path: root/src/bpqueue.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bpqueue.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/src/bpqueue.erl b/src/bpqueue.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d89998..00000000
--- a/src/bpqueue.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-%% at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
-%% Block-prefixed queue. From the perspective of the queue interface
-%% the datastructure acts like a regular queue where each value is
-%% paired with the prefix.
-%% This is implemented as a queue of queues, which is more space and
-%% time efficient, whilst supporting the normal queue interface. Each
-%% inner queue has a prefix, which does not need to be unique, and it
-%% is guaranteed that no two consecutive blocks have the same
-%% prefix. len/1 returns the flattened length of the queue and is
-%% O(1).
--export([new/0, is_empty/1, len/1, in/3, in_r/3, out/1, out_r/1, join/2,
- foldl/3, foldr/3, from_list/1, to_list/1, map_fold_filter_l/4,
- map_fold_filter_r/4]).
--type(bpqueue() :: {non_neg_integer(), queue()}).
--type(prefix() :: any()).
--type(value() :: any()).
--type(result() :: ({'empty', bpqueue()} |
- {{'value', prefix(), value()}, bpqueue()})).
--spec(new/0 :: () -> bpqueue()).
--spec(is_empty/1 :: (bpqueue()) -> boolean()).
--spec(len/1 :: (bpqueue()) -> non_neg_integer()).
--spec(in/3 :: (prefix(), value(), bpqueue()) -> bpqueue()).
--spec(in_r/3 :: (prefix(), value(), bpqueue()) -> bpqueue()).
--spec(out/1 :: (bpqueue()) -> result()).
--spec(out_r/1 :: (bpqueue()) -> result()).
--spec(join/2 :: (bpqueue(), bpqueue()) -> bpqueue()).
--spec(foldl/3 :: (fun ((prefix(), value(), B) -> B), B, bpqueue()) -> B).
--spec(foldr/3 :: (fun ((prefix(), value(), B) -> B), B, bpqueue()) -> B).
--spec(from_list/1 :: ([{prefix(), [value()]}]) -> bpqueue()).
--spec(to_list/1 :: (bpqueue()) -> [{prefix(), [value()]}]).
--spec(map_fold_filter_l/4 :: ((fun ((prefix()) -> boolean())),
- (fun ((value(), B) ->
- ({prefix(), value(), B} | 'stop'))),
- B,
- bpqueue()) ->
- {bpqueue(), B}).
--spec(map_fold_filter_r/4 :: ((fun ((prefix()) -> boolean())),
- (fun ((value(), B) ->
- ({prefix(), value(), B} | 'stop'))),
- B,
- bpqueue()) ->
- {bpqueue(), B}).
--define(QUEUE, finger_tree).
-new() -> {0, ?QUEUE:new()}.
-is_empty({0, _Q}) -> true;
-is_empty(_BPQ) -> false.
-len({N, _Q}) -> N.
-in(Prefix, Value, {0, Q}) ->
- {1, ?QUEUE:in({Prefix, ?QUEUE:from_list([Value])}, Q)};
-in(Prefix, Value, BPQ) ->
- in1({fun ?QUEUE:in/2, fun ?QUEUE:out_r/1}, Prefix, Value, BPQ).
-in_r(Prefix, Value, BPQ = {0, _Q}) ->
- in(Prefix, Value, BPQ);
-in_r(Prefix, Value, BPQ) ->
- in1({fun ?QUEUE:in_r/2, fun ?QUEUE:out/1}, Prefix, Value, BPQ).
-in1({In, Out}, Prefix, Value, {N, Q}) ->
- {N+1, case Out(Q) of
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQ}}, Q1} ->
- In({Prefix, In(Value, InnerQ)}, Q1);
- {{value, {_Prefix, _InnerQ}}, _Q1} ->
- In({Prefix, ?QUEUE:in(Value, ?QUEUE:new())}, Q)
- end}.
-in_q(Prefix, Queue, BPQ = {0, Q}) ->
- case ?QUEUE:len(Queue) of
- 0 -> BPQ;
- N -> {N, ?QUEUE:in({Prefix, Queue}, Q)}
- end;
-in_q(Prefix, Queue, BPQ) ->
- in_q1({fun ?QUEUE:in/2, fun ?QUEUE:out_r/1,
- fun ?QUEUE:join/2},
- Prefix, Queue, BPQ).
-in_q_r(Prefix, Queue, BPQ = {0, _Q}) ->
- in_q(Prefix, Queue, BPQ);
-in_q_r(Prefix, Queue, BPQ) ->
- in_q1({fun ?QUEUE:in_r/2, fun ?QUEUE:out/1,
- fun (T, H) -> ?QUEUE:join(H, T) end},
- Prefix, Queue, BPQ).
-in_q1({In, Out, Join}, Prefix, Queue, BPQ = {N, Q}) ->
- case ?QUEUE:len(Queue) of
- 0 -> BPQ;
- M -> {N + M, case Out(Q) of
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQ}}, Q1} ->
- In({Prefix, Join(InnerQ, Queue)}, Q1);
- {{value, {_Prefix, _InnerQ}}, _Q1} ->
- In({Prefix, Queue}, Q)
- end}
- end.
-out({0, _Q} = BPQ) -> {empty, BPQ};
-out(BPQ) -> out1({fun ?QUEUE:in_r/2, fun ?QUEUE:out/1}, BPQ).
-out_r({0, _Q} = BPQ) -> {empty, BPQ};
-out_r(BPQ) -> out1({fun ?QUEUE:in/2, fun ?QUEUE:out_r/1}, BPQ).
-out1({In, Out}, {N, Q}) ->
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQ}}, Q1} = Out(Q),
- {{value, Value}, InnerQ1} = Out(InnerQ),
- Q2 = case ?QUEUE:is_empty(InnerQ1) of
- true -> Q1;
- false -> In({Prefix, InnerQ1}, Q1)
- end,
- {{value, Prefix, Value}, {N-1, Q2}}.
-join({0, _Q}, BPQ) ->
- BPQ;
-join(BPQ, {0, _Q}) ->
- BPQ;
-join({NHead, QHead}, {NTail, QTail}) ->
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQHead}}, QHead1} = ?QUEUE:out_r(QHead),
- {NHead + NTail,
- case ?QUEUE:out(QTail) of
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQTail}}, QTail1} ->
- ?QUEUE:join(
- ?QUEUE:in({Prefix, ?QUEUE:join(InnerQHead, InnerQTail)}, QHead1),
- QTail1);
- {{value, {_Prefix, _InnerQTail}}, _QTail1} ->
- ?QUEUE:join(QHead, QTail)
- end}.
-foldl(_Fun, Init, {0, _Q}) -> Init;
-foldl( Fun, Init, {_N, Q}) -> fold1(fun ?QUEUE:out/1, Fun, Init, Q).
-foldr(_Fun, Init, {0, _Q}) -> Init;
-foldr( Fun, Init, {_N, Q}) -> fold1(fun ?QUEUE:out_r/1, Fun, Init, Q).
-fold1(Out, Fun, Init, Q) ->
- case Out(Q) of
- {empty, _Q} ->
- Init;
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQ}}, Q1} ->
- fold1(Out, Fun, fold1(Out, Fun, Prefix, Init, InnerQ), Q1)
- end.
-fold1(Out, Fun, Prefix, Init, InnerQ) ->
- case Out(InnerQ) of
- {empty, _Q} ->
- Init;
- {{value, Value}, InnerQ1} ->
- fold1(Out, Fun, Prefix, Fun(Prefix, Value, Init), InnerQ1)
- end.
-from_list(List) ->
- {FinalPrefix, FinalInnerQ, ListOfPQs1, Len} =
- lists:foldl(
- fun ({_Prefix, []}, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- ({Prefix, InnerList}, {Prefix, InnerQ, ListOfPQs, LenAcc}) ->
- {Prefix, ?QUEUE:join(InnerQ, ?QUEUE:from_list(InnerList)),
- ListOfPQs, LenAcc + length(InnerList)};
- ({Prefix1, InnerList}, {Prefix, InnerQ, ListOfPQs, LenAcc}) ->
- {Prefix1, ?QUEUE:from_list(InnerList),
- [{Prefix, InnerQ} | ListOfPQs], LenAcc + length(InnerList)}
- end, {undefined, ?QUEUE:new(), [], 0}, List),
- ListOfPQs2 = [{FinalPrefix, FinalInnerQ} | ListOfPQs1],
- [{undefined, InnerQ1} | Rest] = All = lists:reverse(ListOfPQs2),
- {Len, ?QUEUE:from_list(case ?QUEUE:is_empty(InnerQ1) of
- true -> Rest;
- false -> All
- end)}.
-to_list({0, _Q}) -> [];
-to_list({_N, Q}) -> [{Prefix, ?QUEUE:to_list(InnerQ)} ||
- {Prefix, InnerQ} <- ?QUEUE:to_list(Q)].
-%% map_fold_filter_[lr](FilterFun, Fun, Init, BPQ) -> {BPQ, Init}
-%% where FilterFun(Prefix) -> boolean()
-%% Fun(Value, Init) -> {Prefix, Value, Init} | stop
-%% The filter fun allows you to skip very quickly over blocks that
-%% you're not interested in. Such blocks appear in the resulting bpq
-%% without modification. The Fun is then used both to map the value,
-%% which also allows you to change the prefix (and thus block) of the
-%% value, and also to modify the Init/Acc (just like a fold). If the
-%% Fun returns 'stop' then it is not applied to any further items.
-map_fold_filter_l(_PFilter, _Fun, Init, BPQ = {0, _Q}) ->
- {BPQ, Init};
-map_fold_filter_l(PFilter, Fun, Init, {N, Q}) ->
- map_fold_filter1({fun ?QUEUE:out/1, fun ?QUEUE:in/2,
- fun in_q/3, fun join/2},
- N, PFilter, Fun, Init, Q, new()).
-map_fold_filter_r(_PFilter, _Fun, Init, BPQ = {0, _Q}) ->
- {BPQ, Init};
-map_fold_filter_r(PFilter, Fun, Init, {N, Q}) ->
- map_fold_filter1({fun ?QUEUE:out_r/1, fun ?QUEUE:in_r/2,
- fun in_q_r/3, fun (T, H) -> join(H, T) end},
- N, PFilter, Fun, Init, Q, new()).
-map_fold_filter1(Funs = {Out, _In, InQ, Join}, Len, PFilter, Fun,
- Init, Q, QNew) ->
- case Out(Q) of
- {empty, _Q} ->
- {QNew, Init};
- {{value, {Prefix, InnerQ}}, Q1} ->
- case PFilter(Prefix) of
- true ->
- {Init1, QNew1, Cont} =
- map_fold_filter2(Funs, Fun, Prefix, Prefix,
- Init, InnerQ, QNew, ?QUEUE:new()),
- case Cont of
- false -> {Join(QNew1, {Len - len(QNew1), Q1}), Init1};
- true -> map_fold_filter1(Funs, Len, PFilter, Fun,
- Init1, Q1, QNew1)
- end;
- false ->
- map_fold_filter1(Funs, Len, PFilter, Fun,
- Init, Q1, InQ(Prefix, InnerQ, QNew))
- end
- end.
-map_fold_filter2(Funs = {Out, In, InQ, _Join}, Fun, OrigPrefix, Prefix,
- Init, InnerQ, QNew, InnerQNew) ->
- case Out(InnerQ) of
- {empty, _Q} ->
- {Init, InQ(OrigPrefix, InnerQ,
- InQ(Prefix, InnerQNew, QNew)), true};
- {{value, Value}, InnerQ1} ->
- case Fun(Value, Init) of
- stop ->
- {Init, InQ(OrigPrefix, InnerQ,
- InQ(Prefix, InnerQNew, QNew)), false};
- {Prefix1, Value1, Init1} ->
- {Prefix2, QNew1, InnerQNew1} =
- case Prefix1 =:= Prefix of
- true -> {Prefix, QNew, In(Value1, InnerQNew)};
- false -> {Prefix1, InQ(Prefix, InnerQNew, QNew),
- In(Value1, ?QUEUE:new())}
- end,
- map_fold_filter2(Funs, Fun, OrigPrefix, Prefix2,
- Init1, InnerQ1, QNew1, InnerQNew1)
- end
- end.