path: root/lib/mathn.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mathn.rb')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mathn.rb b/lib/mathn.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdf27f6771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mathn.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# mathn.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.5 $
+# $Revision: 1.1 $
+# $Date: 1997/07/03 04:43:47 $
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(SHL Japan Inc.)
+# --
+require "rational.rb"
+require "complex.rb"
+require "matrix.rb"
+class Integer
+ def gcd2(int)
+ a = self.abs
+ b = int.abs
+ a, b = b, a if a < b
+ pd_a = a.prime_division
+ pd_b = b.prime_division
+ gcd = 1
+ for pair in pd_a
+ as = pd_b.assoc(pair[0])
+ if as
+ gcd *= as[0] ** [as[1], pair[1]].min
+ end
+ end
+ return gcd
+ end
+ def Integer.from_prime_division(pd)
+ value = 1
+ for prime, index in pd
+ value *= prime**index
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ def prime_division
+ ps =
+ value = self
+ pv = []
+ for prime in ps
+ count = 0
+ while (value1, mod = value.divmod(prime)
+ mod) == 0
+ value = value1
+ count += 1
+ end
+ if count != 0
+ pv.push [prime, count]
+ end
+ break if prime * prime >= value
+ end
+ if value > 1
+ pv.push [value, 1]
+ end
+ return pv
+ end
+class Prime
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize
+ @seed = 1
+ @primes = []
+ @counts = []
+ end
+ def succ
+ i = -1
+ size = @primes.size
+ while i < size
+ if i == -1
+ @seed += 1
+ i += 1
+ else
+ while @seed > @counts[i]
+ @counts[i] += @primes[i]
+ end
+ if @seed != @counts[i]
+ i += 1
+ else
+ i = -1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @primes.push @seed
+ @counts.push @seed + @seed
+ return @seed
+ end
+ def each
+ loop do
+ yield succ
+ end
+ end
+class Fixnum
+ alias divmod! divmod
+ alias / rdiv
+ def divmod(other)
+ a = self.div(other)
+ b = self % other
+ return a,b
+ end
+class Bignum
+ alias divmod! divmod
+ alias / rdiv
+class Rational
+ Unify = TRUE
+ alias power! **
+ def ** (other)
+ if other.kind_of?(Rational)
+ if self < 0
+ return Complex(self, 0) ** other
+ elsif other == 0
+ return Rational(1,1)
+ elsif self == 0
+ return Rational(0,1)
+ elsif self == 1
+ return Rational(1,1)
+ end
+ npd = @numerator.prime_division
+ dpd = @denominator.prime_division
+ if other < 0
+ other = -other
+ npd, dpd = dpd, npd
+ end
+ for elm in npd
+ elm[1] = elm[1] * other
+ if !elm[1].kind_of?(Integer) and elm[1].denominator != 1
+ return Float(self) ** other
+ end
+ elm[1] = elm[1].to_i
+ end
+ for elm in dpd
+ elm[1] = elm[1] * other
+ if !elm[1].kind_of?(Integer) and elm[1].denominator != 1
+ return Float(self) ** other
+ end
+ elm[1] = elm[1].to_i
+ end
+ num = Integer.from_prime_division(npd)
+ den = Integer.from_prime_division(dpd)
+ Rational(num,den)
+ elsif other.kind_of?(Integer)
+ if other > 0
+ num = @numerator ** other
+ den = @denominator ** other
+ elsif other < 0
+ num = @denominator ** -other
+ den = @numerator ** -other
+ elsif other == 0
+ num = 1
+ den = 1
+ end
+!(num, den)
+ elsif other.kind_of?(Float)
+ Float(self) ** other
+ else
+ x , y = other.coerce(self)
+ x ** y
+ end
+ end
+ def power2(other)
+ if other.kind_of?(Rational)
+ if self < 0
+ return Complex(self, 0) ** other
+ elsif other == 0
+ return Rational(1,1)
+ elsif self == 0
+ return Rational(0,1)
+ elsif self == 1
+ return Rational(1,1)
+ end
+ dem = nil
+ x = self.denominator.to_f.to_i
+ neard = self.denominator.to_f ** (1.0/other.denominator.to_f)
+ loop do
+ if (neard**other.denominator == self.denominator)
+ dem = neaed
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ nearn = self.numerator.to_f ** (1.0/other.denominator.to_f)
+ Rational(num,den)
+ elsif other.kind_of?(Integer)
+ if other > 0
+ num = @numerator ** other
+ den = @denominator ** other
+ elsif other < 0
+ num = @denominator ** -other
+ den = @numerator ** -other
+ elsif other == 0
+ num = 1
+ den = 1
+ end
+!(num, den)
+ elsif other.kind_of?(Float)
+ Float(self) ** other
+ else
+ x , y = other.coerce(self)
+ x ** y
+ end
+ end
+module Math
+ def sqrt(a)
+ if a.kind_of?(Complex)
+ abs = sqrt(a.real*a.real + a.image*a.image)
+# if not abs.kind_of?(Rational)
+# return a**Rational(1,2)
+# end
+ x = sqrt((a.real + abs)/Rational(2))
+ y = sqrt((-a.real + abs)/Rational(2))
+# if !(x.kind_of?(Rational) and y.kind_of?(Rational))
+# return a**Rational(1,2)
+# end
+ if a.image >= 0
+ Complex(x, y)
+ else
+ Complex(x, -y)
+ end
+ elsif a >= 0
+ rsqrt(a)
+ else
+ Complex(0,rsqrt(-a))
+ end
+ end
+ def rsqrt(a)
+ if a.kind_of?(Float)
+ sqrt!(a)
+ elsif a.kind_of?(Rational)
+ rsqrt(a.numerator)/rsqrt(a.denominator)
+ else
+ src = a
+ max = 2 ** 32
+ byte_a = [src & 0xffffffff]
+ # ruby's bug
+ while (src >= max) and (src >>= 32)
+ byte_a.unshift src & 0xffffffff
+ end
+ answer = 0
+ main = 0
+ side = 0
+ for elm in byte_a
+ main = (main << 32) + elm
+ side <<= 16
+ if answer != 0
+ if main * 4 < side * side
+ applo = main.div(side)
+ else
+ applo = ((sqrt!(side * side + 4 * main) - side)/2.0).to_i + 1
+ end
+ else
+ applo = sqrt!(main).to_i + 1
+ end
+ while (x = (side + applo) * applo) > main
+ applo -= 1
+ end
+ main -= x
+ answer = (answer << 16) + applo
+ side += applo * 2
+ end
+ if main == 0
+ answer
+ else
+ sqrt!(a)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module_function :sqrt
+ module_function :rsqrt
+class Complex
+ Unify = TRUE