path: root/source4/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-08.txt
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+draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-08.txt Cisco Systems
+Updates: RFC 1510 Brian Tung
+November 8, 2001 (Expires May 8, 2001) Tatyana Ryutov
+ Clifford Neuman
+ Ari Medvinsky
+ Liberate
+ Gene Tsudik
+ UC Irvine
+ Bill Sommerfeld
+ Sun Microsystems
+ Public Key Cryptography for Cross-Realm Authentication in Kerberos
+0. Status Of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
+ all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026. Internet-Drafts are
+ working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
+ its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may
+ also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
+ months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
+ documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
+ as reference material or to cite them other than as ``work in
+ progress.''
+ To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
+ the ``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
+ Shadow Directories on (US East Coast),
+ (Europe), (US West Coast), or
+ (Pacific Rim).
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ The distribution of this memo is unlimited. It is filed as
+ draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-07.txt, and expires May 15, 2001.
+ Please send comments to the authors.
+1. Abstract
+ This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol
+ specification [KERB] to provide a method for using public key
+ cryptography to enable cross-realm authentication. The methods
+ defined here specify the way in which message exchanges are to be
+ used to transport cross-realm secret keys protected by encryption
+ under public keys certified as belonging to KDCs.
+2. Introduction
+ Symmetric and asymmetric key systems may co-exist within hybrid
+ architectures in order to leverage the advantages and mitigiate
+ issues within the respective systems. An example of a hybrid
+ solution that may employ both symmetric and asymmetric technologies
+ is Kerberos ciphersuires in TLS [KERBTLS] which utilizes the
+ Kerberos protocol [KERB] [KERB94] in conjunction with TLS [TLS]
+ which has commonly been thought of as a public key protocol.
+ The Kerberos can leverage the advantages provided by public key
+ cryptography. PKINIT [PKINIT] describes the use of public key
+ cryptography in the initial authentication exchange in Kerberos.
+ PKTAPP [PKTAPP] describes how an application service can essentially
+ issue a kerberos ticket to itself after utilizing public key
+ cryptography for authentication. This specification describes the
+ use of public key crpytography in cross-realm authentication.
+ Without the use of public key cryptography, administrators must
+ maintain separate keys for every realm which wishes to exchange
+ authentication information with another realm (which implies n(n-1)
+ keys), or they must utilize a hierachichal arrangement of realms,
+ which may increase network traffic and complicate the trust model by
+ requiring evaluation of transited realms.
+ Even with the multi-hop cross-realm authentication, there must be
+ some way to locate the path by which separate realms are to be
+ transited. The current method, which makes use of the DNS-like
+ realm names typical to Kerberos, requires trust of the intermediate
+ KDCs.
+ PKCROSS utilizes a public key infrastructure (PKI) [X509] to
+ simplify the administrative burden of maintaining cross-realm keys.
+ Such usage leverages a PKI for a non-centrally-administratable
+ environment (namely, inter-realm). Thus, a shared key for cross-
+ realm authentication can be established for a set period of time,
+ and a remote realm is able to issue policy information that is
+ returned to itself when a client requests cross-realm
+ authentication. Such policy information may be in the form of
+ restrictions [NEUMAN]. Furthermore, these methods are transparent
+ to the client; therefore, only the KDCs need to be modified to use
+ them. In this way, we take advantage of the the distributed trust
+ management capabilities of public key crypography while maintaining
+ the advantages of localized trust management provided by Kerberos.
+ Although this specification utilizes the protocol specfied in the
+ PKINIT specification, it is not necessary to implement client
+ changes in order to make use of the changes in this document.
+3. Objectives
+ The objectives of this specification are as follows:
+ 1. Simplify the administration required to establish Kerberos
+ cross-realm keys.
+ 2. Avoid modification of clients and application servers.
+ 3. Allow remote KDC to control its policy on cross-realm
+ keys shared between KDCs, and on cross-realm tickets
+ presented by clients.
+ 4. Remove any need for KDCs to maintain state about keys
+ shared with other KDCs.
+ 5. Leverage the work done for PKINIT to provide the public key
+ protocol for establishing symmetric cross realm keys.
+4. Definitions
+ The following notation is used throughout this specification:
+ KDC_l ........... local KDC
+ KDC_r ........... remote KDC
+ XTKT_(l,r) ...... PKCROSS ticket that the remote KDC issues to the
+ local KDC
+ TGT_(c,r) ....... cross-realm TGT that the local KDC issues to the
+ client for presentation to the remote KDC
+ This specification defines the following new types to be added to
+ the Kerberos specification:
+ PKCROSS kdc-options field in the AS_REQ is bit 9
+ This specification defines the following ASN.1 type for conveying
+ policy information:
+ CrossRealmTktData ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
+ This specification defines the following types for policy
+ information conveyed in CrossRealmTktData:
+ TicketExtensions are defined per the Kerberos specification
+ TicketExtensions ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
+ Where
+ TypedData ::= SEQUENCE {
+ data-type[0] INTEGER,
+ }
+5. Protocol Specification
+ We assume that the client has already obtained a TGT. To perform
+ cross-realm authentication, the client does exactly what it does
+ with ordinary (i.e. non-public-key-enabled) Kerberos; the only
+ changes are in the KDC; although the ticket which the client
+ forwards to the remote realm may be changed. This is acceptable
+ since the client treats the ticket as opaque.
+5.1. Overview of Protocol
+ The basic operation of the PKCROSS protocol is as follows:
+ 1. The client submits a request to the local KDC for
+ credentials for the remote realm. This is just a typical
+ cross realm request that may occur with or without PKCROSS.
+ 2. The local KDC submits a PKINIT request to the remote KDC to
+ obtain a "special" PKCROSS ticket. This is a standard
+ PKINIT request, except that PKCROSS flag (bit 9) is set in
+ the kdc-options field in the AS_REQ. Note that the service
+ name in the request is for pkcross/realm@REALM instead of
+ krbtgt/realm@REALM.
+ 3. The remote KDC responds as per PKINIT, except that
+ the ticket contains a TicketExtension, which contains
+ policy information such as lifetime of cross realm tickets
+ issued by KDC_l to a client. The local KDC must reflect
+ this policy information in the credentials it forwards to
+ the client. Call this ticket XTKT_(l,r) to indicate that
+ this ticket is used to authenticate the local KDC to the
+ remote KDC.
+ 4. The local KDC passes a ticket, TGT_(c,r) (the cross realm
+ TGT between the client and remote KDC), to the client.
+ This ticket contains in its TicketExtension field the
+ ticket, XTKT_(l,r), which contains the cross-realm key.
+ The TGT_(c,r) ticket is encrypted using the key sealed in
+ XTKT_(l,r). (The TicketExtension field is not encrypted.)
+ The local KDC may optionally include another TicketExtension
+ type that indicates the hostname and/or IP address for the
+ remote KDC.
+ 5. The client submits the request directly to the remote
+ KDC, as before.
+ 6. The remote KDC extracts XTKT_(l,r) from the TicketExtension
+ in order to decrypt the encrypted part of TGT_(c,r).
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Client Local KDC (KDC_l) Remote KDC (KDC_r)
+ ------ ----------------- ------------------
+ Normal Kerberos
+ request for
+ cross-realm
+ ticket for KDC_r
+ ---------------------->
+ PKINIT request for
+ XTKT(l,r) - PKCROSS flag
+ set in the AS-REQ
+ * ------------------------->
+ PKINIT reply with
+ XTKT_(l,r) and
+ policy info in
+ ticket extension
+ <-------------------------- *
+ Normal Kerberos reply
+ with TGT_(c,r) and
+ XTKT(l,r) in ticket
+ extension
+ <---------------------------------
+ Normal Kerberos
+ cross-realm TGS-REQ
+ for remote
+ application
+ service with
+ TGT_(c,r) and
+ XTKT(l,r) in ticket
+ extension
+ ------------------------------------------------->
+ Normal Kerberos
+ cross-realm
+ <---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Note that the KDC to KDC messages occur only periodically, since
+ the local KDC caches the XTKT_(l,r).
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Sections 5.2 through 5.4 describe in detail steps 2 through 4
+ above. Section 5.6 describes the conditions under which steps
+ 2 and 3 may be skipped.
+ Note that the mechanism presented above requires infrequent KDC to
+ KDC communication (as dictated by policy - this is discussed
+ later). Without such an exchange, there are the following issues:
+ 1) KDC_l would have to issue a ticket with the expectation that
+ KDC_r will accept it.
+ 2) In the message that the client sends to KDC_r, KDC_l would have
+ to authenticate KDC_r with credentials that KDC_r trusts.
+ 3) There is no way for KDC_r to convey policy information to KDC_l.
+ 4) If, based on local policy, KDC_r does not accept a ticket from
+ KDC_l, then the client gets stuck in the middle. To address such
+ an issue would require modifications to standard client
+ processing behavior.
+ Therefore, the infreqeunt use of KDC to KDC communication assures
+ that inter-realm KDC keys may be established in accordance with local
+ policies and that clients may continue to operate without
+ modification.
+5.2. Local KDC's Request to Remote KDC
+ When the local KDC receives a request for cross-realm
+ authentication, it first checks its ticket cache to see if it has a
+ valid PKCROSS ticket, XTKT_(l,r). If it has a valid XTKT_(l,r),
+ then it does not need to send a request to the remote KDC (see
+ section 5.5).
+ If the local KDC does not have a valid XTKT_(l,r), it sends a
+ request to the remote KDC (for pkcross/realm@REALM) in order to
+ establish a cross realm key and obtain the XTKT_(l,r). This request
+ is in fact a PKINIT request as described in the PKINIT specification;
+ i.e., it consists of an AS-REQ with a PA-PK-AS-REQ included as a
+ preauthentication field. Note, that the AS-REQ MUST have the PKCROSS
+ flag (bit 9) set in the kdc_options field of the AS-REQ. Otherwise,
+ this exchange exactly follows the description given in the PKINIT
+ specification.
+5.3. Remote KDC's Response to Local KDC
+ When the remote KDC receives the PKINIT/PKCROSS request from the
+ local KDC, it sends back a PKINIT response as described in
+ the PKINIT specification with the following exception: the encrypted
+ part of the Kerberos ticket is not encrypted with the krbtgt key;
+ instead, it is encrypted with the ticket granting server's PKCROSS
+ key. This key, rather than the krbtgt key, is used because it
+ encrypts a ticket used for verifying a cross realm request rather
+ than for issuing an application service ticket. This is the reason
+ that the name pkcross/realm@REALM is used instead of
+ krbtgt/realm@REALM. Note that, as a matter of policy, the session
+ key for the XTKT_(l,r) MAY be of greater strength than that of a
+ session key for a normal PKINIT reply, since the XTKT_(l,r) SHOULD
+ be much longer lived than a normal application service ticket.
+ In addition, the remote KDC SHOULD include policy information in the
+ XTKT_(l,r). This policy information would then be reflected in the
+ cross-realm TGT, TGT_(c,r). Otherwise, the policy for TGT_(c,r)
+ would be dictated by KDC_l rather than by KDC_r. The local KDC MAY
+ enforce a more restrictive local policy when creating a cross-realm
+ ticket, TGT_(c,r). For example, KDC_r may dictate a lifetime
+ policy of eight hours, but KDC_l may create TKT_(c,r) with a
+ lifetime of four hours, as dictated by local policy. Also, the
+ remote KDC MAY include other information about itself along with the
+ PKCROSS ticket. These items are further discussed in section 6
+ below.
+5.4. Local KDC's Response to Client
+ Upon receipt of the PKINIT/CROSS response from the remote KDC,
+ the local KDC formulates a response to the client. This reply
+ is constructed exactly as in the Kerberos specification, except
+ for the following:
+ A) The local KDC places XTKT_(l,r) in the TicketExtension field of
+ the client's cross-realm, ticket, TGT_(c,r), for the remote
+ realm.
+ Where
+ data-type equals 3 for TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-CLIENT
+ data-value is ASN.1 encoding of XTKT_(l,r)
+ B) The local KDC adds the name of its CA to the transited field of
+ TGT_(c,r).
+5.5 Remote KDC's Processing of Client Request
+ When the remote KDC, KDC_r, receives a cross-realm ticket,
+ TGT_(c,r), and it detects that the ticket contains a ticket
+ extension of type TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-CLIENT, KDC_r must first decrypt
+ the ticket, XTKT_(l,r), that is encoded in the ticket extension.
+ KDC_r uses its PKCROSS key in order to decrypt XTKT_(l,r). KDC_r
+ then uses the key obtained from XTKT_(l,r) in order to decrypt the
+ cross-realm ticket, TGT_(c,r).
+ KDC_r MUST verify that the cross-realm ticket, TGT_(c,r) is in
+ compliance with any policy information contained in XTKT_(l,r) (see
+ section 6). If the TGT_(c,r) is not in compliance with policy, then
+ the KDC_r responds to the client with a KRB-ERROR message of type
+5.6. Short-Circuiting the KDC-to-KDC Exchange
+ As we described earlier, the KDC to KDC exchange is required only
+ for establishing a symmetric, inter-realm key. Once this key is
+ established (via the PKINIT exchange), no KDC to KDC communication
+ is required until that key needs to be renewed. This section
+ describes the circumstances under which the KDC to KDC exchange
+ described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 may be skipped.
+ The local KDC has a known lifetime for TGT_(c,r). This lifetime may
+ be determined by policy information included in XTKT_(l,r), and/or
+ it may be determined by local KDC policy. If the local KDC already
+ has a ticket XTKT(l,r), and the start time plus the lifetime for
+ TGT_(c,r) does not exceed the expiration time for XTGT_(l,r), then
+ the local KDC may skip the exchange with the remote KDC, and issue a
+ cross-realm ticket to the client as described in Section 5.4.
+ Since the remote KDC may change its PKCROSS key (referred to in
+ Section 5.2) while there are PKCROSS tickets still active, it SHOULD
+ cache the old PKCROSS keys until the last issued PKCROSS ticket
+ expires. Otherwise, the remote KDC will respond to a client with a
+ KRB-ERROR message of type KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED.
+6. Extensions for the PKCROSS Ticket
+ As stated in section 5.3, the remote KDC SHOULD include policy
+ information in XTKT_(l,r). This policy information is contained in
+ a TicketExtension, as defined by the Kerberos specification, and the
+ authorization data of the ticket will contain an authorization
+ record of type AD-IN-Ticket-Extensions. The TicketExtension defined
+ Where
+ data-type equals 2 for TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-KDC
+ data-value is ASN.1 encoding of CrossRealmTktData
+ CrossRealmTktData ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CrossRealmTktData types and the corresponding data are interpreted
+ as follows:
+ ASN.1 data
+ type value interpretation encoding
+ ---------------- ----- -------------- ----------
+ PLC_LIFETIME 1 lifetime (in seconds) INTEGER
+ for TGT_(c,r)
+ - cross-realm tickets
+ issued for clients by
+ TGT_l
+ PLC_SET_TKT_FLAGS 2 TicketFlags that must BITSTRING
+ be set
+ - format defined by
+ Kerberos specification
+ PLC_NOSET_TKT_FLAGS 3 TicketFlags that must BITSTRING
+ not be set
+ - format defined by
+ Kerberos specification
+ Further types may be added to this table.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+7. Usage of Certificates
+ In the cases of PKINIT and PKCROSS, the trust in a certification
+ authority is equivalent to Kerberos cross realm trust. For this
+ reason, an implementation MAY choose to use the same KDC certificate
+ when the KDC is acting in any of the following three roles:
+ 1) KDC is authenticating clients via PKINIT
+ 2) KDC is authenticating another KDC for PKCROSS
+ 3) KDC is the client in a PKCROSS exchange with another KDC
+ Note that per PKINIT, the KDC X.509 certificate (the server in a
+ PKINIT exchange) MUST contain the principal name of the KDC in the
+ subjectAltName field.
+8. Transport Issues
+ Because the messages between the KDCs involve PKINIT exchanges, and
+ PKINIT recommends TCP as a transport mechanism (due to the length of
+ the messages and the likelihood that they will fragment), the same
+ recommendation for TCP applies to PKCROSS as well.
+9. Security Considerations
+ Since PKCROSS utilizes PKINIT, it is subject to the same security
+ considerations as PKINIT. Administrators should assure adherence
+ to security policy - for example, this affects the PKCROSS policies
+ for cross realm key lifetime and for policy propogation from the
+ PKCROSS ticket, issued from a remote KDC to a local KDC, to
+ cross realm tickets that are issued by a local KDC to a client.
+10. Bibliography
+ [KERBTLS] A. Medvinsky and M. Hur, "Addition of Kerberos Cipher
+ Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 2712,
+ October 1999.
+ [KERB] J. Kohl and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network
+ Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 1510, September 1993.
+ [TLS] T. Dierks and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0",
+ RFC 2246, January 1999.
+ [PKINIT] B. Tung, C. Neuman, M. Hur, A. Medvinsky, S. Medvinsky,
+ J. Wray, J. Trostle. Public Key Cryptography for Initial
+ Authentication in Kerberos.
+ draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-14.txt
+ [PKTAPP] A. Medvinsky, M. Hur, S. Medvinsky, C. Neuman.
+ Public Key Utilizing Tickets for Application
+ Servers (PKTAPP). draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-tapp-03.txt
+ [X509] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology - Open
+ Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication
+ Framework Recommendation X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8
+ [NEUMAN] B.C. Neuman, "Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for
+ Distributed Systems". Proceedings of the 13th
+ International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
+ May 1993
+ [KERB94] B.C. Neuman, Theodore Ts'o. Kerberos: An Authentication
+ Service for Computer Networks, IEEE Communications,
+ 32(9):33-38. September 1994.
+ [KERB-REV] C.Neuman, J. Kohl, T. Ts'o. The Kerberos Network
+ Authentication Service (V5).
+ draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-revisions-08.txt
+11. Authors' Addresses
+ Matthew Hur
+ Cisco Systems
+ 2901 Third Avenue
+ Seattle, WA 98121
+ Phone: +1 206 256 3197
+ E-Mail:
+ Brian Tung
+ Tatyana Ryutov
+ Clifford Neuman
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute
+ 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
+ Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
+ Phone: +1 310 822 1511
+ E-Mail: {brian, tryutov, bcn}
+ Ari Medvinsky
+ Liberate
+ 2 Circle Star Way
+ San Carlos, CA 94070-6200
+ Phone: +1 650 701 4000
+ EMail:
+ Gene Tsudik
+ ICS Dept, 458 CS Building
+ Irvine CA 92697-3425
+ Phone: +1 310 448 9329
+ E-Mail:
+ Bill Sommerfeld
+ Sun Microsystems
+ E-Mail: