diff options
authorJean-Sebastien Pedron <>2014-11-24 20:40:21 +0100
committerJean-Sebastien Pedron <>2014-11-24 20:40:21 +0100
commit5f4b08236c8806d3fd2d56f0f11ddc8309b6e506 (patch)
parent6eea0463ab8d4b74fca86558df858fe1ae4b381a (diff)
Add plugin paths to the beginning of the code path
The goal is to make sure the right application is picked, in case the same one is available as both a RabbitMQ plugin and an external Erlang application. For instance, this could be the case with the Cowboy application: a version is available in the plugins, but the user could add an incompatible version to Erlang/OTP libdir or set ERL_LIBS to point to it. There's one exception currently: eldap. This application used to be available as a 3rd party one. But since Erlang R15B01, it's included in the standard library. We trust this version to have a stable API. Therefore, if the node runs on R15B01 or later and eldap version is 1.0+, we use this one. In all other cases, we don't trust it and prefer the RabbitMQ plugin.
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
index e290fb53..fe614b6a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ list(PluginsDir) ->
EZs = [{ez, EZ} || EZ <- filelib:wildcard("*.ez", PluginsDir)],
FreeApps = [{app, App} ||
App <- filelib:wildcard("*/ebin/*.app", PluginsDir)],
- {Plugins, Problems} =
+ {AvailablePlugins, Problems} =
lists:foldl(fun ({error, EZ, Reason}, {Plugins1, Problems1}) ->
{Plugins1, [{EZ, Reason} | Problems1]};
(Plugin = #plugin{}, {Plugins1, Problems1}) ->
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ list(PluginsDir) ->
_ -> rabbit_log:warning(
"Problem reading some plugins: ~p~n", [Problems])
+ Plugins = lists:filter(fun keep_plugin/1, AvailablePlugins),
%% @doc Read the list of enabled plugins from the supplied term file.
@@ -132,6 +133,55 @@ dependencies(Reverse, Sources, AllPlugins) ->
true = digraph:delete(G),
+%% For a few known cases, an externally provided plugin can be trusted.
+%% In this special case, it overrides the plugin.
+keep_plugin(#plugin{name = App} = Plugin) ->
+ case application:load(App) of
+ {error, {already_loaded, _}} ->
+ not plugin_provided_by_otp(Plugin);
+ ok ->
+ Ret = not plugin_provided_by_otp(Plugin),
+ application:unload(App),
+ Ret;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end.
+plugin_provided_by_otp(#plugin{name = eldap, version = PluginVsn}) ->
+ %% eldap was added to Erlang/OTP R15B01. We prefer this version
+ %% to the plugin. Before, eldap always advertised version "1". In
+ %% R15B01, it got proper versionning starting from "1.0". If eldap's
+ %% version is "1", we keep using the plugin, otherwise we take the
+ %% OTP application. As an extra check, we look at ERTS version to be
+ %% sure we're on R15B01.
+ case application:get_key(eldap, vsn) of
+ {ok, PluginVsn} ->
+ %% The plugin itself; the plugin was previously added to the
+ %% code path.
+ false;
+ {ok, "1"} ->
+ %% The version available on GitHub, not part of OTP.
+ false;
+ {ok, Vsn} ->
+ try rabbit_misc:version_compare(Vsn, "1.0", gte) of
+ true ->
+ %% Probably part of OTP. Let's check ERTS version to
+ %% be sure.
+ rabbit_misc:version_compare(
+ erlang:system_info(version), "5.9.1", gte);
+ false ->
+ %% Probably not part of OTP. Use the plugin to be safe.
+ false
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ %% Couldn't parse the version. It's not the OTP
+ %% application.
+ false
+ end
+ end;
+plugin_provided_by_otp(_) ->
+ false.
%% Make sure we don't list OTP apps in here, and also that we detect
%% missing dependencies.
ensure_dependencies(Plugins) ->
@@ -158,7 +208,7 @@ is_loadable(App) ->
ok -> application:unload(App),
_ -> false
- end.
+ end.
@@ -197,8 +247,9 @@ clean_plugin(Plugin, ExpandDir) ->
delete_recursively(rabbit_misc:format("~s/~s", [ExpandDir, Plugin])).
prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescPath) ->
- code:add_path(filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath)),
- list_to_atom(filename:basename(PluginAppDescPath, ".app")).
+ rabbit_log:info("Plugins: adding \"~s\" to the beginning of the code path.~n",
+ [filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath)]),
+ code:add_patha(filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath)).