path: root/third_party/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-set-passwd-03.txt
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+Kerberos Working Group Nicolas Williams
+INTERNET-DRAFT Sun Microsystems
+Expires: August 22, 2005 February 21, 2005
+ Kerberos Set/Change Password: Version 2
+ <draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-set-passwd-03.txt>
+Status of this Memo
+ By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
+ patent or other IPR claims of which I am aware have been disclosed,
+ and any of which I become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
+ RFC 3668.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as
+ Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+ and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+ time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+ material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ This Internet-Draft will expire on August 22, 2005.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). All Rights Reserved.
+ This document specifies an extensible protocol for setting keys and
+ changing the passwords of Kerberos V principals.
+Table of Contents
+ 1 Introduction
+ 2 The Protocol
+ 2.1 Transports
+ 2.2 Protocol Framing
+ 2.3 Protocol version negotiation
+ 2.3.1 Protocol Major Version Negotiation
+ 2.3.2 Protocol Minor Version Negotiation
+ 2.4 Use of Kerberos V
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+ 2.5 Use of ASN.1
+ 2.6 Internationalization
+ 2.6.1 Normalization Forms for UTF-8 Strings
+ 2.6.2 Language Negotiation
+ 2.7 Protocol Extensibility
+ 2.8 Protocol Subsets
+ 3 Protocol Elements
+ 3.1 PDUs
+ 3.2 Operations
+ 3.2.1 Null
+ 3.2.2 Change Kerberos Password
+ 3.2.3 Set Kerberos Password
+ 3.2.4 Set Kerberos Keys
+ 3.2.5 Generate Kerberos Keys
+ 3.2.6 Get New Keys
+ 3.2.7 Commit New Keys
+ 3.2.8 Get Password Quality Policy
+ 3.2.9 Get Principal Aliases
+ 3.2.10 Get Realm's Supported Kerberos V Version and Features
+ 4 ASN.1 Module
+ 6 IANA Considerations
+ 7 Security Considerations
+ 8 Acknowledgements
+ 9 References
+ 9.1 Normative References
+ 9.2 Informative References
+ 10 Authors' Addresses
+ 11 Notes to the RFC Editor
+Conventions used in this document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+1 Introduction
+ Up to this point Kerberos V has lacked a single, standard protocol
+ for changing passwords and keys. While several vendor-specific
+ protocols exist for changing Kerberos passwords/keys, none are
+ properly internationalized and all are incomplete in one respect or
+ another and none are sufficiently extensible to cope with new
+ features that may be added to Kerberos V at some future time.
+ This document defines a protocol that is somewhat backward-compatible
+ with the "kpasswd" protocol defined in [RFC3244] that uses more or
+ less the same protocol framing.
+ This new protocol is designed to be extensible and properly
+ internationalized.
+2 The Protocol
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+ The structure of the protocol is quite similar to that of typical RPC
+ protocols. Each transaction consists of a data structure specific to
+ an operation which is then wrapped in a data structure which is
+ general to all operations of the protocol. These data structures are
+ defined with the Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) [X680] and they
+ are encoded using the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) [X690].
+ All protocol data is wrapped KRB-PRIV messages, or, in some cases, a
+ KRB-ERROR, and framed in a header that is backwards compatible with
+ [RFC3244].
+2.1 Transports
+ The service supports only connection-oriented transports,
+ specifically TCP, and MUST accept requests on TCP port 464, the same
+ as in [RFC3244].
+2.2 Protocol Framing
+ Requests and responses are exchanged using the same framing as in
+ [RFC3244], but with the following differences:
+ - the protocol number field MUST be set to 0x2 (not 0xff80 or 0x1)
+ - the 'AP-REQ length' field of the request can be set to 0x0, in
+ which case the 'AP-REQ' field of the request is excluded
+ - the 'KRB-PRIV' field of the request and reply is mutually
+ exclusive with the 'AP-REQ' field of the request
+ - the 'AP-REP length' field of the reply can be set to 0x0, in
+ which case the 'AP-REP' field of the reply is excluded
+ - all errors MUST be sent in a KRB-PRIV if the client's AP-REQ can
+ be or has been accepted by the server
+ - any KRB-ERROR messages are framed and sent in the 'AP-REP' field
+ of the reply
+ The initial message from the client MUST carry an AP-REQ and the
+ response to any request bearing an AP-REQ MUST carry an AP-REP or
+ Subsequent messages exchanged on the same TCP connection MAY involve
+ Kerberos V AP exchanges, but generally the client SHOULD NOT initiate
+ a new AP exchange except when it desires to authenticate as a
+ different principal, when the ticket last used for authentication
+ expires or when the server responds with an error indicating that the
+ client must re-authenticate.
+2.3 Protocol Version Negotiation
+ There are several major versions of this protocol. Version 2 also
+N. Williams [Page 3]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ introduces a notion of protocol minor versions for use in negotiating
+ protocol extensions. As of this time only one minor version is
+ defined for major version 2: minor version 0, defined herein.
+2.3.1 Protocol Major Version Negotiation
+ Version 2 clients that also support other versions, such as 0xff80,
+ as in [RFC3244], SHOULD attempt to use version 2 of the protocol
+ first.
+ Servers which do not support version 2 of this protocol typically
+ include their preferred version number in the reply and/or may
+ include a reply in the e-data of a KRB-ERROR, or in a KRB-PRIV with a
+ status code of KRB5_KPASSWD_MALFORMED.
+ Note that some [RFC3244] server implementations close the TCP
+ connection without returning any other response. Note also that
+ there is no integrity protection for the major version number in the
+ protocol framing or for any data in a KRB-ERROR.
+ As a result change password protocol major version negotiation is
+ subject to downgrade attacks. Therefore major version negotiation is
+ Where the server indicates that it does not support version 2, the
+ client MAY, but SHOULD NOT, unless configured to do so, fall back on
+ another major version of this protocol.
+ Version 2 servers MAY respond to non-v2 requests using whatever
+ response is appropriate for the versions used by the clients, but if
+ a server does not do this or know how to do this then it MUST respond
+ with an error framed as in section 2.2, using an AP-REP and KRB-PRIV
+ if the client's AP-REQ can be accepted, or a KRB-ERROR otherwise and
+ using a ProtocolErrorCode value of unsupported-major-version.
+ It is expected that implementations of as yet unspecified future
+ major versions of this protocol will be required to support version 2
+ integrity protected error replies for properly indicating no support
+ for version 2 of the protocl. We also hope that no further major
+ versions of this protocol will be needed.
+2.3.2 Protocol Minor Version Negotiation
+ Version 2 clients are free to use whatever protocol minor version and
+ message extensions are available to them in their initial messages to
+ version 2 servers, provided that the minor versions (other than 0)
+ have been defined through IETF documents.
+ Version 2 servers MUST answer with the highest protocol minor version
+ number supported by the server and the client.
+ Version 2 clients MUST use the protocol minor version used in a
+ server's reply for any subsequent messages in the same TCP session.
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ See section 2.7 for further description of the protocol's
+ extensibility and its relation to protocol minor versions and the
+ negotiation thereof.
+2.4 Use of Kerberos V and Key Exchange
+ This protocol makes use of messages defined in [RFC1510] and
+ [clarifications]. Specifically, AP-REQ, AP-REP, KRB-ERROR and
+ All operations are to be performed by the server on behalf of the
+ client principal.
+ Clients SHOULD use "kadmin/setpw" as the principal name of the server
+ for all requests except when changing the client principal's own
+ expired password, for which they should use "kadmin/changepw". The
+ "kadmin/changepw" service exists to allow KDCs to limit principals
+ with expired passwords to getting initial tickets to the password
+ changing service only and only for changing expired passwords.
+ Servers MUST limit clients that used the "kadmin/changepw" service
+ principal name to changing the password of the client principal.
+ The client MUST request mutual authentication and the client MUST
+ MUST request the use of sequence numbers.
+ Clients SHOULD use INITIAL tickets for requests whose target
+ principal is the client's principal. Servers SHOULD force the use of
+ INITIAL tickets for such requests and MAY force the use of INITIAL
+ for all others - see section 3.2.
+ Servers MUST specify a sub-session key.
+ The encrypted part of KRB-PRIVs MUST be encrypted with the server's
+ sub-session key and key usage 20 (client->server) or 21
+ (server->client).
+ After each new AP exchange the client and server MUST destroy the
+ session keys, if any, resulting from the previous AP exchange.
+2.5 Use of ASN.1
+ This protocol's messages are defined in ASN.1, using only features
+ from [X680]. All ASN.1 types defined herein are to be encoded in
+ DER [X690]. A complete ASN.1 module is given in section 4.
+ The DER encoding of the ASN.1 PDUs are exchanged wrapped in a
+ KRB-PRIV as described above and/or as e-data in KRB-ERROR messages.
+2.6 Internationalization
+ This protocol's request PDU carries an optional field indicating the
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+ languages spoken by the client user; the client SHOULD send its list
+ of spoken languages to the server (once per-TCP session).
+ The server SHOULD localize all strings intended for display to users
+ to a language in common with the languages spoken by the client user.
+ Strings for Kerberos principal and realm names used in this protocol
+ are be constrained as per [clarifications].
+2.6.1 Normalization Forms for UTF-8 Strings
+ Because Kerberos V [clarifications] restricts principal names, realm
+ names and passwords to IA5String, this protocol uses UTF8String with
+ an extensible constraint to IA5String.
+ Future versions of Kerberos may relax this constraint; if so then a
+ minor version of this protocol should relax this constraint
+ accordingly.
+2.6.2 Language Negotiation
+ The server MUST pick a language from the client's input list or
+ the default language tag (see [RFC3066]) for text in its responses
+ which is meant for the user to read.
+ The server SHOULD use a language selection algorithm such that
+ consideration is first given to exact matches between the client's
+ spoken languages and the server's available locales, followed by
+ "fuzzy" matches where only the first sub-tags of the client's
+ language tag list are used for matching against the servers available
+ locales.
+ Servers MUST cache the optional language tag lists from prior
+ requests for use with subsequent requests that exclude the language
+ tag list. Clients MAY expect such server behaviour and send the
+ language tag lists only once per-TCP session. Clients SHOULD send
+ the server the language tag list at least once.
+ When the server has a message catalog for one of the client's spoken
+ languages the server SHOULD localize any text strings intended for
+ display to users.
+2.7 Protocol Extensibility
+ The protocol is defined in ASN.1 and uses extensibility markers
+ throughout. As such, the module presented herein can be extended
+ within the framework of [X680].
+ Typed holes are not used in this protocol as it is very simple and
+ does not require the ability to deal with abstract data types defined
+ in different layers. For this reason, the only way to extend this
+ protocol is by extending the ASN.1 module within the framework of the
+ IETF; all future extensions to this protocol have to be defined in
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+ IETF documents unless otherwise specified in a future IETF revision
+ of this protocol.
+ A protocol minor version number is used to negotiate use of
+ extensions. See section 2.3.2 for the minor version negotiation.
+ Servers SHOULD ignore unknown additions to the ASN.1 types, in
+ initial requests, where the syntax allows them, except for extensions
+ to the "Op-req" type, which MUST result in an error.
+ Servers MUST respond with an error (ProtocolErrorCode value of
+ unsupported-minor-version) to clients that use operations unknown to
+ the server.
+2.8 Protocol Subsets
+ The structure of the protocol is such that the ASN.1 syntaxes for the
+ various operations supported by the protocol are independent of the
+ each other. Client and server implementations MAY implement subsets
+ of the overall protocol by removing some alternatives to the Op-req,
+ Op-rep and Op-err CHOICEs from the ASN.1 module given in section 4.
+ For example, it should be possible to have a password-change only
+ client that cannot set principal's keys - and vice versa.
+3 Protocol Elements
+ The protocol as defined herein supports the following operations
+ relating to the management of Kerberos principal's passwords or keys:
+ [NOTE: New since last version of this I-D.]
+ - get principal's current and preferred string-to-key parameters
+ - change password (or enctypes and string-to-key parameters)
+ - set password (administrative)
+ - set new keys
+ - generate new keys
+ - get new, un-committed keys
+ - commit new keys
+ - get password policy name and/or description of principal
+ - list aliases of a principal
+ - list enctypes and version of Kerberos V supported by realm
+ The operation for retrieving a list of aliases of a principal is
+ needed where KDCs implement aliasing of principal names and allows
+ clients to properly setup their key databases when principal aliasing
+ is in use.
+ Operations such as creation or deletion of principals are outside the
+ scope of this document, and should be performed via other means, such
+ as through directories or other Kerberos administration protocols.
+ The individual operations are described in section 3.2.
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+3.1 PDUs
+ The types "Request," "Response" and "Error-Response" are the ASN.1
+ module's PDUs.
+ The "Request" and "Response" PDUs are always to be sent wrapped in
+ KRB-PRIV messages, except for the "Error-Response" PDU which MUST be
+ sent as KRB-ERROR e-data (see section 2.4.1) when AP exchanges fail,
+ otherwise it MUST be sent wrapped in a KRB-PRIV.
+ The ASN.1 syntax for the PDUs is given in section 4.
+ Note that the first field of each PDU is the major version of the
+ protocol, defaulted to 2, meaning that it is never included in
+ version 2 exchanges. Similarly, the second field of each PDU is the
+ minor version, defaulted to 0.
+ The request, responses and error PDUs consist of an outer structure
+ ("Request," "Response" and "Error-Response") containing fields common
+ to all requests, responses and errors, respectively, and an inner
+ structure for fields that are specific to each operation's
+ requests/responses. The inner structure is optional in the case of
+ the Error-Response PDU and need not be included when generic errors
+ occur for which there is a suitable ProtocolErrorCode.
+ Specifically, the outer Request structure has a field for passing a
+ client user's spoken (read) languages to the server. It also has two
+ optional fields for identifying the requested operation's target
+ principal's name and realm (if not sent then the server MUST use the
+ client's principal name and realm as the target). A boolean field
+ for indicating whether or not the request should be dry-run is also
+ included; dry-runs can be used to test server policies, and servers
+ MUST NOT modify any principals when processing dry-run requests.
+ The Response and Error PDUs' outer structures include a field
+ indicating the language that the server has chosen for localization
+ of text intended to be displayed to users; this field is defaulted to
+ "i-default". This language tag applies to all UTF8 strings in the
+ inner structure (Op-rep and Op-err) that are meant to be displayed to
+ users.
+ The protocol error codes are:
+ - proto-generic-error
+ An operation-specific error ocurred, see the inner Op-error.
+ - proto-format-error
+ - proto-unsupported-major-version
+ - proto-unsupported-minor-version
+ - proto-unsupported-operation
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ - proto-wrong-service-principal
+ Use kadmin/setpw for the server's principal name.
+ - proto-re-authentication-required
+ The server demands that the client re-authenticate through a new
+ AP exchange.
+ - proto-initial-ticket-required
+ Use of an INITIAL ticket is required for the requested
+ operation.
+ - proto-client-and-target-realm-mismatch
+ The server requires that the client's principal name and the
+ target principal of the operation share the same realm name.
+ - proto-target-principal-unknown
+ - proto-authorization-failed
+3.2 Operations
+ This section describes the semantics of each operation request and
+ response defined in the ASN.1 module in section 4.
+3.2.1 Null
+ null - Null or "ping" operation
+ The null request is intended for use with TCP; its purpose is
+ similar to RPC null procedures and is akin to a "ping" operation.
+ None.
+3.2.2 Change Kerberos Password
+ change-pw - Change password operation
+ Req-change-pw(old-pw, [languages], [new-pw],
+ [commit], [etypes]) ->
+ Rep-change-pw([info-text], [new-pw], [etypes]) |
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Err-change-pw([help-text], error code, [error info])
+ Change a principal's password.
+ The change password request has one required, three optional and
+ one defaulted arguments: "old-pw" (required), "languages,"
+ "new-pw", "commit" (defaults to "TRUE") and "etypes",
+ corresponding to the target principal's old password, its
+ preferred languages, its new password, a boolean indicating
+ whether or not to make the new long-term key available for
+ immediate use, and the desired enctypes for the new long-term
+ keys.
+ The server MUST validate the old password and MUST check the
+ quality of the new password, if sent, according the password
+ quality policy associated with the target principal.
+ If the old and new passwords in the request are the same strings,
+ and the principal is not currently required to change its
+ password, then the server MAY permit the password change as way to
+ change a principal's enctypes and string-to-key parameters. This
+ feature provides a way to, for example, add enctypes to a
+ principals' password-derived long-term keys without forcing a
+ password change following an upgrade to the KDC that adds support
+ for new enctypes.
+ A client MAY request that the server generate a new password by
+ excluding the new password from its request, in which case the
+ server MUST either generate a new password or respond with an
+ error indicating that it does not support this feature.
+ Server-generated passwords MUST meet the target principal's
+ password quality policy. It is RECOMMENDED that server-generated
+ passwords be user-friendly, that is, memorable and that the target
+ principal's preferred languages be taken into account by the
+ password generation alogrithm used by the server.
+ Uncommitted password changes are commited using the commit-keys
+ operation.
+ Upon successful password changes the server responds with a
+ Rep-change-pw. The fields of Rep-change-pw are all optional and
+ include:
+ - 'info-text' which the server can use to send a message to the
+ user such as "Your new password will expire in 90 days," for
+ example.
+ - 'new-pw' which the server MUST include if the client
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ requested that the server generate a new password; generated
+ passwords MUST pass the target principal's password quality
+ policy.
+ - 'etypes' which the server MAY include to indicate which types
+ of long-term keys it created for the target principal and
+ which the server MUST include if the client specified a set
+ of enctypes in its request.
+ The server may respond to change password requests with protocol
+ or operation errors. See section 3.1 for a description of
+ protocol error codes.
+ All operation errors include an optional 'help-text' field by
+ which the server can describe the error in a human-readable,
+ localizaed string.
+ Change password error codes include:
+ - generic-error
+ - old-pw-incorrect
+ - wont-generate-new-pw
+ The server will not generate a new password for this
+ principal or does not support password generation in general.
+ - new-pw-rejected-generic
+ The client's proposed new password failed the target
+ principal's password quality policy.
+ The server MUST include a description of the password quality
+ policy or aspect of it that the client's proposed new
+ password failed to meet.
+ The server MAY generate and send a new password that the
+ client can then use as a new password and which is guaranteed
+ to pass the target principal's current password quality
+ policy.
+ The server MAY include a set of policy error code hints.
+ - etype-not-supported
+ The client requested an enctype that the KDC does not
+ support.
+3.2.3 Set Kerberos Password
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+ set-pw - Set password operation
+ Req-set-pw([languages], [new-pw], [commit], [etypes]) ->
+ Rep-set-pw([info-text], [new-pw], [etypes]) |
+ Err-set-pw([help-text], error code, [error info])
+ Administratively set a principal's password.
+ The set password request has three optional and one defaulted
+ arguments: "languages", "new-pw," "commit" (defaulted to "TRUE")
+ and "etypes", corresponding to the target principal's preferred
+ languages, new password, a boolean indicating whether or not to
+ make the new long-term key available for immediate use, and the
+ desired enctypes for the new long-term keys.
+ The server MUST check the quality of the new password, if sent,
+ according the password quality policy associated with the target
+ principal.
+ The server SHOULD require that the client use the change-pw
+ operation instead of set-pw when the client principal and the
+ target principal are the same.
+ A client MAY request that the server generate a new password by
+ excluding the new password from its request, in which case the
+ server MUST either generate a new password or respond with an
+ error indicating that it does not support this feature.
+ Server-generated passwords MUST meet the target principal's
+ password quality policy. It is RECOMMENDED that server-generated
+ passwords be user-friendly, that is, memorable and that the target
+ principal's preferred languages be taken into account by the
+ password generation alogrithm used by the server.
+ Upon successfully setting a password the server responds with a
+ Rep-set-pw. The fields of Rep-set-pw are all optional and
+ include:
+ - 'info-text' which the server can use to send a message to the
+ user such as "Your new password will expire in 90 days," for
+ example.
+ - 'new-pw' which the server MUST include if the client
+ requested that the server generate a new password; generated
+ passwords MUST pass the target principal's password quality
+N. Williams [Page 12]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ policy.
+ - 'etypes' which the server MAY include to indicate which types
+ of long-term keys it created for the target principal and
+ which the server MUST include if the client specified a set
+ of enctypes in its request.
+ The server may respond to set password requests with protocol or
+ operation errors. See section XYZ for a description of protocol
+ error codes.
+ All operation errors include an optional 'help-text' field by
+ which the server can describe the error in a human-readable,
+ localizaed string.
+ Set password error codes include:
+ - generic-error
+ - use-change-pw
+ The server demands that the client use the change-pw
+ operation for the target principal of the set-pw request.
+ - wont-generate-new-pw
+ The server will not generate a new password for this
+ principal or does not support password generation in general.
+ - new-pw-rejected-generic
+ The client's proposed new password failed the target
+ principal's password quality policy.
+ The server MUST include a description of the password quality
+ policy or aspect of it that the client's proposed new
+ password failed to meet.
+ The server MAY generate and send a new password that the
+ client can then use as a new password and which is guaranteed
+ to pass the target principal's current password quality
+ policy.
+ The server MAY include a set of policy error code hints.
+ - etype-not-supported
+ The client requested an enctype that the KDC does not
+ support.
+3.2.4 Set Kerberos Keys
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ set-keys
+ Req-set-keys(new-keys, commit?, [isupport]) ->
+ Rep-set-keys([info-text], kvno, aliases, [isupport])
+ The set-keys request consists of two required fields and one
+ optional field: "new-keys", "commit" (a boolean field - see below)
+ and "isupport", an optional field for indicating to the KDC what
+ Kerberos V features are supported by the target principal.
+ When "commit" is true the KDC makes the new keys available for
+ issueing tickets encrypted in them immediately. Otherwise the
+ client MUST follow up with a commit-keys request to make the keys
+ available. This feature is useful for changing keys shared by
+ multiple hosts, in clustered services, for example, in an atomic
+ manner; see section 3.2.6 and 3.2.7.
+ If a principal has keys are awaiting commitment when a new
+ set-keys request for that principal s made then the KDC MUST
+ overwrite the deferred keys.
+ For successful set-keys operations the server returns:
+ - Informational text, optional.
+ - The new kvno for the target principal.
+ - A list of aliases of the target principal known to the KDC
+ (optional).
+ - The set of Kerberos V features supported by the KDC
+ (optional).
+ The server may respond with the following errors:
+ - generic
+ - deferred-commit-no-support
+ - etype-no-support
+3.2.5 Generate Kerberos Keys
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+ gen-keys
+ Req-gen-keys(etypes, [entropy], commit?, [isupport]) ->
+ Rep-set-keys([info-text], key, kvno, aliases, [isupport])
+ The gen-keys is similar to the set-keys request (see section
+ 3.2.4) but differs in that the server generates keys of
+ client-requested enctypes, rather than the client providing
+ specific keys.
+ The gen-keys request consists of two required fields and two
+ optional fields: "etypes" (the enctypes of the new keys),
+ "entropy", "commit" and "isupport" (see section 3.2.4).
+ If a principal has keys are awaiting commitment when a new
+ set-keys request for that principal s made then the KDC MUST
+ overwrite the deferred keys.
+ For successful set-keys operations the server returns:
+ - Informational text, optional.
+ - The new kvno for the target principal.
+ - The new key (only one is needed).
+ - A list of aliases of the target principal known to the KDC
+ (optional).
+ - The set of Kerberos V features supported by the KDC
+ (optional).
+ The server may respond with the following errors:
+ - generic
+ - deferred-commit-no-support
+ - etype-no-support
+3.2.6 Get New Keys
+ get-keys
+N. Williams [Page 15]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Req-get-keys(kvno) ->
+ Rep-get-keys([info-text], keys, aliases, [isupport]) |
+ Err-get-keys([help-text], error code, [error info])
+ This request allows a client to get the keys set or generated in a
+ previous set-keys or gen-keys request with deferred commitment..
+ If the target principal and kvno correspond to uncommitted keys
+ the server MUST respond with the actual keys that would be set by
+ a subsequent commit-keys request. Otherwise the server MUST
+ respond with an error (meaning that this operation cannot be used
+ to extract keys from the KDC that may be in use).
+ - generic
+ - kvno-committed
+ - no-such-kvno
+3.2.7 Commit New Keys
+ commit-keys
+ Req-commit-keys(kvno) ->
+ Rep-commit-keys() |
+ Err-commit-keys([help-text], error code, [error info])
+ The commit-keys operation allows a client to bring a principal's
+ new keys into use at the KDC.
+ Clients should make a commit-keys request corresponding to a
+ deferred commitment set-keys/gen-keys operation as soon as the
+ local key database for the target principal is updated.
+ The target principal name and the kvno MUST match those from a
+ prior set-keys or gen-keys operation.
+ Servers MAY expire delayed key commitments at will. Servers
+ SHOULD expire uncommitted new keys after a reasonable amount of
+ time (600 seconds is RECOMMENDED).
+N. Williams [Page 16]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Servers MUST respond to new set-keys requests for principals with
+ pending, uncommitted new keys by expiring the uncommitted new keys
+ and proceeding as if there had been no expired new keys.
+ - generic
+ - op-kvno-expired
+ - op-kvno-unknown
+ - new-keys-conflict (A set-keys or gen-keys request succeeded
+ subsequent to the request that matches this
+ {principal, kvno} tuple.)
+3.2.8 Get Password Quality Policy
+ get-pw-policy
+ Req-get-pw-policy() ->
+ Rep-get-pw-policy([policy name], [policy description])
+ Returns a description of the target principal's associated
+ password quality policy, if any, as a list of localized
+ UTF8String values.
+ Clients can use this operation in conjunction with the change-pw
+ operation to obtain text that can be displayed to the user before
+ the user actually enters a new password.
+ It is common for sites to set policies with respect to password
+ quality. It is beyond the scope of this document to describe such
+ policies. Management of password quality policies' actual content
+ is also beyond the scope of this protocol.
+ No operation errors are defined.
+3.2.9 Get Principal Aliases
+ get-print-aliases
+ Req-get-princ-aliases() ->
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Rep-get-princ-aliases(aliases)
+ Returns a list of aliases of the target principal.
+ No operation-specific errors.
+3.2.10 Get Realm's Supported Kerberos V Version and Features
+ get-realm-krb5-support
+ Req-get-realm-krb5-support() ->
+ Rep-get-realm-krb5-support(isupport)
+ Returns set of Kerberos V features support by the target
+ principal's realm's KDCs.
+ No operation-specific errors.
+3.2.11 Retrieve Principal's S2K Params and Preferred Params
+ get-s2kparams
+ Req-get-s2kparams() ->
+ Rep-get-s2kparams([princ-s2kparams], [preferred-s2kparams])
+ Returns the string2key parameters for the principal's current
+ password-derived long-term keys, if any, and the parameters that
+ the realm would prefer, if they differ from the former.
+ This operation is intended for use with the change-pw() operation.
+ When surprised by a KDC's PA-ETYPE-INFO2 a client SHOULD check if
+ the principal's long-term secret keys' string2key parameters (and
+ enctype list) should be changed and, if so, change them.
+ If the 'princ-s2kparams' return value is missing then the
+N. Williams [Page 18]
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+ principal does not have a password-derived long-term key.
+ The 'preferred-s2kparams' MUST be excluded if the principal's
+ string2key parameters satisfy the realm's policy.
+ No operation-specific errors.
+3.3 Principal Aliases
+ Applications that use Kerberos often have to derive acceptor
+ principal names from hostnames entered by users. Such hostnames may
+ be aliases, they may be fully qualified, partially qualified or not
+ qualified at all. Some implementations have resorted to deriving
+ principal names from such hostnames by utilizing the names services
+ to canonicalize the hostname first; such practices are not secure
+ unless the name service are secure, which often aren't.
+ One method for securely deriving principal names from hostnames is to
+ alias principals at the KDC such that the KDC will issue tickets for
+ principal names which are aliases of others. It is helpful for
+ principals to know what are their aliases as known by the KDCs.
+ Note that changing a principal's aliases is out of scope for this
+ protocol.
+3.4 Kerberos V Feature Negotiation
+ Principals and realms' KDCs may need to know about additional
+ Kerberos V features and extensions that they each support. Several
+ operations (see above) provide a way for clients and servers to
+ exchange such infomration, in the form of lists of types supported
+ for the various typed holes used in Kerberos V.
+4 ASN.1 Module
+ --
+ -- Note: EXPLICIT tagging is in use by default throughout this
+ -- module.
+ -- From [clarifications] with modifications
+ PrincipalName ::= SEQUENCE {
+ name-string [1] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String (IA5String, ...)
+ }
+ Realm ::= UTF8String (IA5String, ...)
+ Salt ::= UTF8String (IA5String, ...)
+ Password ::= UTF8String (IA5String, ...)
+ -- NOTE WELL: Principal and realm names MUST be constrained by the
+ -- specification of the version of Kerberos V used by the
+ -- client.
+N. Williams [Page 19]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ --
+ -- [Perhaps PrincipalName should be a SEQUENCE of an optional name
+ -- type and a UTF8String, for simplicity.]
+ -- From [clarifications]
+ Int32 ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+ UInt32 ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+ -- Based on [clarifications]
+ Etype ::= Int32
+ Etype-Info-Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ etype [0] Etype,
+ salt [1] Salt OPTIONAL,
+ s2kparams [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Key ::= SEQUENCE {
+ enc-type [0] Etype, -- from Kerberos
+ key [1] OCTET STRING,
+ ...
+ }
+ Language-Tag ::= UTF8String -- Constrained by [RFC3066]
+ -- Empty, extensible SEQUENCEs are legal ASN.1
+ Extensible-NULL ::= SEQUENCE {
+ ...
+ }
+ -- Kerberos clients negotiate some parameters relating to their peers
+ -- indirectly through the KDC. Today this is true of ticket session
+ -- key enctypes, but in the future this indirect negotiation may also
+ -- occur with respect to the minor version of Kerberos V to be used
+ -- between clients and servers. Additionally, KDCs may need to know
+ -- what authorization-data types are supported by service principals,
+ -- both, for compatibility with legacy software and for optimization.
+ --
+ -- Thesefore it is important for KDCs to know what features of
+ -- Kerberos V each service principal supports.
+ --
+ -- In version 2.0 of this protocol the clients and servers may notify
+ -- each other of their support for:
+ --
+ -- - enctypes
+ -- - authorization data types
+ -- - transited encoding data types
+ --
+ -- All authorization-data types defined in [clarifications] are
+ -- assumed to be supported if the minor version is 1 and do not need
+ -- to be included in the ad-type list.
+ --
+ -- Int32 is used for enctype and transited encoding data type
+ -- identifiers.
+N. Williams [Page 20]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ --
+ -- An extensible CHOICE of Int32 is used for authorization data
+ -- types.
+ KerberosV-TR-ID ::= Int32
+ KerberosV-AD-ID ::= CHOICE {
+ ad-int [0] Int32,
+ ...
+ }
+ KerberosVSupportNego ::= SEQUENCE {
+ enc-types [0] SEQUENCE OF Etype,
+ ad-types [1] SEQUENCE OF KerberosV-AD-ID OPTIONAL,
+ -- authorization data types
+ tr-enc-types [2] SEQUENCE OF KerberosV-TR-ID OPTIONAL,
+ -- transited encoding types
+ ...
+ }
+ Request ::= [APPLICATION 0] SEQUENCE {
+ pvno-minor [0] INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
+ languages [1] SEQUENCE OF Language-Tag OPTIONAL,
+ -- Should be defaulted to the SEQUENCE of "i-default"
+ targ-name [2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
+ targ-realm [3] Realm OPTIONAL,
+ -- If targ-name/realm are missing then the request
+ -- applies to the principal of the client
+ operation [5] Op-req,
+ ...
+ }
+ Response ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE {
+ pvno-minor [0] INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
+ language [1] Language-Tag DEFAULT "i-default",
+ result [2] Op-rep,
+ ...
+ }
+ Error-Response ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE {
+ pvno-minor [0] INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
+ language [1] Language-Tag DEFAULT "i-default",
+ error-code [2] ProtocolErrorCode,
+ help-text [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ op-error [4] Op-err OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Op-req ::= CHOICE {
+ null [0] Req-null,
+ change-pw [1] Req-change-pw,
+ set-pw [2] Req-set-pw,
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ set-keys [3] Req-set-keys,
+ gen-keys [4] Req-gen-keys,
+ get-keys [5] Req-get-keys,
+ commit-keys [6] Req-commit-keys,
+ get-pw-policy [7] Req-get-pw-policy,
+ get-princ-aliases [8] Req-get-princ-aliases,
+ get-realm-krb5-support [9] Req-get-realm-krb5-support,
+ get-s2kparams [10] Req-get-s2kparams,
+ ...
+ }
+ Op-rep ::= CHOICE {
+ null [0] Rep-null,
+ change-pw [1] Rep-change-pw,
+ set-pw [2] Rep-set-pw,
+ set-keys [3] Rep-set-keys,
+ gen-keys [4] Req-gen-keys,
+ get-keys [5] Req-get-keys,
+ commit-keys [6] Rep-commit-keys,
+ get-pw-policy [7] Rep-get-pw-policy,
+ get-princ-aliases [8] Rep-get-princ-aliases,
+ get-realm-krb5-support [9] Rep-get-realm-krb5-support,
+ get-s2kparams [10] Rep-get-s2kparams,
+ ...
+ }
+ Op-err ::= CHOICE {
+ null [0] Err-null,
+ change-pw [1] Err-change-pw,
+ set-pw [2] Err-set-pw,
+ set-keys [3] Err-set-keys,
+ gen-keys [4] Err-gen-keys,
+ get-keys [5] Err-get-keys,
+ commit-keys [6] Err-commit-keys,
+ get-pw-policy [7] Err-get-pw-policy,
+ get-princ-aliases [8] Err-get-princ-aliases,
+ get-realm-krb5-support [9] Err-get-realm-krb5-support,
+ get-s2kparams [10] Err-get-s2kparams,
+ ...
+ }
+ ProtocolErrorCode ::= ENUM {
+ proto-format-error,
+ proto-unsupported-major-version,
+ proto-unsupported-minor-version,
+ proto-unsupported-operation, -- Request CHOICE tag unknown
+ proto-generic-see-op-error, -- See Op-error
+ proto-wrong-service-principal, -- Use kadmin/setpw
+ proto-re-authentication-required,
+ proto-initial-ticket-required,
+ proto-client-and-target-realm-mismatch,
+ proto-target-principal-unknown,
+ proto-authorization-failed,
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ proto-dry-run-not-permitted,
+ ...
+ }
+ -- These codes are hints for clients, primarily for when they are
+ -- used for changing the passwords of automated principals; error
+ -- replies carry password quality policy help text that is more
+ -- appropriate for clients to display to users.
+ PW-Quality-Codes ::= ENUM {
+ pwq-generic,
+ pwq-too-soon,
+ pwq-repeated,
+ pwq-too-short,
+ pwq-dictionary-words,
+ pwq-prohibited-codepoints,
+ pwq-need-more-char-classes,
+ ...
+ }
+ --
+ -- Requests and responses
+ --
+ -- NULL request, much like ONC RPC's NULL procedure - NOT extensible
+ Req-null ::= NULL
+ Rep-null ::= NULL
+ Err-null ::= NULL
+ -- Change password
+ Req-change-pw ::= SEQUENCE {
+ old-pw [0] Password,
+ new-pw [1] Password OPTIONAL,
+ etypes [3] SEQUENCE (1..) OF Etype OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Rep-change-pw ::= SEQUENCE {
+ info-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ new-pw [1] Password OPTIONAL,
+ -- generated by the server if present
+ -- (and requested by the client)
+ etypes [2] SEQUENCE (1..) OF Etype OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-change-pw ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ error [1] CHOICE {
+ op-generic-error [0] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-old-pw-incorrect [1] Extensible-NULL,
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ op-wont-generate-new-pw [2] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-new-pw-rejected-generic [3] SEQUENCE {
+ policy [1] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String,
+ suggested-pw [2] Password OPTIONAL,
+ policy-codes [3] SET OF PW-Quality-Codes
+ ...
+ }
+ op-etype-not-supported [4] SEQUENCE {
+ supported-etypes [1] SEQUENCE OF Etype,
+ ...
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ ...
+ }
+ -- Set password
+ Req-set-pw ::= SEQUENCE {
+ languages [0] SEQUENCE OF Language-Tag OPTIONAL,
+ new-pw [1] Password OPTIONAL,
+ etypes [3] SEQUENCE (1..) OF Etype OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Rep-set-pw ::= SEQUENCE {
+ info-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ new-pw [1] Password OPTIONAL,
+ -- generated by the server if present
+ -- (and requested by the client)
+ etypes [2] SEQUENCE (1..) OF Etype OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-set-pw ::= Err-change-pw
+ -- Set keys
+ Req-set-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ keys [0] SEQUENCE OF Key,
+ -- TRUE -> install keys now
+ --
+ -- FALSE -> require set-keys-commit
+ -- before issuing tickets
+ -- encrypted with these keys.
+ --
+ -- See commit-keys op
+ isupport [2] KerberosVSupportNego OPTIONAL,
+ -- For future Kerberos V extensions KDCs
+ -- may need to know what krb5 version is
+ -- supported by individual service
+ -- principals. This field provides a
+N. Williams [Page 24]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ -- way to tell the KDC what version of
+ -- Kerberos V the target principal
+ -- supports.
+ ...
+ }
+ Rep-set-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ info-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ kvno [1] UInt32,
+ aliases [2] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
+ name [0] PrincipalName,
+ realm [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ },
+ isupport [3] KerberosVSupportNego OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ -- Should there be ETYPE-INFO2 stuff here?
+ }
+ Err-set-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Reason for rejection
+ error [1] CHOICE {
+ op-generic [0] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-deferred-commit-no-support [1] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-etype-no-support [2] SEQUENCE OF {
+ supported-etypes [1] SEQUENCE OF Etype,
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ -- Generate keys
+ Req-gen-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ etypes [0] SEQUENCE (1..) OF Etype,
+ -- TRUE -> install keys now
+ --
+ -- FALSE -> require set-keys-commit
+ -- before issuing tickets
+ -- encrypted with these keys.
+ --
+ -- See commit-keys op
+ isupport [3] KerberosVSupportNego OPTIONAL,
+ -- For future Kerberos V extensions KDCs
+ -- may need to know what krb5 version is
+ -- supported by individual service
+ -- principals. This field provides a
+ -- way to tell the KDC what version of
+ -- Kerberos V the target principal
+ -- supports.
+ ...
+N. Williams [Page 25]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ }
+ Rep-gen-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ info-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ kvno [1] UInt32,
+ key [2] Key,
+ aliases [3] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
+ name [0] PrincipalName,
+ realm [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ },
+ isupport [4] KerberosVSupportNego OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ -- Should there be ETYPE-INFO2 stuff here?
+ }
+ Err-gen-keys ::= Err-set-keys
+ -- Get un-committed key request
+ Req-get-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ kvno [0] UInt32,
+ ...
+ }
+ Rep-get-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ info-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ keys [1] SEQUENCE OF Key,
+ aliases [2] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
+ name [0] PrincipalName,
+ realm [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ },
+ isupport [3] KerberosVSupportNego OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ -- Should there be ETYPE-INFO2 stuff here?
+ }
+ Err-get-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Reason for rejection
+ error [1] CHOICE {
+ op-generic [0] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-kvno-committed [1] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-no-such-kvno [1] Extensible-NULL,
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ -- Commit a set keys request
+ Req-commit-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ kvno [0] UInt32,
+ ...
+ }
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+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Rep-commit-keys ::= Extensible-NULL
+ Err-commit-keys ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Reason for rejection
+ error [1] CHOICE {
+ op-generic [0] Extensible-NULL,
+ op-kvno-expired [1] Extensible-NULL,
+ -- The client took too long to respond.
+ op-kvno-unknown [2] Extensible-NULL,
+ -- The targ princ/kvno is invalid or unknown to the
+ -- server (perhaps it lost track of state)
+ op-new-keys-conflict [3] Extensible-NULL,
+ -- A new-keys/commit-keys request subsequent to the
+ -- new-keys that produced the kvno has completed
+ -- and incremented the principal's kvno
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ -- Get password policy
+ Req-get-pw-policy ::= Extensible-NULL
+ Rep-get-pw-policy ::= SEQUENCE {
+ policy-name [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ description [1] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-get-pw-policy ::= Extensible-NULL
+ -- Get principal aliases
+ Req-get-princ-aliases ::= Extensible-NULL
+ Rep-get-princ-aliases ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ aliases [1] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
+ name [0] PrincipalName,
+ realm [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
+ ...
+ },
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-get-princ-aliases ::= Extensible-NULL
+ -- Get list of enctypes supported by KDC for new keys
+ Req-get-realm-krb5-support ::= Extensible-NULL
+ Rep-get-realm-krb5-support ::= SEQUENCE {
+ isupport [0] KerberosVSupportNego,
+ -- Version of Kerberos V supported by
+ -- the target realm.
+N. Williams [Page 27]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-get-realm-krb5-support ::= Extensible-NULL
+ -- Get s2kparams
+ Req-get-s2kparams ::= Extensible-NULL
+ Rep-get-s2kparams ::= SEQUENCE {
+ help-text [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ s2kparams [1] SEQUENCE OF Etype-Info-Entry,
+ ...
+ }
+ Err-get-s2kparams ::= Extensible-NULL
+6 IANA Considerations
+ There are no IANA considerations for this document.
+7 Security Considerations
+ Implementors and site administrators should note that the redundancy
+ of UTF-8 encodings of passwords varies by language. Password quality
+ policies SHOULD, therefore, take this into account when estimating
+ the amount of redundancy and entropy in a proposed new password. [??
+ It's late at night - I think this is correct.]
+ Kerberos set/change password/key protocol major version negotiation
+ cannot be done securely; a downgrade attack is possible against
+ clients that attempt to negotiate the protocol major version to use
+ with a server. It is not clear at this time that the attacker would
+ gain much from such a downgrade attack other than denial of service
+ (DoS) by forcing the client to use a protocol version which does not
+ support some feature needed by the client (Kerberos V in general is
+ subject to a variety of DoS attacks anyways [RFC1510]). Clients
+ SHOULD NOT negotiate support for legacy major versions of this
+ protocol unless configured otherwise.
+ This protocol does not have Perfect Forward Security (PFS). As a
+ result, any passive network snooper watching password/key changing
+ operations who has stolen a principal's password or long-term keys
+ can find out what the new ones are.
+ [More text needed?]
+8 Acknowledgements
+ The authors would like to thank Bill GossmanMike Swift, John Brezak,
+ Ken Raeburn, Tom Yu, Martin Rex, Sam Hartman, Tony Andrea, Paul W.
+N. Williams [Page 28]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Nelson, Marcus Watts, Love, Joel N. Weber II, Jeffrey Hutzelman and
+ other participants from the IETF Kerberos Working Group for their
+ assistance.
+9 References
+9.1 Normative References
+ [RFC2026]
+ S. Bradner, RFC2026: "The Internet Standard Process - Revision
+ 3," October 1996, Obsoletes - RFC 1602, Status: Best Current
+ Practice.
+ [RFC2119]
+ S. Bradner, RFC2119 (BCP14): "Key words for use in RFCs to
+ Indicate Requirement Levels," March 1997, Status: Best Current
+ Practice.
+ [X680]
+ Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of Basic
+ Notation, ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1997) | ISO/IEC
+ International Standard 8824-1:1998.
+ [X690]
+ ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER),
+ Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules
+ (DER), ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (1997)| ISO/IEC International
+ Standard 8825-1:1998.
+ [clarifications]
+ RFC-Editor: To be replaced by RFC number for
+ draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-clarifications.
+ [RFC3066]
+ H. Alvestrand, RFC3066 (BCP47): "Tags for the Identification of
+ Languages," January 2001, Obsoletes RFC1766, Status: Best Current
+ Practice.
+9.2 Informative References
+ [RFC3244]
+ M. Swift, J. Trostle, J. Brezak, RFC3244: "Microsoft Windows 2000
+ Kerberos Change Password and Set Password Protocols," February
+ 2002, Status: Informational.
+10 Authors' Addresses
+ Nicolas Williams
+ Sun Microsystems
+ 5300 Riata Trace Ct
+ Austin, TX 78727
+N. Williams [Page 29]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+ Email:
+11 Notes to the RFC Editor
+ This document has two KRB WG drafts as normative references and
+ cannot progress until those drafts progress, but no other draft
+ depends on this one.
+12 Change History
+ -01 -> -02
+ - Removed Bill Gossman, Mike Swift and John Brezak as authors.
+ - Removed UDP as a transport for this protocol.
+ - Replaced redundant copies of framing ASCII art with reference to
+ RFC3244.
+ - Made all name/password strings UTF8String with an extensible
+ constraint to IA5String.
+ - Added a method for doing dry runs of operations. This is helpful
+ in testing passwords against password quality policies.
+ - Added an operation for retrieving a principal's current and
+ preferred string-to-key parameters, and a way to change them
+ without changing the principal's password.
+ - Added password quality codes as hints for smart clients, but
+ these are optional and not to be used instead of messages to be
+ displayed to useds.
+ - Added a 'commit' option to change-pw and set-pw (as requested by
+ Larry).
+ - Removed "version" field of the Kerberos V feature negotiation
+ struture.
+N. Williams [Page 30]
+DRAFT Kerberos Set/Change Password v2 Expires January 2005
+Intellectual Property Statement
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
+ assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
+ attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
+ such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
+ specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at
+Disclaimer of Validity
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This document is subject
+ to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
+ except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.
+ Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
+ Internet Society.
+Williams Expires August 22, 2005 [Page 31]