diff options
5 files changed, 38 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4ae0763f..eda5babb 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ $(foreach XML,$(USAGES_XML),$(eval $(call usage_dep, $(XML))))
# Note that all targets which depend on clean must have clean in their
# name. Also any target that doesn't depend on clean should not have
# clean in its name, unless you know that you don't need any of the
-# automatic dependency generation for that target (eg cleandb).
+# automatic dependency generation for that target (e.g. cleandb).
# We want to load the dep file if *any* target *doesn't* contain
# "clean" - i.e. if removing all clean-like targets leaves something
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index b3a620fa..12cd0c93 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -710,15 +710,12 @@ infos(Items, State) ->
|| Item <- (Items1 -- [synchronised_slave_pids])].
slaves_status(#q{q = #amqqueue{name = Name}}) ->
- {ok, #amqqueue{mirror_nodes = MNodes, slave_pids = SPids}} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
- case MNodes of
- undefined ->
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name) of
+ {ok, #amqqueue{mirror_nodes = undefined}} ->
[{slave_pids, ''}, {synchronised_slave_pids, ''}];
- _ ->
+ {ok, #amqqueue{slave_pids = SPids}} ->
{Results, _Bad} =
- delegate:invoke(
- SPids, fun (Pid) -> rabbit_mirror_queue_slave:info(Pid) end),
+ delegate:invoke(SPids, fun rabbit_mirror_queue_slave:info/1),
{SPids1, SSPids} =
fun ({Pid, Infos}, {SPidsN, SSPidsN}) ->
@@ -762,11 +759,9 @@ i(memory, _) ->
{memory, M} = process_info(self(), memory),
i(slave_pids, #q{q = #amqqueue{name = Name}}) ->
- {ok, #amqqueue{mirror_nodes = MNodes,
- slave_pids = SPids}} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
- case MNodes of
- undefined -> [];
- _ -> SPids
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name) of
+ {ok, #amqqueue{mirror_nodes = undefined}} -> [];
+ {ok, #amqqueue{slave_pids = SPids}} -> SPids
i(backing_queue_status, #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 9a6879b1..b6d38172 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -720,13 +720,14 @@ gb_trees_foreach(Fun, Tree) ->
%% [{"-q",true},{"-p","/"}]}
get_options(Defs, As) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Def, {AsIn, RsIn}) ->
- {AsOut, Value} = case Def of
- {flag, Key} ->
- get_flag(Key, AsIn);
- {option, Key, Default} ->
- get_option(Key, Default, AsIn)
- end,
- {AsOut, [{Key, Value} | RsIn]}
+ {K, {AsOut, V}} =
+ case Def of
+ {flag, Key} ->
+ {Key, get_flag(Key, AsIn)};
+ {option, Key, Default} ->
+ {Key, get_option(Key, Default, AsIn)}
+ end,
+ {AsOut, [{K, V} | RsIn]}
end, {As, []}, Defs).
get_option(K, _Default, [K, V | As]) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
index 54a7add2..323cf0ce 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
@@ -61,23 +61,26 @@ notify_cluster() ->
init([]) ->
- {ok, no_state}.
+ {ok, ordsets:new()}.
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
-handle_cast({rabbit_running_on, Node}, State) ->
- rabbit_log:info("rabbit on ~p up~n", [Node]),
- erlang:monitor(process, {rabbit, Node}),
- ok = handle_live_rabbit(Node),
- {noreply, State};
+handle_cast({rabbit_running_on, Node}, Nodes) ->
+ case ordsets:is_element(Node, Nodes) of
+ true -> {noreply, Nodes};
+ false -> rabbit_log:info("rabbit on node ~p up~n", [Node]),
+ erlang:monitor(process, {rabbit, Node}),
+ ok = handle_live_rabbit(Node),
+ {noreply, ordsets:add_element(Node, Nodes)}
+ end;
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, {rabbit, Node}, _Reason}, State) ->
- rabbit_log:info("node ~p lost 'rabbit'~n", [Node]),
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, {rabbit, Node}, _Reason}, Nodes) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("rabbit on node ~p down~n", [Node]),
ok = handle_dead_rabbit(Node),
- {noreply, State};
+ {noreply, ordsets:del_element(Node, Nodes)};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_reader.erl b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
index 908a279c..01242e81 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_reader.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
@@ -505,9 +505,11 @@ handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload,
process_frame(Frame, Channel, State) ->
case get({channel, Channel}) of
{ChPid, AState} ->
- NewAState = process_channel_frame(Frame, Channel, ChPid, AState),
- put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, NewAState}),
- post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State);
+ case process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) of
+ {ok, NewAState} -> put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, NewAState}),
+ post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State);
+ {error, Reason} -> handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason)
+ end;
undefined when ?IS_RUNNING(State) ->
ok = create_channel(Channel, State),
process_frame(Frame, Channel, State);
@@ -910,17 +912,15 @@ create_channel(Channel, State) ->
put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, AState}),
-process_channel_frame(Frame, Channel, ChPid, AState) ->
+process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) ->
case rabbit_command_assembler:process(Frame, AState) of
- {ok, NewAState} -> NewAState;
+ {ok, NewAState} -> {ok, NewAState};
{ok, Method, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do(ChPid, Method),
- NewAState;
+ {ok, NewAState};
{ok, Method, Content, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do_flow(
ChPid, Method, Content),
- NewAState;
- {error, Reason} -> self() ! {channel_exit, Channel,
- Reason},
- AState
+ {ok, NewAState};
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
handle_exception(State = #v1{connection_state = closed}, _Channel, _Reason) ->