SAN
+ nameNotInCert GeneralName, -- name not present in cert
+ -- (see RFC5280 for definition
+ of GeneralName)
+ ...
+ }
+ TargetName ::= CHOICE {
+ exportedTargName OTCET STRING, -- exported krb5 name
+ generalName [0] GeneralName, -- all other PKI names
+ -- (tagged to distinguish
+ -- from nameNotInCert
+ -- choice of InitiatorName)
+ ...
+ }
+ InitiatorNameAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
+ initiatorName InitiatorName OPTIONAL,
+ targetName TargetName OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ The initiatorName, if present, contains the initiator's name. The
+ initiator can fill out either the sanIndex field or the nameNotInCert
+ field to indicate the name of the initiator.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 13]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ The sanIndex field, if present, is used to refer to either the
+ Distinguished Name or the SubjectAltName in the initiator's X.509
+ certificate. A sanIndex value of -1 value refers to the initiator's
+ certificate's DN. All other legal values of sanIndex refer to the
+ corresponding element of the SubjectAltName sequence. A value of 0
+ means the first instance of GeneralName in the SubjectAltName
+ sequence, and 1 means the second, and so on. If the sanIndex value
+ is equal or biger than the number of GeneralName elements in the
+ SubjectAltName, the security context establishment attempt MUST fail.
+ The nameNotInCert field, if present, contains the initiator's
+ GeneralName.
+ If an initiator name assertion is included, the acceptor MUST verify
+ that this asserted name is either present in the initiator's
+ certificate or otherwise bound to the initiator's certificate by out-
+ of-band provisioning (e.g., by a table lookup). Failure to validate
+ the asserted initiator's name MUST cause GSS_Accept_sec_context() to
+ return an error and, optionally, to output a KRB_ERROR context token
+ as per-RFC4121.
+ The initiatorName field MUST NOT be present if the initiator is
+ anonymous or if the 'cname' field of the AS-REQ is not the NULL name
+ (see Section 4).
+ Target names passed to GSS_Init_sec_context() that can be represented
+ as Kerberos V principal names, namely, names of
+ represented as the 'sname' field of the AS-REQ or as the
+ exportedTargName choice of TargetName (if the realm part is not the
+ PKU2U realm name). The contents of the exportedTargName octet string
+ MUST be an exported name token for the Kerberos V mechanism
+ containing a Kerberos V principal name.
+ Other target names are represented as a generalName choice of
+ TargetName. These may be present in an acceptor certificate, or
+ agreed out of band.
+ The acceptor MUST select an appropriate acceptor credential that
+ matches the AS-REQ's 'sname' (if not NULL) or the targetName provided
+ in the InitiatorNameAssertion, when present.
+ The targetName field MUST NOT be present if the 'sname' field of the
+ AS-REQ is not the NULL name. The targetName field MUST be present if
+ the 'sname' field of the AS-REQ is the NULL name.
+ The PA_PKU2U_NAME padata SHOULD NOT be present when the initiatorName
+ and targetName both shouldn't be present.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 14]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ Implementation note: the encrypted part of a PKU2U Ticket can be
+ anything at all since the only entity that will consumer a given
+ PKU2U Ticket is the same entity that issued it. Implementers may
+ choose to use the traditional EncTicketPart ASN.1 type [RFC4120] and
+ DER encoding.
+6.2. Context Token Derived from KRB_AS_REP
+ When the initiator's initial context token is a AS-REQ then the
+ acceptor MUST reply with either a KRB-ERROR token as per [RFC4121] or
+ a token derived from a KRB_AS_REP PDU [RFC4120] constructed to
+ respond to the initiator's KRB_AS_REQ.
+ The initiator MUST use PKINIT pre-authentication and the acceptor
+ MUST require it. If the initiator does not use PKINIT pre-
+ authentication then the acceptor MUST respond with a KRB-ERROR and
+ indicate that PKINIT is required.
+ If the initiator's KRB_AS_REQ token is valid, and the asserted
+ initiator's name, if present, is bound with the initiator's
+ certificate, and the acceptor can select a certificate based on the
+ initiator's asserted targ_name, the acceptor then constructs a
+ KRB_AS_REP using PKINIT as described in [RFC4556], except that the
+ acceptor's certificate is used in the place of the KDC certificate.
+ If and only if the initiator's X.509 certficate is validated using
+ PKI, the acceptor SHOULD include an authorization element
+ AD_INITIAL_VERIFIED_CAS [RFC4556] in the returned ticket. If an
+ InitiatorName is included in the PA_PKU2U_NAME padata in the request,
+ an authorization element of the type ad-pku2u-client-name <143> MUST
+ be included in the returned ticet and this authorization element
+ contains the DER encoded InitiatorName in the request.
+ The initiator then validates the KRB-AS-REP reply context token
+ according to Section 3.1.5 of [RFC4120] and Section 3.2.4 of
+ [RFC4556]. The inclusion of the EKU KeyPurposeId [RFC5280] id-
+ pkinit-KPKdc in the X.509 certificate in the response is not
+ applicable when PKU2U is used because there is no KDC involved in
+ this protocol. The initiator MUST verify that the acceptor's
+ certificate is bound with the targ_name passed in to
+ GSS_Init_sec_context(), by verifying either the targ_name matches
+ with either the subject DN or one instance of the SubjectAltName name
+ in the acceptor's certificate, or otherwise the targ_name is bound
+ with the acceptor's certificate by out-of-band provisioning (e.g., by
+ a table lookup). Failure to validate this name binding MUST cause
+ the authentication to be rejected.
+ The 'flags' field of the AS-REP MUST have only the 'initial' and
+ 'pre-authent' flags set.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 15]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ The 'authtime' field of the AS-REP MUST be set to the acceptor's
+ current time as it is when it formats the AS-REP.
+ Otherwise all other aspects of the AS-REP are as described in
+ [RFC4120].
+ The values of the tkt-vno, realm and 'sname' fields of the Ticket
+ issued by the acceptor are unspecified. The initiator MUST NOT
+ examine them for correctness. Cut-n-paste attacks are prevented by
+ the fact that PKU2U provides integrity protection for all cleartext
+ in Kerberos V PDUs used by PKU2U (and for the mechanism OID).
+6.3. Context Tokens Imported from RFC4121
+ Once the initiator has a Kerberos V Ticket for the acceptor the
+ security context token exchange will continue with those of the
+ Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC4121] with the following
+ modifications:
+ o The mechanism OID of PKU2U SHALL be used instead of that of the
+ Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism;
+ o The 'crealm' field of the initiator's Authenticator MUST be set to
+ the PKU2U realm name and if the 'cname" field is the NULL
+ principal name, an authorization element of the type ad-pku2u-
+ client-name <143> MUST be included in the authenticator and this
+ authorization element contains the DER encoded InitiatorName in
+ the AS-REQ based on which the ticket was obtained;
+ o The sub-session key MUST be used in the initiator's Authenticator;
+ o The contents of the encrypted part of the Ticket can be
+ implementation specific since the only entity consuming it will be
+ the same entity that issues it;
+ o If the initiator's initial context token is a KRB_AS_REQ token
+ (i.e., not KRB_AP_REQ token), then the Exts field in the
+ Authenticator of the KRB_AP_REQ-derived token MUST contain an
+ extension [GSS-EXTS] of the type GSS_EXTS_FINISHED <2> as defined
+ next in this section.
+ The 'cusec', 'ctime', 'seq-number' and 'authorization-data' fields of
+ the Authenticator are set as per [RFC4121] and [RFC4120].
+ The 'cksum' field of the Authenticator MUST be set as per [RFC4121].
+ The extension data of the GSS_EXTS_FINISHED extension type [GSS-EXTS]
+ contains the DER encoding of the ASN.1 structure KRB-FINISHED.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 16]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ --- The type for the checksum extension.
+ gss-mic [1] Checksum,
+ -- Contains the checksum (RFC3961) of the GSS-API tokens
+ -- that have been exchanged between the initiator and the
+ -- acceptor and prior to the containing AP-REQ GSS-API token.
+ -- The checksum is performed over the GSS-API
+ -- context tokens in the order that the tokens were sent.
+ ...
+ }
+ The gss-mic field contains a Kerberos checksum [RFC3961] that is
+ computed over all the preceding context tokens of this GSS-API
+ context (including the InitialContextToken header), concatenated in
+ chronological order (note that GSS-API context token exchanges are
+ synchronous). The checksum type is the required checksum type of the
+ enctype of the subkey in the authenticator, the protocol key for the
+ checksum operation is the authenticator subkey, and the key usage
+ number is KEY_USAGE_FINISHED <41>.
+ The acceptor MUST process the KRB_AP_REQ token as usual for RFC4121,
+ except that if the context token exchange included an AS exchange,
+ then the acceptor MUST also validate the GSS_EXTS_FINISHED and return
+ an error if it is not valid or not present. But if a KRB_AP_REQ
+ context token is the initial context token then the acceptor MUST
+ return an error if GSS_EXTS_FINISHED is present.
+ The GSS_EXTS_FINISHED (along with the ticket) binds the second part
+ of the context token exchange to the first, and it binds the pa-data
+ used in the request as well (this needs to be done because PKINIT
+ does not bind pa-data other than PKINIT pa-data from the request).
+ GSS_EXTS_FINISHED also protects all otherwise unauthenticated
+ plaintext in Kerberos V PDUs. Note that GSS_EXTS_FINISHED also
+ protects the mechanism OID in the InitialContextToken header.
+ The acceptor MUST verify that the ad-pku2u-client-name authorization
+ element is present in the authenticator if and only there is an
+ authorization element of the same type in the ticket and the values
+ of these two elements MUST match exactly based on bit-wise
+ comparison.
+7. Guidelines for Credentials Selection
+ If a peer, either the initiator or the acceptor, has multiple pairs
+ of public-key private keys and certificates, a choice is to be made
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 17]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ in choosing the best fit. The trustedCertifiers field in the PA-PK-
+ AS-REQ structure [RFC4556] SHOULD be filled by the initiator, to
+ provide hints for guiding the selection of an appropriate certificate
+ chain by the acceptor.
+ If the initiator's X.509 certificate cannot be validated according to
+ [RFC5280], the acceptor SHOULD send back the TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS
+ structure [RFC4556] that provides hints for guiding the selection of
+ an appropriate certificate by the initiator. In this case
+ GSS_Accept_sec_context() returns GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, and the
+ initiator gets to try again in its subsequent AS-REQ token.
+ The GSS-API does not provide a programming interface to make this
+ credential selection interactive, though implementers may provide
+ methods for user interaction related to credential selection and
+ acquisition (e.g., name and password/PIN prompts). Whenever the
+ execution context allows for direct interaction of the mechanism with
+ the user then it is RECOMMENDED that implementations interact with
+ the user to select a credential whenever multiple credentials are
+ equally usable and no other mechanism is available to inform the
+ credential selection.
+ If the certificates cannot be selected interactively, multiple
+ certificates are equally usable, and there is no other mechanism
+ available for credential selection, then it is RECOMMENDED that
+ initiators fail the context. Users should be able to retry using a
+ specific credential (this requires that distinct credentials have
+ distinct names that can be used to acquire each credential
+ separately).
+8. Security Considerations
+ The security considerations in [RFC4120], [RFC4121], [RFC4556] and
+ [RFC5280] apply here. This mechanism relaxes some requirements of
+ PKINIT and adds a device for protecting otherwise unauthenticated
+ plaintext in the protocol (see Section 6.3) -- it is crucial that
+ this device be faithfully implemented. It is also crucial that both
+ the initiator and the acceptor MUST be able to verify the binding
+ between the signing key and the asserted identity.
+ Note that PKU2U is just as susceptible to replays of AP-REQs as the
+ traditional Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC4121], though only when
+ using an AP-REQ as the initial security context token. It is
+ important, therefore, to use a replay cache to detect replays.
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 18]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+9. Acknowledgements
+ The authors would like to thank Jeffrey Hutzelman for his insightful
+ comments on the earlier revisions of this document.
+ In addition, the following individuals have provided review comments
+ for this document: Sam Hartman, Leif Johansson, Olga Kornievskaia,
+ Martin Rex, and Sunil Gottumukkala.
+ Ari Medvinsky provided help in editing the initial revisions of this
+ document.
+ The text for the DN mapping is compiled from the email discussions
+ among the following individuals: Howard Chu, Martin Rex, Jeffrey
+ Hutzelman, Kevin Coffman, Henry B. Hotz, Leif Johansson, and Olga
+ Kornievskaia. Howard and Jeffery clearly illustrated the challenges
+ in creating a unique mapping, while Nicolas and Martin demonstrated
+ the relevance and interactions to GSS-API and Kerberos.
+10. IANA Considerations
+ This document defines the PKU2U realm and the place-holder well-known
+ principal name. The IANA registry for the reserved names should be
+ updated to reference this document. Two entries are added: one entry
+ for the well-known realm "WELLKNOWN:PKU2U", and another for the well-
+ known principal name "WELLKNOWN/NULL".
+ This document defines GSS_EXTS_FINISHED extension type. The
+ corresponding IANA registry [GSS-EXTS] need to be updated to
+ reference this document. The following single registration should be
+ added in the registry for "Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism extension
+ types": 2, "GSS-API token checksum", "Extension to provide a checksum
+ for GSS-API tokens", the RFC # of this document.
+ This document also instructs the IANA to extend the "SMI Security for
+ Name System Designators Codes (nametypes)" registry to include an OID
+ for each registration, and to allocate OIDs for the following GSS-API
+ name-types in that registry:
+ o gss-distinguished-name (GSS_C_NT_DN)
+ o gss-hostname (GSS_C_NT_HOSTNAME)
+ o gss-IP-address (GSS_C_NT_IP_ADDR)
+ o gss-e-mail-address (GSS_C_NT_EMAIL_ADDR)
+11. Normative References
+ [CCITT.X680.2002]
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 19]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ International International Telephone and Telegraph
+ Consultative Committee, "Abstract Syntax Notation One
+ (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation",
+ CCITT Recommendation X.680, July 2002.
+ [CCITT.X690.2002]
+ International International Telephone and Telegraph
+ Consultative Committee, "ASN.1 encoding rules:
+ Specification of basic encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
+ encoding rules (CER) and Distinguished encoding rules
+ (DER)", CCITT Recommendation X.690, July 2002.
+ Emery, S., "Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Channel Binding
+ Hash Agility", draft-ietf-krb-wg-gss-cb-hash-agility (work
+ in progress), 2007.
+ Zhu, L. and P. Leach, "Kerberos Anonymity Support",
+ draft-ietf-krb-wg-anon (work in progress), 2007.
+ Zhu, L., "Additional Kerberos Naming Constraints",
+ draft-ietf-krb-wg-naming (work in progress), 2007.
+ [RFC0822] Crocker, D., "Standard for the format of ARPA Internet
+ text messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.
+ [RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
+ STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
+ [RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",
+ RFC 1964, June 1996.
+ [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
+ [RFC2744] Wray, J., "Generic Security Service API Version 2 :
+ C-bindings", RFC 2744, January 2000.
+ [RFC3490] Faltstrom, P., Hoffman, P., and A. Costello,
+ "Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)",
+ RFC 3490, March 2003.
+ [RFC3961] Raeburn, K., "Encryption and Checksum Specifications for
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 20]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ Kerberos 5", RFC 3961, February 2005.
+ [RFC4120] Neuman, C., Yu, T., Hartman, S., and K. Raeburn, "The
+ Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 4120,
+ July 2005.
+ [RFC4121] Zhu, L., Jaganathan, K., and S. Hartman, "The Kerberos
+ Version 5 Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism: Version 2", RFC 4121,
+ July 2005.
+ [RFC4401] Williams, N., "A Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) API
+ Extension for the Generic Security Service Application
+ Program Interface (GSS-API)", RFC 4401, February 2006.
+ [RFC4402] Williams, N., "A Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) for the
+ Kerberos V Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism", RFC 4402, February 2006.
+ [RFC4514] Zeilenga, K., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
+ (LDAP): String Representation of Distinguished Names",
+ RFC 4514, June 2006.
+ [RFC4517] Legg, S., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP):
+ Syntaxes and Matching Rules", RFC 4517, June 2006.
+ [RFC4556] Zhu, L. and B. Tung, "Public Key Cryptography for Initial
+ Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT)", RFC 4556, June 2006.
+ [RFC5280] Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
+ Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
+ Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
+ (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, May 2008.
+Authors' Addresses
+ Larry Zhu
+ Microsoft Corporation
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052
+ US
+ Email:
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 21]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+ Jeffery Altman
+ Secure Endpoints
+ 255 W 94th St
+ New York, NY 10025
+ US
+ Email:
+ Nicolas Williams
+ Sun Microsystems
+ 5300 Riata Trace Ct
+ Austin, TX 78727
+ US
+ Email:
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 22]
+Internet-Draft PKU2U November 2008
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2008).
+ This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
+ contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
+ retain all their rights.
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+Intellectual Property
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
+ assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
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+ such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
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+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at
+Zhu, et al. Expires May 7, 2009 [Page 23]