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authorSimon MacMullen <>2014-11-25 14:52:13 +0000
committerSimon MacMullen <>2014-11-25 14:52:13 +0000
commit0a0299358b96e674db55218586b177b852c24e5b (patch)
parenta1cbfb003e2954db2079580ea196f298d30b3807 (diff)
parentc0dd1d949aeda122274af2e7eabe723e2412fdb2 (diff)
Merge bug26367rabbitmq_v3_4_2
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
index e6069387..82a7a89b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
@@ -288,11 +288,9 @@ handle_cast(notify_node_up, State = #state{guid = GUID}) ->
%% When one node gets nodedown from another, it then sends
%% 'check_partial_partition' to all the nodes it still thinks are
%% alive. If any of those (intermediate) nodes still see the "down"
-%% node as up, they inform it that this has happened (after a short
-%% delay to ensure we don't detect something that would become a full
-%% partition anyway as a partial one). The "down" node (in 'ignore' or
-%% 'autoheal' mode) will then disconnect from the intermediate node to
-%% "upgrade" to a full partition.
+%% node as up, they inform it that this has happened. The original
+%% node (in 'ignore' or 'autoheal' mode) will then disconnect from the
+%% intermediate node to "upgrade" to a full partition.
%% In pause_minority mode it will instead immediately pause until all
%% nodes come back. This is because the contract for pause_minority is
@@ -317,10 +315,27 @@ handle_cast({check_partial_partition, Node, Rep, NodeGUID, MyGUID, RepGUID},
node_guids = GUIDs}) ->
case lists:member(Node, rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(running)) andalso
orddict:find(Node, GUIDs) =:= {ok, NodeGUID} of
- true -> cast(Rep, {partial_partition, Node, node(), RepGUID});
+ true -> spawn_link( %%[1]
+ fun () ->
+ case rpc:call(Node, rabbit, is_running, []) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> ok;
+ _ -> cast(Rep, {partial_partition,
+ Node, node(), RepGUID})
+ end
+ end);
false -> ok
{noreply, State};
+%% [1] We checked that we haven't heard the node go down - but we
+%% really should make sure we can actually communicate with
+%% it. Otherwise there's a race where we falsely detect a partial
+%% partition.
+%% Now of course the rpc:call/4 may take a long time to return if
+%% connectivity with the node is actually interrupted - but that's OK,
+%% we only really want to do something in a timely manner if
+%% connectivity is OK. However, of course as always we must not block
+%% the node monitor, so we do the check in a separate process.
handle_cast({check_partial_partition, _Node, _Reporter,
_NodeGUID, _GUID, _ReporterGUID}, State) ->
@@ -344,13 +359,22 @@ handle_cast({partial_partition, NotReallyDown, Proxy, MyGUID},
FmtBase ++ "We will therefore intentionally disconnect from ~s~n",
ArgsBase ++ [Proxy]),
- erlang:disconnect_node(Proxy),
+ cast(Proxy, {partial_partition_disconnect, node()}),
+ disconnect(Proxy),
{noreply, State}
handle_cast({partial_partition, _GUID, _Reporter, _Proxy}, State) ->
{noreply, State};
+%% Sometimes it appears the Erlang VM does not give us nodedown
+%% messages reliably when another node disconnects from us. Therefore
+%% we are told just before the disconnection so we can reciprocate.
+handle_cast({partial_partition_disconnect, Other}, State) ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Partial partition disconnect from ~s~n", [Other]),
+ disconnect(Other),
+ {noreply, State};
%% Note: when updating the status file, we can't simply write the
%% mnesia information since the message can (and will) overtake the
%% mnesia propagation.
@@ -429,6 +453,10 @@ handle_info({nodedown, Node, Info}, State = #state{guid = MyGUID,
{noreply, handle_dead_node(Node, State)};
+handle_info({nodeup, Node, _Info}, State) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("node ~p up~n", [Node]),
+ {noreply, State};
{inconsistent_database, running_partitioned_network, Node}},
State = #state{partitions = Partitions,
@@ -441,8 +469,7 @@ handle_info({mnesia_system_event,
monitors = pmon:monitor({rabbit, Node}, Monitors)}
ok = handle_live_rabbit(Node),
- Partitions1 = ordsets:to_list(
- ordsets:add_element(Node, ordsets:from_list(Partitions))),
+ Partitions1 = lists:usort([Node | Partitions]),
{noreply, maybe_autoheal(State1#state{partitions = Partitions1})};
handle_info({autoheal_msg, Msg}, State = #state{autoheal = AState,
@@ -632,6 +659,19 @@ del_node(Node, Nodes) -> Nodes -- [Node].
cast(Node, Msg) -> gen_server:cast({?SERVER, Node}, Msg).
+%% When we call this, it's because we want to force Mnesia to detect a
+%% partition. But if we just disconnect_node/1 then Mnesia won't
+%% detect a very short partition. So we want to force a slightly
+%% longer disconnect. Unfortunately we don't have a way to blacklist
+%% individual nodes; the best we can do is turn off auto-connect
+%% altogether.
+disconnect(Node) ->
+ application:set_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect, never),
+ erlang:disconnect_node(Node),
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ application:unset_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect),
+ ok.
%% mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) (and hence