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2 files changed, 40 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb b/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
index 25c77cc4..31cda3fb 100644
--- a/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
+++ b/lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb
@@ -291,7 +291,14 @@ Ohai.plugin(:Platform) do
# We have to do this for compatibility reasons, or older OS releases might get different
# "platform" or "platform_version" attributes (e.g. SLES12, RHEL7).
elsif File.exist?("/etc/os-release")
- platform os_release_info["ID"] == "sles" ? "suse" : os_release_info["ID"] # SLES is wrong. We call it SUSE
+ case os_release_info["ID"]
+ when "sles"
+ platform "suse" # SLES is wrong. We call it SUSE
+ when "opensuse-leap"
+ platform "opensuseleap"
+ else
+ platform os_release_info["ID"]
+ end
platform_version os_release_info["VERSION_ID"]
# platform_family also does not need to be hardcoded anymore.
# This would be the correct way, but we stick with "determine_platform_family" for compatibility reasons.
diff --git a/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb b/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
index d8ea722b..bc486396 100644
--- a/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/plugins/linux/platform_spec.rb
@@ -701,8 +701,39 @@ CISCO_RELEASE
describe "on suse" do
+ context "on openSUSE 15+" do
- context "on versions that have /etc/os-release and no /etc/SuSE-release (e.g. SLES15)" do
+ let(:have_suse_release) { false }
+ let(:have_os_release) { true }
+ let(:os_release_content) do
+ NAME="openSUSE Leap"
+ VERSION="15.0"
+ ID="opensuse-leap"
+ ID_LIKE="suse opensuse"
+ VERSION_ID="15.0"
+ PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.0"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:leap:15.0"
+ end
+ before do
+ expect(File).to_not receive(:read).with("/etc/SuSE-release")
+ expect(File).to receive(:read).with("/etc/os-release").and_return(os_release_content)
+ end
+ it "correctly detects opensuseleap 15" do
+ expect(@plugin[:platform]).to eq("opensuseleap")
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq("15.0")
+ expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq("suse")
+ end
+ end
+ context "on SLES 15+" do
let(:have_suse_release) { false }
let(:have_os_release) { true }
@@ -732,7 +763,6 @@ OS_RELEASE
expect(@plugin[:platform_version]).to eq("15")
expect(@plugin[:platform_family]).to eq("suse")
context "on versions that have both /etc/os-release and /etc/SuSE-release (e.g. SLES12)" do