diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2014-08-08 16:11:12 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2014-08-08 16:11:12 +0100
commit326b1c38c4765a09b89a4a55760b021fb79a76d7 (patch)
parent867d6ff7aba8e3328e65c904f4d8e95be584a711 (diff)
Sigh. The type of the 4th argument to application:set_env/4 has changed in Erlang 17 from being non_neg_integer() | 'infinity' to a proplist of options. And earlier versions of Erlang do not appreciate a proplist here! So just stop using it (yes, 5s timeout, but we have lots of calls to set_env/3 in the tests already and they do not seem to fail).
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 34a8cc5c..21ac3bd4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ all_tests() ->
ok = supervisor2_tests:test_all(),
passed = gm_tests:all_tests(),
passed = mirrored_supervisor_tests:all_tests(),
- application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10, infinity),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10),
ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(10),
passed = test_version_equivalance(),
passed = test_file_handle_cache(),
@@ -1870,22 +1870,20 @@ test_backing_queue() ->
{ok, rabbit_variable_queue} ->
{ok, FileSizeLimit} =
application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit),
- application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit, 512,
- infinity),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit, 512),
{ok, MaxJournal} =
application:get_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries),
- application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries, 128,
- infinity),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries, 128),
passed = test_msg_store(),
application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit,
- FileSizeLimit, infinity),
+ FileSizeLimit),
passed = test_queue_index(),
passed = test_queue_index_props(),
passed = test_variable_queue(),
passed = test_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback(),
passed = test_queue_recover(),
application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries,
- MaxJournal, infinity),
+ MaxJournal),
%% We will have restarted the message store, and thus changed
%% the order of the children of rabbit_sup. This will cause
%% problems if there are subsequent failures - see bug 24262.