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authorKurt Pattyn <>2013-08-07 07:08:18 -0700
committerKurt Pattyn <>2013-08-07 07:08:18 -0700
commit4027327f1dffee0ad7848156905d3319fde4dd25 (patch)
parent58f8a9333c01f348a09818cbb38a47731cf284bd (diff)
Create gh-pages branch via GitHub
2 files changed, 12 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 40e36f8..e08555b 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -92,6 +92,16 @@ Only tests with <strong>invalid Unicode code points</strong> do <strong>not</str
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diff --git a/params.json b/params.json
index 4d3f612..b122d13 100644
--- a/params.json
+++ b/params.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"name":"QWebSockets","tagline":"QWebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server.","body":"### Introduction\r\nQWebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server.\r\nIt is implemented as a Qt source code module (.pri file), that can easily be embedded into existing Qt projects. It has no other dependencies that Qt.\r\n\r\n### Features\r\n* Text and binary sockets\r\n* Frame-based and message-based signals\r\n* Works through proxies\r\n* Strict Unicode checking\r\n\r\n### Restrictions\r\nNon-characters (according [Unicode Standard 6.2]( are rejected by QWebSockets, **even if the UTF-8 sequence is valid**. \r\n##### Rationale\r\nThe WebSocket specification is talking about _Valid UTF-8 codes and sequences_. Strictly speaking, UTF-xx encodings are reversible. That means, that the [66 non-character codes]( (including `U+FFFE` and `U+FFFF`), are valid UTF-8, and hence are perfectly acceptable within WebSocket text messages. \r\nAccording to the Unicode standard, they SHOULD NOT be used in information interchange, but a [recent corrigendum]( clarifies that non-characters CAN be exchanged. \r\nHowever, non-characters are for internal use, and hence, they are implementation specific (e.g. non-characters can be used to carry meta-information). _They have to be interpreted._ \r\nWhen used with `QString`, they are replaced with `U+FFFD - REPLACEMENT CHARACTER`, and rendered - non-standard - as a question mark (this is the `QString` rendering of the non-character `U+FFFD`: &#xFFFD;). Browsers keep the control characters untouched (this is the browser rendering of the non-character `U+FDD0`: &#xFDD0;). \r\n \r\nWith QWebSockets, text messages are just that: a collection of human-readable characters. Text messages never have to be interpreted to be rendered correctly. In case, you still want to do implementation specific trickery, use binary messages instead. Indeed, if non-characters were allowed in text messages, then every text message has to be parsed, character-per-character, to find out if it contains special control codes, or a protocol should be devised that indicates whether the message contains that kind of control codes. We keep it simple: text is text and nothing more.\r\n\r\n### Requirements\r\nQt 5.x\r\n\r\n### Compliance\r\nQWebSockets is compliant with [RFC6455]( and has been tested with the [Autobahn Testsuite]( \r\nOnly tests with **invalid Unicode code points** do **not** pass from the Autobahn Testsuite (see [Restrictions](#Restrictions)). \r\n\r\n### Missing Features\r\n* WSS protocol\r\n* Extensions and sub-protocols\r\n\r\n### License\r\nThis code is licensed under LGPL v3.","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."} \ No newline at end of file
+{"name":"QWebSockets","tagline":"QWebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server.","body":"### Introduction\r\nQWebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server.\r\nIt is implemented as a Qt source code module (.pri file), that can easily be embedded into existing Qt projects. It has no other dependencies that Qt.\r\n\r\n### Features\r\n* Text and binary sockets\r\n* Frame-based and message-based signals\r\n* Works through proxies\r\n* Strict Unicode checking\r\n\r\n### Restrictions\r\nNon-characters (according [Unicode Standard 6.2]( are rejected by QWebSockets, **even if the UTF-8 sequence is valid**. \r\n##### Rationale\r\nThe WebSocket specification is talking about _Valid UTF-8 codes and sequences_. Strictly speaking, UTF-xx encodings are reversible. That means, that the [66 non-character codes]( (including `U+FFFE` and `U+FFFF`), are valid UTF-8, and hence are perfectly acceptable within WebSocket text messages. \r\nAccording to the Unicode standard, they SHOULD NOT be used in information interchange, but a [recent corrigendum]( clarifies that non-characters CAN be exchanged. \r\nHowever, non-characters are for internal use, and hence, they are implementation specific (e.g. non-characters can be used to carry meta-information). _They have to be interpreted._ \r\nWhen used with `QString`, they are replaced with `U+FFFD - REPLACEMENT CHARACTER`, and rendered - non-standard - as a question mark (this is the `QString` rendering of the non-character `U+FFFD`: &#xFFFD;). Browsers keep the control characters untouched (this is the browser rendering of the non-character `U+FDD0`: &#xFDD0;). \r\n \r\nWith QWebSockets, text messages are just that: a collection of human-readable characters. Text messages never have to be interpreted to be rendered correctly. In case, you still want to do implementation specific trickery, use binary messages instead. Indeed, if non-characters were allowed in text messages, then every text message has to be parsed, character-per-character, to find out if it contains special control codes, or a protocol should be devised that indicates whether the message contains that kind of control codes. We keep it simple: text is text and nothing more.\r\n\r\n### Requirements\r\nQt 5.x\r\n\r\n### Compliance\r\nQWebSockets is compliant with [RFC6455]( and has been tested with the [Autobahn Testsuite]( \r\nOnly tests with **invalid Unicode code points** do **not** pass from the Autobahn Testsuite (see [Restrictions](#Restrictions)). \r\n\r\n### Missing Features\r\n* WSS protocol\r\n* Extensions and sub-protocols\r\n\r\n### License\r\nThis code is licensed under LGPL v3.","google":"UA-43042417-1","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."} \ No newline at end of file