path: root/src/rabbit.erl
diff options
authorTim Watson <>2014-02-11 11:36:06 +0000
committerTim Watson <>2014-02-11 11:36:06 +0000
commit6e1fff5009a88b0688f80a30f28b971abf696eb6 (patch)
treeeea94b2efd2f17b722ef8f1b5387c8941504586b /src/rabbit.erl
parentb989c04b2dd839b4937c09f673024eddc1906197 (diff)
parent8f6cd45060f3604b78d36799aac27574850ae516 (diff)
merge default into bug24926
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit.erl')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index fd89fd95..71cfed32 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -305,76 +305,40 @@ ensure_application_loaded() ->
start() ->
- start_it(fun() ->
- %% We do not want to HiPE compile or upgrade
- %% mnesia after just restarting the app
- ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
- ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
- rabbit_node_monitor:prepare_cluster_status_files(),
- rabbit_mnesia:check_cluster_consistency(),
- ok = app_utils:start_applications(
- app_startup_order(), fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = log_broker_started(rabbit_plugins:active())
- end).
+ rabbit_boot:boot_with(
+ fun() ->
+ %% We do not want to HiPE compile or upgrade
+ %% mnesia after just restarting the app
+ ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
+ ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
+ rabbit_node_monitor:prepare_cluster_status_files(),
+ rabbit_mnesia:check_cluster_consistency(),
+ ok = rabbit_boot:start(app_startup_order()),
+ ok = log_broker_started(rabbit_plugins:active())
+ end).
boot() ->
- start_it(fun() ->
- ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
- Success = maybe_hipe_compile(),
- ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
- warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(Success),
- rabbit_node_monitor:prepare_cluster_status_files(),
- ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia(),
- %% It's important that the consistency check happens after
- %% the upgrade, since if we are a secondary node the
- %% primary node will have forgotten us
- rabbit_mnesia:check_cluster_consistency(),
- Plugins = rabbit_plugins:setup(),
- ToBeLoaded = Plugins ++ ?APPS,
- ok = app_utils:load_applications(ToBeLoaded),
- StartupApps = app_utils:app_dependency_order(ToBeLoaded,
- false),
- ok = app_utils:start_applications(
- StartupApps, fun handle_app_error/2),
- ok = log_broker_started(Plugins)
- end).
-handle_app_error(App, {bad_return, {_MFA, {'EXIT', {Reason, _}}}}) ->
- throw({could_not_start, App, Reason});
-handle_app_error(App, Reason) ->
- throw({could_not_start, App, Reason}).
-start_it(StartFun) ->
- Marker = spawn_link(fun() -> receive stop -> ok end end),
- case catch register(rabbit_boot, Marker) of
- true -> try
- case is_running() of
- true -> ok;
- false -> StartFun()
- end
- catch
- throw:{could_not_start, _App, _Reason}=Err ->
- boot_error(Err, not_available);
- _:Reason ->
- boot_error(Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
- after
- unlink(Marker),
- Marker ! stop,
- %% give the error loggers some time to catch up
- timer:sleep(100)
- end;
- _ -> unlink(Marker),
- Marker ! stop
- end.
+ rabbit_boot:boot_with(
+ fun() ->
+ ok = ensure_application_loaded(),
+ Success = maybe_hipe_compile(),
+ ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
+ warn_if_hipe_compilation_failed(Success),
+ rabbit_node_monitor:prepare_cluster_status_files(),
+ ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia(),
+ %% It's important that the consistency check happens after
+ %% the upgrade, since if we are a secondary node the
+ %% primary node will have forgotten us
+ rabbit_mnesia:check_cluster_consistency(),
+ Plugins = rabbit_plugins:setup(),
+ ToBeLoaded = Plugins ++ ?APPS,
+ ok = rabbit_boot:start(ToBeLoaded),
+ ok = log_broker_started(Plugins)
+ end).
stop() ->
- case whereis(rabbit_boot) of
- undefined -> ok;
- _ -> await_startup()
- end,
rabbit_log:info("Stopping RabbitMQ~n"),
- ok = app_utils:stop_applications(app_shutdown_order()).
+ rabbit_boot:shutdown(app_shutdown_order()).
stop_and_halt() ->
@@ -447,7 +411,7 @@ start(normal, []) ->
true = register(rabbit, self()),
- [ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- boot_steps()],
+ rabbit_boot:run_boot_steps(),
{ok, SupPid};
Error ->
@@ -459,6 +423,7 @@ stop(_State) ->
true -> rabbit_amqqueue:on_node_down(node());
false -> rabbit_table:clear_ram_only_tables()
+ ok = rabbit_boot:shutdown(),
@@ -473,120 +438,6 @@ app_shutdown_order() ->
app_utils:app_dependency_order(Apps, true).
-%% boot step logic
-run_boot_step({_StepName, Attributes}) ->
- case [MFA || {mfa, MFA} <- Attributes] of
- [] ->
- ok;
- MFAs ->
- [try
- apply(M,F,A)
- of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Reason} -> boot_error(Reason, not_available)
- catch
- _:Reason -> boot_error(Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
- end || {M,F,A} <- MFAs],
- ok
- end.
-boot_steps() ->
- sort_boot_steps(rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes(rabbit_boot_step)).
-vertices(_Module, Steps) ->
- [{StepName, {StepName, Atts}} || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps].
-edges(_Module, Steps) ->
- [case Key of
- requires -> {StepName, OtherStep};
- enables -> {OtherStep, StepName}
- end || {StepName, Atts} <- Steps,
- {Key, OtherStep} <- Atts,
- Key =:= requires orelse Key =:= enables].
-sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
- case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(fun vertices/2, fun edges/2,
- UnsortedSteps) of
- {ok, G} ->
- %% Use topological sort to find a consistent ordering (if
- %% there is one, otherwise fail).
- SortedSteps = lists:reverse(
- [begin
- {StepName, Step} = digraph:vertex(G,
- StepName),
- Step
- end || StepName <- digraph_utils:topsort(G)]),
- digraph:delete(G),
- %% Check that all mentioned {M,F,A} triples are exported.
- case [{StepName, {M,F,A}} ||
- {StepName, Attributes} <- SortedSteps,
- {mfa, {M,F,A}} <- Attributes,
- not erlang:function_exported(M, F, length(A))] of
- [] -> SortedSteps;
- MissingFunctions -> basic_boot_error(
- {missing_functions, MissingFunctions},
- "Boot step functions not exported: ~p~n",
- [MissingFunctions])
- end;
- {error, {vertex, duplicate, StepName}} ->
- basic_boot_error({duplicate_boot_step, StepName},
- "Duplicate boot step name: ~w~n", [StepName]);
- {error, {edge, Reason, From, To}} ->
- basic_boot_error(
- {invalid_boot_step_dependency, From, To},
- "Could not add boot step dependency of ~w on ~w:~n~s",
- [To, From,
- case Reason of
- {bad_vertex, V} ->
- io_lib:format("Boot step not registered: ~w~n", [V]);
- {bad_edge, [First | Rest]} ->
- [io_lib:format("Cyclic dependency: ~w", [First]),
- [io_lib:format(" depends on ~w", [Next]) ||
- Next <- Rest],
- io_lib:format(" depends on ~w~n", [First])]
- end])
- end.
--spec(boot_error/2 :: (term(), not_available | [tuple()]) -> no_return()).
-boot_error(Term={error, {timeout_waiting_for_tables, _}}, _Stacktrace) ->
- AllNodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
- {Err, Nodes} =
- case AllNodes -- [node()] of
- [] -> {"Timeout contacting cluster nodes. Since RabbitMQ was"
- " shut down forcefully~nit cannot determine which nodes"
- " are timing out.~n", []};
- Ns -> {rabbit_misc:format(
- "Timeout contacting cluster nodes: ~p.~n", [Ns]),
- Ns}
- end,
- basic_boot_error(Term,
- Err ++ rabbit_nodes:diagnostics(Nodes) ++ "~n~n", []);
-boot_error(Reason, Stacktrace) ->
- Fmt = "Error description:~n ~p~n~n" ++
- "Log files (may contain more information):~n ~s~n ~s~n~n",
- Args = [Reason, log_location(kernel), log_location(sasl)],
- boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace).
--spec(boot_error/4 :: (term(), string(), [any()], not_available | [tuple()])
- -> no_return()).
-boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, not_available) ->
- basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args);
-boot_error(Reason, Fmt, Args, Stacktrace) ->
- basic_boot_error(Reason, Fmt ++ "Stack trace:~n ~p~n~n",
- Args ++ [Stacktrace]).
-basic_boot_error(Reason, Format, Args) ->
- io:format("~n~nBOOT FAILED~n===========~n~n" ++ Format, Args),
- rabbit_misc:local_info_msg(Format, Args),
- timer:sleep(1000),
- exit({?MODULE, failure_during_boot, Reason}).
%% boot step functions
boot_delegate() ->
@@ -607,12 +458,12 @@ maybe_insert_default_data() ->
insert_default_data() ->
- {ok, DefaultUser} = application:get_env(default_user),
- {ok, DefaultPass} = application:get_env(default_pass),
- {ok, DefaultTags} = application:get_env(default_user_tags),
- {ok, DefaultVHost} = application:get_env(default_vhost),
+ {ok, DefaultUser} = application:get_env(rabbit, default_user),
+ {ok, DefaultPass} = application:get_env(rabbit, default_pass),
+ {ok, DefaultTags} = application:get_env(rabbit, default_user_tags),
+ {ok, DefaultVHost} = application:get_env(rabbit, default_vhost),
{ok, [DefaultConfigurePerm, DefaultWritePerm, DefaultReadPerm]} =
- application:get_env(default_permissions),
+ application:get_env(rabbit, default_permissions),
ok = rabbit_vhost:add(DefaultVHost),
ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:add_user(DefaultUser, DefaultPass),
ok = rabbit_auth_backend_internal:set_tags(DefaultUser, DefaultTags),