diff options
authorStuart Preston <>2019-02-20 15:08:19 +0000
committerStuart Preston <>2019-02-20 15:08:19 +0000
commit03bb341a07e007d78c13703225c6d1360e8d16c8 (patch)
parent4f4d5b51dd199cb6e2d82fdf69d4b225321c9c58 (diff)
Adding Windows plan for habitat-deployed chef-client
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/habitat-win/plan.ps1 b/habitat-win/plan.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d083139273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/habitat-win/plan.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+$pkg_version=(Get-Content ../VERSION)
+$pkg_maintainer="Stuart Preston <>"
+$pkg_build_deps=@("core/git", "stuartpreston/ruby-plus-devkit/2.6.1")
+function Invoke-Build {
+ # Start by making a shallow copy of the Ruby+Devkit installation, but exclude Habitat-specific files.
+ $devkit_location = Get-HabPackagePath("ruby-plus-devkit")
+ New-Item -Path $pkg_prefix -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
+ Copy-Item -Path $devkit_location/* -Destination $pkg_prefix -Recurse -Exclude @("config", "hooks", "default.toml", "IDENT", "MANIFEST", "PATH", "run", "RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT", "RUNTIME_PATH", "SVC_GROUP", "SVC_USER", "TARGET") -Force
+ # We need to start from the root of the repo (the location of the Gemspec.lock) and let's assume it's one directory higher than the plan.
+ Push-Location $PLAN_CONTEXT/../
+ # The following section is required because core/git on Windows does not allow a binlink for bash.exe to work.
+ # Bundler uses this internally via git-reverse-pack.exe when resolving git: references in the Gemfile.lock.
+ # The workaround applied below uses the git.exe binlink to manually retrieve those references specified in the Gemfile.lock
+ # and overrides bundler to use the folder paths directly to resolve the named components, allowing bundle package to resolve
+ # all the required packages. The manually retrieves references are built using gem build and copied to the same cache location.
+ Write-BuildLine "Detecting Git-based references in gemfile.lock"
+ $gemfile_lock_gitrefs = (ruby -rbundler -rjson -e "puts{|spec|spec.source.class == Bundler::Source::Git}.map{|ref| ref.source.options.merge(name:}.to_json") | ConvertFrom-Json
+ foreach($gitref in $gemfile_lock_gitrefs) {
+ $gitref_path = "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../{0}" -f $
+ if (Test-Path -Path $gitref_path) {
+ Remove-Item -Path $gitref_path -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ New-Item -Path $gitref_path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
+ }
+ try {
+ git clone $gitref.uri
+ Push-Location $gitref_path
+ git checkout $gitref.branch
+ git reset --hard $gitref.revision
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("gem build {0}" -f ($ + ".gemspec"))
+ Get-ChildItem *.gem | Copy-Item -Destination $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname
+ } finally {
+ Pop-Location
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("bundle config local.{0} {1}" -f @($, (Resolve-Path $gitref_path).Path))
+ }
+ }
+ # now make sure the path references can be found as well
+ Write-BuildLine "Detecting path-based references in gemfile.lock"
+ $gemfile_lock_pathrefs = (ruby -rbundler -rjson -e "puts{|spec|spec.source.class == Bundler::Source::Path}.map{|ref| ref.source.options.merge(name:}.uniq.to_json") | ConvertFrom-Json
+ foreach($pathref in $gemfile_lock_pathrefs) {
+ if ($pathref.path -eq ".") {
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("gem build {0}" -f $src_gemspec_file)
+ Get-ChildItem *.gem | Copy-Item -Destination $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname
+ }
+ else {
+ $pathref_path = "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../{0}" -f $
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("bundle config local.{0} {1}" -f @($, (Resolve-Path $pathref_path).Path))
+ try {
+ Push-Location $pathref_path
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("gem build {0}" -f ($ + ".gemspec"))
+ Get-ChildItem *.gem | Copy-Item -Destination $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname
+ } finally {
+ Pop-Location
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Bundle install from the source into the vendor/cache directory to acquire the relevant gems (this location can't be overridden).
+ bundle package --no-install
+function Invoke-Install {
+ # Copy any vendored gems from the build phase into the cache path
+ Get-ChildItem $PLAN_CONTEXT/../vendor/cache/* | Copy-Item -Destination $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname
+ # Now install our built gems into the new Ruby folder structure that is under assembly.
+ $gem_in_pkg_prefix = Resolve-Path "$pkg_prefix/bin/gem.cmd"
+ Invoke-Expression -Command ("$gem_in_pkg_prefix install {0} --force --no-update-sources --local --no-document --conservative --no-env-shebang" -f "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/*.gem")
+ # Cleanup some files that are no longer necessary before packaging
+ $ruby_path_version = (ruby -e "puts RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']")
+ Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix/lib/ruby/gems/$ruby_path_version/gems -Filter "spec" -Recurse | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
+ Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix/lib/ruby/gems/$ruby_path_version/cache -Recurse | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
+ Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix -Filter "unins000.*" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
+ Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix -Filter "share" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
+} \ No newline at end of file