diff options
authorTim Smith <>2020-03-23 15:47:24 -0700
committerTim Smith <>2020-03-23 15:47:24 -0700
commit6f55214fd33490c1bce0c57e4b77591c095a1c9d (patch)
parent65fbd27f8a7adf0a644123afb4046cbfc0179702 (diff)
Add cron timing validations, descriptions, and more properties
Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <>
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_cron.rb b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_cron.rb
index ae05b8373a..6c60c9dc16 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_cron.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource/chef_client_cron.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
require_relative "../resource"
require_relative "../dist"
+require_relative "helpers/cron_validations"
class Chef
class Resource
@@ -26,33 +27,113 @@ class Chef
description "Use the chef_client_cron resource to setup the #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} to run as a cron job."
introduced "16.0"
+ examples <<~DOC
+ Setup #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} to run using the default 30 minute cadence
+ ```ruby
+ chef_client_cron "Run chef-client as a cron job"
+ ```
- property :user, String, default: "root"
+ Run #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} twice a day
+ ```ruby
+ chef_client_cron "Run chef-client every 12 hours" do
+ minute 0
+ hour "0,12"
+ end
+ ```
+ Run #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} with extra options passed to the client
+ ```ruby
+ chef_client_cron "Run an override recipe" do
+ daemon_options ["--override-runlist mycorp_base::default"]
+ end
+ ```
+ property :user, String,
+ description: "The name of the user that #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} runs as.",
+ default: "root"
+ property :minute, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The minute at which #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} is to run (0 - 59).",
+ default: "0,30", callbacks: {
+ "should be a valid minute spec" => ->(spec) { Chef::ResourceHelpers::CronValidations.validate_numeric(spec, 0, 59) },
+ }
+ property :hour, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The hour at which #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} is to run (0 - 23).",
+ default: "*", callbacks: {
+ "should be a valid hour spec" => ->(spec) { Chef::ResourceHelpers::CronValidations.validate_numeric(spec, 0, 23) },
+ }
+ property :day, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The day of month at which #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} is to run (1 - 31).",
+ default: "*", callbacks: {
+ "should be a valid day spec" => ->(spec) { Chef::ResourceHelpers::CronValidations.validate_numeric(spec, 1, 31) },
+ }
+ property :month, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The month in the year on which #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} is to run (1 - 12, jan-dec, or *).",
+ default: "*", callbacks: {
+ "should be a valid month spec" => ->(spec) { Chef::ResourceHelpers::CronValidations.validate_month(spec) },
+ }
+ property :weekday, [Integer, String],
+ description: "The day of the week on which #{Chef::Dist::PRODUCT} is to run (0-7, mon-sun, or *), where Sunday is both 0 and 7.",
+ default: "*", callbacks: {
+ "should be a valid weekday spec" => ->(spec) { Chef::ResourceHelpers::CronValidations.validate_dow(spec) },
+ }
- property :minute, [String, Integer], default: "0,30"
- property :hour, [String, Integer], default: "*"
- property :weekday, [String, Integer], default: "*"
property :mailto, String
- property :job_name, String, default: Chef::Dist::CLIENT
- property :splay, [Integer, String], default: 300
+ property :job_name, String,
+ default: Chef::Dist::CLIENT,
+ description: "The name of the cron job to create."
+ property :splay, [Integer, String],
+ default: 300,
+ description: "A random number of seconds between 0 and X to add to interval so that all #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT} commands don't execute at the same time."
+ property :environment, Hash,
+ default: lazy { {} },
+ description: "A Hash containing additional arbitrary environment variables under which the cron job will be run in the form of ``({'ENV_VARIABLE' => 'VALUE'})``."
+ property :comment, String,
+ description: "A comment to place in the cron.d file."
+ property :config_directory, String,
+ default: Chef::Dist::CONF_DIR,
+ description: "The path of the config directory."
+ property :log_directory, String,
+ default: lazy { platform?("mac_os_x") ? "/Library/Logs/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX.capitalize}" : "/var/log/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX}" },
+ description: "The path of the directory to create the log file in."
+ property :log_file_name, String,
+ default: "client.log",
+ description: "The name of the log file to use."
+ property :append_log_file, [true, false],
+ default: false,
+ description: "Append to the log file instead of creating a new file on each run."
- property :env_vars, Hash
+ property :chef_binary_path, String,
+ default: "/opt/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX}/bin/#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}",
+ description: "The path to the #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT} binary."
- property :config_directory, String, default: Chef::Dist::CONF_DIR
- property :log_directory, String, default: lazy { platform?("mac_os_x") ? "/Library/Logs/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX.capitalize}" : "/var/log/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX}" }
- property :log_file_name, String, default: "client.log"
- property :append_log_file, [true, false], default: false
- property :chef_binary_path, String, default: "/opt/#{Chef::Dist::DIR_SUFFIX}/bin/#{Chef::Dist::CLIENT}"
- property :daemon_options, Array, default: []
+ property :daemon_options, Array,
+ default: [],
+ description: "An array of options to pass to the #{Chef::Dist::CLIENT} command."
action :add do
cron_d new_resource.job_name do
minute new_resource.minute
hour new_resource.hour
+ day
weekday new_resource.weekday
+ month new_resource.month
mailto new_resource.mailto if new_resource.mailto
user new_resource.user
+ comment new_resource.comment if new_resource.comment
command cron_command