path: root/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2212 deletions
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d4178..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'algorithm/diff'
-class Ruwiki
- # The list of known backends.
- KNOWN_BACKENDS = [:flatfiles]
- # The Ruwiki backend delegator. Ruwiki will always instantiate a version
- # of this class which delegates the actual method execution to the Backend
- # class. Error handling is handled by capturing (and possibly forwarding)
- # exceptions raised by the delegate class.
- class BackendDelegator
- def initialize(ruwiki, backend)
- @message = ruwiki.config.message
- options = ruwiki.config.storage_options
- unless Ruwiki::KNOWN_BACKENDS.include?(backend)
- raise RuntimeError, @message[:backend_unknown] % [backend]
- end
- beconst = (befile = backend.id2name).capitalize
- require "ruwiki/backend/#{befile}"
- beoptions = options[backend]
- @delegate = Ruwiki::Backend.const_get(beconst).new(beoptions)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError => e
- if e.kind_of?(Array)
- raise, @message[e.reason[0]] % e.reason[1]
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- # Retrieve the specified topic and project page. Calls Backend#load
- # after verifying that the project exists.
- def retrieve(topic, project = 'Default')
- unless page_exists?(topic, project)
- if project_exists?(project)
- return { :content => "", :topic => topic, :project => project }
- else
- return { :content => @message[:project_does_not_exist] % [project],
- :topic => topic, :project => project }
- end
- end
- buffer = @delegate.load(topic, project)
- return { :rawtext => buffer.join(""), :project => project, :topic => topic }
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_read_topic] % [project, topic]
- rescue Exception => e
- p = [project, topic, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_retrieve_topic] % p
- end
- # Stores the specified topic and project page.
- def store(page)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_store_topic] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Exception => e
- p = [page.project, page.topic, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_store_topic] % p
- end
- # Destroys the specified topic and project page.
- def destroy(page)
- @delegate.destroy(page)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_destroy_topic] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Exception => e
- p = [project, topic, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_destroy_topic] % p
- end
- # Releases the lock on the page.
- def release_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- @delegate.release_lock(page, address)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError
- raise, @message[:cannot_release_lock] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Errno::EACCES, Exception => e
- p = [project, topic, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:error_releasing_lock] % p
- end
- # Attempts to obtain a lock on the page.
- def obtain_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN', timeout = 600)
- @delegate.obtain_lock(page, address, timeout)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError
- raise, @message[:cannot_obtain_lock] % [page.project, page.topic]
- rescue Errno::EACCES, Exception => e
- p = [project, topic, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:error_creating_lock] % p
- end
- # Checks to see if the project exists.
- def project_exists?(project)
- @delegate.project_exists?(project)
- end
- # Checks to see if the page exists.
- def page_exists?(topic, project = 'Default')
- @delegate.page_exists?(topic, project)
- end
- # Attempts to create the project.
- def create_project(project)
- @delegate.create_project(project)
- rescue Ruwiki::Backend::ProjectExists => e
- raise, @message[:project_already_exists] % [project]
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_create_project] % [project]
- rescue Exception => e
- p = [project, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_create_project] % p
- end
- # Attempts to destroy the project.
- def destroy_project(project)
- @delegate.destroy_project(project)
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- raise, @message[:no_access_to_destroy_project] % [project]
- rescue Exception => e
- p = [project, %Q~#{e}<br />\n#{e.backtrace.join('<br />\n')}~]
- raise, @message[:cannot_destroy_project] % p
- end
- end
- # The Ruwiki backend abstract class and factory.
- class Backend
- class ProjectExists < StandardError #:nodoc:
- end
- class BackendError < StandardError #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :reason
- def initialize(reason, *args)
- @reason = reason
- end
- end
- def initialize(storage_options)
- end
- private
- # Creates the current diff object.
- def make_diff(page, oldpage, newpage)
- {
- 'old_version' => page.old_version,
- 'new_version' => page.version,
- 'change_date' =>,
- 'change_ip' => page.change_ip,
- 'change_id' => page.change_id,
- 'diff' => Diff.diff(oldpage, newpage)
- }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e00c5c2..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/backend/flatfiles.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Backend
- # Stores Ruwiki pages as flatfiles.
- class Flatfiles < Ruwiki::Backend
- # Initializes the flatfile backend. This will read
- # storage_options[:flatfiles] to determine the options set by the
- # user. The following options are known for <tt>:flatfiles</tt>:
- #
- # :data_path:: The directory in which the wiki files will be found.
- # By default, this is "./data/"
- # :extension:: The extension of the wiki files. By default, this is
- # +nil+.
- def initialize(options)
- options[:data_path] ||= "./data/"
- @data_path = options[:data_path]
- @extension = options[:extension]
- if not (File.exists?(@data_path) and
- raise[:flatfiles_no_data_directory, [@data_path]])
- end
- super options
- end
- # Loads the topic page from disk.
- def load(topic, project)
- pagefile = page_file(topic, project)
- buffer = File.readlines(pagefile)
- end
- # Saves the topic page -- and its difference with the previous version
- # -- to disk.
- def store(page)
- pf = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- cf = "#{pf}.rdiff"
- oldfile = File.readlines(pf) rescue []
- oldfile.collect! { |e| e.chomp }
- newfile = page.rawtext.split(/\n/)
- diff = make_diff(page, oldfile, newfile)
- diffs = []
-, 'rb') { |f| diffs = Marshal.load(f) } if File.exists?(cf)
- diffs << diff
- changes = Marshal.dump(diffs)
-, 'wb') { |cfh| cfh.print changes }
-, 'wb') { |pfh| pfh.puts page.rawtext }
- end
- # Destroys the topic page.
- def destroy(page)
- pf = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- File.unlink(pf) if File.exists?(pf)
- end
- # Checks to see if the project exists.
- def project_exists?(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- File.exists?(pd) and
- end
- # Checks to see if the page exists.
- def page_exists?(topic, project = 'Default')
- pf = page_file(topic, project)
- project_exists?(project) and File.exists?(pf)
- end
- # Tries to create the project.
- def create_project(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- raise Ruwiki::Backend::ProjectExists if File.exists?(pd)
- Dir.mkdir(pd)
- end
- # Tries to destroy the project.
- def destroy_project(project)
- pd = project_directory(project)
- Dir.rmdir(pd) if File.exists?(pd) and
- end
- # Attempts to obtain a lock on the topic page.
- def obtain_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN', timeout = 600)
- pf = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- lf = "#{pf}.lock"
- time =
- lock_okay = false
- # See if we have the lock already.
- if File.exists?(lf)
- data = File.readlines(lf)
- # If the lock belongs to this address, we don't care how old it
- # is. Thus, release it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[0].chomp == address)
- # If the lock is older than 10 minutes, release it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[1].to_i < time)
- else
- lock_okay = true
- end
- if lock_okay
- open(lf, 'w') { |lfh| lfh.puts "#{address}\n#{time + timeout}" }
- else
- raise Ruwiki::Backend::BackendError(nil)
- end
- end
- # Releases the lock on the topic page.
- def release_lock(page, address = 'UNKNOWN')
- pf = page_file(page.topic, page.project)
- lf = "#{pf}.lock"
- time =
- lock_okay = false
- if File.exists?(lf)
- data = File.readlines(lf)
- # If the lock belongs to this address, then we can safely remove
- # it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[0].chomp == address)
- # If the lock is older than 10 minutes, release it.
- lock_okay ||= (data[1].to_i < time)
- else
- lock_okay = true
- end
- if lock_okay
- File.unlink(lf) if File.exists?(lf)
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- private
- def project_directory(project)
- File.join(@data_path, project)
- end
- def page_file(topic, project = 'Default')
- if @extension.nil?
- File.join(project_directory(project), topic)
- else
- File.join(project_directory(project), "#{topic}.#{@extension}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/config.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3acea..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- # Features known to Ruwiki.
- # Ruwiki configuration.
- class Config
- # Templates known to Ruwiki.
- TEMPLATES = [ :body, :content, :error, :edit, :controls, :save ]
- # Adds additional information to the (rare) error reports. Defaults to
- # +false+.
- attr_accessor :debug
- # The default page for display when Ruwiki is called without any
- # arguments. Defaults to +ProjectIndex+
- attr_accessor :default_page
- # The default project for display when Ruwiki is called without any
- # arguments or a project specification. Defaults to +Default+
- attr_accessor :default_project
- # The storage type as a Symbol. Corresponds to a filename that will be
- # found in ruwiki/backend. In this version of Ruwiki, only flatfiles.rb
- # (e.g., :flatfiles) is defined. Defaults to <tt>:flatfiles</tt>.
- attr_accessor :storage_type
- # The options for the specified storage type. This is a hash of hashes
- # with auto-vifification. See the storage type for available options.
- attr_reader :storage_options
- # The options for the specified feature. This is a hash of hashes with
- # auto-vifification. See #features for more information.
- attr_reader :feature_options
- # The path for templates. Defaults to <tt>./templates/</tt>.
- attr_accessor :template_path
- # The name of the Wiki. Defaults to <tt>ruwiki</tt>
- attr_accessor :title
- # The email address of the webmaster for the Wiki. Defaults to +nil+.
- attr_accessor :webmaster
- # The name of the Ruwiki CSS file. Defaults to <tt>ruwiki.css</tt>.
- attr_accessor :css
- # The template set. Templates are always named as
- # <template_path>/<template_set>/<template_kind>.
- #Template filename. Must be reachable by File#read.
- attr_accessor :template_set
- # Ruwiki is internationalized. This method sets the Ruwiki error
- # messages (and a few other messages) )to the specified language Module.
- # The language Module must have a constant Hash called +Message+
- # containing a set of symbols and localized versions of the messages
- # associated with them.
- #
- # If the file 'ruwiki/lang/es.rb' contains the module
- # <tt>Ruwiki::Lang::ES</tt>, the error messages for RSS could be
- # localized to Español thus:
- #
- # require 'ruwiki/lang/es'
- # ...
- # wiki.config.language = Ruwiki::Lang::ES
- #
- # Localization is per wiki instance. In a servlet environment, this may
- # mean that only a single language is recognised.
- #
- # See Ruwiki::Lang::EN for more information.
- attr_accessor :language
- # The message hash.
- attr_reader :message
- def language=(l) #:nodoc:
- @language = l
- @message = l::Message
- @message.default = l::Message.default
- end
- # Returns the template string
- def template(kind = :body)
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_template_found] % [kind.inspect, @template_set] unless TEMPLATES.include?(kind)
-, @template_set, "#{kind.to_s}.tmpl"))
- end
- # Returns a copy of the list of features supported by this Wiki.
- def features
- @features.dup
- end
- # Adds a new feature to the Wiki.
- def add_feature(feature)
- raise ConfigError, message[:unknown_feature] % [feature.inspect] unless KNOWN_FEATURES.include?(feature)
- @features << feature
- end
- # Returns the CSS stylesheet content for the Wiki. This previously
- # returned the <link> to the stylesheet, but instead returns a <style>
- # block in the head so that the CSS is kept with the template set, which
- # may be kept outside of the HTML area.
- def css_link
- %Q[<style>#{, @template_set, @css))}</style>]
- end
- # Creates a new configuration object.
- def initialize
- @debug = false
- @default_project = "Default"
- @default_page = "ProjectIndex"
- @storage_type = :flatfiles
- @storage_options = { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
- @template_path = "./templates/"
- @template_set = "default"
- @css = "ruwiki.css"
- @webmaster = nil
- @title = "Ruwiki"
- @features = []
- @feature_options = { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
- self.language = Ruwiki::Lang::EN
- end
- # Verifies that required configuration options are actually set. Right
- # now, it only checks the values that are defaulted to +nil+.
- def verify
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_webmaster_defined] if @webmaster.nil?
- raise ConfigError, message[:invalid_template_dir] % [@template_path] unless File.exists?(@template_path) and
- t = File.join(@template_path, @template_set)
- raise ConfigError, message[:no_template_set] % [@template_set] unless File.exists?(t) and
- end
- class ConfigError < StandardError #:nodoc:
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/handler.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/handler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e31bbc1..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/handler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Handler
- class << self
- # Generate a new Handler pair from a CGI request.
- def from_cgi(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- do |o|
- o.request =
- o.response =, output_stream)
- end
- end
- # Generate a new Handler pair from a WEBrick request.
- def from_webrick(req, res)
- do |o|
- o.request =
- o.response =
- end
- end
- end
- # Returns the handler's request object.
- attr_accessor :request
- # Returns the handler's response object.
- attr_accessor :response
- # Creates the handler pair.
- def initialize(&block) #:yields: self
- @request = nil
- @response = nil
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- # REpresents an abstract incoming request. This insulates the rest of
- # the code from knowing whether parameters are passed as part of the
- # path, as parameters in the URL, or in some other fashion.
- class AbstractRequest
- def initialize(*args)
- end
- end
- # Handles all requests from web applications.
- #
- # Subclasses should provide:
- # @parameters:: Hash-like object that responds to #[] and #hash_key?]
- # @environment:: Hash-like object that responds to #[]
- class AbstractWebRequest < AbstractRequest
- # The parameters provided via the web request.
- attr_reader :parameters
- # The environment provided to the web request.
- attr_reader :environment
- # The request path.
- attr_reader :path
- # Yields each parameter key in succession.
- def each_parameter #:yields: key, value
- @parameters.each { |k, v| yield k, v }
- end
- def each_environment #:yields: key, value
- @environment.each { |k, v| yield k, v }
- end
- # Return the URL of our server.
- def server_url
- res = "http://" # should detect whether we're in secure server mode.
- if @environment['HTTP_HOST']
- res << @environment['HTTP_HOST']
- else
- res << "#{@environment['SERVER_NAME']}:#{@environment['SERVER_PORT']}"
- end
- end
- # Return the URL of this script.
- def script_url
- server_url << @environment['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s
- end
- # Return the URL of this request.
- def request_url
- res = script_url
- res << @environment['PATH_INFO'] if @environment['PATH_INFO']
- query = @environment['QUERY_STRING']
- res << "?#{@environment['QUERY_STRING']}" if query && !query.empty?
- res
- end
- # Convert a file path into a URL
- def make_url(project, path)
- "#{server_url}/#{project}/#{path}"
- end
- def determine_request_path
- @path = ""
- return @path if @environment['PATH_INFO'].nil?
- @path = @environment['PATH_INFO'].dup
- end
- end
- # Request for CGI-based activity to ruwiki.
- class CGIRequest < AbstractWebRequest
- def initialize(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- @environment = ENV
- @cgi = cgi
- @parameters = {}
- cgi.params.each { |k, v| @parameters[k] = v[0] }
- super
- end
- end
- # Request for WEBrick based servlet activity to ruwiki.
- class WEBrickRequest < AbstractWebRequest
- def initialize(req)
- @environment = req.meta_vars
- @parameters = req.query
- super
- end
- end
- # Used to write responses in different execution environments such as
- # CGI and Webrick.
- #
- # If you want to create a new response object, you'll need to implement
- # #add_header, #write_headers, and #<<.
- #
- # The Response object is instantiated with an output stream which must
- # supply +<<+ and +puts+ methods.
- class AbstractResponse
- # Add to the list of headers to be sent back to the client.
- def add_header(key, value)
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # Write the accumulated headers back to the client.
- def write_headers
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # Write the string to the client.
- def <<(string)
- raise "Not implemented"
- end
- # output_stream must respond to #<< and #puts.
- def initialize(output_stream = $stdout)
- @headers = {}
- @output_stream = output_stream
- end
- end
- # CGIResponse is the response object for CGI mode.
- class CGIResponse < AbstractResponse
- # output_stream must respond to #<< and #puts.
- def initialize(cgi, output_stream = $stdout)
- @cgi = cgi
- super(output_stream)
- end
- # Add the header pair for later output as a CGI header.
- def add_header(key, value)
- @headers[key] = value
- end
- # Write the headers to the stream. The headers can only be written
- # once.
- def write_headers
- return if @written
- @headers.each { |key, value| @output_stream.puts "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" }
- @output_stream.puts
- @written = true
- end
- # Output the string to the stream provided.
- def <<(string)
- @output_stream << string
- end
- end
- # WEBrickResponse is the response object for WEBrick servlet mode.
- class WEBrickResponse < AbstractResponse
- def initialize(webrick_response)
- @response = webrick_response
- end
- def add_header(key,value)
- @response[key] = value
- end
- def write_headers
- # Webrick will take care of this on its own.
- end
- def <<(string)
- @response.body << string
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/de.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/de.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 721c44a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/de.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Translation by Christian Neukirchen ( on 22oct2003
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- module Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::DE is the German-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module DE
- Message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :encoding => "iso-8859-1",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Unbekanntes Backend %s.",
- :cannot_create_project => "Kann %s nicht erstellen: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "Kann %s nicht zerstören: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "Kann %s::%s nicht zerstören: %s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "Kann keine Sperre für %s::%s erhalten. Bitte in Kürze nochmal versuchen.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "Kann die Sperre für %s::%s nicht lösen. Bitte später nochmal versuchen.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "Kann auf %s::%s nicht zugreifen: %s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "Kann %s::%s nicht speichern: %s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Fehler beim Erzeugen der Sperre von %s::%s: %s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Fehler beim Lösen der Sperre von %s::%s: %s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "Das Daten-Verzeichnis (%s) existiert nicht.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "Keine Berechtigung um das Projekt (%s) zu erstellen.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "Keine Berechtigung um das Projekt (%s) zu zerstören.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "Kann %s::%s nicht zerstören: %s.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "Kann auf %s::%s nicht zugreifen: %s.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "Kann %s::%s nicht speichern: %s.",
- :project_already_exists => "Das Projekt %s existiert bereits.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "Das Projekt %s existiert nicht.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "Die Konfiguration muss von Typ der Klasse Ruwiki::Config sein.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "Der angegebene Pfad für Schablonen (%s) existiert nicht oder ist kein Verzeichnis.",
- :no_template_found => "Keine Schablone %s im Schablonen-Set '%s' gefunden.",
- :no_template_set => "Es gibt kein Schablonen-Set '%s' im Schablonen-Pfad.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Konfigurations-Fehler: Webmaster nicht definiert.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Fataler Fehler",
- :editing => "Editieren",
- :error => "Fehler",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Fataler Fehler in der Web-Umgebung. PATH_INFO = %s",
- # Should this really get translated? --chris
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render muss mit zwei oder mehr Argumenten aufgerufen werden.",
- :unknown_feature => "Unbekanntes Feature %s."
- }
- Message.default = proc { |h, k| "Sprachdatei-FEHLER: Unbekannter Nachrichten-Typ #{k.inspect}." }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a15a3a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/en.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- module Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::EN is the English-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module EN
- Message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :encoding => "iso-8859-1",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Backend %s is unknown.",
- :cannot_create_project => "Cannot create project %s: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "Cannot destroy project %s: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "Cannot destroy %s::%s: %s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "Unable to obtain a lock on %s::%s. Try again shortly.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "Unable to release the lock on %s::%s. Try again shortly.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "Cannot retrieve %s::%s: %s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "Cannot store project %s::%s: %s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Error creating lock on %s::%s: %s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Error releasing lock on %s::%s: %s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "The data directory (%s) does not exist.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "No permission to create project %s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "No permission to destroy project %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "No permission to destroy topic %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "No permission to retrieve the %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "No permission to store the %s::%s.",
- :project_already_exists => "Project %s already exists.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "Project %s does not exist.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "Configuration must be of class Ruwiki::Config.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "The specified path for templates (%s) does not exist or is not a directory.",
- :no_template_found => "No template of %s found in template set %s.",
- :no_template_set => "There is no template set '%s' in the template path.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Configuration error: Webmaster is unset.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Complete and Utter Failure",
- :editing => "Editing",
- :error => "Error",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Something has gone seriously wrong with the web environment. PATH_INFO = %s",
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render must be called with zero or two arguments.",
- :unknown_feature => "Unknown feature %s."
- }
- Message.default = proc { |h, k| "Language ERROR: Unknown message key #{k.inspect}." }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 345392a..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/lang/es.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- module Lang
- # Ruwiki::Lang::ES is the English-language output module. It contains a
- # hash, *Message*, that contains the messages that may be reported by
- # any method in the Ruwiki library. The messages are identified by a
- # Symbol.
- module ES
- Message = {
- # The encoding for the webpages. This should match the encoding used
- # to create these messages.
- :encoding => "iso-8859-1",
- # Backend-related messages.
- :backend_unknown => "Clase Backend desconocida: %s.",
- :cannot_create_project => "No puede crearse el proyecto %s: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_project => "No puede borrarse el proyecto %s: %s",
- :cannot_destroy_topic => "No puede borrarse %s::%s: %s",
- :cannot_obtain_lock => "Imposible obtener acceso exclusivo sobre %s::%s. Reinténtelo en breve.",
- :cannot_release_lock => "Imposible liberar acceso exclusivo sobre %s::%s. Reinténtelo en breve.",
- :cannot_retrieve_topic => "No puede leerse %s::%s: %s",
- :cannot_store_topic => "No puede archivarse %s::%s: %s",
- :error_creating_lock => "Error al crear el cerrojo sobre %s::%s: %s",
- :error_releasing_lock => "Error al liberar el cerrojo sobre %s::%s: %s",
- :flatfiles_no_data_directory => "El directorio de datos (%s) no existe.",
- :no_access_to_create_project => "Permiso denegado al crear el proyecto %s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_project => "Permiso denegado al borrar el proyecto %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_destroy_topic => "Permiso denegado al borrar el nodo %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_read_topic => "Permiso denegado al leer el nodo %s::%s.",
- :no_access_to_store_topic => "Permiso denegado al salvar el nodo %s::%s.",
- :project_already_exists => "El proyecto %s ya existe.",
- :project_does_not_exist => "El proyecto %s no existe.",
- # Config-related messages.
- :config_not_ruwiki_config => "La configuración debe ser de clase Ruwiki::Config.",
- :invalid_template_dir => "El path especificado para plantillas (%s) no existe o no es un directorio.",
- :no_template_found => "No se encontró ninguna plantilla para %s en el conjunto %s.",
- :no_template_set => "No hay ningún juego de plantillas '%s' en el path.",
- :no_webmaster_defined => "Error de configuración: Webmaster no está definido.",
- # Miscellaneous messages.
- :complete_utter_failure => "Fallo total y absoluto.",
- :editing => "Editando",
- :error => "Error",
- :invalid_path_info_value => "Algo huele a podrido en su entorno Web. PATH_INFO = %s",
- :render_arguments => "Ruwiki#render debe ser llamado con cero o dos argumentos.",
- :unknown_feature => "Clase Feature desconocida: %s."
- }
- Message.default = proc { |h, k| "ERROR De la Lengua: Llave desconocida del mensaje #{k.inspect}." }
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/page.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/page.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f9d95..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/page.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- # A generic page for Ruwiki.
- class Page
- # The page ID.
- attr_accessor :page_id
- # The current version of the page.
- attr_accessor :version
- # The previous version of the page.
- attr_accessor :old_version
- # The page topic (the name of the page).
- attr_accessor :topic
- # The project of the page.
- attr_accessor :project
- # Unformatted page text.
- attr_reader :content
- # Formatted page text.
- attr_accessor :formatted
- # The IP address of the person who made the last change.
- def change_ip
- %Q(#{@remote_host} #{@remote_addr})
- end
- # The ID, if present, of the person who made the last change. Not yet
- # implemented.
- def change_id
- nil
- end
- # Creates a Ruwiki page.
- def initialize(init = {})
- @markup = init[:markup]
- @script = init[:script]
- @remote_host = init[:remote_host]
- @remote_addr = init[:remote_addr]
- @project = init[:project] || "Default"
- @topic = init[:topic] || "NewTopic"
- @content = init[:content] || ""
- @page_id = init[:page_id] || 0
- @version = init[:version] || 0
- @old_version = @version - 1
- if init.has_key?(:rawtext)
- @rawtext = init[:rawtext].dup
- @content = parse_header(@rawtext.dup)
- @formatted = parse_content(@content, @project)
- elsif not @content.empty?
- @formatted = parse_content(@content.dup, @project)
- else
- @formatted = ""
- end
- @content.gsub!(/\r/, "")
- end
- # The content of the page.
- def content=(content)
- @content = content.gsub(/\r/, "")
- @formatted = parse_content(content, @project)
- end
- # Output raw header and raw page context for saving.
- def rawtext
- return <<-EOS
-id: #{@page_id}
-topic: #{@topic}
-version: #{@version}
- end
- # Outputs the HTML version of the page.
- def to_html
- @formatted
- end
- private
- HEADER_RE = /^([a-z]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/
- # Parse the header.
- def parse_header(rawtext)
- rawbuf = rawtext.split("\n")
- loop do
- break if rawbuf.nil? or rawbuf.empty?
- if rawbuf[0] =~ HEADER_END_RE
- rawbuf.shift
- break
- end
- match = HEADER_RE.match(rawbuf[0])
- if match
- case match[1].intern
- when :id
- @page_id = match[2].to_i
- when :topic
- @topic = match[2]
- when :version
- @version = match[2].to_i
- @old_version = @version - 1
- end
- rawbuf.shift
- end
- end
- rawbuf.join("\n")
- end
- # Parse the content.
- def parse_content(content, project)
- parsed = @markup.parse(content, project)
- parsed
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d687539..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/servlet.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'webrick'
-class Ruwiki
- class Servlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def initialize(config)
- @config = config
- end
- # Converts a POST into a GET.
- def do_POST(req, res)
- do_GET(req, res)
- end
- def do_GET(req, res)
- # Generate the reponse handlers for Ruwiki from the request and response
- # objects provided.
- wiki =, res))
- # Configuration defaults to certain values. This overrides the defaults.
- wiki.config = $config unless $config.nil?
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/template.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/template.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9655f21..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/template.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This file is originally from rdoc by Dave Thomas (
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- # RDoc's cheap-n-cheerful HTML page template system. You create a template
- # containing:
- #
- # * variable names between percent signs (<tt>%fred%</tt>)
- # * blocks of repeating stuff:
- # START:key
- # ... stuff
- # END:key
- #
- # You feed the code a hash. For simple variables, the values are resolved
- # directly from the hash. For blocks, the hash entry corresponding to +key+
- # will be an array of hashes. The block will be generated once for each
- # entry. Blocks can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
- #
- # The template may also contain:
- # IF:key
- # ... stuff
- # ENDIF:key
- #
- # _stuff_ will only be included in the output if the corresponding key is
- # set in the value hash.
- #
- # Usage: Given a set of templates <tt>T1, T2,</tt> etc
- # values = { "name" => "Dave", state => "TX" }
- # t =, T2, T3)
- #, "w") {|f| t.write_html_on(f, values)}
- # or
- # res = ''
- # t.write_html_on(res, values)
- #
- class TemplatePage
- # A context holds a stack of key/value pairs (like a symbol table). When
- # asked to resolve a key, it first searches the top of the stack, then
- # the next level, and so on until it finds a match (or runs out of
- # entries).
- class Context
- def initialize
- @stack = []
- end
- def push(hash)
- @stack.push(hash)
- end
- def pop
- @stack.pop
- end
- # Find a scalar value, throwing an exception if not found. This method
- # is used when substituting the %xxx% constructs
- def find_scalar(key)
- @stack.reverse_each do |level|
- if val = level[key]
- return val unless val.kind_of? Array
- end
- end
- raise "Template error: can't find variable '#{key}'"
- end
- # Lookup any key in the stack of hashes
- def lookup(key)
- @stack.reverse_each do |level|
- val = level[key]
- return val if val
- end
- nil
- end
- end
- # Simple class to read lines out of a string
- class LineReader
- # we're initialized with an array of lines
- def initialize(lines)
- @lines = lines
- end
- # read the next line
- def read
- @lines.shift
- end
- # Return a list of lines up to the line that matches a pattern. That
- # last line is discarded.
- def read_up_to(pattern)
- res = []
- while line = read
- if pattern.match(line)
- return
- else
- res << line
- end
- end
- raise "Missing end tag in template: #{pattern.source}"
- end
- # Return a copy of ourselves that can be modified without affecting us
- def dup
- end
- end
- # +templates+ is an array of strings containing the templates. We start at
- # the first, and substitute in subsequent ones where the string
- # <tt>!INCLUDE!</tt> occurs. For example, we could have the overall page
- # template containing
- #
- # <html><body>
- # <h1>Master</h1>
- # </bost></html>
- #
- # and substitute subpages in to it by passing [master, sub_page]. This
- # gives us a cheap way of framing pages
- def initialize(*templates)
- result = "!INCLUDE!"
- templates.each do |content|
- result.sub!(/!INCLUDE!/, content)
- end
- @lines =$/))
- end
- # Render the templates into HTML, storing the result on +op+ using the
- # method <tt><<</tt>. The <tt>value_hash</tt> contains key/value pairs
- # used to drive the substitution (as described above)
- def write_html_on(op, value_hash)
- @context =
- op << substitute_into(@lines, value_hash).tr("\000", '\\')
- end
- # Substitute a set of key/value pairs into the given template. Keys with
- # scalar values have them substituted directly into the page. Those with
- # array values invoke <tt>substitute_array</tt> (below), which examples a
- # block of the template once for each row in the array.
- #
- # This routine also copes with the <tt>IF:</tt>_key_ directive, removing
- # chunks of the template if the corresponding key does not appear in the
- # hash, and the START: directive, which loops its contents for each value
- # in an array
- def substitute_into(lines, values)
- @context.push(values)
- skip_to = nil
- result = []
- while line =
- case line
- when /^IF:(\w+)/
- lines.read_up_to(/^ENDIF:#$1/) unless @context.lookup($1)
- when /^IFNOT:(\w+)/
- lines.read_up_to(/^ENDIF:#$1/) if @context.lookup($1)
- when /^ENDIF:/
- ;
- when /^START:(\w+)/
- tag = $1
- body = lines.read_up_to(/^END:#{tag}/)
- inner_values = @context.lookup(tag)
- raise "unknown tag: #{tag}" unless inner_values
- raise "not array: #{tag}" unless inner_values.kind_of?(Array)
- inner_values.each do |vals|
- result << substitute_into(body.dup, vals)
- end
- else
- result << expand_line(line.dup)
- end
- end
- @context.pop
- result.join("\n")
- end
- # Given an individual line, we look for %xxx% constructs and
- # HREF:ref:name: constructs, substituting for each.
- def expand_line(line)
- # Generate a cross reference if a reference is given,
- # otherwise just fill in the name part
- line.gsub!(/HREF:(\w+?):(\w+?):/) do
- ref = @context.lookup($1)
- name = @context.find_scalar($2)
- if ref and !ref.kind_of?(Array)
- "<a href=\"#{ref}\">#{name}</a>"
- else
- name
- end
- end
- # Substitute in values for %xxx% constructs. This is made complex
- # because the replacement string may contain characters that are
- # meaningful to the regexp (like \1)
- line = line.gsub(/%([a-zA-Z]\w*)%/) do
- val = @context.find_scalar($1)
-'\\', "\000")
- end
- line
- rescue Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "Error in template: #{e}"
- $stderr.puts "Original line: #{line}"
- exit
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d315357..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- # Ruwiki's Wiki markup class. This will convert the Wiki markup known by
- # Ruwiki (defined by Token classes). The algorithm is as follows:
- #
- # 1. For each known Token class, match each instance of it in the content
- # stream. Replace each instance in the content stream with a Token
- # marker: TOKEN_x or \TOKEN_x, where x is a digit representing the
- # Token. (\TOKEN_x is a special case of token matching. See
- # Ruwiki::Markup::Token for more information.) Store the Token for
- # later processing.
- # 2. Go back through the content, replacing each instance of \TOKEN_x
- # with the Token's defined restore value (which should be the same
- # value as was originally matched).
- # 3. Go through the content, replacing each instance of TOKEN_x with the
- # Token's defined replacement value.
- # 4. Go through the tokens, in reverse, and execute the post replacement
- # routine defined by the Token. (This may be necessary to collapse
- # consecutive HTML structures.)
- # 5. Return the parsed content and the collected metadata.
- #
- # == Tokens
- # Look at Ruwiki::Markup::Token describes how to create Token objects.
- class Wiki
- def parse(content, project)
- content = content.dup
- tokens = []
- project ||= @default_project
- Token.tokenlist.each do |token|
- content.gsub!(token.regexp) do |m|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- tc =, project, @backend, @script)
- tokens << tc
- if m[0, 1] == '\\'
- "\\TOKEN_#{tokens.size - 1}"
- else
- "TOKEN_#{tokens.size - 1}"
- end
- end
- end
- replaced = []
- s = true
- loop do
- break if replaced.size >= tokens.size
- break if s.nil?
- s = content.gsub!(/\\TOKEN_(\d+)/) { |m|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- itoken = match[1].to_i
- replaced << itoken
- tokens[itoken].restore
- }
- s = content.gsub!(/TOKEN_(\d+)/) { |m|
- match = Regexp.last_match
- itoken = match[1].to_i
- replaced << itoken
- tokens[itoken].replace
- }
- end
- token_classes = { |token| token.class }.sort_by { |token| token.rank }
- token_classes.uniq.each { |tc| tc.post_replace(content) }
- content
- end
- attr_accessor :default_project
- attr_accessor :script
- attr_accessor :backend
- # Creates the markup class.
- def initialize(default_project, script)
- @default_project = default_project
- @script = script
- end
- end
-require 'ruwiki/wiki/tokens'
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c7ff6c7..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # The base Token class. All Token classes must inherit from Token and
- # *must* implement the following methods:
- #
- # [self.regexp] The regular expression that the Token will be
- # replacing.
- # [replace] The mechanism for replacing the Token with the desired
- # results.
- #
- # Token classes <i>should</i> implement the following method:
- # [self.rank] Default: <tt>5000</tt>. Affects the sort order.
- # Must return an integer.
- #
- # Token classes <i>may</i> implement the following methods:
- # [restore] Restores the token without replacement.
- # Implements the results of the escape character.
- # NOTE: each Token class is responsible for its own
- # restore. Tokens that are anchored to the
- # beginning of a line are the most likely to need
- # to reimplement this.
- # [self.post_replace] Performs any necessary massaging of the data. See
- # the implementation of Ruwiki::Wiki::Lists for
- # more information.
- class Token
- @@tokenlist = []
- @@sorted = false
- class << self
- # Tokens should define rank if they must be first or last in
- # processing. Otherwise, they are sorted in the order defined.
- def rank
- 5000
- end
- # The Wiki parsing routine uses Token.tokenlist to determine the
- # tokens that are processed, and the order in which they are
- # processed. See Token.rank for more information.
- def tokenlist
- unless @@sorted
- head = @@tokenlist.shift
- @@tokenlist.sort! { |a, b| a.rank <=> b.rank }
- @@tokenlist.unshift(head)
- sorted = true
- end
- @@tokenlist
- end
- def inherited(child_class) #:nodoc:
- @@tokenlist << Token if @@tokenlist.empty?
- # Make the child class post_replace a blank function because we
- # don't want to propogate the currently defined post_replace.
- # The current post_replace is specific to Token_Base only.
- class << child_class
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content
- end
- end
- @@tokenlist << child_class
- @@sorted = false
- end
- # The replacement regular expression.
- def regexp
- /TOKEN_(\d*)/
- end
- end
- # All Token classes must match this header signature if they define
- # #initialize.
- #
- # [match] The MatchData object for this Token.
- # [project] The project being processed.
- # [backend] The backend for the wiki. This is used to determine if
- # the page or project exists. The object passed must
- # respond to #project_exists?(project) and
- # #page_exists?(page, project).
- # [script] The URI to the script.
- def initialize(match, project, backend, script)
- @match = match
- @project = project
- @backend = backend
- @script = script
- end
- # The replacement method. Uses @match to replace the token with the
- # appropriate values.
- def replace
- "TOKEN_#{@match[1]}"
- end
- # Restores the token without replacement. By default, replaces
- # "dangerous" HTML characters.
- def restore
- @match[0].gsub(/&/, "&amp;").gsub(/</, "&lt;").gsub(/>/, "&gt;")
- end
- # The content may need massaging after processing.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content
- end
- end
- end
- # Load the tokens from the ruwiki/wiki/tokens directory.
-tokens_dir = 'ruwiki/wiki/tokens'
-$LOAD_PATH.each do |path|
- target = "#{path}/#{tokens_dir}"
- if File.exists?(target) and
- Dir::glob("#{target}/*.rb") do |token|
- begin
- require token
- rescue LoadError
- nil
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 448ff3f..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/00default.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-# $debug ="output.txt", "w")
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # The Paragraph Token class changes blank lines to <p> tags. This class,
- # under the current implementation, should be *first* in the Token list
- # after Token.
- class Paragraph < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- # This Token is #rank 0, because it should be first in the Token list.
- def self.rank
- 0
- end
- # Matches blank lines. %r{^\s*$}
- def self.regexp
- %r{(^\s*$)}
- end
- # Replaces with "<p>"
- def replace
- "</p><p>"
- end
- # Ensures that <p> won't be surrounded by <br> tags.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{\A}, '<p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{\z}, '</p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{^}, '<p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{\n}, "</p>\n")
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(<p>)+}, '<p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</p>(</p>)+}, '</p>')
- content.gsub!(%r{((?:<p>(?:.*?)</p>\n)+?<p></p><p></p>)}) do |m|
- r = m.gsub(%r{</p>\n<p>}, "\n<p>")
- r.gsub!(%r{<p></p><p></p>}, "</p>")
- r.gsub!(%r{\n<p>}, "\n")
- r.gsub!(%r{\n</p>}, '</p>')
- r
- end
- content.gsub!(%r{<p></p>}, '')
- content
- end
- end
- # The Code Token class converts indented text to "unformatted" (<pre>)
- # text. This class should be *second* in the Token list.
- class Code < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- # This Token is #rank 1, because it should be second in the Token list.
- def self.rank
- 1
- end
- # Matches indented text. %r{^(\s+\S.*)$}
- def self.regexp
- %r{^(\s+\S.*)$}
- end
- # Replaces the text to <pre>content</pre>.
- def replace
- content = @match.captures[0]
- content.gsub!(/&/, '&amp;')
- content.gsub!(/</, '&lt;')
- content.gsub!(/>/, '&gt;')
- %Q{</p><pre>#{content}</pre>}
- end
- # Converts cases of %r{</pre>(\n|<br ?/?>)<pre>} to \1.
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre>((\n)*</p>(\n)*)?<pre>}, "\n")
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<pre>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p><pre>}, '<pre>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</pre></p>}, '</pre>')
- content
- end
- end
- RE_URI_SCHEME = %r{[\w.]+?:}
- RE_URI_PATH = %r{[^\s<>\]]}
- RE_URI_TEXT = %r{[^\]]*}
- RE_IMAGE = /(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/
- # Converts URLs in the form of [url] to numbered links.
- class NumberedLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- class << self
- attr_accessor :count
- end
- def self.rank
- 2
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}(?:#{RE_URI_PATH})*?)\]}
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- NumberedLinks.count ||= 0
- NumberedLinks.count += 1
- name = "[#{NumberedLinks.count}]"
- if extlink =~ RE_IMAGE
- %Q{<img src="#{extlink}" title="#{name}" alt="#{name}" />}
- else
- %Q{<a class="rw_extlink" href="#{extlink}">#{name}</a>}
- end
- end
- end
- # Converts URLs in the form of [url name] to named links.
- class NamedLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 3
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}(?:#{RE_URI_PATH})*?)\s+(#{RE_URI_TEXT})\]}
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- name = @match.captures[1]
- if extlink =~ RE_IMAGE
- %Q{<img src="#{extlink}" title="#{name}" alt="#{name}" />}
- else
- %Q{<a class="rw_extlink" href="#{extlink}">#{name}</a>}
- end
- end
- end
- # Converts URLs to links where the "name" of the link is the URL itself.
- class ExternalLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 501
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\b(#{RE_URI_SCHEME}#{RE_URI_PATH}+)}
- end
- def replace
- extlink = @match.captures[0]
- if extlink =~ RE_IMAGE
- %Q{<img src="#{extlink}" title="Image at: #{extlink}" alt="Image at: #{extlink}" />}
- else
- %Q{<a class="rw_extlink" href="#{extlink}">#{extlink}</a>}
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a horizontal rule.
- class HRule < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r|^\\?-{4,}|
- end
- def replace
- "<hr />"
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{(<p>)*<hr ?/?>(</p>)*}, "<hr />")
- content.gsub!(%r{\n<hr />}, "</p>\n<hr />")
- content.gsub!(%r{<hr ?/?>\n<br ?/?>}, "<hr />")
- content.gsub!(%r{(\n|<br ?/?>)?<hr>(\n|<br ?/?>)?}, "<hr />")
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 586bff8..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/01wikilinks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-require 'cgi'
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # This provides the basic WikiWord match. This supports WikiWord,
- # CPlusPlus, ThisIsALink, and C_Plus_Plus.
- RE_WIKI_WORDS = %r{[[:upper:]][\w_]*(?:[[:lower:]]+[[:upper:]_]|[[:upper:]_]+[[:lower:]])[\w_]*}
- # This provides wikipedia format matches, e.g., [[wikipedia links]]. The
- # only restriction on words in this format is that they must NOT begin
- # with an underscore ('_').
- RE_WIKIPEDIA_WORDS = %r{\[\[([^_].*?)\]\]}
- # This provides the basic Wiki Project match.
- RE_PROJECT_WORD = %r{[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+}
- # This provides the Wiki view link format:
- VIEW_LINK = %Q[<a class="rw_pagelink" href="%s">%s</a>]
- EDIT_LINK = %Q[<span class="rw_edittext">%s</span><a class="rw_pagelink" href="%s">?</a>]
- # Creates a crosslink for a Project::WikiPage.
- class ProjectCrossLink < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 500
- end
- def self.regexp
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[0]
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic.dup)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}", "#{project}::#{topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')}"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % ["#{project}::#{topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')}", "#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a crosslink for a Project::WikiPage using a Wikipedia link
- # format.
- class ProjectCrossLinkWikipedia < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 500
- end
- def self.regexp
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[0]
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}", "#{project}::#{topic}"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % ["#{project}::#{topic}", "#{@script}/#{project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to the project index from ::Project.
- class ProjectIndex < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 501
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\B|\\)::(#{RE_PROJECT_WORD})}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- def replace
- project = @match.captures[1]
- if @backend.page_exists?('ProjectIndex', project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/ProjectIndex", project]
- else
- if @backend.project_exists?(project)
- EDIT_LINK % [project, "#{@script}/#{project}/ProjectIndex/_edit"]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [project, "#{@script}/#{project}/_create"]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to a WikiPage in the current project.
- class WikiLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 503
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\b|\\)(#{RE_WIKI_WORDS})\b}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- def replace
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic.dup)
- if @backend.page_exists?(topic, @project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}", topic.gsub(/_/, ' ')]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [topic.gsub(/_/, ' '), "#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- # Creates a link to a WikiPage in the current project using a Wikipedia
- # link format.
- class WikipediaLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 502
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{(\B|\\)#{RE_WIKIPEDIA_WORDS}\B}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1..-1]
- end
- ALT_TEXT = %r{(.+)\|(.+)}o
- def replace
- captures = @match.captures
- topic = @match.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(topic)
- at = ALT_TEXT.match(topic)
- if not at.nil?
- topic = at.captures[1]
- link = CGI.escape(at.captures[0])
- end
- if @backend.page_exists?(link, @project)
- VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}", topic]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [topic, "#{@script}/#{@project}/#{link}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3329fab..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/abbreviations.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Converts abbreviations.
- class Abbreviations < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- "PM" => "PocoMail"
- }
- def self.regexp
- %r!@\{([^\}]*)\}!
- end
- def replace
- k = @match.captures[0]
- if k.nil? or k.empty?
- data = "<dl>"
- ABBREVIATIONS.each do |k, v|
- data << "<dt>#{k}</dt><dd>#{v}</dd>"
- end
- data << "</dl>"
- else
- if ABBREVIATIONS.has_key?(k)
- else
- data = @match[0]
- end
- end
- data
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c38d59..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/calendar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Produces Lists
- class Calendar < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?%calendar\s*\((?:(today)|(\d+),\s*(\d+))(?:,\s*(#{RE_PROJECT_WORD}))?\)}
- end
- def self.make(year, month)
- result = []
- t = Time.local(year, month, 1)
- r =, nil)
- r << 1
- 2.upto(31) do |i|
- break if Time.local(year, month, i).month != month
- r << i
- end
- r += r.size) % 7, nil)
- 0.step(r.size - 1, 7) do |i|
- result << r[i, 7]
- end
- result
- end
- def make_month_link(project, year, month, state = nil)
- ym = "%04d%02d" % [year, month]
- case state
- when :prev
- title = "&laquo; #{year}.#{month}"
- when :next
- title = "#{year}.#{month} &raquo;"
- else
- title = "#{project}::#{year}.#{month}"
- end
- url = "#{@script}/#{project}/#{ym}"
- if @backend.page_exists?(ym, project)
- VIEW_LINK % [url, title]
- else
- EDIT_LINK % [title, "#{url}/_edit"]
- end
- end
- def replace
- today = @match.captures[0]
- project = @match.captures[3] || @project
- now =
- if today.nil?
- year = @match.captures[1].to_i
- month = @match.captures[2].to_i
- else
- year = now.year
- month = now.month
- end
- if (year == now.year) and (month == now.month)
- show_today =
- else
- show_today = nil
- end
- result = <<-"CALENDAR_HEAD"
-<div class="rw_calendar">
-<table class="rw_calendar" summary="calendar for ::#{project}: #{year}.#{month}">
- result << %Q{ <tr>\n<th colspan="7" class="rw_calendar-current-month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month)
- result << %Q{</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n<th colspan="2" class="rw_calendar-prev-month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month - 1, :prev)
- result << %Q{</th>\n<th colspan="3"></th>\n<th colspan="2" class="rw_calendar-next-month">}
- result << make_month_link(project, year, month + 1, :next)
- result << "</th>\n"
- result << <<-"CALENDAR_HEAD2"
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekend">Su</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekday">Mo</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekday">Tu</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekday">We</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekday">Th</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekday">Fr</th>
- <th class="rw_calendar-weekend">Sa</th>
- </tr>
- Calendar.make(year, month).each do |week|
- result << " <tr>\n"
- week.each do |day|
- if day.nil?
- result << %Q{ <td class="rw_calendar-day"></td>\n}
- else
- date = "%04d%02d%02d" % [year, month, day]
- # Add the ability to create pages based on date here.
- if show_today == day
- result << %Q{ <td class="rw_calendar-today">}
- else
- result << %Q{ <td class="rw_calendar-day">}
- end
- if @backend.page_exists?(date, project)
- result << VIEW_LINK % ["#{@script}/#{project}/#{date}", day]
- else
- result << EDIT_LINK % [day, "#{@script}/#{project}/#{date}/_edit"]
- end
- result << %Q{</td>\n}
- end
- end
- result << " </tr>\n"
- end
- result << "</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n<p>"
- result
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(\s*</?div(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(\s*</?table(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(\s*</?t(?:head|body|r)(?: [^>]+)?>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(\s*<t[hd].+?</t[hd]>\s*)</p>}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 069f3df..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/headings.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Converts headings.
- class Headings < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
-# def self.rank
-# 5
-# end
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?(=+)\s+(.*)}
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def replace
- level = @match.captures[0].count("=")
- content = @match.captures[1]
- level = 6 if level > 6
- "<h#{level}>#{content}</h#{level}>"
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)\n}) { |m| "#{$1}\n<p>" }
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)</p>\n<p>}) { |m| "#{$1}\n<p>" }
- content.gsub!(%r{<p>(<h\d>)}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{(</h\d>)</p>}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9826a9b..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/lists.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Produces Lists
- class Lists < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?((\*)+|(#)+)\s+(.*)}
- end
- def replace
- content = @match.captures[3]
- if @match.captures[2].nil?
- char = '*'
- elem = 'ul'
- else
- char = '#'
- elem = 'ol'
- end
- indent = @match.captures[0].count(char)
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.times do
- pre << "<#{elem}><li>"
- post << "</li></#{elem}>"
- end
- "#{pre}#{content}#{post}"
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{<p><([uo]l)>}, '<\1>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</([uo]l)></p>}, '</\1>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</[uo]l>\n?<[uo]l>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{</ol>(\n|(<br ?/?>))?<ol>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{</ul>(\n|(<br ?/?>))?<ul>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{<li><([uo]l)>}, '<\1>')
- content.gsub!(%r{</li><li>}, "</li>\n<li>")
- content.gsub!(%r{</([uo]l)></li>}, '</\1>')
- content.gsub!(%r{([^>])\n<([uo]l)>}) { |m| "#{$1}</p>\n<#{$2}>" }
- content
- end
- end
- # Produces block quotes.
- class Blockquotes < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?((:+)|(>+))(\s+.*)$}
- end
- def replace
- content = @match.captures[3]
- if @match.captures[2].nil?
- char = ':'
- cite = ''
- else
- char = '>'
- cite = ' type="cite"'
- end
- indent = @match.captures[0].count(char)
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.times do
- pre << "<blockquote#{cite}>"
- post << "</blockquote>"
- end
- "#{pre}#{content}#{post}"
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</blockquote>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<blockquote[^>]*>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{(</?blockquote[^>]*>\n?)\s*}, '\1')
- content.gsub!(%r{</blockquote>(<blockquote[^>]*>)+}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- # Produces definition lists. Does not completely work correctly.
- class Definitions < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.regexp
- %r{^\\?(;+)\s+([^:]+)\s+:\s+(.*)}
- end
- def replace
- definition = @match.captures[2]
- term = @match.captures[1]
- indent = @match.captures[0].count(';')
- pre = ''
- post = ''
- indent.times do
- pre << "<dl>"
- post << "</dl>"
- end
- "#{pre}<dt>#{term}</dt><dd>#{definition}</dd>#{post}"
- end
- def restore
- @match[0][1 .. -1]
- end
- def self.post_replace(content)
- content.gsub!(%r{</dl>(\n|<br ?/?>)?<dl>}, '')
- content.gsub!(%r{</dl>(<dl>)+}, '\1')
- content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb b/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a33f0df..0000000
--- a/ruwiki/tags/release-0.7/lib/ruwiki/wiki/tokens/rubylists.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Ruwiki
-# Copyright © 2002 - 2004, Digikata and HaloStatue
-# Alan Chen (
-# Austin Ziegler (
-# Licensed under the same terms as Ruby.
-# $Id$
-class Ruwiki
- class Wiki
- # Convert ruby-talk mailing list references (e.g., [ruby-talk:12345])
- # into named links.
- class RubyTalkLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 2
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[ruby-talk:(\d+)\]}
- end
- def replace
- lm = @match.captures[0]
- %Q(<a class="rw_extlink" href="{lm}">#{@match[0]}</a>)
- end
- end
- # Convert ruby-core/ext/dev/list/math mailing list references (e.g.,
- # [ruby-core:12345]) into named links.
- class OtherRubyLinks < Ruwiki::Wiki::Token
- def self.rank
- 2
- end
- def self.regexp
- %r{\[ruby-(list|doc|core|dev|ext|math):(\d+)\]}
- end
- def replace
- ln, lm = @match.captures[0..1]
- %Q(<a class="rw_extlink" href="{ln}/#{lm}">#{@match[0]}</a>)
- end
- end
- end