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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "">
+<refentry id="traffic_learner.7">
+ <refentrytitle>traffic_learner</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ <refmiscinfo class="source">Samba</refmiscinfo>
+ <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
+ <refmiscinfo class="version">4.7</refmiscinfo>
+ <refname>traffic_learner</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Samba tool to assist with traffic generation.
+ </refpurpose>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>traffic_learner</command>
+ <arg choice="req">-o OUTPUT_FILE ...</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-h</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--dns-mode {inline|count}</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">SUMMARY_FILE</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">SUMMARY_FILE ...</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para>This tool is part of the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>samba</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry> suite.</para>
+ <para>This tool assists with generation of Samba traffic.
+ It takes a traffic-summary file (produced by
+ <command></command>) as input and produces a
+ traffic-model file that can be used by <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ for traffic generation.</para>
+ <para>The model file summarizes the types of traffic ('conversations'
+ between a host and a Samba DC) that occur on a network. The model file
+ describes the traffic in a way that allows it to be scaled so that
+ either more (or fewer) packets get sent, and the packets can be sent at
+ a faster (or slower) rate than that seen in the network.</para>
+ <title>OPTIONS</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-h|--help</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Print a summary of command line options.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>SUMMARY_FILE</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ File containing a network traffic-summary. The traffic-summary file
+ should be generated by <command></command> from a
+ packet capture of actual network traffic.
+ More than one file can be specified, in which case the traffic will
+ be combined into a single traffic-model. If no SUMMARY_FILE is
+ specified, this tool will read the traffic-summary from STDIN, i.e.
+ you can pipe the output from directly to this tool.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-o|--out OUTPUT_FILE</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ The traffic-model that is produced will be written to this file. The
+ OUTPUT_FILE can then be passed to <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ to generate (and manipulate) Samba network traffic.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--dns-mode [inline|count]</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ How DNS traffic should be handled by the model.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ <title>EXAMPLES</title>
+ <para>To take a traffic-summary file and produce a traffic-model
+ file, use:</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_learner traffic-summary.txt
+ -o traffic-model.txt</command></para>
+ <para>To generate a traffic-model from a packet capture, you can
+ pipe the traffic summary to STDIN using:</para>
+ <para><command>tshark -r capture.pcapng -T pdml |
+ | traffic_learner -o traffic-model.txt</command></para>
+ <title>OUTPUT FILE FORMAT</title>
+ <para>The output model file describes a Markov model estimating the
+ probability of a packet occurring given the last two packets.</para>
+ <para>The count of each continuation after a pair of
+ successive packets is stored, and the ratios of these counts
+ is used to calculate probabilities for the next packet.
+ </para>
+ <para>The model is stored in JSON format, and also contains
+ information about the conversation rate and DNS traffic
+ rate.</para>
+ <title>Example ngram listing</title>
+ <para>The following listing shows a contrived example of a single ngram entry.
+ </para>
+ <programlisting>
+ "ngrams": {
+ "ldap:0\tdcerpc:11": {
+ "lsarpc:77": 1,
+ "ldap:2": 370,
+ "ldap:3": 62,
+ "wait:3": 2,
+ "-": 1
+ }, <lineannotation>[...]</lineannotation>
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para> This counts the observed continuations after an ldap
+ packet with opcode 0 (a bind) followed by a dcerpc packet with
+ opcode 11 (also a bind). The most common next packet is
+ "<code>ldap:2</code>" which is an unbind, so this is the most
+ likely packet type to be selected in replay. At the other
+ extreme, lsarpc opcode 77 (lookup names) has been seen only
+ once, and it is unlikely but possible that this will be
+ selected in replay.
+ </para>
+ <para> There are two special packet types here.
+ "<code>wait:3</code>" refers to a temporary pause in the
+ conversation, where the "<code>3</code>" pseudo-opcode indicates
+ the length of the wait on an exponential scale. That is, a
+ "<code>wait:4</code>" pause would be about 2.7 times longer that
+ a "<code>wait:3</code>", which in turn would be similarly longer
+ than a "<code>wait:2</code>".
+ </para>
+ <para>The other special packet is "-", which represents the
+ limit of the conversation. In the example, this indicates that
+ one observed conversation ended after this particular ngram.
+ This special opcode is also used at the beginning of
+ conversations, which are indicated by the ngram "<code>-\t-</code>".
+ </para>
+ <title>VERSION</title>
+ <para>This man page is complete for version 4 of the Samba
+ suite.</para>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <para>
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>traffic_replay</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ <title>AUTHOR</title>
+ <para>The original Samba software and related utilities
+ were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed
+ by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar
+ to the way the Linux kernel is developed.</para>
+ <para>The traffic_learner tool was developed by the Samba team at
+ Catalyst IT Ltd.</para>
+ <para>The traffic_learner manpage was written by Tim Beale.</para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "">
+<refentry id="traffic_replay.7">
+ <refentrytitle>traffic_replay</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ <refmiscinfo class="source">Samba</refmiscinfo>
+ <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
+ <refmiscinfo class="version">4.7</refmiscinfo>
+ <refname>traffic_replay</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Samba traffic generation tool.
+ </refpurpose>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ <arg choice="opt">-F, --fixed-password &lt;test-password&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-S, --scale-traffic &lt;scale by factor&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-r, --replay-rate &lt;scale by factor&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-D, --duration &lt;seconds&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--traffic-summary &lt;output file&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-I, --instance-id &lt;id&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-K, --prefer-kerberos</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-B, --badpassword-frequency &lt;frequency&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--dns-rate &lt;rate&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-t, --timing-data &lt;file&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-U, --username user</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--password &lt;password&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-W --workgroup &lt;workgroup&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--realm &lt;realm&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-s, --config-file &lt;file&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-k, --kerberos &lt;kerberos&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--ipaddress &lt;address&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-P, --machine-pass</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--option &lt;option&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-d, --debuglevel &lt;debug level&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="req">summary-file</arg>
+ <arg choice="req">dns-hostname</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ <arg choice="opt">-G, --generate-users-only</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-F, --fixed-password &lt;test-password&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-n, --number-of-users &lt;total users&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--number-of-groups &lt;total groups&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--average-groups-per-user &lt;average number&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">--group-memberships &lt;total memberships&gt;</arg>
+ <arg choice="req">dns-hostname</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ <arg choice="req">-c|--clean-up</arg>
+ <arg choice="req">dns-hostname</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>traffic_replay</command>
+ <arg choice="opt">-h, --help</arg>
+ <arg choice="opt">-V, --version</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para>This tool is part of the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>samba</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry> suite.</para>
+ <para>This tool generates traffic in order to measure the performance
+ of a Samba DC, and to test how well Samba will scale as a network
+ increases in size. It can simulate multiple different hosts making
+ multiple different types of requests to a DC.</para>
+ <para>This tool is intended to run against a dedicated test DC (rather
+ than a live DC that is handling real network traffic).</para>
+ <para>Note that a side-effect of running this tool is that user
+ accounts will be created on the DC, in order to test various Samba
+ operations. As creating accounts can be very time-consuming, these
+ users will remain on the DC by default. To remove these accounts, use
+ the --clean-up option.
+ </para>
+ <title>OPTIONS</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-h|--help</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Print a summary of command line options.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>summary-file</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ File containing the network traffic to replay. This should either be
+ a traffic-summary (generated by <command></command>)
+ or a traffic-model (generated by <command>traffic_learner</command>).
+ Based on this file, this tool will generate 'conversations' which
+ represent Samba activity between a network host and the DC.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dns-hostname</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ The full DNS hostname of the DC that's being tested. The Samba activity
+ in the summary-file will be replicated and directed at this DC. It's
+ recommended that you use a dedicated DC for testing and don't try to run
+ this tool against a DC that's processing live network traffic.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-F|--fixed-password &lt;test-password&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Test users are created when this tool is run, so that actual Samba
+ activity, such as authorizing users, can be mimicked. This option
+ specifies the password that will be used for any test users that are
+ created.</para>
+ <para>Note that any users created by this tool will remain on the DC
+ until you run the --clean-up option. Therefore, the fixed-password
+ option needs to be the same each time the tool is run, otherwise the
+ test users won't authenticate correctly.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Traffic Model Options</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ When the summary-file is a traffic-model (produced by
+ <command>traffic_learner</command>), use these options to alter the
+ traffic that gets generated.</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-D|--duration &lt;seconds&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Specifies the approximate duration in seconds to generate
+ traffic for. The default is 60 seconds.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-r|--replay-rate &lt;factor&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Replays the traffic faster by this factor. This option won't
+ affect the number of conversations (which is based on the
+ traffic model), but the rate at which the packets are sent will
+ be increased.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-S|--scale-traffic &lt;factor&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Increases the number of conversations by this factor. This
+ option won't affect the rate at which packets get sent (which
+ is still based on the traffic model), but it will mean more
+ conversations get replayed.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--traffic-summary &lt;output-file&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Instead of replaying a traffic-model, this option generates a
+ traffic-summary file based on what traffic would be sent. Using
+ a traffic-model allows you to scale the packet rate and number
+ of packets sent. However, using a traffic-model introduces
+ some randomness into the traffic generation. So running the
+ same traffic_replay command multiple times using a model file
+ may result in some differences in the actual traffic sent.
+ However, running the same traffic_replay command multiple times
+ with a traffic-summary file will always result in the same
+ traffic being sent. </para>
+ <para>
+ For taking performance measurements over several test runs,
+ it's recommended to use this option and replay the traffic from
+ a traffic-summary file.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--generate-users-only</term>
+ <listitem><para>Add extra user/groups on the DC to increase the DB
+ size. By default, this tool automatically creates test users that map
+ to the traffic conversations being generated. This option allows extra
+ users to be created on top of this. Note that these extra users may
+ not actually used for traffic generation - the traffic generation is
+ still based on the number of conversations from the model/summary file.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Generating a large number of users can take a long time, so it this
+ option allows this to be done only once.</para>
+ <para>Note that the users created will remain on the DC until the
+ tool is run with the --clean-up option. This means that it is best to
+ only assign group memberships once, i.e. run --clean-up before
+ assigning a different allocation of group memberships.</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-n|--number-of-users &lt;total-users&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Specifies the total number of test users to create (excluding
+ any machine accounts required for the traffic). Note that these
+ extra users simply populate the DC's DB - the actual user
+ traffic generated is still based on the summary-file.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--number-of-groups &lt;total-groups&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Creates the specified number of groups, for assigning the test
+ users to. Note that users are not automatically assigned to
+ groups - use either --average-groups-per-user or
+ --group-membership to do this.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--average-groups-per-user &lt;average-groups&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Randomly assigns the test users to the test groups created.
+ The group memberships are distributed so that the overall
+ average groups that a user is member of matches this number.
+ Some users will belong to more groups and some users will
+ belong to fewer groups. This option is incompatible with
+ the --group-membership option.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--group-memberships &lt;total-memberships&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Randomly assigns the test users to the test groups created.
+ The group memberships are distributed so that the total
+ groups that a user is member of, across all users, matches
+ this number. For example, with 100 users and 10 groups,
+ --group-memberships=300 would assign a user to 3 groups
+ on average. Some users will belong to more groups and some
+ users will belong to fewer groups, but the total of all
+ member linked attributes would be 300. This option is
+ incompatible with the --group-membership option.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--clean-up</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Cleans up any users and groups that were created by previously running
+ this tool. It is recommended you always clean up after running the tool.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-I|--instance-id &lt;id&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Use this option to run multiple instances of the tool on the same DC at
+ the same time. This adds a prefix to the test users generated to keep
+ them separate on the DC.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-K|--prefer-kerberos</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Use Kerberos to authenticate the test users.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-B|--badpassword-frequency &lt;frequency&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Use this option to simulate users trying to authenticate with an
+ incorrect password.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--dns-rate &lt;rate&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Increase the rate at which DNS packets get sent.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-t|--timing-data &lt;file&gt;</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ This writes extra timing data to the file specified. This is mostly
+ used for reporting options, such as generating graphs.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Samba Common Options</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ &stdarg.client.debug;
+ &stdarg.configfile;
+ &stdarg.option;
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--realm=REALM</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Set the realm name
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ &stdarg.version;
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Credential Options</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--simple-bind-dn=DN</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ DN to use for a simple bind
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--password=PASSWORD</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Password
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-U USERNAME|--username=USERNAME</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Username
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>-W WORKGROUP|--workgroup=WORKGROUP</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Workgroup
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ &stdarg.kerberos;
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>--ipaddress=IPADDRESS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ IP address of the server
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ &stdarg.machinepass;
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ <title>Generating a traffic-summary file</title>
+ <para>To use this tool, you need either a traffic-summary file or a
+ traffic-model file. To generate either of these files, you will need a
+ packet capture of actual Samba activity on your network.</para>
+ <para>Use Wireshark to take a packet capture on your network of the
+ traffic you want to generate. For example, if you want to simulate lots
+ of users logging on, then take a capture at 8:30am when users are
+ logging in.</para>
+ <para>Next, you need to convert your packet capture into a traffic
+ summary file, using <command></command>. Basically
+ this removes any sensitive information from the capture and summarizes
+ what type of packet was sent and when.</para>
+ <para>Refer to the <command> --help</command> help for more
+ details, but the basic command will look something like:</para>
+ <para><command>tshark -r capture.pcapng -T pdml |
+ &gt; traffic-summary.txt</command></para>
+ <title>Replaying a traffic-summary file</title>
+ <para>Once you have a traffic-summary file, you can use it to generate
+ traffic. The traffic_replay tool gets passed the traffic-summary file,
+ along with the full DNS hostname of the DC being tested. You also need
+ to provide some user credentials, and possibly the Samba realm and
+ workgroup (although the realm and workgroup may be determined
+ automatically, for example from the /etc/smb.conf file, if one is
+ present). E.g.</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_replay traffic-summary.txt
+ -UAdmin%password -W samdom
+ --fixed-password=blahblah123!</command>
+ </para>
+ <para>This simply regenerates Samba activity seen in the traffic
+ summary. The traffic is grouped into 'conversations' between a host and
+ the DC. A user and machine account is created on the DC for each
+ conversation, in order to allow logon and other operations to succeed.
+ The script generates the same types of packets as those seen in the
+ summary.</para>
+ <para>Creating users can be quite a time-consuming process, especially
+ if a lot of conversations are being generated. To save time, the test
+ users remain on the DC by default. You will need to run the --clean-up
+ option to remove them, once you have finished generating traffic.
+ Because the same test users are used across multiple runs of the tool,
+ a consistent password for these users needs to be used - this is
+ specified by the --fixed-password option.
+ </para>
+ <para>The benefit of this tool over simply using tcprelay is that the
+ traffic generated is independent of any specific network. No setup is
+ needed beforehand on the test DC. The traffic no longer contains
+ sensitive details, so the traffic summary could be potentially shared
+ with other Samba developers.</para>
+ <para>However, replaying a traffic-summary directly is somewhat limited
+ in what you can actually do. A more flexible approach is to generate
+ the traffic using a model file.</para>
+ <title>Generating a traffic-model file</title>
+ <para>To create a traffic-model file, simply pass the traffic-summary
+ file to the <command>traffic_learner</command> script. E.g.</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_learner traffic-summary.txt
+ -o traffic-model.txt</command></para>
+ <para>This generates a model of the Samba activity in your network.
+ This model-file can now be used to generate traffic.</para>
+ <title>Replaying the traffic-model file</title>
+ <para>Packet generation using a traffic-model file uses the same
+ command as a traffic-summary file, e.g.</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_replay traffic-model.txt
+ -UAdmin%password</command>
+ </para>
+ <para>By default, this will generate 60 seconds worth of traffic based
+ on the model. You can specify longer using the --duration parameter.
+ </para>
+ <para>The traffic generated is an approximation of what was seen in
+ the network capture. The traffic generation involves some randomness,
+ so running the same command multiple times may result in slightly
+ different traffic being generated.</para>
+ <para>As well as changing how long the model runs for, you can also
+ change how many conversations get generated and how fast the traffic
+ gets replayed. To roughly double the number of conversations that get
+ replayed, use --scale-traffic=2 or to approximately halve the number
+ use --scale-traffic=0.5. To approximately double how quickly the
+ conversations get replayed, use --replay-rate=2, or to halve this use
+ --replay-rate=0.5</para>
+ <para>For example, to generate approximately 10 times the amount of
+ traffic seen over a two-minute period (based on the network capture),
+ use:</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_replay traffic-model.txt
+ -UAdmin%password --fixed-password=blahblah123!
+ --scale-traffic=10 --duration=120</command></para>
+ <title>Scaling the number of users</title>
+ <para>The performance of a Samba DC running a small subset of test
+ users will be different to a fully-populated Samba DC running in a
+ network. As the number of users increases, the size of the DB
+ increases, and a very large DB will perform worse than a smaller DB.
+ </para>
+ <para>To increase the size of the Samba DB, this tool can also create
+ extra users and groups. These extra users are basically 'filler' for
+ the DB. They won't actually be used to generate traffic, but they may
+ slow down authentication of the test users.</para>
+ <para>For example, to populate the DB with an extra 5000 users (note
+ this will take a while), use the command:</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_replay
+ -UAdmin%password --generate-users-only --fixed-password=blahblah123!
+ --number-of-users=5000</command></para>
+ <para>You can also create groups and assign users to groups. The users
+ can be randomly assigned to groups - this includes any extra users
+ created as well as the users that map to conversations. Use either
+ --average-groups-per-user or --group-memberships to specify how many
+ group memberships should be assigned to the test users.</para>
+ <para>For example, to assign the users in the replayed conversations
+ into 10 groups on average, use a command like:</para>
+ <para><command>traffic_replay traffic-model.txt
+ -UAdmin%password --fixed-password=blahblah123!
+ --generate-users-only --number-of-groups=25 --average-groups-per-user=10
+ </command></para>
+ <para>The users created by the test will have names like STGU-0-xyz.
+ The groups generated have names like STGG-0-xyz.</para>
+ <title>VERSION</title>
+ <para>This man page is complete for version 4 of the Samba
+ suite.</para>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <para>
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>traffic_learner</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ <title>AUTHOR</title>
+ <para>The original Samba software and related utilities
+ were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed
+ by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar
+ to the way the Linux kernel is developed.</para>
+ <para>The traffic_replay tool was developed by the Samba team at
+ Catalyst IT Ltd.</para>
+ <para>The traffic_replay manpage was written by Tim Beale.</para>
diff --git a/docs-xml/wscript_build b/docs-xml/wscript_build
index cbc09a56559..e329ad40295 100644
--- a/docs-xml/wscript_build
+++ b/docs-xml/wscript_build
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ manpages='''
+ manpages/traffic_replay.7
+ manpages/traffic_learner.7
diff --git a/python/samba/emulate/ b/python/samba/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..110e19d977b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Package level initialisation
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
diff --git a/python/samba/emulate/ b/python/samba/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6cc03063c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,2019 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# Samba traffic replay and learning
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import time
+import os
+import random
+import json
+import math
+import sys
+import signal
+import itertools
+from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, defaultdict
+from samba.emulate import traffic_packets
+from samba.samdb import SamDB
+import ldb
+from ldb import LdbError
+from samba.dcerpc import ClientConnection
+from samba.dcerpc import security, drsuapi, lsa
+from samba.dcerpc import netlogon
+from samba.dcerpc.netlogon import netr_Authenticator
+from samba.dcerpc import srvsvc
+from samba.dcerpc import samr
+from samba.drs_utils import drs_DsBind
+import traceback
+from samba.credentials import Credentials, DONT_USE_KERBEROS, MUST_USE_KERBEROS
+from samba.auth import system_session
+from samba.dsdb import UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT
+from samba.dcerpc.misc import SEC_CHAN_WKSTA
+from samba import gensec
+# we don't use None, because it complicates [de]serialisation
+ ('dns', '0'): 1.0, # query
+ ('smb', '0x72'): 1.0, # Negotiate protocol
+ ('ldap', '0'): 1.0, # bind
+ ('ldap', '3'): 1.0, # searchRequest
+ ('ldap', '2'): 1.0, # unbindRequest
+ ('cldap', '3'): 1.0,
+ ('dcerpc', '11'): 1.0, # bind
+ ('dcerpc', '14'): 1.0, # Alter_context
+ ('nbns', '0'): 1.0, # query
+ ('dns', '1'): 1.0, # response
+ ('ldap', '1'): 1.0, # bind response
+ ('ldap', '4'): 1.0, # search result
+ ('ldap', '5'): 1.0, # search done
+ ('cldap', '5'): 1.0,
+ ('dcerpc', '12'): 1.0, # bind_ack
+ ('dcerpc', '13'): 1.0, # bind_nak
+ ('dcerpc', '15'): 1.0, # Alter_context response
+SKIPPED_PROTOCOLS = {"smb", "smb2", "browser", "smb_netlogon"}
+WAIT_SCALE = 10.0
+# DEBUG_LEVEL can be changed by scripts with -d
+def debug(level, msg, *args):
+ """Print a formatted debug message to standard error.
+ :param level: The debug level, message will be printed if it is <= the
+ currently set debug level. The debug level can be set with
+ the -d option.
+ :param msg: The message to be logged, can contain C-Style format
+ specifiers
+ :param args: The parameters required by the format specifiers
+ """
+ if level <= DEBUG_LEVEL:
+ if not args:
+ print >> sys.stderr, msg
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, msg % tuple(args)
+def debug_lineno(*args):
+ """ Print an unformatted log message to stderr, contaning the line number
+ """
+ tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
+ print >> sys.stderr, (" %s:" "\033[01;33m"
+ "%s " "\033[00m" % (tb[0][2], tb[0][1])),
+ for a in args:
+ print >> sys.stderr, a
+ print >> sys.stderr
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+def random_colour_print():
+ """Return a function that prints a randomly coloured line to stderr"""
+ n = 18 + random.randrange(214)
+ prefix = "\033[38;5;%dm" % n
+ def p(*args):
+ for a in args:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "%s%s\033[00m" % (prefix, a)
+ return p
+class FakePacketError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Packet(object):
+ """Details of a network packet"""
+ def __init__(self, fields):
+ if isinstance(fields, str):
+ fields = fields.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
+ (timestamp,
+ ip_protocol,
+ stream_number,
+ src,
+ dest,
+ protocol,
+ opcode,
+ desc) = fields[:8]
+ extra = fields[8:]
+ self.timestamp = float(timestamp)
+ self.ip_protocol = ip_protocol
+ try:
+ self.stream_number = int(stream_number)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ self.stream_number = None
+ self.src = int(src)
+ self.dest = int(dest)
+ self.protocol = protocol
+ self.opcode = opcode
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.extra = extra
+ if self.src < self.dest:
+ self.endpoints = (self.src, self.dest)
+ else:
+ self.endpoints = (self.dest, self.src)
+ def as_summary(self, time_offset=0.0):
+ """Format the packet as a traffic_summary line.
+ """
+ extra = '\t'.join(self.extra)
+ t = self.timestamp + time_offset
+ return (t, '%f\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' %
+ (t,
+ self.ip_protocol,
+ self.stream_number or '',
+ self.src,
+ self.dest,
+ self.protocol,
+ self.opcode,
+ self.desc,
+ extra))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("%.3f: %d -> %d; ip %s; strm %s; prot %s; op %s; desc %s %s" %
+ (self.timestamp, self.src, self.dest, self.ip_protocol or '-',
+ self.stream_number, self.protocol, self.opcode, self.desc,
+ ('«' + ' '.join(self.extra) + '»' if self.extra else '')))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Packet @%s>" % self
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__([self.timestamp,
+ self.ip_protocol,
+ self.stream_number,
+ self.src,
+ self.dest,
+ self.protocol,
+ self.opcode,
+ self.desc] + self.extra)
+ def as_packet_type(self):
+ t = '%s:%s' % (self.protocol, self.opcode)
+ return t
+ def client_score(self):
+ """A positive number means we think it is a client; a negative number
+ means we think it is a server. Zero means no idea. range: -1 to 1.
+ """
+ key = (self.protocol, self.opcode)
+ if key in CLIENT_CLUES:
+ return CLIENT_CLUES[key]
+ if key in SERVER_CLUES:
+ return -SERVER_CLUES[key]
+ return 0.0
+ def play(self, conversation, context):
+ """Send the packet over the network, if required.
+ Some packets are ignored, i.e. for protocols not handled,
+ server response messages, or messages that are generated by the
+ protocol layer associated with other packets.
+ """
+ fn_name = 'packet_%s_%s' % (self.protocol, self.opcode)
+ try:
+ fn = getattr(traffic_packets, fn_name)
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Conversation(%s) Missing handler %s" % \
+ (conversation.conversation_id, fn_name)
+ return
+ # Don't display a message for kerberos packets, they're not directly
+ # generated they're used to indicate kerberos should be used
+ if self.protocol != "kerberos":
+ debug(2, "Conversation(%s) Calling handler %s" %
+ (conversation.conversation_id, fn_name))
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ if fn(self, conversation, context):
+ # Only collect timing data for functions that generate
+ # network traffic, or fail
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%f\tTrue\t" %
+ (end, conversation.conversation_id, self.protocol,
+ self.opcode, duration))
+ except Exception as e:
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%f\tFalse\t%s" %
+ (end, conversation.conversation_id, self.protocol,
+ self.opcode, duration, e))
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return self.timestamp - other.timestamp
+ def is_really_a_packet(self, missing_packet_stats=None):
+ """Is the packet one that can be ignored?
+ If so removing it will have no effect on the replay
+ """
+ if self.protocol in SKIPPED_PROTOCOLS:
+ # Ignore any packets for the protocols we're not interested in.
+ return False
+ if self.protocol == "ldap" and self.opcode == '':
+ # skip ldap continuation packets
+ return False
+ fn_name = 'packet_%s_%s' % (self.protocol, self.opcode)
+ try:
+ fn = getattr(traffic_packets, fn_name)
+ if fn is traffic_packets.null_packet:
+ return False
+ except AttributeError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "missing packet %s" % fn_name
+ return False
+ return True
+class ReplayContext(object):
+ """State/Context for an individual conversation between an simulated client
+ and a server.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ server=None,
+ lp=None,
+ creds=None,
+ badpassword_frequency=None,
+ prefer_kerberos=None,
+ tempdir=None,
+ statsdir=None,
+ ou=None,
+ base_dn=None,
+ domain=None,
+ domain_sid=None):
+ self.server = server
+ self.ldap_connections = []
+ self.dcerpc_connections = []
+ self.lsarpc_connections = []
+ self.lsarpc_connections_named = []
+ self.drsuapi_connections = []
+ self.srvsvc_connections = []
+ self.samr_contexts = []
+ self.netlogon_connection = None
+ self.creds = creds
+ self.lp = lp
+ self.prefer_kerberos = prefer_kerberos
+ self.ou = ou
+ self.base_dn = base_dn
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.statsdir = statsdir
+ self.global_tempdir = tempdir
+ self.domain_sid = domain_sid
+ self.realm = lp.get('realm')
+ # Bad password attempt controls
+ self.badpassword_frequency = badpassword_frequency
+ self.last_lsarpc_bad = False
+ self.last_lsarpc_named_bad = False
+ self.last_simple_bind_bad = False
+ self.last_bind_bad = False
+ self.last_srvsvc_bad = False
+ self.last_drsuapi_bad = False
+ self.last_netlogon_bad = False
+ self.last_samlogon_bad = False
+ self.generate_ldap_search_tables()
+ self.next_conversation_id = itertools.count().next
+ def generate_ldap_search_tables(self):
+ session = system_session()
+ db = SamDB(url="ldap://%s" % self.server,
+ session_info=session,
+ credentials=self.creds,
+ lp=self.lp)
+ res =,
+ scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
+ attrs=['dn'])
+ # find a list of dns for each pattern
+ # e.g. CN,CN,CN,DC,DC
+ dn_map = {}
+ attribute_clue_map = {
+ 'invocationId': []
+ }
+ for r in res:
+ dn = str(r.dn)
+ pattern = ','.join(x.lstrip()[:2] for x in dn.split(',')).upper()
+ dns = dn_map.setdefault(pattern, [])
+ dns.append(dn)
+ if dn.startswith('CN=NTDS Settings,'):
+ attribute_clue_map['invocationId'].append(dn)
+ # extend the map in case we are working with a different
+ # number of DC components.
+ # for k, v in self.dn_map.items():
+ # print >>sys.stderr, k, len(v)
+ for k, v in dn_map.items():
+ if k[-3:] != ',DC':
+ continue
+ p = k[:-3]
+ while p[-3:] == ',DC':
+ p = p[:-3]
+ for i in range(5):
+ p += ',DC'
+ if p != k and p in dn_map:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'dn_map collison %s %s' % (k, p)
+ continue
+ dn_map[p] = dn_map[k]
+ self.dn_map = dn_map
+ self.attribute_clue_map = attribute_clue_map
+ def generate_process_local_config(self, account, conversation):
+ if account is None:
+ return
+ self.netbios_name = account.netbios_name
+ self.machinepass = account.machinepass
+ self.username = account.username
+ self.userpass = account.userpass
+ self.tempdir = mk_masked_dir(self.global_tempdir,
+ 'conversation-%d' %
+ conversation.conversation_id)
+ self.lp.set("private dir", self.tempdir)
+ self.lp.set("lock dir", self.tempdir)
+ self.lp.set("state directory", self.tempdir)
+ self.lp.set("tls verify peer", "no_check")
+ # If the domain was not specified, check for the environment
+ # variable.
+ if self.domain is None:
+ self.domain = os.environ["DOMAIN"]
+ self.remoteAddress = "/root/ncalrpc_as_system"
+ self.samlogon_dn = ("cn=%s,%s" %
+ (self.netbios_name, self.ou))
+ self.user_dn = ("cn=%s,%s" %
+ (self.username, self.ou))
+ self.generate_machine_creds()
+ self.generate_user_creds()
+ def with_random_bad_credentials(self, f, good, bad, failed_last_time):
+ """Execute the supplied logon function, randomly choosing the
+ bad credentials.
+ Based on the frequency in badpassword_frequency randomly perform the
+ function with the supplied bad credentials.
+ If run with bad credentials, the function is re-run with the good
+ credentials.
+ failed_last_time is used to prevent consecutive bad credential
+ attempts. So the over all bad credential frequency will be lower
+ than that requested, but not significantly.
+ """
+ if not failed_last_time:
+ if (self.badpassword_frequency > 0 and
+ random.random() < self.badpassword_frequency):
+ try:
+ f(bad)
+ except:
+ # Ignore any exceptions as the operation may fail
+ # as it's being performed with bad credentials
+ pass
+ failed_last_time = True
+ else:
+ failed_last_time = False
+ result = f(good)
+ return (result, failed_last_time)
+ def generate_user_creds(self):
+ """Generate the conversation specific user Credentials.
+ Each Conversation has an associated user account used to simulate
+ any non Administrative user traffic.
+ Generates user credentials with good and bad passwords and ldap
+ simple bind credentials with good and bad passwords.
+ """
+ self.user_creds = Credentials()
+ self.user_creds.guess(self.lp)
+ self.user_creds.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.user_creds.set_password(self.userpass)
+ self.user_creds.set_username(self.username)
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.user_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.user_creds.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self.user_creds_bad = Credentials()
+ self.user_creds_bad.guess(self.lp)
+ self.user_creds_bad.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.user_creds_bad.set_password(self.userpass[:-4])
+ self.user_creds_bad.set_username(self.username)
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.user_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.user_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ # Credentials for ldap simple bind.
+ self.simple_bind_creds = Credentials()
+ self.simple_bind_creds.guess(self.lp)
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_password(self.userpass)
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_username(self.username)
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_gensec_features(
+ self.simple_bind_creds.get_gensec_features() | gensec.FEATURE_SEAL)
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self.simple_bind_creds.set_bind_dn(self.user_dn)
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad = Credentials()
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.guess(self.lp)
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_password(self.userpass[:-4])
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_username(self.username)
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_gensec_features(
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.get_gensec_features() |
+ gensec.FEATURE_SEAL)
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad.set_bind_dn(self.user_dn)
+ def generate_machine_creds(self):
+ """Generate the conversation specific machine Credentials.
+ Each Conversation has an associated machine account.
+ Generates machine credentials with good and bad passwords.
+ """
+ self.machine_creds = Credentials()
+ self.machine_creds.guess(self.lp)
+ self.machine_creds.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.machine_creds.set_secure_channel_type(SEC_CHAN_WKSTA)
+ self.machine_creds.set_password(self.machinepass)
+ self.machine_creds.set_username(self.netbios_name + "$")
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.machine_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.machine_creds.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self.machine_creds_bad = Credentials()
+ self.machine_creds_bad.guess(self.lp)
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_workstation(self.netbios_name)
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_secure_channel_type(SEC_CHAN_WKSTA)
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_password(self.machinepass[:-4])
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_username(self.netbios_name + "$")
+ if self.prefer_kerberos:
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ else:
+ self.machine_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ def get_matching_dn(self, pattern, attributes=None):
+ # If the pattern is an empty string, we assume ROOTDSE,
+ # Otherwise we try adding or removing DC suffixes, then
+ # shorter leading patterns until we hit one.
+ # e.g if there is no CN,CN,CN,CN,DC,DC
+ # we first try CN,CN,CN,CN,DC
+ # and CN,CN,CN,CN,DC,DC,DC
+ # then change to CN,CN,CN,DC,DC
+ # and as last resort we use the base_dn
+ attr_clue = self.attribute_clue_map.get(attributes)
+ if attr_clue:
+ return random.choice(attr_clue)
+ pattern = pattern.upper()
+ while pattern:
+ if pattern in self.dn_map:
+ return random.choice(self.dn_map[pattern])
+ # chop one off the front and try it all again.
+ pattern = pattern[3:]
+ return self.base_dn
+ def get_dcerpc_connection(self, new=False):
+ guid = '12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-01234567cffb' # RPC_NETLOGON UUID
+ if self.dcerpc_connections and not new:
+ return self.dcerpc_connections[-1]
+ c = ClientConnection("ncacn_ip_tcp:%s" % self.server,
+ (guid, 1), self.lp)
+ self.dcerpc_connections.append(c)
+ return c
+ def get_srvsvc_connection(self, new=False):
+ if self.srvsvc_connections and not new:
+ return self.srvsvc_connections[-1]
+ def connect(creds):
+ return srvsvc.srvsvc("ncacn_np:%s" % (self.server),
+ self.lp,
+ creds)
+ (c, self.last_srvsvc_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ self.user_creds,
+ self.user_creds_bad,
+ self.last_srvsvc_bad)
+ self.srvsvc_connections.append(c)
+ return c
+ def get_lsarpc_connection(self, new=False):
+ if self.lsarpc_connections and not new:
+ return self.lsarpc_connections[-1]
+ def connect(creds):
+ binding_options = 'schannel,seal,sign'
+ return lsa.lsarpc("ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[%s]" %
+ (self.server, binding_options),
+ self.lp,
+ creds)
+ (c, self.last_lsarpc_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ self.machine_creds,
+ self.machine_creds_bad,
+ self.last_lsarpc_bad)
+ self.lsarpc_connections.append(c)
+ return c
+ def get_lsarpc_named_pipe_connection(self, new=False):
+ if self.lsarpc_connections_named and not new:
+ return self.lsarpc_connections_named[-1]
+ def connect(creds):
+ return lsa.lsarpc("ncacn_np:%s" % (self.server),
+ self.lp,
+ creds)
+ (c, self.last_lsarpc_named_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ self.machine_creds,
+ self.machine_creds_bad,
+ self.last_lsarpc_named_bad)
+ self.lsarpc_connections_named.append(c)
+ return c
+ def get_drsuapi_connection_pair(self, new=False, unbind=False):
+ """get a (drs, drs_handle) tuple"""
+ if self.drsuapi_connections and not new:
+ c = self.drsuapi_connections[-1]
+ return c
+ def connect(creds):
+ binding_options = 'seal'
+ binding_string = "ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[%s]" %\
+ (self.server, binding_options)
+ return drsuapi.drsuapi(binding_string, self.lp, creds)
+ (drs, self.last_drsuapi_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ self.user_creds,
+ self.user_creds_bad,
+ self.last_drsuapi_bad)
+ (drs_handle, supported_extensions) = drs_DsBind(drs)
+ c = (drs, drs_handle)
+ self.drsuapi_connections.append(c)
+ return c
+ def get_ldap_connection(self, new=False, simple=False):
+ if self.ldap_connections and not new:
+ return self.ldap_connections[-1]
+ def simple_bind(creds):
+ return SamDB('ldaps://%s' % self.server,
+ credentials=creds,
+ lp=self.lp)
+ def sasl_bind(creds):
+ return SamDB('ldap://%s' % self.server,
+ credentials=creds,
+ lp=self.lp)
+ if simple:
+ (samdb, self.last_simple_bind_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(simple_bind,
+ self.simple_bind_creds,
+ self.simple_bind_creds_bad,
+ self.last_simple_bind_bad)
+ else:
+ (samdb, self.last_bind_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(sasl_bind,
+ self.user_creds,
+ self.user_creds_bad,
+ self.last_bind_bad)
+ self.ldap_connections.append(samdb)
+ return samdb
+ def get_samr_context(self, new=False):
+ if not self.samr_contexts or new:
+ self.samr_contexts.append(SamrContext(self.server))
+ return self.samr_contexts[-1]
+ def get_netlogon_connection(self):
+ if self.netlogon_connection:
+ return self.netlogon_connection
+ def connect(creds):
+ return netlogon.netlogon("ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[schannel,seal]" %
+ (self.server),
+ self.lp,
+ creds)
+ (c, self.last_netlogon_bad) = \
+ self.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ self.machine_creds,
+ self.machine_creds_bad,
+ self.last_netlogon_bad)
+ self.netlogon_connection = c
+ return c
+ def guess_a_dns_lookup(self):
+ return (self.realm, 'A')
+ def get_authenticator(self):
+ auth = self.machine_creds.new_client_authenticator()
+ current = netr_Authenticator()
+ = [ord(x) for x in auth["credential"]]
+ current.timestamp = auth["timestamp"]
+ subsequent = netr_Authenticator()
+ return (current, subsequent)
+class SamrContext(object):
+ """State/Context associated with a samr connection.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, server):
+ self.connection = None
+ self.handle = None
+ self.domain_handle = None
+ self.domain_sid = None
+ self.group_handle = None
+ self.user_handle = None
+ self.rids = None
+ self.server = server
+ def get_connection(self):
+ if not self.connection:
+ self.connection = samr.samr("ncacn_ip_tcp:%s" % (self.server))
+ return self.connection
+ def get_handle(self):
+ if not self.handle:
+ c = self.get_connection()
+ self.handle = c.Connect2(None, security.SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)
+ return self.handle
+class Conversation(object):
+ """Details of a converation between a simulated client and a server."""
+ conversation_id = None
+ def __init__(self, start_time=None, endpoints=None):
+ self.start_time = start_time
+ self.endpoints = endpoints
+ self.packets = []
+ self.msg = random_colour_print()
+ self.client_balance = 0.0
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if self.start_time is None:
+ if other.start_time is None:
+ return 0
+ return -1
+ if other.start_time is None:
+ return 1
+ return self.start_time - other.start_time
+ def add_packet(self, packet):
+ """Add a packet object to this conversation, making a local copy with
+ a conversation-relative timestamp."""
+ p = packet.copy()
+ if self.start_time is None:
+ self.start_time = p.timestamp
+ if self.endpoints is None:
+ self.endpoints = p.endpoints
+ if p.endpoints != self.endpoints:
+ raise FakePacketError("Conversation endpoints %s don't match"
+ "packet endpoints %s" %
+ (self.endpoints, p.endpoints))
+ p.timestamp -= self.start_time
+ if p.src == p.endpoints[0]:
+ self.client_balance -= p.client_score()
+ else:
+ self.client_balance += p.client_score()
+ if p.is_really_a_packet():
+ self.packets.append(p)
+ def add_short_packet(self, timestamp, p, extra, client=True):
+ """Create a packet from a timestamp, and 'protocol:opcode' pair, and a
+ (possibly empty) list of extra data. If client is True, assume
+ this packet is from the client to the server.
+ """
+ protocol, opcode = p.split(':', 1)
+ src, dest = self.guess_client_server()
+ if not client:
+ src, dest = dest, src
+ desc = OP_DESCRIPTIONS.get((protocol, opcode), '')
+ ip_protocol = IP_PROTOCOLS.get(protocol, '06')
+ fields = [timestamp - self.start_time, ip_protocol,
+ '', src, dest,
+ protocol, opcode, desc]
+ fields.extend(extra)
+ packet = Packet(fields)
+ # XXX we're assuming the timestamp is already adjusted for
+ # this conversation?
+ # XXX should we adjust client balance for guessed packets?
+ if packet.src == packet.endpoints[0]:
+ self.client_balance -= packet.client_score()
+ else:
+ self.client_balance += packet.client_score()
+ if packet.is_really_a_packet():
+ self.packets.append(packet)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("<Conversation %s %s starting %.3f %d packets>" %
+ (self.conversation_id, self.endpoints, self.start_time,
+ len(self.packets)))
+ __repr__ = __str__
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.packets)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.packets)
+ def get_duration(self):
+ if len(self.packets) < 2:
+ return 0
+ return self.packets[-1].timestamp - self.packets[0].timestamp
+ def replay_as_summary_lines(self):
+ lines = []
+ for p in self.packets:
+ lines.append(p.as_summary(self.start_time))
+ return lines
+ def replay_in_fork_with_delay(self, start, context=None, account=None):
+ """Fork a new process and replay the conversation.
+ """
+ def signal_handler(signal, frame):
+ """Signal handler closes standard out and error.
+ Triggered by a sigterm, ensures that the log messages are flushed
+ to disk and not lost.
+ """
+ sys.stderr.close()
+ sys.stdout.close()
+ os._exit(0)
+ t = self.start_time
+ now = time.time() - start
+ gap = t - now
+ # we are replaying strictly in order, so it is safe to sleep
+ # in the main process if the gap is big enough. This reduces
+ # the number of concurrent threads, which allows us to make
+ # larger loads.
+ if gap > 0.15 and False:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "sleeping for %f in main process" % (gap - 0.1)
+ time.sleep(gap - 0.1)
+ now = time.time() - start
+ gap = t - now
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gap is now %f" % gap
+ self.conversation_id = context.next_conversation_id()
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid != 0:
+ return pid
+ pid = os.getpid()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
+ # we must never return, or we'll end up running parts of the
+ # parent's clean-up code. So we work in a try...finally, and
+ # try to print any exceptions.
+ try:
+ context.generate_process_local_config(account, self)
+ sys.stdin.close()
+ os.close(0)
+ filename = os.path.join(context.statsdir, 'stats-conversation-%d' %
+ self.conversation_id)
+ sys.stdout.close()
+ sys.stdout = open(filename, 'w')
+ sleep_time = gap - SLEEP_OVERHEAD
+ if sleep_time > 0:
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ miss = t - (time.time() - start)
+ self.msg("starting %s [miss %.3f pid %d]" % (self, miss, pid))
+ self.replay(context)
+ except Exception:
+ print >>sys.stderr,\
+ ("EXCEPTION in child PID %d, conversation %s" % (pid, self))
+ traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr)
+ finally:
+ sys.stderr.close()
+ sys.stdout.close()
+ os._exit(0)
+ def replay(self, context=None):
+ start = time.time()
+ for p in self.packets:
+ now = time.time() - start
+ gap = p.timestamp - now
+ sleep_time = gap - SLEEP_OVERHEAD
+ if sleep_time > 0:
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ miss = p.timestamp - (time.time() - start)
+ if context is None:
+ self.msg("packet %s [miss %.3f pid %d]" % (p, miss,
+ os.getpid()))
+ continue
+, context)
+ def guess_client_server(self, server_clue=None):
+ """Have a go at deciding who is the server and who is the client.
+ returns (client, server)
+ """
+ a, b = self.endpoints
+ if self.client_balance < 0:
+ return (a, b)
+ # in the absense of a clue, we will fall through to assuming
+ # the lowest number is the server (which is usually true).
+ if self.client_balance == 0 and server_clue == b:
+ return (a, b)
+ return (b, a)
+ def forget_packets_outside_window(self, s, e):
+ """Prune any packets outside the timne window we're interested in
+ :param s: start of the window
+ :param e: end of the window
+ """
+ new_packets = []
+ for p in self.packets:
+ if p.timestamp < s or p.timestamp > e:
+ continue
+ new_packets.append(p)
+ self.packets = new_packets
+ if new_packets:
+ self.start_time = new_packets[0].timestamp
+ else:
+ self.start_time = None
+ def renormalise_times(self, start_time):
+ """Adjust the packet start times relative to the new start time."""
+ for p in self.packets:
+ p.timestamp -= start_time
+ if self.start_time is not None:
+ self.start_time -= start_time
+class DnsHammer(Conversation):
+ """A lightweight conversation that generates a lot of dns:0 packets on
+ the fly"""
+ def __init__(self, dns_rate, duration):
+ n = int(dns_rate * duration)
+ self.times = [random.uniform(0, duration) for i in range(n)]
+ self.times.sort()
+ self.rate = dns_rate
+ self.duration = duration
+ self.start_time = 0
+ self.msg = random_colour_print()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("<DnsHammer %d packets over %.1fs (rate %.2f)>" %
+ (len(self.times), self.duration, self.rate))
+ def replay_in_fork_with_delay(self, start, context=None, account=None):
+ return Conversation.replay_in_fork_with_delay(self,
+ start,
+ context,
+ account)
+ def replay(self, context=None):
+ start = time.time()
+ fn = traffic_packets.packet_dns_0
+ for t in self.times:
+ now = time.time() - start
+ gap = t - now
+ sleep_time = gap - SLEEP_OVERHEAD
+ if sleep_time > 0:
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ if context is None:
+ miss = t - (time.time() - start)
+ self.msg("packet %s [miss %.3f pid %d]" % (t, miss,
+ os.getpid()))
+ continue
+ packet_start = time.time()
+ try:
+ fn(self, self, context)
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - packet_start
+ print("%f\tDNS\tdns\t0\t%f\tTrue\t" % (end, duration))
+ except Exception as e:
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - packet_start
+ print("%f\tDNS\tdns\t0\t%f\tFalse\t%s" % (end, duration, e))
+def ingest_summaries(files, dns_mode='count'):
+ """Load a summary traffic summary file and generated Converations from it.
+ """
+ dns_counts = defaultdict(int)
+ packets = []
+ for f in files:
+ if isinstance(f, str):
+ f = open(f)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Ingesting %s" % (,)
+ for line in f:
+ p = Packet(line)
+ if p.protocol == 'dns' and dns_mode != 'include':
+ dns_counts[p.opcode] += 1
+ else:
+ packets.append(p)
+ f.close()
+ if not packets:
+ return [], 0
+ start_time = min(p.timestamp for p in packets)
+ last_packet = max(p.timestamp for p in packets)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gathering packets into conversations"
+ conversations = OrderedDict()
+ for p in packets:
+ p.timestamp -= start_time
+ c = conversations.get(p.endpoints)
+ if c is None:
+ c = Conversation()
+ conversations[p.endpoints] = c
+ c.add_packet(p)
+ # We only care about conversations with actual traffic, so we
+ # filter out conversations with nothing to say. We do that here,
+ # rather than earlier, because those empty packets contain useful
+ # hints as to which end of the conversation was the client.
+ conversation_list = []
+ for c in conversations.values():
+ if len(c) != 0:
+ conversation_list.append(c)
+ # This is obviously not correct, as many conversations will appear
+ # to start roughly simultaneously at the beginning of the snapshot.
+ # To which we say: oh well, so be it.
+ duration = float(last_packet - start_time)
+ mean_interval = len(conversations) / duration
+ return conversation_list, mean_interval, duration, dns_counts
+def guess_server_address(conversations):
+ # we guess the most common address.
+ addresses = Counter()
+ for c in conversations:
+ addresses.update(c.endpoints)
+ if addresses:
+ return addresses.most_common(1)[0]
+def stringify_keys(x):
+ y = {}
+ for k, v in x.iteritems():
+ k2 = '\t'.join(k)
+ y[k2] = v
+ return y
+def unstringify_keys(x):
+ y = {}
+ for k, v in x.iteritems():
+ t = tuple(str(k).split('\t'))
+ y[t] = v
+ return y
+class TrafficModel(object):
+ def __init__(self, n=3):
+ self.ngrams = {}
+ self.query_details = {}
+ self.n = n
+ self.dns_opcounts = defaultdict(int)
+ self.cumulative_duration = 0.0
+ self.conversation_rate = [0, 1]
+ def learn(self, conversations, dns_opcounts={}):
+ prev = 0.0
+ cum_duration = 0.0
+ key = (NON_PACKET,) * (self.n - 1)
+ server = guess_server_address(conversations)
+ for k, v in dns_opcounts.items():
+ self.dns_opcounts[k] += v
+ if len(conversations) > 1:
+ elapsed =\
+ conversations[-1].start_time - conversations[0].start_time
+ self.conversation_rate[0] = len(conversations)
+ self.conversation_rate[1] = elapsed
+ for c in conversations:
+ client, server = c.guess_client_server(server)
+ cum_duration += c.get_duration()
+ key = (NON_PACKET,) * (self.n - 1)
+ for p in c:
+ if p.src != client:
+ continue
+ elapsed = p.timestamp - prev
+ prev = p.timestamp
+ if elapsed > WAIT_THRESHOLD:
+ # add the wait as an extra state
+ wait = 'wait:%d' % (math.log(max(1.0,
+ elapsed * WAIT_SCALE)))
+ self.ngrams.setdefault(key, []).append(wait)
+ key = key[1:] + (wait,)
+ short_p = p.as_packet_type()
+ self.query_details.setdefault(short_p,
+ []).append(tuple(p.extra))
+ self.ngrams.setdefault(key, []).append(short_p)
+ key = key[1:] + (short_p,)
+ self.cumulative_duration += cum_duration
+ # add in the end
+ self.ngrams.setdefault(key, []).append(NON_PACKET)
+ def save(self, f):
+ ngrams = {}
+ for k, v in self.ngrams.iteritems():
+ k = '\t'.join(k)
+ ngrams[k] = dict(Counter(v))
+ query_details = {}
+ for k, v in self.query_details.iteritems():
+ query_details[k] = dict(Counter('\t'.join(x) if x else '-'
+ for x in v))
+ d = {
+ 'ngrams': ngrams,
+ 'query_details': query_details,
+ 'cumulative_duration': self.cumulative_duration,
+ 'conversation_rate': self.conversation_rate,
+ }
+ d['dns'] = self.dns_opcounts
+ if isinstance(f, str):
+ f = open(f, 'w')
+ json.dump(d, f, indent=2)
+ def load(self, f):
+ if isinstance(f, str):
+ f = open(f)
+ d = json.load(f)
+ for k, v in d['ngrams'].iteritems():
+ k = tuple(str(k).split('\t'))
+ values = self.ngrams.setdefault(k, [])
+ for p, count in v.iteritems():
+ values.extend([str(p)] * count)
+ for k, v in d['query_details'].iteritems():
+ values = self.query_details.setdefault(str(k), [])
+ for p, count in v.iteritems():
+ if p == '-':
+ values.extend([()] * count)
+ else:
+ values.extend([tuple(str(p).split('\t'))] * count)
+ if 'dns' in d:
+ for k, v in d['dns'].items():
+ self.dns_opcounts[k] += v
+ self.cumulative_duration = d['cumulative_duration']
+ self.conversation_rate = d['conversation_rate']
+ def construct_conversation(self, timestamp=0.0, client=2, server=1,
+ hard_stop=None, packet_rate=1):
+ """Construct a individual converation from the model."""
+ c = Conversation(timestamp, (server, client))
+ key = (NON_PACKET,) * (self.n - 1)
+ while key in self.ngrams:
+ p = random.choice(self.ngrams.get(key, NON_PACKET))
+ if p == NON_PACKET:
+ break
+ if p in self.query_details:
+ extra = random.choice(self.query_details[p])
+ else:
+ extra = []
+ protocol, opcode = p.split(':', 1)
+ if protocol == 'wait':
+ log_wait_time = int(opcode) + random.random()
+ wait = math.exp(log_wait_time) / (WAIT_SCALE * packet_rate)
+ timestamp += wait
+ else:
+ log_wait = random.uniform(*NO_WAIT_LOG_TIME_RANGE)
+ wait = math.exp(log_wait) / packet_rate
+ timestamp += wait
+ if hard_stop is not None and timestamp > hard_stop:
+ break
+ c.add_short_packet(timestamp, p, extra)
+ key = key[1:] + (p,)
+ return c
+ def generate_conversations(self, rate, duration, packet_rate=1):
+ """Generate a list of conversations from the model."""
+ # We run the simulation for at least ten times as long as our
+ # desired duration, and take a section near the start.
+ rate_n, rate_t = self.conversation_rate
+ duration2 = max(rate_t, duration * 2)
+ n = rate * duration2 * rate_n / rate_t
+ server = 1
+ client = 2
+ conversations = []
+ end = duration2
+ start = end - duration
+ while client < n + 2:
+ start = random.uniform(0, duration2)
+ c = self.construct_conversation(start,
+ client,
+ server,
+ hard_stop=(duration2 * 5),
+ packet_rate=packet_rate)
+ c.forget_packets_outside_window(start, end)
+ c.renormalise_times(start)
+ if len(c) != 0:
+ conversations.append(c)
+ client += 1
+ print >> sys.stderr, ("we have %d conversations at rate %f" %
+ (len(conversations), rate))
+ conversations.sort()
+ return conversations
+ 'dns': '11',
+ 'rpc_netlogon': '06',
+ 'kerberos': '06', # ratio 16248:258
+ 'smb': '06',
+ 'smb2': '06',
+ 'ldap': '06',
+ 'cldap': '11',
+ 'lsarpc': '06',
+ 'samr': '06',
+ 'dcerpc': '06',
+ 'epm': '06',
+ 'drsuapi': '06',
+ 'browser': '11',
+ 'smb_netlogon': '11',
+ 'srvsvc': '06',
+ 'nbns': '11',
+ ('browser', '0x01'): 'Host Announcement (0x01)',
+ ('browser', '0x02'): 'Request Announcement (0x02)',
+ ('browser', '0x08'): 'Browser Election Request (0x08)',
+ ('browser', '0x09'): 'Get Backup List Request (0x09)',
+ ('browser', '0x0c'): 'Domain/Workgroup Announcement (0x0c)',
+ ('browser', '0x0f'): 'Local Master Announcement (0x0f)',
+ ('cldap', '3'): 'searchRequest',
+ ('cldap', '5'): 'searchResDone',
+ ('dcerpc', '0'): 'Request',
+ ('dcerpc', '11'): 'Bind',
+ ('dcerpc', '12'): 'Bind_ack',
+ ('dcerpc', '13'): 'Bind_nak',
+ ('dcerpc', '14'): 'Alter_context',
+ ('dcerpc', '15'): 'Alter_context_resp',
+ ('dcerpc', '16'): 'AUTH3',
+ ('dcerpc', '2'): 'Response',
+ ('dns', '0'): 'query',
+ ('dns', '1'): 'response',
+ ('drsuapi', '0'): 'DsBind',
+ ('drsuapi', '12'): 'DsCrackNames',
+ ('drsuapi', '13'): 'DsWriteAccountSpn',
+ ('drsuapi', '1'): 'DsUnbind',
+ ('drsuapi', '2'): 'DsReplicaSync',
+ ('drsuapi', '3'): 'DsGetNCChanges',
+ ('drsuapi', '4'): 'DsReplicaUpdateRefs',
+ ('epm', '3'): 'Map',
+ ('kerberos', ''): '',
+ ('ldap', '0'): 'bindRequest',
+ ('ldap', '1'): 'bindResponse',
+ ('ldap', '2'): 'unbindRequest',
+ ('ldap', '3'): 'searchRequest',
+ ('ldap', '4'): 'searchResEntry',
+ ('ldap', '5'): 'searchResDone',
+ ('ldap', ''): '*** Unknown ***',
+ ('lsarpc', '14'): 'lsa_LookupNames',
+ ('lsarpc', '15'): 'lsa_LookupSids',
+ ('lsarpc', '39'): 'lsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfoBySid',
+ ('lsarpc', '40'): 'lsa_SetTrustedDomainInfo',
+ ('lsarpc', '6'): 'lsa_OpenPolicy',
+ ('lsarpc', '76'): 'lsa_LookupSids3',
+ ('lsarpc', '77'): 'lsa_LookupNames4',
+ ('nbns', '0'): 'query',
+ ('nbns', '1'): 'response',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '21'): 'NetrLogonDummyRoutine1',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '26'): 'NetrServerAuthenticate3',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '29'): 'NetrLogonGetDomainInfo',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '30'): 'NetrServerPasswordSet2',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '39'): 'NetrLogonSamLogonEx',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '40'): 'DsrEnumerateDomainTrusts',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '45'): 'NetrLogonSamLogonWithFlags',
+ ('rpc_netlogon', '4'): 'NetrServerReqChallenge',
+ ('samr', '0',): 'Connect',
+ ('samr', '16'): 'GetAliasMembership',
+ ('samr', '17'): 'LookupNames',
+ ('samr', '18'): 'LookupRids',
+ ('samr', '19'): 'OpenGroup',
+ ('samr', '1'): 'Close',
+ ('samr', '25'): 'QueryGroupMember',
+ ('samr', '34'): 'OpenUser',
+ ('samr', '36'): 'QueryUserInfo',
+ ('samr', '39'): 'GetGroupsForUser',
+ ('samr', '3'): 'QuerySecurity',
+ ('samr', '5'): 'LookupDomain',
+ ('samr', '64'): 'Connect5',
+ ('samr', '6'): 'EnumDomains',
+ ('samr', '7'): 'OpenDomain',
+ ('samr', '8'): 'QueryDomainInfo',
+ ('smb', '0x04'): 'Close (0x04)',
+ ('smb', '0x24'): 'Locking AndX (0x24)',
+ ('smb', '0x2e'): 'Read AndX (0x2e)',
+ ('smb', '0x32'): 'Trans2 (0x32)',
+ ('smb', '0x71'): 'Tree Disconnect (0x71)',
+ ('smb', '0x72'): 'Negotiate Protocol (0x72)',
+ ('smb', '0x73'): 'Session Setup AndX (0x73)',
+ ('smb', '0x74'): 'Logoff AndX (0x74)',
+ ('smb', '0x75'): 'Tree Connect AndX (0x75)',
+ ('smb', '0xa2'): 'NT Create AndX (0xa2)',
+ ('smb2', '0'): 'NegotiateProtocol',
+ ('smb2', '11'): 'Ioctl',
+ ('smb2', '14'): 'Find',
+ ('smb2', '16'): 'GetInfo',
+ ('smb2', '18'): 'Break',
+ ('smb2', '1'): 'SessionSetup',
+ ('smb2', '2'): 'SessionLogoff',
+ ('smb2', '3'): 'TreeConnect',
+ ('smb2', '4'): 'TreeDisconnect',
+ ('smb2', '5'): 'Create',
+ ('smb2', '6'): 'Close',
+ ('smb2', '8'): 'Read',
+ ('smb_netlogon', '0x12'): 'SAM LOGON request from client (0x12)',
+ ('smb_netlogon', '0x17'): ('SAM Active Directory Response - '
+ 'user unknown (0x17)'),
+ ('srvsvc', '16'): 'NetShareGetInfo',
+ ('srvsvc', '21'): 'NetSrvGetInfo',
+def expand_short_packet(p, timestamp, src, dest, extra):
+ protocol, opcode = p.split(':', 1)
+ desc = OP_DESCRIPTIONS.get((protocol, opcode), '')
+ ip_protocol = IP_PROTOCOLS.get(protocol, '06')
+ line = [timestamp, ip_protocol, '', src, dest, protocol, opcode, desc]
+ line.extend(extra)
+ return '\t'.join(line)
+def replay(conversations,
+ host=None,
+ creds=None,
+ lp=None,
+ accounts=None,
+ dns_rate=0,
+ duration=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ context = ReplayContext(server=host,
+ creds=creds,
+ lp=lp,
+ **kwargs)
+ if len(accounts) < len(conversations):
+ print >> sys.stderr, ("we have %d accounts but %d conversations" %
+ (accounts, conversations))
+ cstack = zip(sorted(conversations,
+ key=lambda x: x.start_time, reverse=True),
+ accounts)
+ # Set the process group so that the calling scripts are not killed
+ # when the forked child processes are killed.
+ os.setpgrp()
+ start = time.time()
+ if duration is None:
+ # end 1 second after the last packet of the last conversation
+ # to start. Conversations other than the last could still be
+ # going, but we don't care.
+ duration = cstack[0][0].packets[-1].timestamp + 1.0
+ print >>sys.stderr, "We will stop after %.1f seconds" % duration
+ end = start + duration
+ print("Replaying traffic for %u conversations over %d seconds"
+ % (len(conversations), duration))
+ children = {}
+ if dns_rate:
+ dns_hammer = DnsHammer(dns_rate, duration)
+ cstack.append((dns_hammer, None))
+ try:
+ while True:
+ # we spawn a batch, wait for finishers, then spawn another
+ now = time.time()
+ batch_end = min(now + 2.0, end)
+ fork_time = 0.0
+ fork_n = 0
+ while cstack:
+ c, account = cstack.pop()
+ if c.start_time + start > batch_end:
+ cstack.append((c, account))
+ break
+ st = time.time()
+ pid = c.replay_in_fork_with_delay(start, context, account)
+ children[pid] = c
+ t = time.time()
+ elapsed = t - st
+ fork_time += elapsed
+ fork_n += 1
+ print >>sys.stderr, "forked %s in pid %s (in %fs)" % (c, pid,
+ elapsed)
+ if fork_n:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("forked %d times in %f seconds (avg %f)" %
+ (fork_n, fork_time, fork_time / fork_n))
+ elif cstack:
+ debug(2, "no forks in batch ending %f" % batch_end)
+ while time.time() < batch_end - 1.0:
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ try:
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != 10: # no child processes
+ raise
+ break
+ if pid:
+ c = children.pop(pid, None)
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("process %d finished conversation %s;"
+ " %d to go" %
+ (pid, c, len(children)))
+ if time.time() >= end:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "time to stop"
+ break
+ except Exception:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "EXCEPTION in parent"
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ for s in (15, 15, 9):
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("killing %d children with -%d" %
+ (len(children), s))
+ for pid in children:
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, s)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != 3: # don't fail if it has already died
+ raise
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ end = time.time() + 1
+ while children:
+ try:
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != 10:
+ raise
+ if pid != 0:
+ c = children.pop(pid, None)
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("kill -%d %d KILLED conversation %s; "
+ "%d to go" %
+ (s, pid, c, len(children)))
+ if time.time() >= end:
+ break
+ if not children:
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if children:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "%d children are missing" % len(children)
+ # there may be stragglers that were forked just as ^C was hit
+ # and don't appear in the list of children. We can get them
+ # with killpg, but that will also kill us, so this is^H^H would be
+ # goodbye, except we cheat and pretend to use ^C (SIG_INTERRUPT),
+ # so as not to have to fuss around writing signal handlers.
+ try:
+ os.killpg(0, 2)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "ignoring fake ^C"
+def openLdb(host, creds, lp):
+ session = system_session()
+ ldb = SamDB(url="ldap://%s" % host,
+ session_info=session,
+ credentials=creds,
+ lp=lp)
+ return ldb
+def ou_name(ldb, instance_id):
+ """Generate an ou name from the instance id"""
+ return "ou=instance-%d,ou=traffic_replay,%s" % (instance_id,
+ ldb.domain_dn())
+def create_ou(ldb, instance_id):
+ """Create an ou, all created user and machine accounts will belong to it.
+ This allows all the created resources to be cleaned up easily.
+ """
+ ou = ou_name(ldb, instance_id)
+ try:
+ ldb.add({"dn": ou.split(',', 1)[1],
+ "objectclass": "organizationalunit"})
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ # ignore already exists
+ if status != 68:
+ raise
+ try:
+ ldb.add({"dn": ou,
+ "objectclass": "organizationalunit"})
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ # ignore already exists
+ if status != 68:
+ raise
+ return ou
+class ConversationAccounts(object):
+ """Details of the machine and user accounts associated with a conversation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, netbios_name, machinepass, username, userpass):
+ self.netbios_name = netbios_name
+ self.machinepass = machinepass
+ self.username = username
+ self.userpass = userpass
+def generate_replay_accounts(ldb, instance_id, number, password):
+ """Generate a series of unique machine and user account names."""
+ generate_traffic_accounts(ldb, instance_id, number, password)
+ accounts = []
+ for i in range(1, number + 1):
+ netbios_name = "STGM-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+ username = "STGU-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+ account = ConversationAccounts(netbios_name, password, username,
+ password)
+ accounts.append(account)
+ return accounts
+def generate_traffic_accounts(ldb, instance_id, number, password):
+ """Create the specified number of user and machine accounts.
+ As accounts are not explicitly deleted between runs. This function starts
+ with the last account and iterates backwards stopping either when it
+ finds an already existing account or it has generated all the required
+ accounts.
+ """
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Generating machine and conversation accounts, "
+ "as required for %d conversations" % number)
+ added = 0
+ for i in range(number, 0, -1):
+ try:
+ netbios_name = "STGM-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+ create_machine_account(ldb, instance_id, netbios_name, password)
+ added += 1
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ if status == 68:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ if added > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Added %d new machine accounts" % added
+ added = 0
+ for i in range(number, 0, -1):
+ try:
+ username = "STGU-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+ create_user_account(ldb, instance_id, username, password)
+ added += 1
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ if status == 68:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ if added > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Added %d new user accounts" % added
+def create_machine_account(ldb, instance_id, netbios_name, machinepass):
+ """Create a machine account via ldap."""
+ ou = ou_name(ldb, instance_id)
+ dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (netbios_name, ou)
+ utf16pw = unicode(
+ '"' + machinepass.encode('utf-8') + '"', 'utf-8'
+ ).encode('utf-16-le')
+ start = time.time()
+ ldb.add({
+ "dn": dn,
+ "objectclass": "computer",
+ "sAMAccountName": "%s$" % netbios_name,
+ "userAccountControl":
+ "unicodePwd": utf16pw})
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t0\tcreate\tmachine\t%f\tTrue\t" % (end, duration))
+def create_user_account(ldb, instance_id, username, userpass):
+ """Create a user account via ldap."""
+ ou = ou_name(ldb, instance_id)
+ user_dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (username, ou)
+ utf16pw = unicode(
+ '"' + userpass.encode('utf-8') + '"', 'utf-8'
+ ).encode('utf-16-le')
+ start = time.time()
+ ldb.add({
+ "dn": user_dn,
+ "objectclass": "user",
+ "sAMAccountName": username,
+ "userAccountControl": str(UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT),
+ "unicodePwd": utf16pw
+ })
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t0\tcreate\tuser\t%f\tTrue\t" % (end, duration))
+def create_group(ldb, instance_id, name):
+ """Create a group via ldap."""
+ ou = ou_name(ldb, instance_id)
+ dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (name, ou)
+ start = time.time()
+ ldb.add({
+ "dn": dn,
+ "objectclass": "group",
+ })
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t0\tcreate\tgroup\t%f\tTrue\t" % (end, duration))
+def user_name(instance_id, i):
+ """Generate a user name based in the instance id"""
+ return "STGU-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+def generate_users(ldb, instance_id, number, password):
+ """Add users to the server"""
+ users = 0
+ for i in range(number, 0, -1):
+ try:
+ username = user_name(instance_id, i)
+ create_user_account(ldb, instance_id, username, password)
+ users += 1
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ # Stop if entry exists
+ if status == 68:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ return users
+def group_name(instance_id, i):
+ """Generate a group name from instance id."""
+ return "STGG-%d-%d" % (instance_id, i)
+def generate_groups(ldb, instance_id, number):
+ """Create the required number of groups on the server."""
+ groups = 0
+ for i in range(number, 0, -1):
+ try:
+ name = group_name(instance_id, i)
+ create_group(ldb, instance_id, name)
+ groups += 1
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ # Stop if entry exists
+ if status == 68:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ return groups
+def clean_up_accounts(ldb, instance_id):
+ """Remove the created accounts and groups from the server."""
+ ou = ou_name(ldb, instance_id)
+ try:
+ ldb.delete(ou, ["tree_delete:1"])
+ except LdbError as e:
+ (status, _) = e
+ # ignore does not exist
+ if status != 32:
+ raise
+def generate_users_and_groups(ldb, instance_id, password,
+ number_of_users, number_of_groups,
+ group_memberships):
+ """Generate the required users and groups, allocating the users to
+ those groups."""
+ assignments = []
+ groups_added = 0
+ create_ou(ldb, instance_id)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Generating dummy user accounts"
+ users_added = generate_users(ldb, instance_id, number_of_users, password)
+ if number_of_groups > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Generating dummy groups"
+ groups_added = generate_groups(ldb, instance_id, number_of_groups)
+ if group_memberships > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Assigning users to groups"
+ assignments = assign_groups(number_of_groups,
+ groups_added,
+ number_of_users,
+ users_added,
+ group_memberships)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Adding users to groups"
+ add_users_to_groups(ldb, instance_id, assignments)
+ if (groups_added > 0 and users_added == 0 and
+ number_of_groups != groups_added):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: the added groups will contain no members"
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Added %d users, %d groups and %d group memberships" %
+ (users_added, groups_added, len(assignments)))
+def assign_groups(number_of_groups,
+ groups_added,
+ number_of_users,
+ users_added,
+ group_memberships):
+ """Allocate users to groups.
+ The intention is to have a few users that belong to most groups, while
+ the majority of users belong to a few groups.
+ A few groups will contain most users, with the remaining only having a
+ few users.
+ """
+ def generate_user_distribution(n):
+ """Probability distribution of a user belonging to a group.
+ """
+ dist = []
+ for x in range(1, n + 1):
+ p = 1 / (x + 0.001)
+ dist.append(p)
+ return dist
+ def generate_group_distribution(n):
+ """Probability distribution of a group containing a user."""
+ dist = []
+ for x in range(1, n + 1):
+ p = 1 / (x**1.3)
+ dist.append(p)
+ return dist
+ assignments = set()
+ if group_memberships <= 0:
+ return assignments
+ group_dist = generate_group_distribution(number_of_groups)
+ user_dist = generate_user_distribution(number_of_users)
+ # Calculate the number of group menberships required
+ group_memberships = math.ceil(
+ float(group_memberships) *
+ (float(users_added) / float(number_of_users)))
+ existing_users = number_of_users - users_added - 1
+ existing_groups = number_of_groups - groups_added - 1
+ while len(assignments) < group_memberships:
+ user = random.randint(0, number_of_users - 1)
+ group = random.randint(0, number_of_groups - 1)
+ probability = group_dist[group] * user_dist[user]
+ if ((random.random() < probability * 10000) and
+ (group > existing_groups or user > existing_users)):
+ # the + 1 converts the array index to the corresponding
+ # group or user number
+ assignments.add(((user + 1), (group + 1)))
+ return assignments
+def add_users_to_groups(db, instance_id, assignments):
+ """Add users to their assigned groups.
+ Takes the list of (group,user) tuples generated by assign_groups and
+ assign the users to their specified groups."""
+ ou = ou_name(db, instance_id)
+ def build_dn(name):
+ return("cn=%s,%s" % (name, ou))
+ for (user, group) in assignments:
+ user_dn = build_dn(user_name(instance_id, user))
+ group_dn = build_dn(group_name(instance_id, group))
+ m = ldb.Message()
+ m.dn = ldb.Dn(db, group_dn)
+ m["member"] = ldb.MessageElement(user_dn, ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD, "member")
+ start = time.time()
+ db.modify(m)
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = end - start
+ print("%f\t0\tadd\tuser\t%f\tTrue\t" % (end, duration))
+def generate_stats(statsdir, timing_file):
+ """Generate and print the summary stats for a run."""
+ first = sys.float_info.max
+ last = 0
+ successful = 0
+ failed = 0
+ latencies = {}
+ failures = {}
+ unique_converations = set()
+ conversations = 0
+ if timing_file is not None:
+ tw = timing_file.write
+ else:
+ def tw(x):
+ pass
+ tw("time\tconv\tprotocol\ttype\tduration\tsuccessful\terror\n")
+ for filename in os.listdir(statsdir):
+ path = os.path.join(statsdir, filename)
+ with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ try:
+ fields = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
+ conversation = fields[1]
+ protocol = fields[2]
+ packet_type = fields[3]
+ latency = float(fields[4])
+ first = min(float(fields[0]) - latency, first)
+ last = max(float(fields[0]), last)
+ if protocol not in latencies:
+ latencies[protocol] = {}
+ if packet_type not in latencies[protocol]:
+ latencies[protocol][packet_type] = []
+ latencies[protocol][packet_type].append(latency)
+ if protocol not in failures:
+ failures[protocol] = {}
+ if packet_type not in failures[protocol]:
+ failures[protocol][packet_type] = 0
+ if fields[5] == 'True':
+ successful += 1
+ else:
+ failed += 1
+ failures[protocol][packet_type] += 1
+ if conversation not in unique_converations:
+ unique_converations.add(conversation)
+ conversations += 1
+ tw(line)
+ except (ValueError, IndexError):
+ # not a valid line print and ignore
+ print >>sys.stderr, line
+ pass
+ duration = last - first
+ if successful == 0:
+ success_rate = 0
+ else:
+ success_rate = successful / duration
+ if failed == 0:
+ failure_rate = 0
+ else:
+ failure_rate = failed / duration
+ # print the stats in more human-readable format when stdout is going to the
+ # console (as opposed to being redirected to a file)
+ if sys.stdout.isatty():
+ print("Total conversations: %10d" % conversations)
+ print("Successful operations: %10d (%.3f per second)"
+ % (successful, success_rate))
+ print("Failed operations: %10d (%.3f per second)"
+ % (failed, failure_rate))
+ else:
+ print("(%d, %d, %d, %.3f, %.3f)" %
+ (conversations, successful, failed, success_rate, failure_rate))
+ if sys.stdout.isatty():
+ print("Protocol Op Code Description "
+ " Count Failed Mean Median "
+ "95% Range Max")
+ else:
+ print("proto\top_code\tdesc\tcount\tfailed\tmean\tmedian\t95%\trange"
+ "\tmax")
+ protocols = sorted(latencies.keys())
+ for protocol in protocols:
+ packet_types = sorted(latencies[protocol], key=opcode_key)
+ for packet_type in packet_types:
+ values = latencies[protocol][packet_type]
+ values = sorted(values)
+ count = len(values)
+ failed = failures[protocol][packet_type]
+ mean = sum(values) / count
+ median = calc_percentile(values, 0.50)
+ percentile = calc_percentile(values, 0.95)
+ rng = values[-1] - values[0]
+ maxv = values[-1]
+ desc = OP_DESCRIPTIONS.get((protocol, packet_type), '')
+ if sys.stdout.isatty:
+ print("%-12s %4s %-35s %12d %12d %12.6f "
+ "%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f"
+ % (protocol,
+ packet_type,
+ desc,
+ count,
+ failed,
+ mean,
+ median,
+ percentile,
+ rng,
+ maxv))
+ else:
+ print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f"
+ % (protocol,
+ packet_type,
+ desc,
+ count,
+ failed,
+ mean,
+ median,
+ percentile,
+ rng,
+ maxv))
+def opcode_key(v):
+ """Sort key for the operation code to ensure that it sorts numerically"""
+ try:
+ return "%03d" % int(v)
+ except:
+ return v
+def calc_percentile(values, percentile):
+ """Calculate the specified percentile from the list of values.
+ Assumes the list is sorted in ascending order.
+ """
+ if not values:
+ return 0
+ k = (len(values) - 1) * percentile
+ f = math.floor(k)
+ c = math.ceil(k)
+ if f == c:
+ return values[int(k)]
+ d0 = values[int(f)] * (c - k)
+ d1 = values[int(c)] * (k - f)
+ return d0 + d1
+def mk_masked_dir(*path):
+ """In a testenv we end up with 0777 diectories that look an alarming
+ green colour with ls. Use umask to avoid that."""
+ d = os.path.join(*path)
+ mask = os.umask(0o077)
+ os.mkdir(d)
+ os.umask(mask)
+ return d
diff --git a/python/samba/emulate/ b/python/samba/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1df21f99a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+# Dispatch for various request types.
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import ctypes
+import random
+from import Net
+from samba.dcerpc import security, drsuapi, nbt, lsa, netlogon, ntlmssp
+from samba.dcerpc.netlogon import netr_WorkstationInformation
+from import dom_sid
+from samba.netbios import Node
+from samba.ndr import ndr_pack
+from samba.credentials import (
+from samba import NTSTATUSError
+from samba.ntstatus import NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
+from samba.dcerpc.misc import SEC_CHAN_WKSTA
+import samba
+samba.ensure_third_party_module("dns", "dnspython")
+import dns.resolver
+def uint32(v):
+ return ctypes.c_uint32(v).value
+def check_runtime_error(runtime, val):
+ if runtime is None:
+ return False
+ err32 = uint32(runtime[0])
+ if err32 == val:
+ return True
+ return False
+name_formats = [
+def warning(message):
+ print "\033[37;41;1m" "Warning: %s" "\033[00m" % (message)
+# Packet generation functions:
+# All the packet generation functions have the following form:
+# packet_${protocol}_${opcode}(packet, conversation, context)
+# The functions return true, if statistics should be collected for the packet
+# false, the packet has been ignored.
+# Where:
+# protocol is the protocol, i.e. cldap, dcerpc, ...
+# opcode is the protocol op code i.e. type of the packet to be
+# generated.
+# packet contains data about the captured/generated packet
+# provides any extra data needed to generate the packet
+# conversation Details of the current client/server interaction
+# context state data for the current interaction
+# The following protocols are not currently handled:
+# smb
+# smb2
+# browser
+# smb_netlogon
+# The following drsuapi replication packets are currently ignored:
+# DsReplicaSync
+# DsGetNCChanges
+# DsReplicaUpdateRefs
+# Packet generators that do NOTHING are assigned to the null_packet
+# function which allows the conversation generators to notice this and
+# avoid a whole lot of pointless work.
+def null_packet(packet, conversation, context):
+ return False
+def packet_cldap_3(packet, conversation, context):
+ # searchRequest
+ net = Net(creds=context.creds, lp=context.lp)
+ net.finddc(domain=context.lp.get('realm'),
+ flags=(nbt.NBT_SERVER_LDAP |
+ return True
+packet_cldap_5 = null_packet
+# searchResDone
+packet_dcerpc_0 = null_packet
+# Request
+# Can be ignored, it's the continuation of an existing conversation
+packet_dcerpc_2 = null_packet
+# Request
+# Server response, so should be ignored
+packet_dcerpc_3 = null_packet
+packet_dcerpc_11 = null_packet
+# Bind
+# creation of the rpc dcerpc connection is managed by the higher level
+# protocol drivers. So we ignore it when generating traffic
+packet_dcerpc_12 = null_packet
+# Bind_ack
+# Server response, so should be ignored
+packet_dcerpc_13 = null_packet
+# Bind_nak
+# Server response, so should be ignored
+packet_dcerpc_14 = null_packet
+# Alter_context
+# Generated as part of the connect process
+def packet_dcerpc_15(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Alter_context_resp
+ # This means it was GSSAPI/krb5 (probably)
+ # Check the kerberos_state and issue a diagnostic if kerberos not enabled
+ if context.user_creds.get_kerberos_state() == DONT_USE_KERBEROS:
+ warning("Kerberos disabled but have dcerpc Alter_context_resp "
+ "indicating Kerberos was used")
+ return False
+def packet_dcerpc_16(packet, conversation, context):
+ # AUTH3
+ # This means it was NTLMSSP
+ # Check the kerberos_state and issue a diagnostic if kerberos enabled
+ if context.user_creds.get_kerberos_state() == MUST_USE_KERBEROS:
+ warning("Kerberos enabled but have dcerpc AUTH3 "
+ "indicating NTLMSSP was used")
+ return False
+def packet_dns_0(packet, conversation, context):
+ # query
+ name, rtype = context.guess_a_dns_lookup()
+ dns.resolver.query(name, rtype)
+ return True
+packet_dns_1 = null_packet
+# response
+# Server response, so should be ignored
+def packet_drsuapi_0(packet, conversation, context):
+ # DsBind
+ context.get_drsuapi_connection_pair(True)
+ return True
+NAME_FORMATS = [getattr(drsuapi, _x) for _x in dir(drsuapi)
+ if 'NAME_FORMAT' in _x]
+def packet_drsuapi_12(packet, conversation, context):
+ # DsCrackNames
+ drs, handle = context.get_drsuapi_connection_pair()
+ names = drsuapi.DsNameString()
+ names.str = context.server
+ req = drsuapi.DsNameRequest1()
+ req.format_flags = 0
+ req.format_offered = 7
+ req.format_desired = random.choice(name_formats)
+ req.codepage = 1252
+ req.language = 1033 # German, I think
+ req.format_flags = 0
+ req.count = 1
+ req.names = [names]
+ (result, ctr) = drs.DsCrackNames(handle, 1, req)
+ return True
+def packet_drsuapi_13(packet, conversation, context):
+ # DsWriteAccountSpn
+ req = drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1()
+ req.operation = drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DS_SPN_OPERATION_ADD
+ (drs, handle) = context.get_drsuapi_connection_pair()
+ (level, res) = drs.DsWriteAccountSpn(handle, 1, req)
+ return True
+def packet_drsuapi_1(packet, conversation, context):
+ # DsUnbind
+ (drs, handle) = context.get_drsuapi_connection_pair()
+ drs.DsUnbind(handle)
+ del context.drsuapi_connections[-1]
+ return True
+packet_drsuapi_2 = null_packet
+# DsReplicaSync
+# This is between DCs, triggered on a DB change
+# Ignoring for now
+packet_drsuapi_3 = null_packet
+# DsGetNCChanges
+# This is between DCs, trigger with DB operation,
+# or DsReplicaSync between DCs.
+# Ignoring for now
+packet_drsuapi_4 = null_packet
+# DsReplicaUpdateRefs
+# Ignoring for now
+packet_epm_3 = null_packet
+# Map
+# Will be generated by higher level protocol calls
+def packet_kerberos_(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Use the presence of kerberos packets as a hint to enable kerberos
+ # for the rest of the conversation.
+ # i.e. kerberos packets are not explicitly generated.
+ context.user_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ context.user_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ context.machine_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ context.machine_creds_bad.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ context.creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ return False
+packet_ldap_ = null_packet
+# Unknown
+# The ldap payload was probably encrypted so just ignore it.
+def packet_ldap_0(packet, conversation, context):
+ # bindRequest
+ if packet.extra[5] == "simple":
+ # Perform a simple bind.
+ context.get_ldap_connection(new=True, simple=True)
+ else:
+ # Perform a sasl bind.
+ context.get_ldap_connection(new=True, simple=False)
+ return True
+packet_ldap_1 = null_packet
+# bindResponse
+# Server response ignored for traffic generation
+def packet_ldap_2(packet, conversation, context):
+ # unbindRequest
+ # pop the last one off -- most likely we're in a bind/unbind ping.
+ del context.ldap_connections[-1:]
+ return False
+def packet_ldap_3(packet, conversation, context):
+ # searchRequest
+ (scope, dn_sig, filter, attrs, extra, desc, oid) = packet.extra
+ if not scope:
+ scope = 0
+ samdb = context.get_ldap_connection()
+ dn = context.get_matching_dn(dn_sig)
+, scope=int(scope), attrs=attrs.split(','))
+ return True
+packet_ldap_4 = null_packet
+# searchResEntry
+# Server response ignored for traffic generation
+packet_ldap_5 = null_packet
+# Server response ignored for traffic generation
+packet_ldap_6 = null_packet
+packet_ldap_7 = null_packet
+packet_ldap_8 = null_packet
+packet_ldap_9 = null_packet
+packet_ldap_16 = null_packet
+packet_lsarpc_0 = null_packet
+# lsarClose
+packet_lsarpc_1 = null_packet
+# lsarDelete
+packet_lsarpc_2 = null_packet
+# lsarEnumeratePrivileges
+packet_lsarpc_3 = null_packet
+# LsarQuerySecurityObject
+packet_lsarpc_4 = null_packet
+# LsarSetSecurityObject
+packet_lsarpc_5 = null_packet
+# LsarChangePassword
+packet_lsarpc_6 = null_packet
+# lsa_OpenPolicy
+# We ignore this, but take it as a hint that the lsarpc handle should
+# be over a named pipe.
+def packet_lsarpc_14(packet, conversation, context):
+ # lsa_LookupNames
+ c = context.get_lsarpc_named_pipe_connection()
+ objectAttr = lsa.ObjectAttribute()
+ pol_handle = c.OpenPolicy2(u'', objectAttr,
+ sids = lsa.TransSidArray()
+ names = [lsa.String("This Organization"),
+ lsa.String("Digest Authentication")]
+ level = 5
+ count = 0
+ c.LookupNames(pol_handle, names, sids, level, count)
+ return True
+def packet_lsarpc_15(packet, conversation, context):
+ # lsa_LookupSids
+ c = context.get_lsarpc_named_pipe_connection()
+ objectAttr = lsa.ObjectAttribute()
+ pol_handle = c.OpenPolicy2(u'', objectAttr,
+ sids = lsa.SidArray()
+ sid = lsa.SidPtr()
+ x = dom_sid("S-1-5-7")
+ sid.sid = x
+ sids.sids = [sid]
+ sids.num_sids = 1
+ names = lsa.TransNameArray()
+ level = 5
+ count = 0
+ c.LookupSids(pol_handle, sids, names, level, count)
+ return True
+def packet_lsarpc_39(packet, conversation, context):
+ # lsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfoBySid
+ # Samba does not support trusted domains, so this call is expected to fail
+ #
+ c = context.get_lsarpc_named_pipe_connection()
+ objectAttr = lsa.ObjectAttribute()
+ pol_handle = c.OpenPolicy2(u'', objectAttr,
+ domsid = security.dom_sid(context.domain_sid)
+ level = 1
+ try:
+ c.QueryTrustedDomainInfoBySid(pol_handle, domsid, level)
+ except NTSTATUSError as error:
+ # Object Not found is the expected result, anything else is a
+ # failure.
+ if not check_runtime_error(error, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND):
+ raise
+ return True
+packet_lsarpc_40 = null_packet
+# lsa_SetTrustedDomainInfo
+# Not currently supported
+packet_lsarpc_43 = null_packet
+# LsaStorePrivateData
+packet_lsarpc_44 = null_packet
+# LsaRetrievePrivateData
+packet_lsarpc_68 = null_packet
+# LsarLookupNames3
+def packet_lsarpc_76(packet, conversation, context):
+ # lsa_LookupSids3
+ c = context.get_lsarpc_connection()
+ sids = lsa.SidArray()
+ sid = lsa.SidPtr()
+ # Need a set
+ x = dom_sid("S-1-5-7")
+ sid.sid = x
+ sids.sids = [sid]
+ sids.num_sids = 1
+ names = lsa.TransNameArray2()
+ level = 5
+ count = 0
+ lookup_options = 0
+ client_revision = 2
+ c.LookupSids3(sids, names, level, count, lookup_options, client_revision)
+ return True
+def packet_lsarpc_77(packet, conversation, context):
+ # lsa_LookupNames4
+ c = context.get_lsarpc_connection()
+ sids = lsa.TransSidArray3()
+ names = [lsa.String("This Organization"),
+ lsa.String("Digest Authentication")]
+ level = 5
+ count = 0
+ lookup_options = 0
+ client_revision = 2
+ c.LookupNames4(names, sids, level, count, lookup_options, client_revision)
+ return True
+def packet_nbns_0(packet, conversation, context):
+ # query
+ n = Node()
+ try:
+ n.query_name("ANAME", context.server, timeout=4, broadcast=False)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return True
+packet_nbns_1 = null_packet
+# response
+# Server response, not generated by the client
+packet_rpc_netlogon_0 = null_packet
+packet_rpc_netlogon_1 = null_packet
+packet_rpc_netlogon_4 = null_packet
+# NetrServerReqChallenge
+# generated by higher level protocol drivers
+# ignored for traffic generation
+packet_rpc_netlogon_14 = null_packet
+packet_rpc_netlogon_15 = null_packet
+packet_rpc_netlogon_21 = null_packet
+# NetrLogonDummyRoutine1
+# Used to determine security settings. Triggered from schannel setup
+# So no need for an explicit generator
+packet_rpc_netlogon_26 = null_packet
+# NetrServerAuthenticate3
+# Triggered from schannel set up, no need for an explicit generator
+def packet_rpc_netlogon_29(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetrLogonGetDomainInfo [531]
+ c = context.get_netlogon_connection()
+ (auth, succ) = context.get_authenticator()
+ query = netr_WorkstationInformation()
+ c.netr_LogonGetDomainInfo(context.server,
+ context.netbios_name,
+ auth,
+ succ,
+ 2, # TODO are there other values?
+ query)
+ return True
+def packet_rpc_netlogon_30(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetrServerPasswordSet2
+ c = context.get_netlogon_connection()
+ (auth, succ) = context.get_authenticator()
+ DATA_LEN = 512
+ # Set the new password to the existing password, this generates the same
+ # work load as a new value, and leaves the account password intact for
+ # subsequent runs
+ newpass = context.machine_creds.get_password().encode('utf-16-le')
+ pwd_len = len(newpass)
+ filler = [ord(x) for x in os.urandom(DATA_LEN - pwd_len)]
+ pwd = netlogon.netr_CryptPassword()
+ pwd.length = pwd_len
+ = filler + [ord(x) for x in newpass]
+ context.machine_creds.encrypt_netr_crypt_password(pwd)
+ c.netr_ServerPasswordSet2(context.server,
+ context.machine_creds.get_workstation(),
+ context.netbios_name,
+ auth,
+ pwd)
+ return True
+packet_rpc_netlogon_34 = null_packet
+def packet_rpc_netlogon_39(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetrLogonSamLogonEx [4331]
+ def connect(creds):
+ c = context.get_netlogon_connection()
+ # Disable Kerberos in cli creds to extract NTLM response
+ old_state = creds.get_kerberos_state()
+ creds.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ logon = samlogon_logon_info(context.domain,
+ context.netbios_name,
+ creds)
+ logon_level = netlogon.NetlogonNetworkTransitiveInformation
+ validation_level = netlogon.NetlogonValidationSamInfo4
+ netr_flags = 0
+ c.netr_LogonSamLogonEx(context.server,
+ context.machine_creds.get_workstation(),
+ logon_level,
+ logon,
+ validation_level,
+ netr_flags)
+ creds.set_kerberos_state(old_state)
+ context.last_samlogon_bad =\
+ context.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ context.user_creds,
+ context.user_creds_bad,
+ context.last_samlogon_bad)
+ return True
+def samlogon_target(domain_name, computer_name):
+ target_info = ntlmssp.AV_PAIR_LIST()
+ target_info.count = 3
+ computername = ntlmssp.AV_PAIR()
+ computername.AvId = ntlmssp.MsvAvNbComputerName
+ computername.Value = computer_name
+ domainname = ntlmssp.AV_PAIR()
+ domainname.AvId = ntlmssp.MsvAvNbDomainName
+ domainname.Value = domain_name
+ eol = ntlmssp.AV_PAIR()
+ eol.AvId = ntlmssp.MsvAvEOL
+ target_info.pair = [domainname, computername, eol]
+ return ndr_pack(target_info)
+def samlogon_logon_info(domain_name, computer_name, creds):
+ target_info_blob = samlogon_target(domain_name, computer_name)
+ challenge = b"abcdefgh"
+ # User account under test
+ response = creds.get_ntlm_response(flags=CLI_CRED_NTLMv2_AUTH,
+ challenge=challenge,
+ target_info=target_info_blob)
+ logon = netlogon.netr_NetworkInfo()
+ logon.challenge = [ord(x) for x in challenge]
+ logon.nt = netlogon.netr_ChallengeResponse()
+ logon.nt.length = len(response["nt_response"])
+ = [ord(x) for x in response["nt_response"]]
+ logon.identity_info = netlogon.netr_IdentityInfo()
+ (username, domain) = creds.get_ntlm_username_domain()
+ logon.identity_info.domain_name.string = domain
+ logon.identity_info.account_name.string = username
+ logon.identity_info.workstation.string = creds.get_workstation()
+ return logon
+def packet_rpc_netlogon_40(packet, conversation, context):
+ # DsrEnumerateDomainTrusts
+ c = context.get_netlogon_connection()
+ c.netr_DsrEnumerateDomainTrusts(
+ context.server,
+ return True
+def packet_rpc_netlogon_45(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetrLogonSamLogonWithFlags [7]
+ def connect(creds):
+ c = context.get_netlogon_connection()
+ (auth, succ) = context.get_authenticator()
+ # Disable Kerberos in cli creds to extract NTLM response
+ old_state = creds.get_kerberos_state()
+ creds.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ logon = samlogon_logon_info(context.domain,
+ context.netbios_name,
+ creds)
+ logon_level = netlogon.NetlogonNetworkTransitiveInformation
+ validation_level = netlogon.NetlogonValidationSamInfo4
+ netr_flags = 0
+ c.netr_LogonSamLogonWithFlags(context.server,
+ context.machine_creds.get_workstation(),
+ auth,
+ succ,
+ logon_level,
+ logon,
+ validation_level,
+ netr_flags)
+ creds.set_kerberos_state(old_state)
+ context.last_samlogon_bad =\
+ context.with_random_bad_credentials(connect,
+ context.user_creds,
+ context.user_creds_bad,
+ context.last_samlogon_bad)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_0(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Open
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ c.get_handle()
+ return True
+def packet_samr_1(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Close
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ # close the last opened handle, may not always be accurate
+ # but will do for load simulation
+ if c.user_handle is not None:
+ s.Close(c.user_handle)
+ c.user_handle = None
+ elif c.group_handle is not None:
+ s.Close(c.group_handle)
+ c.group_handle = None
+ elif c.domain_handle is not None:
+ s.Close(c.domain_handle)
+ c.domain_handle = None
+ c.rids = None
+ elif c.handle is not None:
+ s.Close(c.handle)
+ c.handle = None
+ c.domain_sid = None
+ return True
+def packet_samr_3(packet, conversation, context):
+ # QuerySecurity
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.user_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_34(packet, conversation, context)
+ s.QuerySecurity(c.user_handle, 1)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_5(packet, conversation, context):
+ # LookupDomain
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ h = c.get_handle()
+ d = lsa.String()
+ d.string = context.domain
+ c.domain_sid = s.LookupDomain(h, d)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_6(packet, conversation, context):
+ # EnumDomains
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ h = c.get_handle()
+ s.EnumDomains(h, 0, 0)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context):
+ # OpenDomain
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ h = c.get_handle()
+ if c.domain_sid is None:
+ packet_samr_5(packet, conversation, context)
+ c.domain_handle = s.OpenDomain(h,
+ c.domain_sid)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_8(packet, conversation, context):
+ # QueryDomainInfo [228]
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.domain_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context)
+ level = random.choice(SAMR_QUERY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVELS)
+ s.QueryDomainInfo(c.domain_handle, level)
+ return True
+packet_samr_14 = null_packet
+# CreateDomainAlias
+# Ignore these for now.
+def packet_samr_15(packet, conversation, context):
+ # EnumDomainAliases
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.domain_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context)
+ s.EnumDomainAliases(c.domain_handle, 100, 0)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_16(packet, conversation, context):
+ # GetAliasMembership
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.domain_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context)
+ sids = lsa.SidArray()
+ sid = lsa.SidPtr()
+ sid.sid = c.domain_sid
+ sids.sids = [sid]
+ s.GetAliasMembership(c.domain_handle, sids)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_17(packet, conversation, context):
+ # LookupNames
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.domain_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context)
+ name = lsa.String(context.username)
+ c.rids = s.LookupNames(c.domain_handle, [name])
+ return True
+def packet_samr_18(packet, conversation, context):
+ # LookupRids
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.rids is None:
+ packet_samr_17(packet, conversation, context)
+ rids = []
+ for r in c.rids:
+ for i in r.ids:
+ rids.append(i)
+ s.LookupRids(c.domain_handle, rids)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_19(packet, conversation, context):
+ # OpenGroup
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.domain_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_7(packet, conversation, context)
+ rid = 0x202 # Users I think.
+ c.group_handle = s.OpenGroup(c.domain_handle,
+ rid)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_25(packet, conversation, context):
+ # QueryGroupMember
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.group_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_19(packet, conversation, context)
+ s.QueryGroupMember(c.group_handle)
+ return True
+def packet_samr_34(packet, conversation, context):
+ # OpenUser
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.rids is None:
+ packet_samr_17(packet, conversation, context)
+ c.user_handle = s.OpenUser(c.domain_handle,
+ c.rids[0].ids[0])
+ return True
+def packet_samr_36(packet, conversation, context):
+ # QueryUserInfo
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.user_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_34(packet, conversation, context)
+ level = 1
+ s.QueryUserInfo(c.user_handle, level)
+ return True
+packet_samr_37 = null_packet
+def packet_samr_39(packet, conversation, context):
+ # GetGroupsForUser
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ s = c.get_connection()
+ if c.user_handle is None:
+ packet_samr_34(packet, conversation, context)
+ s.GetGroupsForUser(c.user_handle)
+ return True
+packet_samr_40 = null_packet
+packet_samr_44 = null_packet
+def packet_samr_57(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Connect2
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ c.get_handle()
+ return True
+def packet_samr_64(packet, conversation, context):
+ # Connect5
+ c = context.get_samr_context()
+ c.get_handle()
+ return True
+packet_samr_68 = null_packet
+def packet_srvsvc_16(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetShareGetInfo
+ s = context.get_srvsvc_connection()
+ server_unc = "\\\\" + context.server
+ share_name = "netlogon"
+ level = 1
+ s.NetShareGetInfo(server_unc, share_name, level)
+ return True
+def packet_srvsvc_21(packet, conversation, context):
+ # NetSrvGetInfo
+ srvsvc = context.get_srvsvc_connection()
+ server_unc = "\\\\" + context.server
+ level = 102
+ srvsvc.NetSrvGetInfo(server_unc, level)
+ return True
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e299eb19e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "ngrams": {
+ "-\t-": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "-\tldap:3": {
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "wait:0\trpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "kerberos:": 1
+ },
+ "rpc_netlogon:29\tkerberos:": {
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": 1
+ },
+ "-\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "ldap:2": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:\tldap:3": {
+ "-": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "conversation_rate": [
+ 2,
+ 0.12712717056274414
+ ],
+ "dns": {
+ "1": 9,
+ "0": 9
+ },
+ "query_details": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "-": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tNetlogon\t\t\t": 3
+ },
+ "ldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tsubschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities\t\t\t": 1,
+ "2\tDC,DC\t\tcn\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:2": {
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:": {
+ "": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "cumulative_duration": 0.39243292808532715
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae766f1e54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+1487921562.592126000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.592285000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.592636000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.592911000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.593315000 06 3 5 1 ldap 3 searchRequest 2 DC,DC cn
+1487921562.596247000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.596362000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.596697000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.596921000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.598308000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.598414000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.598729000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.598963000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.607624000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.607956000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.608009000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.608232000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.612424000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.612648000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.720442000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.720706000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.721004000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.724801000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.728632000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.732508000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.748004000 06 3 1 5 ldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.820387000 06 3 5 1 ldap 2 unbindRequest
+1487921562.831445000 06 14 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.831565000 06 14 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.831776000 06 14 6 1 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.832483000 06 14 1 6 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.833521000 06 15 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.833775000 06 15 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.833955000 06 15 6 1 rpc_netlogon 4 NetrServerReqChallenge
+1487921562.834039000 06 15 1 6 rpc_netlogon 4 NetrServerReqChallenge
+1487921562.834325000 06 15 6 1 rpc_netlogon 26 NetrServerAuthenticate3
+1487921562.834895000 06 15 1 6 rpc_netlogon 26 NetrServerAuthenticate3
+1487921562.835515000 06 16 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.836417000 06 16 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.836694000 06 16 6 1 rpc_netlogon 21 NetrLogonDummyRoutine1
+1487921562.836917000 06 16 1 6 rpc_netlogon 21 NetrLogonDummyRoutine1
+1487921562.852041000 06 14 6 1 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.852687000 06 14 1 6 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.876310000 06 16 6 1 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+1487921562.880868000 06 18 6 1 kerberos
+1487921562.881074000 06 16 1 6 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+1487921562.884476000 06 19 6 1 ldap 3 searchRequest subschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities
+1487921562.885803000 06 18 1 6 kerberos
+1487921562.892086000 06 19 1 6 ldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.916946000 06 20 6 1 smb 0x72 Negotiate Protocol (0x72)
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_learner.expected b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_learner.expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e299eb19e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_learner.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "ngrams": {
+ "-\t-": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "-\tldap:3": {
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "wait:0\trpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "kerberos:": 1
+ },
+ "rpc_netlogon:29\tkerberos:": {
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": 1
+ },
+ "-\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "ldap:2": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:\tldap:3": {
+ "-": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "conversation_rate": [
+ 2,
+ 0.12712717056274414
+ ],
+ "dns": {
+ "1": 9,
+ "0": 9
+ },
+ "query_details": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "-": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tNetlogon\t\t\t": 3
+ },
+ "ldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tsubschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities\t\t\t": 1,
+ "2\tDC,DC\t\tcn\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:2": {
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:": {
+ "": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "cumulative_duration": 0.39243292808532715
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_replay.expected b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_replay.expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b29c8b04121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata/traffic_replay.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+0.000000 06 3 5 1 ldap 3 searchRequest 2 DC,DC cn
+0.127127 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+0.127391 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+0.127689 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+0.227072 06 3 5 1 ldap 2 unbindRequest
+0.282995 06 16 6 1 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+0.287553 06 18 6 1 kerberos
+0.287759 06 16 1 6 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+0.291161 06 19 6 1 ldap 3 searchRequest subschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities
+0.292488 06 18 1 6 kerberos
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..edafc21384c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Black box tests for script/traffic_leaner
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+"""Blackbox tests for traffic_leaner"""
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import os
+import tempfile
+from samba.tests import BlackboxTestCase
+LEARNER = "script/traffic_learner"
+DATA_DIR = "python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata"
+def temp_file(temp_dir):
+ try:
+ tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=temp_dir)
+ name =
+ tf.close()
+ yield name
+ finally:
+ if os.path.exists(name):
+ os.remove(name)
+class TrafficLearnerTests(BlackboxTestCase):
+ def test_no_output_file(self):
+ """Run the script with no output file specified"""
+ expected = ("No output file was specified to write the model to.\n"
+ "Please specify a filename using the --out option.\n")
+ actual = self.check_output(LEARNER)
+ self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
+ def test_model_generation(self):
+ """Ensure a model is generated from a summary file and it is
+ correct"""
+ with temp_file(self.tempdir) as output:
+ summary = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "traffic-sample-very-short.txt")
+ command = "%s %s --out %s" % (LEARNER, summary, output)
+ self.check_run(command)
+ expected_fn = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "traffic_learner.expected")
+ expected = open(expected_fn).readlines()
+ actual = open(output).readlines()
+ self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/blackbox/ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cea9be057b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/blackbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Black box tests for script/traffic_leaner
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+"""Blackbox tests for traffic_replay"""
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import os
+import tempfile
+from samba.tests import BlackboxTestCase
+DATA_DIR = "python/samba/tests/blackbox/testdata"
+SCRIPT = "script/traffic_replay"
+FIXED = "--fixed-password trafficreplay01%"
+SERVER = os.environ["SERVER"]
+PASSWORD = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+USER = os.environ["USERNAME"]
+SUMMARY = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "traffic-sample-very-short.txt")
+EXPECTED_NAME = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "traffic_replay.expected")
+def temp_file(temp_dir):
+ try:
+ tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=temp_dir)
+ name =
+ tf.close()
+ yield name
+ finally:
+ if os.path.exists(name):
+ os.remove(name)
+class TrafficLearnerTests(BlackboxTestCase):
+ def tearDown(self):
+ options = "--clean-up"
+ command = "%s %s %s" % (SCRIPT, options, STD_OPTIONS)
+ self.check_run(command)
+ def test_generate_users_only(self):
+ """Ensure the generate users only option functions correctly
+ """
+ options = ("--generate-users-only --number-of-users 20 "
+ "--number-of-groups 5 --average-groups-per-user 2")
+ command = "%s %s %s %s %s" % (
+ self.check_run(command)
+ def test_summary_generation(self):
+ """Ensure a summary file is generated and the contents are correct"""
+ with temp_file(self.tempdir) as output:
+ options = "--traffic-summary %s " % (output)
+ command = "%s %s %s %s %s" % (
+ self.check_run(command)
+ expected = (open(EXPECTED_NAME).readlines())
+ actual = open(output).readlines()
+ self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
+ def test_summary_replay(self):
+ """Ensure a summary file can be replayed against a DC
+ """
+ command = "%s %s %s %s" % (SCRIPT, SUMMARY, FIXED, STD_OPTIONS)
+ self.check_run(command)
+ def test_summary_replay_no_fixed(self):
+ """Ensure a summary file with no fixed password fails
+ """
+ command = "%s %s %s" % (SCRIPT, SUMMARY, STD_OPTIONS)
+ self.check_exit_code(command, 1)
+ def test_model_replay(self):
+ """Ensure a model can be replayed against a DC
+ """
+ model = "testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model"
+ command = "%s %s-D 5 %s %s" % (SCRIPT, model, FIXED, STD_OPTIONS)
+ self.check_run(command)
+ def test_generate_users_only_no_password(self):
+ """Ensure the generate users only fails if no fixed_password supplied"
+ """
+ options = ("--generate-users-only --number-of-users 20 "
+ "--number-of-groups 5 --average-groups-per-user 2")
+ summary = "testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt"
+ command = "%s %s %s %s" % (SCRIPT, summary, options, STD_OPTIONS)
+ self.check_exit_code(command, 1)
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/emulate/ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b4ed837744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Package initialisation
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/emulate/ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a57c2f5bc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Unit and integration tests for
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# from pprint import pprint
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import samba.tests
+from samba.emulate import traffic
+TEST_FILE = 'testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt'
+class TrafficEmulatorTests(samba.tests.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.model = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.model
+ def test_parse_ngrams_dns_included(self):
+ model = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ f = open(TEST_FILE)
+ (conversations,
+ interval,
+ duration,
+ dns_counts) = traffic.ingest_summaries([f], dns_mode='include')
+ f.close()
+ model.learn(conversations)
+ expected_ngrams = {
+ ('-', '-'): ['dns:0', 'dns:0', 'dns:0', 'ldap:3'],
+ ('-', 'dns:0'): ['dns:0', 'dns:0', 'dns:0'],
+ ('-', 'ldap:3'): ['wait:0'],
+ ('cldap:3', 'cldap:3'): ['cldap:3', 'wait:0'],
+ ('cldap:3', 'wait:0'): ['rpc_netlogon:29'],
+ ('dns:0', 'dns:0'): ['dns:0', 'dns:0', 'dns:0', 'wait:0'],
+ ('dns:0', 'wait:0'): ['cldap:3'],
+ ('kerberos:', 'ldap:3'): ['-'],
+ ('ldap:3', 'wait:0'): ['ldap:2'],
+ ('rpc_netlogon:29', 'kerberos:'): ['ldap:3'],
+ ('wait:0', 'cldap:3'): ['cldap:3'],
+ ('wait:0', 'rpc_netlogon:29'): ['kerberos:']
+ }
+ expected_query_details = {
+ 'cldap:3': [('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', ''),
+ ('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', ''),
+ ('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', '')],
+ 'dns:0': [(), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ()],
+ 'kerberos:': [('',)],
+ 'ldap:2': [('', '', '', '', '', '', '')],
+ 'ldap:3': [('',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'subschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,'
+ 'defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,'
+ 'configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,'
+ 'supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,'
+ 'supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,'
+ 'dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,'
+ 'supportedCapabilities',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''),
+ ('2', 'DC,DC', '', 'cn', '', '', '')],
+ 'rpc_netlogon:29': [()]
+ }
+ self.maxDiff = 5000
+ ngrams = {k: sorted(v) for k, v in model.ngrams.items()}
+ details = {k: sorted(v) for k, v in model.query_details.items()}
+ self.assertEqual(expected_ngrams, ngrams)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_query_details, details)
+ # We use a stringIO instead of a temporary file
+ f = StringIO()
+ model2 = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ model2.load(f)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_ngrams, model2.ngrams)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_query_details, model2.query_details)
+ def test_parse_ngrams(self):
+ f = open(TEST_FILE)
+ (conversations,
+ interval,
+ duration,
+ dns_counts) = traffic.ingest_summaries([f])
+ f.close()
+ self.model.learn(conversations, dns_counts)
+ # print 'ngrams'
+ # pprint(self.model.ngrams, width=50)
+ # print 'query_details'
+ # pprint(self.model.query_details, width=55)
+ expected_ngrams = {
+ ('-', '-'): ['cldap:3', 'ldap:3'],
+ ('-', 'cldap:3'): ['cldap:3'],
+ ('-', 'ldap:3'): ['wait:0'],
+ ('cldap:3', 'cldap:3'): ['cldap:3', 'wait:0'],
+ ('cldap:3', 'wait:0'): ['rpc_netlogon:29'],
+ ('kerberos:', 'ldap:3'): ['-'],
+ ('ldap:3', 'wait:0'): ['ldap:2'],
+ ('rpc_netlogon:29', 'kerberos:'): ['ldap:3'],
+ ('wait:0', 'rpc_netlogon:29'): ['kerberos:']
+ }
+ expected_query_details = {
+ 'cldap:3': [('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', ''),
+ ('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', ''),
+ ('', '', '', 'Netlogon', '', '', '')],
+ 'kerberos:': [('',)],
+ 'ldap:2': [('', '', '', '', '', '', '')],
+ 'ldap:3': [('',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'subschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,'
+ 'defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,'
+ 'configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,'
+ 'supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,'
+ 'supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,'
+ 'dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,'
+ 'supportedCapabilities',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''),
+ ('2', 'DC,DC', '', 'cn', '', '', '')],
+ 'rpc_netlogon:29': [()]
+ }
+ self.maxDiff = 5000
+ ngrams = {k: sorted(v) for k, v in self.model.ngrams.items()}
+ details = {k: sorted(v) for k, v in self.model.query_details.items()}
+ self.assertEqual(expected_ngrams, ngrams)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_query_details, details)
+ # We use a stringIO instead of a temporary file
+ f = StringIO()
+ model2 = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ model2.load(f)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_ngrams, model2.ngrams)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_query_details, model2.query_details)
diff --git a/python/samba/tests/emulate/ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8aa6ca03247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/samba/tests/emulate/
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+# Unit and integration tests for
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from samba.auth import system_session
+from samba.credentials import MUST_USE_KERBEROS, DONT_USE_KERBEROS
+from samba.emulate import traffic_packets as p
+from samba.emulate import traffic
+from samba.samdb import SamDB
+import samba.tests
+class TrafficEmulatorPacketTests(samba.tests.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TrafficEmulatorPacketTests, self).setUp()
+ self.server = os.environ["SERVER"]
+ self.domain = os.environ["DOMAIN"]
+ = os.environ["SERVER_IP"]
+ self.lp = self.get_loadparm()
+ self.session = system_session()
+ self.credentials = self.get_credentials()
+ self.ldb = SamDB(url="ldap://%s" %,
+ session_info=self.session,
+ credentials=self.credentials,
+ lp=self.lp)
+ self.domain_sid = self.ldb.get_domain_sid()
+ traffic.clean_up_accounts(self.ldb, 1)
+ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="traffic_packet_test_")
+ self.context = traffic.ReplayContext(server=self.server,
+ lp=self.lp,
+ creds=self.credentials,
+ tempdir=self.tempdir,
+ ou=traffic.ou_name(self.ldb, 1),
+ domain_sid=self.domain_sid)
+ self.conversation = traffic.Conversation()
+ self.conversation.conversation_id = 1
+ self.machinename = "STGM-1-1"
+ self.machinepass = samba.generate_random_password(32, 32)
+ self.username = "STGU-1-1"
+ self.userpass = samba.generate_random_password(32, 32)
+ account = traffic.ConversationAccounts(
+ self.machinename,
+ self.machinepass,
+ self.username,
+ self.userpass)
+ traffic.create_ou(self.ldb, 1)
+ traffic.create_machine_account(self.ldb,
+ 1,
+ self.machinename,
+ self.machinepass)
+ traffic.create_user_account(self.ldb,
+ 1,
+ self.username,
+ self.userpass)
+ self.context.generate_process_local_config(account, self.conversation)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(TrafficEmulatorPacketTests, self).tearDown()
+ traffic.clean_up_accounts(self.ldb, 1)
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
+ def test_packet_cldap_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t2\t1\tcldap\t3\tsearchRequest\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_cldap_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_cldap_05(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tcldap\t5\tsearchResDone\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_cldap_5(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t2\t1\tdcerpc\t0\tRequest\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_02(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tdcerpc\t2\tResponse\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_2(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tdcerpc\t3\t\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_11(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t2\t1\tdcerpc\t11\tBind\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_11(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_13(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet("0.0\t11\t1\t2\t1\tdcerpc\t13\t\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_13(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_14(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t11\t1\t2\t1\tdcerpc\t14\tAlter_context\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_14(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_15(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tdcerpc\t15\tAlter_context_resp\t")
+ # Set user_creds MUST_USE_KERBEROS to suppress the warning message.
+ self.context.user_creds.set_kerberos_state(MUST_USE_KERBEROS)
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_15(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dcerpc_16(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tdcerpc\t16\tAUTH3\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dcerpc_16(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_dns_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tdns\t1\tresponse\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_dns_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t0\tDsBind\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_drsuapi_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t1\tDsUnBind\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_drsuapi_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_02(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t2\tDsReplicaSync\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_drsuapi_2(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t3\tDsGetNCChanges\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_drsuapi_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_04(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t4\tDsReplicaUpdateRefs\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_drsuapi_4(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_12(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t12\tDsCrackNames\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_drsuapi_12(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_drsuapi_13(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tdrsuapi\t13\tDsWriteAccountSpn\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_drsuapi_13(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_epm_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tepm\t3\tMap\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_epm_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_kerberos(self):
+ """Kerberos packets are not generated, but are used as a hint to
+ favour kerberos.
+ """
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t11\t1\t1\t2\tkerberos\t\t\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_kerberos_(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ self.assertEqual(MUST_USE_KERBEROS,
+ self.context.user_creds.get_kerberos_state())
+ self.assertEqual(MUST_USE_KERBEROS,
+ self.context.user_creds_bad.get_kerberos_state())
+ self.assertEqual(MUST_USE_KERBEROS,
+ self.context.machine_creds.get_kerberos_state())
+ self.assertEqual(MUST_USE_KERBEROS,
+ self.context.machine_creds_bad.get_kerberos_state())
+ self.assertEqual(MUST_USE_KERBEROS,
+ self.context.creds.get_kerberos_state())
+ # Need to restore kerberos creds on the admin creds otherwise
+ # subsequent tests fail
+ self.credentials.set_kerberos_state(DONT_USE_KERBEROS)
+ def test_packet_ldap(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t\t*** Unknown ***\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_00_sasl(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t0\tbindRequest"
+ "\t\t\t\t\t3\tsasl\t1.")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_ldap_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_00_simple(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t0\tbindRequest"
+ "\t\t\t\t\t0\tsimple\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_ldap_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t1\tbindResponse\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_02(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t2\tunbindRequest\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_2(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t3\tsearchRequest"
+ "\t2\tDC,DC\t\tcn\t\t\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_ldap_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_04(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t4\tsearchResEntry\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_4(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_05(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t5\tsearchResDone\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_5(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_06(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t6\tmodifyRequest\t"
+ "\t\t\t\t0\tadd")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_6(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_07(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t7\tmodifyResponse\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_7(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_08(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t8\taddRequest\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_8(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_09(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tldap\t9\taddResponse\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_9(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_ldap_16(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tldap\t16\tabandonRequest\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_ldap_16(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t0\tlsa_Close\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t1\tlsa_Delete\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_02(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t2\tlsa_EnumeratePrivileges\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_2(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t3\tlsa_QuerySecurityObject\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_04(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t4\tlsa_SetSecurityObject\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_4(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_05(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t5\tlsa_ChangePassword\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_5(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_06(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t6\tlsa_OpenPolicy\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_6(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_14(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t14\tlsa_LookupNames\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_lsarpc_14(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_15(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t15\tlsa_LookupSids\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_lsarpc_15(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_39(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t39\tlsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfoBySid\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_lsarpc_39(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_40(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t40\tlsa_SetTrustedDomainInfo\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_40(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_43(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t43\tlsa_StorePrivateData\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_43(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_44(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t44\tlsa_RetrievePrivateData\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_44(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_68(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t68\tlsa_LookupNames3\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_lsarpc_68(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_76(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t76\tlsa_LookupSids3\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_lsarpc_76(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_lsarpc_77(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tlsarpc\t77\tlsa_LookupNames4\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_lsarpc_77(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_nbns_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tnbns\t0\tquery\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_nbns_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_nbns_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t1\t2\tnbns\t1\tresponse\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_nbns_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t0\tNetrLogonUasLogon\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t1\tNetrLogonUasLogoff\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_04(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t4\tNetrServerReqChallenge\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_4(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_14(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t14\tNetrLogonControl2\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_14(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_15(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t15\tNetrServerAuthenticate2\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_15(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_21(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t21\tNetrLogonDummyRoutine1\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_21(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_26(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t26\tNetrServerAuthenticate3\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_26(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_29(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t29\tNetrLogonGetDomainInfo\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_29(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_30(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t30\tNetrServerPasswordSet2\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_30(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_34(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t34\tDsrGetDcNameEx2\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_34(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_39(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t39\tNetrLogonSamLogonEx\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_39(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_40(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t40\tDsrEnumerateDomainTrusts\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_40(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_rpc_netlogon_45(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\trpc_netlogon\t45\tNetrLogonSamLogonWithFlags\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_rpc_netlogon_45(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_00(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t0\tConnect\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_0(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_01(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t1\tClose\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_1(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_03(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t3\tQuerySecurity\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_3(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_05(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t5\tLookupDomain\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_5(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_06(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t6\tEnumDomains\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_6(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_07(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t7\tOpenDomain\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_7(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_08(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t8\tQueryDomainInfo'\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_8(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_14(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t14\tCreateDomAlias\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_samr_14(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_15(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t15\tEnumDomainAliases\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_15(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_16(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t16\tGetAliasMembership\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_16(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_17(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t17\tLookupNames\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_17(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_18(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t18\tLookupRids\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_18(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_19(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t19\tOpenGroup\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_19(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_25(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t25\tQueryGroupMember\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_25(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_34(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t34\tOpenUser\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_34(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_36(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t36\tQueryUserInfo\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_36(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_37(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t37\tSetUserInfo\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_samr_37(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_39(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t39\tGetGroupsForUser\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_39(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_40(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t40\tQueryDisplayInfo\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_samr_40(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_44(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t44\tGetUserPwInfo\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_samr_44(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_57(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t57\tConnect2\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_57(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_64(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t64\tConnect5\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_samr_64(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_samr_68(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsamr\t68\t\t")
+ self.assertFalse(p.packet_samr_68(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_srvsvc_16(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsrvsvc\t16\tNetShareGetInfo\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_srvsvc_16(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
+ def test_packet_srvsvc_21(self):
+ packet = traffic.Packet(
+ "0.0\t06\t1\t2\t1\tsrvsvc\t21\tNetSrvGetInfo\t")
+ self.assertTrue(p.packet_srvsvc_21(packet,
+ self.conversation,
+ self. context))
diff --git a/script/traffic_learner b/script/traffic_learner
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fd5affd609b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/traffic_learner
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Generate a traffic model from a traffic summary file
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import argparse
+sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")
+from samba.emulate import traffic
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+ help="write model here")
+ parser.add_argument('--dns-mode', choices=['inline', 'count'],
+ help='how to deal with DNS', default='count')
+ parser.add_argument('SUMMARY_FILE', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ default=[sys.stdin],
+ help="read from this file (default STDIN)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.out:
+ print >> sys.stdout, "No output file was specified to write the model to."
+ print >> sys.stdout, "Please specify a filename using the --out option."
+ return
+ if args.SUMMARY_FILE is sys.stdin:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "reading from STDIN..."
+ (conversations,
+ interval,
+ duration,
+ dns_counts) = traffic.ingest_summaries(args.SUMMARY_FILE,
+ dns_mode=args.dns_mode)
+ model = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ print >> sys.stderr, "learning model"
+ if args.dns_mode == 'count':
+ model.learn(conversations, dns_counts)
+ else:
+ model.learn(conversations)
diff --git a/script/traffic_replay b/script/traffic_replay
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7b0c8db64d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/traffic_replay
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Generates samba network traffic
+# Copyright (C) Catalyst IT Ltd. 2017
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import os
+import optparse
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")
+from samba.emulate import traffic
+import samba.getopt as options
+def main():
+ desc = ("Generates network traffic 'conversations' based on <summary-file>"
+ " (which should the output file produced by either traffic_learner"
+ " or This traffic is sent to <dns-hostname>,"
+ " which is the full DNS hostname of the DC being tested.")
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ "%prog [--help|options] <summary-file> <dns-hostname>",
+ description=desc)
+ parser.add_option('--dns-rate', type='float', default=0,
+ help='fire extra DNS packets at this rate')
+ parser.add_option('-B', '--badpassword-frequency',
+ type='float', default=0.0,
+ help='frequency of connections with bad passwords')
+ parser.add_option('-K', '--prefer-kerberos',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='prefer kerberos when authenticating test users')
+ parser.add_option('-I', '--instance-id', type='int', default=0,
+ help='Instance number, when running multiple instances')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--timing-data',
+ help=('write individual message timing data here '
+ '(- for stdout)'))
+ parser.add_option('--preserve-tempdir', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='do not delete temporary files')
+ parser.add_option('-F', '--fixed-password',
+ type='string', default=None,
+ help=('Password used for the test users created. '
+ 'Required'))
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--clean-up',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='Clean up the generated groups and user accounts')
+ model_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Traffic Model Options',
+ 'These options alter the traffic '
+ 'generated when the summary-file is a '
+ 'traffic-model (produced by '
+ 'traffic_learner)')
+ model_group.add_option('-S', '--scale-traffic', type='float', default=1.0,
+ help='Increase the number of conversations by '
+ 'this factor')
+ model_group.add_option('-D', '--duration', type='float', default=None,
+ help=('Run model for this long (approx). '
+ 'Default 60s for models'))
+ model_group.add_option('-r', '--replay-rate', type='float', default=1.0,
+ help='Replay the traffic faster by this factor')
+ model_group.add_option('--traffic-summary',
+ help=('Generate a traffic summary file and write '
+ 'it here (- for stdout)'))
+ parser.add_option_group(model_group)
+ user_gen_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Generate User Options',
+ "Add extra user/groups on the DC to "
+ "increase the DB size. These extra "
+ "users aren't used for traffic "
+ "generation.")
+ user_gen_group.add_option('-G', '--generate-users-only',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='Generate the users, but do not replay '
+ 'the traffic')
+ user_gen_group.add_option('-n', '--number-of-users', type='int', default=0,
+ help='Total number of test users to create')
+ user_gen_group.add_option('--number-of-groups', type='int', default=0,
+ help='Create this many groups')
+ user_gen_group.add_option('--average-groups-per-user',
+ type='int', default=0,
+ help='Assign the test users to this '
+ 'many groups on average')
+ user_gen_group.add_option('--group-memberships', type='int', default=0,
+ help='Total memberships to assign across all '
+ 'test users and all groups')
+ parser.add_option_group(user_gen_group)
+ sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
+ parser.add_option_group(sambaopts)
+ parser.add_option_group(options.VersionOptions(parser))
+ credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
+ parser.add_option_group(credopts)
+ # the --no-password credential doesn't make sense for this tool
+ if parser.has_option('-N'):
+ parser.remove_option('-N')
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ # First ensure we have reasonable arguments
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ summary = None
+ host = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ summary, host = args
+ else:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ return
+ if opts.clean_up:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Removing user and machine accounts"
+ lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
+ creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
+ ldb = traffic.openLdb(host, creds, lp)
+ traffic.clean_up_accounts(ldb, opts.instance_id)
+ exit(0)
+ if summary:
+ if not os.path.exists(summary):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Summary file %s doesn't exist" % summary
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # the summary-file can be ommitted for --generate-users-only and
+ # --cleanup-up, but it should be specified in all other cases
+ elif not opts.generate_users_only:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "No summary-file specified to replay traffic from"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not opts.fixed_password:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Please use --fixed-password to specify a password"
+ " for the users created as part of this test")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
+ creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
+ domain = opts.workgroup
+ if domain:
+ lp.set("workgroup", domain)
+ else:
+ domain = lp.get("workgroup")
+ if domain == "WORKGROUP":
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("NETBIOS domain does not appear to be "
+ "specified, use the --workgroup option")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not opts.realm and not lp.get('realm'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Realm not specified, use the --realm option"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.generate_users_only and not (opts.number_of_users or
+ opts.number_of_groups):
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Please specify the number of users and/or groups "
+ "to generate.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.group_memberships and opts.average_groups_per_user:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("--group-memberships and --average-groups-per-user"
+ " are incompatible options - use one or the other")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not opts.number_of_groups and opts.average_groups_per_user:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("--average-groups-per-user requires "
+ "--number-of-groups")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not opts.number_of_groups and opts.group_memberships:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "--group-memberships requires --number-of-groups"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.timing_data not in ('-', None):
+ try:
+ open(opts.timing_data, 'w').close()
+ except IOError as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, ("the supplied timing data destination "
+ "(%s) is not writable" % opts.timing_data)
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ sys.exit()
+ if opts.traffic_summary not in ('-', None):
+ try:
+ open(opts.traffic_summary, 'w').close()
+ except IOError as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, ("the supplied traffic summary destination "
+ "(%s) is not writable" % opts.traffic_summary)
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ sys.exit()
+ traffic.DEBUG_LEVEL = opts.debuglevel
+ duration = opts.duration
+ if duration is None:
+ duration = 60.0
+ # ingest the model or traffic summary
+ if summary:
+ try:
+ conversations, interval, duration, dns_counts = \
+ traffic.ingest_summaries([summary])
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Using conversations from the traffic summary "
+ "file specified")
+ # honour the specified duration if it's different to the
+ # capture duration
+ if opts.duration is not None:
+ duration = opts.duration
+ except ValueError as e:
+ if not e.message.startswith('need more than'):
+ raise
+ model = traffic.TrafficModel()
+ try:
+ model.load(summary)
+ except ValueError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Could not parse %s. The summary file "
+ "should be the output from either the "
+ " or "
+ "traffic_learner scripts."
+ % summary)
+ sys.exit()
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Using the specified model file to "
+ "generate conversations")
+ conversations = model.generate_conversations(opts.scale_traffic,
+ duration,
+ opts.replay_rate)
+ else:
+ conversations = []
+ if opts.debuglevel > 5:
+ for c in conversations:
+ for p in c.packets:
+ print " ", p
+ print '=' * 72
+ if opts.number_of_users and opts.number_of_users < len(conversations):
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("--number-of-users (%d) is less than the "
+ "number of conversations to replay (%d)"
+ % (opts.number_of_users, len(conversations)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ number_of_users = max(opts.number_of_users, len(conversations))
+ max_memberships = number_of_users * opts.number_of_groups
+ if not opts.group_memberships and opts.average_groups_per_user:
+ opts.group_memberships = opts.average_groups_per_user * number_of_users
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("Using %d group-memberships based on %u average "
+ "memberships for %d users"
+ % (opts.group_memberships,
+ opts.average_groups_per_user, number_of_users))
+ if opts.group_memberships > max_memberships:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("The group memberships specified (%d) exceeds "
+ "the total users (%d) * total groups (%d)"
+ % (opts.group_memberships, number_of_users,
+ opts.number_of_groups))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ ldb = traffic.openLdb(host, creds, lp)
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ("\nInitial LDAP connection failed! Did you supply "
+ "a DNS host name and the correct credentials?")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.generate_users_only:
+ traffic.generate_users_and_groups(ldb,
+ opts.instance_id,
+ opts.fixed_password,
+ opts.number_of_users,
+ opts.number_of_groups,
+ opts.group_memberships)
+ sys.exit()
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="samba_tg_")
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Using temp dir %s" % tempdir
+ traffic.generate_users_and_groups(ldb,
+ opts.instance_id,
+ opts.fixed_password,
+ number_of_users,
+ opts.number_of_groups,
+ opts.group_memberships)
+ accounts = traffic.generate_replay_accounts(ldb,
+ opts.instance_id,
+ len(conversations),
+ opts.fixed_password)
+ statsdir = traffic.mk_masked_dir(tempdir, 'stats')
+ if opts.traffic_summary:
+ if opts.traffic_summary == '-':
+ summary_dest = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ summary_dest = open(opts.traffic_summary, 'w')
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Writing traffic summary"
+ summaries = []
+ for c in conversations:
+ summaries += c.replay_as_summary_lines()
+ summaries.sort()
+ for (time, line) in summaries:
+ print >>summary_dest, line
+ exit(0)
+ traffic.replay(conversations, host,
+ lp=lp,
+ creds=creds,
+ accounts=accounts,
+ dns_rate=opts.dns_rate,
+ duration=duration,
+ badpassword_frequency=opts.badpassword_frequency,
+ prefer_kerberos=opts.prefer_kerberos,
+ statsdir=statsdir,
+ domain=domain,
+ base_dn=ldb.domain_dn(),
+ ou=traffic.ou_name(ldb, opts.instance_id),
+ tempdir=tempdir,
+ domain_sid=ldb.get_domain_sid())
+ if opts.timing_data == '-':
+ timing_dest = sys.stdout
+ elif opts.timing_data is None:
+ timing_dest = None
+ else:
+ timing_dest = open(opts.timing_data, 'w')
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Generating statistics"
+ traffic.generate_stats(statsdir, timing_dest)
+ if not opts.preserve_tempdir:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Removing temporary directory"
+ shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
diff --git a/selftest/ b/selftest/
index a9e01ee9417..b2321537b0b 100644
--- a/selftest/
+++ b/selftest/
@@ -132,10 +132,6 @@ planpythontestsuite("none", "samba.tests.kcc.graph_utils")
planpythontestsuite("none", "samba.tests.kcc.kcc_utils")
planpythontestsuite("none", "samba.tests.kcc.ldif_import_export")
plantestsuite("wafsamba.duplicate_symbols", "none", [os.path.join(srcdir(), "buildtools/wafsamba/")])
- "script.traffic_summary", "none",
- [os.path.join(srcdir(), "script/tests/"),
- configuration])
planpythontestsuite("none", "samba.tests.glue", py3_compatible=True)
planpythontestsuite("none", "samba.tests.tdb_util", py3_compatible=True)
diff --git a/source4/selftest/ b/source4/selftest/
index da48730bb96..c71cc9fb058 100755
--- a/source4/selftest/
+++ b/source4/selftest/
@@ -688,6 +688,18 @@ for env in ["ad_dc_ntvfs", "vampire_dc", "promoted_dc"]:
+ "samba.tests.emulate.traffic",
+ extra_args=['-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"'])
+ "samba.tests.emulate.traffic_packet",
+ extra_args=['-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"'])
+ "samba.tests.blackbox.traffic_replay",
+ extra_args=['-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"'])
+ "samba.tests.blackbox.traffic_learner",
+ extra_args=['-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"'])
plantestsuite_loadlist("samba4.ldap.python(ad_dc_ntvfs)", "ad_dc_ntvfs", [python, os.path.join(samba4srcdir, "dsdb/tests/python/"), '$SERVER', '-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"', '--workgroup=$DOMAIN', '$LOADLIST', '$LISTOPT'])
plantestsuite_loadlist("samba4.tokengroups.krb5.python(ad_dc_ntvfs)", "ad_dc_ntvfs:local", [python, os.path.join(samba4srcdir, "dsdb/tests/python/"), '$SERVER', '-U"$USERNAME%$PASSWORD"', '--workgroup=$DOMAIN', '-k', 'yes', '$LOADLIST', '$LISTOPT'])
diff --git a/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model b/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e299eb19e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.model
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "ngrams": {
+ "-\t-": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "-\tldap:3": {
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "wait:0\trpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "kerberos:": 1
+ },
+ "rpc_netlogon:29\tkerberos:": {
+ "ldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": 1
+ },
+ "-\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:3\twait:0": {
+ "ldap:2": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3\tcldap:3": {
+ "cldap:3": 1,
+ "wait:0": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:\tldap:3": {
+ "-": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "conversation_rate": [
+ 2,
+ 0.12712717056274414
+ ],
+ "dns": {
+ "1": 9,
+ "0": 9
+ },
+ "query_details": {
+ "rpc_netlogon:29": {
+ "-": 1
+ },
+ "cldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tNetlogon\t\t\t": 3
+ },
+ "ldap:3": {
+ "\t\t\tsubschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities\t\t\t": 1,
+ "2\tDC,DC\t\tcn\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "ldap:2": {
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\t": 1
+ },
+ "kerberos:": {
+ "": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "cumulative_duration": 0.39243292808532715
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt b/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae766f1e54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdata/traffic-sample-very-short.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+1487921562.592126000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.592285000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.592636000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.592911000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.593315000 06 3 5 1 ldap 3 searchRequest 2 DC,DC cn
+1487921562.596247000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.596362000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.596697000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.596921000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.598308000 11 3 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.598414000 11 1 4 dns 0 query
+1487921562.598729000 11 4 1 dns 1 response
+1487921562.598963000 11 1 3 dns 1 response
+1487921562.607624000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.607956000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.608009000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.608232000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.612424000 11 6 1 dns 0 query
+1487921562.612648000 11 1 6 dns 1 response
+1487921562.720442000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.720706000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.721004000 11 6 1 cldap 3 searchRequest Netlogon
+1487921562.724801000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.728632000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.732508000 11 1 6 cldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.748004000 06 3 1 5 ldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.820387000 06 3 5 1 ldap 2 unbindRequest
+1487921562.831445000 06 14 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.831565000 06 14 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.831776000 06 14 6 1 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.832483000 06 14 1 6 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.833521000 06 15 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.833775000 06 15 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.833955000 06 15 6 1 rpc_netlogon 4 NetrServerReqChallenge
+1487921562.834039000 06 15 1 6 rpc_netlogon 4 NetrServerReqChallenge
+1487921562.834325000 06 15 6 1 rpc_netlogon 26 NetrServerAuthenticate3
+1487921562.834895000 06 15 1 6 rpc_netlogon 26 NetrServerAuthenticate3
+1487921562.835515000 06 16 6 1 dcerpc 11 Bind
+1487921562.836417000 06 16 1 6 dcerpc 12 Bind_ack
+1487921562.836694000 06 16 6 1 rpc_netlogon 21 NetrLogonDummyRoutine1
+1487921562.836917000 06 16 1 6 rpc_netlogon 21 NetrLogonDummyRoutine1
+1487921562.852041000 06 14 6 1 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.852687000 06 14 1 6 epm 3 Map
+1487921562.876310000 06 16 6 1 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+1487921562.880868000 06 18 6 1 kerberos
+1487921562.881074000 06 16 1 6 rpc_netlogon 29 NetrLogonGetDomainInfo
+1487921562.884476000 06 19 6 1 ldap 3 searchRequest subschemaSubentry,dsServiceName,namingContexts,defaultNamingContext,schemaNamingContext,configurationNamingContext,rootDomainNamingContext,supportedControl,supportedLDAPVersion,supportedLDAPPolicies,supportedSASLMechanisms,dnsHostName,ldapServiceName,serverName,supportedCapabilities
+1487921562.885803000 06 18 1 6 kerberos
+1487921562.892086000 06 19 1 6 ldap 5 searchResDone
+1487921562.916946000 06 20 6 1 smb 0x72 Negotiate Protocol (0x72)