diff options
4 files changed, 4 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud.rb b/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e24c6965..00000000
--- a/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Cary Penniman (<>)
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Ohai.plugin(:Cloud) do
- provides "cloud"
- depends "ec2"
- depends "gce"
- depends "rackspace"
- depends "eucalyptus"
- depends "linode"
- depends "openstack"
- depends "azure"
- depends "digital_ocean"
- depends "softlayer"
- # Make top-level cloud hashes
- #
- def create_objects
- cloud
- cloud[:public_ips] =
- cloud[:private_ips] =
- end
- #---------------------------------------
- # Google Compute Engine (gce)
- #--------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud gce?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If gce Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_gce?
- gce != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with gce values
- def get_gce_values
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = []
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = []
- public_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
- if interface.has_key?("accessConfigs")
- interface["accessConfigs"].collect { |ac| ac["externalIp"] }
- end
- end.flatten.compact
- private_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
- interface["ip"]
- end.compact
- cloud[:public_ips] += public_ips
- cloud[:private_ips] += private_ips
- cloud[:public_ipv4] += public_ips
- cloud[:public_hostname] = nil
- cloud[:local_ipv4] += private_ips
- cloud[:local_hostname] = gce["instance"]["hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "gce"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # ec2
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud ec2?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If ec2 Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_ec2?
- ec2 != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with ec2 values
- def get_ec2_values
- cloud[:public_ips] << ec2["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << ec2["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = ec2["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = ec2["public_hostname"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = ec2["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_hostname] = ec2["local_hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "ec2"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # rackspace
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud rackspace?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If rackspace Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_rackspace?
- rackspace != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with rackspace values
- def get_rackspace_values
- cloud[:public_ips] << rackspace["public_ipv4"] if rackspace["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << rackspace["local_ipv4"] if rackspace["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = rackspace["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ipv6] = rackspace["public_ipv6"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = rackspace["public_hostname"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = rackspace["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_ipv6] = rackspace["local_ipv6"]
- cloud[:local_hostname] = rackspace["local_hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "rackspace"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # linode
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud linode?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If linode Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_linode?
- linode != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with linode values
- def get_linode_values
- cloud[:public_ips] << linode["public_ip"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << linode["private_ip"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = linode["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = linode["public_hostname"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = linode["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_hostname] = linode["local_hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "linode"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # eucalyptus
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud eucalyptus?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If eucalyptus Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_eucalyptus?
- eucalyptus != nil
- end
- def get_eucalyptus_values
- cloud[:public_ips] << eucalyptus["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << eucalyptus["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = eucalyptus["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = eucalyptus["public_hostname"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = eucalyptus["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_hostname] = eucalyptus["local_hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "eucalyptus"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # openstack
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud openstack-based?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If openstack Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_openstack?
- openstack != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with openstack values
- def get_openstack_values
- cloud[:public_ips] << openstack["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << openstack["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = openstack["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = openstack["public_hostname"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = openstack["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_hostname] = openstack["local_hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = openstack["provider"]
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # azure
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud azure?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If azure Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_azure?
- azure != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with azure values
- def get_azure_values
- cloud[:vm_name] = azure["vm_name"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << azure["private_ip"]
- cloud[:public_ips] << azure["public_ip"]
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = azure["public_ip"]
- cloud[:public_fqdn] = azure["public_fqdn"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = azure["public_fqdn"]
- cloud[:public_ssh_port] = azure["public_ssh_port"] if azure["public_ssh_port"]
- cloud[:public_winrm_port] = azure["public_winrm_port"] if azure["public_winrm_port"]
- cloud[:provider] = "azure"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # digital_ocean
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud digital_ocean?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If digital_ocean Mash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_digital_ocean?
- digital_ocean != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with digital ocean values
- def get_digital_ocean_values
- public_ipv4 = digital_ocean["interfaces"]["public"][0]["ipv4"]["ip_address"] rescue nil
- private_ipv4 = digital_ocean["interfaces"]["private"][0]["ipv4"]["ip_address"] rescue nil
- public_ipv6 = digital_ocean["interfaces"]["public"][0]["ipv6"]["ip_address"] rescue nil
- private_ipv6 = digital_ocean["interfaces"]["private"][0]["ipv6"]["ip_address"] rescue nil
- cloud[:public_ips] << public_ipv4 unless public_ipv4.nil?
- cloud[:public_ips] << public_ipv6 unless public_ipv6.nil?
- cloud[:private_ips] << private_ipv4 unless private_ipv4.nil?
- cloud[:private_ips] << private_ipv6 unless private_ipv6.nil?
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = public_ipv4
- cloud[:public_ipv6] = public_ipv6
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = private_ipv4
- cloud[:local_ipv6] = private_ipv6
- cloud[:public_hostname] = digital_ocean["hostname"]
- cloud[:provider] = "digital_ocean"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # softlayer
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud softlayer?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If softlayer Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_softlayer?
- softlayer != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with softlayer values
- def get_softlayer_values
- cloud[:public_ipv4] = softlayer["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:local_ipv4] = softlayer["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_ips] << softlayer["public_ipv4"] if softlayer["public_ipv4"]
- cloud[:private_ips] << softlayer["local_ipv4"] if softlayer["local_ipv4"]
- cloud[:public_hostname] = softlayer["public_fqdn"]
- cloud[:provider] = "softlayer"
- end
- collect_data do
- # setup gce cloud
- if on_gce?
- create_objects
- get_gce_values
- end
- # setup ec2 cloud
- if on_ec2?
- create_objects
- get_ec2_values
- end
- # setup rackspace cloud
- if on_rackspace?
- create_objects
- get_rackspace_values
- end
- # setup linode cloud data
- if on_linode?
- create_objects
- get_linode_values
- end
- if on_eucalyptus?
- create_objects
- get_eucalyptus_values
- end
- # setup openstack cloud
- if on_openstack?
- create_objects
- get_openstack_values
- end
- # setup azure cloud data
- if on_azure?
- create_objects
- get_azure_values
- end
- # setup digital_ocean cloud data
- if on_digital_ocean?
- create_objects
- get_digital_ocean_values
- end
- # setup softlayer cloud
- if on_softlayer?
- create_objects
- get_softlayer_values
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb b/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb
index 47a3a31c..f09b345d 100644
--- a/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb
+++ b/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
Ohai.plugin(:CloudV2) do
provides "cloud_v2"
+ provides "cloud"
depends "ec2"
depends "gce"
@@ -306,7 +307,8 @@ Ohai.plugin(:CloudV2) do
get_azure_values if on_azure?
get_digital_ocean_values if on_digital_ocean?
- # set node[:cloud] hash here
+ # set node[:cloud] and node[:cloud_v2] hash here
cloud_v2 @cloud_attr_obj.cloud_mash
+ cloud @cloud_attr_obj.cloud_mash
diff --git a/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_spec.rb b/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78865ba2..00000000
--- a/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Cary Penniman (<>)
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require_relative "../../spec_helper.rb"
-describe Ohai::System, "plugin cloud" do
- before(:each) do
- @plugin = get_plugin("cloud")
- end
- describe "with no cloud mashes" do
- it "doesn't populate the cloud data" do
- @plugin[:ec2] = nil
- @plugin[:rackspace] = nil
- @plugin[:eucalyptus] = nil
- @plugin[:linode] = nil
- @plugin[:azure] = nil
- @plugin[:digital_ocean] = nil
- expect(@plugin[:cloud]).to be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "with EC2 mash" do
- before do
- @plugin[:ec2] =
- end
- it "populates cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:ec2]["public_ipv4"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:ec2]["public_ipv4"])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ip" do
- @plugin[:ec2]["local_ipv4"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:ec2]["local_ipv4"])
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("ec2")
- end
- end
- describe "with rackspace" do
- before do
- @plugin[:rackspace] =
- end
- it "populates cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv4] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ipv4]).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv4])
- end
- it "populates cloud public ipv6" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv6] = "2a00:1a48:7805:111:e875:efaf:ff08:75"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ipv6]).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv6])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ip" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv4] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:local_ipv4]).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv4])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ipv6" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv6] = "2a00:1a48:7805:111:e875:efaf:ff08:75"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:local_ipv6]).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv6])
- end
- it "populates first cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv4] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips].first).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:public_ipv4])
- end
- it "populates first cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv4] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips].first).to eq(@plugin[:rackspace][:local_ipv4])
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("rackspace")
- end
- end
- describe "with linode mash" do
- before do
- @plugin[:linode] =
- end
- it "populates cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:linode]["public_ip"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:linode][:public_ip])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ip" do
- @plugin[:linode]["private_ip"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:linode][:private_ip])
- end
- it "populates first cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:linode]["public_ip"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips].first).to eq(@plugin[:linode][:public_ip])
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("linode")
- end
- end
- describe "with eucalyptus mash" do
- before do
- @plugin[:eucalyptus] =
- end
- it "populates cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:eucalyptus]["public_ipv4"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:eucalyptus]["public_ipv4"])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ip" do
- @plugin[:eucalyptus]["local_ipv4"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:eucalyptus]["local_ipv4"])
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("eucalyptus")
- end
- end
- describe "with Azure mash" do
- before do
- @plugin[:azure] =
- end
- it "populates cloud private ip" do
- @plugin[:azure]["private_ip"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["private_ip"])
- end
- it "populates cloud public ip" do
- @plugin[:azure]["public_ip"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips][0]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_ip"])
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ipv4]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_ip"])
- end
- it "populates cloud vm_name" do
- @plugin[:azure]["vm_name"] = "linux-vm"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:vm_name]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["vm_name"])
- end
- it "populates cloud public_fqdn" do
- @plugin[:azure]["public_fqdn"] = ""
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_fqdn]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_fqdn"])
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_hostname]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_fqdn"])
- end
- it "populates cloud public_ssh_port" do
- @plugin[:azure]["public_ssh_port"] = "22"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ssh_port]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_ssh_port"])
- end
- it "should not populate cloud public_ssh_port when winrm is used" do
- @plugin[:azure]["public_winrm_port"] = "5985"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ssh_port]).to be_nil
- end
- it "populates cloud public_winrm_port" do
- @plugin[:azure]["public_winrm_port"] = "5985"
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_winrm_port]).to eq(@plugin[:azure]["public_winrm_port"])
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("azure")
- end
- end
- describe "with digital_ocean mash" do
- before do
- @plugin[:digital_ocean] =
- @plugin[:digital_ocean][:hostname] = ""
- @plugin[:digital_ocean][:interfaces] =
- @plugin[:digital_ocean][:interfaces] = {
- "public" => [
- {
- "ipv4" => {
- "ip_address" => "",
- "netmask" => "",
- "gateway" => "",
- },
- "ipv6" => {
- "ip_address" => "2604:A880:0800:00A1:0000:0000:0201:0001",
- "cidr" => 64,
- "gateway" => "2604:A880:0800:00A1:0000:0000:0000:0001",
- },
- "anchor_ipv4" => {
- "ip_address" => "",
- "netmask" => "",
- "gateway" => "",
- },
- "mac" => "04:01:e5:14:03:01",
- "type" => "public",
- },
- ],
- }
- end
- before(:each) do
- end
- it "populates cloud public hostname" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_hostname]).to eq("")
- end
- it "populates cloud local hostname" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:local_hostname]).to be_nil
- end
- it "populates cloud public ips" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ips]).to eq([ "", "2604:A880:0800:00A1:0000:0000:0201:0001" ])
- end
- it "populates cloud private ips" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:private_ips]).to be_empty
- end
- it "populates cloud public_ipv4" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ipv4]).to eq("")
- end
- it "populates cloud local_ipv4" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:local_ipv4]).to be_nil
- end
- it "populates cloud public_ipv6" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:public_ipv6]).to eq("2604:A880:0800:00A1:0000:0000:0201:0001")
- end
- it "populates cloud local_ipv6" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:local_ipv6]).to be_nil
- end
- it "populates cloud provider" do
- expect(@plugin[:cloud][:provider]).to eq("digital_ocean")
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_v2_spec.rb b/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_v2_spec.rb
index d7f8654c..eb770a34 100644
--- a/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_v2_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/plugins/cloud_v2_spec.rb
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ describe Ohai::System, "plugin cloud" do
@plugin[:digital_ocean] = nil
expect(@plugin[:cloud_v2]).to be_nil
+ expect(@plugin[:cloud]).to be_nil