path: root/lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb b/lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb
index 7bfee72..b169679 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/connection/channel.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ require 'net/ssh/connection/term'
module Net
module SSH
module Connection
# The channel abstraction. Multiple "channels" can be multiplexed onto a
# single SSH channel, each operating independently and seemingly in parallel.
# This class represents a single such channel. Most operations performed
@@ -55,55 +54,55 @@ module Net
class Channel
include Loggable
include Constants
# The local id for this channel, assigned by the Net::SSH::Connection::Session instance.
attr_reader :local_id
# The remote id for this channel, assigned by the remote host.
attr_reader :remote_id
# The type of this channel, usually "session".
attr_reader :type
# The underlying Net::SSH::Connection::Session instance that supports this channel.
attr_reader :connection
# The maximum packet size that the local host can receive.
attr_reader :local_maximum_packet_size
# The maximum amount of data that the local end of this channel can
# receive. This is a total, not per-packet.
attr_reader :local_maximum_window_size
# The maximum packet size that the remote host can receive.
attr_reader :remote_maximum_packet_size
# The maximum amount of data that the remote end of this channel can
# receive. This is a total, not per-packet.
attr_reader :remote_maximum_window_size
# This is the remaining window size on the local end of this channel. When
# this reaches zero, no more data can be received.
attr_reader :local_window_size
# This is the remaining window size on the remote end of this channel. When
# this reaches zero, no more data can be sent.
attr_reader :remote_window_size
# A hash of properties for this channel. These can be used to store state
# information about this channel. See also #[] and #[]=.
attr_reader :properties
# The output buffer for this channel. Data written to the channel is
# enqueued here, to be written as CHANNEL_DATA packets during each pass of
# the event loop. See Connection::Session#process and #enqueue_pending_output.
attr_reader :output #:nodoc:
# The list of pending requests. Each time a request is sent which requires
# a reply, the corresponding callback is pushed onto this queue. As responses
# arrive, they are shifted off the front and handled.
attr_reader :pending_requests #:nodoc:
# Instantiates a new channel on the given connection, of the given type,
# and with the given id. If a block is given, it will be remembered until
# the channel is confirmed open by the server, and will be invoked at
@@ -112,36 +111,36 @@ module Net
# This also sets the default maximum packet size and maximum window size.
def initialize(connection, type, local_id, max_pkt_size = 0x8000, max_win_size = 0x20000, &on_confirm_open)
self.logger = connection.logger
@connection = connection
@type = type
@local_id = local_id
@local_maximum_packet_size = max_pkt_size
@local_window_size = @local_maximum_window_size = max_win_size
@on_confirm_open = on_confirm_open
@output =
@properties = {}
@pending_requests = []
@on_open_failed = @on_data = @on_extended_data = @on_process = @on_close = @on_eof = nil
@on_request = {}
@closing = @eof = @sent_eof = @local_closed = @remote_closed = false
# A shortcut for accessing properties of the channel (see #properties).
def [](name)
# A shortcut for setting properties of the channel (see #properties).
def []=(name, value)
@properties[name] = value
# Syntactic sugar for executing a command. Sends a channel request asking
# that the given command be invoked. If the block is given, it will be
# called when the server responds. The first parameter will be the
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ module Net
def exec(command, &block)
send_channel_request("exec", :string, command, &block)
# Syntactic sugar for requesting that a subsystem be started. Subsystems
# are a way for other protocols (like SFTP) to be run, using SSH as
# the transport. Generally, you'll never need to call this directly unless
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ module Net
def subsystem(subsystem, &block)
send_channel_request("subsystem", :string, subsystem, &block)
# Syntactic sugar for setting an environment variable in the remote
# process' environment. Note that for security reasons, the server may
# refuse to set certain environment variables, or all, at the server's
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ module Net
def env(variable_name, variable_value, &block)
send_channel_request("env", :string, variable_name, :string, variable_value, &block)
# A hash of the valid PTY options (see #request_pty).
VALID_PTY_OPTIONS = { term: "xterm",
chars_wide: 80,
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ module Net
pixels_wide: 640,
pixels_high: 480,
modes: {} }
# Requests that a pseudo-tty (or "pty") be made available for this channel.
# This is useful when you want to invoke and interact with some kind of
# screen-based program (e.g., vim, or some menuing system).
@@ -221,21 +220,21 @@ module Net
def request_pty(opts={}, &block)
extra = opts.keys - VALID_PTY_OPTIONS.keys
raise ArgumentError, "invalid option(s) to request_pty: #{extra.inspect}" if extra.any?
opts = VALID_PTY_OPTIONS.merge(opts)
modes = opts[:modes].inject( do |memo, (mode, data)|
# mark the end of the mode opcode list with a 0 byte
send_channel_request("pty-req", :string, opts[:term],
:long, opts[:chars_wide], :long, opts[:chars_high],
:long, opts[:pixels_wide], :long, opts[:pixels_high],
:string, modes.to_s, &block)
# Sends data to the channel's remote endpoint. This usually has the
# effect of sending the given string to the remote process' stdin stream.
# Note that it does not immediately send the data across the channel,
@@ -251,9 +250,10 @@ module Net
# channel.send_data("the password\n")
def send_data(data)
raise EOFError, "cannot send data if channel has declared eof" if eof?
# Returns true if the channel exists in the channel list of the session,
# and false otherwise. This can be used to determine whether a channel has
# been closed or not.
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module Net
def active?
# Runs the SSH event loop until the channel is no longer active. This is
# handy for blocking while you wait for some channel to finish.
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ module Net
def wait
connection.loop { active? }
# True if close() has been called; NOTE: if the channel has data waiting to
# be sent then the channel will close after all the data is sent. See
# closed?() to determine if we have actually sent CHANNEL_CLOSE to server.
@@ -280,61 +280,63 @@ module Net
def closing?
# True if we have sent CHANNEL_CLOSE to the remote server.
def local_closed?
def remote_closed?
def remote_closed!
@remote_closed = true
# Requests that the channel be closed. It only marks the channel to be closed
# the CHANNEL_CLOSE message will be sent from event loop
def close
return if @closing
@closing = true
# Returns true if the local end of the channel has declared that no more
# data is forthcoming (see #eof!). Trying to send data via #send_data when
# this is true will result in an exception being raised.
def eof?
# Tells the remote end of the channel that no more data is forthcoming
# from this end of the channel. The remote end may still send data.
# The CHANNEL_EOF packet will be sent once the output buffer is empty.
def eof!
return if eof?
@eof = true
# If an #on_process handler has been set up, this will cause it to be
# invoked (passing the channel itself as an argument). It also causes all
# pending output to be enqueued as CHANNEL_DATA packets (see #enqueue_pending_output).
def process if @on_process
if @eof and not @sent_eof and output.empty? and remote_id and not @local_closed
connection.send_message(Buffer.from(:byte, CHANNEL_EOF, :long, remote_id))
@sent_eof = true
if @closing and not @local_closed and output.empty? and remote_id
connection.send_message(Buffer.from(:byte, CHANNEL_CLOSE, :long, remote_id))
@local_closed = true
# Registers a callback to be invoked when data packets are received by the
# channel. The callback is called with the channel as the first argument,
# and the data as the second.
@@ -349,7 +351,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_data = @on_data, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked when extended data packets are received
# by the channel. The callback is called with the channel as the first
# argument, the data type (as an integer) as the second, and the data as
@@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_extended_data = @on_extended_data, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked for each pass of the event loop for
# this channel. There are no guarantees on timeliness in the event loop,
# but it will be called roughly once for each packet received by the
@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_process = @on_process, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked when the server acknowledges that a
# channel is closed. This is invoked with the channel as the sole argument.
@@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_close = @on_close, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked when the server indicates that no more
# data will be sent to the channel (although the channel can still send
# data to the server). The channel is the sole argument to the callback.
@@ -414,7 +416,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_eof = @on_eof, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked when the server was unable to open
# the requested channel. The channel itself will be passed to the block,
# along with the integer "reason code" for the failure, and a textual
@@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_open_failed = @on_open_failed, block
# Registers a callback to be invoked when a channel request of the given
# type is received. The callback will receive the channel as the first
# argument, and the associated (unparsed) data as the second. The data
@@ -460,7 +462,7 @@ module Net
old, @on_request[type] = @on_request[type], block
# Sends a new channel request with the given name. The extra +data+
# parameter must either be empty, or consist of an even number of
# arguments. See Net::SSH::Buffer.from for a description of their format.
@@ -486,15 +488,16 @@ module Net
def send_channel_request(request_name, *data, &callback)
info { "sending channel request #{request_name.inspect}" }
fail "Channel open not yet confirmed, please call send_channel_request(or exec) from block of open_channel" unless remote_id
msg = Buffer.from(:byte, CHANNEL_REQUEST,
:long, remote_id, :string, request_name,
:bool, !callback.nil?, *data)
pending_requests << callback if callback
public # these methods are public, but for Net::SSH internal use only
# Enqueues pending output at the connection as CHANNEL_DATA packets. This
# does nothing if the channel has not yet been confirmed open (see
# #do_open_confirmation). This is called automatically by #process, which
@@ -502,12 +505,12 @@ module Net
# generally not need to invoke it directly.
def enqueue_pending_output #:nodoc:
return unless remote_id
while output.length > 0
length = output.length
length = remote_window_size if length > remote_window_size
length = remote_maximum_packet_size if length > remote_maximum_packet_size
if length > 0
connection.send_message(Buffer.from(:byte, CHANNEL_DATA, :long, remote_id, :string,
@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@ module Net
# Invoked when the server confirms that a channel has been opened.
# The remote_id is the id of the channel as assigned by the remote host,
# and max_window and max_packet are the maximum window and maximum
@@ -533,7 +536,7 @@ module Net
set_remote_env(connection.options[:set_env]) if connection.options[:set_env] if @on_confirm_open
# Invoked when the server failed to open the channel. If an #on_open_failed
# callback was specified, it will be invoked with the channel, reason code,
# and description as arguments. Otherwise, a ChannelOpenFailed exception
@@ -545,7 +548,7 @@ module Net
raise, description)
# Invoked when the server sends a CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST packet, and
# causes the remote window size to be adjusted upwards by the given
# number of bytes. This has the effect of allowing more data to be sent
@@ -554,7 +557,7 @@ module Net
@remote_maximum_window_size += bytes
@remote_window_size += bytes
# Invoked when the server sends a channel request. If any #on_request
# callback has been registered for the specific type of this request,
# it is invoked. If +want_reply+ is true, a packet will be sent of
@@ -565,20 +568,20 @@ module Net
# request-specific data as the second.
def do_request(request, want_reply, data) #:nodoc:
result = true
callback = @on_request[request] or raise ChannelRequestFailed, data)
rescue ChannelRequestFailed
result = false
if want_reply
msg = Buffer.from(:byte, result ? CHANNEL_SUCCESS : CHANNEL_FAILURE, :long, remote_id)
# Invokes the #on_data callback when the server sends data to the
# channel. This will reduce the available window size on the local end,
# but does not actually throttle requests that come in illegally when
@@ -588,7 +591,7 @@ module Net
update_local_window_size(data.length), data) if @on_data
# Invokes the #on_extended_data callback when the server sends
# extended data to the channel. This will reduce the available window
# size on the local end. The callback is invoked with the channel,
@@ -597,20 +600,20 @@ module Net
update_local_window_size(data.length), type, data) if @on_extended_data
# Invokes the #on_eof callback when the server indicates that no
# further data is forthcoming. The callback is invoked with the channel
# as the argument.
def do_eof if @on_eof
# Invokes the #on_close callback when the server closes a channel.
# The channel is the only argument.
def do_close if @on_close
# Invokes the next pending request callback with +false+ as the second
# argument.
def do_failure
@@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ module Net
error { "channel failure received with no pending request to handle it (bug?)" }
# Invokes the next pending request callback with +true+ as the second
# argument.
def do_success
@@ -683,10 +686,10 @@ module Net
# channel.set_remote_env foo: 'bar', baz: 'whale'
def set_remote_env(env)
+ env.each { |key, value| puts "E:#{key} V:#{value}" }
env.each { |key, value| self.env(key, value) }