path: root/pidl/pidl
diff options
authorJelmer Vernooij <>2008-09-17 17:12:27 +0200
committerJelmer Vernooij <>2008-09-17 17:12:27 +0200
commit79190992b3820cd028c961c48bdea9b35baf13c9 (patch)
tree0de851669d98f04e947d20349d96723462cd1eb0 /pidl/pidl
parent3b5330e9094ecf0be94d3dbea744de140ec55e19 (diff)
Move pidl to top-level directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'pidl/pidl')
1 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pidl/pidl b/pidl/pidl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e58442ba1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pidl/pidl
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# package to parse IDL files and generate code for
+# rpc functions in Samba
+# Copyright 2000-2003
+# Copyright 2005-2007
+# released under the GNU GPL
+=head1 NAME
+pidl - An IDL compiler written in Perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+pidl --help
+pidl [--outputdir[=OUTNAME]] [--includedir DIR...] [--parse-idl-tree] [--dump-idl-tree] [--dump-ndr-tree] [--header[=OUTPUT]] [--ejs[=OUTPUT]] [--python[=OUTPUT]] [--swig[=OUTPUT]] [--ndr-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--client] [--server] [--warn-compat] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--template] [--ws-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--diff] [--dump-idl] [--tdr-parser[=OUTPUT]] [--samba3-ndr-client[=OUTPUT]] [--samba3-ndr-server[=OUTPUT]] [--typelib=[OUTPUT]] [<idlfile>.idl]...
+pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat
+compatible with the midl compiler. IDL is short for
+"Interface Definition Language".
+pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC
+client code and Wireshark dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic.
+IDL compilers like pidl take a description
+of an interface as their input and use it to generate C
+(though support for other languages may be added later) code that
+can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent
+using these interfaces, or even generate Wireshark
+dissectors that can parse data sent over the
+wire by these interfaces.
+pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl,
+converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need.
+.pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your
+interface definitions in .idl format.
+The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used
+while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for
+both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item I<--help>
+Show list of available options.
+=item I<--version>
+Show pidl version
+=item I<--outputdir OUTNAME>
+Write output files to the specified directory. Defaults to the current
+=item I<--includedir DIR>
+Add DIR to the search path used by the preprocessor. This option can be
+specified multiple times.
+=item I<--parse-idl-tree>
+Read internal tree structure from input files rather
+than assuming they contain IDL.
+=item I<--dump-idl>
+Generate a new IDL file. File will be named OUTNAME.idl.
+=item I<--header>
+Generate a C header file for the specified interface. Filename defaults to OUTNAME.h.
+=item I<--ndr-parser>
+Generate a C file and C header containing NDR parsers. The filename for
+the parser defaults to ndr_OUTNAME.c. The header filename will be the
+parser filename with the extension changed from .c to .h.
+=item I<--tdr-parser>
+Generate a C file and C header containing TDR parsers. The filename for
+the parser defaults to tdr_OUTNAME.c. The header filename will be the
+parser filename with the extension changed from .c to .h.
+=item I<--typelib>
+Write type information to the specified file.
+=item I<--server>
+Generate boilerplate for the RPC server that implements
+the interface. Filename defaults to ndr_OUTNAME_s.c.
+=item I<--template>
+Generate stubs for a RPC server that implements the interface. Output will
+be written to stdout.
+=item I<--ws-parser>
+Generate an Wireshark dissector (in C) and header file. The dissector filename
+defaults to packet-dcerpc-OUTNAME.c while the header filename defaults to
+Pidl will read additional data from an Wireshark conformance file if present.
+Such a file should have the same location as the IDL file but with the
+extension I<cnf> rather than I<idl>. See L<Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::Conformance>
+for details on the format of this file.
+=item I<--diff>
+Parse an IDL file, generate a new IDL file based on the internal data
+structures and see if there are any differences with the original IDL file.
+Useful for debugging pidl.
+=item I<--dump-idl-tree>
+Tell pidl to dump the internal tree representation of an IDL
+file the to disk. Useful for debugging pidl.
+=item I<--dump-ndr-tree>
+Tell pidl to dump the internal NDR information tree it generated
+from the IDL file to disk. Useful for debugging pidl.
+=item I<--samba3-ndr-client>
+Generate client calls for Samba3, to be placed in rpc_client/. Instead of
+calling out to the code in Samba3's rpc_parse/, this will call out to
+Samba4's NDR code instead.
+=item I<--samba3-ndr-server>
+Generate server calls for Samba3, to be placed in rpc_server/. Instead of
+calling out to the code in Samba3's rpc_parse/, this will call out to
+Samba4's NDR code instead.
+=head1 IDL SYNTAX
+IDL files are always preprocessed using the C preprocessor.
+Pretty much everything in an interface (the interface itself, functions,
+parameters) can have attributes (or properties whatever name you give them).
+Attributes always prepend the element they apply to and are surrounded
+by square brackets ([]). Multiple attributes are separated by comma's;
+arguments to attributes are specified between parentheses.
+See the section COMPATIBILITY for the list of attributes that
+pidl supports.
+C-style comments can be used.
+A conformant array is one with that ends in [*] or []. The strange
+things about conformant arrays are that they can only appear as the last
+element of a structure (unless there is a pointer to the conformant array,
+of course) and the array size appears before the structure itself on the wire.
+So, in this example:
+ typedef struct {
+ long abc;
+ long count;
+ long foo;
+ [size_is(count)] long s[*];
+ } Struct1;
+it appears like this:
+ [size_is] [abc] [count] [foo] [s...]
+the first [size_is] field is the allocation size of the array, and
+occurs before the array elements and even before the structure
+Note that size_is() can refer to a constant, but that doesn't change
+the wire representation. It does not make the array a fixed array.
+midl.exe would write the above array as the following C header:
+ typedef struct {
+ long abc;
+ long count;
+ long foo;
+ long s[1];
+ } Struct1;
+pidl takes a different approach, and writes it like this:
+ typedef struct {
+ long abc;
+ long count;
+ long foo;
+ long *s;
+ } Struct1;
+A varying array looks like this:
+ typedef struct {
+ long abc;
+ long count;
+ long foo;
+ [size_is(count)] long *s;
+ } Struct1;
+This will look like this on the wire:
+ [abc] [count] [foo] [PTR_s] [count] [s...]
+A fixed array looks like this:
+ typedef struct {
+ long s[10];
+ } Struct1;
+The NDR representation looks just like 10 separate long
+declarations. The array size is not encoded on the wire.
+pidl also supports "inline" arrays, which are not part of the IDL/NDR
+standard. These are declared like this:
+ typedef struct {
+ uint32 foo;
+ uint32 count;
+ uint32 bar;
+ long s[count];
+ } Struct1;
+This appears like this:
+ [foo] [count] [bar] [s...]
+Fixed arrays are an extension added to support some of the strange
+embedded structures in security descriptors and spoolss.
+This section is by no means complete. See the OpenGroup and MSDN
+ documentation for additional information.
+=head2 Missing features in pidl
+The following MIDL features are not (yet) implemented in pidl
+or are implemented with an incompatible interface:
+=item *
+Asynchronous communication
+=item *
+Typelibs (.tlb files)
+=item *
+Datagram support (ncadg_*)
+=head2 Supported attributes and statements
+in, out, ref, length_is, switch_is, size_is, uuid, case, default, string,
+unique, ptr, pointer_default, v1_enum, object, helpstring, range, local,
+call_as, endpoint, switch_type, progid, coclass, iid_is, represent_as,
+transmit_as, import, include, cpp_quote.
+=head2 PIDL Specific properties
+=over 4
+=item public
+The [public] property on a structure or union is a pidl extension that
+forces the generated pull/push functions to be non-static. This allows
+you to declare types that can be used between modules. If you don't
+specify [public] then pull/push functions for other than top-level
+functions are declared static.
+=item noprint
+The [noprint] property is a pidl extension that allows you to specify
+that pidl should not generate a ndr_print_*() function for that
+structure or union. This is used when you wish to define your own
+print function that prints a structure in a nicer manner. A good
+example is the use of [noprint] on dom_sid, which allows the
+pretty-printing of SIDs.
+=item value
+The [value(expression)] property is a pidl extension that allows you
+to specify the value of a field when it is put on the wire. This
+allows fields that always have a well-known value to be automatically
+filled in, thus making the API more programmer friendly. The
+expression can be any C expression.
+=item relative
+The [relative] property can be supplied on a pointer. When it is used
+it declares the pointer as a spoolss style "relative" pointer, which
+means it appears on the wire as an offset within the current
+encapsulating structure. This is not part of normal IDL/NDR, but it is
+a very useful extension as it avoids the manual encoding of many
+complex structures.
+=item subcontext(length)
+Specifies that a size of I<length>
+bytes should be read, followed by a blob of that size,
+which will be parsed as NDR.
+subcontext() is deprecated now, and should not be used in new code.
+Instead, use represent_as() or transmit_as().
+=item flag
+Specify boolean options, mostly used for
+low-level NDR options. Several options
+can be specified using the | character.
+Note that flags are inherited by substructures!
+=item nodiscriminant
+The [nodiscriminant] property on a union means that the usual uint16
+discriminent field at the start of the union on the wire is
+omitted. This is not normally allowed in IDL/NDR, but is used for some
+spoolss structures.
+=item charset(name)
+Specify that the array or string uses the specified
+charset. If this attribute is specified, pidl will
+take care of converting the character data from this format
+to the host format. Commonly used values are UCS2, DOS and UTF8.
+=head2 Unsupported MIDL properties or statements
+aggregatable, appobject, async_uuid, bindable, control,
+defaultbind, defaultcollelem, defaultvalue, defaultvtable, dispinterface,
+displaybind, dual, entry, first_is, helpcontext, helpfile, helpstringcontext,
+helpstringdll, hidden, idl_module, idl_quote, id, immediatebind, importlib,
+includelib, last_is, lcid, licensed, max_is, module,
+ms_union, no_injected_text, nonbrowsable, noncreatable, nonextensible, odl,
+oleautomation, optional, pragma, propget, propputref, propput, readonly,
+requestedit, restricted, retval, source, uidefault,
+usesgetlasterror, vararg, vi_progid, wire_marshal.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+ # Generating an Wireshark parser
+ $ ./pidl --ws-parser -- atsvc.idl
+ # Generating a TDR parser and header
+ $ ./pidl --tdr-parser --header -- regf.idl
+ # Generating a Samba3 client and server
+ $ ./pidl --samba3-ndr-client --samba3-ndr-server -- dfs.idl
+ # Generating a Samba4 NDR parser, client and server
+ $ ./pidl --ndr-parser --ndr-client --ndr-server -- samr.idl
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 LICENSE
+pidl is licensed under the GNU General Public License L<>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+pidl was written by Andrew Tridgell, Stefan Metzmacher, Tim Potter and Jelmer
+Vernooij. The current maintainer is Jelmer Vernooij.
+This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij, partially based on the original
+pidl README by Andrew Tridgell.
+use strict;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin $Script);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+use lib "$RealBin/../share/perl5";
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Parse::Pidl qw ( $VERSION );
+use Parse::Pidl::Util;
+use Parse::Pidl::ODL;
+# save a data structure into a file
+sub SaveStructure($$)
+ my($filename,$v) = @_;
+ FileSave($filename, Parse::Pidl::Util::MyDumper($v));
+# load a data structure from a file (as saved with SaveStructure)
+sub LoadStructure($)
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $contents = FileLoad($f);
+ defined $contents || return undef;
+ return eval "$contents";
+# read a file into a string
+sub FileLoad($)
+ my($filename) = shift;
+ local(*INPUTFILE);
+ open(INPUTFILE, $filename) || return undef;
+ my($saved_delim) = $/;
+ undef $/;
+ my($data) = <INPUTFILE>;
+ close(INPUTFILE);
+ $/ = $saved_delim;
+ return $data;
+# write a string into a file
+sub FileSave($$)
+ my($filename) = shift;
+ my($v) = shift;
+ local(*FILE);
+ open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename";
+ print FILE $v;
+ close(FILE);
+my(@opt_incdirs) = ();
+my($opt_help) = 0;
+my($opt_version) = 0;
+my($opt_parse_idl_tree) = 0;
+my($opt_dump_idl) = 0;
+my($opt_diff) = 0;
+my($opt_template) = 0;
+my($opt_quiet) = 0;
+my($opt_outputdir) = '.';
+my($opt_verbose) = 0;
+my($opt_warn_compat) = 0;
+# display help text
+sub ShowHelp()
+print "perl IDL parser and code generator\n";
+Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell <tridge\>
+Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer\>
+Usage: $Script [options] [--] <idlfile> [<idlfile>...]
+Generic Options:
+ --help this help page
+ --version show pidl version
+ --outputdir=OUTDIR put output in OUTDIR/ [.]
+ --warn-compat warn about incompatibility with other compilers
+ --quiet be quiet
+ --verbose be verbose
+ --includedir DIR search DIR for included files
+ --dump-idl-tree[=FILE] dump internal representation to file [BASENAME.pidl]
+ --parse-idl-tree read internal representation instead of IDL
+ --dump-ndr-tree[=FILE] dump internal NDR data tree to file [BASENAME.ndr]
+ --dump-idl regenerate IDL file
+ --diff run diff on original IDL and dumped output
+ --typelib print type information
+Samba 4 output:
+ --header[=OUTFILE] create generic header file [BASENAME.h]
+ --ndr-parser[=OUTFILE] create a C NDR parser [ndr_BASENAME.c]
+ --client[=OUTFILE] create a C NDR client [ndr_BASENAME_c.c]
+ --tdr-parser[=OUTFILE] create a C TDR parser [tdr_BASENAME.c]
+ --ejs[=OUTFILE] create ejs wrapper file [BASENAME_ejs.c]
+ --python[=OUTFILE] create python wrapper file [py_BASENAME.c]
+ --swig[=OUTFILE] create swig wrapper file [BASENAME.i]
+ --server[=OUTFILE] create server boilerplate [ndr_BASENAME_s.c]
+ --template print a template for a pipe
+ --dcom-proxy[=OUTFILE] create DCOM proxy [ndr_BASENAME_p.c]
+ --com-header[=OUTFILE] create header for COM [com_BASENAME.h]
+Samba 3 output:
+ --samba3-ndr-client[=OUTF] create client calls for Samba3
+ using Samba4's NDR code [cli_BASENAME.c]
+ --samba3-ndr-server[=OUTF] create server call wrapper for Samba3
+ using Samba4's NDR code [srv_BASENAME.c]
+Wireshark parsers:
+ --ws-parser[=OUTFILE] create Wireshark parser and header
+ exit(0);
+# Display version
+sub ShowVersion()
+ print "perl IDL version $VERSION\n";
+# main program
+my $result = GetOptions (
+ 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help,
+ 'version' => \$opt_version,
+ 'outputdir=s' => \$opt_outputdir,
+ 'dump-idl' => \$opt_dump_idl,
+ 'dump-idl-tree:s' => \$opt_dump_idl_tree,
+ 'parse-idl-tree' => \$opt_parse_idl_tree,
+ 'dump-ndr-tree:s' => \$opt_dump_ndr_tree,
+ 'samba3-ndr-client:s' => \$opt_samba3_ndr_client,
+ 'samba3-ndr-server:s' => \$opt_samba3_ndr_server,
+ 'header:s' => \$opt_header,
+ 'server:s' => \$opt_server,
+ 'typelib:s' => \$opt_typelib,
+ 'tdr-parser:s' => \$opt_tdr_parser,
+ 'template' => \$opt_template,
+ 'ndr-parser:s' => \$opt_ndr_parser,
+ 'client:s' => \$opt_client,
+ 'ws-parser:s' => \$opt_ws_parser,
+ 'ejs' => \$opt_ejs,
+ 'python' => \$opt_python,
+ 'diff' => \$opt_diff,
+ 'swig:s' => \$opt_swig,
+ 'dcom-proxy:s' => \$opt_dcom_proxy,
+ 'com-header:s' => \$opt_com_header,
+ 'quiet' => \$opt_quiet,
+ 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
+ 'warn-compat' => \$opt_warn_compat,
+ 'includedir=s@' => \@opt_incdirs
+ );
+if (not $result) {
+ exit(1);
+if ($opt_help) {
+ ShowHelp();
+ exit(0);
+if ($opt_version) {
+ ShowVersion();
+ exit(0);
+sub process_file($)
+ my $idl_file = shift;
+ my $outputdir = $opt_outputdir;
+ my $pidl;
+ my $ndr;
+ my $basename = basename($idl_file, ".idl");
+ unless ($opt_quiet) { print "Compiling $idl_file\n"; }
+ if ($opt_parse_idl_tree) {
+ $pidl = LoadStructure($idl_file);
+ defined $pidl || die "Failed to load $idl_file";
+ } else {
+ require Parse::Pidl::IDL;
+ $pidl = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_file($idl_file, \@opt_incdirs);
+ defined @$pidl || die "Failed to parse $idl_file";
+ }
+ require Parse::Pidl::Typelist;
+ Parse::Pidl::Typelist::LoadIdl($pidl);
+ if (defined($opt_dump_idl_tree)) {
+ my($pidl_file) = ($opt_dump_idl_tree or "$outputdir/$basename.pidl");
+ SaveStructure($pidl_file, $pidl) or die "Failed to save $pidl_file\n";
+ }
+ if ($opt_dump_idl) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Dump;
+ print Parse::Pidl::Dump($pidl);
+ }
+ if ($opt_diff) {
+ my($tempfile) = "$outputdir/$basename.tmp";
+ FileSave($tempfile, IdlDump::Dump($pidl));
+ system("diff -wu $idl_file $tempfile");
+ unlink($tempfile);
+ }
+ my $comh_filename = ($opt_com_header or "$outputdir/com_$basename.h");
+ if (defined($opt_com_header)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Header;
+ my $res = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Header::Parse($pidl,"$outputdir/ndr_$basename.h");
+ if ($res) {
+ FileSave($comh_filename, $res);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_dcom_proxy)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Proxy;
+ my $res = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::COM::Proxy::Parse($pidl,$comh_filename);
+ if ($res) {
+ my ($client) = ($opt_dcom_proxy or "$outputdir/$basename\_p.c");
+ FileSave($client, $res);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opt_warn_compat) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Compat;
+ Parse::Pidl::Compat::Check($pidl);
+ }
+ $pidl = Parse::Pidl::ODL::ODL2IDL($pidl, dirname($idl_file), \@opt_incdirs);
+ if (defined($opt_ws_parser) or
+ defined($opt_client) or
+ defined($opt_server) or
+ defined($opt_header) or
+ defined($opt_ndr_parser) or
+ defined($opt_ejs) or
+ defined($opt_python) or
+ defined($opt_dump_ndr_tree) or
+ defined($opt_samba3_header) or
+ defined($opt_samba3_parser) or
+ defined($opt_samba3_server) or
+ defined($opt_swig) or
+ defined($opt_samba3_ndr_client) or
+ defined($opt_samba3_ndr_server)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::NDR;
+ $ndr = Parse::Pidl::NDR::Parse($pidl);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_dump_ndr_tree)) {
+ my($ndr_file) = ($opt_dump_ndr_tree or "$outputdir/$basename.ndr");
+ SaveStructure($ndr_file, $ndr) or die "Failed to save $ndr_file\n";
+ }
+ my $gen_header = ($opt_header or "$outputdir/$basename.h");
+ if (defined($opt_header)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header;
+ FileSave($gen_header, Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header::Parse($ndr));
+ }
+ my $h_filename = "$outputdir/ndr_$basename.h";
+ if (defined($opt_client)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client;
+ my ($c_client) = ($opt_client or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_c.c");
+ my ($c_header) = $c_client;
+ $c_header =~ s/\.c$/.h/;
+ my ($srcd,$hdrd) = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client::Parse(
+ $ndr,$gen_header,$h_filename,$c_header);
+ FileSave($c_client, $srcd);
+ FileSave($c_header, $hdrd);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_swig)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::SWIG;
+ my($filename) = ($opt_swig or "$outputdir/$basename.i");
+ my $code = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::SWIG::Parse($ndr, $basename, "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_c.h", $gen_header);
+ FileSave($filename, $code);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_ejs)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::EJS;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::EJS();
+ my ($hdr,$prsr) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $h_filename);
+ FileSave("$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_ejs.c", $prsr);
+ FileSave("$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_ejs.h", $hdr);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_python)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Python;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Python();
+ my ($hdr,$prsr) = $generator->Parse($basename, $ndr,
+ "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_c.h", $h_filename);
+ FileSave("$outputdir/py_$basename.c", $prsr);
+ FileSave("$outputdir/py_$basename.h", $hdr);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_server)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Server;
+ FileSave(($opt_server or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename\_s.c"), Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Server::Parse($ndr,$h_filename));
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_ndr_parser)) {
+ my $parser_fname = ($opt_ndr_parser or "$outputdir/ndr_$basename.c");
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Parser;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Parser();
+ my ($header,$parser) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $gen_header, $h_filename);
+ FileSave($parser_fname, $parser);
+ FileSave($h_filename, $header);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_ws_parser)) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR;
+ my($eparser) = ($opt_ws_parser or "$outputdir/packet-dcerpc-$basename.c");
+ my $eheader = $eparser;
+ $eheader =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
+ my $cnffile = $idl_file;
+ $cnffile =~ s/\.idl$/\.cnf/;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Wireshark::NDR();
+ my ($dp, $dh) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $idl_file, $eheader, $cnffile);
+ FileSave($eparser, $dp) if defined($dp);
+ FileSave($eheader, $dh) if defined($dh);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_tdr_parser)) {
+ my $tdr_parser = ($opt_tdr_parser or "$outputdir/tdr_$basename.c");
+ my $tdr_header = $tdr_parser;
+ $tdr_header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::TDR;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::TDR();
+ my ($hdr,$prsr) = $generator->Parser($pidl, $tdr_header, $gen_header);
+ FileSave($tdr_parser, $prsr);
+ FileSave($tdr_header, $hdr);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_typelib)) {
+ my $typelib = ($opt_typelib or "$outputdir/$basename.tlb");
+ require Parse::Pidl::Typelist;
+ FileSave($typelib, Parse::Pidl::Typelist::GenerateTypeLib());
+ }
+ if ($opt_template) {
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Template;
+ print Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Template::Parse($pidl);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_samba3_ndr_client)) {
+ my $client = ($opt_samba3_ndr_client or "$outputdir/cli_$basename.c");
+ my $header = $client; $header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ClientNDR;
+ my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ClientNDR();
+ my ($c_code,$h_code) = $generator->Parse($ndr, $header, $h_filename);
+ FileSave($client, $c_code);
+ FileSave($header, $h_code);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_samba3_ndr_server)) {
+ my $server = ($opt_samba3_ndr_server or "$outputdir/srv_$basename.c");
+ my $header = $server; $header =~ s/\.c$/\.h/;
+ require Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ServerNDR;
+ my ($c_code,$h_code) = Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ServerNDR::Parse($ndr, $header, $h_filename);
+ FileSave($server, $c_code);
+ FileSave($header, $h_code);
+ }
+if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
+ print "$Script: no input files\n";
+ exit(1);
+process_file($_) foreach (@ARGV);