diff options
authorGerhard Lazu <>2020-04-01 10:50:38 +0100
committerJean-Sébastien Pédron <>2020-04-09 15:46:12 +0200
commit838632f3dffd56c9112c0d546027e8ce45ec08fc (patch)
parenteb079377b3064a646cf4f24f88fafcc2ba1a4a46 (diff)
Remove publisher_confirms & confirm_nack from mirrored_queue tests
Conclusion of the following conversation: - Gerhard Lazu: what should we do about these recurring test failures? == publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE == publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE > publisher_confirm_tests > mirrored_queue > publisher_confirms #1. {error,{noproc,{gen_server,call, [<0.393.0>, {wait_for_confirms,5000}, infinity]}}} publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE > publisher_confirm_tests > mirrored_queue > confirm_nack #1. {error, {{badmatch,received_ack_instead_of_nack}, [{publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE,confirm_nack,1, [{file,"test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl"}, {line,247}]}, {test_server,ts_tc,3,[{file,"test_server.erl"},{line,1562}]}, {test_server,run_test_case_eval1,6, [{file,"test_server.erl"},{line,1080}]}, {test_server,run_test_case_eval,9, [{file,"test_server.erl"},{line,1012}]}]}} - Karl Nilsson: I always suspected that test to be racy - Gerhard Lazu: In which case, I would like to delete it. Does someone want to fix it instead? - Karl Nilsson: How do we know the queue exits after the channel processing the publish but before the queue mirrors sending all acks the and ch returning with ack - Michael Klishin: If there is no way to make it not racy or something like Jepsen would make more sense to test this kind of thing, we can simply delete the test - Karl Nilsson: Great point Michael, the Jensen suite should provide some coverage of this. - Karl Nilsson: I think we are safe to remove these tests, at least the ones using mirroring - Michael Klishin: Please go ahead and remove them Signed-off-by: Gerhard Lazu <>
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl b/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
index 8e90452b0d..824760e9e5 100644
--- a/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,20 +35,43 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
- PublisherConfirmTests = [publisher_confirms,
- publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue,
- confirm_select_ok,
- confirm_nowait,
- confirm_ack,
- confirm_acks,
- confirm_mandatory_unroutable,
- confirm_unroutable_message],
{publisher_confirm_tests, [],
- {classic_queue, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests ++ [confirm_nack]},
- {mirrored_queue, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests ++ [confirm_nack]},
- {quorum_queue, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests ++ [confirm_minority]}
+ {classic_queue,
+ [parallel],
+ [publisher_confirms,
+ publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue,
+ confirm_select_ok,
+ confirm_nowait,
+ confirm_ack,
+ confirm_acks,
+ confirm_mandatory_unroutable,
+ confirm_unroutable_message,
+ confirm_nack]
+ },
+ {mirrored_queue,
+ [parallel],
+ [publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue,
+ confirm_select_ok,
+ confirm_nowait,
+ confirm_ack,
+ confirm_acks,
+ confirm_mandatory_unroutable,
+ confirm_unroutable_message]
+ },
+ {quorum_queue,
+ [parallel],
+ [publisher_confirms,
+ publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue,
+ confirm_select_ok,
+ confirm_nowait,
+ confirm_ack,
+ confirm_acks,
+ confirm_mandatory_unroutable,
+ confirm_unroutable_message,
+ confirm_minority]
+ }