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+Network Working Group S. Josefsson
+Internet-Draft SJD AB
+Intended status: Standards Track N. Williams
+Expires: September 24, 2009 Sun Microsystems
+ March 23, 2009
+ Using GSS-API Mechanisms in SASL: The GS2 Mechanism Family
+ draft-ietf-sasl-gs2-11
+Status of this Memo
+ This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
+ provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. This document may contain material
+ from IETF Documents or IETF Contributions published or made publicly
+ available before November 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the
+ copyright in some of this material may not have granted the IETF
+ Trust the right to allow modifications of such material outside the
+ IETF Standards Process. Without obtaining an adequate license from
+ the person(s) controlling the copyright in such materials, this
+ document may not be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and
+ derivative works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards
+ Process, except to format it for publication as an RFC or to
+ translate it into languages other than English.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
+ Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ This Internet-Draft will expire on September 24, 2009.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
+ document authors. All rights reserved.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 1]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
+ Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of
+ publication of this document (
+ Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
+ and restrictions with respect to this document.
+ This document describes how to use a Generic Security Service
+ Application Program Interface (GSS-API) mechanism in the the Simple
+ Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) framework. This is done by
+ defining a new SASL mechanism family, called GS2. This mechanism
+ family offers a number of improvements over the previous "SASL/
+ GSSAPI" mechanism: it is more general, uses fewer messages for the
+ authentication phase in some cases, and supports negotiable use of
+ channel binding. Only GSS-API mechanisms that support channel
+ binding are supported.
+ See <*/> for more information.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 2]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
+ 2. Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
+ 3. Mechanism name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
+ 3.1. Generating SASL mechanism names from GSS-API OIDs . . . . 5
+ 3.2. Computing mechanism names manually . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
+ 3.3. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
+ 4. SASL Authentication Exchange Message Format . . . . . . . . . 7
+ 4.1. SASL Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
+ 5. Channel Bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
+ 6. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
+ 7. Authentication Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
+ 8. GSS-API Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
+ 9. Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
+ 10. GSS_Mechanism_SASLname call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
+ 10.1. gss_mechanism_saslname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
+ 11. GSS_Inquire_mech_for_SASLname call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
+ 11.1. gss_inquire_mech_for_saslname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 12. Security Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
+ 13. Interoperability with the SASL "GSSAPI" mechanism . . . . . . 16
+ 13.1. The interoperability problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
+ 13.2. Resolving the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
+ 13.3. Additional Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
+ 14. Mechanisms that negotiate other mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 14.1. The interoperability problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 14.2. Security problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 14.3. Resolving the problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 15. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
+ 16. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
+ 17. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ 18. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ 18.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
+ 18.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
+ Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 3]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+1. Introduction
+ Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API)
+ [RFC2743] is a framework that provides security services to
+ applications using a variety of authentication "mechanisms". Simple
+ Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) [RFC4422] is a framework to
+ provide authentication and "security layers" for connection based
+ protocols, also using a variety of mechanisms. This document
+ describes how to use a GSS-API mechanism as though it were a SASL
+ mechanism. This facility is called "GS2" -- a moniker that indicates
+ that this is the second GSS-API->SASL mechanism bridge. The original
+ GSS-API->SASL mechanism bridge was specified by [RFC2222], now
+ [RFC4752]; we shall sometimes refer to the original bridge as "GS1"
+ in this document.
+ All GSS-API mechanisms are implicitly registered for use within SASL
+ by this specification. The SASL mechanisms defined in this document
+ are known as the "GS2 family of mechanisms".
+ The GS1 bridge failed to gain wide deployment for any GSS-API
+ mechanism other than The "Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism" [RFC1964]
+ [RFC4121], and has a number of problems that lead us to desire a new
+ bridge. Specifically: a) GS1 was not round-trip optimized, b) GS1
+ did not support channel binding [RFC5056]. These problems and the
+ opportunity to create the next SASL password-based mechanism, SCRAM
+ [I-D.newman-auth-scram], as a GSS-API mechanism used by SASL
+ applications via GS2, provide the motivation for GS2.
+ In particular, the current consensus of the SASL community appears to
+ be that SASL "security layers" (i.e., confidentiality and integrity
+ protection of application data after authentication) are too complex
+ and, since SASL applications tend to have an option to run over a
+ Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC5246] channel, redundant and best
+ replaced with channel binding.
+ GS2 is designed to be as simple as possible. It adds to GSS-API
+ security context token exchanges only the bare minimum to support
+ SASL semantics and negotiation of use of channel binding.
+ Specifically, GS2 adds a small header (2 bytes or 4 bytes plus the
+ length of the client requested SASL authorization ID (authzid)) to
+ the initial context token and to the application channel binding
+ data, and it uses SASL mechanism negotiation to implement channel
+ binding negotiation. All GS2 plaintext is protected via the use of
+ GSS-API channel binding. Additionally, to simplify the
+ implementation of GS2 mechanisms for implementors who will not
+ implement a GSS-API framework, we compress the initial security
+ context token header required by [RFC2743] (see section 3.1).
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 4]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+2. Conventions used in this document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+3. Mechanism name
+3.1. Generating SASL mechanism names from GSS-API OIDs
+ There are two SASL mechanism names for any GSS-API mechanism used
+ through this facility. One denotes that the server supports channel
+ binding. The other denotes that it does not.
+ The SASL mechanism name for a GSS-API mechanism is that which is
+ provided by that mechanism when it was specified, if one was
+ specified. This name denotes that the server does not support
+ channel binding. Add the suffix "-PLUS" and the resulting name
+ denotes that the server does support channel binding. SASL
+ implementations can use the GSS_Mechanism_Name call (see below) to
+ query for the SASL mechanism name of a GSS-API mechanism.
+ For GSS-API mechanisms whose SASL names are not defined together with
+ the GSS-API mechanism or in this document, the SASL mechanism name is
+ concatenation of the string "GS2-" and the Base32 encoding [RFC4648]
+ (with an upper case alphabet) of the first 55 bits of the binary
+ SHA-1 hash [FIPS.180-1.1995] string computed over the ASN.1 DER
+ encoding [CCITT.X690.2002], including the tag and length octets, of
+ the GSS-API mechanism's Object Identifier. The Base32 rules on
+ padding characters and characters outside of the base32 alphabet are
+ not relevant to this use of Base32. If any padding or non-alphabet
+ characters are encountered, the name is not a GS2 family mechanism
+ name. This name denotes that the server does not support channel
+ binding. Add the suffix "-PLUS" and the resulting name denotes that
+ the server does support channel binding.
+3.2. Computing mechanism names manually
+ The hash-derived GS2 SASL mechanism name may be computed manually.
+ This is useful when the set of supported GSS-API mechanisms is known
+ in advance. It also obliterate the need to implement Base32, SHA-1
+ and DER in the SASL mechanism. The computed mechanism name can be
+ used directly in the implementation, and the implementation need not
+ concern itself with that the mechanism is part of a mechanism family.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 5]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+3.3. Examples
+ The OID for the SPKM-1 mechanism [RFC2025] is The
+ ASN.1 DER encoding of the OID, including the tag and length, is (in
+ hex) 06 07 2b 06 01 05 05 01 01. The SHA-1 hash of the ASN.1 DER
+ encoding is (in hex) 1c f8 f4 2b 5a 9f 80 fa e9 f8 31 22 6d 5d 9d 56
+ 27 86 61 ad. Convert the first 7 octets to binary, drop the last
+ bit, and re-group them in groups of 5, and convert them back to
+ decimal, which results in these computations:
+ hex:
+ 1c f8 f4 2b 5a 9f 80
+ binary:
+ 00011100 11111000 11110100 00101011 01011010
+ 10011111 1000000
+ binary in groups of 5:
+ 00011 10011 11100 01111 01000 01010 11010 11010
+ 10011 11110 00000
+ decimal of each group:
+ 3 19 28 15 8 10 26 26 19 30 0
+ base32 encoding:
+ D T 4 P I K 2 2 T 6 A
+ The last step translate each decimal value using table 3 in Base32
+ [RFC4648]. Thus the SASL mechanism name for the SPKM-1 GSSAPI
+ mechanism is "GS2-DT4PIK22T6A".
+ The OID for the Kerberos V5 GSS-API mechanism [RFC1964] is
+ 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 and its DER encoding is (in hex) 06 09 2A 86 48
+ 86 F7 12 01 02 02. The SHA-1 hash is 82 d2 73 25 76 6b d6 c8 45 aa
+ 93 25 51 6a fc ff 04 b0 43 60. Convert the first ten octets to
+ binary, and re-group them in groups of 5, and convert them back to
+ decimal, which results in these computations:
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 6]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ hex:
+ 82 d2 73 25 76 6b d6
+ binary:
+ 10000010 11010010 01110011 00100101 01110110
+ 01101011 1101011
+ binary in groups of 5:
+ 10000 01011 01001 00111 00110 01001 01011 10110
+ 01101 01111 01011
+ decimal of each group:
+ 16 11 9 7 6 9 11 22 13 15 11
+ base32 encoding:
+ Q L J H G J L W N P L
+ The last step translate each decimal value using table 3 in Base32
+ [RFC4648]. Thus the SASL mechanism name for the Kerberos V5 GSSAPI
+ mechanism would be "GS2-QLJHGJLWNPL" and (because this mechanism
+ supports channel binding) "GS2-QLJHGJLWNPL-PLUS". But instead, we
+ assign the Kerberos V mechanism a non-hash-derived mechanism name:
+ "KerberosV-GS2" and "KerberosV-GS2-PLUS" (see Section 15).
+4. SASL Authentication Exchange Message Format
+4.1. SASL Messages
+ During the SASL authentication exchange for GS2, a number of messages
+ following the following format is sent between the client and server.
+ This number is the same as the number of context tokens that the GSS-
+ API mechanism would normally require in order to establish a security
+ context (or to fail to do so).
+ Note that when using a GS2 mechanism the SASL client is always a GSS-
+ API initiator and the SASL server is always a GSS-API acceptor. Thus
+ the SASL client calls GSS_Init_sec_context() and the server calls
+ GSS_Accept_sec_context().
+ All the SASL authentication messages exchanged are exactly the same
+ as the security context tokens of the GSS-API mechanism, except for
+ the initial security context token.
+ Also, the server SHOULD refrain from sending GSS-API error tokens
+ (tokens output by GSS_Init_sec_context() or GSS_Accept_sec_context()
+ along with a major status code other than GSS_S_COMPLETE or
+ GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) as SASL applications handle error conditions.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 7]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ The initial security context token is modified as follows:
+ o The [RFC2743] section 3.1 initial context token header MUST be
+ removed if present, and its presence is noted (see below). On the
+ server side this header MUST be recomputed and restored prior to
+ passing the token to GSS_Accept_sec_context().
+ o A GS2 header MUST be prefixed to the resulting initial context
+ token. This header has the form given below in ABNF [RFC5234].
+ UTF8-1-safe = %x01-2B / %x2D-3C / %x3E-7F
+ ;; As UTF8-1 in RFC 3629 except
+ ;; NUL, "=", and ",".
+ UTF8-2 = <as defined in RFC 3629 (STD 63)>
+ UTF8-3 = <as defined in RFC 3629 (STD 63)>
+ UTF8-4 = <as defined in RFC 3629 (STD 63)>
+ UTF8-char-safe = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
+ saslname = 1*(UTF8-char-safe / "=2C" / "=3D")
+ gs2-authzid = "a=" saslname
+ ;; GS2 has to transport an authzid since
+ ;; the GSS-API has no equivalent
+ gs2-std-mech = "F"
+ ;; "F" means the mechanism is NOT is a
+ ;; standard GSS-API mechanism in that the
+ ;; RFC2743 section 3.1 header was missing
+ gs2-cb-flag = "n" / "y" / "p"
+ ;; GS2 channel binding (CB) flag
+ ;; "n" -> client does not support CB
+ ;; "y" -> client supports CB, thinks the server
+ ;; does not
+ ;; "p" -> client supports and used CB
+ gs2-header = [gs2-std-mech] gs2-cb-flag [gs2-authzid] ","
+ ;; The GS2 header is gs2-header.
+ ;; gs2-std-mech is present if the GSS-API
+ ;; mechanism's initial context token did not
+ ;; have the standard header defined in
+ ;; [RFC2743] section 3.1.
+ The GS2 header is also prepended to the application's channel binding
+ data. If the application did not provide channel binding data then
+ the GS2 header is used as though it were application-provided channel
+ binding data.
+ The "gs2-authzid" holds the SASL authorization identity. It is
+ encoded using UTF-8 [RFC3629] with three exceptions:
+ o The NUL characters is forbidden as required by section 3.4.1 of
+ [RFC4422].
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 8]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ o The server MUST replace any occurance of "," (comma) in the string
+ with "=2C".
+ o The server MUST replace any occurance of "=" (comma) in the string
+ with "=3D".
+ If a server sends a string that does not conform to this syntax, the
+ client MUST reject authentication.
+5. Channel Bindings
+ If the server supports channel binding then it must list both forms
+ of the SASL mechanism name for each GSS-API mechanism supported via
+ GS2 (i.e., GSS-API mechanisms that support channel binding).
+ If the client supports channel binding and the server does not (i.e.,
+ the server did not advertise the -PLUS names) then the client MUST
+ either fail authentication or it MUST set the channel binding flag in
+ the GS2 initial security context token to "y" and MUST NOT include
+ application channel binding data in the GSS-API channel binding input
+ to GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ If the client supports channel binding and the server also does then
+ the client MUST set the channel binding flag in the GS2 initial
+ security context token to "p" and MUST include application channel
+ binding data in the GSS-API channel binding input to
+ GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ If the client does not support channel binding then it MUST set the
+ channel binding flag in the GS2 initial security context token to "n"
+ and MUST NOT include application channel binding data in the GSS-API
+ channel binding input to GSS_Init_sec_context().
+ Upon receipt of the initial authentication message the server checks
+ the channel binding flag in the GS2 header and constructs a channel
+ binding data input for GSS_Accept_sec_context() accordingly. If the
+ client channel binding flag was "n" then the server MUST NOT include
+ application channel binding data in the GSS-API channel binding input
+ to GSS_Accept_sec_context(). If the client channel binding flag was
+ "y" and the server does support channel binding then the server MUST
+ fail authentication. If the client channel binding flag was "p" the
+ server MUST include application channel binding data in the GSS-API
+ channel binding input to GSS_Accept_sec_context().
+ For more discussions of channel bindings, and the syntax of the
+ channel binding data for various security protocols, see [RFC5056].
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 9]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+6. Examples
+ Example #1: a one round-trip GSS-API context token exchange, no
+ channel binding, optional authzid given.
+ C: Request authentication exchange
+ S: Empty Challenge
+ C: nauthzid=someuser, <initial context token with standard
+ header removed>
+ S: Send reply context token as is
+ C: Empty message
+ S: Outcome of authentication exchange
+ Example #2: a one and one half round-trip GSS-API context token
+ exchange.
+ C: Request authentication exchange
+ S: Empty Challenge
+ C: nauthzid=someuser, <initial context token with standard
+ header removed>
+ S: Send reply context token as is
+ C: Send reply context token as is
+ S: Outcome of authentication exchange
+ Example #3: a two round-trip GSS-API context token exchange.
+ C: Request authentication exchange
+ S: Empty Challenge
+ C: nauthzid=someuser, <initial context token with standard
+ header removed>
+ S: Send reply context token as is
+ C: Send reply context token as is
+ S: Send reply context token as is
+ C: Empty message
+ S: Outcome of authentication exchange
+ Example #4: using channel binding.
+ C: Request authentication exchange
+ S: Empty Challenge
+ C: yauthzid=someuser, <initial context token with standard
+ header removed>
+ S: Send reply context token as is
+ ...
+ GSS-API authentication is always initiated by the client. The SASL
+ framework allows either the client and server to initiate
+ authentication. In GS2 the server will send an initial empty
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 10]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ challenge (zero byte string) if it has not yet received a token from
+ the client. See section 3 of [RFC4422].
+7. Authentication Conditions
+ Authentication MUST NOT succeed if any one of the following
+ conditions are true:
+ o GSS_Init/Accept_sec_context() return anything other than
+ o If the client's GS2 channel binding flag was "y" and the server
+ supports channel binding.
+ o If the client requires use of channel binding and the server did
+ not advertise support for channel binding.
+ o Authorization of client principal (i.e., src_name in
+ GSS_Accept_sec_context()) to requested authzid failed.
+ o If the client is not authorized to the requested authzid or an
+ authzid could not be derived from the client's initiator principal
+ name.
+8. GSS-API Parameters
+ GS2 does not use any GSS-API per-message tokens. Therefore the
+ setting of req_flags related to per-message tokens is irrelevant.
+9. Naming
+ There's no requirement that any particular GSS-API name-types be
+ used. However, typically SASL servers will have host-based acceptor
+ principal names (see [RFC2743] section 4.1) and clients will
+ typically have username initiator principal names (see [RFC2743]
+ section 4.2).
+10. GSS_Mechanism_SASLname call
+ To allow SASL implementations to query for the SASL mechanism name of
+ a GSS-API mechanism, we specify a new GSS-API function for this
+ purpose.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 11]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ Inputs:
+ o desired_mech OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ Outputs:
+ o sasl_mech_name OCTET STRING -- SASL name for this mechanism
+ (really, ASCII)
+ o mech_name UTF-8 STRING -- name of this mechanism, possibly
+ localized
+ o mech_description UTF-8 STRING -- possibly localized
+ description of this mechanism.
+ Return major_status codes:
+ o GSS_S_COMPLETE indicates successful completion, and that output
+ parameters holds correct information.
+ o GSS_S_BAD_MECH indicates that a disred_mech was unsupported by
+ the GSS-API implementation.
+ The GSS_Mechanism_SASLname call is used to get the SASL mechanism
+ name for a GSS-API mechanism. It also returns a name and
+ description of the mechanism in a human readable form.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 12]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+10.1. gss_mechanism_saslname
+ The C binding for the GSS_Mechanism_SASLname call is as follows.
+ OM_uint32 gss_mechanism_saslname(
+ OM_uint32 *minor_status,
+ const gss_OID desired_mech,
+ gss_buffer_t sasl_mech_name,
+ gss_buffer_t mech_name,
+ gss_buffer_t mech_description,
+ );
+ Purpose:
+ Output the SASL mechanism name of a GSS-API mechanism. Also output
+ a name and description of the mechanism in a human readable form.
+ Parameters:
+ minor_status Integer, modify
+ Mechanism specific status code.
+ Function value: GSS status code
+ GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
+ GSS_S_BAD_MECH The desired_mech OID is unsupported
+11. GSS_Inquire_mech_for_SASLname call
+ To allow SASL clients to more efficiently identify which GSS-API
+ mechanism a particular SASL mechanism name refers to we specify a new
+ GSS-API utility function for this purpose.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 13]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ Inputs:
+ o sasl_mech_name OCTET STRING -- SASL name of mechanism
+ (really, ASCII)
+ Outputs:
+ o mech_type OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- must be explicit mechanism,
+ and not "default" specifier
+ Return major_status codes:
+ o GSS_S_COMPLETE indicates successful completion, and that output
+ parameters holds correct information.
+ o GSS_S_BAD_MECH indicates that no supported GSS-API mechanism
+ had the indicated sasl_mech_name.
+ The GSS_Inquire_mech_for_SASLname call is used to get the GSS-API
+ mechanism OID associated with a SASL mechanism name.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 14]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+11.1. gss_inquire_mech_for_saslname
+ The C binding for the GSS_Inquire_mech_for_SASLname call is as
+ follows.
+ OM_uint32 gss_inquire_mech_for_saslname(
+ OM_uint32 *minor_status,
+ const gss_buffer_t sasl_mech_name,
+ gss_OID *mech_type
+ );
+ Purpose:
+ Output GSS-API mechanism OID of mechanism associated with given
+ sasl_mech_name.
+ Parameters:
+ minor_status Integer, modify
+ Mechanism specific status code.
+ Function value: GSS status code
+ GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
+ GSS_S_BAD_MECH The desired_mech OID is unsupported
+12. Security Layers
+ GS2 does not currently support SASL security layers. Applications
+ that need integrity protection or confidentiality and integrity
+ protection MUST use either channel binding to a secure external
+ channel or a SASL mechanism that does provide security layers.
+ NOTE WELL: the GS2 client's first authentication message MUST always
+ start with "F", "n", "y" or "p", otherwise the server MUST fail
+ authentication. This will allow us to add support for security
+ layers in the future if it were to become necessary. Note that
+ adding security layer support to GS2 must not break existing SASL/GS2
+ applications, which can be accomplished by making security layers
+ optional.
+ [A sketch of how to add sec layer support... Add a way for the
+ client to: a) make an offer of sec layers and max buffer, b) make an
+ opportunistic selection of sec layer and buffer size, both in the
+ first client authentication message, and starting with a character
+ other than "F", "n", "y" or "p". The server could accept the
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 15]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ opportunistic proposal (reply token prefixed with a byte indicating
+ acceptance) or reject it along with an indication of the server's
+ acceptable sec layers and max buffer size. In the latter case the
+ GSS-API security context token exchange must be abandoned and
+ recommenced, although this would be a detail of the GS2 bridge not
+ exposed to the SASL application. The negotiation would be protected
+ via GSS channel binding, as with the rest of GS2.]
+13. Interoperability with the SASL "GSSAPI" mechanism
+ The Kerberos V5 GSS-API [RFC1964] mechanism is currently used in SASL
+ under the name "GSSAPI", see GSSAPI mechanism [RFC4752]. The
+ Kerberos V5 mechanism may also be used with the GS2 family. This
+ causes an interopability problem, which is discussed and resolved
+ below.
+13.1. The interoperability problem
+ The SASL "GSSAPI" mechanism is not wire-compatible with the Kerberos
+ V GSS-API mechanism used as a SASL GS2 mechanism.
+ If a client (or server) only support Kerberos V5 under the "GSSAPI"
+ name and the server (or client) only support Kerberos V5 under the
+ GS2 family, the mechanism negotiation will fail.
+13.2. Resolving the problem
+ If the Kerberos V5 mechanism is supported under GS2 in a server, the
+ server SHOULD also support Kerberos V5 through the "GSSAPI"
+ mechanism, to avoid interoperability problems with older clients.
+ Reasons for violating this recommendation may include security
+ considerations regarding the absent features in the GS2 mechanism.
+ The SASL "GSSAPI" mechanism lacks support for channel bindings, which
+ means that using an external secure channel may not be sufficient
+ protection against active attackers (see [RFC5056], [mitm]).
+13.3. Additional Recommendations
+ If the application requires security layers then it MUST prefer the
+ SASL "GSSAPI" mechanism over "KerberosV-GS2".
+ If the application can use channel binding to an external channel
+ then it is RECOMMENDED that it select Kerberos V5 through the GS2
+ mechanism rather than the "GSSAPI" mechanism.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 16]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+14. Mechanisms that negotiate other mechanisms
+ A GSS-API mechanism that negotiate other mechanisms interact badly
+ with the SASL mechanism negotiation. There are two problems. The
+ first is an interoperability problem and the second is a security
+ concern. The problems are described and resolved below.
+14.1. The interoperability problem
+ If a client implement GSS-API mechanism X, potentially negotiated
+ through a GSS-API mechanism Y, and the server also implement GSS-API
+ mechanism X negotiated through a GSS-API mechanism Z, the
+ authentication negotiation will fail.
+14.2. Security problem
+ If a client's policy is to first prefer GSSAPI mechanism X, then non-
+ GSSAPI mechanism Y, then GSSAPI mechanism Z, and if a server supports
+ mechanisms Y and Z but not X, then if the client attempts to
+ negotiate mechanism X by using a GSS-API mechanism that negotiate
+ other mechanisms (such as SPNEGO), it may end up using mechanism Z
+ when it ideally should have used mechanism Y. For this reason, the
+ use of GSS-API mechanisms that negotiate other mechanisms are
+ disallowed under GS2.
+14.3. Resolving the problems
+ GSS-API mechanisms that negotiate other mechanisms MUST NOT be used
+ with the GS2 SASL mechanism. Specifically SPNEGO [RFC4178] MUST NOT
+ be used as a GS2 mechanism. To make this easier for SASL
+ implementations we assign a symbolic SASL mechanism name to the
+ SPNEGO GSS-API mechanism: "SPNEGO". SASL client implementations MUST
+ NOT choose the SPNEGO mechanism under any circumstances. [What about
+ SASL apps that don't do mechanism negotiation? Probably none exist.
+ But if any did then presumably it would OK to use the SPNEGO
+ mechanism, no? -Nico]
+ The GSS_C_MA_MECH_NEGO attribute of GSS_Inquire_attrs_for_mech()
+ [I-D.ietf-kitten-extended-mech-inquiry] can be used to identify such
+ mechanisms.
+15. IANA Considerations
+ The SASL names for the Kerberos V GSS-API mechanism [RFC4121]
+ [RFC1964] used via GS2 SHALL be "KerberosV-GS2" and "KerberosV-GS2-
+ PLUS".
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 17]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ The SASL names for the SPNEGO GSS-API mechanism used via GS2 SHALL be
+ "SPNEGO" and "SPNEGO-PLUS". As described in Section 14 the SASL
+ "SPNEGO" and "SPNEGO-PLUS" MUST NOT be used. These names are
+ provided as a convienience for SASL library implementors.
+ The IANA is advised that SASL mechanism names starting with "GS2-"
+ are reserved for SASL mechanisms which conform to this document. The
+ IANA is directed to place a statement to that effect in the sasl-
+ mechanisms registry.
+ The IANA is further advised that SASL mechanisms MUST NOT end in
+ "-PLUS" except as a version of another mechanism name simply suffixed
+ with "-PLUS".
+ Subject: Registration of SASL mechanism GS2-*
+ SASL mechanism prefix: GS2-
+ Security considerations: RFC [THIS-DOC]
+ Published specification: RFC [THIS-DOC]
+ Person & email address to contact for further information:
+ Simon Josefsson <>
+ Intended usage: COMMON
+ Owner/Change controller:
+ Note: Compare with the GSSAPI and GSS-SPNEGO mechanisms.
+16. Security Considerations
+ Security issues are also discussed throughout this memo.
+ The security provided by a GS2 mechanism depends on the security of
+ the GSS-API mechanism. The GS2 mechanism family depends on channel
+ binding support, so GSS-API mechanisms that do not support channel
+ binding cannot be successfully used as SASL mechanisms via the GS2
+ bridge.
+ Because GS2 does not support security layers it is strongly
+ RECOMMENDED that channel binding to a secure external channel be
+ used. Successful channel binding eliminates the possibility of man-
+ in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, provided that the external channel and
+ its channel binding data are secure and provided that the GSS-API
+ mechanism used is secure. Authentication failure because of channel
+ binding failure may indicate that an MITM attack was attempted, but
+ note that a real MITM attacker would likely attempt to close the
+ connection to the client or simulate network partition , thus MITM
+ attack detection is heuristic.
+ Use of channel binding will also protect the SASL mechanism
+ negotiation -- if there is no MITM then the external secure channel
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 18]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ will have protected the SASL mechanism negotiation.
+ The channel binding data MAY be sent (byt the actual GSS-API
+ mechanism used) without confidentiality protection and knowledge of
+ it is assumed to provide no advantage to an MITM (who can, in any
+ case, compute the channel binding data independently). If the
+ external channel does not provide confidentiality protection and the
+ GSS-API mechanism does not provide confidentiality protection for the
+ channel binding data, then passive attackers (eavesdroppers) can
+ recover the channel binding data. See [RFC5056].
+ When constructing the input_name_string for GSS_Import_name() with
+ the GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE name type, the client SHOULD NOT
+ canonicalize the server's fully qualified domain name using an
+ insecure or untrusted directory service, such as the Domain Name
+ System [RFC1034] without DNSSEC [RFC4033].
+ GS2 does not directly use any cryptographic algorithms, therefore it
+ is automatically "algorithm agile", or, as agile as the GSS-API
+ mechanisms that are available for use in SASL apoplications via GS2.
+ The security considerations of SASL [RFC4422], the GSS-API [RFC2743],
+ channel binding [RFC5056], any external channels (such as TLS,
+ [RFC5246], channel binding types (see the IANA channel binding type
+ registry), and GSS-API mechanisms (such as the Kerberos V mechanism
+ [RFC4121] [RFC1964]), may also apply.
+17. Acknowledgements
+ The history of GS2 can be traced to the "GSSAPI" mechanism originally
+ specified by RFC2222. This document was derived from
+ draft-ietf-sasl-gssapi-02 which was prepared by Alexey Melnikov with
+ significant contributions from John G. Myers, although the majority
+ of this document has been rewritten by the current authors.
+ Contributions of many members of the SASL mailing list are gratefully
+ acknowledged. In particular, ideas and feedback from Sam Hartman,
+ Jeffrey Hutzelman, Alexey Melnikov, and Tom Yu improved the document
+ and the protocol.
+18. References
+18.1. Normative References
+ [FIPS.180-1.1995]
+ National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Secure
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 19]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ Hash Standard", FIPS PUB 180-1, April 1995,
+ <>.
+ [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
+ [RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
+ 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.
+ [RFC4422] Melnikov, A. and K. Zeilenga, "Simple Authentication and
+ Security Layer (SASL)", RFC 4422, June 2006.
+ [RFC4648] Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
+ Encodings", RFC 4648, October 2006.
+ [RFC5056] Williams, N., "On the Use of Channel Bindings to Secure
+ Channels", RFC 5056, November 2007.
+ [RFC5234] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
+ Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.
+ [CCITT.X690.2002]
+ International International Telephone and Telegraph
+ Consultative Committee, "ASN.1 encoding rules:
+ Specification of basic encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
+ encoding rules (CER) and Distinguished encoding rules
+ (DER)", CCITT Recommendation X.690, July 2002.
+18.2. Informative References
+ [RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
+ STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
+ [RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",
+ RFC 1964, June 1996.
+ [RFC2025] Adams, C., "The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism
+ (SPKM)", RFC 2025, October 1996.
+ [RFC2222] Myers, J., "Simple Authentication and Security Layer
+ (SASL)", RFC 2222, October 1997.
+ [RFC4033] Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
+ Rose, "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements",
+ RFC 4033, March 2005.
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 20]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ [RFC4121] Zhu, L., Jaganathan, K., and S. Hartman, "The Kerberos
+ Version 5 Generic Security Service Application Program
+ Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism: Version 2", RFC 4121,
+ July 2005.
+ [RFC4178] Zhu, L., Leach, P., Jaganathan, K., and W. Ingersoll, "The
+ Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application
+ Program Interface (GSS-API) Negotiation Mechanism",
+ RFC 4178, October 2005.
+ [RFC4752] Melnikov, A., "The Kerberos V5 ("GSSAPI") Simple
+ Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism",
+ RFC 4752, November 2006.
+ [RFC5246] Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
+ (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.
+ [I-D.newman-auth-scram]
+ Menon-Sen, A., Melnikov, A., and C. Newman, "Salted
+ Challenge Response (SCRAM) SASL Mechanism",
+ draft-newman-auth-scram-10 (work in progress),
+ February 2009.
+ [I-D.ietf-kitten-extended-mech-inquiry]
+ Williams, N., "Extended Generic Security Service Mechanism
+ Inquiry APIs", draft-ietf-kitten-extended-mech-inquiry-04
+ (work in progress), March 2008.
+ [mitm] Asokan, N., Niemi, V., and K. Nyberg, "Man-in-the-Middle
+ in Tunneled Authentication",
+Authors' Addresses
+ Simon Josefsson
+ Hagagatan 24
+ Stockholm 113 47
+ SE
+ Email:
+ URI:
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 21]
+Internet-Draft SASL GS2-* March 2009
+ Nicolas Williams
+ Sun Microsystems
+ 5300 Riata Trace Ct
+ Austin, TX 78727
+ Email:
+Josefsson & Williams Expires September 24, 2009 [Page 22]