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+Expires: April 29, 2007 Yokogawa Electric Corp.
+ S. Zrelli
+ M. Ishiyama
+ Toshiba Corp.
+ October 26, 2006
+ Problem statement on the cross-realm operation
+ of Kerberos in a specific system
+ draft-sakane-krb-cross-problem-statement-01.txt
+Status of this Memo
+ By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
+ applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
+ have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
+ aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
+ Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ This Internet-Draft expires in April 29, 2007.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 1]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ There are some issues when the cross-realm operation of the Kerberos
+ Version 5 [RFC4120] is employed into the specific systems. This
+ document describes some manners of the real example, and lists
+ requirements of the operation in such real system. Then it clarifies
+ issues when we apply the cross-realm operation to such specific
+ system.
+Conventions used in this document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].
+ It is assumed that the readers are familiar with the terms and
+ concepts described in the Kerberos Version 5 [RFC4120].
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 2]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction ................................................. 4
+ 2. Kerberos system .............................................. 4
+ 2.1. Kerberos basic operation ................................ 4
+ 2.2. Cross-realm operation ................................... 5
+ 3. Manner of operations in the real environment ................. 6
+ 4. Requirement .................................................. 7
+ 5. Issues ....................................................... 8
+ 5.1. Scalability of the direct trust model ................... 8
+ 5.2. Exposure to DoS Attacks ................................. 8
+ 5.3. No PFS in case of the indirect trust model .............. 9
+ 5.4. Unreliability of authentication chain ................... 9
+ 5.5. Client's performance .................................... 9
+ 5.6. Pre-authentication problem in roaming scenarios ......... 10
+ 6. Implementation consideration ................................. 10
+ 7. IANA Considerations .......................................... 11
+ 8. Security Considerations ...................................... 11
+ 9. Acknowledgments .............................................. 11
+ 10. References ................................................... 11
+ 10.1. Normative References ................................... 11
+ 10.2. Informative References ................................. 11
+ Authors' Addresses ............................................... 12
+ Full Copyright Statement ......................................... 12
+ Intellectual Property Statement .................................. 13
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 3]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+1. Introduction
+ The Kerberos Version 5 is a widely deployed mechanism that a server
+ can authenticate a client access. Each client belongs to a managed
+ domain called realm. Kerberos supports the authentication in case of
+ situation that a client and a server belong to different realms.
+ This is called the cross-realm operation.
+ Meanwhile, there are lots of manners of operation in the real system,
+ where Kerberos could be applied. Sometimes, there are several
+ managed domain in such system. and it requires the authentication
+ mechanism over the different managed domains. When the cross-realm
+ operation of Kerberos is applied to such specific systems, some
+ issues come out.
+ This document briefly describes the Kerberos Version 5 system and the
+ cross-realm operation. Then, it describes two real systems that can
+ be applied the Kerberos system, and describes nine requirements of
+ those systems in term both of management and operation. Finally, it
+ lists six issues of the cross-realm operation when it is applied to
+ those system.
+ Note that it might not describe whole of issues of the cross-realm
+ operation. It also does not propose any solution to solve issues
+ described in this document. In further step, we have to analyze, and
+ compare candidates of solutions. This work will be in another
+ document.
+ This document is assumed that the readers are familiar with the terms
+ and concepts described in the Kerberos Version 5 [RFC4120].
+2. Kerberos system
+2.1. Kerberos basic operation
+ Kerberos [RFC4120] is a widely deployed authentication system. The
+ authentication process in Kerberos involves principals and a Key
+ Distribution Center (KDC). The principals can be users or services.
+ Each KDC maintains a principals database and shares a secret key with
+ each registered principal.
+ The authentication process allows a user to acquire the needed
+ credentials from the KDC. These credentials allow services to
+ authenticate the users before granting them access to the resources.
+ An important part of the credentials are called Tickets. There are
+ two kind of tickets: Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) and Service Ticket.
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 4]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ The TGT is obtained periodically from the KDC and has a limited limit
+ after which it expires and the user must renew it. The TGT is used
+ to obtain the other kind of tickets, Service Tickets. The user
+ obtains a TGT from the Authentication Service (AS), a logical
+ component of the KDC. The process of obtaining a TGT is referred to
+ as 'AS exchange'. When a TGT request is issued by an user, the AS
+ responds by sending a reply packet containing the credentials which
+ consists of the TGT along with a random key called 'TGS Session Key'.
+ The TGT contains a set of information encrypted using a secret key
+ associated with a special service referred to as TGS (Ticket Granting
+ Service). The TGS session key is encrypted using the user's key so
+ that the user can obtain the TGS session key only if she knows the
+ secret key shared with the KDC. The TGT then is used to obtain
+ Service Tickets from the Ticket Granting Service (TGS)- the second
+ component of the KDC. The process of obtaining service tickets is
+ referred to as 'TGS exchange'. The request for a service ticket
+ consists on a packet containing a TGT and an 'Authenticator'. The
+ Authenticator is encrypted using the TGS session key and contains the
+ identity of the user as well as time stamps (for protection against
+ replay attacks). After decrypting the TGT (which was encrypted by
+ the AS using the TGS's secret key), the TGS extracts the TGS session
+ key. Using that session key, it decrypts the Authenticator and
+ authenticates the user. Then, the TGS issues credentials requested
+ by the user. These credentials consist on a service ticket and a
+ session key that will be used to authenticate the user with the
+ desired application service.
+2.2. Cross-realm operation
+ The Kerberos protocol provides the cross-realm authentication
+ capabilities. This allows users to obtain service tickets to access
+ services in foreign realms. In order to access such services, the
+ users first contact their home KDC asking for a TGT that will be used
+ with the TGS of the foreign realm. If the home realm and the foreign
+ realm share keys and have an established trust relationship, the home
+ KDC delivers the requested TGT.
+ However, if the home realm does not share cross-realm keys with the
+ foreign realm, the home KDC will provide a TGT that can be used with
+ an intermediary foreign realm that is likely to be sharing cross-
+ realm keys with the target realm. The client can use this
+ 'intermediary TGT' to communicate with the intermediary KDC which
+ will iterate the actions taken by the home KDC: If the intermediary
+ KDC does not share cross-realm keys with the target foreign realm it
+ will point the user to another intermediary KDC (just as in the first
+ exchange between the user and its home KDC). However, in the other
+ case (when it shares cross- realm keys with the target realm), the
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 5]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ intermediary KDC will issue a TGT that can be used with the KDC of
+ the target realm. After obtaining a TGT for the desired foreign
+ realm, the client uses it to obtain service tickets from the TGS of
+ the foreign realm. Finally, the user access the service using the
+ service ticket.
+ When the realms belong to the same institution, a chain of trust can
+ be determined by the client or the KDC by following the DNS domain
+ hierarchy and supposing that the parent domains share keys with all
+ its child sub-domains. However, because the inter-realm trust model
+ is not necessarily constructing the hierarchic approach anytime, the
+ trust path must be specified manually. When intermediary realms are
+ involved, the success of the cross-realm operation completely depends
+ on the realms that are part of the authentication path.
+3. Manner of operations in the real environment
+ This section describes examples of operation in the real environment.
+ And it also describes its requirement in term of both management and
+ operation. These requirements make the issues easier understanding.
+ We refers to the world's largest petrochemical company [SHELLCHEM].
+ It produces bulk petrochemicals and their delivery to large
+ industrial customers. There are 43 typical plants of the company all
+ over the world. They are managed by the operation sites placed in 35
+ countries. This section shows two examples of them.
+ One is the CSPC (CNOOC and Shell Petrochemical Company Limited)
+ [CSPC], an example of the centralized plant. The CSPC is a joint
+ enterprise of CNOOC and SHELL. Its plant is one of the hugest
+ systems of a petrochemical industry placed in the area of 3.4 square
+ meters in the north coast of Daya Bay, Guangdong, which is at the
+ southeast of China. 3,000 network segments are established in the
+ system. 16,000 control devices are connected to the local area
+ network. These devices belong to different 9 sub systems, A control
+ device has some control points, which are controlled and monitored by
+ other devices remotely. There are 200,000 control points in all.
+ They are controlled by 3 different control center.
+ Another is the NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij), an example of
+ the distributed plant system. The NAM is a partnership enterprise of
+ Shell and Exxon. It is a plant system group that geographically
+ distributes to scatter in the area of 863 square meters of
+ Netherlands. 26 plants, each is named "cluster", are scattered in
+ the area. They are connected each other by a private ATM WAN. Each
+ cluster has approximately 500-1,000 control devices. These devices
+ are managed by each local control center in each cluster. In the
+ entire system of the NAM, there are one million control points.
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 6]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ The end control devices in the both of the systems are basically
+ connected to a local network by a twisted pair cable, which is a low
+ band-width of 32 kbps. Every system supposes that no ad-hoc device
+ is never connected to the system since they are well designed before
+ they are implemented. Low clock CPU, for example H8 [RNSS-H8] and
+ M16C [RNSS-M16C], are employed by many control devices. Furthermore,
+ to suppress power consumption, these CPU may be lowered the number of
+ clocks. A controller in this system collects condition of device
+ from multiple control devices, and the system uses them to make a
+ decision how to control devices. If it took time for data to reach,
+ they could not be associated. The travel time of data from the
+ device to the controller is demanded within 1 second. A part of the
+ operation, like control of these system, maintenance, and the
+ environmental monitoring, is consigned to an external organization.
+ Agents who are consigned walk around the plant to get their
+ information, or watch the plant from a remote site. Currently, each
+ plant is independently operated. However, it is not impossible to
+ monitor and control all of plants distributed in the world.
+4. Requirement
+ This section listed requirements derived from the previous section.
+ There are seven requirements in term of management domain separation.
+ A-1 It is necessary to allow different independent management
+ domains to coexist because two or more organizations enter to
+ the system.
+ A-2 It is necessary to allow a management domain to delegate its
+ management authority to its sub domains or another management
+ domain because the plants are distributed to the wide area.
+ A-3 It is necessary that a device controls other devices that belong
+ to a same domain from remote because the plants are distributed
+ to the wide area.
+ A-4 It is necessary that a device controls other devices that belong
+ to a different domain from local.
+ A-5 It is necessary that a device controls other devices that belong
+ to a different domain from remote.
+ A-6 It is necessary for the agents who are consigned to watch and
+ control the device at the plant, which is different domain from
+ the agents' one.
+ Because of above requirements, the cross-realm operation of Kerberos
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 7]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ seems suitable for this system. The requirements derived from other
+ viewpoints is listed as follows.
+ B-1 It is demanded to reduce the management cost as much as
+ possible.
+ B-2 The communication for observing and controlling devices must
+ have confidentiality and integrity. And, it is necessary to
+ think about the threat of other security like the DoS attack.
+ B-3 It is necessary to consider the processing performance of the
+ device. And, it is necessary to suppress the power consumption
+ of the device.
+ B-4 It is necessary to consider bandwidth of the communication.
+5. Issues
+ This section lists the issues in the cross-realm operation when we
+ consider the above requirements.
+5.1. Scalability of the direct trust model
+ In the direct relationship of trust between each realm, the realms
+ involved in the cross-realm operation share keys and their respective
+ TGS principals are registered in each other's KDC. When direct trust
+ relationships are used, the KDC of each realm must maintain keys with
+ all foreign realms. This can become a cumbersome task when the
+ number of realms increase. This also increases maintenance cost.
+ This issue will happen as a by-product of a result meeting the
+ requirements A-1 and A-2, and is related to B-1.
+5.2. Exposure to DoS Attacks
+ One of the assumption made when allowing the cross-realm operation in
+ Kerberos is that users can communicate with KDCs located in remote
+ realms. This practice introduces security threats because KDCs are
+ open to the public network. Administrators may think of restricting
+ the access to the KDC to the trusted realms only. However, this
+ approach is not scalable and does not really protect the KDC.
+ Indeed, when the remote realms have several IP prefixes (e.g. control
+ centers or outsourcing companies, located world wide), then the
+ administrator of the local KDC must collect the list of prefixes that
+ belong to these organization. The filtering rules must then
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 8]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ explicitly allow the incoming traffic from any host that belongs to
+ one of these prefixes. This makes the administrator's tasks more
+ complicated and prone to human errors. And also, the maintenance
+ cost increases. On the other hand, when ranges of external IP
+ addresses are allowed to communicate with the KDC, the risk of
+ becoming target to attacks from remote malicious users increases.
+ This issue will happen as a result meeting the requirements A-3, A-4
+ and A-5. And it is related to B-1 and B-2.
+5.3. No PFS in case of the indirect trust model
+ In [SPECCROSS], any KDC in the authentication path can learn the
+ session key that will be used between the client and the desired
+ service. This means that any intermediary realm is able to spoof the
+ identity either of the service or the client as well as to eavesdrop
+ on the communication between the client and the server.
+ This issue will happen as a by-product of a result meeting the
+ requirements A-1 and A-2, and is related to B-2.
+5.4. Unreliability of authentication chain
+ When the relationship of trust is constructed like a chain or
+ hierarchical, the authentication path is not dependable since it
+ strongly depends on intermediary realms that might not be under the
+ same authority. If any of the realms in the authentication path is
+ not available, then the principals of the end-realms can not perform
+ the cross-realm operation.
+ The end-point realms do not have full control and responsibility of
+ the success of the operations even if their respective KDCs are fully
+ functional. Dependability of a system decreases if the system relies
+ on uncontrolled components. We can not be sure at 100% about the
+ result of the authentication since we do not know how is it going in
+ intermediary realms.
+ This issue will happen as a by-product of a result meeting the
+ requirements A-1 and A-2, and is related to B-2.
+5.5. Client's performance
+ In the cross-realm operation, Kerberos clients have to perform TGS
+ exchanges with all the KDCs in the trust path, including the home KDC
+ and the target KDC. TGS exchange requires cryptographic operations.
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 9]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ This exchange demands important processing time especially when the
+ client has limited computational capabilities. The overhead of these
+ cross-realm exchanges grows into unacceptable delays.
+ We ported the MIT Kerberos library (version 1.2.4), implemented a
+ Kerberos client on our original board with H8 (16-bit, 20MHz), and
+ measured the process time of each Kerberos message. It takes 195
+ milliseconds to perform a TGS exchange with the on-board H/W crypto
+ engine. Indeed, this result seems reasonable to the requirement of
+ the response time for the control network. However, we did not
+ modify the clock speed of the H8 during our measurement. The
+ processing time must be slower in a real environment because H8 is
+ used with lowered clock speed in such system. Also, the delays can
+ grow to unacceptable delays when the number of intermediary realms
+ increases.
+ This issue will happen as a by-product of a result meeting the
+ requirements A-1 and A-2, and is related to B-3.
+5.6. Pre-authentication problem in roaming scenarios
+ In roaming scenarios, the client needs to contact her home KDC to
+ obtain a cross-realm TGT for the local (or visited) realm. However,
+ the policy of the network access providers or the gateway in the
+ local network usually does not allow clients to communicate with
+ hosts in the Internet unless they provide valid authentication
+ credentials. In this manner, the client encounters a chicken-and-egg
+ problem where two resources are interdependent; the Internet
+ connection is needed to contact the home KDC and for obtaining
+ credentials, and on the other hand, the Internet connection is only
+ granted for clients who have valid credentials. As a result, the
+ Kerberos protocol can not be used as it is for authenticating roaming
+ clients requesting network access.
+ This issue will happen as a result meeting the requirements A-6.
+6. Implementation consideration
+ This document just describes issues of the cross-realm operation in
+ the specific systems. However, there are important matters to be
+ considered, when we solve these issues and implement solution.
+ Solution must not introduce new problem. Solution should use
+ existing components or protocols as much as possible, should not
+ introduce any definition of new component. Solution must not require
+ a KDC to have any additional process. You must not forget that there
+ would be a trade-off matter anytime. So an implementation may not
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 10]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ solve all of the problems stated in this document.
+7. IANA Considerations
+ This document makes no request of IANA.
+8. Security Considerations
+ This document just clarifies some issues of the cross-realm operation
+ of the Kerberos V system. There is especially not describing
+ security. Some troubles might be caused to your system by malicious
+ user who misuses the description of this document if it dares to say.
+9. Acknowledgments
+ The authors are very grateful to Nobuo Okabe, Kazunori Miyazawa,
+ Ken'ichi Kamada and Atsushi Inoue. They gave us lots of comments and
+ input for this document.
+10. References
+10.1. Normative References
+ [RFC4120] Neuman, C., Yu, T., Hartman, S., and K. Raeburn, "The
+ Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)", RFC
+ 4120, July 2005.
+10.2. Informative References
+ [CSPC],1098,72-news_id=
+ 531,00.html
+ [RNSS-H8]
+ jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu/h8_family/
+ [RNSS-M16C]
+ ng.jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu/m16c_family/
+ [RFC2119] S.Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 11]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+ [SHELLCHEM],1098,-1,00.html
+ [SPECCROSS] I. Cervesato and A. Jaggard and A. Scedrov and C.
+ Walstad, "Specifying Kerberos 5 Cross-Realm
+ Authentication", Fifth Workshop on Issues in the Theory
+ of Security, Jan 2005.
+Authors' Addresses
+ Shoichi Sakane
+ Yokogawa Electric Corporation
+ 2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi,
+ Tokyo 180-8750 Japan
+ E-mail:,
+ Saber Zrelli
+ Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
+ 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi,
+ Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan
+ E-mail:
+ Masahiro Ishiyama
+ Toshiba Corporation
+ 1, komukai-toshiba-cho, Saiwai-ku,
+ Kawasaki 212-8582 Japan
+ E-mail:
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
+ This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
+ contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
+ retain all their rights.
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 12]
+Internet-Draft October 2006
+Intellectual Property Statement
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
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+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
+S.Sakane, et al. [Page 13]