path: root/chromium/v8/src/compiler/store-store-elimination.h
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1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/v8/src/compiler/store-store-elimination.h b/chromium/v8/src/compiler/store-store-elimination.h
index 646640a3104..7704938fc0d 100644
--- a/chromium/v8/src/compiler/store-store-elimination.h
+++ b/chromium/v8/src/compiler/store-store-elimination.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
+#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
@@ -16,10 +17,203 @@ class TickCounter;
namespace compiler {
+// Store-store elimination.
+// The aim of this optimization is to detect the following pattern in the
+// effect graph:
+// - StoreField[+24, kRepTagged](263, ...)
+// ... lots of nodes from which the field at offset 24 of the object
+// returned by node #263 cannot be observed ...
+// - StoreField[+24, kRepTagged](263, ...)
+// In such situations, the earlier StoreField cannot be observed, and can be
+// eliminated. This optimization should work for any offset and input node, of
+// course.
+// The optimization also works across splits. It currently does not work for
+// loops, because we tend to put a stack check in loops, and like deopts,
+// stack checks can observe anything.
+// Assumption: every byte of a JS object is only ever accessed through one
+// offset. For instance, byte 15 of a given object may be accessed using a
+// two-byte read at offset 14, or a four-byte read at offset 12, but never
+// both in the same program.
+// This implementation needs all dead nodes removed from the graph, and the
+// graph should be trimmed.
class StoreStoreElimination final {
static void Run(JSGraph* js_graph, TickCounter* tick_counter,
Zone* temp_zone);
+ private:
+ using StoreOffset = uint32_t;
+ struct UnobservableStore {
+ NodeId id_;
+ StoreOffset offset_;
+ bool operator==(const UnobservableStore other) const {
+ return (id_ == other.id_) && (offset_ == other.offset_);
+ }
+ bool operator<(const UnobservableStore other) const {
+ return (id_ < other.id_) || (id_ == other.id_ && offset_ < other.offset_);
+ }
+ };
+ // Instances of UnobservablesSet are immutable. They represent either a set of
+ // UnobservableStores, or the "unvisited empty set".
+ //
+ // We apply some sharing to save memory. The class UnobservablesSet is only a
+ // pointer wide, and a copy does not use any heap (or temp_zone) memory. Most
+ // changes to an UnobservablesSet might allocate in the temp_zone.
+ //
+ // The size of an instance should be the size of a pointer, plus additional
+ // space in the zone in the case of non-unvisited UnobservablesSets. Copying
+ // an UnobservablesSet allocates no memory.
+ class UnobservablesSet final {
+ public:
+ // Creates a new UnobservablesSet, with the null set.
+ static UnobservablesSet Unvisited() { return UnobservablesSet(); }
+ // Create a new empty UnobservablesSet. This allocates in the zone, and
+ // can probably be optimized to use a global singleton.
+ static UnobservablesSet VisitedEmpty(Zone* zone);
+ UnobservablesSet(const UnobservablesSet& other) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
+ // Computes the intersection of two UnobservablesSets. If one of the sets is
+ // empty, will return empty.
+ UnobservablesSet Intersect(const UnobservablesSet& other,
+ const UnobservablesSet& empty, Zone* zone) const;
+ // Returns a set that it is the current one, plus the observation obs passed
+ // as parameter. If said obs it's already in the set, we don't have to
+ // create a new one.
+ UnobservablesSet Add(UnobservableStore obs, Zone* zone) const;
+ // Returns a set that it is the current one, except for all of the
+ // observations with offset off. This is done by creating a new set and
+ // copying all observations with different offsets.
+ // This can probably be done better if the observations are stored first by
+ // offset and then by node.
+ // We are removing all nodes with offset off since different nodes may
+ // alias one another, and we currently we don't have the means to know if
+ // two nodes are definitely the same value.
+ UnobservablesSet RemoveSameOffset(StoreOffset off, Zone* zone) const;
+ const ZoneSet<UnobservableStore>* set() const { return set_; }
+ bool IsUnvisited() const { return set_ == nullptr; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return set_ == nullptr || set_->empty(); }
+ bool Contains(UnobservableStore obs) const {
+ return set_ != nullptr && (set_->find(obs) != set_->end());
+ }
+ bool operator==(const UnobservablesSet& other) const {
+ if (IsUnvisited() || other.IsUnvisited()) {
+ return IsEmpty() && other.IsEmpty();
+ } else {
+ // Both pointers guaranteed not to be nullptrs.
+ return *set() == *(other.set());
+ }
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const UnobservablesSet& other) const {
+ return !(*this == other);
+ }
+ private:
+ UnobservablesSet();
+ explicit UnobservablesSet(const ZoneSet<UnobservableStore>* set)
+ : set_(set) {}
+ const ZoneSet<UnobservableStore>* set_;
+ };
+ class RedundantStoreFinder final {
+ public:
+ // Note that we Initialize unobservable_ with js_graph->graph->NodeCount()
+ // amount of empty sets.
+ RedundantStoreFinder(JSGraph* js_graph, TickCounter* tick_counter,
+ Zone* temp_zone)
+ : jsgraph_(js_graph),
+ tick_counter_(tick_counter),
+ temp_zone_(temp_zone),
+ revisit_(temp_zone),
+ in_revisit_(js_graph->graph()->NodeCount(), temp_zone),
+ unobservable_(js_graph->graph()->NodeCount(),
+ StoreStoreElimination::UnobservablesSet::Unvisited(),
+ temp_zone),
+ to_remove_(temp_zone),
+ unobservables_visited_empty_(
+ StoreStoreElimination::UnobservablesSet::VisitedEmpty(
+ temp_zone)) {}
+ // Crawls from the end of the graph to the beginning, with the objective of
+ // finding redundant stores.
+ void Find();
+ // This method is used for const correctness to go through the final list of
+ // redundant stores that are replaced on the graph.
+ const ZoneSet<Node*>& to_remove_const() { return to_remove_; }
+ private:
+ // Assumption: All effectful nodes are reachable from End via a sequence of
+ // control, then a sequence of effect edges.
+ // Visit goes through the control chain, visiting effectful nodes that it
+ // encounters.
+ void Visit(Node* node);
+ // Marks effect inputs for visiting, if we are able to update this path of
+ // the graph.
+ void VisitEffectfulNode(Node* node);
+ // Compute the intersection of the UnobservablesSets of all effect uses and
+ // return it.
+ // The result UnobservablesSet will never be null.
+ UnobservablesSet RecomputeUseIntersection(Node* node);
+ // Recompute unobservables-set for a node. Will also mark superfluous nodes
+ // as to be removed.
+ UnobservablesSet RecomputeSet(Node* node, const UnobservablesSet& uses);
+ // Returns true if node's opcode cannot observe StoreFields.
+ static bool CannotObserveStoreField(Node* node);
+ void MarkForRevisit(Node* node);
+ bool HasBeenVisited(Node* node);
+ // To safely cast an offset from a FieldAccess, which has a potentially
+ // wider range (namely int).
+ StoreOffset ToOffset(const FieldAccess& access) {
+ DCHECK_GE(access.offset, 0);
+ return static_cast<StoreOffset>(access.offset);
+ }
+ JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
+ Isolate* isolate() { return jsgraph()->isolate(); }
+ Zone* temp_zone() const { return temp_zone_; }
+ UnobservablesSet& unobservable_for_id(NodeId id) {
+ DCHECK_LT(id, unobservable_.size());
+ return unobservable_[id];
+ }
+ ZoneSet<Node*>& to_remove() { return to_remove_; }
+ JSGraph* const jsgraph_;
+ TickCounter* const tick_counter_;
+ Zone* const temp_zone_;
+ ZoneStack<Node*> revisit_;
+ ZoneVector<bool> in_revisit_;
+ // Maps node IDs to UnobservableNodeSets.
+ ZoneVector<UnobservablesSet> unobservable_;
+ ZoneSet<Node*> to_remove_;
+ const UnobservablesSet unobservables_visited_empty_;
+ };
} // namespace compiler