path: root/lib/highline/menu.rb
diff options
authorGregory Brown <>2009-02-02 11:59:04 -0500
committerGregory Brown <>2009-02-02 11:59:04 -0500
commit6ff9ffe5fabf766183db9ed1d548b70e21f02eb6 (patch)
tree19a69d22f4c15a7ec1dfb69988f2fa51365b08fe /lib/highline/menu.rb
parent37cd9cff1783911ab51afd90ba6588ce12c58b57 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/highline/menu.rb')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/highline/menu.rb b/lib/highline/menu.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad992ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/highline/menu.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
+# menu.rb
+# Created by Gregory Thomas Brown on 2005-05-10.
+# Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.
+# This is Free Software. See LICENSE and COPYING for details.
+require "highline/question"
+class HighLine
+ #
+ # Menu objects encapsulate all the details of a call to HighLine.choose().
+ # Using the accessors and Menu.choice() and Menu.choices(), the block passed
+ # to HighLine.choose() can detail all aspects of menu display and control.
+ #
+ class Menu < Question
+ #
+ # Create an instance of HighLine::Menu. All customization is done
+ # through the passed block, which should call accessors and choice() and
+ # choices() as needed to define the Menu. Note that Menus are also
+ # Questions, so all that functionality is available to the block as
+ # well.
+ #
+ def initialize( )
+ #
+ # Initialize Question objects with ignored values, we'll
+ # adjust ours as needed.
+ #
+ super("Ignored", [ ], &nil) # avoiding passing the block along
+ @items = [ ]
+ @hidden_items = [ ]
+ @help ="There's no help for that topic.")
+ @index = :number
+ @index_suffix = ". "
+ @select_by = :index_or_name
+ @flow = :rows
+ @list_option = nil
+ @header = nil
+ @prompt = "? "
+ @layout = :list
+ @shell = false
+ @nil_on_handled = false
+ # Override Questions responses, we'll set our own.
+ @responses = { }
+ # Context for action code.
+ @highline = nil
+ yield self if block_given?
+ init_help if @shell and not @help.empty?
+ update_responses # rebuild responses based on our settings
+ end
+ #
+ # An _index_ to append to each menu item in display. See
+ # Menu.index=() for details.
+ #
+ attr_reader :index
+ #
+ # The String placed between an _index_ and a menu item. Defaults to
+ # ". ". Switches to " ", when _index_ is set to a String (like "-").
+ #
+ attr_accessor :index_suffix
+ #
+ # The _select_by_ attribute controls how the user is allowed to pick a
+ # menu item. The available choices are:
+ #
+ # <tt>:index</tt>:: The user is allowed to type the numerical
+ # or alphetical index for their selection.
+ # <tt>:index_or_name</tt>:: Allows both methods from the
+ # <tt>:index</tt> option and the
+ # <tt>:name</tt> option.
+ # <tt>:name</tt>:: Menu items are selected by typing a portion
+ # of the item name that will be
+ # auto-completed.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :select_by
+ #
+ # This attribute is passed directly on as the mode to HighLine.list() by
+ # all the preset layouts. See that method for appropriate settings.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :flow
+ #
+ # This setting is passed on as the third parameter to HighLine.list()
+ # by all the preset layouts. See that method for details of its
+ # effects. Defaults to +nil+.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :list_option
+ #
+ # Used by all the preset layouts to display title and/or introductory
+ # information, when set. Defaults to +nil+.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :header
+ #
+ # Used by all the preset layouts to ask the actual question to fetch a
+ # menu selection from the user. Defaults to "? ".
+ #
+ attr_accessor :prompt
+ #
+ # An ERb _layout_ to use when displaying this Menu object. See
+ # Menu.layout=() for details.
+ #
+ attr_reader :layout
+ #
+ # When set to +true+, responses are allowed to be an entire line of
+ # input, including details beyond the command itself. Only the first
+ # "word" of input will be matched against the menu choices, but both the
+ # command selected and the rest of the line will be passed to provided
+ # action blocks. Defaults to +false+.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :shell
+ #
+ # When +true+, any selected item handled by provided action code, will
+ # return +nil+, instead of the results to the action code. This may
+ # prove handy when dealing with mixed menus where only the names of
+ # items without any code (and +nil+, of course) will be returned.
+ # Defaults to +false+.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :nil_on_handled
+ #
+ # Adds _name_ to the list of available menu items. Menu items will be
+ # displayed in the order they are added.
+ #
+ # An optional _action_ can be associated with this name and if provided,
+ # it will be called if the item is selected. The result of the method
+ # will be returned, unless _nil_on_handled_ is set (when you would get
+ # +nil+ instead). In _shell_ mode, a provided block will be passed the
+ # command chosen and any details that followed the command. Otherwise,
+ # just the command is passed. The <tt>@highline</tt> variable is set to
+ # the current HighLine context before the action code is called and can
+ # thus be used for adding output and the like.
+ #
+ def choice( name, help = nil, &action )
+ @items << [name, action]
+ @help[name.to_s.downcase] = help unless help.nil?
+ end
+ #
+ # A shortcut for multiple calls to the sister method choice(). <b>Be
+ # warned:</b> An _action_ set here will apply to *all* provided
+ # _names_. This is considered to be a feature, so you can easily
+ # hand-off interface processing to a different chunk of code.
+ #
+ def choices( *names, &action )
+ names.each { |n| choice(n, &action) }
+ end
+ # Identical to choice(), but the item will not be listed for the user.
+ def hidden( name, help = nil, &action )
+ @hidden_items << [name, action]
+ @help[name.to_s.downcase] = help unless help.nil?
+ end
+ #
+ # Sets the indexing style for this Menu object. Indexes are appended to
+ # menu items, when displayed in list form. The available settings are:
+ #
+ # <tt>:number</tt>:: Menu items will be indexed numerically, starting
+ # with 1. This is the default method of indexing.
+ # <tt>:letter</tt>:: Items will be indexed alphabetically, starting
+ # with a.
+ # <tt>:none</tt>:: No index will be appended to menu items.
+ # <i>any String</i>:: Will be used as the literal _index_.
+ #
+ # Setting the _index_ to <tt>:none</tt> a literal String, also adjusts
+ # _index_suffix_ to a single space and _select_by_ to <tt>:none</tt>.
+ # Because of this, you should make a habit of setting the _index_ first.
+ #
+ def index=( style )
+ @index = style
+ # Default settings.
+ if @index == :none or @index.is_a?(String)
+ @index_suffix = " "
+ @select_by = :name
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Initializes the help system by adding a <tt>:help</tt> choice, some
+ # action code, and the default help listing.
+ #
+ def init_help( )
+ return if @items.include?(:help)
+ topics = @help.keys.sort
+ help_help = @help.include?("help") ? @help["help"] :
+ "This command will display helpful messages about " +
+ "functionality, like this one. To see the help for " +
+ "a specific topic enter:\n\thelp [TOPIC]\nTry asking " +
+ "for help on any of the following:\n\n" +
+ "<%= list(#{topics.inspect}, :columns_across) %>"
+ choice(:help, help_help) do |command, topic|
+ topic.strip!
+ topic.downcase!
+ if topic.empty?
+ @highline.say(@help["help"])
+ else
+ @highline.say("= #{topic}\n\n#{@help[topic]}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Used to set help for arbitrary topics. Use the topic <tt>"help"</tt>
+ # to override the default message.
+ #
+ def help( topic, help )
+ @help[topic] = help
+ end
+ #
+ # Setting a _layout_ with this method also adjusts some other attributes
+ # of the Menu object, to ideal defaults for the chosen _layout_. To
+ # account for that, you probably want to set a _layout_ first in your
+ # configuration block, if needed.
+ #
+ # Accepted settings for _layout_ are:
+ #
+ # <tt>:list</tt>:: The default _layout_. The _header_ if set
+ # will appear at the top on its own line with
+ # a trailing colon. Then the list of menu
+ # items will follow. Finally, the _prompt_
+ # will be used as the ask()-like question.
+ # <tt>:one_line</tt>:: A shorter _layout_ that fits on one line.
+ # The _header_ comes first followed by a
+ # colon and spaces, then the _prompt_ with menu
+ # items between trailing parenthesis.
+ # <tt>:menu_only</tt>:: Just the menu items, followed up by a likely
+ # short _prompt_.
+ # <i>any ERb String</i>:: Will be taken as the literal _layout_. This
+ # String can access <tt>@header</tt>,
+ # <tt>@menu</tt> and <tt>@prompt</tt>, but is
+ # otherwise evaluated in the typical HighLine
+ # context, to provide access to utilities like
+ # HighLine.list() primarily.
+ #
+ # If set to either <tt>:one_line</tt>, or <tt>:menu_only</tt>, _index_
+ # will default to <tt>:none</tt> and _flow_ will default to
+ # <tt>:inline</tt>.
+ #
+ def layout=( new_layout )
+ @layout = new_layout
+ # Default settings.
+ case @layout
+ when :one_line, :menu_only
+ self.index = :none
+ @flow = :inline
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # This method returns all possible options for auto-completion, based
+ # on the settings of _index_ and _select_by_.
+ #
+ def options( )
+ # add in any hidden menu commands
+ @items.concat(@hidden_items)
+ by_index = if @index == :letter
+ l_index = "`"
+ { "#{l_index.succ!}" }
+ else
+ (1 .. @items.size).collect { |s| String(s) }
+ end
+ by_name = @items.collect { |c| c.first }
+ case @select_by
+ when :index then
+ by_index
+ when :name
+ by_name
+ else
+ by_index + by_name
+ end
+ ensure
+ # make sure the hidden items are removed, before we return
+ @items.slice!(@items.size - @hidden_items.size, @hidden_items.size)
+ end
+ #
+ # This method processes the auto-completed user selection, based on the
+ # rules for this Menu object. If an action was provided for the
+ # selection, it will be executed as described in Menu.choice().
+ #
+ def select( highline_context, selection, details = nil )
+ # add in any hidden menu commands
+ @items.concat(@hidden_items)
+ # Find the selected action.
+ name, action = if selection =~ /^\d+$/
+ @items[selection.to_i - 1]
+ else
+ l_index = "`"
+ index = { "#{l_index.succ!}" }.index(selection)
+ @items.find { |c| c.first == selection } or @items[index]
+ end
+ # Run or return it.
+ if not @nil_on_handled and not action.nil?
+ @highline = highline_context
+ if @shell
+, details)
+ else
+ end
+ elsif action.nil?
+ name
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ ensure
+ # make sure the hidden items are removed, before we return
+ @items.slice!(@items.size - @hidden_items.size, @hidden_items.size)
+ end
+ #
+ # Allows Menu objects to pass as Arrays, for use with HighLine.list().
+ # This method returns all menu items to be displayed, complete with
+ # indexes.
+ #
+ def to_ary( )
+ case @index
+ when :number
+ { |c| "#{@items.index(c) + 1}#{@index_suffix}#{c.first}" }
+ when :letter
+ l_index = "`"
+ { |c| "#{l_index.succ!}#{@index_suffix}#{c.first}" }
+ when :none
+ { |c| "#{c.first}" }
+ else
+ { |c| "#{index}#{@index_suffix}#{c.first}" }
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Allows Menu to behave as a String, just like Question. Returns the
+ # _layout_ to be rendered, which is used by HighLine.say().
+ #
+ def to_str( )
+ case @layout
+ when :list
+ '<%= if @header.nil? then '' else "#{@header}:\n" end %>' +
+ "<%= list( @menu, #{@flow.inspect},
+ #{@list_option.inspect} ) %>" +
+ "<%= @prompt %>"
+ when :one_line
+ '<%= if @header.nil? then '' else "#{@header}: " end %>' +
+ "<%= @prompt %>" +
+ "(<%= list( @menu, #{@flow.inspect},
+ #{@list_option.inspect} ) %>)" +
+ "<%= @prompt[/\s*$/] %>"
+ when :menu_only
+ "<%= list( @menu, #{@flow.inspect},
+ #{@list_option.inspect} ) %><%= @prompt %>"
+ else
+ @layout
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # This method will update the intelligent responses to account for
+ # Menu specific differences. This overrides the work done by
+ # Question.build_responses().
+ #
+ def update_responses( )
+ append_default unless default.nil?
+ @responses = { :ambiguous_completion =>
+ "Ambiguous choice. " +
+ "Please choose one of #{options.inspect}.",
+ :ask_on_error =>
+ "? ",
+ :invalid_type =>
+ "You must enter a valid #{options}.",
+ :no_completion =>
+ "You must choose one of " +
+ "#{options.inspect}.",
+ :not_in_range =>
+ "Your answer isn't within the expected range " +
+ "(#{expected_range}).",
+ :not_valid =>
+ "Your answer isn't valid (must match " +
+ "#{@validate.inspect})." }.merge(@responses)
+ end
+ end