path: root/examples/webkitwidgets/previewer
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authorVenugopal Shivashankar <>2012-12-17 16:36:06 +0100
committerThe Qt Project <>2012-12-17 17:39:00 +0100
commit3e5b10ab5a4b6be7e71dd03c601067908048eedd (patch)
tree662b76c5ac907bf258efa9198fecdc21e83b7a35 /examples/webkitwidgets/previewer
parent544fa3c1c405b951dff132ed0f4bd168d3c8b67f (diff)
Doc: Fixed the \snippet paths in the example documentationv5.0.0
The \snippet paths in the WebKit widget example documents now reflect the new directory structure of the examples. Task-number: QTBUG-27515 Change-Id: I6153f7728cc6217a38a62bb04a7bfe3794823e2a Reviewed-by: Jerome Pasion <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/webkitwidgets/previewer')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/examples/webkitwidgets/previewer/doc/src/previewer.qdoc b/examples/webkitwidgets/previewer/doc/src/previewer.qdoc
index 3dcd75a..2d57e43 100644
--- a/examples/webkitwidgets/previewer/doc/src/previewer.qdoc
+++ b/examples/webkitwidgets/previewer/doc/src/previewer.qdoc
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@
In our \c previewer.h file, we have a constructor and a slot,
\c on_previewButton_clicked().
- \snippet previewer/previewer.h 0
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/previewer.h 0
\section1 Previewer Class Implementation
The \c{Previewer}'s constructor is only responsible for setting up the
user interface.
- \snippet previewer/previewer.cpp 0
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/previewer.cpp 0
The \c on_previewButton_clicked() is a slot corresponding to the
\c{previewButton}'s \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} signal. When the
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
and then invoke the \l{QWebView::}{setHtml()} function to display our
contents as HTML.
- \snippet previewer/previewer.cpp 1
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/previewer.cpp 1
\section1 MainWindow Class Definition
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@
QMainWindow with a constructor and five private slots: \c open(),
\c openUrl(), \c save(), \c about() and \c updateTextEdit().
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.h 0
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.h 0
The private objects in \c MainWindow are \c centralWidget, which is
a \c Previewer object, \c fileMenu, \c helpMenu and the QAction objects
\c openAct, \c openUrlAct, \c saveAct, \c exitAct, \c aboutAct and
\c aboutQtAct.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.h 1
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.h 1
There are three private functions: \c createActions(), \c createMenus()
and \c setStartupText(). The \c createActions() and \c createMenus()
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@
Finally, we call the \c setStartupText() function to display the
description of the example.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 0
Within the \c createActions() function, we instantiate all our private
QAction objects which we declared in \c{mainwindow.h}. We set the
short cut and status tip for these actions and connect their
\l{QAction::}{triggered()} signal to appropriate slots.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 1
The \c createMenus() function instantiates the QMenu items, \c fileMenu
and \c helpMenu and adds them to the main window's
\l{QMainWindow::menuBar()}{menu bar}.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 2
The example also provides an \c about() slot to describe its purpose.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 3
The \c MainWindow class provides two types of \gui Open functions:
\c open() and \c openUrl(). The \c open() function opens an HTML file
@@ -131,19 +131,19 @@
displays the output on \c plainTextEdit. The file's name is obtained
using QFileDialog's \l{QFileDialog::}{getOpenFileName()} function.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 4
The \c openUrl() function, on the other hand, displays a QInputDialog
to obtain a URL, and displays it on \c webView.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 5
In order to save a HTML file, the \c save() function first extracts the
contents of \c plainTextEdit and displays a QFileDialog to obtain
\c fileName. Then, we use a QTextStream object, \c in, to write to
\c file.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 6
Earlier, in \c{MainWindow}'s constructor, we connected \c{webView}'s
\l{QWebView::}{loadFinished()} signal to our private \c updateTextEdit()
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@
source of the web page's main frame, obtained using \l{QWebFrame}'s
\l{QWebFrame::}{toHtml()} function.
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 7
To provide a description about the Previewer example, when it starts up,
we use the \c setStartupText() function, as shown below:
- \snippet previewer/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/mainwindow.cpp 8
\section1 The \c{main()} Function
@@ -164,6 +164,6 @@
The \c main() function instantiates a \c MainWindow object, \c mainWindow,
and displays it with the \l{QWidget::}{show()} function.
- \snippet previewer/main.cpp 0
+ \snippet webkitwidgets/previewer/main.cpp 0