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authorMatthias Radestock <>2013-01-15 13:05:54 +0000
committerMatthias Radestock <>2013-01-15 13:05:54 +0000
commit1a6d9d04133365dfb25313f63266d7afef87b5f3 (patch)
parentd3a12bdc757e87e3205d60e1bb4a58a94f3454ec (diff)
much more thorough testing of vq:requeue
improving code coverage
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index af8e2f9b..b6969d06 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -2362,31 +2362,72 @@ test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Count, VQ0) ->
msg2int(#basic_message{content = #content{ payload_fragments_rev = P}}) ->
-test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
- Interval = 50,
- Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0) + 2 * Interval,
+ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, Rem) ->
+ lists:filter(fun ({_Ack, N}) -> (N + Rem) rem Interval == 0 end, AckSeqs).
+requeue_one_by_one(Acks, VQ) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
+ {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ [AckTag], VQN),
+ end, VQ, Acks).
+%% Create a vq with messages in q1, delta, and q3, and holes (in the
+%% form of pending acks) in the latter two.
+variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0) ->
+ Interval = 64,
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2 * Interval,
Seq = lists:seq(1, Count),
VQ1 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0),
- VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ1),
- {VQ3, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
- Subset = lists:foldl(fun ({Ack, N}, Acc) when N rem Interval == 0 ->
- [Ack | Acc];
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end, [], lists:zip(Acks, Seq)),
- {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(Acks -- Subset, VQ3),
- VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
- {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
- [AckTag], VQN),
- end, VQ4, Subset),
- VQ6 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQa) ->
- {{#basic_message{}, true, AckTag}, VQb} =
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
+ Acks = lists:reverse(AcksR),
+ AckSeqs = lists:zip(Acks, Seq),
+ [{Subset1, _Seq1}, {Subset2, _Seq2}, {Subset3, Seq3}] =
+ [lists:unzip(ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, I)) || I <- [0, 1, 2]],
+ %% we requeue in three phases in order to exercise requeuing logic
+ %% in various vq states
+ {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ Acks -- (Subset1 ++ Subset2 ++ Subset3), VQ3),
+ VQ5 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset1, VQ4),
+ %% by now we have some messages (and holes) in delt
+ VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset2, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ6),
+ %% add the q1 tail
+ VQ8 = variable_queue_publish(
+ true, Count + 1, 64,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ7),
+ %% assertions
+ [false = case V of
+ {delta, _, 0, _} -> true;
+ 0 -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end || {K, V} <- rabbit_variable_queue:status(VQ8),
+ lists:member(K, [q1, delta, q3])],
+ Depth = Count + 64,
+ Depth = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ8),
+ Len = Depth - length(Subset3),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
+ {Len, (Seq -- Seq3), lists:seq(Count + 1, Count + 64), VQ8}.
+test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
+ {_, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} = variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Msgs =
+ lists:zip(RequeuedMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(RequeuedMsgs), true)) ++
+ lists:zip(FreshMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(FreshMsgs), false)),
+ VQ2 = lists:foldl(fun ({I, Requeued}, VQa) ->
+ {{M, MRequeued, _}, VQb} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQa),
+ Requeued = MRequeued, %% assertion
+ I = msg2int(M), %% assertion
- end, VQ5, lists:reverse(Acks)),
- {empty, VQ7} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ6),
- VQ7.
+ end, VQ1, Msgs),
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ2),
+ VQ3.
test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) ->
%% start by sending in a bunch of messages