diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2012-02-02 13:41:25 +0000
committerSimon MacMullen <>2012-02-02 13:41:25 +0000
commit6ede957195ca5c2b66ddcb79d00e30d69568c019 (patch)
parent6e6cda2c61aeb62893b5edce458290e2fa946790 (diff)
Clean up diagnostics code, clean up diagnostics messages.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 9d00fe66..293864ea 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -503,11 +503,12 @@ sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
boot_step_error({error, {timeout_waiting_for_tables, _}}, _Stacktrace) ->
{Err, Nodes} =
case rabbit_mnesia:read_previously_running_nodes() of
- [] -> {"Timeout waiting for tables.~n"
- "Diagnostics for all cluster nodes follow:~n",
- rabbit_mnesia:all_clustered_nodes()};
- Ns -> {format("Timeout waiting for tables from nodes: ~p.~n"
- "Diagnostics for these nodes follow:~n", [Ns]), Ns}
+ [] -> {"Timeout contacting cluster nodes. Since RabbitMQ was"
+ " shut down forcefully~nit cannot determine which nodes"
+ " are timing out. Details on all nodes will~nfollow.~n",
+ rabbit_mnesia:all_clustered_nodes() -- [node()]};
+ Ns -> {format("Timeout contacting cluster nodes: ~p.~n",
+ [Ns]), Ns}
boot_error(Err ++ diagnostics(Nodes) ++ "~n~n", []);
@@ -523,33 +524,38 @@ boot_error(Format, Args) ->
exit({?MODULE, failure_during_boot}).
diagnostics(Nodes) ->
- lists:foldl(fun({F, A}, Str) -> Str ++ format(F ++ "~n", A) end, "",
- lists:flatten([diagnostics_node(Node) || Node <- Nodes]) ++
- diagnostics0()).
+ Hosts = lists:usort([element(2, rabbit_misc:nodeparts(Node)) ||
+ Node <- Nodes]),
+ NodeDiags = [{"~nDIAGNOSTICS~n===========~n~n"
+ "nodes to contact: ~p~n~n"
+ "hosts, their running nodes and ports:", [Nodes]}] ++
+ [diagnostics_host(Host) || Host <- Hosts] ++
+ diagnostics0(),
+ lists:flatten([io_lib:format(F ++ "~n", A) || NodeDiag <- NodeDiags,
+ {F, A} <- [NodeDiag]]).
diagnostics0() ->
- [{"- current node: ~w", [node()]},
+ [{"~ncurrent node details:~n- node name: ~w", [node()]},
case init:get_argument(home) of
- {ok, [[Home]]} -> {"- current node home dir: ~s", [Home]};
- Other -> {"- no current node home dir: ~p", [Other]}
+ {ok, [[Home]]} -> {"- home dir: ~s", [Home]};
+ Other -> {"- no home dir: ~p", [Other]}
- {"- current node cookie hash: ~s", [rabbit_misc:cookie_hash()]}].
-diagnostics_node(Node) ->
- {_NodeName, NodeHost} = rabbit_misc:nodeparts(Node),
- [{"~ndiagnostics for node ~s:", [Node]},
- case net_adm:names(NodeHost) of
- {error, EpmdReason} ->
- {"- unable to connect to epmd on ~s: ~w",
- [NodeHost, EpmdReason]};
- {ok, NamePorts} ->
- {"- nodes and their ports on ~s: ~p",
- [NodeHost, [{list_to_atom(Name), Port} ||
- {Name, Port} <- NamePorts]]}
- end].
-format(F, A) -> binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(F, A))).
+ {"- cookie hash: ~s", [rabbit_misc:cookie_hash()]}].
+diagnostics_host(Host) ->
+ case net_adm:names(Host) of
+ {error, EpmdReason} ->
+ {"- unable to connect to epmd on ~s: ~w",
+ [Host, EpmdReason]};
+ {ok, NamePorts} ->
+ {"- ~s: ~p",
+ [Host, [{list_to_atom(Name), Port} ||
+ {Name, Port} <- NamePorts]]}
+ end.
+format(F, A) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
%% boot step functions