path: root/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib')
29 files changed, 0 insertions, 6399 deletions
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4d76f..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- VERSION = '0.9.0'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'ruwiki/handler'
-require 'ruwiki/auth'
-require 'ruwiki/template'
-require 'ruwiki/lang/en' # Default to the English language.
-require 'ruwiki/config'
-require 'ruwiki/backend'
-require 'ruwiki/wiki'
-require 'ruwiki/page'
- # = Ruwiki
- # Ruwiki is a simple, extensible Wiki written in Ruby. It supports both
- # CGI and WEBrick interfaces, templates, and CSS formatting. Additionally,
- # it supports project namespaces, so that two pages can be named the same
- # for differing projects without colliding or having to resort to odd
- # naming conventions. Please see the ::Ruwiki project in the running Wiki
- # for more information. Ruwiki 0.9.0 has German and Spanish translations
- # available.
- #
- # == Quick Start (CGI)
- # 1. Place the Ruwiki directory in a place that your webserver can execute
- # CGI programs and ensure that ruwiki.cgi is executable on your webserver.
- # 2. Point your web browser to the appropriate URL.
- #
- # == Quick Start (WEBrick)
- # 1. Run ruwiki_servlet (ruwiki_servlet.bat under Windows).
- # 2. Point your web browser to <http://localhost:8808/>.
- #
- # == Configuration
- # There are extensive configuration options available. The Ruwiki WEBrick
- # servlet offers command-line options that simplify the configuration of
- # Ruwiki without editing the servlet; use ruwiki_servlet --help for more
- # information.
- #
- # == Copyright
- # Copyright:: Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue, Ltd.
- # Authors:: Alan Chen (
- # Austin Ziegler (
- # Licence:: Ruby's
-class Ruwiki
- ALLOWED_ACTIONS = %w(edit create)
- EDIT_ACTIONS = %w(save cancel)
- EDIT_VARS = %w(newpage version edcomment q)
- RESERVED = ['save', 'preview', 'cancel', EDIT_VARS].flatten
- # Returns the current configuration object.
- attr_reader :config
- # Returns the current Response object.
- attr_reader :response
- # Returns the current Request object.
- attr_reader :request
- # Returns the current Markup object.
- attr_reader :markup
- # Returns the current Backend object.
- attr_reader :backend
- # Sets the configuration object to a new configuration object.
- def config=(cc)
- raise self.message[:config_not_ruwiki_config] unless cc.kind_of?(Ruwiki::Config)
- @config = cc
- self.config!
- end
- def config!
- @markup.default_project = @config.default_project
- @markup.message = self.message
- end
- def load_config(filename)
- @config =
- self.config!
- end
- # The message hash.
- def message
- @config.message
- end
- # Initializes Ruwiki.
- def initialize(handler)
- @request = handler.request
- @response = handler.response
- @config =
- @path_info = @request.determine_request_path || ''
- @type = nil
- @error = {}
- @markup =,
- @request.script_url,
- @config.title)
- end
- # Initializes the backend for Ruwiki.
- def set_backend
- @backend =, @config.storage_type)
- @markup.backend = @backend
- # Load the blacklists here because I don't as of yet know where else
- # to put them. :(
- @banned_agents = load_blacklist('agents.banned')
- @banned_hostip = load_blacklist('hostip.banned')
- @readonly_agents = load_blacklist('agents.readonly')
- @readonly_hostip = load_blacklist('hostip.readonly')
- end
- def load_blacklist(filename)
- data = []
- filename = File.join(@config.storage_options[@config.storage_type]['data-path'], filename)
- ii = '^'
- jj = /^#{ii}/o
-, 'rb') do |f|
- f.each do |line|
- line.gsub!(%r{^\s*#.*$}, '')
- line.strip!
- if line.empty?
- data << nil
- else
- if line =~ jj
- data << "(?:#{line}\n)"
- else
- data << line
- end
- end
- end
- end
- data.compact!
- if data.empty?
- nil
- else
-"|"), Regexp::EXTENDED)
- end
- end
- def check_useragent
- addr = @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR']
- user = @request.environment['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
- if user.nil? or user.empty?
- :forbidden
- elsif @banned_hostip and addr and addr =~ @banned_hostip
- :forbidden
- elsif @banned_agents and user =~ @banned_agents
- :forbidden
- elsif @readonly_hostip and addr and addr =~ @readonly_hostip
- :read_only
- elsif @readonly_agents and user =~ @readonly_agents
- :read_only
- else
- :clean
- end
- end
- # Runs the steps to process the wiki.
- def run
- @config.verify
- set_backend
- set_page
- process_page
- render
- rescue Exception => ee
- render(:error, ee)
- ensure
- output
- end
- # Initializes current page for Ruwiki.
- def set_page
- path_info = @path_info.split(%r{/}, -1).map { |ee| ee.empty? ? nil : ee }
- if path_info.size == 1 or (path_info.size > 1 and path_info[0])
- raise self.message[:invalid_path_info_value] % [@path_info] unless path_info[0].nil?
- end
- # path_info[0] will ALWAYS be nil.
- path_info.shift
- case path_info.size
- when 0 # Safety check.
- nil
- when 1 # /PageTopic OR /_edit
- set_page_name_or_action(path_info[0])
- when 2 # /Project/ OR /Project/PageTopic OR /Project/_edit OR /Project/create
- @project = path_info.shift
- set_page_name_or_action(path_info[0])
- else # /Project/PageTopic/_edit OR /Project/diff/3,4 OR something else.
- @project = path_info.shift
- item = path_info.shift
- action = RE_ACTION.match(item)
- if action
- @action = action.captures[0]
- @params = path_info
- else
- @topic = item
- item = path_info.shift
- action = RE_ACTION.match(item)
- if action
- @action = action.captures[0]
- @params = path_info
- end
- end
- end
-# @request.each_parameter { |key, val| puts "#{key} :: #{val.class}" }
- @project ||= @config.default_project
- @topic ||= @config.default_page
- end
- PROJECT_LIST_ITEM = %[%1$s (a href='\\%2$s/%1$s/_topics' class='rw_minilink')%3$s\\</a\\>]
- # Processes the page through the necessary steps. This is where the edit,
- # save, cancel, and display actions are present.
- def process_page
- content = nil
- formatted = false
- @page =, @project))
- @type = :content
- agent_ok = check_useragent
- case agent_ok
- when :read_only
- @page.editable = false
- case @action
- when 'edit', 'save', 'preview', 'cancel', 'search'
- @page.indexable = false
- end
- when :forbidden
- forbidden
- return
- else
- unless @config.auth_mechanism.nil?
- @auth_token = Ruwiki::Auth[@config.auth_mechanism].authenticate(@request, @response, @config.auth_options)
- @page.editable = @auth_token.permissions['edit']
- end
- end
- # TODO Detect if @action has already been set.
- @action ||= @request.parameters['action'].downcase if @request.parameters['action']
- @action ||= 'save' if @request.parameters['save']
- @action ||= 'cancel' if @request.parameters['cancel']
- @action ||= 'preview' if @request.parameters['preview']
- unless @page.editable
- case @action
- when 'edit', 'save', 'preview', 'cancel'
- @action = 'show'
- end
- end
- case @action
- when 'search'
- # get, validate, and cleanse the search string
- # TODO: add empty string rejection.
- srchstr = validate_search_string(@request.parameters['q'])
- if not srchstr.nil?
- srchall = @request.parameters['a']
- @page.editable = false
- @page.indexable = false
- @page.content = self.message[:search_results_for] % [srchstr]
- @page.topic = srchstr || ""
- unless srchall.nil?
- hits = @backend.search_all_projects(srchstr)
- else
- hits = @backend.search_project(@page.project, srchstr)
- end
- # turn hit hash into content
- hitarr = []
- # organize by number of hits
- hits.each { |key, val| (hitarr[val] ||= []) << key }
- rhitarr = hitarr.reverse
- maxhits = hitarr.size
- rhitarr.each_with_index do |tarray, rnhits|
- next if tarray.nil? or tarray.empty?
- nhits = maxhits - rnhits - 1
- if nhits > 0
- @page.content << "\n== #{self.message[:number_of_hits] % [nhits]}\n* "
- @page.content << tarray.join("\n* ")
- end
- end
- @type = :search
- else
- @sysmessage = self.message[:no_empty_search_string] % [ @page.project, @page.topic ]
- @type = :content
- end
- when 'topics'
- if @backend.project_exists?(@page.project)
- topic_list = @backend.list_topics(@page.project)
- else
- topic_list = []
- end
- @page.editable = false
- # todo: make this localized
- if topic_list.empty?
- @page.content = self.message[:no_topics] % [@page.project]
- else
-! do |tt|
- uu = CGI.unescape(tt)
- if (uu != tt) or (tt =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/)
- "[[#{CGI.unescape(tt)}]]"
- else
- tt
- end
- end
- @page.content = <<EPAGE
-= #{self.message[:topics_for_project] % [@page.project]}
-* #{topic_list.join("\n* ")}
- end
- @type = :content
- when 'projects'
- proj_list = @backend.list_projects
- @page.editable = false
- if proj_list.empty?
- @page.content = self.message[:no_projects]
- else
- # TODO make this localized
-! { |proj| PROJECT_LIST_ITEM % [ proj, @request.script_url, self.message[:project_topics_link] ] }
- @page.content = <<EPAGE
-= #{self.message[:wiki_projects] % [@config.title]}
-* ::#{proj_list.join("\n* ::")}
- end
- content = @page.to_html(@markup)
- content.gsub!(%r{\(a href='([^']+)/_topics' class='rw_minilink'\)}, '<a href="\1/_topics" class="rw_minilink">') #'
- content.gsub!(%r{\\&lt;}, '<')
- content.gsub!(%r{\\&gt;}, '>')
- formatted = true
- @type = :content
- when 'edit', 'create'
- # Automatically create the project if it doesn't exist or if the
- # action is 'create'.
- @backend.create_project(@page.project) if @action == 'create'
- @backend.create_project(@page.project) unless @backend.project_exists?(@page.project)
- @page.creator = if @action == 'create' and @auth_token
- @page.indexable = false
- @lock = @backend.obtain_lock(@page, @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR']) rescue nil
- if @lock.nil?
- @type = :content
- @sysmessage = self.message[:page_is_locked]
- else
- content = nil
- formatted = true
- @type = :edit
- end
- when 'save', 'preview'
- np = @request.parameters['newpage'].gsub(/\r/, '').chomp
- @page.topic = @request.parameters['topic']
- @page.project = @request.parameters['project']
- @page.editor_ip = @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR']
- @page.indexable = false
- save_ver = @backend.retrieve(@page.topic, @page.project)['properties']['version'].to_i
- sent_ver = @request.parameters['version'].to_i
- if sent_ver < save_ver
- @type = :edit
- np = np.split($/)
- content_diff = Diff::LCS.sdiff(np, @page.content.split($/), Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
- content_diff.reverse_each do |hunk|
- case hunk
- when Array
- hunk.reverse_each do |diff|
- case diff.action
- when '+'
-# np.insert(diff.old_position, "+#{diff.new_element}")
- np.insert(diff.old_position, "#{diff.new_element}")
- when '-'
- np.delete_at(diff.old_position)
-# np[diff.old_position] = "-#{diff.old_element}"
- when '!'
- np[diff.old_position] = "-#{diff.old_element}"
- np.insert(diff.old_position + 1, "+#{diff.new_element}")
- end
- end
- when Diff::LCS::ContextChange
- case hunk.action
- when '+'
- np.insert(hunk.old_position, "#{hunk.new_element}")
-# np.insert(hunk.old_position, "+#{hunk.new_element}")
- when '-'
- np.delete_at(hunk.old_position)
-# np[diff.old_position] = "-#{hunk.old_element}"
- when '!'
- np[hunk.old_position] = "-#{hunk.old_element}"
- np.insert(hunk.old_position + 1, "+#{hunk.new_element}")
- end
- end
- end
- @page.content = np.join("\n")
- edc = @request.parameters['edcomment']
- unless (edc.nil? or edc.empty? or edc == "*")
- @page.edit_comment = edc
- end
- @sysmessage = self.message[:not_editing_current_version] % [ @page.project, @page.topic ]
- else
- if @action == 'save'
- @page.editor = if @auth_token
- op = @page.content
- else
- op = nil
- end
- if (np == op) and (@action == 'save')
- @type = :content
- else
- @page.content = np
- edc = @request.parameters['edcomment']
- unless (edc.nil? or edc.empty? or edc == "*")
- @page.edit_comment = edc
- end
- if @action == 'save'
- @type = :save
- @page.version = @request.parameters['version'].to_i + 1
- # hack to ensure that Recent Changes are updated correctly
- if @page.topic == 'RecentChanges'
- recent =, @page.project))
- @page.content = recent.content
- end
- @backend.release_lock(@page, @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR'])
- else
- @type = :preview
- @lock = @backend.obtain_lock(@page, @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR'])
- content = nil
- formatted = true
- end
- end
- end
- when 'cancel'
-# @page.topic = @request.parameters['topic']
-# @page.project = @request.parameters['project']
-# @page.version = @request.parameters['version'].to_i
- @backend.release_lock(@page, @request.environment['REMOTE_ADDR'])
- @type = :content
- else
- # TODO AZ: This should probably return a 501 Not Implemented or some
- # other error unless @action.nil?
- nil
- end
- content = @page.to_html(@markup) if not formatted
- rescue Exception => ee # rescue for def process_page
- @type = :error
- if ee.kind_of?(Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError)
- name = "#{self.message[:error]}: #{ee.to_s}"
- else
- name = "#{self.message[:complete_utter_failure]}: #{ee.to_s}"
- end
- @error[:name] = CGI.escapeHTML(name)
- @error[:backtrace] = { |el| CGI.escapeHTML(el) }.join("<br />\n")
- content = nil
- ensure
- @content = content
- end # def process_page
- # Renders the page.
- def render(*args)
- if args.empty?
- type = @type
- error = @error
- else
- raise ArgumentError, self.message[:render_arguments] unless args.size == 2
- type = args[0]
- error = {
- :name => Ruwiki.clean_entities(args[1].inspect),
- :backtrace => args[1].backtrace.join("<br />\n")
- }
- @page =
- end
- @rendered_page = ""
- values = {
- "css_link" => @config.css_link,
- "home_link" => %Q(<a href="#{@request.script_url}">#{@config.title}</a>),
- "cgi_url" => @request.script_url,
- "content" => @content,
- }
- if @page.nil?
- values["page_project"] = ""
- values["page_raw_topic"] = ""
- values["page_topic"] = ""
- values["editable"] = false
- values["indexable"] = false
- else
- values["page_project"] = @page.project
- values["page_raw_topic"] = @page.topic
- values["page_topic"] = CGI.unescape(@page.topic)
- values["editable"] = @page.editable
- values["indexable"] = @page.indexable
- end
- values["url_project"] = %Q(#{values["cgi_url"]}/#{values["page_project"]})
- values["url_topic_search"] = %Q(#{values["url_project"]}/_search?q=#{values["page_topic"]})
- values["link_topic_search"] = %Q(<a href='#{values["url_topic_search"]}'><strong>#{values["page_topic"]}</strong></a>)
- values["message"] = @sysmessage unless @sysmessage.nil?
- case type
- when :content, :save, :search
- values["wiki_title"] = "#{self.message[:error]} - #{@config.title}" if @page.nil?
- values["wiki_title"] ||= "#{@page.project}::#{CGI.unescape(@page.topic)} - #{@config.title}"
- values["label_topic_or_search"] = self.message[:label_topic]
- values["page_topic_name"] = values["page_topic"]
- if type == :content or type == :search
- template =, @config.template(:content), @config.template(:controls), @config.template(:footer))
- if type == :search
- values["label_topic_or_search"] = self.message[:label_search]
- else
- values["page_topic"] = values["link_topic_search"]
- end
- else
- # action type was save
- values["page_topic"] = values["link_topic_search"]
- template =, @config.template(:save), @config.template(:controls), @config.template(:footer))
- end
- when :edit, :preview
- template =, @config.template(:edit))
- values["wiki_title"] = "#{self.message[:editing]}: #{@page.project}::#{CGI.unescape(@page.topic)} - #{@config.title}"
- values["page_content"] = @page.content
- values["page_version"] = @page.version.to_s
- values["unedited_page_content"] = @page.to_html(@markup)
- values["pre_page_content"] = CGI.escapeHTML(@page.content)
- if @request.parameters["edcomment"].nil? or @request.parameters["edcomment"].empty?
- values["edit_comment"] = "*"
- else
- values["edit_comment"] = @request.parameters["edcomment"]
- end
- when :error
- template =, @config.template(:error))
- values["wiki_title"] = "#{self.message[:error]} - #{@config.title}"
- values["name"] = error[:name]
- values["backtrace"] = error[:backtrace]
- values["backtrace_email"] = error[:backtrace].gsub(/<br \/>/, '')
- values["webmaster"] = @config.webmaster
- end
- template.to_html(values, :messages => @config.message,
- :output => @rendered_page)
- end
- # Outputs the page.
- def output
- return if @response.written?
-# if @request.environment["HTTP_ACCEPT"] =~ %r{application/xhtml\+xml}
-# @response.add_header("Content-type", "application/xhtml+xml")
-# else
- @response.add_header("Content-type", "text/html")
-# end
- @response.add_header("Cache-Control", "max_age=0")
- @response.write_headers
- @response << @rendered_page
- end
- def forbidden
- protocol = @request.environment["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] || "HTTP/1.0"
- @response.write_status "#{protocol} 403 FORBIDDEN\nDate: #{CGI::rfc1123_date(}\n\n"
- end
- # nil if string is invalid
- def validate_search_string(instr)
- return nil if instr.empty?
- modstr = instr.dup
- #TODO: add validation of modstr
- return modstr
- end
- def self.clean_entities(data)
- data.gsub(/&/, '&amp;').gsub(/</, '&lt;').gsub(/>/, '&gt;')
- end
- RE_ACTION = %r{^_([[:lower:]]+)$}
- def set_page_name_or_action(item)
- action = RE_ACTION.match(item)
- if action
- @action = action.captures[0]
- else
- @topic = item
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4c923..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki::Auth
- class << self
- def [](name)
- @delegate ||= {}
- if @delegate.has_key?(name)
- @delegate[name]
- else
- require "ruwiki/auth/#{name}"
- @delegate[name] = Ruwiki::Auth.const_get(name.capitalize)
- end
- end
- end
- class Token
- def initialize(name = nil, groups = [], permissions = {})
- @user_name = name
- @groups = groups
- @permissions = permissions
- end
- def found?
- not @user_name.nil?
- end
- def name
- @user_name
- end
- def member?(unix_group_name)
- @groups.include?(unix_group_name)
- end
- def groups
- @groups
- end
- def allowed?(action)
- @permission[action]
- end
- def permissions
- @permissions
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth/gforge.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth/gforge.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70895a1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/auth/gforge.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
- require 'gforge_auth'
-rescue LoadError
- class GForgeAuthenticator
- class AuthenticationResult
- def initialize(name = nil, groups = [])
- @user_name = name
- @groups = groups
- end
- def found?
- not @user_name.nil?
- end
- def user_name
- raise "No session associated with the given key was found" unless found?
- @user_name
- end
- def member?(unix_group_name)
- raise "No session associated with the given key was found" unless found?
- @groups.include?(unix_group_name)
- end
- def groups
- raise "No session associated with the given key was found" unless found?
- @groups
- end
- end
- def self.authenticate(sessionkey, options = {})
- sql = %Q(SELECT user_name FROM users u, user_session us WHERE us.session_hash = '#{sessionkey}' AND us.user_id = u.user_id;)
- res = %x{psql -q -t -U #{options['user']} #{options['pass']} -c \"#{sql}\"}
- rows = res.split(/\n/)
- return if rows.size != 1
- user_name = rows[0].strip
- sql = %Q(SELECT unix_group_name FROM groups g, users u, user_group ug WHERE u.user_name = '#{user_name}' AND ug.user_id = u.user_id AND g.group_id = ug.group_id)
- res = %x(psql -q -t -U #{options['user']} #{options['pass']} -c \"#{sql}\")
- groups = []
- res.split(/\n/).each {|row| groups << row.strip }
-, groups)
- end
- end
-class Ruwiki::Auth::Gforge < Ruwiki::Auth
- def self.authenticate(request, response, options = {})
- options['user'] = options['user'].gsub!(%r{^(\w+)}, '\1')
- options['pass'] = options['pass'].gsub!(%r{^(\w+)}, '\1')
- session_key = request.cookies['session_ser'].value[0].split(%r{-\*-})[-1]
- token = GForgeAuthenticator.authenticate(session_key, options)
- token =, token.groups)
- token.permissions.default = true if token.found?
- rescue
- token =
- token.permissions.default = false
- ensure
- return token
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59947f8..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
- if defined?(Gem::Cache)
- require_gem 'diff-lcs', '~> 1.1.2'
- else
- require 'diff/lcs'
- end
-rescue LoadError => ex
- $stderr.puts ex.message
- raise
-class Ruwiki
- # The list of known backends.
- KNOWN_BACKENDS = %w(flatfiles)
- # The Ruwiki backend delegator. Ruwiki will always instantiate a version
- # of this class which delegates the actual method execution to the Backend
- # class. Error handling is handled by capturing (and possibly forwarding)
- # exceptions raised by the delegate class.
- class BackendDelegator
- def initialize(ruwiki, backend)
- @message = ruwiki.config.message
- @time_format = ruwiki.config.time_format || "%H:%M:%S"
- @date_format = ruwiki.config.date_format || "%Y.%m.%d"
- @datetime_format = ruwiki.config.datetime_format || "#{@date_format} #{@time_format}"
- options = ruwiki.config.storage_options
- options['default-page'] = ruwiki.config.default_page
- unless Ruwiki::KNOWN_BACKENDS.include?(backend)
- raise RuntimeError, @message[:backend_unknown] % [backend]
- end
- beconst = backend.capitalize
- require "ruwiki/backend/#{backend}"
- beoptions = options[backend]
- @delegate = Ruwiki::Backend.const_get(beconst).new(beoptions)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError => ex
- if ex.kind_of?(Array)
- raise, @message[ex.reason[0]] % ex.reason[1]
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- # Retrieve the specified topic and project page. Calls Backend#load
- # after verifying that the project exists.
- def retrieve(topic, project = 'Default')
- unless page_exists?(topic, project)
- exported = Ruwiki::Page::NULL_PAGE.dup
- exported['properties'] = {
- 'title' => topic,
- 'topic' => topic,
- 'project' => project,
- 'create-date' =>,
- 'edit-date' =>,
- 'editable' => true,
- 'indexable' => true,
- 'entropy' => 0.0,
- 'html-headers' => [],
- 'version' => 0
- }
- exported['page'] = {
- 'header' => nil,
- 'footer' => nil
- }
- if project_exists?(project)
- exported['page']['content'] = ""
- else
- exported['page']['content'] = @message[:project_does_not_exist] % [project]
- end
- return exported
- end
- return @delegate.load(topic, project)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::InvalidFormatError => ex
- raise, @message[:page_not_in_backend_format] % [project, topic, @delegate.class]
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_read_topic] % [project, topic]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [project, topic, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_retrieve_topic] % mm
- end
- # Stores the specified topic and project page.
- def store(page)
- # update change page
- begin
- recent_changes = nil
- if (page.topic == 'RecentChanges')
- recent_changes = page.dup
- else
- recent_changes ='RecentChanges', page.project))
- end
- changeline = "\n; #{page.editor_ip} (#{}), #{page.topic} : #{page.edit_comment}"
- # add changeline to top of page
- recent_changes.content = changeline + (recent_changes.content || "")
- rescue Exception => ex
- raise "Couldn't save RecentChanges\n#{ex.backtrace}"
- end
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_store_topic] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [page.project, page.topic, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_store_topic] % mm
- end
- # Destroys the specified topic and project page.
- def destroy(page)
- @delegate.destroy(page)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_destroy_topic] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [page.project, page.topic, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_destroy_topic] % mm
- end
- # Releases the lock on the page.
- def release_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- time =
- @delegate.release_lock(page, time, address)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError
- raise, @message[:cannot_release_lock] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Errno::EACCES, Exception => ex
- mm = [page.project, page.topic, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:error_releasing_lock] % mm
- end
- # Attempts to obtain a lock on the page. The lock
- def obtain_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN', timeout = 600)
- time =
- expire = time + timeout
- @delegate.obtain_lock(page, time, expire, address)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError
- raise, @message[:cannot_obtain_lock] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Errno::EACCES, Exception => ex
- mm = [page.project, page.topic, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:error_creating_lock] % mm
- end
- # Checks to see if the project exists.
- def project_exists?(project)
- @delegate.project_exists?(project)
- end
- # Checks to see if the page exists.
- def page_exists?(topic, project = 'Default')
- @delegate.page_exists?(topic, project)
- end
- # Attempts to create the project.
- def create_project(project)
- @delegate.create_project(project)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::ProjectExists => ex
- raise, @message[:project_already_exists] % [project]
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_create_project] % [project]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [project, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_create_project] % mm
- end
- # Attempts to destroy the project.
- def destroy_project(project)
- @delegate.destroy_project(project)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_destroy_project] % [project]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [project, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_destroy_project] % mm
- end
- def search_all_projects(searchstr)
- if @delegate.respond_to?(:search_all_projects)
- @delegate.search_all_projects(searchstr)
- else
- search_all_projects_default(searchstr)
- end
- end
- # Attempts to search all projects. This is the default
- # search_all_projects used unless the delegate implements
- # a specialized search_all_projects.
- def search_all_projects_default(searchstr)
- hits = {}
- list_projects.each do |project|
- lhits = search_project(project, searchstr)
- # Transform the keys from project local to global links.
- lhits.each { |key, val| hits["#{project}::#{key}"] = val }
- end
- hits
- end
- # Attempts to search a project
- def search_project(project, searchstr)
- #TODO: Validate searchstr is a safe regexp?
- @delegate.search_project(project, searchstr)
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [project, searchstr, ex.class, %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:search_project_fail] % mm
- end
- # Return an array of projects
- def list_projects
- @delegate.list_projects
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_list_projects]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = ['', %Q~#{ex}<br />\n#{ex.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_list_projects] % mm
- end
- # Return an array of projects
- def list_topics(projname)
- @delegate.list_topics(projname)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => ex
- raise, @message[:no_access_list_topics] % [projname]
- rescue Exception => ex
- mm = [projname, ex.message]
- raise, @message[:cannot_list_topics] % mm
- end
- end
- # The Ruwiki backend abstract class and factory.
- class Backend
- class ProjectExists < RuntimeError #:nodoc:
- end
- class InvalidFormatError < RuntimeError #:nodoc:
- end
- class BackendError < RuntimeError #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :reason
- def initialize(reason, *args)
- if @reason.respond_to?(:message)
- @reason = reason.message
- else
- @reason = reason
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(storage_options)
- end
- private
- NL_RE = %r{\n} #:nodoc:
- def map_diffset(diffset)
- do |hunk|
- if hunk.kind_of?(Array)
- { |change| change.to_a }
- else
- hunk.to_a
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates the current diff object. This is made from two
- # Ruwiki::Page#export hashes.
- def make_diff(oldpage, newpage)
- oldpage = oldpage.export if oldpage.kind_of?(Ruwiki::Page)
- newpage = newpage.export if newpage.kind_of?(Ruwiki::Page)
- diff =
- newpage.keys.sort.each do |sect|
- newpage[sect].keys.sort.each do |item|
- oldval = oldpage[sect][item]
- newval = newpage[sect][item]
- case [sect, item]
- when ['properties', 'html-headers']
- # Protect against NoMethodError.
- oldval ||= []
- newval ||= []
- val = Diff::LCS.sdiff(oldval, newval, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
- when ['ruwiki', 'content-version'], ['properties', 'version'],
- ['properties', 'entropy']
- val = Diff::LCS.sdiff([oldval], [newval], Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
- when ['properties', 'create-date'], ['properties', 'edit-date']
- val = Diff::LCS.sdiff([oldval.to_i], [newval.to_i], Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
- else
- # Protect against NoMethodError.
- val = Diff::LCS.sdiff(oldval.to_s.split(NL_RE), newval.to_s.split(NL_RE), Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
- end
- (diff[sect] ||= {})[item] = map_diffset(val) unless val.nil? or val.empty?
- end
- end
- diff_hash = {
- 'old_version' => oldpage['properties']['version'],
- 'new_version' => newpage['properties']['version'],
- 'edit-date' => newpage['properties']['edit-date'].to_i,
- 'editor-ip' => newpage['properties']['editor-ip'],
- 'editor' => newpage['properties']['editor'],
- 'diff' => diff
- }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb
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index 7194095..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'ruwiki/exportable'
- # Stores Ruwiki pages as flatfiles.
-class Ruwiki::Backend::Flatfiles < Ruwiki::Backend
- # Initializes the Flatfiles backend. The known options for the Flatfiles
- # backend are documented below.
- #
- # data-path:: The directory in which the wiki files will be found. By
- # default, this is "./data/"
- # extension:: The extension of the wiki files. By default, this is
- # +nil+ in the backend.
- # format:: The format of the files in the backend. By default,
- # this is 'exportable', a tagged data format produced by
- # Ruwiki::Exportable; alternative formats are 'yaml'
- # (::YAML.dump) and 'marshal' (::Marshal.dump).
- # default-page:: The default page for a project. By default, this is
- # ProjectIndex. This is provided only so that the backend
- # can make reasonable guesses.
- def initialize(options)
- @data_path = options['data-path'] || File.join(".", "data")
- @extension = options['extension']
- @format = case options['format']
- when 'exportable', nil
- Ruwiki::Exportable
- when 'yaml'
- ::YAML
- when 'marshal'
- ::Marshal
- end
- if @extension.nil?
- @extension_re = /$/
- else
- @extension_re = /\.#{@extension}$/
- end
- @default_page = options['default-page'] || "ProjectIndex"
- if not (File.exists?(@data_path) and
- raise[:flatfiles_no_data_directory, [@data_path]])
- end
- super
- end
- # Destroys the topic page.
- def destroy(page)
- pf = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- File.unlink(pf) if File.exists?(pf)
- end
- # Checks to see if the project exists.
- def project_exists?(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- File.exists?(pd) and
- end
- # Checks to see if the page exists.
- def page_exists?(topic, project = 'Default')
- pf = page_file(topic, project)
- project_exists?(project) and File.exists?(pf)
- end
- # Tries to create the project.
- def create_project(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- raise Ruwiki::Backend::ProjectExists if File.exists?(pd)
- Dir.mkdir(pd)
- end
- # Tries to destroy the project.
- def destroy_project(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- Dir.rmdir(pd) if File.exists?(pd) and
- end
- # String search all topic names and content in a project and
- # return a hash of topic hits.
- def search_project(project, searchstr)
- re_search =, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
- hits = { |hh, kk| hh[kk] = 0 }
- topic_list = list_topics(project)
- return hits if topic_list.empty?
- # search topic content
- topic_list.each do |topic|
- # search name
- hits[topic] += topic.scan(re_search).size
- # check content
- page = load(topic, project) rescue Ruwiki::Page::NULL_PAGE
- page['page'].each_value do |item|
- item = item.join("") if item.kind_of?(Array)
- item ||= ""
- hits[topic] += item.scan(re_search).size
- end
- end
- hits
- end
- def lock_okay?(page, time, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- lockokay = false
- lockfile = "#{page_file(page.topic, page.project)}.lock"
- if File.exists?(lockfile)
- data ={!})
- # If the lock belongs to this address, we don't care how old it is.
- # Thus, release it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[0].chomp == address)
- # If the lock is older than 10 minutes, release it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[1].to_i < time)
- else
- lockokay = true
- end
- end
- # Attempts to obtain a lock on the topic page. This must return the lock
- def obtain_lock(page, time, expire, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- lock = "#{address}!#{expire}"
- if lock_okay?(page, time, address)
-"#{page_file(page.topic, page.project)}.lock", 'wb') { |lfh| lfh.puts lock }
- else
- raise
- end
- lock
- end
- # Releases the lock on the topic page.
- def release_lock(page, time, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- time =
- lockfile = "#{page_file(page.topic, page.project)}.lock"
- if lock_okay?(page, time, address)
- File.unlink(lockfile) if File.exists?(lockfile)
- else
- raise
- end
- true
- end
- # list projects found in data path
- def list_projects
- Dir[File.join(@data_path, "*")].select do |dd|
- and File.exist?(page_file(@default_page, File.basename(dd)))
- { |dd| File.basename(dd) }
- end
- # list topics found in data path
- def list_topics(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- raise unless File.exist?(pd)
- Dir[File.join(pd, "*")].select do |ff|
- ff !~ /\.rdiff$/ and ff !~ /\.lock$/ and File.file?(ff) and ff =~ @extension_re
- { |ff| File.basename(ff).sub(@extension_re, "") }
- end
- def project_directory(project) # :nodoc:
- File.join(@data_path, project)
- end
- def page_file(topic, project = 'Default') # :nodoc:
- if @extension.nil?
- File.join(project_directory(project), topic)
- else
- File.join(project_directory(project), "#{topic}.#{@extension}")
- end
- end
- def make_rdiff(page_file, new_page)
- diff_file = "#{page_file}.rdiff"
- old_page = self.class.load(pf) rescue Ruwiki::Page::NULL_PAGE
- diffs = []
-, 'rb') { |ff| diffs = Marshal.load(ff) } if File.exists?(diff_file)
- diffs << make_diff(old_page, new_page)
- changes = Marshal.dump(diffs)
-, 'wb') { |ff| ff << changes }
- end
- # Provides a HEADER marker.
- # Loads the topic page from disk.
- def load(topic, project)
- data = nil
-, project), 'rb') { |ff| data = }
- Ruwiki::Page::NULL_PAGE.merge(@format.load(data))
- rescue Ruwiki::Exportable::InvalidFormatError, TypeError, ArgumentError
- raise Ruwiki::Backend::InvalidFormatError
- end
- # Saves the topic page -- and its difference with the previous version
- # -- to disk.
- def store(page)
- pagefile = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- export = page.export
- newpage = @format.dump(export)
- make_rdiff(pagefile, export)
-, 'wb') { |ff| ff.puts newpage }
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/config.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d01dca1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'ruwiki/exportable'
- # Ruwiki configuration.
-class Ruwiki::Config
- include Ruwiki::Exportable
- CONFIG_NAME = 'ruwiki.conf'
- exportable_group 'ruwiki-config'
- # Sets or returns the logger. The logger, if set, must respond to the same
- # methods as WEBrick::Logger.
- attr_accessor :logger
- # Sets or returns the time format whenever time is outputted in Ruwiki.
- # Default is <tt>%H:%M:%S</tt> (23:59:59).
- attr_accessor :time_format
- exportable :time_format
- # Sets or returns the date format whenever time is outputted in Ruwiki.
- # Default is <tt>%Y.%m.%d</tt> (2004.08.04).
- attr_accessor :date_format
- exportable :date_format
- # Sets or returns the date-time format whenever time is outputted in
- # Ruwiki. Default is <tt>%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S</tt> (2004.08.04 23:59:59).
- attr_accessor :datetime_format
- exportable :datetime_format
- # Adds additional information to the (rare) error reports. Defaults to
- # +false+.
- attr_accessor :debug
- exportable :debug
- # The default page for display when Ruwiki is called without any arguments.
- # Defaults to +ProjectIndex+
- attr_accessor :default_page
- exportable :default_page
- # The default project for display when Ruwiki is called without any
- # arguments or a project specification. Defaults to +Default+
- attr_accessor :default_project
- exportable :default_project
- # The authentication mechanism name as a String. Corresponds to
- # a filename that will be found in ruwiki/auth. The authenticator must
- # have a single class method, +authenticate+, which accepts the
- # +request+, the +response+, and the +#auth_options+. This API is
- # a draft API and is likely to change in future versions of Ruwiki. In
- # this version of Ruwiki, only one authentication mechanism will be
- # found -- for dealing with authenticating users already logged into
- # RubyForge.
- attr_accessor :auth_mechanism
- exportable :auth_mechanism
- # Options for the authentication mechanism as a Hash. This will be
- # passed to the authenticator defined in +#auth_mechanism+.
- attr_accessor :auth_options
- exportable :auth_options
- # The storage type as a String. Corresponds to a filename that will be
- # found in ruwiki/backend. NOTE: The yaml and marshal storage types have
- # been removed from Ruwiki 0.9.0, to be replaced with a single storage
- # type of Flatfiles. Now, the YAML and Marshal formats can be enabled by
- # setting options in the @storage_options field.
- attr_accessor :storage_type
- exportable :storage_type
- # The options for the specified storage type. This is a hash of hashes with
- # auto-vifification. See the storage type for available options.
- attr_reader :storage_options
- exportable :storage_options
- # The path for templates. Defaults to <tt>./templates/</tt>.
- attr_accessor :template_path
- exportable :template_path
- # The name of the Wiki. Defaults to <tt>ruwiki</tt>
- attr_accessor :title
- exportable :title
- # The email address of the webmaster for the Wiki. Defaults to +nil+.
- attr_accessor :webmaster
- exportable :webmaster
- # The name of the Ruwiki CSS file. Defaults to <tt>ruwiki.css</tt>.
- attr_accessor :css
- exportable :css
- # The template set. Templates are always named as
- # <template_path>/<template_set>/<template_name>. Template filename. Must
- # be reachable by File#read.
- attr_accessor :template_set
- exportable :template_set
- # Ruwiki is internationalized. This method sets the Ruwiki error
- # messages (and a few other messages) to the specified language Module.
- # The language Module must have a constant Hash called +Message+
- # containing a set of symbols and localized versions of the messages
- # associated with them.
- #
- # If the file 'ruwiki/lang/es.rb' contains the module
- # <tt>Ruwiki::Lang::ES</tt>, the error messages for RSS could be
- # localized to Español thus:
- #
- # require 'ruwiki/lang/es'
- # ...
- # wiki.config.language = Ruwiki::Lang::ES
- #
- # Localization is per wiki instance. In a servlet environment, this may
- # mean that only a single language is recognised.
- #
- # See Ruwiki::Lang::EN for more information.
- attr_accessor :language
- exportable :language
- # The message hash.
- attr_reader :message
- def language=(ll) #:nodoc:
- if ll.kind_of?(String)
- @language = Ruwiki::Lang::const_get(ll.upcase)
- else
- @language = ll
- end
- @message = @language::Message
- end
- # Returns the specified template as a string.
- def template(name)
-, @template_set, "#{name.to_s}.tmpl"))
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_template_found] % [name.inspect, @template_set]
- end
- # Returns the CSS stylesheet content for the Wiki. This previously
- # returned the <link> to the stylesheet, but instead returns a <style>
- # block in the head so that the CSS is kept with the template set, which
- # may be kept outside of the HTML area.
- def css_link
- %Q[<style type="text/css" media="screen,print">#{, @template_set, @css))}</style>]
- end
- # Creates a new configuration object.
- def initialize(exportable = {})
- rc = exportable['ruwiki-config'] || {}
- @debug = (rc['debug'] == "false") ? false : true
- @default_project = rc['default-project'] || "Default"
- @default_page = rc['default-page'] || "ProjectIndex"
- @auth_mechanism = rc['auth-mechanism'] || nil
- case rc['auth-options']
- when nil, ""
- @auth_options = {}
- else
- @auth_options = Ruwiki::Exportable.load(rc['auth-options'])['default']
- end
- case rc['storage-type']
- when nil, ""
- @storage_type = 'flatfiles'
- else
- @storage_type = rc['storage-type']
- end
- # in 'type!name:<Tab>value\n' format.
- if rc['storage-options'].nil? or rc['storage-options'].empty?
- @storage_options = { |hh, kk| hh[kk] = {} }
- else
- @storage_options = Ruwiki::Exportable.load(rc['storage-options'])
- @storage_options.keys.each do |key|
- @storage_options[key] = @storage_options.delete(key)
- end
- end
- if @storage_options.empty?
- @storage_options[@storage_type]['extension'] = "ruwiki"
- @storage_options[@storage_type]['data-path'] = "./data"
- @storage_options[@storage_type]['format'] = "exportable"
- end
- @storage_options.each_value do |vv|
- if vv['extension'].nil? or vv['extension'].empty?
- vv['extension'] = "ruwiki"
- end
- if vv['data-path'].nil? or vv['data-path'].empty?
- vv['data-path'] = "./data"
- end
- end
- @template_path = rc['template-path'] || "./templates/"
- @template_set = rc['template-set'] || "default"
- @css = rc['css'] || "ruwiki.css"
- @webmaster = rc['webmaster']
- @title = rc['title'] || "Ruwiki"
- @time_format = rc['time-format'] || "%H:%M:%S"
- @date_format = rc['date-format'] || "%Y.%m.%d"
- @datetime_format = rc['datetime-format'] || "#{@date_format} #{@time_format}"
- case rc['language']
- when nil, ""
- self.language = Ruwiki::Lang::EN
- else
- self.language = Ruwiki::Lang::const_get(rc['language'].upcase)
- end
- end
- # Verifies that required configuration options are actually set. Right
- # now, it only checks the values that are defaulted to +nil+.
- def verify
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_webmaster_defined] if @webmaster.nil? or @webmaster.empty?
- raise ConfigError, message[:invalid_template_dir] % [@template_path] unless File.exists?(@template_path) and
- tt = File.join(@template_path, @template_set)
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_template_set] % [@template_set] unless File.exists?(tt) and
- end
- # Provides the canonical export hash.
- def export
- exportable = super
- rc = exportable['ruwiki-config']
- rc['auth-options'] = Ruwiki::Exportable.dump({ 'default' => rc['auth-options']})
- rc['storage-options'] = Ruwiki::Exportable.dump(rc['storage-options'])
- rc['storage-type'] = rc['storage-type'].to_s
- rc['language'] = "#{rc['language']}".sub(/^.*?::([A-Z]+)$/, '\1').downcase
- exportable
- end
- class << self
- def write(file, config)
- if file.respond_to?(:write)
- file.puts(config.dump)
- else
-, 'wb') { |ff| ff.puts(config.dump) }
- end
- end
- def read(file)
- data = nil
- if file.respond_to?(:read)
- data =
- else
-, 'rb') { |ff| data = }
- end
- hash = Ruwiki::Exportable.load(data)
- end
- end
- class ConfigError < StandardError; end
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-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
- # == Synopsis
- # Generalises a marshaling format that is easily read and edited by humans
- # and is relatively easy to manage by software. When an attribute is marked
- # #exportable, the name of the attribute is transformed and stored in
- # a two-level hash, e.g.:
- #
- # exportable_group 'group1'
- # exportable :var_1
- # exportable :var_2
- # exportable_group 'group2'
- # exportable :var_3
- # exportable :var_4
- #
- # Results in an exportable hash of:
- #
- # { 'group1' =>
- # { 'var-1' => @var1,
- # 'var-2' => @var2, },
- # 'group2' =>
- # { 'var-3' => @var3,
- # 'var-4' => @var4, }, }
- #
-module Ruwiki::Exportable
- class InvalidFormatError < RuntimeError; end
- class << self
- # Adds two methods and an attribute to the class that is including Exportable
- #
- # <tt>__exportables</tt>:: Contains the list of exportable symbols by group.
- # <tt>exportable_group</tt>:: Defines the current group for exportable
- # symbols. Default is 'default'.
- # <tt>exportable</tt>:: Accepts two arguments, the attribute being
- # exported and an option hash, containing the
- # values :name and :group, where :name
- # indicates the name of the attribute (so
- # that the default name transformation is
- # not applied) and :group overrides the
- # current #exportable_group. By default, the
- # name of the attribute is transformed such
- # that underscores are converted to dashes
- # (<tt>var_1</tt> becomes 'var-1').
- def append_features(mod)
- super
- class << mod
- attr_reader :__exportables
- define_method(:exportable_group) do |name|
- @__exportable_group = name || 'default'
- end
- define_method(:exportable) do |*symset|
- symbol = symset.shift
- options = symset.shift || {}
- @__exportables ||= {}
- options[:name] ||= symbol.to_s.gsub(/_/, '-')
- options[:group] ||= @__exportable_group || 'default'
- @__exportables[options[:group]] ||= {}
- @__exportables[options[:group]][options[:name]] = "@#{symbol.to_s}".intern
- end
- end
- end
- # Looks for comments. Comments may ONLY be on single lines.
- COMMENT_RE = %r{^#}
- # Looks for newlines
- NL_RE = %r{\n}
- # Looks for a line that indicates an exportable value. See #dump.
- HEADER_RE = %r{^([a-z][-a-z]+)!([a-z][-a-z]+):[ \t](.*)$}
- # Looks for an indented group indicating that the last group is
- # a multiline value.
- FIRST_TAB = %r{^[ \t]}
- # Dumps the provided exportable hash in the form:
- #
- # section!name:<Tab>Value
- # section!name:<Space>Value
- #
- # Multiline values are indented either one space or one tab:
- #
- # section!name:<Tab>Value Line 1
- # <Tab>Value Line 2
- # <Tab>Value Line 3
- # <Tab>Value Line 4
- #
- # All values in the exportable hash are converted to string
- # representations, so only values that can meaningfully be reinstantiated
- # from string representations should be stored in the exportable hash. It
- # is the responsibility of the class preparing the exportable hash
- # through Exportable#export to make the necessary transformations.
- def dump(export_hash)
- dumpstr = ""
- export_hash.keys.sort.each do |sect|
- export_hash[sect].keys.sort.each do |item|
- val = export_hash[sect][item].to_s.split(NL_RE).join("\n\t")
- dumpstr << "#{sect}!#{item}:\t#{val}\n"
- end
- end
- dumpstr
- end
- # Loads a buffer in the form provided by #dump into an exportable hash.
- # Skips comment lines.
- def load(buffer)
- hash = {}
- return hash if buffer.nil? or buffer.empty?
- # Split the buffer and eliminate comments.
- buffer = buffer.split(NL_RE).delete_if { |line| line =~ COMMENT_RE }
- if HEADER_RE.match(buffer[0]).nil?
- raise Ruwiki::Exportable::InvalidFormatError
- end
- sect = item = nil
- buffer.each do |line|
- line.chomp!
- match = HEADER_RE.match(line)
- # If there is no match, add the current line to the previous match.
- # Remove the leading \t, though.
- if match.nil?
- raise Ruwiki::Exportable::InvalidFormatError if FIRST_TAB.match(line).nil?
- hash[sect][item] << "\n#{line.gsub(FIRST_TAB, '')}"
- else
- sect = match.captures[0]
- item = match.captures[1]
- hash[sect] ||= {}
- hash[sect][item] = match.captures[2]
- end
- end
- hash
- end
- end
- # Converts #exportable attributes to an exportable hash, in the form:
- # { 'group1' =>
- # { 'var-1' => @var1,
- # 'var-2' => @var2, },
- # 'group2' =>
- # { 'var-3' => @var3,
- # 'var-4' => @var4, }, }
- #
- # Classes that #include Exportable are encouraged to override export to
- # ensure safe transformations of values. An example use might be:
- #
- # class TimeClass
- # include Ruwiki::Exportable
- #
- # def export
- # sym = super
- #
- # sym['default']['time'] = sym['default']['time'].to_i
- # sym
- # end
- #
- # In this way, the 'time' value is converted to an integer rather than the
- # default string representation.
- def export
- sym = {}
- self.class.__exportables.each do |group, gval|
- gname = group || @__exportable_group || 'default'
- gsym = {}
- gval.each do |name, nval|
- val = self.instance_variable_get(nval)
- gsym[name] = val unless val.nil?
- end
- sym[gname] = gsym
- end
- sym
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/handler.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/handler.rb
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-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki::Handler
- class << self
- # Generate a new Handler pair from a CGI request.
- def from_cgi(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- do |o|
- o.request =
- o.response =, output_stream)
- end
- end
- # Generate a new Handler pair from a WEBrick request.
- def from_webrick(req, res)
- do |o|
- o.request =
- o.response =
- end
- end
- end
- # Returns the handler's request object.
- attr_accessor :request
- # Returns the handler's response object.
- attr_accessor :response
- # Creates the handler pair.
- def initialize(&block) #:yields: self
- @request = nil
- @response = nil
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- # Essentially a clone of WEBrick::Cookie for use with Ruwiki.
- class Cookie
- attr_reader :name
- attr_accessor :value
- attr_accessor :version
- FIELDS = %w(domain path secure comment max_age expires)
- FIELDS.each { |field| attr_accessor field.intern }
- def initialize(name, value)
- @name = name
- @value = value
- @version = 0 # Netscape Cookie
- FIELDS.each { |field| instance_variable_set("@#{field}", nil) }
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- def expires=(t) #:nodoc:
- @expires = if t.nil? or t.kind_of?(Time)
- t
- else
- Time.parse(t.to_s)
- end
- end
- def to_s
- ret = "#{@name}=#{@value}"
- ret << "; Version=#{@version.to_s}" if @version > 0
- ret << "; Domain=#{@domain}" if @domain
- ret << "; Expires=#{CGI::rfc1123_date(@expires)}" if @expires
- ret << "; Max-Age=#{CGI::rfc1123_date(@max_age)}" if @max_age
- ret << "; Comment=#{@comment}" if @comment
- ret << "; Path=#{@path}" if @path
- ret << "; Secure" if @secure
- ret
- end
- end
- # Represents an abstract incoming request. This insulates the rest of
- # the code from knowing whether parameters are passed as part of the
- # path, as parameters in the URL, or in some other fashion.
- class AbstractRequest
- def initialize(*args)
- end
- end
- # Handles all requests from web applications.
- #
- # Subclasses should provide:
- # @parameters:: Hash-like object that responds to #[] and #hash_key?]
- # @environment:: Hash-like object that responds to #[]
- class AbstractWebRequest < AbstractRequest
- # The parameters provided via the web request.
- attr_reader :parameters
- # The environment provided to the web request.
- attr_reader :environment
- # The request path.
- attr_reader :path
- # The list of cookies.
- attr_reader :cookies
- def each_parameter #:yields parameter, value:
- @parameters.each { |kk, vv| yield kk, vv }
- end
- def each_environment #:yields variable, value
- @environment.each { |kk, vv| yield kk, vv }
- end
- def each_cookie #:yields name, value:
- @cookies.each { |kk, vv| yield kk, vv }
- end
- # Return the URL of our server.
- def server_url
- res = "http://" # should detect whether we're in secure server mode.
- if @environment['HTTP_HOST']
- res << @environment['HTTP_HOST']
- else
- res << "#{@environment['SERVER_NAME']}:#{@environment['SERVER_PORT']}"
- end
- end
- # Return the URL of this script.
- def script_url
- server_url << @environment['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s
- end
- # Return the URL of this request.
- def request_url
- res = script_url
- res << @environment['PATH_INFO'] if @environment['PATH_INFO']
- query = @environment['QUERY_STRING']
- res << "?#{@environment['QUERY_STRING']}" if query && !query.empty?
- res
- end
- # Convert a file path into a URL
- def make_url(project, path)
- "#{server_url}/#{project}/#{path}"
- end
- def determine_request_path
- @path = ""
- return @path if @environment['PATH_INFO'].nil?
- @path = @environment['PATH_INFO'].dup
- end
- end
- # Request for CGI-based activity to ruwiki.
- class CGIRequest < AbstractWebRequest
- def initialize(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- @environment = ENV
- @cgi = cgi
- @parameters = {}
- cgi.params.each { |kk, vv| @parameters[kk] = vv[0] }
- @cookies = {}
- cgi.cookies.each do |name, cookie|
- @cookies[name] =, cookie.value) do |oc|
- oc.version = cookie.version if cookie.respond_to?(:version)
- oc.domain = cookie.domain
- oc.path = cookie.path
- =
- oc.comment = cookie.comment if cookie.respond_to?(:comment)
- oc.expires = cookie.expires
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- # Request for WEBrick based servlet activity to ruwiki.
- class WEBrickRequest < AbstractWebRequest
- def initialize(req)
- @environment = req.meta_vars
- @parameters = req.query
- @cookies = {}
- req.cookies.each do |rqc|
- @cookies[] =, rqc.value) do |oc|
- oc.version = rqc.version
- oc.domain = rqc.domain
- oc.path = rqc.path
- =
- oc.comment = rqc.comment
- oc.expires = rqc.expires
- oc.max_age = rqc.max_age
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- # Used to write responses in different execution environments such as
- # CGI and Webrick.
- #
- # If you want to create a new response object, you'll need to implement
- # #add_header, #write_headers, #write_cookies, and #<<.
- #
- # The Response object is instantiated with an output stream which must
- # supply +<<+ and +puts+ methods.
- class AbstractResponse
- # Add to the list of headers to be sent back to the client.
- def add_header(key, value)
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # Write the accumulated headers back to the client.
- def write_headers
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # Write the string to the client.
- def <<(string)
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- def add_cookies(*cookies)
- cookies.each do |cookie|
- @cookies << cookie
- end
- end
- def write_cookies
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # output_stream must respond to #<< and #puts.
- def initialize(output_stream = $stdout)
- @headers = {}
- @cookies = []
- @written = false
- @status = nil
- @output_stream = output_stream
- end
- def written?
- @written
- end
- end
- # CGIResponse is the response object for CGI mode.
- class CGIResponse < AbstractResponse
- # output_stream must respond to #<< and #puts.
- def initialize(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- @cgi = cgi
- @done = {
- :headers => false,
- :cookies => false,
- :body => false
- }
- super(output_stream)
- end
- # Add the header pair for later output as a CGI header.
- def add_header(key, value)
- @headers[key] = value
- end
- # Write the headers to the stream. The headers can only be written
- # once.
- def write_headers
- return if @done[:headers]
- @headers.each { |key, value| @output_stream.puts "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" }
- write_cookies
- @output_stream.puts
- @done[:headers] = true
- end
- # Write the cookies to the stream. The cookies can only be written
- # once.
- def write_cookies
- return if @done[:cookies]
- @cookies.each do |cookie|
- @output_stream.puts "Set-Cookie: #{cookie.to_s}"
- end
- @done[:cookes] = true
- end
- # Output the string to the stream provided.
- def <<(string)
- @output_stream << string
- @written = true
- end
- def write_status(status)
- unless status.nil?
- @output_stream << status
- @written = true
- end
- end
- end
- # WEBrickResponse is the response object for WEBrick servlet mode.
- class WEBrickResponse < AbstractResponse
- def initialize(webrick_response)
- @response = webrick_response
- @cookies = []
- @done = {
- :headers => false,
- :cookies => false,
- :body => false
- }
- end
- def add_header(key, value)
- @response[key] = value
- end
- # Copy the cookies into the WEBrick::HTTPResponse cookies array.
- def write_cookies
- return if @done[:cookies]
- @cookies.each do |cookie|
- @response.cookies << cookie.to_s
- end
- @done[:cookes] = true
- end
- def write_headers
- write_cookies
- # Webrick will take care of this on its own.
- end
- def <<(string)
- @response.body << string.to_s
- @written = true
- end
- def write_status(status)
- unless status.nil?
- match = %r{^HTTP/(?:\d|\.)+ (\d+) .*}.match(status)
- @response.status = match.captures[0]
- @response.body << status
- @written = true
- end
- end
- end
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-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Translation by Christian Neukirchen ( on 22oct2003
-# Updated by Christian Neukirchen ( on 27aug2004
-# Updated by Christian Neukirchen ( on 09nov2004
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-module Ruwiki::Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::DE is the German-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module DE
- Message = { |hh, kk| hh[kk] = "Sprachdatei-FEHLER: Unbekannter Nachrichten-Typ #{k.inspect}."; hh[kk] }
- message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :charset_encoding => "iso-8859-15",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Unbekanntes Backend %1$s.",
- :cannot_create_project => "Kann %1$s nicht erstellen: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "Kann %1$s nicht zerstören: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "Kann %1$s::%2$s nicht zerstören: %3$s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "Kann keine Sperre für %1$s::%2$s erhalten. Bitte in Kürze nochmal versuchen.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "Kann die Sperre für %1$s::%2$s nicht lösen. Bitte später nochmal versuchen.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "Kann auf %1$s::%2$s nicht zugreifen: %3$s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "Kann %1$s::%2$s nicht speichern: %3$s",
- :cannot_list_topics => "Kann Themen für Projekt %1$s nicht auflisten: %2$s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Fehler beim Erzeugen der Sperre von %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Fehler beim Lösen der Sperre von %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "Das Daten-Verzeichnis (%1$s) existiert nicht.",
- :no_access_list_projects => "Keine Berechtigung zum Auflisten der Projekte.",
- :no_access_list_topics => "Keine Berechtigung zum Auflisten der Themen von Projekt %1$s.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "Keine Berechtigung um Projekt %1$s zu erzeugen.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "Keine Berechtigung um Projekt %1$s zu zerstören.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "Keine Berechtigung um Thema %1$s::%2$s zu zerstören.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "Keine Berechtigung um Thema %1$s::%2$s zu lesen.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "Keine Berechtigung um Thema %1$s::%2$s zu speichern.",
- :page_not_in_backend_format => "%1$s::%2$s ist in einem von Backend %3$s nicht unterstütztem Format.",
- :project_already_exists => "Project %1$s existiert bereits.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "Project %1$s existiert nicht.",
- :search_project_fail => "Suche in Projekt %1$s nach Zeichenkette %2$s gescheitert.",
- :yaml_requires_182_or_higher => "YAML-Flatfile-Support existiert nur für Ruby 1.8.2 oder höher.",
- :not_editing_current_version => <<EOM ,
-Sie haben eine alte Version von %1$s::%2$s abgeschickt. Die Unterschiede
-zwischen ihrer und der jetzigen Version wurden kombiniert. Konfliktierende
-Zeilen zeigen beide Zeilen. Bitte gehen sie sicher, dass sie die gesammte
-Seite bearbeitet haben bevor sie nochmals speichern.
- :no_empty_search_string => <<EOM ,
-Das Suchfeld darf nicht leer sein. Bitte etwas eingeben bevor der Suchknopf
-gedrückt wird.
- :page_is_locked => "Die Seite ist bereits zur Bearbeitung gesperrt. Bitte warte ein paar Minuten und versuche es dann noch ein mal.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "Die Konfiguration muss von Typ der Klasse Ruwiki::Config sein.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "Der angegebene Pfad für Schablonen (%1$s) existiert nicht oder ist kein Verzeichnis.",
- :no_template_found => "Keine Schablone %1$s im Schablonen-Set '%2$s' gefunden.",
- :no_template_set => "Es gibt kein Schablonen-Set '%1$s' im Schablonen-Pfad.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Konfigurations-Fehler: Kein Webmaster definiert.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Fataler Fehler",
- :editing => "Editieren",
- :error => "Fehler",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Fataler Fehler in der Web-Umgebung. PATH_INFO = %1$s",
- # Should this really get translated? --chris
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render muss mit zwei oder mehr Argumenten aufgerufen werden.",
- :unknown_feature => "Unbekanntes Feature %1$s.",
- :topics_for_project => "Themen for Projekt ::%1$s",
- :project_topics_link => "(Themen)",
- :wiki_projects => "Projekte in %1$s",
- :no_projects => "Keine Projekte bekannt.",
- :no_topics => "Keine Themen in Projekt %1$s.",
- :search_results_for => "= Suchergebnisse für: %1$s",
- :number_of_hits => "%d Treffer",
- # Labels
- :label_search_project => "Durchsuche Projekt",
- :label_search_all => "Alles",
- :label_search => "Suche: ",
- :label_project => "Projekt: ",
- :label_topic => "Thema: ",
- :label_edit => "Editieren",
- :label_recent_changes => "Aktuelle Änderungen",
- :label_topics => "Themen",
- :label_projects => "Projekte",
- :label_editing => "Editieren",
- :label_text => "Text:",
- :label_text_accelerator => "T",
- :label_edit_comment => "Anmerkung: ",
- :label_comment_accelerator => "R",
- :label_save => "Speichern",
- :label_save_accelerator => "S",
- :label_cancel => "Abbrechen",
- :label_cancel_accelerator => "A",
- :label_preview => "Vorschau",
- :label_preview_accelerator => "V",
- :label_original_text => "Ursprüngliche Version",
- :label_raw => "Formatfrei",
- :label_formatted => "Formatiert",
- :label_send_report_by => "Schicken Sie dem Webmaster einen Report via Email.",
- :label_send_report => "Report schicken.",
- :label_saved_page => "Gespeicherte Seite: ",
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :converter_usage => "Benutzung: %1$s [Optionen] <Verzeichnis>+",
- :converter_format_desc => [ "Konvertiert gefundene Dateien (Jetziges",
- "Format egal) in das angegebene Format",
- "Standard ist flatfiles. Erlaubte",
- "Formate sind: yaml marshal flatfiles" ],
- :converter_backup_desc => [ "Erzeugt Backups der aktualisierten",
- "Dateien. Standard ist --backup." ],
- :converter_backupext_desc => [ 'Gibt die Backup-Erweiterung an. Standard',
- 'ist "~", das dem Datendateinamen',
- 'angehängt wird.' ],
- :converter_backupext_error => "Die Backup-Erweiterung darf nicht leer sein.",
- :converter_extension_desc => [ "Gibt die Erweiterung der Ruwiki-",
- "Datendateien an. Standard ist .ruwiki" ],
- :converter_extension_error => "Die Erweiterung darf nicht leer sein.",
- :converter_noextension_desc => [ "Gibt an, dass Ruwiki-Datendateien",
- "keine Dateierweiterung haben." ],
- :converter_quiet_desc => [ "Still sein. Standard sind normale",
- "Mitteilungen." ],
- :converter_language_desc => [ "Sprache auf LANG setzen. Standard ist",
- "en (Englisch). Bekannte Sprachen sind:",
- "en es de" ],
- :converter_verbose_desc => [ "Gesprächig sein. Standard sind normale",
- "Mitteilungen." ],
- :converter_help_desc => [ "Diesen Text zeigen." ],
- :converter_num_arguments => "Fehler: Nicht genug Parameter.",
- :converter_directory => "Verzeichnis",
- :converter_converting_from => "Wandle von %1$s nach %2$s um... ",
- :converter_done => "fertig.",
- :converter_not_ruwiki => "Keine Ruwiki-Datei; übersprungen.",
- :converter_nosave_modified => "Kann veränderte Datei %1$s nicht speichern.",
- :converter_page_format_error => "Fehler: Kann Seitenformat nicht erkennen.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Manager
- :manager_unknown_command => "Unbekannter Befehl: %1$s",
- :manager_help_commands => <<EOH ,
-Es gibt diese 'ruwiki'-Befehle:
- ruwiki install Standard-Entwicklungspaket installieren.
- ruwiki package Ruwiki-Installation einpacken.
- ruwiki unpackage Ruwiki-Installation auspacken.
- ruwiki service Win32::Service für Ruwiki verwalten.
- :manager_help_help => <<-EOH ,
-Diese Hilfsnachricht zeigt, wie man mehr Informationen zu diesem
-Kommandozeilenwerkzeug erhalten kann:
- ruwiki help commands Alle 'ruwiki' Befehle anzeigen.
- ruwiki help <BEFEHL> Hilfe zu <BEFEHL> zeigen.
- (e.g., 'ruwiki help install')
- :manager_missing_parameter => "Fehlender Parameter für Option: %1$s",
- :manager_dest_not_directory => "Das Ziel (%1$s) ist kein Verzeichnis.",
- :manager_install_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki install [OPTIONEN] [--to ZIEL]
-Erzeugt eine neue Ruwiki-Instanz. Standardmäßig installiert dies die Daten,
-Schablonen und eine Standard-Konfigurationsdatei im derzeitigen Verzeichnis.
-Das Ziel kann mit --to geändert werden, und was installiert werden soll mit
-der OPTIONEN-Liste. Die Elemente der OPTIONEN-Liste dürfen durch Leerzeichen,
-Komma oder Semikola getrennt werden. Daher haben
- ruwiki install data;servlet
- ruwiki install data,servlet
- ruwiki install data servlet
-alle die gleiche Wirkung. Die Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt keine Rolle.
-Die OPTIONEN sind:
- servlet # Den Ruwiki servlet stub installieren
- service # Den Ruwiki Win32::Service stub installieren
- CGI # Das Ruwiki CGI-Skript installieren
- data # Ruwiki-Daten, Schablonen, und Konfiguration installieren
-Optionen können durch voranstellen von '-' oder 'no' abgeschaltet werden:
- ruwiki install cgi -data
- ruwiki install cgi nodata
-Dies würde das CGI-Skript, nicht aber die Daten installieren.
- :manager_package_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki package [QUELL] [--output PAKET] [--replace]
- ruwiki package [QUELL] [-o PAKET] [--replace]
-Packt die Ruwiki-Dateien (Daten, Schablonen und Programme) vom angegebenen
-QUELL-Verzeichnis oder dem derzeitigen Verzeichnis in das angegebene Paket
-(oder "./%1$s"). Sollte QUELL eine Ruwuki-Konfigurationsdatei sein (z.B.
-"%2$s"), dann wird sie verwendet, um Ort und Name der Daten- und Schablonen-
-Verzeichnisse zu erfahren.
- MERKE: Der Einpack-Prozess normalisiert die Daten- und Schablonen-
- Verzeichnisnamen relativ zum Einpackverzeichnis. Es werden
- niemals absolute Pfade sein.
- :manager_unpackage_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki unpackage [QUELL] [--output VERZEICHNIS]
- ruwiki unpackage [QUELL] [-o VERZEICHNIS]
-Entpackt das gegebene Rukwiki-Paket (Standard: "./%1$s") in das angebene
-Verzeichnis (oder ".").
- :manager_service_broken => "Kann keinen Win32-Service verwalten, wenn Win32::Service nicht installiert ist.",
- :manager_service_lo_argcount => "Ungenügene Parameteranzahl: %1$s",
- :manager_service_hi_argcount => "Zu viele Parameter: %1$s",
- :manager_service_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki service install NAME [BESCHREIBUNG] [Optionen]
- ruwiki service start NAME
- ruwiki service stop NAME
- ruwiki service delete NAME
-Verwaltet das Ruwiki WEBrick servlet als Windows-Service. Der Service muss
-benannt (NAME) sein. install unterstützt folgende zusätzliche Optionen:
- --rubybin RUBYPFAD Der Pfad zum Ruby-Binärverzeichnis.
- --exec SERVICEPFAD Der Pfad zum Service-Programm.
- --home PFADNACHAHAUSE Der Pfad zum Heimverzeichnis.
- :manager_package_exists => "Das Paket %1$s existiert bereits.",
- :manager_service_installed => "Service %1$s installiert.",
- :manager_one_moment => "Moment, %1$s ...",
- :manager_service_started => "Service %1$s gestartet.",
- :manager_service_stopped => "Service %1$s gestoppt.",
- :manager_service_deleted => "Service %1$s gelöscht.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :runner_usage => "Verwendung: %1$s [Optionen]",
- :runner_general_options => "Allgemeine Optionen:",
- :runner_saveconfig_desc => [ "Sichert die Konfiguration nach FILENAME",
- "und beendet. Falls FILENAME nicht",
- "gegben ist, wird die Standardkonfig-",
- "urationsdatei verwendet. Alle Optionen",
- "werden von der bestehenen Konfiguration",
- "und der Kommandozeile und gesichert.",
- "Das Servlet wird nicht gestartet.",
- "Der Standardname ist:" ],
- :runner_config_desc => [ "Standardkonfiguration von FILENAME",
- "statt der Standardkonfigurationsdatei",
- "lesen. Optionen die bislang gesetzt",
- "wurden werden zu den Werten, die in der",
- "Konfigurationsdatei stehen,",
- " zurückgesetzt." ],
- :runner_webrick_options => "WEBrick-Optionen:",
- :runner_port_desc => [ "Lässt das Ruwiki-Servlet auf dem gegebenen",
- "Port laufen. Standard: 8808." ],
- :runner_address_desc => [ "Schränkt das Ruwiki-Servlet so ein, dass",
- "es nur die (Komma-separierten) Adressen",
- "akzepiert. Kann mehrfach angegeben werden",
- "Standardmäßig wird nicht eingeschränkt." ],
- :runner_local_desc => [ "Lässt das Ruwiki-Servlet nur lokale",
- "Verbindungen akzeptieren (",
- "Hebt vorige -A Adressen auf." ],
- :runner_mountpoint_desc => [ "Die relative URI unter der Ruwiki",
- 'zugreifbar wird. Standard: "/".' ],
- :runner_log_desc => [ "Protokolliere WEBrick. Standard ist --log." ],
- :runner_logfile_desc => [ "Die Datei, in die das WEBrick-Protokoll",
- "geschrieben wird. Standard: Standard-",
- "fehlerausgabe." ],
- :runner_threads_desc => [ "Setzt den WEBrick-Threadcount." ],
- :runner_ruwiki_options => "Ruwiki-Optionen:",
- :runner_language_desc => [ 'Wählt die Oberflächensprache für Ruwiki.',
- 'Standard: "en". Kann "en", "de", oder',
- '"es" sein.' ],
- :runner_webmaster_desc => [ 'Die Ruwiki-Wwebmaster Email-Adresse.',
- 'Standard: "webmaster@domain.tld".' ],
- :runner_debug_desc => [ 'Aktiviert Ruwuki-Debugging. Standard:',
- '--no-debug.' ],
- :runner_title_desc => [ 'Gibt den Ruwiki-Titel an. Standard ist',
- '"Ruwiki".' ],
- :runner_defaultpage_desc => [ 'Eine andere Standardseite. Standard ist',
- '"ProjectIndex".' ],
- :runner_defaultproject_desc => [ 'Eine andere Standardprojektseite.',
- 'Standard ist "Default".' ],
- :runner_templatepath_desc => [ 'Ort, an dem Ruwiki-Schablonen sind.',
- 'Standard ist "./templates".' ],
- :runner_templatename_desc => [ 'Name der Ruwiki-Schablonen. Default',
- 'Standard ist "default".' ],
- :runner_cssname_desc => [ 'Name der CSS-Datei im Schablonenpfad',
- 'Standard ist "ruwiki.css".' ],
- :runner_storage_desc => [ 'Wähle den Speichertyp:' ],
- :runner_datapath_desc => [ 'Ort, an dem Datendateien gespeichert sind.',
- 'Standard ist "./data".' ],
- :runner_extension_desc => [ 'Dateierweiterung für Datendateien.',
- 'Standard ist "ruwiki".' ],
- :runner_central_desc => [ 'Lässt Ruwiki mit den Daten des Standard-',
- 'RubyGem-Orts laufen .' ],
- :runner_general_info => "Allgemeine Information:",
- :runner_help_desc => [ "Zeigt diesen Text an." ],
- :runner_version_desc => [ "Zeigt die Ruwuki-Version." ],
- :runner_rejected_address => "Adresse %1$s abgewiesen. Nur Verbindungen von %2$s werden akzeptiert.",
- :runner_banner => <<-BANNER ,
- Port %2$d
- Erlaubte Adressen %3$s
- Mount Point %4$s
- Protokollieren? %5$s
- Protokollpfad %6$s
- Threads %7$s
- Webmaster %8$s
- Debugging? %9$s
- Titel %10$s
- Standardprojekt %11$s
- Standardseite %12$s
- Schablonenpfad %13$s
- Schablone %14$s
- CSS-Datei %15$s
- Speichertyp %16$s
- Datenpfad %17$s
- Dateierweiterung %18$s
- }
- message.each { |kk, vv| Message[kk] = vv }
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de0771a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-module Ruwiki::Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::EN is the English-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module EN
- Message = { |hh, kk| hh[kk] = "Language ERROR: Unknown message key #{kk.inspect}."; hh[kk] }
- message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :charset_encoding => "iso-8859-15",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Backend %1$s is unknown.",
- :cannot_create_project => "Cannot create project %1$s: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "Cannot destroy project %1$s: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "Cannot destroy %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "Unable to obtain a lock on %1$s::%2$s. Try again shortly.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "Unable to release the lock on %1$s::%2$s. Try again shortly.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "Cannot retrieve %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "Cannot store %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_list_topics => "Cannot list topics for project %1$s: %2$s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Error creating lock on %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Error releasing lock on %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "The data directory (%1$s) does not exist.",
- :no_access_list_projects => "No permission to list projects.",
- :no_access_list_topics => "No permission to list topics in project %1$s.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "No permission to create project %1$s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "No permission to destroy project %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "No permission to destroy topic %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "No permission to retrieve the %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "No permission to store the %1$s::%2$s.",
- :page_not_in_backend_format => "%1$s::%2$s is not in the format supported by the backend %3$s.",
- :project_already_exists => "Project %1$s already exists.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "Project %1$s does not exist.",
- :search_project_fail => "Failure searching project %1$s with string %2$s.",
- :yaml_requires_182_or_higher => "YAML flatfile support exists only for Ruby version 1.8.2 or higher.",
- :not_editing_current_version => <<EOM ,
-You have submitted an old version of %1$s::%2$s. The differences between
-your version and the current version of this page have been merged.
-Conflicting lines have both lines shown. Please ensure that you have edited
-the entire page before saving again.
- :no_empty_search_string => <<EOM ,
-The search field may not be empty. Please enter something in the search box
-before pressing the search button.
- :page_is_locked => "The page is locked for editing. Please wait a few minutes and try again.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "Configuration must be of class Ruwiki::Config.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "The specified path for templates (%1$s) does not exist or is not a directory.",
- :no_template_found => "No template of %1$s found in template set %2$s.",
- :no_template_set => "There is no template set '%1$s' in the template path.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Configuration error: Webmaster is unset.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Complete and Utter Failure",
- :editing => "Editing",
- :error => "Error",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Something has gone seriously wrong with the web environment. PATH_INFO = %1$s",
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render must be called with zero or two arguments.",
- :unknown_feature => "Unknown feature %1$s.",
- :topics_for_project => "Topics for Project ::%1$s",
- :project_topics_link => "(topics)",
- :wiki_projects => "Projects in %1$s",
- :no_projects => "No known projects.",
- :no_topics => "No topics in project %1$s.",
- :search_results_for => "= Search results for: %1$s",
- :number_of_hits => "%1$d Hits",
- # Labels
- :label_search_project => "Search Project",
- :label_search_all => "All",
- :label_search => "Search: ",
- :label_project => "Project: ",
- :label_topic => "Topic: ",
- :label_edit => "Edit",
- :label_recent_changes => "Recent Changes",
- :label_topics => "Topics",
- :label_projects => "Projects",
- :label_editing => "Editing",
- :label_text => "Text:",
- :label_text_accelerator => "T",
- :label_edit_comment => "Edit Comment: ",
- :label_comment_accelerator => "O",
- :label_save => "Save",
- :label_save_accelerator => "S",
- :label_cancel => "Cancel",
- :label_cancel_accelerator => "C",
- :label_preview => "Preview",
- :label_preview_accelerator => "P",
- :label_original_text => "Original Text",
- :label_raw => "Raw",
- :label_formatted => "Formatted",
- :label_send_report_by => "Send the Wiki maintainer a report by email.",
- :label_send_report => "Send report.",
- :label_saved_page => "Saved page: ",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :converter_usage => "Usage: %1$s [options] <directory>+",
- :converter_format_desc => [ "Converts encountered files (regardless",
- "of the current format), to the specified",
- "format. Default is flatfiles. Allowed",
- "formats are: yaml marshal flatfiles" ],
- :converter_backup_desc => [ "Create backups of upgraded files.",
- "Default is --backup." ],
- :converter_backupext_desc => [ 'Specify the backup extension. Default',
- 'is "~", which is appended to the data',
- 'filename.' ],
- :converter_backupext_error => "The backup extension must not be empty.",
- :converter_extension_desc => [ "Specifies the extension of Ruwiki data",
- "files. The default is .ruwiki" ],
- :converter_extension_error => "The extension must not be empty.",
- :converter_noextension_desc => [ "Indicates that the Ruwiki data files",
- "have no extension." ],
- :converter_quiet_desc => [ "Runs quietly. Default is to run with",
- "normal messages." ],
- :converter_language_desc => [ "Sets the language to LANG. Defaults",
- "to en (English). Known languages",
- "are: en es de" ],
- :converter_verbose_desc => [ "Runs with full message. Default is to",
- "run with normal messages." ],
- :converter_help_desc => [ "Shows this text." ],
- :converter_num_arguments => "Error: not enough arguments.",
- :converter_directory => "directory",
- :converter_converting_from => "converting from %1$s to %2$s ... ",
- :converter_done => "done.",
- :converter_not_ruwiki => "not a Ruwiki file; skipping.",
- :converter_nosave_modified => "cannot save modified %1$s.",
- :converter_page_format_error => "Error: Cannot detect the page format.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Manager
- :manager_unknown_command => "Unknown command: %1$s",
- :manager_help_commands => <<EOH ,
-The commands known to 'ruwiki' are:
- ruwiki install Installs the default deployment package.
- ruwiki package Packages a Ruwiki installation.
- ruwiki unpackage Unpackages a Ruwiki installation.
- ruwiki service Manages a Win32::Service for Ruwiki.
- :manager_help_help => <<-EOH ,
-This is a basic help message containing pointers to more information on how
-to use this command-line tool. Try:
- ruwiki help commands list all 'ruwiki' commands
- ruwiki help <COMMAND> show help on <COMMAND>
- (e.g., 'ruwiki help install')
- :manager_missing_parameter => "Missing parameter for option: %1$s",
- :manager_dest_not_directory => "The destination (%1$s) is not a directory.",
- :manager_install_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki install [OPTIONS] [--to DEST]
-Creates a new Ruwiki instance. By default this installs the data, templates,
-and a default configuration file to the current directory. The destination
-can be changed with the --to option, and what is installed can be specified
-with the OPTIONS list. The OPTIONS list may be space, comma, or semi-colon
-separated. Thus,
- ruwiki install data;servlet
- ruwiki install data,servlet
- ruwiki install data servlet
-are all equivalent. The options may be specified in any case. The
-installation OPTIONS are:
- servlet # Installs the Ruwiki servlet stub
- service # Installs the Ruwiki Win32::Service stub
- CGI # Installs the Ruwiki CGI script
- data # Installs the Ruwiki data, templates, and configuration
-Options may be disabled with by prepending a dash or 'no':
- ruwiki install cgi -data
- ruwiki install cgi nodata
-These will install the CGI script but not the data.
- :manager_package_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki package [SOURCE] [--output PACKAGE] [--replace]
- ruwiki package [SOURCE] [-o PACKAGE] [--replace]
-Packages the Ruwiki files (data, templates, and executables) from the
-specified SOURCE or the current directory into the specified output package
-(or "./%1$s"). If the SOURCE is a ruwiki configuration file (e.g.,
-"%2$s"), then that will be used to determine the location and name of
-the data and template directories.
- NOTE: The packaging process will normalize the data and templates
- directory names to be relative to the unpacking directory. They
- will NEVER be absolute paths.
- :manager_unpackage_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki unpackage [SOURCE] [--output DIRECTORY]
- ruwiki unpackage [SOURCE] [-o DIRECTORY]
-Unpackages the provided Ruwiki package (default "./%1$s") into the
-specified directory (default ".").
- :manager_service_broken => "Cannot manage a Win32 service if Win32::Service is not installed.",
- :manager_service_lo_argcount => "Insufficient arguments: %1$s",
- :manager_service_hi_argcount => "Too many arguments: %1$s",
- :manager_service_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki service install NAME [DESCRIPTION] [options]
- ruwiki service start NAME
- ruwiki service stop NAME
- ruwiki service delete NAME
-Manages the Ruwiki WEBrick servlet as a Windows service. The service must be
-NAMEd. install supports the following additional options:
- --rubybin RUBYPATH The path to the Ruby binary.
- --exec SERVICEPATH The path to the service executable.
- --home PATHTOHOME The path to the home directory.
- :manager_package_exists => "Package %1$s already exists.",
- :manager_service_installed => "%1$s service installed.",
- :manager_one_moment => "One moment, %1$s ...",
- :manager_service_started => "%1$s service started.",
- :manager_service_stopped => "%1$s service stopped.",
- :manager_service_deleted => "%1$s service deleted.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :runner_usage => "Usage: %1$s [options]",
- :runner_general_options => "General options:",
- :runner_saveconfig_desc => [ "Saves the configuration to FILENAME and",
- "exit. If FILENAME is not used, then the",
- "default configuration file will be",
- "used. All options will be read from the",
- "existing configuration file and the",
- "command-line and saved. The servlet",
- "will not start. The default name is:" ],
- :runner_config_desc => [ "Read the default configuration from",
- "FILENAME instead of the default config",
- "file. Options set until this point will",
- "be reset to the values from those read",
- "configuration file." ],
- :runner_webrick_options => "WEBrick options:",
- :runner_port_desc => [ "Runs the Ruwiki servlet on the specified",
- "port. Default 8808." ],
- :runner_address_desc => [ "Restricts the Ruwiki servlet to accepting",
- "connections from the specified address or",
- "(comma-separated) addresses. May be",
- "specified multiple times. Defaults to all",
- "addresses." ],
- :runner_local_desc => [ "Restricts the Ruwiki servlet to accepting",
- "only local connections (",
- "Overrides any previous -A addresses." ],
- :runner_mountpoint_desc => [ "The relative URI from which Ruwiki will",
- 'be accessible. Defaults to "/".' ],
- :runner_log_desc => [ "Log WEBrick activity. Default is --log." ],
- :runner_logfile_desc => [ "The file to which WEBrick logs are",
- "written. Default is standard error." ],
- :runner_threads_desc => [ "Sets the WEBrick threadcount." ],
- :runner_ruwiki_options => "Ruwiki options:",
- :runner_language_desc => [ 'The interface language for Ruwiki.',
- 'Defaults to "en". May be "en", "de", or',
- '"es".' ],
- :runner_webmaster_desc => [ 'The Ruwiki webmaster email address.',
- 'Defaults to "webmaster@domain.tld".' ],
- :runner_debug_desc => [ 'Turns on Ruwiki debugging. Defaults',
- 'to --no-debug.' ],
- :runner_title_desc => [ 'Provides the Ruwiki title. Default is',
- '"Ruwiki".' ],
- :runner_defaultpage_desc => [ 'An alternate default page. Default is',
- '"ProjectIndex".' ],
- :runner_defaultproject_desc => [ 'An alternate default project. Default is',
- '"Default".' ],
- :runner_templatepath_desc => [ 'The location of Ruwiki templates. Default',
- 'is "./templates".' ],
- :runner_templatename_desc => [ 'The name of the Ruwiki templates. Default',
- 'is "default".' ],
- :runner_cssname_desc => [ 'The name of the CSS file in the template',
- 'path. Default is "ruwiki.css".' ],
- :runner_storage_desc => [ 'Select the storage type:' ],
- :runner_datapath_desc => [ 'The path where data files are stored.',
- 'Default is "./data".' ],
- :runner_extension_desc => [ 'The extension for data files.',
- 'Default is "ruwiki".' ],
- :runner_central_desc => [ 'Runs Ruwiki with the data in the default',
- 'RubyGem location.' ],
- :runner_general_info => "General info:",
- :runner_help_desc => [ "Shows this text." ],
- :runner_version_desc => [ "Shows the version of Ruwiki." ],
- :runner_rejected_address => "Rejected peer address %1$s. Connections are only accepted from %2$s.",
- :runner_banner => <<-BANNER ,
-WEBrick options:
- Port %2$d
- Accepted Addresses %3$s
- Mount Point %4$s
- Logging? %5$s
- Log Destination %6$s
- Threads %7$s
-Ruwiki options:
- Webmaster %8$s
- Debugging? %9$s
- Title %10$s
- Default Project %11$s
- Default Page %12$s
- Template Path %13$s
- Template Set %14$s
- CSS Source %15$s
- Storage Type %16$s
- Data Path %17$s
- Extension %18$s
- }
- message.each { |kk, vv| Message[kk] = vv }
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a9ee2a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-module Ruwiki::Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::ES is the English-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module ES
- Message = { |hh, kk| hh[kk] = "ERROR: Identificador de mensaje desconocido: #{kk.inspect}."; hh[kk] }
- message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :charset_encoding => "iso-8859-15",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Backend %1$s desconocido.",
- :cannot_create_project => "No pudo crearse el proyecto %1$s: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "No pudo borrarse el proyecto %1$s: %2$s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "No pudo borrarse %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "No pudo obtenerse el cerrojo para %1$s::%2$s. Reinténtelo de nuevo en breve.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "No pudo liberarse el cerrojo para %1$s::%2$s. Reinténtelo de nuevo en breve.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "No pudo obtenerse %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "No pudo almacenarse %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :cannot_list_topics => "No se pudo listar los temas del proyecto %1$s: %2$s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Error al crear el cerrojo para %1$s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Error al liberar el cerrojo para %1s::%2$s: %3$s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "El directorio de datos (%1$s) no existe.",
- :no_access_list_projects => "Permiso denegado al listar los proyectos.",
- :no_access_list_topics => "Permiso denegado al listar los temas del proyecto %1$s.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "Permiso denegado al crear el proyecto %1$s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "Permiso denegado al borrar el proyecto %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "Permiso denegado al borrar el borrar el tema %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "Permiso denegado al acceder a %1$s::%2$s.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "Permiso denegado al almacenar %1$s::%2$s.",
- :page_not_in_backend_format => "%1$s::%2$s no está en un formato soportado por el backend %3$s.",
- :project_already_exists => "El proyecto %1$s ya existe.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "El proyecto %1$s no existe.",
- :search_project_fail => "Error al buscar la cadena %2$s en el proyecto %1$s.",
- :yaml_requires_182_or_higher => "El soporte para archivos YAML sólo está disponible en Ruby versión 1.8.2 o superior.",
- :not_editing_current_version => <<EOM ,
-Ha enviado una versión antigua de %1$s::%2$s. Las diferencias entre su versión
-y la actual han sido fusionadas. En caso de conflicto, las líneas de ambas
-versiones serán mostradas. Asegúrese de editar la página en su totalidad
-antes de salvar de nuevo.
- :no_empty_search_string => <<EOM ,
-El campo de búsqueda no puede estar vacío. Por favor introduzca el texto
-a buscar antes de pulsar sobre el botón de búsqueda.
- :page_is_locked => "La pagina no puede ser editada al estar bloqueada en este momento. Por favor espere unos minutos y vuelva a intentar.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "La configuración debe ser de clase Ruwiki::Config.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "El path para plantillas (%1$s) no existe o no es un directorio.",
- :no_template_found => "No pudo encontrarse la plantilla para %1$s en el conjunto %2$s.",
- :no_template_set => "No pudo encontrarse el conjunto de plantillas '%1$s' en el path.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Error de configuración: Webmaster no está definido.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Error catastrófico",
- :editing => "Edición",
- :error => "Error",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Algo huele a podrido en su entorno Web. PATH_INFO = %1$s",
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render debe ser llamado con cero o dos argumentos.",
- :unknown_feature => "Característica desconocida: %1$s.",
- :topics_for_project => "Temas del Proyecto ::%1$s",
- :project_topics_link => "(temas)",
- :wiki_projects => "Proyectos en %1$s",
- :no_projects => "Ningún proyecto.",
- :no_topics => "El proyecto %1$s no tiene nigún tema.",
- :search_results_for => "= Resultados de la búsqueda de: %1$s",
- :number_of_hits => "%1$d Resultados",
- # Labels
- :label_search_project => "Buscar en projecto",
- :label_search_all => "Todo",
- :label_search => "Buscar: ",
- :label_project => "Proyecto: ",
- :label_topic => "Tema: ",
- :label_edit => "Editar",
- :label_recent_changes => "Cambios recientes",
- :label_topics => "Temas",
- :label_projects => "Proyectos",
- :label_editing => "Edición",
- :label_text => "Texto:",
- :label_text_accelerator => "T",
- :label_edit_comment => "Editar Comentario: ",
- :label_comment_accelerator => "O",
- :label_save => "Salvar",
- :label_save_accelerator => "S",
- :label_cancel => "Cancelar",
- :label_cancel_accelerator => "C",
- :label_preview => "Previsualizar",
- :label_preview_accelerator => "P",
- :label_original_text => "Text Original",
- :label_raw => "Crudo",
- :label_formatted => "Formateado",
- :label_send_report_by => "Enviar notificación al administrador del Wiki por email.",
- :label_send_report => "Enviar notificación.",
- :label_saved_page => "Página salvada: ",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :converter_usage => "Modo de empleo: %1$s [opciones] <dir.>",
- :converter_format_desc => [ "Convertir los ficheros encontrados",
- "(independientemente de su formato), al",
- "formato especificado; por defecto ",
- "archivos planos. Formatos permitidos:",
- " yaml marshal flatfiles" ],
- :converter_backup_desc => [ "Crear copias de seguridad de ficheros ",
- "actualizados. La opción por defecto es ",
- "--backup." ],
- :converter_backupext_desc => [ 'Especificar la extensión para las copias',
- 'de seguridad (por defecto "~") que se',
- 'añade al nombre del fichero de datos' ],
- :converter_backupext_error => [ "La extensión para copias de seguridad",
- "no debe estar vacía." ],
- :converter_extension_desc => [ "Especifica la extensión de los ficheros",
- "de datos de Ruwiki (por defecto .ruwiki)" ],
- :converter_extension_error => "La extensión no debe estar vacía.",
- :converter_noextension_desc => [ "Indica que los ficheros de datos de",
- "Ruwiki no tienen ninguna extensión." ],
- :converter_quiet_desc => [ "Ejecución silenciosa. Por defecto se ",
- "ejecuta con mensajes normales." ],
- :converter_language_desc => [ "Especifica el idioma a emplear con LANG.",
- "Por defecto 'en' (inglés).",
- "Idiomas disponibles: en es de" ],
- :converter_verbose_desc => [ "Información detallada de ejecución.",
- "Por defecto se ejecuta con un nivel de ",
- "detalle inferior." ],
- :converter_help_desc => [ "Mostrar este texto." ],
- :converter_num_arguments => "Error: número de argumentos insuficiente.",
- :converter_directory => "directorio",
- :converter_converting_from => "convertiendo de %1$s a %2$s ... ",
- :converter_done => "hecho.",
- :converter_not_ruwiki => "no es un fichero de Ruwiki; ignorando.",
- :converter_nosave_modified => "no pudo salvarse %1$s.",
- :converter_page_format_error => "Error: No pudo detectarse el formato de la página.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Manager
- :manager_unknown_command => "Comando desconocido: %1$s",
- :manager_help_commands => <<EOH ,
-Los comandos reconocidos por 'ruwiki' son:
- ruwiki install Instala el entorno por defecto.
- ruwiki package Empaqueta una instalación de Ruwiki.
- ruwiki unpackage Desempaqueta una instalación de Ruwiki.
- ruwiki service Gestiona un Win32::Service para Ruwiki.
- :manager_help_help => <<-EOH ,
-Este es un mensaje de ayuda básico con referencias a información suplementaria
-relativa a esta herramienta de la línea de comandos. Intente:
- ruwiki help commands mostrar todos los comandos de ruwiki
- ruwiki help <COMANDO> mostrar ayuda sobre <COMANDO>
- (p.ej., 'ruwiki help install')
- :manager_missing_parameter => "Falta parámetro para la opción: %1$s",
- :manager_dest_not_directory => "El destino (%1$s) no es un directorio.",
- :manager_service_broken => "No pudo crearse un servicio de Win32 al no estar instalado Win32::Service.",
- :manager_install_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki install [OPCIONES] [--to DEST]
-Crea una instancia de Ruwiki. Por defecto, se instala los ficheros de datos,
-plantillas y la configuración por defecto en el directorio actual. El destino
-puede ser cambiado con la opción --to, y los elementos a instalar con la lista
-de OPCIONES, que puede ser delimitada por espacios, comas o puntos y comas.
-Así pues,
- ruwiki install data;servlet
- ruwiki install data,servlet
- ruwiki install data servlet
-son equivalentes. Las opciones pueden especificarse en mayúsculas/minúsculas.
-Las opciones de instalación son:
- servlet # Instala el stub para el servlet Ruwiki
- service # Instala el stub para el Win32::Service Ruwiki
- CGI # Instala el script CGI Ruwiki
- data # Instala los datos, plantillas y configuración de Ruwiki
-Las opciones pueden deshabilitarse precediéndolas de un guión o 'no':
- ruwiki install cgi -data
- ruwiki install cgi nodata
-instalarán el script CGI pero no los datos.
- :manager_package_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki package [FUENTE] [--output PAQUETE] [--replace]
- ruwiki package [FUENTE] [-o PAQUETE] [--replace]
-Empaqueta los ficheros de Ruwiki (datos, plantillas y ejecutables) de la
-FUENTE especificada o el directorio actual en el archivo de salida
-especificado (o "../%1$s"). Si la FUENTE es un fichero de configuración
-de rukiwi (p.ej. "%2$s"), será empleado para determinar la localización
-y el nombre de los directorios de datos y plantillas.
- NOTA: El proceso de empaquetado normaliza los nombres de los
- ficheros de datos y plantillas para que sean relativos al
- directorio de desempaquetado. NUNCA serán paths absolutos.
- :manager_unpackage_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki unpackage [FUENTE] [--output DIRECTORIO]
- ruwiki unpackage [FUENTE] [-o DIRECTORIO]
-Desempaqueta el paquete de Ruwiki provisto (por defecto "./%1$s")
-en el directorio indicado (por defecto ".").
- :manager_service_lo_argcount => "Argumentos insuficientes: %1$s",
- :manager_service_hi_argcount => "Demasiados argumentos: %1$s",
- :manager_service_help => <<-EOH ,
- ruwiki service install NOMBRE [DESCRIPCION] [opciones]
- ruwiki service start NOMBRE
- ruwiki service stop NOMBRE
- ruwiki service delete NOMBRE
-Gestiona el servlet Ruwiki para WEBrick como un servicio de Windows, bajo el
-NOMBRE indicado. install soporta además las opciones siguientes:
- --rubybin RUBYPATH Path del ejecutable Ruby.
- --exec SERVICEPATH Path del ejecutable del servicio.
- --home PATHTOHOME Path del directorio home.
- :manager_package_exists => "El paquete %1$s ya existe.",
- :manager_service_installed => "Servicio %1$s instalado.",
- :manager_one_moment => "Un momento, %1$s ...",
- :manager_service_started => "Servicio %1$s iniciado.",
- :manager_service_stopped => "Servicio %1$s parado.",
- :manager_service_deleted => "Servicio %1$s borrado.",
- # Messages from Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- # Note to translators: certain words should be left alone. These
- # will be marked in comments. Description lines are restricted to 40
- # characters and should be an array. Use this as a ruler.
- # => [ "----------------------------------------" ]
- :runner_usage => "Modo de empleo: %1$s [opciones]",
- :runner_general_options => "Opciones generales:",
- :runner_saveconfig_desc => [ "Salvar la configuración en FILENAME y",
- "salir. Si no se emplea FILENAME, la",
- "configuración por defecto será usada.",
- "Todas las opciones serán leídas del",
- "fichero existente y de la línea de",
- "comandos y salvadas. El servlet no se",
- "arrancará. El nombre por defecto es:" ],
- :runner_config_desc => [ "Leer la configuración por defecto de",
- "FILENAME en vez del fichero por defecto",
- "Las opciones especificadas anteriormente",
- "serán sobrescritas" ],
- :runner_webrick_options => "Opciones de WEBrick:",
- :runner_port_desc => [ "Ejecutar el servlet Ruwiki en el puerto",
- "especificado; por defecto 8808." ],
- :runner_address_desc => [ "Aceptar únicamente conexiones desde las",
- "direcciones especificadas (separadas por",
- "comas). Puede usarse repetidamente. Por",
- "defecto todas las direcciones serán",
- "aceptadas" ],
- :runner_local_desc => [ "Aceptar únicamente conexiones locales",
- "( Anula las direcciones",
- "indicadas previamente en -A" ],
- :runner_mountpoint_desc => [ "URI relativo en el que Ruwiki estará",
- 'accesible. Por defecto "/".' ],
- :runner_log_desc => [ "Realizar log de la actividad de WEBrick.",
- "Por defecto se usa --log." ],
- :runner_logfile_desc => [ "Fichero en el que escribir los logs de",
- "WEBrick. Por defecto, el standard error." ],
- :runner_threads_desc => [ "Asigna al threadcount de WEBrick." ],
- :runner_ruwiki_options => "Opciones de Ruwiki:",
- :runner_language_desc => [ 'Idioma de la inferfaz de Ruwiki.',
- 'Por defecto "en". Puede ser "en", ',
- '"de", o "es".' ],
- :runner_webmaster_desc => [ 'Email del webmaster de Ruwiki.',
- 'Por defecto "webmaster@domain.tld".' ],
- :runner_debug_desc => [ 'Activa debugging de Ruwiki. Por defecto',
- 'inhabilitado.' ],
- :runner_title_desc => 'Título del Ruwiki. Por defecto "Ruwiki".',
- :runner_defaultpage_desc => [ 'Página por defecto alternativa; por',
- 'defecto "ProjectIndex".' ],
- :runner_defaultproject_desc => [ 'Proyecto por defecto. Por defecto',
- '"Default".' ],
- :runner_templatepath_desc => [ 'Localización de las plantillas.',
- 'Por defecto "./templates".' ],
- :runner_templatename_desc => [ 'Nombre de las plantillas. Por defecto',
- '"default".' ],
- :runner_cssname_desc => [ 'Nombre del fichero CSS en el directorio',
- 'de plantillas. Por defecto "ruwiki.css".' ],
- :runner_storage_desc => [ 'Tipo de almacenamiento:' ],
- :runner_datapath_desc => [ 'Path donde salvar los ficheros de datos.',
- 'Por defecto; "./data".' ],
- :runner_extension_desc => [ 'Extensión para ficheros de datos.',
- 'Por defecto "ruwiki".' ],
- :runner_central_desc => [ 'Ejecuta Ruwiki con los datos del',
- 'directorio RubyGem.' ],
- :runner_general_info => "Información general:",
- :runner_help_desc => [ "Muestra este texto." ],
- :runner_version_desc => [ "Muestra la versión de Ruwiki." ],
- :runner_rejected_address => "Dirección remota %1$s rechazada. Sólo se admiten conexiones desde %2$s.",
- :runner_banner => <<-BANNER ,
-Opciones de WEBrick:
- Puerto %2$d
- Direcciones admitidas %3$s
- Punto de montaje %4$s
- Logging? %5$s
- Destino del log %6$s
- Hebras %7$s
-Opciones de Ruwiki:
- Webmaster %8$s
- Debugging? %9$s
- Título %10$s
- Proyecto por defecto %11$s
- Página por defecto %12$s
- Path para plantillas %13$s
- Conjunto de plantillas %14$s
- Fuente CSS %15$s
- Tipo de almacenamiento %16$s
- Path de datos %17$s
- Extensión %18$s
- }
- message.each { |kk, vv| Message[kk] = vv }
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/page.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/page.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b246b3a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/page.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'ruwiki/exportable'
- # The page class for Ruwiki. The page defines the data and meta-data for a
- # page.
-class Ruwiki::Page
- include Ruwiki::Exportable
- exportable_group 'ruwiki'
- # Returns the content version of the page. If the page has a greater
- # content version than this version of Ruwiki does, we should probably
- # throw an exception, because attempting to save such a page will cause
- # a loss of data. Immutable.
- #
- # Class:: +ruwiki+
- # ID:: +content-version+
- attr_reader :content_version
- exportable :content_version
- # Returns the version of Ruwiki from which this page was generated.
- # Informational only. Immutable.
- #
- # Class:: +ruwiki+
- # ID:: +version+
- attr_reader :ruwiki_version
- exportable :ruwiki_version, :name => 'version'
- exportable_group 'properties'
- # Returns or sets the displayed title of the page, which may differ from
- # the topic of the page. As of Ruwiki 0.8.0, this is not currently used
- # and it may disappear.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +title+
- attr_accessor :title
- exportable :title
- # Returns or sets the topic of the page, which may differ from the
- # title. This is used to set the topic on a page being saved.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +topic+
- attr_accessor :topic
- exportable :topic
- # Returns or sets the project of the page, which may differ from the
- # title. This is used to set the project on a page being saved.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +project+
- attr_accessor :project
- exportable :project
- # Returns or sets the creator of the page. Unless we know the user
- # (through the authentication mechanism, only partially implemented for
- # Ruwiki 0.9.0), this will be +nil+.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +creator+
- attr_accessor :creator
- exportable :creator
- # Returns or sets the creator's IP address. This should always be set.
- # It will have a value of "UNKNOWN" on the off-chance that something
- # prevents this from working.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +creator-ip+
- attr_accessor :creator_ip
- exportable :creator_ip
- # Returns or sets the date of creation.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +create-date+
- attr_accessor :create_date
- exportable :create_date
- # Returns or sets the last editor of the page. Unless we know the user
- # (through the authentication mechanism, only partially implemented for
- # Ruwiki 0.9.0), this will be +nil+.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +editor+
- attr_accessor :editor
- exportable :editor
- # Returns or sets the last editor's IP address. This should always be
- # set. It will have a value of "UNKNOWN" on the off-chance that
- # something prevents this from working.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +editor-ip+
- attr_accessor :editor_ip
- exportable :editor_ip
- # Returns or sets the date of the last edit.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +edit-date+
- attr_accessor :edit_date
- exportable :edit_date
- # Indicates whether the page is editable. Non-editable pages are
- # effectively static pages.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +editable+
- attr_accessor :editable
- exportable :editable
- # Indicates whether the page is indexable. Non-indexable pages are
- # invisible to compliant web robots, and their links may not be
- # followed.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +indexable+
- attr_accessor :indexable
- exportable :indexable
- # The current version of the page. The old version is always (#version
- # - 1).
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +version+
- attr_accessor :version
- exportable :version
- # An array of complete tags that will appear in the HTML <HEAD> section.
- # Can be used to specify additional CSS, <META> tags, or even JavaScript
- # on a per-page basis. Currently unused.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +html-headers+
- attr_accessor :html_headers
- exportable :html_headers
- # The entropy of the page. This is a ratio of the number of lines
- # changed in the file vs. the total number of lines in the file. This
- # value is currently unused. (And, sad to say, I don't remember why
- # I included it. However, it's an interesting value that may be useful
- # in spam fighting techniques. It is currently stored in the meta-data,
- # but that may change moving forward.)
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +entropy+
- attr_reader :entropy
- exportable :entropy
- # The edit comment for the current revision of the page.
- #
- # Class:: +properties+
- # ID:: +edit-comment+
- attr_accessor :edit_comment
- exportable :edit_comment
- exportable_group 'page'
- # The header content of the page. This is static content (in either Wiki
- # or HTML formats) that appears before the editable contents of the
- # page. If both this and Wiki-level header content are specified, this
- # will appear *after* the Wiki-level header content.
- #
- # Class:: +page+
- # ID:: +header+
- attr_accessor :header
- exportable :header
- # The footer content of the page. This is static content (in either Wiki
- # or HTML formats) that appears before the editable contents of the
- # page. If both this and Wiki-level footer content are specified, this
- # will appear *before* the Wiki-level footer content.
- #
- # Class:: +page+
- # ID:: +footer+
- attr_accessor :footer
- exportable :footer
- # The editable unformatted Wiki content of the page.
- #
- # Class:: +page+
- # ID:: +content+
- attr_accessor :content
- exportable :content
- # Creates a Ruwiki page. This must be created from the canonical export
- # hash.
- def initialize(exported = {})
- ruwiki = exported['ruwiki']
- @content_version = (ruwiki['content-version'] || Ruwiki::CONTENT_VERSION).to_i
- @ruwiki_version = ruwiki['version'] || Ruwiki::VERSION
- props = exported['properties']
- @title = props['title']
- @topic = props['topic'] || "NewTopic"
- @project = props['project'] || "Default"
- @creator = props['creator'] || ""
- @creator_ip = props['creator-ip'] || "UNKNOWN"
- @create_date =['create-date'] ||
- @editor = props['editor'] || ""
- @editor_ip = props['editor-ip'] || "UNKNOWN"
- @edit_date =['edit-date'] ||
- @edit_comment = props['edit-comment'] || ""
- case props['editable']
- when "false"
- @editable = false
- else
- @editable = true
- end
- case props['indexable']
- when "false"
- @indexable = false
- else
- @indexable = true
- end
- @entropy = (props['entropy'] || 0).to_f
- @html_headers = props['html-headers'] || []
- @version = (props['version'] || 0).to_i
- page = exported['page']
- @header = page['header'] || ""
- @content = page['content'] || ""
- @footer = page['footer'] || ""
- # Fix the possibility that the content might be an array of chunks.
- @content = @content.join("") if @content.kind_of?(Array)
- @content.gsub!(/\r/, "")
- end
- # Outputs the HTML version of the page.
- def to_html(markup)
- # Normalise the content, first
- @content.gsub!(/\r/, "")
- markup.parse(@content, @project)
- end
- # Provides the canonical export hash.
- def export
- sym = super
- sym.each_key do |sect|
- if sect == 'ruwiki'
- sym[sect]['content-version'] = Ruwiki::CONTENT_VERSION
- sym[sect]['version'] = Ruwiki::VERSION
- else
- sym[sect].each_key do |item|
- case [sect, item]
- when ['properties', 'create-date'], ['properties', 'edit-date']
- sym[sect][item] = sym[sect][item].to_i
- when ['properties', 'editable'], ['properties', 'indexable']
- sym[sect][item] = (sym[sect][item] ? 'true' : 'false')
- else
- sym[sect][item] = sym[sect][item].to_s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sym
- end
- 'ruwiki' => {
- 'content-version' => Ruwiki::CONTENT_VERSION,
- 'version' => Ruwiki::VERSION
- },
- 'properties' => { },
- 'page' => { },
- }
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 373482e..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'webrick'
-class Ruwiki::Servlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- class << self
- attr_accessor :config
- end
- def initialize(config)
- @config = config
- end
- # Converts a POST into a GET.
- def do_POST(req, res)
- do_GET(req, res)
- end
- def do_GET(req, res)
- # Generate the reponse handlers for Ruwiki from the request and response
- # objects provided.
- wiki =, res))
- # Configuration defaults to certain values. This overrides the defaults.
- wiki.config = Ruwiki::Servlet.config unless Ruwiki::Servlet.config.nil?
- wiki.config!
- wiki.config.logger = @config.logger
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/template.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/template.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index af26151..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/template.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file is originally from rdoc by Dave Thomas (
-# $Id$
-require 'cgi'
- # Ruwiki templating, based originally on RDoc's "cheap-n-cheerful" HTML
- # page template system, which is a line-oriented, text-based templating
- # system.
- #
- # Templates can contain:
- #
- # * The directive !INCLUDE!, which will include the next template from the
- # provided list. This is processed before any template substitution, so
- # repeating and optional blocks work on the values within the template
- # substitution.
- # * Substitutable variable values between percent signs (<tt>%key%</tt>).
- # Optional variable values can be preceded by a question mark
- # (<tt>%?key%</tt>).
- # * Label values between hash marks (<tt>#key#</tt>). Optional label
- # values can be preceded by a question mark (<tt>#?key#</tt>).
- # * Links (<tt>HREF:ref:name:</tt>).
- # * Repeating substitution values (<tt>[:key| stuff :]</tt>). The value of
- # +key+ may be an integer value or a range (in which case key will be
- # used as an iterator, providing the current value of key on successive
- # values), an array of scalar values (substituting each value), or an
- # array of hashes (in which case it works like repeating blocks, see
- # below). These must NOT be nested. Note that integer value counting is
- # one-based.
- # * Optional substitution values (<tt>[?key| stuff ?]</tt> or <tt>[!key|
- # stuff ?]</tt>. These must NOT be nested.
- # * Repeating blocks:
- # START:key
- # ... stuff
- # END:key
- # * Optional blocks:
- # IF:key
- # ... stuff
- # ENDIF:key
- # or:
- # IFNOT:key
- # ... stuff
- # ENDIF:key
- #
- # When generating the output, a hash of values is provided and an optional
- # hash of labels is provided. Simple variables are resolved directly from
- # the hash; labels are resolved as Symbols from the label hash or are
- # otherwise treated as variables. Labels are always resolved from a single
- # message hash.
- #
- # The +key+ for repeating blocks (one-line or multi-line) must be an array
- # of hashes. The repeating block will be generated once for each entry.
- # Blocks can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
- #
- # Optional blocks will only be generated if the test is true. IF blocks
- # test for the presence of +key+ or that +key+ is non-+nil+; IFNOT blocks
- # look for the absence or +nil+ value of +key+. IFBLANK blocks test for
- # the absence, +nil+ value, or emptiness of +key+; IFNOTBLANK blocks test
- # for the presence of +key+ and that it is neither +nil+ nor empty.
- #
- # Usage: Given a set of templates <tt>T1</tt>, <tt>T2</tt>, etc.
- #
- # values = { "name" => "Dave", "state" => "TX" }
- # fr = { :name => "Nom", :state => "Etat" }
- # en = { :name => "Name", :state => "State" }
- # tt =, T2, T3)
- #
- # res = ""
- # tt.process(res, values, fr)
- # tt.process(res, values, en)
- #
-class Ruwiki::TemplatePage
- HREF_RE = %r{HREF:(\w+?):(\w+?):}
- LABEL_RE = %r{#(\??)(-?)(\w+?)#}
- VARIABLE_RE = %r{%(\??)(-?)(\w+?)%}
- IFLINE_RE = %r{\[([?!])(\w+?)\|(.*?)\?\]}
- BLOCKLINE_RE = %r{\[:(\w+?)\|(.*?):\]}
- DDLB_RES = [
- [ :check, %r{%check:(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :date, %r{%date:(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :popup, %r{%popup:(\w+?):(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :ddlb, %r{%ddlb:(\w+?):(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :vsortddlb, %r{%vsortddlb:(\w+?):(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :radio, %r{%radio:(\w+?):(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :radioone, %r{%radioone:(\w+?):(\w+?)%} ],
- [ :input, %r{%input:(\w+?):(\d+?):(\d+?)%} ],
- [ :text, %r{%text:(\w+?):(\d+?):(\d+?)%} ],
- [ :pwinput, %r{%pwinput:(\w+?):(\d+?):(\d+?)%} ],
- [ :pair, %r{%pair(\d)?:([^:]+)(\w+?)%} ]
- ]
- # Nasty hack to allow folks to insert tags if they really, really want to
- OPEN_TAG = "\001"
- CLOSE_TAG = "\002"
- BR = "#{OPEN_TAG}br#{CLOSE_TAG}"
- # A Context holds a stack of key/value pairs (like a symbol table). When
- # asked to resolve a key, it first searches the top of the stack, then the
- # next level, and so on until it finds a match (or runs out of entries).
- class Context
- def initialize
- @stack = []
- end
- def push(hash)
- @stack.push(hash)
- end
- def pop
- @stack.pop
- end
- # Find a scalar value, throwing an exception if not found. This method is
- # used when substituting the %xxx% constructs
- def find_scalar_raw(key)
- @stack.reverse_each do |level|
- if level.has_key?(key)
- val = level[key]
- return val unless val.kind_of?(Array)
- end
- end
- raise "Template error: can't find variable '#{key}'."
- end
- def find_scalar(key)
- find_scalar_raw(key) || ''
- end
- # Lookup any key in the stack of hashes
- def lookup(key)
- @stack.reverse_each do |level|
- return level[key] if level.has_key?(key)
- end
- nil
- end
- end
- # Simple class to read lines out of a string
- class LineReader
- attr_reader :lines
- def initialize(lines)
- @lines = lines
- end
- # read the next line
- def read
- @lines.shift
- end
- # Return a list of lines up to the line that matches a pattern. That last
- # line is discarded.
- def read_up_to(pattern)
- res = []
- while line = read
- if pattern.match(line)
- return
- else
- res << line
- end
- end
- raise "Missing end tag in template: #{pattern.source}"
- end
- # Return a copy of ourselves that can be modified without affecting us
- def dup
- end
- end
- # +templates+ is an array of strings containing the templates. We start at
- # the first, and substitute in subsequent ones where the string
- # <tt>!INCLUDE!</tt> occurs. For example, we could have the overall page
- # template containing
- #
- # <html><body>
- # <h1>Master</h1>
- # </body></html>
- #
- # and substitute subpages in to it by passing [master, sub_page]. This
- # gives us a cheap way of framing pages
- def initialize(*templates)
- result = templates.shift.dup
- templates.each { |content| result.sub!(INCLUDE_RE, content) }
- @lines =\r?\n/))
- end
- attr_reader :lines
- def set_options(opts = {})
- @message = opts[:messages] || {}
- @output = opts[:output] || $stdout
- end
- # Render templates as HTML. Compatibility method for Rublog and
- # Rdoc.
- def write_html_on(op, value_hash, message_hash = {})
- to_html(value_hash, { :output => op, :messages => message_hash })
- end
- # Render templates as HTML
- def to_html(value_hash, options = {})
- set_options(options)
- esc = proc { |str| CGI.escapeHTML(str) }
- @output << process(value_hash, esc)
- end
- # Render templates as TeX. Compatibility method for Rublog and
- # Rdoc.
- def write_tex_on(op, value_hash, message_hash = {})
- to_tex(value_hash, { :output => op, :messages => message_hash })
- end
- # Render templates as TeX
- def to_tex(value_hash, options = {})
- set_options(options)
- esc = proc do |str|
- str.
- gsub(/&lt;/, '<').
- gsub(/&gt;/, '>').
- gsub(/&amp;/) { '\\&' }.
- gsub(/([$&%\#{}_])/) { "\\#$1" }.
- gsub(/>/, '$>$').
- gsub(/</, '$<$')
- end
- str = ""
- str << process(value_hash, esc)
- @output << str
- end
- # Render templates as plain text. Compatibility method for Rublog and
- # Rdoc.
- def write_plain_on(op, value_hash, message_hash = {})
- to_plain(value_hash, { :output => op, :messages => message_hash })
- end
- # Render templates as plain text.
- def to_plain(value_hash, options = {})
- set_options(options)
- esc = proc {|str| str}
- @output << process(value_hash, esc)
- end
- # Render the templates. The The <tt>value_hash</tt> contains key/value
- # pairs used to drive the substitution (as described above). The
- # +escaper+ is a proc which will be used to sanitise the contents of the
- # template.
- def process(value_hash, escaper)
- @context =
- sub(@lines.dup, value_hash, escaper).
- tr("\000", '\\').
- tr(OPEN_TAG, '<').
- tr(CLOSE_TAG, '>')
- end
- # Substitute a set of key/value pairs into the given template. Keys with
- # scalar values have them substituted directly into the page. Those with
- # array values invoke <tt>substitute_array</tt> (below), which examples a
- # block of the template once for each row in the array.
- #
- # This routine also copes with the <tt>IF:</tt>_key_ directive, removing
- # chunks of the template if the corresponding key does not appear in the
- # hash, and the START: directive, which loops its contents for each value
- # in an array
- def sub(lines, values, escaper)
- @context.push(values)
- skip_to = nil
- result = []
- while line =
- mv = line.match(BLOCK_RE)
- if mv.nil?
- result << expand(line.dup, escaper)
- next
- else
- cmd = mv.captures[0]
- tag = mv.captures[1]
- end
- case cmd
- raise "#{cmd}: must have a key to test." if tag.nil?
- val = @context.lookup(tag)
- case cmd # Skip lines if the value is...
- when "IF" # false or +nil+ (not false => true)
- test = (not val)
- when "IFBLANK" # +nil+ or empty
- test = (not (val.nil? or val.empty?))
- when "IFNOT"
- test = val
- when "IFNOTBLANK" #
- test = (val.nil? or val.empty?)
- end
- lines.read_up_to(/^\s*ENDIF:#{tag}/) if test
- when "ENDIF"
- nil
- when "START"
- raise "#{cmd}: must have a key." if tag.nil?
- body = lines.read_up_to(/^\s*END:#{tag}/)
- inner = @context.lookup(tag)
- raise "unknown tag: #{tag}" unless inner
- raise "not array: #{tag}" unless inner.kind_of?(Array)
- inner.each { |vals| result << sub(body.dup, vals, escaper) }
- result << "" # Append the missing \n
- else
- result << expand(line.dup, escaper)
- end
- end
- @context.pop
- result.join("\n")
- end
- # Given an individual line, we look for %xxx%, %?xxx%, #xxx#, #?xxx#,
- # [:key| xxx :], [?key| stuff ?], [!key| stuff ?] and HREF:ref:name:
- # constructs, substituting as appropriate.
- def expand(line, escaper)
- # Generate a cross-reference if a reference is given. Otherwise, just
- # fill in the name part.
- line = line.gsub(HREF_RE) do
- ref = @context.lookup($1)
- name = @context.find_scalar($2)
- if ref and not ref.kind_of?(Array)
- %Q(<a href="#{ref}">#{name}</a>)
- else
- name
- end
- end
- # Look for optional content.
- line = line.gsub(IFLINE_RE) do
- type = $1
- name = $2
- stuff = $3
- case type
- when '?'
- test = @context.lookup(name)
- when '!'
- test = (not @context.lookup(name))
- end
- if test
- stuff
- else
- ""
- end
- end
- # Look for repeating content.
- line = line.gsub(BLOCKLINE_RE) do |match|
- name = $1
- stuff = $2
- val = @context.lookup(name)
- ss = ""
- case val
- when nil
- nil
- when Fixnum
- val.times { |ii| ss << stuff.sub(/%#{name}%/, "#{ii + 1}") }
- when Range
- val.each { |ii| ss << stuff.sub(/%#{name}%/, "#{ii}") }
- when Array
- if not val.empty? and val[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- val.each do |vv|
- @context.push(vv)
- ss << expand(stuff, escaper)
- @context.pop
- end
- else
- val.each { |ee| ss << stuff.sub(/%#{name}%/, "#{ee}") }
- end
- end
- ss
- end
- # Substitute in values for #xxx# constructs.
- line = line.gsub(LABEL_RE) do
- mandatory = $1.nil?
- escaped = $2.nil?
- key = $3.intern
- val = @message[key]
- if val.nil?
- raise "Template error: can't find label '#{key}'." if mandatory
- ""
- else
- val = val.to_s
- val = if escaped
-'\\', "\000")
- end
- end
- # Substitute in values for %xxx% constructs. This is made complex
- # because the replacement string may contain characters that are
- # meaningful to the regexp (like \1)
- line = line.gsub(VARIABLE_RE) do
- mandatory = $1.nil?
- escaped = $2.nil?
- key = $3
- val = @context.lookup(key)
- if val.nil?
- raise "Template error: can't find variable '#{key}'." if mandatory
- ""
- else
- val = val.to_s
- val = if escaped
-'\\', "\000")
- end
- end
- # Substitute DDLB controls:
- DDLB_RES.each do |ddlb|
- line = line.gsub(ddlb[1]) do
- self.send(ddlb[0], Regexp.last_match.captures)
- end
- end
- line
- rescue Exception => ex
- raise "Error in template: #{ex}\nOriginal line: #{line}\n#{ex.backtrace[0]}"
- end
- def check(*args)
- value = @context.find_scalar_raw(args[0])
- checked = value ? " checked" : ""
- "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"#{name}\"#{checked}>"
- end
- def vsortddlb(*args)
- ddlb(*(args.dup << true))
- end
- def ddlb(*args)
- value = @context.find_scalar(args[0]).to_s
- options = @context.lookup(args[1])
- sort_on = args[2] || 0
- unless options and options.kind_of?(Hash)
- raise "Missing options #{args[1]} for ddlb #{args[0]}."
- end
- res = %Q(<select name="#{args[0]}">)
- sorted = options.to_a.sort do |aa, bb|
- if aa[0] == -1
- -1
- elsif bb[0] == -1
- 1
- else
- aa[sort_on] <=> bb[sort_on]
- end
- end
- sorted.each do |key, val|
- selected = (key.to_s == value) ? " selected" : ""
- res << %Q(<option value="#{key}"#{selected}>#{val}</option>)
- end
- res << "</select>"
- end
- def date(*args)
- yy = "#{argv[0]}_y"
- mm = "#{argv[0]}_m"
- dd = "#{argv[0]}_d"
- %Q<#{input(yy, 4, 4)}&nbsp;.&nbsp;#{input(mm, 2, 2)}&nbsp;.&nbsp;#{input(dd, 2, 2)}>
- end
- def radioone(*args)
- radio(*(args.dup << ""))
- end
- def radio(*args)
- value = @context.find_scalar(argv[0]).to_s
- options = @context.lookup(argv[1])
- br = argv[2] || "<br />"
- unless options and options.kind_of?(Hash)
- raise "Missing options #{args[1]} for radio #{args[0]}."
- end
- res = ""
- options.keys.sort.each do |key|
- val = options[key]
- checked = (key.to_s == value) ? " checked" : ""
- res << %Q(<label>
- <input type="radio" name="#{args[0]}"
- value="#{key}"#{checked}">#{val}</label>#{br})
- end
- res
- end
- def text(*args)
- value = @context.find_scalar(args[0]).to_s
- %Q(<textarea name="#{args[0]}" cols="#{args[1]}" rows="#{args[2]}">
- end
- def pwinput(*args)
- input(*(args.dup << "password"))
- end
- def input(*args)
- name = args[0]
- value = @context.find_scalar(name).to_s
- width = args[1]
- max = args[2]
- iptype = args[3] || "text"
- %Q(<input type="#{iptype}" name="#{name}" value="#{value}" size="#{width}" maxsize="#{max}">)
- end
- def popup(*args)
- url = CGI.escapeHTML(@context.find_scalar(args[0]).to_s)
- text = @context.find_scalar(args[1]).to_s
- %Q|<a href="#{url}" target="Popup" class="methodtitle" onClick="popup('#{url}'); return false;">#{text}</a>|
- end
- def pair(*args)
- label = args[0]
- name = args[1]
- colsp = args[2]
- value = @context.find_scalar(name).to_s
- value = case value
- when "true" then "Yes"
- when "false" then "No"
- else value
- end
- td = (colsp.nil? or colsp.empty?) ? "<td>" : %Q{<td colspan="#{colsp}">}
- "#{Html.tag(label)}#{td}#{value}</td>"
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 26317b1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file may be renamed to change the URI for the wiki.
-# $Id$
- # So that Ruwiki doesn't have to be loaded in full to use the bloody thing.
-unless defined?(Ruwiki)
- class Ruwiki
- VERSION = "0.9.0"
- end
-module Ruwiki::Utils
- RUN_PATH = Dir.pwd
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/command.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/command.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7c060..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/command.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file may be renamed to change the URI for the wiki.
-# $Id$
- # Implements the command pattern. Commands are used by the command-line
-class Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- class AbstractCommandError < Exception; end
- class UnknownCommandError < RuntimeError; end
- class CommandAlreadyExists < RuntimeError; end
- class MissingParameterError < ArgumentError
- def initialize(argument)
- @argument = argument
- end
- attr_reader :argument
- end
- class << self
- def add(command)
- command = if command.kind_of?(Class)
- @commands ||= {}
- if @commands.has_key?(
- raise CommandAlreadyExists
- else
- @commands[] = command
- end
- if command.respond_to?(:altname)
- unless @commands.has_key?(command.altname)
- @commands[command.altname] = command
- end
- end
- end
- def <<(command)
- add(command)
- end
- attr_accessor :default
- def default=(command) #:nodoc:
- if command.kind_of?(Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern)
- @default = command
- elsif command.kind_of?(Class)
- @default =
- elsif @commands.has_key?(command)
- @default = @commands[command]
- else
- raise UnknownCommandError
- end
- end
- def command?(command)
- @commands.has_key?(command)
- end
- def command(command)
- if command?(command)
- @commands[command]
- else
- @default
- end
- end
- def [](cmd)
- self.command(cmd)
- end
- def default_ioe(ioe = {})
- ioe[:input] ||= $stdin
- ioe[:output] ||= $stdout
- ioe[:error] ||= $stderr
- ioe
- end
- end
- def [](args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- call(args, opts, ioe)
- end
- def name
- raise AbstractCommandError
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- raise AbstractCommandError
- end
- def help
- raise AbstractCommandError
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/converter.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/converter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0261af8..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/converter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file may be renamed to change the URI for the wiki.
-# $Id$
-require 'optparse'
-require 'ostruct'
-require 'fileutils'
-module Ruwiki::Utils::Converter
- class << self
- TARGETS = %w(flatfiles yaml marshal)
- # Create the regular expressions that are used in Ruwiki 0.6.2
- OLD_HEADER_RE = /^\s*([a-z]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/
- NL_RE = /\n/
- def with(obj)
- yield obj if block_given?
- end
- # Only allow this to be run once. Silently fail otherwise.
- def set_defaults
- return unless @options.nil?
- @options =
- with @options do |oo|
- oo.traverse_directories = true
- oo.backup_old_files = true
- oo.backup_extension = "~"
- oo.quiet = false
- oo.verbose = false
- oo.extension = 'ruwiki'
- oo.target_format = 'flatfiles'
- end
- end
- def message=(lang)
- if lang.kind_of?(Hash)
- @message = lang
- elsif "constant" == defined?(lang::Message)
- @message = lang::Message
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- def message(id)
- if @message[id].nil?
- []
- else
- @message[id]
- end
- end
- def display_options
- end
- def summary
- end
- def run(argv, input = $stdin, output = $stdout, error = $stderr)
- set_defaults
- @input = input
- @output = output
- @error = error
- language = 'en'
- find_lang = argv.grep(%r{^--lang})
- find_lang.each do |ee|
- if ee =~ %r{^--lang=}
- language = ee.sub(%r{^--lang=}, '')
- else
- language = argv[argv.index(ee).succ]
- end
- end
- require "ruwiki/lang/#{language.downcase}"
- self.message = Ruwiki::Lang.const_get(language.upcase)
- argv.options do |opts|
- opts.banner = message(:converter_usage) % File.basename($0)
- opts.separator ''
- opts.on('--format=FORMAT', *message(:converter_format_desc)) do |ff|
- @options.target_format = ff
- end
- opts.on('--[no-]backup', *message(:converter_backup_desc)) do |bb|
- @options.backup_old_files = bb
- end
- opts.on('--backup-extension=EXTENSION', *message(:converter_backupext_desc)) do |ee|
- if ee.nil? or ee.empty?
- @error << message(:converter_backupext_error) << "\n" if ee.nil? or ee.empty?
- @error << "#{opts}\n"
- return 0
- end
- @options.backup_extension = ee
- end
- opts.on('--extension=EXTENSION', *message(:converter_extension_desc)) do |ee|
- if ee.nil? or ee.empty?
- @error << message(:converter_extension_error) << "\n" if ee.nil? or ee.empty?
- @error << "#{opts}\n"
- return 0
- end
- @options.extension = ee
- end
- opts.on('--no-extension', *message(:converter_noextension_desc)) do
- @options.extension = nil
- end
- opts.on('--lang=LANG', *message(:converter_language_desc)) do |lang|
- self.message = Ruwiki::Lang.const_get(lang.upcase)
- end
- opts.on('--quiet', *message(:converter_quiet_desc)) do |qq|
- @options.quiet = qq
- @options.verbose = (not qq)
- end
- opts.on('--verbose', *message(:converter_verbose_desc)) do |vv|
- @options.quiet = (not vv)
- @options.verbose = vv
- end
- opts.separator ''
- opts.on_tail('--help', *message(:converter_help_desc)) do
- @error << "#{opts}\n"
- return 0
- end
- opts.parse!
- end
- if argv.empty?
- @error << message(:converter_num_arguments) << "\n#{argv.options}\n" unless @options.quiet
- return 127
- end
- display_options if @options.verbose
- @options.target_format.capitalize!
- @options.target_format_class = Ruwiki::Backend.const_get(@options.target_format)
- argv.each { |file| process_file(file) }
- summary if not @options.quiet
- end
- # Process a single file.
- def process_file(file)
- if @options.backup_old_files
- return if file =~ /#{@options.backup_extension}/
- end
- @out << "#{file}: " unless @options.quiet
- if and @options.traverse_directories
- @out << message(:converter_directory) << "\n" unless @options.quiet
- Dir.chdir(file) { Dir['*'].each { |entry| process_file(entry) } }
- else
- begin
- page, page_format = load_page(file)
- @out << message(:converter_converting_from) % [ page_format, @options.target_format ] if @options.verbose
- save_page(file, page)
- @out << message(:converter_done) << "\n" unless @options.quiet
- rescue PageLoadException
- @out << message(:converter_not_ruwiki) << "\n" unless @options.quiet
- rescue PageSaveException
- @out << message(:cannot_nosave_modified) << "\n" % [ file ] unless @options.quiet
- end
- end
- end
- def load_page(file)
- data =
- page_format = nil
- if data =~ OLD_HEADER_END_RE
- page_format = 'OldFlatfiles'
- page = Ruwiki::Page::NULL_PAGE.dup
- unless data.empty?
- rawbuf = data.split(NL_RE).map { |ee| ee.chomp }
- loop do
- if rawbuf[0] =~ OLD_HEADER_END_RE
- rawbuf.shift
- break
- end
- match = OLD_HEADER_RE.match(rawbuf[0])
- unless match.nil?
- case match.captures[0]
- when 'topic'
- page['properties']['topic'] = match.captures[1]
- page['properties']['title'] = match.captures[1]
- when 'version'
- page['properties']['version'] = match.captures[1].to_i
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- rawbuf.shift
- end
- page['page']['content'] = rawbuf.join("\n")
- with page['properties'] do |pp|
- pp['project'] = File.basename(File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)))
- pp['editable'] = true
- pp['indexable'] = true
- pp['entropy'] = 0.0
- end
- end
- end
- # Try Marshal
- if page_format.nil?
- begin
- page = ::Marshal.load(data)
- page_format = 'Marshal'
- rescue Exception
- nil
- end
- end
- # Try YAML
- if page_format.nil?
- begin
- page = ::YAML.load(data)
- page_format = 'YAML'
- rescue Exception
- nil
- end
- end
- # Try the Flatfiles format
- if page_format.nil?
- begin
- page = Ruwiki::Backend::Flatfiles.load(data)
- page_format = 'Exportable'
- rescue Exception => ex
- nil
- end
- end
- if page_format.nil? # Cannot detect page type.
- @error << @message[:converter_page_format_error] << "\n"
- raise PageLoadException
- end
- [page, page_format]
- rescue PageLoadException
- raise
- rescue Exception => ex
- @error << %Q|#{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}\n| if @options.verbose
- raise PageLoadException
- end
- def save_page(file, page)
- if @options.backup_extension != '~'
- backup = "#{file}.#{@options.backup_extension}"
- else
- backup = "#{file}#{@options.backup_extension}"
- end
- # Always backup the file -- we are transactional.
- FileUtils.cp(file, backup)
- if @options.target_format == 'Marshal'
- method = :print
- else
- method = :puts
- end
-, 'wb') { |ff| ff.__send__(method, @options.target_format_class.dump(page)) }
- rescue Exception => ex
-, file) if File.exists?(backup)
- @error << %Q|#{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}\n| if @options.verbose
- raise PageSaveException
- ensure
- # If we aren't *supposed* to back up the file, then get rid of the
- # backup.
- if File.exists?(backup) and (not @options.backup_old_files)
- FileUtils.rm(backup)
- end
- end
- class PageLoadException < RuntimeError; end
- class PageSaveException < RuntimeError; end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/manager.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/manager.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa8f2a1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/manager.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file may be renamed to change the URI for the wiki.
-# $Id$
-require 'optparse'
-require 'ostruct'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'zlib'
-require 'ruwiki/exportable'
-require 'ruwiki/utils/command'
-require 'ruwiki/config'
- if defined?(Gem::Cache)
- require_gem 'archive-tar-minitar', '~> 0.5.1'
- else
- require 'archive/tar/minitar'
- end
-rescue LoadError => ex
- $stderr.puts ex.message
- raise
-module Ruwiki::Utils::Manager
- DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME = 'ruwiki.pkg'
- def self.message=(lang)
- if lang.kind_of?(Hash)
- @message = lang
- elsif "constant" == defined?(lang::Message)
- @message = lang::Message
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- def self.message(id)
- @message[id]
- end
- class ManagerError < RuntimeError; end
- EXECUTABLES = %w(ruwiki.cgi ruwiki_servlet ruwiki_servlet.bat \
- ruwiki_servlet.cmd ruwiki_service.rb)
- class ManagerHelp < Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- def name
- "help"
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- ioe = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.default_ioe(ioe)
- help_on = args.shift
- output = ""
- if Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.command?(help_on)
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern[help_on].help
- elsif help_on == "commands"
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_help_commands)
- else
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_unknown_command) % [ help_on ] << "\n" % [ help_on ] unless help_on.nil? or help_on.empty?
- ioe[:output] <<
- end
- 0
- end
- def help
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_help_help)
- end
- end
- class ManagerInstall < Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- def name
- "install"
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- argv = []
- replace = false
- dest = "."
- name = nil
- while (arg = args.shift)
- case arg
- when '--to'
- dir = args.shift
- raise if dir.nil?
- if File.exist?(dir)
- if not
- raise ArgumentError, Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_dest_not_directory)
- end
- else
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir)
- end
- dest = dir
- when /;/o
- argv.push(*(arg.split(/;/o)))
- when /,/o
- argv.push(*(arg.split(/,/o)))
- else
- argv << arg
- end
- end
- options = { 'data' => true }
- while (arg = argv.shift)
- case arg
- when /^(?:-|no)(.*$)/
- options.delete($1)
- else
- options[arg] = true
- end
- end
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.install(dest, options)
- 0
- end
- def help
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_install_help)
- end
- end
- class ManagerPackage < Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- def name
- "package"
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- ioe = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.default_ioe(ioe)
- argv = []
- replace = false
- dest = "."
- name = nil
- while (arg = args.shift)
- case arg
- when '--replace'
- replace = true
- when '-o', '--output'
- name = args.shift
- raise if name.nil?
- dest = File.dirname(name)
- name = File.basename(name)
- else
- argv << arg
- end
- end
- if argv.size > 1
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_hi_argcount) % [ args.join(" ") ] << "\n"
- ioe[:output] <<
- return 1
- end
- source = argv.shift || "."
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.package(source, dest, name, replace)
- 0
- end
- def help
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_package_help) % [ "./#{Ruwiki::Utils::Manager::DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME}",
- Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME ]
- end
- end
- class ManagerUnpackage < Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- def name
- "unpackage"
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- ioe = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.default_ioe(ioe)
- argv = []
- dir = "."
- while (arg = args.shift)
- case arg
- when '-o', '--output'
- dir = args.shift
- raise if dir.nil? or not
- else
- argv << arg
- end
- end
- if argv.size > 1
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_hi_argcount) % [ args.join(" ") ] << "\n"
- ioe[:output] <<
- return 1
- end
- source = argv.shift || Ruwiki::Utils::Manager::DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.unpackage(source, dir)
- 0
- end
- def help
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_unpackage_help) % [ "./#{Ruwiki::Utils::Manager::DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME}" ]
- end
- end
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/
- class ManagerService < Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern
- def name
- "service"
- end
- def call(args, opts = {}, ioe = {})
- ioe = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.default_ioe(ioe)
- if args.size < 2
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_lo_argcount) % [ args.join(" ") ] << "\n"
- ioe[:output] <<
- return 0
- end
- command = args.shift
- service = args.shift
- options ||= {}
- options[:service_name] = service
- options[:service_home] = File.expand_path(".")
- argv = []
- while (arg = args.shift)
- case arg
- when "--rubybin"
- options[:ruby_bin] = args.shift
- raise if options[:ruby_bin].nil?
- when "--exec"
- options[:service_bin] = args.shift
- raise if options[:service_bin].nil?
- when "--home"
- options[:service_home] = args.shift
- raise if options[:service_home].nil?
- else
- argv << arg
- end
- end
- options[:service_desc] = args.join(" ") if args.size > 0
- case command
- when "install"
- options[:service_install] = true
- when "start"
- options[:service_start] = true
- when "stop"
- options[:service_stop] = true
- when "delete"
- options[:service_delete] = true
- else
- raise ArgumentError, Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_unknown_command) % [ command ]
- end
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.manage_windows_service(options, ioe)
- 0
- end
- def help
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_help)
- end
- end
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern << ManagerService
- end
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern << ManagerHelp
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern << ManagerInstall
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern << ManagerPackage
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern << ManagerUnpackage
- Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern.default = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern["help"]
- class << self
- attr_accessor :shared
- attr_reader :ruwiki_servlet
- attr_reader :ruwiki_servlet_bat
- attr_reader :ruwiki_servlet_cmd
- attr_reader :ruwiki_service
- attr_reader :ruwiki_cgi
- attr_reader :ruwiki_pkg
- def shared=(shared)
- @shared = shared
- @ruwiki_servlet = File.join(@shared, "bin", "ruwiki_servlet")
- @ruwiki_servlet_bat = File.join(@shared, "bin", "ruwiki_servlet.bat")
- @ruwiki_servlet_cmd = File.join(@shared, "bin", "ruwiki_servlet.cmd")
- @ruwiki_service = File.join(@shared, "bin", "ruwiki_service.rb")
- @ruwiki_cgi = File.join(@shared, "bin", "ruwiki.cgi")
- @ruwiki_pkg = File.join(@shared, Ruwiki::Utils::Manager::DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME)
- end
- def with(obj)
- yield obj if block_given?
- end
- def tar_files(list, name)
- ff =
- gz =
- to =
- list.each { |item| Archive::Tar::Minitar.pack_file(item, to) }
- data = ff.string
- group = {
- :name => name,
- :data => data,
- :mode => 0644,
- }
- return group
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts ex.message, ex.backtrace.join("\n")
- ensure
- to.close
- group[:size] = group[:data].size
- end
- def package(source, dest, name = nil, replace = false)
- # If the package name is nil, use the default name. If replace is
- # false, then append a number on the end if the file already exists.
- # Increment the number until we have a unique filename.
- if name.nil?
- pkg = File.join(dest, DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME)
- if File.exists?(pkg) and (not replace)
- pbn = "#{File.basename(DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME, '.pkg')}-%02d.pkg"
- ii = 1
- while File.exists?(pkg)
- pkg = File.join(dest, pbn % ii)
- ii += 1
- end
- end
- else
- pkg = File.join(dest, name)
- if File.exists?(pkg) and (not replace)
- raise ManagerError, Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_package_exists)
- end
- end
- files = []
- if
- Dir.chdir(source) do
- if File.exists?(Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME)
- cs = File.stat(Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME)
- files << {
- :name => Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME,
- :data =>,
- :mtime => cs.mtime,
- :mode => 0644,
- :size => cs.size
- }
- end
- EXECUTABLES.each do |ff|
- if File.exists?(ff)
- cs = File.stat(ff)
- files << {
- :name => ff,
- :data =>,
- :mtime => cs.mtime,
- :mode => 0755,
- :size => cs.size
- }
- end
- end
- f_data = Dir["data/**/**"].select { |dd| dd !~ /CVS\// }
- f_data.unshift("data")
-! do |dd|
- res = { :name => dd, :mode => 0644 }
- if
- res[:mode] = 0755
- res[:dir] = true
- end
- res
- end
- f_tmpl = Dir["templates/**/**"].select { |tt| tt !~ /CVS\// }
- f_tmpl.unshift("templates")
-! do |tt|
- res = { :name => tt, :mode => 0644 }
- if
- res[:mode] = 0755
- res[:dir] = true
- end
- res
- end
- files << tar_files(f_data, "data.pkg")
- files << tar_files(f_tmpl, "tmpl.pkg")
- end
- else
- stat = File.stat(source)
- files << {
- :name => File.basename(source),
- :data =>,
- :mtime => stat.mtime,
- :mode => 0644,
- :size => stat.size
- }
- EXECUTABLES.each do |ff|
- ff = File.join(File.dirname(source), ff)
- if File.exists?(ff)
- cs = File.stat(ff)
- files << {
- :name => ff,
- :data =>,
- :mtime => cs.mtime,
- :mode => 0755,
- :size => cs.size
- }
- end
- end
- cc = Ruwiki::Exportable.load(files[0][:data])
- tp = cc['ruwiki-config']['template-path']
- tp = "./templates" if tp.nil? or tp.empty?
- so = cc['ruwiki-config']['storage-options']
- if so.nil? or so.empty?
- dp = "./data"
- else
- so = Ruwiki::Exportable.load(so)
- key = 'flatfiles'
- dp = so[key]['data-path']
- end
- dp = "./data" if dp.nil? or dp.empty?
- bndp = File.basename(dp)
- bntp = File.basename(tp)
- so[key]['data-path'] = bndp
- cc['ruwiki-config']['storage-options'] = Ruwiki::Exportable.dump(so)
- cc['ruwiki-config']['template-path'] = bntp
- files[0][:data] = Ruwiki::Exportable.dump(cc)
- files[0][:size] = files[0][:data].size
- Dir.chdir(File.dirname(dp)) do
- f_data = Dir["#{bndp}/**/**"].select { |dd| dd !~ /CVS\// }
-! { |dd| { :name => dd, :mode => 0644 } }
- files << tar_files(f_data, "data.pkg")
- end
- Dir.chdir(File.dirname(tp)) do
- f_tmpl = Dir["#{bntp}/**/**"].select { |tt| tt !~ /CVS\// }
-! { |tt| { :name => tt, :mode => 0644 } }
- files << tar_files(f_tmpl, "tmpl.pkg")
- end
- end
- ff =, "wb")
- gz =
- tw =
- files.each do |entry|
- tw.add_file_simple(entry[:name], entry) { |os| os.write(entry[:data]) }
- end
- nil
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts ex, ex.backtrace.join("\n")
- ensure
- tw.close if tw
- gz.close if gz
- end
- def unpackage(source, dest)
- ff =, "rb")
- gz =
- do |it|
- it.each do |entry|
- case entry.full_name
- when "data.pkg", "tmpl.pkg"
- pkg =
- pkgz =
- do |inner|
- inner.each { |item| inner.extract_entry(dest, item) }
- end
- else
- it.extract_entry(dest, entry)
- end
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- def install(dest, options = {})
- if options['servlet']
- FileUtils.install(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_servlet, dest, :mode => 0755)
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/
- if File.exists?(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_servlet_bat)
- FileUtils.install(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_servlet_bat, dest, :mode => 0755)
- end
- if File.exists?(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_servlet_cmd)
- FileUtils.install(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_servlet_cmd, dest, :mode => 0755)
- end
- end
- end
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ and options['service']
- FileUtils.install(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_service, dest, :mode => 0755)
- end
- if options['cgi']
- FileUtils.install(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_cgi, dest, :mode => 0755)
- end
- if options['data']
- unpackage(Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.ruwiki_pkg, dest)
- end
- end
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/
- begin
- require 'win32/service'
- require 'rbconfig'
- HasWin32Service = true
- rescue LoadError
- HasWin32Service = false
- end
- # The work here is based on Daniel Berger's Instiki Service Tutorial.
- #
- def manage_windows_service(options, ioe)
- raise Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_broken) unless HasWin32Service
- service_name = options[:service_name] || 'RuwikiSvc'
- if options[:service_install]
- service_home = options[:service_home]
- program = options[:service_bin]
- if program.nil? or program.empty?
- program = File.join(service_home, "ruwiki_service.rb")
- elsif program !~ %r{[/\\]}
- program = File.join(service_home, program)
- end
- program = %<"#{program}">
- ruby = options[:ruby_bin] || %<"#{File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], 'ruby.exe')}">
- service_desc = options[:service_desc] || 'Ruwiki'
- binpath = "#{ruby} #{program}".tr('/', '\\')
- service =
- service.create_service do |svc|
- svc.service_name = service_name
- svc.display_name = service_desc
- svc.binary_path_name = binpath
- svc.dependencies = [] # Required because of a bug in Win32::Service
- end
- service.close
- ioe[:output] << Manager.manager(:manager_service_installed) % [ service_name ] << "\n"
- end
- if options[:service_start]
- Win32::Service.start(service_name)
- started = false
- while (not started)
- status = Win32::Service.status(service_name)
- started = (status.current_state == "running")
- break if started
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_one_moment) % [ status.current_state ] << "\n"
- sleep 1
- end
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_started) % [ service_name ] << "\n"
- end
- if options[:service_stop]
- Win32::Service.stop(service_name)
- stopped = false
- while (not stopped)
- status = Win32::Service.status(service_name)
- stopped = (status.current_state == "stopped")
- break if stopped
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_one_moment) % [ status.current_state ] << "\n"
- sleep 1
- end
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_stopped) % [ service_name ] << "\n"
- end
- if options[:service_delete]
- Win32::Service.stop(service_name) rescue nil
- Win32::Service.delete(service_name)
- ioe[:output] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_service_deleted) % [ service_name ] << "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- def run(argv, input = $stdin, output = $stdout, error = $stderr)
- ioe = {
- :input => input,
- :output => output,
- :error => error
- }
- language = 'en'
- find_lang = argv.grep(%r{^--lang})
- find_lang.each do |ee|
- eepos = argv.index(ee)
- if ee =~ %r{^--lang=}
- language = ee.sub(%r{^--lang=}, '')
- else
- language = argv[eepos.succ]
- argv.delete_at(eepos.succ)
- end
- argv.delete_at(eepos)
- end
- require "ruwiki/lang/#{language.downcase}"
- Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message = Ruwiki::Lang.const_get(language.upcase)
- command = Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern[(argv.shift or "").downcase]
- return command[argv, {}, ioe]
- rescue Ruwiki::Utils::CommandPattern::MissingParameterError => ee
- ioe[:error] << Ruwiki::Utils::Manager.message(:manager_missing_parameter) % [ ee.argument ] << "\n"
- return 1
- rescue ArgumentError, ManagerError => ee
- ioe[:error] << ee.message << "\n"
- return 1
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/servletrunner.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/servletrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index db6bcfa..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/utils/servletrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file may be renamed to change the URI for the wiki.
-# $Id$
- # Customize this if you put the RuWiki files in a different location.
-require 'webrick'
-require 'ruwiki/utils'
-require 'ruwiki/exportable'
-require 'ruwiki/servlet'
-require 'ruwiki/lang/en'
-require 'ruwiki/lang/de'
-require 'ruwiki/lang/es'
-require 'optparse'
-require 'ostruct'
-module Ruwiki::Utils::ServletRunner
-Ruwiki #{Ruwiki::VERSION}
- Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
- Alan Chen (
- Austin Ziegler (
-Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
- class WEBrickConfig
- include Ruwiki::Exportable
- exportable_group 'webrick-config'
- attr_accessor :port
- exportable :port
- attr_accessor :addresses
- exportable :addresses
- attr_accessor :mount
- exportable :mount
- attr_accessor :do_log
- exportable :do_log
- attr_accessor :log_dest
- exportable :log_dest
- attr_accessor :threads
- exportable :threads
- def export
- hash = super
- sc = hash['webrick-config']
- sc['addresses'] = sc['addresses'].join(";")
- sc['do-log'] = (sc['do-log'] ? 'true' : 'false')
- hash
- end
- # Because the servlet can be started from the command-line, provide
- # defaults for all possible configuration options.
- def initialize(exported = {})
- sc = exported['webrick-config'] || {}
- @port = sc['port'] || 8808
- @mount = sc['mount'] || '/'
- @addresses = sc['addresses']
- @do_log = ((sc['do-log'] == 'false') ? false : true)
- @log_dest = sc['log-dest']
- @threads = sc['threads'] || 1
- if @addresses.nil? or @addresses.empty?
- @addresses = []
- else
- @addresses = @addresses.split(/;/)
- end
- if @log_dest.nil? or @log_dest.empty?
- @log_dest = "<STDERR>"
- end
- end
- end
- def self.message=(lang)
- if lang.kind_of?(Hash)
- @message = lang
- elsif "constant" == defined?(lang::Message)
- @message = lang::Message
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- def self.message(id)
- @message[id]
- end
- class << self
- # This is for the WEBrick version of Ruwiki. This has been abstracted to
- # accept a Config global variable to reconfigure Ruwiki after initial
- # creation.
- def read_config(filename)
- ch = {}
- if File.exists?(filename)
-, 'rb') { |ff| ch = Ruwiki::Exportable.load( }
- end
- @sc =
- @rc =
- if @rc.webmaster.nil? or @rc.webmaster.empty?
- @rc.webmaster = "webmaster@domain.tld"
- end
- end
- def run(argv, input = $stdin, output = $stdout, error = $stderr)
- read_config(Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME)
- save_config = nil
- language = 'en'
- find_lang = argv.grep(%r{^--language})
- find_lang.each do |ee|
- if ee =~ %r{^--language=}
- language = ee.sub(%r{^--language=}, '')
- else
- language = argv[argv.index(ee).succ]
- end
- end
- require "ruwiki/lang/#{language.downcase}"
- @rc.language = Ruwiki::Lang.const_get(language.upcase)
- self.message = @rc.language
- argv.options do |oo|
- oo.banner = self.message(:runner_usage) % [ File.basename($0) ]
- oo.separator self.message(:runner_general_options)
- oo.on('--save-config [FILENAME]', *([ self.message(:runner_saveconfig_desc), Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME ].flatten)) { |fname|
- save_config = fname || Ruwiki::Config::CONFIG_NAME
- }
- oo.on('--config FILENAME', *self.message(:runner_config_desc)) { |fn|
- read_config(fn)
- }
- oo.separator ""
- oo.separator self.message(:runner_webrick_options)
- oo.on('-P', '--port PORT', Numeric, *self.message(:runner_port_desc)) { |port|
- @sc.port = port
- }
- oo.on('-A', '--accept ADDRESS,ADDRESS,ADDRESS', Array, *self.message(:runner_address_desc)) { |address|
- @sc.addresses += address
- }
- oo.on('-L', '--local', *self.message(:runner_local_desc)) {
- @sc.addresses = [""]
- }
- oo.on('-M', '--mount MOUNT-POINT', *self.message(:runner_mountpoint_desc)) { |mp|
- @sc.mount = mp
- }
- oo.on('--[no-]log', *self.message(:runner_log_desc)) { |log|
- @sc.do_log = log
- }
- oo.on('--logfile LOGFILE', *self.message(:runner_logfile_desc)) { |lf|
- @sc.log_dest = lf
- }
- oo.on('-T', '--threads THREADS', Integer, *self.message(:runner_threads_desc)) { |tc|
- @sc.threads = tc
- }
- oo.separator ""
- oo.separator self.message(:runner_ruwiki_options)
- oo.on('--language=LANGUAGE', *self.message(:runner_language_desc)) { |lang|
- nil
- }
- oo.on('--webmaster WEBMASTER', *self.message(:runner_webmaster_desc)) { |wm|
- @rc.webmaster = wm
- }
- oo.on('--[no-]debug', *self.message(:runner_debug_desc)) { |dd|
- @rc.debug = dd
- }
- oo.on('--title TITLE', *self.message(:runner_title_desc)) { |tt|
- @rc.title = tt
- }
- oo.on('--default-page PAGENAME', *self.message(:runner_defaultpage_desc)) { |dp|
- @rc.default_page = dp
- }
- oo.on('--default-project PAGENAME', *self.message(:runner_defaultproject_desc)) { |dp|
- @rc.default_project = dp
- }
- oo.on('--template-path TEMPLATE_PATH', *self.message(:runner_templatepath_desc)) { |tp|
- @rc.template_path = tp
- }
- oo.on('--templates TEMPLATES', *self.message(:runner_templatename_desc)) { |tp|
- @rc.template_set = tp
- }
- oo.on('--css CSS_NAME', *self.message(:runner_cssname_desc)) { |css|
- @rc.css = css
- }
- oo.on('--storage-type TYPE', Ruwiki::KNOWN_BACKENDS, *([self.message(:runner_storage_desc), Ruwiki::KNOWN_BACKENDS.join(", ")].flatten)) { |st|
- @rc.storage_type = st
- @rc.storage_options[@rc.storage_type]['data-path'] ||= "./data/"
- @rc.storage_options[@rc.storage_type]['extension'] ||= "ruwiki"
- }
- oo.on('--data-path PATH', *self.message(:runner_datapath_desc)) { |fdp|
- @rc.storage_options['flatfiles']['data-path'] = fdp
- }
- oo.on('--extension EXT', *self.message(:runner_extension_desc)) { |ext|
- @rc.storage_options['flatfiles']['data-path'] = fdp
- }
- if defined?(Gem::Cache)
- oo.separator ""
- oo.on('--central', *self.message(:runner_central_desc)) {
- gempath ="ruwiki", "=#{Ruwiki::VERSION}").last.full_gem_path
- @rc.storage_type = 'flatfiles'
- @rc.storage_options['flatfiles']['data-path'] = "#{gempath}/data"
- @rc.storage_options['flatfiles']['extension'] = "ruwiki"
- @rc.storage_options['flatfiles']['format'] = "exportable"
- @rc.template_path = "#{gempath}/templates"
- @rc.template_set = "sidebar"
- }
- end
- # TODO: Add options for time, date, and datetime formats.
- oo.separator ""
- oo.separator self.message(:runner_general_info)
- oo.on_tail('--help', *self.message(:runner_help_desc)) {
- error << oo << "\n"
- return 0
- }
- oo.on_tail('--version', *self.message(:runner_version_desc)) {
- error << COPYRIGHT << "\n"
- return 0
- }
- oo.parse!
- end
- if save_config
- sc = @sc.export
- rc = @rc.export
- cf = sc.merge(rc)
-, 'wb') { |ff| ff.puts Ruwiki::Exportable.dump(cf) }
- return 0
- end
- # If the list of accepted addresses is not empty, provide IP-based
- # restrictions.
- if not @sc.addresses.empty?
- localonly = lambda do |sock|
- if not @sc.addresses.include?(sock.peeraddr[3])
- raise WEBrick::ServerError, self.message(:runner_rejected_address) % [ sock.peeraddr[3], @sc.addresses.join(", ") ]
- end
- end
- else
- localonly = nil
- end
- if @sc.do_log
- if "<STDERR>" == @sc.log_dest
- dest = $stderr
- else
- dest =, "wb+")
- end
- logger =, WEBrick::Log::DEBUG)
- else
- logger = nil
- end
- banner = self.message(:runner_banner) %
- [ Ruwiki::Utils::ServletRunner::COPYRIGHT, @sc.port,
- @sc.addresses.join(", "), @sc.mount, @sc.do_log, @sc.log_dest,
- @sc.threads, @rc.webmaster, @rc.debug, @rc.title,
- @rc.default_project, @rc.default_page, @rc.template_path,
- @rc.template_set, @rc.css, @rc.storage_type,
- @rc.storage_options[@rc.storage_type]['data-path'],
- @rc.storage_options[@rc.storage_type]['extension'] ]
- banner.each { |bb| } unless logger.nil?
- server = => @sc.port.to_i,
- :StartThreads => @sc.threads.to_i,
- :AcceptCallback => localonly,
- :Logger => logger)
- @rc.logger = logger
- Ruwiki::Servlet.config = @rc
- server.mount(@sc.mount, Ruwiki::Servlet)
- trap("INT") { server.shutdown; return }
- server.start
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85f2c51..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
- # Ruwiki's Wiki markup class. This will convert the Wiki markup known by
- # Ruwiki (defined by Token classes). The algorithm is as follows:
- #
- # 1. For each known Token class, match each instance of it in the content
- # stream. Replace each instance in the content stream with a Token
- # marker: TOKEN_x or \TOKEN_x, where x is a digit representing the Token.
- # (\TOKEN_x is a special case of token matching. See
- # Ruwiki::Markup::Token for more information.) Store the Token for later
- # processing.
- # 2. Go back through the content, replacing each instance of \TOKEN_x with
- # the Token's defined restore value (which should be the same value as was
- # originally matched).
- # 3. Go through the content, replacing each instance of TOKEN_x with the
- # Token's defined replacement value.
- # 4. Go through the tokens, in reverse, and execute the post replacement
- # routine defined by the Token. (This may be necessary to collapse
- # consecutive HTML structures.)
- # 5. Return the parsed content and the collected metadata.
- #
- # == Tokens
- # Look at Ruwiki::Markup::Token describes how to create Token objects.
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- def parse(content, project)
- content = clean(content)
- tokens = []
- project ||= @default_project
- Token.tokenlist.each do |token|
- content.gsub!(token.regexp) do |mm|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- tc =, project, @backend, @script, @message, @title)
- tokens << tc
- if mm[0, 1] == '\\'
- "\\TOKEN_#{tokens.size - 1}"
- else
- "TOKEN_#{tokens.size - 1}"
- end
- end
- end
- replaced = []
- ss = true
- loop do
- break if replaced.size >= tokens.size
- break if ss.nil?
- ss = content.gsub!(/\\TOKEN_(\d+)/) { |mm|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- itoken = match[1].to_i
- replaced << itoken
- tokens[itoken].restore
- }
- ss = content.gsub!(/TOKEN_(\d+)/) { |mm|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- itoken = match[1].to_i
- replaced << itoken
- tokens[itoken].replace
- }
- end
- token_classes = { |token| token.class }.sort_by { |token| token.rank }
- token_classes.uniq.each { |tc| tc.post_replace(content) }
- content
- end
- attr_accessor :default_project
- attr_accessor :script
- attr_accessor :backend
- attr_accessor :message
- # Creates the markup class.
- def initialize(default_project, script, title)
- @default_project = default_project
- @script = script
- @title = title
- end
- # Find HTML tags
- SIMPLE_TAG_RE = %r{<[^<>]+?>} # Ensure that only the tag is grabbed.
- HTML_TAG_RE = %r{\A< # Tag must be at start of match.
- (/)? # Closing tag?
- ([\w:]+) # Tag name
- (?:\s+ # Space
- ([^>]+) # Attributes
- (/)? # Singleton tag?
- )? # The above three are optional
- >}x
- ATTRIBUTES_RE = %r{([\w:]+)(=(?:\w+|"[^"]+?"|'[^']+?'))?}x
- STYLE_NOVD_RE = %r{(?:\s?(visibility|display):[^'";]+;?)}x
- ALLOWED_ATTR = %w(style title type lang dir class id cite datetime abbr) +
- %w(colspan rowspan compact start media)
- ALLOWED_HTML = %w(abbr acronym address b big blockquote br caption cite) +
- %w(code col colgroup dd del dfn dir div dl dt em h1 h2 h3) +
- %w(h4 h5 h6 hr i ins kbd li menu ol p pre q s samp small) +
- %w(span strike strong style sub sup table tbody td tfoot) +
- %w(th thead tr tt u ul var)
- # Clean the content of unsupported HTML and attributes. This includes
- # XML namespaced HTML. Sorry, but there's too much possibility for
- # abuse.
- def clean(content)
- content = content.gsub(SIMPLE_TAG_RE) do |tag|
- tagset = HTML_TAG_RE.match(tag)
- if tagset.nil?
- tag = Ruwiki.clean_entities(tag)
- else
- closer, name, attributes, single = tagset.captures
- if ALLOWED_HTML.include?(name.downcase)
- unless closer or attributes.nil?
- attributes = attributes.scan(ATTRIBUTES_RE).map do |set|
- if ALLOWED_ATTR.include?(set[0].downcase)
- if set[0] == 'style'
- set[1].gsub!(STYLE_NOVD_RE, '')
- end
- set.join
- else
- nil
- end
- end.compact.join(" ")
- tag = "<#{closer}#{name} #{attributes}#{single}>"
- else
- tag = "<#{closer}#{name}>"
- end
- else
- tag = Ruwiki.clean_entities(tag)
- end
- end
- tag.gsub(%r{((?:href|src)=["'])(#{Ruwiki::Wiki::RE_URI_SCHEME})}) { "#{$1}\\#{$2}" }
- end
- end
-require 'ruwiki/wiki/tokens'
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae48c1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # The base Token class. All Token classes must inherit from Token and
- # *must* implement the following methods:
- #
- # [self.regexp] The regular expression that the Token will be
- # replacing.
- # [replace] The mechanism for replacing the Token with the desired
- # results.
- #
- # Token classes <i>should</i> implement the following method:
- # [self.rank] Default: <tt>5000</tt>. Affects the sort order.
- # Must return an integer.
- #
- # Token classes <i>may</i> implement the following methods:
- # [restore] Restores the token without replacement.
- # Implements the results of the escape character.
- # NOTE: each Token class is responsible for its own
- # restore. Tokens that are anchored to the
- # beginning of a line are the most likely to need
- # to reimplement this.
- # [self.post_replace] Performs any necessary massaging of the data. See
- # the implementation of Ruwiki::Wiki::Lists for
- # more information.
- class Token
- @@tokenlist = []
- @@sorted = false
- class << self
- # Tokens should define rank if they must be first or last in
- # processing. Otherwise, they are sorted in the order defined.
- def rank
- 5000
- end
- # The Wiki parsing routine uses Token.tokenlist to determine the
- # tokens that are processed, and the order in which they are
- # processed. See Token.rank for more information.
- def tokenlist
- unless @@sorted
- head = @@tokenlist.shift
- @@tokenlist.sort! { |aa, bb| aa.rank <=> bb.rank }
- @@tokenlist.unshift(head)
- sorted = true
- end
- @@tokenlist
- end
- def inherited(child_class) #:nodoc:
- @@tokenlist << Token if @@tokenlist.empty?
- # Make the child class post_replace a blank function because we
- # don't want to propogate the currently defined post_replace.
- # The current post_replace is specific to Token_Base only.
- class << child_class
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content
- end
- end
- @@tokenlist << child_class
- @@sorted = false
- end
- # The replacement regular expression.
- def regexp
- /TOKEN_(\d*)/
- end
- end
- # All Token classes must match this header signature if they define
- # #initialize.
- #
- # [match] The MatchData object for this Token.
- # [project] The project being processed.
- # [backend] The backend for the wiki. This is used to determine if
- # the page or project exists. The object passed must
- # respond to #project_exists?(project) and
- # #page_exists?(page, project).
- # [script] The URI to the script.
- # [message] The message hash for localized messages.
- # [title] The title of the Wiki.
- def initialize(match, project, backend, script, message, title)
- @match = match
- @project = project
- @backend = backend
- @script = script
- @message = message
- @title = title
- end
- # The replacement method. Uses @match to replace the token with the
- # appropriate values.
- def replace
- "TOKEN_#{@match[1]}"
- end
- # Restores the token without replacement. By default, replaces
- # "dangerous" HTML characters.
- def restore
- Ruwiki.clean_entities(@match[0])
- end
- # The content may need massaging after processing.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content
- end
- end
- end
- # Load the tokens from the ruwiki/wiki/tokens directory.
-tokens_dir = 'ruwiki/wiki/tokens'
-$LOAD_PATH.each do |path|
- target = "#{path}/#{tokens_dir}"
- if File.exists?(target) and
- Dir::glob("#{target}/*.rb") do |token|
- begin
- require token
- rescue LoadError
- nil
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b214758..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-# $debug ="output.txt", "wb")
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- # The Paragraph Token class changes blank lines to <p> tags. This class,
- # under the current implementation, should be *first* in the Token list
- # after Token.
- class Paragraph < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- # This Token is #rank 0, because it should be first in the Token list.
- def self.rank
- 0
- end
- # Matches blank lines. %r{^$}
- def self.regexp
- %r{(^$)}
- end
- def replace
- %Q(</p><p class="rwtk_Paragraph">)
- end
- # Ensures that <p> won't be surrounded by <br> tags.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{\A}, '<p class="rwtk_Paragraph">')
- content.gsub!(%r{\z}, '</p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{\n(</p>)}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{(<p[^>]*>)\n}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{(</p>)(<p[^>]*>)}) { "#{$1}\n#{$2}" }
- content.gsub!(%r{(<pre[^>]*>.*?)<p[^>]*></p>(.*?</pre>)}) { "#{$1}\n#{$2}" }
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*></p>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{^\n(<p[^>]*>)}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- # The Code Token class converts indented text to "unformatted" (<pre>)
- # text. This class should be *second* in the Token list.
- class Code < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- # This Token is #rank 1, because it should be second in the Token list.
- def self.rank
- 1
- end
- # Matches indented text. %r{^(\s+\S?.*)$}
- def self.regexp
- %r{^([ \t]+[^\n]*)\n}
- end
- # Replaces the text to <pre>content</pre>.
- def replace
- content = Ruwiki.clean_entities(@match.captures[0])
- %Q{</p><pre class="rwtk_Code">#{content}</pre>\n}
- end
- # Converts cases of %r{</pre>(\n|<br ?/?>)<pre>} to \1.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre>((\n)*</p>(\n)*)?<pre[^>]*>}, "\n")
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<pre[^>]*>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(<pre[^>]*>)}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre></p>}, '</pre>')
-# content.gsub!(%r{(<pre[^>]*>.*?)<p[^>]*></p>(.*?</pre>)}) { "#{$1}\n#{$2}" }
- content
- end
- end
- RE_URI_SCHEME = %r{[-a-z0-9+.]{3,}?:}
- RE_URI_PATH = %r{[^\s<>\]]}
- RE_URI_TEXT = %r{[^\]]*}
- def self.redirect(uri)
- ";q=#{CGI.escape(uri)}"
- end
- # Converts URLs in the form of [url] to numbered links.
- class NumberedLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- class << self
- def increment
- @count ||= 0
- @count += 1
- end
- def reset
- @count = 0
- end
- end
- def self.rank
- 2
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}(?:#{RE_URI_PATH})*?)\]}
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- name = "[#{NumberedLinks.increment}]"
- %Q{<a class="rwtk_NumberedLinks" href="#{Ruwiki::Wiki.redirect(extlink)}">#{name}</a>}
- end
- end
- class Image < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 1
- end
- RE_IMAGE_OPTIONS=%r{([^=]+)=("[^"]+"|[^ ]+)}
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[image\s*:\s*(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}(?:#{RE_URI_PATH})*?)(\s+[^\]]+)?\]}
- end
- def replace
- options = { 'src' => %Q("#{@match.captures[0]}") }
- groups = @match.captures[1]
- unless groups.nil?
- groups.scan(RE_IMAGE_OPTIONS).each { |gg| options[gg[0].strip] = gg[1].strip }
- end
- unless options['numbered'].nil? or options['numbered'] == "false"
- options['title'] = %Q("[#{NumberedLinks.increment}]")
- options.delete('numbered')
- end
- options['title'] ||= options['alt']
- options['title'] ||= options['src']
- options['alt'] ||= options['title']
- ss = ""
- { |kk| ss << %Q( #{kk}=#{options[kk]}) }
- %Q{<img class="rwtk_Image"#{ss} />}
- end
- end
- # Converts URLs in the form of [url name] to named links.
- class NamedLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 3
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}(?:#{RE_URI_PATH})*?)\s+(#{RE_URI_TEXT})\]}
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- name = @match.captures[1]
- %Q{<a class="rwtk_NamedLinks" href="#{Ruwiki::Wiki.redirect(extlink)}">#{name}</a>}
- end
- end
- # Converts URLs to links where the "name" of the link is the URL itself.
- class ExternalLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 501
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\b(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}#{RE_URI_PATH}+)}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0]
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- %Q{<a class="rwtk_ExternalLinks" href="#{Ruwiki::Wiki.redirect(extlink)}">#{extlink}</a>}
- end
- end
- # Creates a horizontal rule.
- class HRule < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r|^\\?-{4,}|
- end
- def replace
- %Q(<hr class="rwtk_HRule" />)
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{(<p[^>]*>)*(<hr[^ />]* ?/?>)(</p>)*}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{\n<hr />}, "</p>\n<hr />")
- content.gsub!(%r{<hr ?/?>\n<br ?/?>}, "<hr />")
- content.gsub!(%r{(\n|<br ?/?>)?<hr>(\n|<br ?/?>)?}, "<hr />")
- content
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 442a201..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'cgi'
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- # This provides the basic WikiWord match. This supports WikiWord,
- # CPlusPlus, ThisIsALink, and C_Plus_Plus.
- RE_WIKI_WORDS = %r{[[:upper:]][\w_]*(?:[[:lower:]]+[[:upper:]_]|[[:upper:]_]+[[:lower:]])[\w_]*}
- # This provides wikipedia format matches, e.g., [[wikipedia links]]. The
- # only restriction on words in this format is that they must NOT begin
- # with an underscore ('_').
- RE_WIKIPEDIA_WORDS = %r{\[\[([^_].*?)\]\]}
- # This provides the basic Wiki Project match.
- RE_PROJECT_WORD = %r{[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+}
- # This provides the Wiki view link format:
- VIEW_LINK = %Q[<a class="rwtk_WikiLink" href="%s">%s</a>]
- EDIT_LINK = %Q[<span class="rwtk_EditWikiLink">%s</span><a class="rwtk_WikiLink" href="%s">?</a>]
- # Creates a crosslink for a Project::WikiPage.
- class ProjectCrossLink < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 500
- end
- def self.regexp
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[0]
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic.dup)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, project) or @backend.page_exists?(link, project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}", "#{project}::#{topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')}"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % ["#{project}::#{topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')}", "#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a crosslink for a Project::WikiPage using a Wikipedia link
- # format.
- class ProjectCrossLinkWikipedia < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 500
- end
- def self.regexp
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[0]
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, project) or @backend.page_exists?(link, project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}", "#{project}::#{topic}"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % ["#{project}::#{topic}", "#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to the project index from ::Project.
- class ProjectIndex < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 501
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\B|\\)::(#{RE_PROJECT_WORD})\b}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[1]
- if @backend.page_exists?('ProjectIndex', project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/ProjectIndex", project]
- else
- if @backend.project_exists?(project)
- EDIT_LINK % [project, "#{@script}/#{project}/ProjectIndex/_edit"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [project, "#{@script}/#{project}/_create"]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to a WikiPage in the current project.
- class WikiLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 503
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\b|\\)(#{RE_WIKI_WORDS})\b}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- def replace
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic.dup)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, @project) or @backend.page_exists?(link, @project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}", topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [topic.gsub(/_/, ' '), "#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to a WikiPage in the current project using a Wikipedia
- # link format.
- class WikipediaLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 502
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\B|\\)#{RE_WIKIPEDIA_WORDS}\B}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- ALT_TEXT = %r{(.+)\|(.+)}o
- def replace
- captures = @match.captures
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic)
- at = ALT_TEXT.match(topic)
- if not at.nil?
- topic = at.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(at.captures[0])
- end
- if @backend.page_exists?(link, @project) or @backend.page_exists?(link, @project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}", topic]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [topic, "#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/02actions.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/02actions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad0950..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/02actions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'cgi'
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- # Produces a list of topics.
- class TopicList < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^%topics\((#{Ruwiki::Wiki::RE_PROJECT_WORD})?\)$}
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[0] || @project
- if @backend.project_exists?(project)
- topic_list = @backend.list_topics(project)
- else
- topic_list = []
- end
- if topic_list.empty?
- ss = @message[:no_topics] % [project]
- else
- ss = %Q(<h4 class="rwtk_Headings">#{@message[:topics_for_project] % [project]}</h4>\n<ul class="rwtk_Lists">\n)
- topic_list.each do |tt|
- ss << %Q(<li class="rwtk_Lists">)
- ss << VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{tt}", "#{CGI::unescape(tt.gsub(/_/, ' '))}"]
- ss << "</li>\n"
- end
- ss << "</ul>\n"
- end
- ss
- end
- end
- class ProjectList < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^%projects\(\)$}
- end
- def replace
- proj_list = @backend.list_projects
- ss = %Q(<h4 class="rwtk_Headings">#{@message[:wiki_projects] % [@title]}</h4>\n<ul class="rwtk_Lists">\n)
- proj_list.each do |pp|
- ss << %Q(<li class="rwtk_Lists">)
- ss << VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{pp}/ProjectIndex", pp]
- ss << %Q! <a href='#{@script}/#{pp}/_topics' class='rw_minilink'>#{@message[:project_topics_link]}</a>!
- ss << "</li>\n"
- end
- ss << "</ul>\n"
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b928085..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- # Converts abbreviations.
- class Abbreviations < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- "matz" => "Yukihiro Matsumoto",
- }
- def self.regexp
- %r!@\{([^\}]*)\}!
- end
- def replace
- kk = @match.captures[0]
- if kk.nil? or kk.empty?
- data = %Q(<dl class="rwtk_Abbreviations">)
- ABBREVIATIONS.each do |kk, vv|
- data << %Q(<dt class="rwtk_Abbreviations">#{kk}</dt><dd class="rwtk_Abbreviations">#{vv}</dd>)
- end
- data << %Q(</dl>)
- else
- if ABBREVIATIONS.has_key?(kk)
- data = ABBREVIATIONS[kk]
- else
- data = @match[0]
- end
- end
- data
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c78dc45..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Produces a mini-calendar with dates as WikiWords.
- class Calendar < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?%calendar\((?:(today)|(\d+),\s*(\d+))(?:,\s*(#{RE_PROJECT_WORD}))?\)}
- end
- def self.make(year, month)
- result = []
- tt = Time.local(year, month, 1)
- rr =, nil)
- rr << 1
- 2.upto(31) do |ii|
- break if Time.local(year, month, ii).month != month
- rr << ii
- end
- rr += rr.size) % 7, nil)
- 0.step(rr.size - 1, 7) do |ii|
- result << rr[ii, 7]
- end
- result
- end
- def make_month_link(project, year, month, state = nil)
- ym = "%04d%02d" % [year, month]
- case state
- when :prev
- title = "&laquo; #{year}.#{month}"
- when :next
- title = "#{year}.#{month} &raquo;"
- else
- title = "#{project}::#{year}.#{month}"
- end
- url = "#{@script}/#{project}/#{ym}"
- if @backend.page_exists?(ym, project)
- VIEW_LINK % [url, title]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [title, "#{url}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- def replace
- today = @match.captures[0]
- project = @match.captures[3] || @project
- now =
- if today.nil?
- year = @match.captures[1].to_i
- month = @match.captures[2].to_i
- else
- year = now.year
- month = now.month
- end
- if (year == now.year) and (month == now.month)
- show_today =
- else
- show_today = nil
- end
- result = <<-"CALENDAR_HEAD"
-<div class="rwtk_Calendar">
-<table class="rwtk_Calendar" summary="calendar for ::#{project}: #{year}.#{month}">
- result << %Q{ <tr>\n<th colspan="7" class="rwtk_Calendar_current_month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month)
- result << %Q{</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n<th colspan="2" class="rwtk_Calendar_prev_month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month - 1, :prev)
- result << %Q{</th>\n<th colspan="3"></th>\n<th colspan="2" class="rwtk_Calendar_next_month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month + 1, :next)
- result << "</th>\n"
- result << <<-"CALENDAR_HEAD2"
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekend">Su</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekday">Mo</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekday">Tu</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekday">We</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekday">Th</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekday">Fr</th>
- <th class="rwtk_Calendar_weekend">Sa</th>
- </tr>
- Calendar.make(year, month).each do |week|
- result << " <tr>\n"
- week.each do |day|
- if day.nil?
- result << %Q{ <td class="rwtk_Calendar_day"></td>\n}
- else
- date = "%04d%02d%02d" % [year, month, day]
- # Add the ability to create pages based on date here.
- if show_today == day
- result << %Q{ <td class="rwtk_Calendar_today">}
- else
- result << %Q{ <td class="rwtk_Calendar_day">}
- end
- if @backend.page_exists?(date, project)
- result << VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{date}", day]
- else
- result << EDIT_LINK % [day, "#{@script}/#{project}/#{date}/_edit"]
- end
- result << %Q{</td>\n}
- end
- end
- result << " </tr>\n"
- end
- result << %Q(</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n<p class="rwtk_Paragraph">)
- result
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(\s*</?div(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(\s*</?table(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(\s*</?t(?:head|body|r)(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(\s*<t[hd].+?</t[hd]>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc3001..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Converts headings.
- class Headings < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
-# def self.rank
-# 5
-# end
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?(=+)\s+(.*)}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def replace
- level = @match.captures[0].count("=")
- content = @match.captures[1]
- level = 6 if level > 6
- %Q(<h#{level} class="rwtk_Headings">#{content}</h#{level}>)
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)\n}) { |m| %Q(#{$1}\n<p class="rwtk_Paragraph">) }
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)</p>\n<p>}) { |m| %Q(#{$1}\n<p class="rwtk_Paragraph">) }
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*>(<h\d[^>]*>)}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)</p>}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1615c2c..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki::Wiki
- # Produces Lists
- class Lists < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?([*#]+)\s+(.*)$}
- end
- def replace
- indent = @match.captures[0].scan(/./).map { |ee| ee == "*" ? 'ul' : 'ol' }
- content = @match.captures[1]
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.each { |elem| pre << %Q(<#{elem} class="rwtk_Lists">) }
- indent.reverse_each { |elem| post << %Q(</#{elem}>) }
- %Q(#{pre}<li class="rwtk_Lists">#{content}</li>#{post})
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- RE_NESTED_LISTS = %r{</[uo]l>\s*<[uo]l[^>]*>}
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{<p[^>]*><([uo]l[^>]*)>}, '<\1>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</([uo]l)></p>}, '</\1>')
- content.gsub!(RE_NESTED_LISTS, '') while content =~ RE_NESTED_LISTS
- content
- end
- end
- # Produces block quotes.
- class Blockquotes < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?((:+)|(>+))(\s+.*)$}
- end
- def replace
- content = @match.captures[3]
- if @match.captures[2].nil?
- char = ':'
- cite = ''
- else
- char = '>'
- cite = ' type="cite"'
- end
- indent = @match.captures[0].count(char)
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.times do
- pre << %Q(<blockquote#{cite} class="rwtk_Blockquotes">)
- post << %Q(</blockquote>)
- end
- "#{pre}#{content}#{post}"
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1].gsub(/^>/, '&gt;')
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</blockquote>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<blockquote[^>]*>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{(</?blockquote[^>]*>\n?)\s*}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{</blockquote>(<blockquote[^>]*>)+}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- # Produces definition lists. Does not completely work correctly.
- class Definitions < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?(;+)\s+(.+?)\s+:\s+(.*)}
- end
- def replace
- definition = @match.captures[2]
- term = @match.captures[1]
- indent = @match.captures[0].count(';')
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.times do
- pre << %Q(<dl class="rwtk_Definitions">)
- post << %Q(</dl>)
- end
- %Q(#{pre}<dt class="rwtk_Definitions">#{term}</dt><dd class="rwtk_Definitions">#{definition}</dd>#{post})
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</dl>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<dl[^>]*>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{</dl>(<dl[^>]*>)+}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b765ad1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.9.0/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Convert ruby-talk mailing list references (e.g., [ruby-talk:12345])
- # into named links.
- class RubyTalkLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 1
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[ruby-talk:(\d+)\]}
- end
- def replace
- lm = @match.captures[0]
-# %Q(<a class="rwtk_RubyTalkLinks" href="{lm}">#{@match[0]}</a>)
- %Q(<a class="rwtk_RubyTalkLinks" href="{lm}">#{@match[0]}</a>)
- end
- end
- # Convert ruby-core/ext/dev/list/math mailing list references (e.g.,
- # [ruby-core:12345]) into named links.
- class OtherRubyLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 1
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[ruby-(list|doc|core|dev|ext|math):(\d+)\]}
- end
- def replace
- ln, lm = @match.captures[0..1]
- %Q(<a class="rwtk_OtherRubyLinks" href="{ln}/#{lm}">#{@match[0]}</a>)
- end
- end
- end